M.Sc. Thesis Master of Science in Engineering Multi-step scanning in ZAP Handling sequences in OWASP ZAP Lars Kristensen (s072662) Stefan Østergaard Pedersen (s072653) Kongens Lyngby 2014 DTU Compute Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Technical University of Denmark Matematiktorvet Building 303B 2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark Phone +45 4525 3031
[email protected] www.compute.dtu.dk Summary English This report presents a solution for scanning sequences of HTTP requests in the open source penetration testing tool, Zed Attack Proxy or ZAP. The report documents the analysis, design and implementation phases of the project, as well as explain how the different test scenarios were set up and used for verification of the functionality devel- oped in this project. The proposed solution will serve as a proof-of-concept, before being integrated with the publically available version of the application. Dansk Denne rapport præsenterer en løsning der gør det muligt at skanne HTTP fore- spørgsler i open source værktøjet til penetrationstest, Zed Attack Proxy eller ZAP. Rapporten dokumenterer faserne for analyse, design og implementering af løsningen, samt hvordan forskellige test scenarier blev opstillet og anvendt til at verificere funk- tionaliteten udviklet i dette projekt. Den foreslåede løsning vil fungere som et proof- of-concept, før det integreres med den offentligt tilgængelige version af applikationen. ii Preface This thesis was prepared at the department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science at the Technical University of Denmark in fulfilment of the requirements for acquiring a M.Sc. degree in respectivly Computer Science and Engineering, and in Digital Media Engineering. Kongens Lyngby, September 5.