EXTENSIONS of REMARKS July 23, 1973 by Mr
25498 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 23, 1973 By Mr. STGERMAIN: Vania, Mr. WARE, Mr. WILLIAMS, and By Mr. RIEGLE: H.R. 9489. A bill to provide for the inclu Mr. PETTIS) : H.J. Res. 679. Joint resolution, a. national sion of emergency power equipment in fed H.R. 9497. A bill to amend title 38 of the education policy; to the Committee on Edu erally assisted multifamily housing fac111ties United States Code to increase the monthly cation and Labor. which are designed for occupancy in whole or rates of disab111ty and death pension and By Mr. BRAY: substantial part by the elderly, and to au dependency and indemnity compensation, H. Con. Res. 273. Concurrent resolution thorize Federal loans to finance the provision and for other purposes; to the Committee on expressing the sense of the Congress that the of such equipment for those fac111ties; to the Veterans' Affairs. Commission on Executive, Legislative, and Committee on Banking and Currency. By Mr. DORN (for himself, Mr. HEINz, Judicial Salaries omit recommendations for H .R. 9490. A bill to amend title 38, United Mr. SPENCE, Mr. BEARD, Mr. RUPPE, pay increases for Members of Congress in its States Code, to provide for the payment of Mr. ESCH, Mr. BROWN of Michigan, report to the President on the results of its certain preservice educational loans made by Mr. VANDER JAGT, Mr. LENT, Mr. 1973 salary studies; to the Committee on Post veterans; to the Committee on Veterans' Af SANDMAN, Mr. STEIGER Of Arizona., Office and Civil Service. fairs. Mr. DoN H. CLAUSEN, Mr. McDADE, By Mr.
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