CURRICULUM VITAE Anton A. Reznicek March, 2017 Curator University of Michigan Herbarium 3600 Varsity Drive Ann Arbor, MI 48108–2287 Phone: (734) 764–5544. FAX: (734) 998–0038 Email:
[email protected] PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION: University of Guelph, B.Sc. (Hon.), 1971 University of Toronto, M.Sc., 1973 THESIS: The Taxonomy of Carex Series Lupulinae in Canada. University of Toronto, Ph.D., 1978. Botany/Plant Systematics. THESIS: The Taxonomy of the Stellulatae group of Carex in North America. APPOINTMENTS: Curator, University of Michigan Herbarium, 1992– Associate Curator, University of Michigan Herbarium, 1987–1992 Assistant Curator, University of Michigan Herbarium, 1978–1986 Director, Matthaei Botanical Gardens, University of Michigan, 1988–90 Head, Plant Biology Group, Department of Biology, University of Michigan, 1992–1994 Assistant Director, University of Michigan Herbarium, 2008– CURRENT RESEARCH INTERESTS: (1) Systematics and evolution of Cyperaceae, especially Carex, with emphasis on a multi–level approach concentrating on several aspects including development of new characters useful in systematics, monographic studies of major groups, sectional classification and nomenclature, and processes and patterns of evolution. A major present focus is the neotropics, especially Mexico (2) Phytogeography of the northeastern North American flora, concentrating on the Great Lakes region. Primary interests here are plant migration and colonization, origin and persistence of relict and disjunct plant species and the communities in which they occur, wetland vegetation dynamics, especially of the Great Lakes shorelines, and the evolution and systematics of the endemic flora of the region. (3) Conservation of the Great Lakes region flora, with a focus on conservation strategies for the endemic and disjunct flora, as well as public education about the importance of our natural heritage.