LIST OF RECOGNISED NATIONAL SPORTS FEDERATIONS FOR THE YEAR 2018 S.No. Discipline Name of the President Secretary Category Federation / Address for correspondence 1. Soft Tennis Amateur Soft Tennis Sh.Mahant Mrs. Shakuntala Others Federation of India Shambhuprasadji Khodadhra 818/33/1, B. Tundiya 9327050344 Laxmipura, 818/33/1, Laxmipura, Gitamandir Road, Gitamandir Road, Near Near Ankur Mills, Ankur Mills, Ahmedabad-380022. Ahmedabad-380022. website:- Mob: 09327050344 2. Athletics Athletic Federation of Elections held on 15.04.2016. Report under High India examination Priority WZ-72, Todapur, Main Road, Dev Prakash Shastri Marg, New Delhi-110012 website:- www.indianathletic. org Email:
[email protected] 3. Atya Patya Atya Patya Federation Dr. V.D. Patil Dr. A.M. Patil Others of India President Nagpur Sharmik Nagpur Sharmik Shikshan, Shikshan, Mahavidyalaya, Mahavidyalaya, Dr. Moonga Marg, Dr. Moonga Marg, Dhantoli, Nagpur, Dhantoli, Nagpur, Maharashtra – 440 012 Maharashtra – 440 012 Phone : 2426940 website:- www.atyapatyaindia. org 4. Badminton Badminton Elections held on 03.04.2018. Report awaited. High Association of India Priority 383/384, Double Story, New Rajendra Nagar, New Delhi- 110060 website:- www.badmintonindi 5. Ball Ball Badminton Sh. C.H. Rajashekhar Sh. Y. Raja Rao Others Badminton Federation of India President General Secretary, Qr. No. M/583, B- Qr. No. M/583, B-Block, Block, Talpuri, Bhilai, Talpuri, Bhilai, Chhatisgarh-490006. Chhatisgarh-490006. website:- ballbadmintonindia. com 6. Baseball Amateur Baseball Sh. Pankaj Lochan Sh. Sudhir Kumar, Others Federation of India Mohanty Secretary General, #3, Industrial Estate, #3, Industrial Estate, Chambaghat, Solan , Chambaghat, Solan , Himachal Pradesh - Himachal Pradesh - 173213 173213 Mob: 98160 30191 Email id :- secretarygeneralabfi@g Ph: 1792 230191 Fax: 1792 230796 7.