Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Law ISSN: 2284-5968 | e-ISSN: 2458-1046 Covered in: ERIH PLUS, HeinOnline, CEEOL, Index Copernicus, CrossRef, CrossCheck, J-GATE, Google Scholar, Ideas RePeC, Econpapers, Socionet, KVK, WorldCat. 2019, Volume 7, Issue 2, pages: 45-56 | doi: 10.18662/lumenlaw/26 Abstract: In the Romanian specialized literature the two notions, „Jus” (Law) and „Justitia” (Justice), are commonly „Jus” (Law) and used and explained only from the contemporary legal expert’s perspective, who - more often than not - does not always „Justitia” (Justice) prove to be familiarized with not just „Jus romanum in Roman Solicitors’ antiquum” (Old Roman law), and, ipso facto, the thinking of the famous Roman solicitors, but also with the history and Perception and philosophy of Roman Law. For this reason, in the pages of my paper I searched that, by presenting some relevant aspects Definition. of its content, to offer to its readers the possibility of Reflections and revisiting the text of the „Old Roman law” (Jus romanum antiquum), and “ipso facto”, to underline also the mode in Evaluations which this Law was perceived and received in the landscape of Romanian legal thinking. Nicolae V. DURĂ1 Consequently, with the intention of making a clarifying contribution regarding the evolutionary process of the 1 Ovidius University of Constanta, ideational content of the two notions, “Jus” and “Justitia”, in Constanta, Romania, the pages of our study, with an interdisciplinary character, we
[email protected] have brought the reader, volens-nolens, „ad fontes”, that is to the sources of the Roman Law, in which we could find out not only their content and subjects, but also the definitions of the Roman solicitors about „Jus” and „Justitia”.