Kororoit Creek Upper

Summary Key stakeholders - Melton Council was involved and Water Took time to orientate ourselves Rural dominated management unit - what's the nest way of including privates landholders? Outside of UBG Lengthy discussion about whether PO's were applicable Quite a discussion about private wetland - is there enough protections/guidance for subdivisions e.g. setback of septics etc.

ID Performance Objectives (preliminary) Who's in? PO1 Target three areas (min. 2 ha) for habitat improvement for Bibron's Toadlet. PO2 Increase the length of continuous riparian vegetation from 12% to 18% (approximately 9 kilometres) from the headwaters at Mt Aitken to Plumpton.

PO3 Increase participation rates in capacity building and citizen science programs from moderate to high Enviro groups (local groups) - refer to Melton for info. Schools. Landholders/farmers.

PO4 High priority Low Flow Dependent Ecosystems are managed as guided by the Low Flow Dependent Ecosystem Plan to protect and maintain them in the landscape

Add in PO Perhaps include something about wetland protection Add in PO Collect data on birds Enviro groups . Citizen Science Add in PO Farming practices e.g. nutrient runoff

Comments on PO's PO1 "2ha per site or 2ha total across three sites?" "What’s habitat?" PO1 Is [Bibron's Toadlet] currently in the area? Area we focussing on improving condition and habitat? Why focussing on Bibron's in this area? Not GGF? PO2 Opportunities for linking important areas with reveg. For what purpose? Is there opportunities for access by community? PO2 Is 12% current state? Need an understanding of land tenure. PO3 Opportunities for long term relationships with schools in this area. E.g. local curriculum focussing on waterways. PO3 "about what?" "Weed management, environmental enhancement program - through Melton Council. Melton has engaged Citizen Science programs"

Comments on map Need land tenure included to show better picture Where is Mt Aitken? Mainly green wedge Plumpton: "tourism", "GGF conservation areas" "UGB" marked near Green wedge area marked about Melton Highway - perhaps the map could show the green wedge area Reservoir/dam: "Russo's Estate" adjacent to Holden Rd - "partially subdivided, multiple landholders", "Brett Lane and associates work on this site?" "What is this site? Surrounded by cropped land. Worthy of protection?" Digger's Rest is marked - perhaps should be included on map

Comments on Feedback sheet What is your overall response to the targets Moderate - High Why did you mark that spot?/Is anything missing? Need some more time and context to be sure. Access probably not relevant - private land

General Comments Planning Scheme - issues with subdivision - need guidance for setback of septics etc. e.g. wetland

Werribee workshop 3 - map comments (raw data) 14 March 2018

Summary More detailed performance objectives than some other areas Hit most of the target categories Some refinement and clarification required e.g. stormwater Where are the stakeholders? Very Melbourne Water dominated group.

ID Performance Objectives (preliminary) Who's in?

Treat urban development (e.g. Melton) so DCI of Toolern Creek remains below existing levels (3.3% at confluence with ). For every hectare of new impervious area, this requires harvesting around 3.6 ML/y and PO1 infiltrating 0.6 ML/y. This equates to 2.8 GL/y and 0.5 GL/y for ultimate urbanisation, i.e. the anticipated long term urban footprint within this catchment. PO2 Target three areas (min. 2 ha) for habitat improvement for Bibron's Toadlet. PO3 Increase riparian vegetation cover from 20% to 35% (about 4 kilometres) along the upper reaches of Toolern Creek

PO4 Protect and enhance high quality vegetation along the upper reaches of Toolern Creek adjacent to, and around, the Lerderderg State Park (Pyrete Range) through reducing threats from invasive flora and fauna PO5 Increase access along waterways from 14% to 20% (about 2 km) with a focus on urban and urban growth PO6 Have in place methods to assess volume and source of litter to inform litter reduction programs PO7 Increase participation rates in capacity building and citizen science programs from moderate to high

Comments on PO's PO1 What dies this really mean? Clarify what is actually meant. PO2 Why specific species for frogs? PO5 Also opportunities for older areas - not all urban growth area e.g. Arnolds Creek and Ryan's Creek PO6 Need to take action. Lack of internal (MW) focus on litter e.g. clean up Day PO7 Could be difficult to achieve. PO7 Re citizen science "Is this participation? Condition metric." PO7 Or "double participation rates" -> option for different wording

Comments on targets Amenity/Recreation/Connection: Good opportunities for social outcomes in this space

Comments on map Melton (Toolern Creek): Lots of friends groups active in this area e.g. Ryan's creek rehabilitation Wetland marked East of Toolern Creek South of Melton

General Comments Participation - how do people connect, branch out to other areas etc.? How do citizens find opportunities and get involved e.g. is there a 'living links' model in this area? Ramp up Living Links in this region - not siloing organisations Opportunities for home corp. agenda for litter management within Melbourne water.

Werribee workshop 3 - map comments (raw data) 14 March 2018 Parwan Creek

Summary (Little River Upper and Parwan Creek) Commitment to monitor and assess catchment-based impacts require an intervention commitment (consistently e.g. water quality, quantity and litter) Channel form is not addressed in the performance objectives and known to be an issue in this catchment Parwan is light-on for performance objectives. Conceding low environmental values

ID Performance Objectives (preliminary) Who's in? PO1 Improve riparian vegetated buffer for bird habitat.

PO2 Protect and enhance high quality vegetation along the upper reaches of the Parwan River adjacent to, and around, the Werribee Gorge State Park through reducing threats from invasive flora and fauna PO3 Increase participation rates in capacity building and citizen science programs from moderate to high

Comments on PO's PO1 Be more spatially explicit PO2 Wrong management unit? Eflow target? Water quality issues from firefighting water PHAs Physical form PO required for this management unit Include physical form as a condition - either use ISC data.

Comments on map Jenz Swamp should be labelled

General Comments What's missing: Channel form as a factor contributing to values? Only 2 [environmental] performance objectives seems low - is this ok?

Werribee workshop 3 - map comments (raw data) 14 March 2018 Little River Upper

Summary (Little River Upper and Parwan Creek) Commitment to monitor and assess catchment-based impacts require an intervention commitment (consistently e.g. water quality, quantity and litter) Channel form is not addressed in the performance objectives and known to be an issue in this catchment

ID Performance Objectives (preliminary) Who's in? PO1 Increase riparian vegetation cover from 25% to 40% (about 6 km) along the main stem of the Little River from Balliang Creek to Melbourne Water PO2 Protect and enhance high quality vegetation along the upper reaches of 'Little River' around the Brisbane Ranges National Park Melbourne Water PO3 Have in place methods to assess volume and source of litter to inform litter reduction programs PO4 Increase participation rates in capacity building and citizen science programs from moderate to high PO5 Reduce threat to water quality from agriculture to protect instream values PO6 High priority Low Flow Dependent Ecosystems are managed as guided by the Low Flow Dependent Ecosystem Plan to protect and maintain them in the landscape PO7 50 per cent of waterway within the management unit will meet ecological watering objectives Add in PO Provide fish passage along the main stem of Little river towards Balliang Creek

Comments on PO's PO2 Define "high quality" PO3 Doesn't feel like it's necessary here - should be overarching. Plus need a 'Action' litter target that's spatially explicit PO5 What water quality attribute?

Comments on map Wetlands labelled on the map: Greens Road East Wetland, Rabbiters Swamp, west Quandong Swamp

Werribee workshop 3 - map comments (raw data) 14 March 2018 Laverton Creek

Summary Awareness raising within the community of neighbourhood values (i.e. interpretation signage) RAMSAR boundary at estuaries Clarity around some objectives: distance of waterway, access to waterway, appropriate plantings for EVC Wording - weed control and farm control

ID Performance Objectives (preliminary) Who's in? PO1 Protect and where possible enhance riparian and wetland habitat for birds and frogs PO2 Increase tree canopy cover in urban areas along waterways by about 3 km and maintain existing trees PO3 Increase access along waterways from 25% to 40% (about 5 km) with a focus on urban and urban growth PO4 Have in place methods to assess volume and source of litter to inform litter reduction programs PO5 Increase participation rates in capacity building and citizen science programs from moderate to high Add in PO Awareness raising within general community with the environmental they live

Add in PO Kayes Drain and other formalised drainage lines (concrete example). Removal program to increase fauna and flora interactions. Improved water quality and improved runoff

Comments on PO's Laverton Creek Estuary: Add a PO "Education of recreational impacts on shorebirds" (e.g. dog walkers (kite surfing?)). HB currently undertaking engagement walks and events 'Dogs Breakfast' etc. PO1 Wording weed control PO2 Clarity and appropriate EVC plantings PO3 Clarity on type of access - decking, paths? Etc.

Comments on targets Birds: Should be made at least moderate to high. Truganina Swamp wetland (big bird population) Estuarine wetland connectivity: with intervention we could readily improve there - all public land

Comments on map Wetlands marked on map: Altona Treatment Plant Wetland, Truganina Swamp, Laverton Creek Retarding Basin

Comments on Feedback sheet What is your overall response to the targets Moderate - High Why did you mark that spot?/Is anything missing? All targets are realistic to achieve. Funding should be available to carry out the targeted actions. Current condition about right (realistic expectations from implementation of objectives) Depends on funding

General Comments

Werribee workshop 3 - map comments (raw data) 14 March 2018 Skeleton Creek

ID Performance Objectives (preliminary) Who's in? PO1 Intercept/harvest stormwater and/or improve water quality treatment to protect wetlands and lower reaches of Skeleton Creek PO2 Protect and enhance high quality vegetation along Dry Creek upstream of the confluence with Skeleton Creek through reducing threats from invasive flora and fauna PO3 Protect and where possible enhance riparian and wetland habitat for birds and frogs PO4 Increase tree canopy cover in urban areas along waterways from by about 7 km and maintain existing trees PO5 Increase access along waterways from 27% to 40% (about 5 km) with a focus on urban and urban growth PO6 Have in place methods to assess volume and source of litter to inform litter reduction programs PO7 Increase participation rates in capacity building and citizen science programs from moderate to high PO8 High priority Low Flow Dependent Ecosystems are managed as guided by the Low Flow Dependent Ecosystem Plan to protect and maintain them in the landscape Add in PO RAMSAR protection boundary - implement recommendations of RAMSAR management plan

Add in PO Intervention in new estates to promote awareness of Environmental values - Cunninghom Skinks --> Domestic Cat Predation (information kit, events, engagement, interpretation signage - rocky escarpment etc.)

Comments on PO's PO2 More clarity around objectives PO2 Increasing buffer and quality where practicable PO3 Wording - use "weed control/pest animal control" PO4 More clarity around objectives. What does "increase tree cover mean", clarify EVCs. Consideration of pre-European EVCs PO5 Clarity of accessibility - decking, paths, shelters etc.

Comments on map Wetlands marked on map: Cheeton Wetlands, Laverton RAAF Swamp

Werribee workshop 3 - map comments (raw data) 14 March 2018 Lollypop Creek

Summary Question about the vegetation cover target, is it about the current vegetation or is it about the length? Would we be planting trees in grasslands? Question about relative importance between objectives e.g. is growth area more important than vegetation cover for example. Opportunity to be more opportunistic regarding access and using shared paths --> is it only based on PSP's? Litter is in all the management units - this could sit above - higher order objective in the strategy. Want to see "what next?" Not enough being done The citizen science appears to be over optimistic. Not as high as indicated. Want to explore more opportunities for urban growth regarding DCI --> need to move quickly and influence PSP's .

ID Performance Objectives (preliminary) Who's in?

PO1 Increase the length of continuous riparian vegetation from 10% to 30% (approximately 2 kilometres) along the lower reaches of Lollypop Creek Treat urban development in the upper reaches of Cherry Creek (e.g. Mambourin) so DCI of Cherry Creek remains below 0.2% at Princes Freeway. For every PO2 hectare of new impervious area, this requires harvesting around 3.2 ML/y and infiltrating 0.5 ML/y. PO3 Increase access along waterways from 6% to 10% (about 2 km) with a focus on urban growth PO4 Have in place methods to assess volume and source of litter to inform litter reduction programs PO5 Increase participation rates in capacity building and citizen science programs from moderate to high

Comments on PO's PO1 Try and maintain existing riparian vegetation PO1 Question about percentage cover --> based on current vegetation or is it 2 km (length) --> some should be grassland PO2 Appears an informed objective - drowning of River Red Gums also impacted --> need to manage flows upstream PO3 Why such a limited increase? Is more possible? How to link in with shared trails and bike paths? Is this in addition to what's planned with PSP's. PO4 As per Little River Lower Comment PO5 Is this really already Moderate?? NIL??

Comments on map Wetlands marked: Cobbledicks Ford Cluster, Wyndham Vale Swamp, Rabbiters Lake, Target Range Swamp, Balls Wetland Complex, Live Bomb Wetland, Black Swamp, WTP Paul and Belfrages Wetland

Comments on Feedback sheet What is your overall response to the targets High (Erin and Louise - MW, John - Werribee River Keepers, Environ West) Why did you mark that spot?/Is anything missing? Be good to have the targets more closely related to objectives Opportunity for performance objectives be "overall" in the strategy rather than for each management unit e.g. litter Better link between riparian zone and just outside that area (vegetation objectives)

General Comments Ensuring alignment between PSP's and HWS targets - have clear objectives that can be pulled out for PSP

Werribee workshop 3 - map comments (raw data) 14 March 2018 Little River Lower

Summary Vegetation cover, unclear if it’s about the current type of cover or is it about the km's - would we be planting trees/forests in grasslands Litter - see comment from Lollypop Creek Citizen Science - see Lollypop Creek comment Question about how E water objectives will be achieved/ what does it mean? Question about the fish passage --> will the fish have movement due to the phragmites Nothing mentioned about pest veg and animals Question about managing for salinity due to land use Increase access --> specific locations? Low Flow dependent ecosystems --> manage for River Red Gums

ID Performance Objectives (preliminary) Who's in? PO1 Increase riparian vegetation cover from 10% to 30% (about 5 kilometres) along the main stem of the Little River from the mouth to Balliang Creek PO2 Have in place methods to assess volume and source of litter to inform litter reduction programs PO3 Increase participation rates in capacity building and citizen science programs from moderate to high

PO4 High priority Low Flow Dependent Ecosystems are managed as guided by the Low Flow Dependent Ecosystem Plan to protect and maintain them in the landscape

PO5 50 per cent of waterway with the management unit will meet ecological watering objectives Provide fish passage along the main stem of Little River Pest vegetation and animals management objectives e.g. tiger pear and rabbits

Comments on PO's PO1 Unclear if it's about maintaining the [re]vegetation we have done, or is it about the kilometres, or the density? PO2 Generic - but ok. What happens then? What are the next steps? PO3 Don't believe that it's currently moderate - doesn't exist! Low? Should instead aim for moderate PO4 Manage for River Red Gums PO6 Question about how this will be achieved PO7 Questions about local issues? Even if we remove the barrier, will the fish passage be possible? i.e. due to phragmites??

Comments on map Wetlands marked on map: Kirks Bridge Road Wetland, WTP- Ryans Swamp, WTP Paradise Road Pond, WTP Lake Borries 28 and 29, Baths Swamp, Black Forest Road Wetland, Richmonds Grass Swamp, The Spit Nature Conservation Reserve Fish Barriers upstream and downstream of Little River township

Werribee workshop 3 - map comments (raw data) 14 March 2018 Cherry Main Drain

Summary Change name of the management unit to "Cherry Creek" 1/4 tree canopy increase in 10 years - accessible areas and whole creek Standard for littler (lack of) SV index(??) Emphasis on WSUD and stormwater management integrates across all conditions Working with industry to tackle water quality and stormwater, access and revegetation Need to support regeneration in Friends Groups

ID Performance Objectives (preliminary) Who's in? PO1 Intercept/harvest stormwater and/or improve water quality treatment to protect wetlands and lower reaches and Bay Council/MW/VicRoads/CWW PO2 Increase tree canopy cover along waterways from 2% to 14% (about 1.5 km) and maintain existing trees Council/MW PO3 Increase access along waterways from 5% to 20% (about 2 km) Council/MW/Industry PO4 Maintain recreational water quality at (suitable for secondary contact) Council/MW/Industry/CAPIM PO5 Have in place methods to assess volume and source of litter to inform litter reduction programs Council/MW/SV PO6 Increase participation rates in capacity building and citizen science programs from moderate to high Council/MW/Community

Comments on PO's Cherry Lake: PO1 - "mosaic burning, rabbit control, WSUD" Cherry Lake: PO2 - "Reduce cultivation" Cherry Lake: PO4 - "Threat to what?" be more specific PO1 WSUD opportunities/flood mitigation PO2 XXXX planting in accessible areas (writing illegible) PO3 Is disturbance issue with grassland PO4 WSUD PO5 Where are litter traps PO6 Instate 'Friends of Cherry Creek'

Comments on targets Cherry Lake: PO1 - "mosaic burning, rabbit control, WSUD"

Comments on map VicRoads opportunity at intersect between and Western Ring Road Opportunity at Cherry Creek/Cherry Lake: WSUD s/water link to performance objective 1 and decrease (?) flood protection

Comments on Feedback sheet What is your overall response to the targets between Moderate and High Why did you mark that spot?/Is anything missing?

General Comments Protect grasslands

Werribee workshop 3 - map comments (raw data) 14 March 2018 Lower

Summary Change name to Urban (not Lower) IN growth area need to use precinct structure planning process to improve conditions Coastal areas need to be managed for sea level rise and allowance for migration of plant species Need to set litter reduction targets

ID Performance Objectives (preliminary) Who's in? PO1 Protect estuary roosting sites from excessive disturbance from humans, dogs and vehicles Council/PV/MW PO2 Target three areas (min. 2 ha) for habitat improvement for Bibron's Toadlet. PO3 Increase the length of continuous riparian vegetation from 7% to 25% (about 3 kilometres) along Kororoit Creek to Jones Creek confluence PO4 Increase tree canopy cover in urban areas along waterways from 7% to 18% (about 9 km) and maintain existing trees Council/MW/Friends PO5 Increase access along waterways from 33% to 45% (about 5 km) PO6 Increase participation rates in capacity building and citizen science programs from moderate to high Council/MW/Friends

PO7 High priority Low Flow Dependent Ecosystems are managed as guided by the Low Flow Dependent Ecosystem Plan to protect and maintain them in the landscape Council/MW Add in PO ICI/Explosives (???) XXXXX needs to be eliminated (writing illegible) Add in PO Litter targets Cherry Creek Add in PO Pest animal removal

Comments on PO's Kororoit Creek Estuary PO1 - "good to increase slat reduce weeds" Kororoit Creek Estuary PO4 "Levy banks = paths" Additional PO ; Mosaic burning of Galws folium(???) for Altona Skipper Butterfly, follow-up rabbit control. PO1 Requires education PO2 Why these species? What habitat? PO3 Support Friends Group PO4 Maintenance of all planting essential PO5 Target on track - potential for increase PO6 Succession plans for community participation

Comments on map Wetlands marked on map: Paynes Road Swamp, Rockbank Railway Swamp, Kororoit Creel No3 Wetland, Rockbank No1 Wetland, Jawbone Reserve Wetland, Paynes Road North Wetland, Troups Road Swamp Deans Marsh marked on map Westgate Freeway Brooklyn - "Westgate Tunnel offset trail works"

Comments on Feedback sheet What is your overall response to the targets Moderate Why did you mark that spot?/Is anything missing? Needed more additions to the listed performance objectives Doesn't seem to pick-up management of many wetlands in growth areas. Are we saving some and not others or trying to save all?

General Comments Change name of MU to Kororoit Creek Urban Grassed wetlands - manage private developments, planning controls, groundwater recharge, protecting linkages/chains of ponds Pest animal management - goats, rabbits, hares, foxes, need to follow up, going management

Werribee workshop 3 - map comments (raw data) 14 March 2018

ID Performance Objectives (preliminary) Who's in? PO1 Protect and enhance high quality vegetation along Goodman Creek through reducing threats from invasive flora and fauna PO2 Extend and improve riparian buffer connectivity PO3 Protect and enhance high quality vegetation along the Lerderderg River through the state park through reducing threats from invasive flora and fauna

PO4 Increase participation rates in capacity building and citizen science programs from moderate to high PO5 Maintain recreational water quality in the Lerderderg River PO6 Reduce threat to water quality from agriculture in downstream reaches of Lerderderg River and Goodmans Creek to protect instream values PO7 High priority Low Flow Dependent Ecosystems are managed as guided by the Low Flow Dependent Ecosystem Plan to protect and maintain them in the landscape

Comments on PO's PO2 Clarify what is meant by riparian buffer connectivity "What does this mean?" PO4 Landcare - Apps. Too many options - need one option Environmental flows?

Comments on map Fire risk to environmental values - forest North of Moorabool PO6 - Protect Lederberg River from Werribee River Middle MU

Comments on Feedback sheet - Combined for Werribee Middle, Werribee Upper and Lerderderg What is your overall response to the targets Moderate to High Why did you mark that spot?/Is anything missing? The CMA aligns with tree reveg and weed/pet control But concerned re some of the language - difficult to understand. A couple of points on the wrong catchment [MU] Concenrs arise over development areas How much $$ is available for Werribee River in Ballan (urban area) Weeds along Werribee River (East of Ballan) xxxx on private land (writing illegible) Capacity building need single pathway (data collection). Not 4 apps.

Werribee workshop 3 - map comments (raw data) 14 March 2018 Werribee River Middle

ID Performance Objectives (preliminary) Who's in?

PO1 CMA/'Grow West' ( see Grow West target area and Implementation Plan) Improve vegetation quality from moderate to high along the upper reaches of Korkuperrimul Creek

PO2 Increase the length of continuous riparian vegetation from 35% to 50% (about 4 kilometres) along the main stem of Werribee River from Melton Reservoir to Korjamunnip Creek Grow West'

Treat urban development (e.g. Ballan) so DCI of the Werribee River (and its tributaries) remains below 0.2% upstream of Bacchus Marsh. For every hectare of new impervious area, this requires PO3 harvesting around 5.1 ML/y and infiltrating 1.6 ML/y. This equates to 0.8 GL/y and 0.3 GL/y for ultimate urbanisation, i.e. the anticipated long term urban footprint within this catchment.

PO4 Protect and enhance high quality vegetation along Djerriwarrh, Pyrites and Dale creeks through reducing threats from invasive flora and fauna Grow West' PO5 Protect high quality vegetation of Werribee Gorge Park by reducing threats from invasive flora and fauna and recreational access FOWG PO6 Increase riparian vegetation cover from 54% to 63% (about 1 kilometre) along the Lerderderg River downstream of the state park PO7 Increase access along waterways in Bacchus Marsh by about 1 km PO8 Have in place methods to assess volume and source of litter to inform litter reduction programs PO9 Increase participation rates in capacity building and citizen science programs from moderate to high G'Grow West' (promotion only) PO10 Reduce threat to water quality from agriculture in Djerriwarrh catchment to protect in-stream values CMA PO11 Reduce threat to water quality from agriculture in Pyrites Creek catchment downstream of Merrimu to protect in-stream values CMA PO12 Reduce threat to water quality from agriculture around Bacchus Marsh to protect in-stream values CMA PO13 Environmental water reserve meet ecological watering objectives (Refer to Werribee River Lower)

Comments on PO's PO3 "what does this mean?" - referring to DCI PO3 "Ballan not in this mangement unit" "move to Werribee Upper" PO4 Creeks are in Werribee Upper Management Unit PO5 See managemetn plan 'Werribee Gorge Visitor Management Plan' MW/PV document PO6 Move into Lerderderg management unit

Comments on targets Vegetation canopy cover: "why [current] trajectory increasing"

Comments on map Fire risk to environmental values noted on map in forest above Pyrites Creek

General Comments Look at covenanted (Trust for Nature) properties and label as assets

Comments on Feedback sheet - Combined for Werribee Middle, Werribee Upper and Lerderderg What is your overall response to the targets Moderate to High Why did you mark that spot?/Is anything missing? The CMA aligns with tree reveg and weed/pet control But concerned re some of the language - difficult to understand. A couple of points on the wrong catchment [MU] Concerns arise over development areas How much $$ is available for Werribee River in Ballan (urban area) Weeds along Werribee River (East of Ballan) xxxx on private land (writing illegible) Capacity building need single pathway (data collection). Not 4 apps.

Werribee workshop 3 - map comments (raw data) 14 March 2018 Werribee River Upper

ID Performance Objectives (preliminary) Who's in? PO1 Increase riparian vegetation cover from 50% to 60% (about 5 kilometres) along the main stem of the Werribee River upstream of Ballan CMA

PO2 Protect high quality vegetation along the upper Werribee River south of Spargo Blackfield Rd and the upper reaches of Dale Creek through reducing threats from invasive flora and fauna PO3 Increase participation rates in capacity building and citizen science programs from moderate to high PO4 Reduce nutrients and sediment threat from agriculture and septics upstream of Ballan PO5 Environmental water reserve meet ecological watering objectives (Refer to Werribee River Lower)

Comments on PO's PO3 Refer to App. Issues - where does your information go?

Comments on targets Fish: "why reduced?"

Comments on map Fire risk to forest North of Blakeville Dales Creek Fire risk to town/hamlet

Comments on Feedback sheet - Combined for Werribee Middle, Werribee Upper and Lerderderg What is your overall response to the targets Moderate to High Why did you mark that spot?/Is anything missing? The CMA aligns with tree reveg and weed/pet control But concerned re some of the language - difficult to understand. A couple of points on the wrong catchment [MU] Concerns arise over development areas How much $$ is available for Werribee River in Ballan (urban area) Weeds along Werribee River (East of Ballan) xxxx on private land (writing illegible) Capacity building need single pathway (data collection). Not 4 apps.

General Comments Access - recreation use very high (i.e. Motorbikes) Need for walking trail through Ballan along the Werribee Gorge

Werribee workshop 3 - map comments (raw data) 14 March 2018 Werribee River Lower

Summary Planning improvements Collaborative strategies Litter needs on ground focus

ID Performance Objectives (preliminary) Who's in? PV/MW/WCC/Melton PO1 Protect estuary roosting sites from excessive disturbance from humans, dogs and vehicles PO2 Increase riparian vegetation cover from 50% to 60% (about 4 kilometres) along the main stem of the lower Werribee River to Melton Reservoir PO3 Increase tree canopy cover in urban areas along 7 km and maintain existing trees WCC has tree targets Treat urban development (e.g. Eynesbury and Melton) so DCI of the Werribee River (and its tributaries) remains below 1.1% upstream of Cobbledicks Ford. For every hectare of PO4 new impervious area, this requires harvesting around 3.5 ML/y and infiltrating 0.5 ML/y. This equates to 2.9 GL/y and 0.4 GL/y for ultimate urbanisation, i.e. the anticipated long term urban footprint within this catchment. PO5 Increase access along waterways from 15% to 25% (about 5 km) with a focus on urban and urban growth PO6 Have in place methods to assess volume and source of litter to inform litter reduction programs WCC - waste and litter strategy PO7 Increase participation rates in capacity building and citizen science programs from moderate to high WCC has citizen science targets PO8 Maintain recreational water quality in Werribee River (suitable for secondary contact) MW, WCC PO9 Provide fish passage along the Werribee River between the mounth and Melton Reservoir and Toolern Creek through Melton WRIVA

PO10 High priority Low Flow Dependent Ecosystems are managed as guided by the Low Flow Dependent Ecosystem Plan to protect and maintain them in the landscape PO11 Environmental water reserve is increased by 6 GL of high reliability water by 2025 to meet ecological watering objectives

Comments on PO's Werribee River Estuary PO4 - "wordy" Werribee River Estuary PO2 - Bring this objective into coastal plans for WCC and WTP PO1 Foxes and Cats PO1 Make [roosting sites] available on maps PO3 Write more clearly to link to urban cooling and show distinction between PO2. PO4 Setbacks mising, planning provisions (ESO's) PO5 City of Wyndham and Melton trails plan out now PO6 Need investigation and ways to reduce management options - collaborative litter strategies PO8 Need water quality monitoring PO9 Investigate regional park opportuity for possible fishway No objective for connectivity? Make sure estuaries, wetlands, rivers and terrestrial habitats are mapped and linked

Comments on map Cunningham Swamp noted on map Dredge spoil affects amentiy - investigate alternative location - possibly use for erosion mitigation Port and transport corridor on WTP noted on map

Comments on Feedback sheet What is your overall response to the targets High Why did you mark that spot?/Is anything missing? Bird groups and other broader broader groups should be included well aligned with a number of Wyndham City's targets

General Comments Cunningham Swamp - needs aims at PSP level, protect maximum extent and appropriate buffer, reinstate once in PSP, GGF present Significant development in Werribee township needs to be carefully and hollistically managed (MW and WCC) tp ensure waterway health. Manage competing regional park to also improve vegetation Need to raise profile of Werribee River biolink plan, improve branding Collaborative efforts of all organisations

Werribee workshop 3 - map comments (raw data) 14 March 2018