Design of a Multiscale Base Map for a Tiled Web Map
DESIGN OF A MULTI- SCALE BASE MAP FOR A TILED WEB MAP SERVICE TARAS DUBRAVA September, 2017 SUPERVISORS: Drs. Knippers, Richard A., University of Twente, ITC Prof. Dr.-Ing. Burghardt, Dirk, TU Dresden DESIGN OF A MULTI- SCALE BASE MAP FOR A TILED WEB MAP SERVICE TARAS DUBRAVA Enschede, Netherlands, September, 2017 Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation of the University of Twente in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Geo-information Science and Earth Observation. Specialization: Cartography THESIS ASSESSMENT BOARD: Prof. Dr. Kraak, Menno-Jan, University of Twente, ITC Drs. Knippers, Richard A., University of Twente, ITC Prof. Dr.-Ing. Burghardt, Dirk, TU Dresden i Declaration of Originality I, Taras DUBRAVA, hereby declare that submitted thesis named “Design of a multi-scale base map for a tiled web map service” is a result of my original research. I also certify that I have used no other sources except the declared by citations and materials, including from the Internet, that have been clearly acknowledged as references. This M.Sc. thesis has not been previously published and was not presented to another assessment board. (Place, Date) (Signature) ii Acknowledgement It would not have been possible to write this master‘s thesis and accomplish my research work without the help of numerous people and institutions. Using this opportunity, I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who supported me throughout the master thesis completion. My colossal and immense thanks are firstly going to my thesis supervisor, Drs. Richard Knippers, for his guidance, patience, support, critics, feedback, and trust.
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