America in History Landing of Columbus Designs created & implemented by Constantino Brumidi (1805-1880) The Michaelangelo of the United States Capitol OCTOBER IS ITALIAN HERITAGE MONTH COMMITTEE Post Office Box 185, Medford, MA 02155-0185
[email protected] 617-499-7955 Dr. Stephen F. Maio, President Dr. Liborio Stellino, Consul General of Italy, Honorary Chairman Kevin A. Caira, Chairman of the Board Dr. John Christoforo, Director of Public Relations & Education Cecile Bianco, Vice President for Administration Hon. Peter W. Agnes, Jr., Past President Salvatore Bramante, Vice President Fiscal Affairs Hon. Joseph V. Ferrino, Chairman Emeritus Lucia Clark, Recording Secretary Cav. Uff. Lino Rullo, Executive President Emeritus NINTH ITALIAN-AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH NEWSLETTER No celebration of our heritage would be complete this year without recognition of the illustrious life and career of Luciano Pavarotti who passed away on September 6, 2007 at age 71. His special talent has been acclaimed for decades by music lovers and critics all over the world. The true measure of his greatness was encapsulated in his own words as they appear in the New York Times obituary: “I care about giving people a place where they can go to enjoy themselves and to begin to live again. To the man you have to give the spirit, and when you give him the spirit, you have done everything.” Messaggio Del Console Generale D’Italia per L’inaugurazione Dell’ “ October is Italian American Heritage Month” E’ sempre un grande onore ed un sincero privilegio dare avvio, ad ottobre, alle celebrazioni dell’ “October as Italian American Heritage Month”, inaugurando la straordinaria messe di iniziative che costellano ogni anno la prestigiosa rassegna.