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17thEsri India User Conference 2017 “Prospect for Geospatial Techniques in Exposure Data Development using Census Housing Statistics: A Case Study of Aileu District, Timor-Leste” 1 Mrs. Ruchika Yadav, 2 Mr. Ujjwal Sur, 3Dr.Prafull Singh 1 Land Referencer, WSP Consultants India Pvt. Ltd. (WSP Global) 2 Senior Manager, Nippon Koei India Pvt. Ltd, Delhi 3 Assistant Professor, Amity Institute of Geo-informatics and Remote Sensing, Amity University, Noida Word Limit of the Paper should not be more than 3000 Words = 7/8 Abstract: Exposure is an integral element to perform About the Author: pre and post catastrophe risk assessment. A detailed knowledge of the structural and occupancy characteristics of buildings at risk assists disaster risk management authorities and concerned administration to rapidly determine the extent and severity of damages and, thus assist to facilitate fast relief and rescue. Unfortunately, in most of the Recent Mrs. Ruchika Yadav received her M.Tech in Geo- countries, only little information is readily available Photograph informatics and Remote Sensing from Amity about building assets, their structural types and conditions, monetary values and spatial distribution. University, Noida (2015) and M.A. in Geography from In order to conduit the gap, this paper introduces an Aligarh Muslim University (2013). Presently, she is approach to develop detailed building exposure data working as Land Referencer in WSP Consultants India by distributing census housing statistics. The Pvt. Ltd. (WSP Global).Her key specialty includes uniqueness of this approach is amalgamating the wall Geospatial modeling in DRM, NRM, Social studies. and roof materials combinations grouped into E mail ID: ruchika.yadav9@gmail.comd analogous structural vulnerability classes through Contact No: +91 – 8860110293 geospatial technology that produces low cost exposure data at finer resolution.
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