Sexual Dysfunctions and Treatment Options
Osteopathic Overview Sexual Dysfunctions and Treatment Options By Laura Souders Dalton, DO lactinemia, breastfeeding and use of some lants—may decrease discomfort and help medications may also contribute. engorge the vaginal area. Zestra topical oil Diagnosing and treating sexual dysfunc- Some medications that may affect sex- has a small clinical trial that showed im- tions in your female patients is a complex ual desire include: antipsychotics, barbitu- provement in satisfaction and level of yet rewarding process. Fortunately, more rates, benzodiazepines, lithium selective arousal.3,4 Vaginal atrophy should be treat- media attention has led to an increased serotonin re-uptake inhibitors, tri-cyclic ed prior to using these products as they awareness of the problem and a readiness antidepressants, anti-lipid drugs, beta- may otherwise cause unpleasant burning. on the part of the patients to seek help. blockers, clonidine, digoxin, spironolac- Argin Max, a daily nutritional supple- Understanding the normal female sex- tone, danazol, estrogen therapy, GnRH an- ment has one study revealing increased de- ual response cycle has changed over recent tagonists, cort-icosteroids, H2 blockers, sire, satisfaction and number of orgasms.5 years. Basson’s nonlinear model more close- indomethacin, ketoconazole, phenytoin Evaluating placebo effect in the studies is ly explains the complexities of the female sodium, and oral contraceptives.2 difficult. There are multiple other herbal sexual experience. The cycle can be affect- Relationship problems or anger with a preparations claiming improved sexual ed by physical, social, relationship and psy- woman’s partner may also be factors. It is function, but most have no clinical trials. chological factors.
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