Jihomoravský Region
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Jihovýchod cohesion area – Jihomoravský region JIHOMORAVSKÝ REGION In a geographically suitable place, in the southeastern part of the Czech Republic lies the Jihomo- ravský Region in the territory of which roads have crossed to con- nect different parts of Europe from time immemorial. The Region is The fourth largest is also its per- ties with 501 to 2 000 in inhabitants proud to have a number of sights centage of agricultural land (60.3%). slightly rises and stands at 21.4% and monuments of nature of which The Region’s percentage of ara- now (4% above the national ave- some are on the UNESCO List of ble land (50%) is the largest in the rage). A total of 23% of populati- World Cultural Heritage. Within the CR's regions. The woodland co- on live in municipalities with 2 001 EU it neighbours with Slovakia and vers 28% – least after Prague. to 10 000 inhabitants and the per- centage steadily rises. The propor- Austria and within the Czech Re- The Jihomoravský Region is com- tion of the population living in towns public on the Pardubický, Jihočes- posed of the districts of Blansko, with more than 10 000 inhabitants ký, Olomoucký, Zlínský, and Vyso- Brno-město, Brno-venkov, Břeclav, (49%) decreases and is 6% below čina Regions. In comparison with Hodonín, Vyškov, and Znojmo. The- the CR’ average now. The popula- the other regions, it has borders re are 647 municipalities in the tion living in the Region’s capital with the largest number of neig- Region, the third highest number of Brno account for 33%, which is hbours (7); it cooperates with them next to the Středočeský and Vy- the highest percentage among all in the areas of communication; sočina Regions. The average area the regional towns of the country landscape maintenance and plan- of the municipality cadastre, 11 km2, except for the capital city of Prague. ning; hydrology; ecology; urbanisa- is the tenth largest; the average The percentage is that high, because tion; provision of services and cul- population of 1 735 is the seventh the town of Brno developed histo- tural, administrative and educati- highest and is slightly (6%) above rically inter alia as a centre of a much onal links; concerted action towards the national average. There are 7% larger territory with a rather large national and supranational (Euro- of population living in municipali- population (provincial capital). Bře- pean) authorities, international cross- ties up to 500 inhabitants; this per- zina (7 inhabitants) in the district border cooperation, etc. centage has a slightly falling trend of Vyškov is the smallest munici- 2 and is now 0.5% below the ave- With its 7 065 km of area it is the pality of the Region, and also of the rage of the CR. The percentage of fourth largest region of the CR, CR (actually it is not a classic muni- covering 9% of the country’s area. the population living in municipali- Selection of topical indicators Number of inhabitants (31.12.2004) 1,123,201 Average monthly gross wage (2004)4 16,230 Foreigners with long-term stay1 15,566 Unemployment rate based on LFS (%, 2004) 8.3 incl. Foreigners with permanent residence 8,335 Primary 5.1 Employement Number of municipalities / towns (31.12.2004) 647 / 47 Secondary 38.5 in sectors (%, 2004) Population living in the regional capital (%) 32.7 Tertiary 56.4 Live-born children outside marriage (%, 2004) 25.0 Completed dwellings, total (2004) 3,842 Population with males 15.2 incl. Dwellings in family houses (%) 40.2 university education2 (2004) females 10.1 Guests in accommodation establishments, total (2004) 1,014,514 Economically active population (2004) 555,369 incl. Foreign nationals (%) 34.1 incl. Employers or own-account workers (%) 16.5 GDP per capita (Purchasing power parity, 2003) 15,209 males 67.6 Gross fixed capital formation per capita (in CZK, 2003) 52,718 Economic activity rate (2004)3 females 49.2 Net disposable income of households per capita (CZK, 2003) 125,033 1 Foreigners with visas over 90 days 2 Related to population aged 15+ 3 Share (%) of economically active persons from total population aged 15+ 4 in CZK, per employee in national economy (excluding armed forces), enterprise method (i.e. by head office of enterprise) 170 Jihovýchod cohesion area – Jihomoravský region Demography and social life - region compared with the Czech Republic ds PC linked to Internet (%) 18,6 ent pm PC (%) 29,8 househol Equi Fixed telephone line (%) 66,7 of re Beds (social care establihments) per 1000 inhab. 7,8 tu c al i tru Hospital beds per 1000 inhab. 7,3 s Soc fra n Population per 1 physician i 237,1 Young unemployment rate (<25years) 21,2 Unemployment rate (LFS) 8,0 ogy al i Registered crimes per 1000 inhab. 30,6 hol Soc pat Infant mortality (in 000) 3,5 Abortions per 100 live-born children 42,4 Lone-parent households (%)** 13,5 ds ouse- hol H Average no. of members in household** 2,46 Participation in tertiary education* 29,6 on i Edu- cat with GCSE or university (%)*** 41,7 aged 65+ (%) 14,5 Index (Czech Rep.=100) n e o i up to 25 years (%) 29,2 ur at ct u r Urban population (%) 63,4 st Popul Population density (inhab/sq.km) 158,9 80 90 100 110 120 130 Note. Fiigures in graph (beside bars) express value of indicator (in region), x-axis relation of this value to national level. * Share (%) of students aged 20-24 in total population aged 20-24 ** From Population census 2001 (all indicators in graph refer to 2003, expect for abortions and infant mortality which refer to 2001-2003) *** related to total population aged 15+ 171 Jihovýchod cohesion area – Jihomoravský region Population and vital statistics: 1993/2003 the year 2003 again. All the sa- Population, 31 December1993 1,141,313 me, the population was by 19.4 thousand down on the year 1994. Live births (average for 1994-1998) 10,237 The population development is af- Deaths (average for 1994-1998) 12,485 fected by low birth rate in particu- Net migration (average for 1994-1998) 1,620 lar: he number of deaths has been Population, 31 December 1998 1,138,174 exceeding the number of births Live births (average for 1999-2003) 9,763 every year since 1994. Even the Deaths (average for 1999-2003) 11,942 positive net migration, which occur- Net migration (average for 1999-2003) 578 red in all the years except for Population, 31 December 2003 1,122,570 2001 and 2002, failed to offset the negative development of natural movement. Similarly to other re- A ge distribution of the population: 31 December 2003 gions, in this Region too is a very Total Total Men Women strong migration stream from the Age town of Brno to the district of Br- Thous. % % % no-venkov. The declining number of 0 - 14 168.2 15.0 15.8 14.2 marriages documents the view of 15 - 24 156.0 13.9 14.7 13.2 young generation on the institu- 25 - 39 259.3 23.0 24.3 21.9 tion of marriage. Given that the num- 40 - 54 235.6 21.0 21.6 20.4 ber of divorces is on a slight in- 55 - 64 140.9 12.6 12.2 12.9 crease, the divorce index (num- ber of divorces per 100 marria- 65 - 162.6 14.5 11.4 17.4 ges) is as high as nearly 60. The Total 1122.6 100.0 100.0 100.0 situation in birth rate is gradually becoming better, though the re- cipality, but a military district; the schooling—more than 30 univer- sulting figures are small, because smallest municipality in the Regi- sity faculties focused on humani- strong population cohorts from the on is Lhota u Olešnice with 36 in- ties, economics and technology. 1970s entered the childbearing habitants; the lowest population den- The Region has an advantageous period. In the year 2003, the birth sity is in the municipality of Záles- position on railway and road ne- 2 rate reached 8.9 live births per ná Zhoř – 7.5 inhabitants per km ). tworks of the highest categories. 1 000 mid-year population. The The quality of the environment is There are 21 administrative terri- number of extramarital births stea- also above the average, and the tories of municipalities with exten- dily increases—almost every child quality of services in the area of ded powers in the Jihomoravský of four is born outside marriage in tourism is steadily increased (accom- Region, 80 km2 to 1 242 km2 in size the Region now. The number of modation establishments, a dense and 12 thousand to 370 thousand deaths oscillates around 10.5 per network of cycle paths). There are in population. 1 000 mid-year population. places which attract tourists (Led- The Region has a strong tradition nice-Valtice complex, Podyjí Natio- The average age of the populaton of industrial production in its mid- nal Park, Slavkov battlefield, Brno in the year 2003 is 39.8 (women dle and northern areas and a tra- fairs, Moravský kras (the Moravi- 41.4, men 38.0) and increased by dition of specialized branches of an Karst)) and good conditions for 0.8 years from the year 2000. As agriculture—viticulture and fruit grow- congress tourism in the Region. for the age distribution of the po- ing—in the south. It has diversified pulation, the proportion of the industrial production, sufficient build- child component is diminishing, Eight years of declining ing capacities and a good level of while proportions of working-age population services.