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537 Re. Split in Telugu PHAlGUNA 26,1913 (SAKA) Desam Party 538 12.00 hrs. ter, a central team comprising 3 experts was sent there in the first half of this month which RE. SPLIT IN TELUGU DESAM PARTY held an enquiry in this regard. In its report, the enquiry team has recommended sanc- [ Translation) tion of Rs. 40 crore in addition to the said Rs. 65 erore to this factory in this very month. SHRI RAM LAKHAN SINGH YADAV Otherwise, this factorx which is the most (Arrah): Mr. Speaker, Sir, while laying the useful and important for the country will foundation of the Heavy Engineering Corpo- come to a last very shortly. ration of Bihar, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru, the then Prime Minister, had rightly said that Even now, 22,000 people are earning a this factory would be a unique one and would living from this factory and about 2 lakh of prove to be the 'mother factory in Asia. He their dependents are getting sustenance from had said that it would manufacture and supply it. machines for other big factories. This factory was built at a cost of Rs. 400 crore but now I, therefore, request that. the factory its assets have gone upto thousands crores shOuld be freed it from the grip of bureauc- of rupees. It is capable of manufacturing racy and the Central Government should machines for other factories as well manu- take immediate measures to revive the fac- facturing machineguns and tanks for meet- tory and pay the funds this very month ac- ing strategic requirements. cording to this agreement and issue orders to various factories to place orders with it In spite of the fact that it meets the orders in time and maintains 110% quality, it [English) is not getting orders from other Government factories which are supposed to place or- SHRI SOBHANADREESWARA RAO ders with it. During the last two years nearly VADDE (Vijayawada): Mr. Speaker, Sir, with Rs. 18,000 erore were sanctioned as grant an due regard and respect to the Chair, I by the Government to expand different steel would like to make out some important factories, but this factory was sanctioned Rs. matters. The ruling party is encouraging 600 erore only. The remaining funds were defections from the Opposition parties and it allocated to all private companies which are is engineering split in some political parties. totally against national interests. It will natu- Very recently, they had split a political party rally result in loss of this, factory. in Maharashtra Now, they have engineered a defection from our T elugu Desam Party. In h is said that its losses have gone upto fact, the Telugu Desam Party, which was Rs. 100 crore whereas it still pays an amount established as a regional party, has certain of Rs. 165 crore as excise duty and other principles. For a definite reason, since Shri taxes to the Government exchequer. It is P.V. Narasimha Rao Garu, the present Prime very surprising and undesirable that the Minister, as Prime Minister, contested the Reserve 'Bank of India charges interest @ Nandyal bye-elections, our Party President 25% from it. was good enough and thought it fit - be- cause for the first time, after Independence According to agreement signed between a person from the South and more so from the H.E.C. and the Central Government on our State of Andhra Pradesh has been func- October 30, 1991, this factory waS supposed tioning as Prime Minister of this great coun- to receive a sum of Rs. 65 crore from the try -not to field a candidate against Shri P.V. Central Government during the year 1991- Narasimha Rao. And now this ruling party 92 but not a single paisa has been paid to it which is in short of majority by some Mem- so far. bers, they have engineered defections from our Telugu Desam Party. You are aware of N the instance of the Hen. Prime Minis- it. I will not go into the details of chronology 539 Re. Split in Te/ugu MARCH 16, 1992 Desem Party 540 \ . of events because you yourself were the (interruptions) person before whom all these developments have taken place. They had come to you, SHRI SOBHANADREESWARA RAO met you and expressed their intentions and VADDE: We felt very much alarmed when on submitted their letters to you. It is very 13th a letter was sent to the persons who had disturbing to find that some responsible Union parted company with us. Iam not going into Minister had to advise our former Members, the merits of it. You were good ~nough to colleagues about the draft of the letter that sign a letter stating that so and so division should be submitted to you. It came in the numbers were allotted to them because you press also that some of these Members had ' treated it as a split in a group. Again in a 'stayed in, a guest house belonging to an matter of two hours, another letter was sent agricuttaraluniversityof an adjoining State, to another Member who also had parted very near to our capital city. And unfortu- company ... (Interruptions.) nately, the.ruling party's hand is very amply dear in this process of defections and split it is most unfortunate that this G"vemrnen1 MA. SPEAKER: I will explain to you h€'aded by the present Prima Uinister who ~Vel)1hing in my Chamber and not here. says that this Government 45 intereS'lsd in establishing certain moral values in the pc- SHR4 SOBHANADAEESWARA &'\0 lilicnlsyst0.m and also he has some behalf in VADDE: While in the casa of Janata Dal, the 3fri ring at a consensus with all fua political dodsion could not be taken for nearly two pof'ios, !Ialie 'left all these thlng~ 0the winds months and now in respacl .ofMembers from 'v<'hl~~'1tt.eirquestion of survival came. It is our T a!ugu Desam who have destructed and now Yi!:Jl11y shame that ',vithout 8f11' has ita- erJ~ineared a split, you are kind enough to 'll:'!,'''j.~~~1?ry'have encouraqod the cofections take some daelslon in a matter of 48 hours ... 1md HI~lfhave engineered it What I want to (Interr.g.ptions) bring 10 your kind notice is m}' agony and deep sense ot heart -burning. t will not repeat Sir, f am no! questioning; let me make it again what all has happened. But I would clear. like to bring to the hon, Ch.air's notice the letter which I have given you - you remem- {J"terruptions} ber that - to enquire from each and every Member who had earlier given letters to your MA. SPEAKER: PIQ~se, just a minute goodself expressing their intentions and later Shri Rao, Now. I am going to allow Shri Raju. on changing their views. And also, some Shri Bao, I am just saying that you can come Members, after meeting you on the 121h. 10 ma and meet me in the Chamber and I will ,.,., were not seen anywhere. When we told you explain 10 you. If you are discussing &very to kindly examine that, you were good enough ruling nf th9 Spoaker, in the House.fhen it to say that you would examine each and becomes very difficult for me to explain and every person. Our Members had also brought for you to cornpiy with it. So, let us discuss it to your notice that they were having the it in the Chamber. As far as other part is parliamentary party meeting in Hyderabad concerned, let us not be very touchy about on 14th. Then you said, "do not be worried. that. Something has happened and it is There is no hurry. I will take some time and bound to be felt by the Members. let us net definitely you will be given an opportunity ...•• be tOllchy about that. (Interruptions) (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: Please. I do not have MR. SPEAKER: Please, it is not neces- an opportunity to explain on the floor of the sary. You take your seats. House what I said in the Chamber. You can talk to me in my Chamber. SHRI NIRMAL KANTI CHATIERJEE 541 Rs. Split in Telugu PHALGUNA 26,1913 (SAKA) Desam Party 542 (Dumdum): I want 'to say something differ- (L"!!erruptions) ent. SHRI NIRMAL KANTI CHATTERJEE: MR. SPEAKER: Shri Nirmal, I am not Sir, there are certain important things which allowing you. Shri Raju. cari be discussed in the Chamber and we appreciate that. (Interruptions) But there are SHRI BH. VLJAYAKUMAR RAJU (Nar- important things which cannot be decided in sapur): Hon. Speaker, Sir, I am very thankful the Chamber. (Interruptions) to you for giving me an opportunity. MR. SPEAKER: Shri Thangkabalu, I Shri. V.S. Rao, narrated everything in will look into it. You please sit down. Yes, this august. House which is false and which Shri Khurana: is without any evidence. I want to say categorically that on 11th, we had submitted ( Interruptions) our resignation and we have formed a new party. (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: Shri Nirmal, this is not an economic matter. That is a legal matter. SHRI SOBHANADREESWARA RAO You please sit down. VADDE: Sir, they have formed a new party! (Interruptions) SHRI BH. VLJAYAKUMAR RAJU: That is T elugu Desam group. (Interruptions) It is SHRI NIRMAL KANTI CHATTERJEE: my party and it is not your party. (Interrup- Sir, we are proud that India is a standing tions) Sir, let me tell you. We submitted our example for parliamentary democracy. (inter- papers to you.