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Caecilia V61n04 1935 Founded A.D. 1814 by John Singenberger JOSQUIN DESPRES (1450~1521) Vol. 61 APRIL - 1935 Entered as second class mat... ter, October 20. 1931, at the Post Office at Boston. Mass., under the Act of March 3. 1879. Formerly published in St. Francis, Wisconsin. Now issued Monthly Magazine of Catholic Church ,. and School Music monthly. except in July. Subscription: $3 per year, pay... Vol. 61 April, 1935 No.4 able in advance. Single copies SOc. IN THIS ISSUE HO'7orary Editor OTTO A. SINGENBERGER LITURGICAL SCHOOL FOR DIRECTORS 0]' CHOIRS ANNOUNCED 182 Managing Editor WILLIAM ARTHUR REILLY HYMNS Marie Schulte K'allenbach 183 Business and Editorial Office Do You LIKE LITURGICAL M USIC ~ 186 100 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. THE Boy OHOIR PROBLEM 187 Con tributors :<EV. LUDWIG BONVIN, S.J., NEW LITURGICAL CHOIR IN WISCONSIN Buffalo. N. Y. RAPIDLY PROGRESSING 189 DOM ADELARD BOUVILL... IERS. O.S.B.. Belmont. N. C. MUSIC AT THE INTERNATIONAL EUCHARISTIC V. REV. GREGORY HUGLE. CONGRESS IN BUENOS AIRES 190 O.S.B.. Conception. Mo. RT. REV. MSGR. LEO P. CURRENT COMMENTS: 191 MANZETTI, Roland Park. John Singenberger's Mass of St. Greg­ Md. REV. F. T. \VALTER. ory to be Sung by Chorus of Five Hun­ St. Francis. Wise. dred Voices. REV. JOSEPH VILLANI. S. C., Dr. Noble Praises Mauro-Cottone Mu­ San Francisco. Cal. REV. P. H. SCHAEFERS. SIC. Cleveland. Ohio. HARVARD PROFESSOR TRACES CHURCH MUSIC REV. H. GRUENDER, S.J., St. Louis. Mo. THROUGH THE AGES 191 SR. M. CHERUBIM. O.S.F. ADDRESS By REV. J OI-IN GLENNON, D.D. Milwaukee. Wise. 1\1:. J. SR. M, GISELA. S.S.N.D., ARCHBISHOP OF ST. LOUIS, Mo., AT OR- Milwaukee. Wise. GANISTS' GUILD MEETING 193 SR. M. RAFAEL. ·B.V.M.• Chicago. Ill. BRUNO OSCAR KLEIN (Biography) 194 M. MAURO...COTTONE. New York, N. Y. GREGORIAN CHANTDISCOGRA.PHY RICHARD KEYS BIGGS. Dom Adelard Bouvilliers, O.S.B. 195 Hollywood. Cal. MARTIN G. DUMLER. M. M.• OUR MUSIC THIS MONTH 200 O. Cincinnati. MUSIC ApPRECIATION JOSEPH J. McGRAW. Syracuse, N. Y. Sr. M. Cherubim, O.S.F. 213 ROLAND BOISVERT, Woonsocket, .R. I. COMMUNICATIONS 218 W. A. HAMMOND. WOMEN IN CHURCH CHOIRS Fort Wayne, Ind. ARTHUR ANGIE, Rev. Carlo Rossini 221 Whitman, Mass. QUESTION AND ANSWER Box FREDERICK T. SHORT, Brooklyn, N. Y. V. Rev. Gregory Hugle, O.S.B. 223 ACHILLE P. BRACERS, How, WHEN AND WHAT TO PLAY New York. N. Y. Rev. Giuseppi Villani, S.C. 226 Contents of each Issue. Copy­ PROFESSOR EUGENE BONN DEAD 230 right 1935. Index of Contents for Entire Year 1934 obtainable on request. 182 THE CAE CILIA Liturgical School for Directors of Choirs Announced Archbishop Urges Training of Young People for Congregational Singing Requires Leaders To Obtain Certificates A Pastoral Letter on the Church's legisla... 'whole congregation, even as the instru... tion governing sacred music and liturgical ment which sustains that voice must be worship was issued in February by His Ex... subordinated to the vocal expression' of cellency, Archbishop Murray of St. Paul, adoration, thanksgiving and petition. Mlnn.' *** Directed to the clergy of the Archdiocese As many adult members of the con­ and dated Feb. 11, the letter reads as fol ... gregation may be diffident in accepting lows: the invitation to participate in the litur­ By this same mail you will receive a gical of the church service, it is nee.... copy of the WHITE LIST of the So... essary that our entire school population ciety of Saint Gregory of America with be trained to take part in the functions a selection ofPapal Documents pertain... of high mass, vespers, benediction and ing to Catholic Church music. In this other services of the church. Thus pamphlet you will find all the informa.... within a few years the ideal of the tion necessary to guide the director of Church will be realized. Toward this your choir in the choice of music and end progress has been made by the des.... method of singing prescribed by the leg.... ignation of the St. Gregory Hymnal as islation of the Sovereign Pontiffs. The the official text for the Archdiocese of contents should be read by you and Saint Paul. What was inaugurated then passed to the person who is held several years ago can be hastened to a directly responsible for the church mu... happy conclusion by the cooperation of sic in your parish. The same informa.... clergy, religious, schools and people in tion should be imparted to all who have the common cause of correct music. charge of the children in your parochial * * * or Sunday school. When all concerned With such a purpose in view a sum.... have been fully informed of the require... mer school for liturgical music will be ments of the Church, concerted action held at St. Thomas' College in Saint must be taken by priests, directors, Paul during the months of June and July teachers, singers and children to observe this year to give the opportunity to choir in detail the laws which govern litur... directors to qualify for the requirements gical worship. of their o:fflce. These requirements are set forth in detail on pages 13, 14, 15 of * ** the pamphlet. After September first of The purpose of the Church is to unite this year no person will be perm,itted to all her members in the liturgical action fulfill the duties of director, organist or of the Mystical Body of Christ even as singer in any choir of the archdiocese all are united in the sacramental life im... whether in parish churches, schools, in... parted by the Son of God through the stitutions or religious communities un.... ministry of Hisi priests. Unison of less a certificate of qualification has been pr'ayer is facilitated, elevated and en... issued by the Archdiocesan Commission riched by ecclesiastical music which is on Sacred Music prior to August first of an inspiration and support in united this year. Applications should be ad... prayer. The voices of all the congre... dressed to the Archdiocesan Commis... gation should be incorporated into this sion on Sacred Music at 244 Dayton ennobled expression of praise so that the Avenue either for enrollment in the sum­ voice of the people becomes the voice of mer school or for certification of fitness the Church lifting up her soul to the to take part in the public service of the throne of her Divine Spouse. Any other Church. conception of church music in contradic... Very faithfully yours, tion to the spirit and purpose of divine tJOHN G. MURRAY, worship. The voice of the individual Archbishop of St. Paul. must be subordinated to the voice of the Feb. 11, 1935. THE CAECILIA 183 HYMNS Alleluia Echoes Through Ancient Arches Marie Schulte Kallenbach* Singing of hymns formed an important Without doubt, in the beginning, there part of the early Church ritual. We have was a certain brevity of phraseology, stern.. the injunction of St. James and St. Paul in ness, abruptness and bold realis-m which to the scriptures enjoining "psalms and hymns a later period seems almost uncouth. Here and spiritual songs. H When .we pass from is no warmth, no rainbow hues, but an in­ the Epistles, we find St. Ignatius, about the tensity of feeling, clear, distinct, positive. year 107, in a letter to the Roman church And yet there hovers over alt in spit~ of urging the formation of a choir that "ye abruptness, an imperishable charm, like the may sing praise to the Father, through Jesusl torrents of summer rain as compared to the Christ,tt and about the same time, Pliny, in iridescent sprays from an earthly fountain. his epistle to Trajan, writes that the Chris~ Men, lost and isolated from natural affections tians of Bithynia met together before day.. of the domestic circles, yet from their souls light and sang a hymn to Christ as God. sang and colored their song with love of Later on Tertullian urges "after the wash.. their Creator. ing of hands and the bringing of lights each No man could have sung more impassioned one is asked to stand forth and sing, as he is verses to his mistress than did a Fortunatus able, a hymn to God, either from the Holy or a Bernard in their outpourings to their Scriptures or of his own composition." Lord. Nothing in modern tongue equals the It was St. Clement of Alexandria who led sonorous grandeur of the "Dies Irae, dies the singers at the end of the second century Hla H of Thomas of Celano. We cannot un­ with his well....known "Hymn to Christ the derstand it because such intensity of feeling H Saviour. This was followed by the "Gloria is as foreign to us as its era. The world is in Excelsis Deo ' and the "Te Deum." From hushed as it listens to the echoes of that this outburst of adoration we learn of the humble associate of St. Francis Assissi, in whole.... souled faith of the early Christians), Celano, as the low, tender, reverberating their devotion and love. strains, majestic and impelling by turns, well The Church in its onward flow, like an' out in pulsing, penitential love. What can enormous river having its source in the compare with the tenderness of the "Stabat throne of God, its springs in the sacraments Mater Dolorosa,H the trembling, pathetic and its brooks in the rituaL has always plaint of a broken~hearted mother echoing throbbed with the movement of the great un~ from the lips of a Jacobus de Benedictus? dercurrent of musical devotion. Sweeping Where again may we find the rapture of a down to us upon its majestic tide we catch Bernard lifting his voice in "Hic breve vivi.
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