News Briefs Latin High School, and Jude School, for Her Proficiency in Love for the Violin
VOL. 119 - NO. 41 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, OCTOBER 9, 2015 $.35 A COPY Italian American Heritage Month Kick-off Celebration by Marisa Dellatto The October Italian American rus of the Dante Alighieri Soci- contact with their heritage. He Month kick-off celebration took ety, as well as a presentation by thanked the teachings of his place in the House Chamber at the Color Guard and a blessing parents, to “value the opportu- the State House in Boston on given by Father Jack Rizzo of nities that education provides, October 1st. This year’s celebra- Saint Joseph’s Society. because they didn’t have those tion marked the 16th year of cel- “We are proud to be Italian, opportunities.” ebration. It was also the most and we are proud of our Italian Tino D’Agostino, recording widely attended event in the origins. However, there was a artist, scholar, performer, con- IAHM’s history. Speaker of the time when being Italian was not ductor, musician, and most cur- House Robert DeLeo and Italian that easy,” said De Santis, dur- rently a music teacher at Arling- Consul General Nicola De Santis ing his address. “… During this ton High School, was honored were some of the many es- whole month, we are celebrat- for his leadership in music teemed guests in attendance, as ing what we are and where we education. well as many Italian American came from. The hard work of “He takes kids who are not organizations from throughout your parents and grandparents, going to be professionals and the state. Three Italian-Ameri- those who did not want you to makes them into professionals,” cans from Massachusetts were speak Italian, because they said Carla DeFord, a friend of honored for their service and wanted you to be fully integrated D’Agostino who attended the dedication.
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