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Environmental Protection Report

River Tamar Catchment River Water Quality Classification 1991

April 1992 W Q P/92/001 5 Author: B I Milford Water Quality Planner

NRA National Rivers Authority C V M Davies South West Region Environmental Protection Manager ACKN0WLEZX2HEOTS

The Water Quality Planner acknowledges the substantial contributions made by the following staff:

R Broome - Co-ordinator and Editor Freshwater Planning - Production of Naps C McCarthy - Administration and report compilation A Gurney - Statistical Schedule production

Thanks are extended to A. Burghes of Moonsoft, for computer support.

Suggestions for improvements that could be incorporated in the production of the next Classification report would be welcomed.

Further enquiries regarding the content of these reports should be addressed to:

Freshwater Officer, National Rivers Authority, Manley House, Kestrel Way, EXETER, EX2 7LQ



1 Introduction - ' 1

2 River Tamar Catchment 1

3 National Water Council's River Classification System 3

4 1991 River Water Quality Classification 4

5 Non-compliance with Quality Objectives 5

6 Glossary of Terms 6

7 References 6

8 Appendices:

8.1 River Quality Objectives including Monitoring points - map format

8.2 Basic Determinand Analytical Suite

8.3 National Water Council (NWC) River Classification System

8.4 NWC Criteria for Non-Metallic Determinands - Regional V a r i a t i o n

8.4.1 NWC Criteria for Metallic Determinands - Regional V a r i a t i o n

8.5 1991 River Water Quality Classification - tabular f o r m a t

8.6 1991 River Water Quality Classification - map format

8.7 Calculated Determinand Statistics used for Quality Assessment - tabular format

8.8 Compliant/Non-Compliant River Reaches - map format

8.9 Number of Samples Results exceeding quality standards - tabular format

8.10 Percentage Exceedance of Determinand Statistics from Quality Standard - tabular format National Rivers Authority South West Region

NRA Wessex Region NRA National Rfwn Authority South Wmtt Rmgkxi ie Tmr Catchment River Tamar

River Tamar Catchment National Rivers Authority South West Region

NRA Wessex Region NRA

National Rhmrt Authority South Mfoft Rvpfon ie In Catchment InnyRiver

River Inny Catchment National Rivers Authority South West Region

NRA Wessex Region NRA

National Rhmn Authority South Wawt Region tey Kne Catchment Kensey &Ottery

Ottery & Kensey Catchment I

National Rivers Authority South West Region

NRA Wessex Region NRA National Rbmrt Authority South W»st Ragion y, huhl & Wolf Catchment Thrushel Lyd,

Lyd, Thrushel & Wolf Catchment


Monitoring to assess the quality of river waters is undertaken in thirty-four catchments within the region. As part of this monitoring programme samples are collected routinely from selected monitoring points at a pre-determined frequency per year, usually twelve spaced at monthly intervals. Each monitoring point provides data for the water quality of a river reach (in kilometres) upstream of the monitoring point.

Each water sample collected from each monitoring point is analysed for a range of chemical and physical constituents or properties known as determinands. Hie analytical results for each sample are entered into a computer database called the Water Quality Archive.

Selected data are accessed from the Archive so that the quality of each river reach can be determined based on a River Classification System developed by the National Water Council (NWC), (7.1).

This report presents the river water quality classification for 1991 for monitored river reaches in the River Tamar catchment.


For reasons of clarity the following monitoring summary is not broken up into four separate sub-catchments of the River Tamar as represented by the Water Quality Maps attached.

The River Tamar flows over a distance of 78 km from its source to the tidal limit, (Appendix 8.1). Water quality was monitored at sixteen locations on the main river; fourteen of these sites were sampled at approximately monthly intervals. The site at , which is a National Water Quality monitoring point, was sampled fortnightly.

Throughout the Tamar catchment eighteen secondary, ten tertiary, four quaternary and two quinary tributaries of the River Tamar were monitored at approximately monthly intervals.

In addition Upper and Lower Tamar lakes were monitored each at one location and approximately monthly intervals.


The River Inny flows over a distance of 32.5 km from its source to the confluence with the River Tamar, (Appendix 8.1) and was monitored at eight locations.

The flows over a distance of 33 km from its source to the confluence with the River Tamar, (Appendix 8.1) and was monitored at six locations.

The River Kensey and Carey flow over a distance of 16.8 km and 21.5 km respectively from their source to the confluence with the River Tamar, (Appendix 8.1) and were monitored at five l o c a t i o n s .

1 The River Lyd flows over a distance of 25.2 km from its source to the confluence with the River Tamar, (Appendix 8.1) and was monitored at four locations.

The Lowley Brook (10.1 km), River Claw (12.1 km) and River Deer (16.8 km) were all monitored at three locations be tween, their source and the confluence with the River Tamar, (Appendix 8.1).

The Small Brook (9.1 km), Lamberal Water (9.6 km) and the River Luckett (5.7 km) were all monitored at two locations between their source and confluence with the River Tamar, (Appendix 8.1).

The Derrill Water (7.4 km), Blanchdown Stream (0.7 km), Portontown Stream (6.4 km), Brook (1.9 km), Dameral Stream (5.5 km), Tala Water (9.5 km) and Lana Lake (4.9 km), were all monitored at one location. Monitoring points are all located in the lower reaches of these streams. (Appendix 8.1).


The River Thrushel flows over a distance of 21.4 km before joining the River Lyd, (Appendix 8.1) and was monitored at four l o c a t i o n s .

Penpont Water flows over a distance of 15 km from its source to the confluence with the River Inny, (Appendix 8.1) and was monitored at three locations.

The and Caudworthy Water flow over a distance of 15.8 km and 11.7 km respectively from their source to the confluence with the River Ottery, (Appendix 8.1) and were monitored at two lo c a t i o n s .

The Stream (3.8 km), (5.2 km), Bolesbridge Water (9.9 km), Henford Water (5.5 km), Colesmill Stream (3.5 km) and Quither Brook (6.7 km) were all monitored at one location. Monitoring points are all located in the lower reaches of these streams. (Appendix 8.1).


Combebow Stream flows over a distance of (5.5 km) and was sampled at one site between its source and confluence with the River Lew. (Appendix 8.1).

Breazle Water (5.7 km) and Bratton Brook (6.1 km) were both sampled at one location between their sources and confluence with and River Thrushel. (Appendix 8.1).

The flows over a distance of 14.9 km from its source to the confluence with the River Thrushel, (Appendix 8.1) and was monitored at three locations.


The Broadwood Brook and Hennard Stream flow over a distance of 6.3 km and 4.2 km respectively from their source to the confluence with the River Wolf, (Appendix 8.1) and were monitored at one location.

Each sample was analysed for a minimum number of determinands (Appendix 8.2) plus additional determinands based on local knowledge of the catchment. In addition, at selected sites, metal analyses were carried out.

The analytical results from all of these samples have been entered into the Water Quality Archive and can be accessed through the Water Resources Act Register, 7.2).


3.1 River Quality Objectives

In 1978 River Quality Objectives (RQOs) were assigned to all river lengths that were part of the routine monitoring network and to those additional watercourses, which were not part of the routine network, but which received discharges of effluents.

For the majority of watercourses long term objectives were identified based on existing and assumed adequate quality for the long term protection of the watercourse. In a few instances short term objectives were identified but no timetable for the achievement of the associated long term objective was set.

The RQOs currently in use in the River Tamar catchment are identified in Appendix 8.1.

3.2 River Quality Classification

River water quality is classified using the National Water Council's (NWC) River Classification System (see Appendix 8.3), which identifies river water quality as being one of five quality classes as shown in Table 1 below:

Table 1 - National Water Council - River Classification System

Class Description

1A Good quality IB Lesser good quality 2 Fair quality 3 Poor quality 4 Bad quality

Using the NWC system, the classification of river water quality is based on the values of certain determinands as arithmetic means or as 95 percentiles (5 percentiles are used for pH and dissolved oxygen) as indicated in Appendices 8.4 and 8.4.1.

3 The quality classification system incorporates some of the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission (EIFAC) criteria (Appendix 8.3) recommended for use by the NWC system.


Analytical data collected from monitoring during 1989, 1990 and-1991 were processed through a computerised river water quality classification programme. This resulted in a quality class being assigned to each monitored river reach as indicated in Appendix 8.5.

The quality class for 1991 can be compared against the appropriate River Quality Objective and previous annual quality classes (1985-1990) also based on three years combined data, for each river reach in Appendix 8.5.

The river water classification system used to classify each river length is identical to the system used both in 1985 and 1990 for the Department of the Environment's Quinquennial River Quality Surveys. The determinand classification criteria used to determine the annual quality classes in 1985, subsequent years and for 1991 are indicated in Appendices 8.4 and 8 . 4.1.

River water quality has been classified annually using a set of class standards, which includes a standard of 25 mg/1 for suspended solids (as an annual mean). This standard is incorporated in the Class 1A, IB and 2 classification criteria, being applicable to both salmonid and cyprinid fish. (7.3).

If this suspended solids standard has been exceeded in the annual classification at any monitoring location, then the quality of the river reach above the monitoring location is said to have failed to meet its objective and associated use, i.e. the protection of salmonid and cyprinid fish.

This would result for the suspended solids quality test in classifying the river reach as being Class 3 - poor quality.

The type of quality downgrading affects locations across the region, the River Tamar is one such example.

The river quality classes for 1991 of monitored river reaches in the catchment are shown in map form in Appendix 8.6.

The calculated determinand statistics for pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), total ammonia, un-ionised ammonia, suspended solids, copper and zinc from which the quality class was determined for each river reach, are indicated in Appendix 8.7.


Those monitored river reaches within the catchment, which do not comply with their assigned (KQO), are shown in map form in Appendix 8.8.

Appendix 8.9 indicates the number of samples analysed for each' ' - determinand over the period 1989 to 1991 and the number of sample results per determinand, which exceed the determinand quality standard.

For those non-compliant river reaches in the catchment, the extent of exceedance of the calculated determinand statistic with the relevant quality standard (represented as a percentage), is indicated in Appendix 8. 10.


RIVER REACH A segment of water, upstream from sampling point to the next sampling point. ; — - -

RIVER LENGTH River distance in kilometres.

RIVER QUALITY OBJECTIVE That NWC class,which protects the most sensitive use of the water.

95 percentiles Maximum limits, which must be met for at least 95% of the time.

5 percentiles Minimum limits, which must be met for at least 95% of the time.

BIOLOGICAL OXYGEN DEMAND A standard test measuring the microbial (5 day carbonaceous ATU) uptake of oxygen - an estimate of organic pollution.

p H A scale of acid to alkali.

UN-IONISED AMMONIA Fraction of ammonia poisonous to fish, N H 3 .

SUSPENDED SOLIDS Solids removed by filtration or centrifuge under specific conditions.

USER REFERENCE NUMBER Reference number allocated to a sampling point.

INFERRED STRETCH Segment of water, which is not monitored and whose water quality classification is assigned from the monitored reach upstream.


R e f e r e n c e

7.1 National Water Council (1977). River Water Quality: The Next Stage. Review of Discharge Consent Conditions. London.

7.2 Water Resources Act 1991 Section 190.

7.3 Alabaster J. S. and Lloyd R. Water Quality Criteria for Freshwater Fish, 2nd edition, 1982. Butterworths.

6 River Tamar Appendix 8 1 River Quality Objectives

N W C Class 1A

NWC Class IB

NWC Class 2

NWC Class 3

NWC Class 4

River Ottery

River Inny

u Penponl Water

Luckett km 0 1 2 3 4 5

NRA SOUTHWEST Tamar Estuary Catchment Appendix 8 1 River Quality Objectives Inny Catchment River Quality Objectives Ottery & Kensey Catchments River Quality Objectives pedx 1 8 Appendix Lyd, Thrushel & Wolf Catchments River Quality Objectives Upper Tamar Catchment Appendix 8 1 River Quality Objectives BASIC DETERMINAND ANALYTICAL SUITE FOR ALL CLASSIFIED RIVER SITES

pH as pH Units

Conductivity at 20 C as uS/crn

Water tenperature (Cel)

Oxygen dissolved % saturation

Oxygen dissolved as mg/1 O

Biochemical oxygen demand (5 day total ATU) as mg/1 O

Total organic carbon as mg/1 C

Nitrogen ammoniacal as tag/1 N

Ammonia un-ionised as mg/1 N

Nitrate as mg/1 N

Nitrite as mg/1 N

Suspended solids at 105 C as mg/1

Total hardness as mg/1 CaC03

Chloride as mg/1 Cl

Orthophosphate (total) as mg/1 P

Silicate reactive dissolved as mg/1 Si02

Sulphate (dissolved) as mg/1 S04

Sodium (total) as mg/1 Na

Potassium (total) as mg/1 K

Magnesium (total) as mg/1 Mg

Calcium (total) as mg/1 Ca

Alkalinity as pH 4.5 as mg/1 CaC03 APPENDIX


River Class Quality criteria Reiarks Current potential uses

Class liniting criteria (95 percentile)

!A Good (i) Dissolved oxygen saturation (i) Average BOD probably not i) Water of high quality Quality greater than 80S greater than 1.5 ng/1 suitable for potable supply (ii) Biochemical oxygen deaand (ii) Visible evidence of pollution abstractions and for all not greater than 3 ng/1 should be absent abstractions (iii) Annonia not greater than ii) Gane or other high class 0.4 itg/1 fisheries (iv) Where the water is abstracted iii) High anenity value for drinking water, it conplies with requireients for A2* water (v) Non-toxic to fish in EIFAC terns (or best estinates if EIFAC figures not available)

18 Good (i) DO greater than SOX saturation (i) Average BOD probably not Water of less high quality Q u a li t y (ii) BOD not greater than 5 ig/1 greater than 2 ng/1 than Class 1A but usable for (iiii Annonia not greater than (ii) Average annonia probably not substantially the sate 0.9 *g/1 greater than 0.5 ng/1 purposes (iv) Where water is abstracted for (iii) Visible evidence of pollution drinking water, it complies with should be absent the requireients for A2* water (iv) Waters of high quality which v) Non-toxic to fish in EIFAC terns cannot be placed in Class 1A (or best estinates if EIFAC because of the high proportion figures not available) of high quality effluent present or because of the effect of physical factors such as canalisation, low gradient or eutrophication (v) Class 1A and Class IB together are essentially the Class 1 of the River Pollution Survey (RPS)

2 Fair (i) DO greater than 401 saturation (i) Average BOD probably not i) Waters suitable for potable Quality (ii) BOO not greater than 9 ng/1 greater than 5 mg/1 supply after advanced (iii) Where water is abstracted for (ii) Siiilar to Class 2 of RPS treatment drinking water it conplies with (iii) Water not showing physical ii) Supporting reasonably good the requireients for A3* water signs of pollution other than coarse fisheries (iv) Non-toxic to fish in EIFAC terns huiic colouration and a little !i i i) Moderate aienity value (or best estinates if EIFAC foaiing below weirs figures not available) 3 Poor (i) DO greater than 10* saturation Siiilar to Class 3 of RPS Vaters which are polluted to Quality {ii) Not likely to be anaerobic an extent that fish are abser (iii) BOD not greater than 17 ng/1. only sporadically present. This nay not apply if there is a -Mar be used for low grade high degree of re-aeration industrial abstraction purposes. Considerable potential for further use if cleaned up

4 Bad Waters which are inferior to Sinilar to Class 4 of RPS Vaters vhich are grossly Quality Class 3 in terns of dissolved polluted and are likely to oxygen and likely to be cause nuisance anaerobic at tines

DO greater than 10% saturation Insignificant watercourses and ditches not usable, where the objective is sinply to prevent nuisance developing

Notes (a) Under extrene weather conditions (eg flood, drought, freeze-up), or when doninated by plant growth, or by aquatic plant • decay, rivers usually in Class 1, 2, and 3 say have BODs and dissolved oxygen levels, or aimonia content outside the stated levels for those Classes. Vhen this occurs the cause should be stated along m ith analytical results. (b) The BOD deterninations refer to 5 day carbonaceous BOD (ATU). Antonia figures are expressed as NH<. ** (c) In nost instances the chenical classification given above will be suitable. However, the basis of the classification is restricted to a finite nunber of chenical determinands and there nay be a few cases where the presence of a chenical substance other than those used in the classification narkedly reduces the quality of the water. In such cases, the quality classification of the water should be down-graded on the basis of biota actually present, and the reasons stated. (d) EIFAC (European Inland Fisheries Advisory Connission) linits should be expressed as 95 percentile linits.

* EEC category A2 and A3 requiresents are those specified in the EEC Council directive of 16 June 1975 concerning the Quality of Surfac Vater intended for Abstraction of Drinking Vater in the Menber State.

Annonia Conversion Factors (ng Mil) to ng N/1)

Class 1A 0.4 >S HHi/1 : 0.31 >9 N/1 Class IB 0.9 ng NHi/1 = 0.70 ng N/1 0.5 ■9 NH i/I = 0.39 ■9 N/1 APPENDIX 8.4



River Quality Criteria C l a s s

1A Dissolved oxygen % saturation greater than 80% BOD (ATU) not greater than 3 mg/1 O Total ammonia not greater than 0.31 mg/1 N Non-ionised ammonia not greater than 0.021 mg/1 N Temperature not greater than 21.5 C pH greaterrthan 5.0 and less than 9.0 Suspended solids not greater than 25 mg/1

IB Dissolved oxygen % saturation greater than 60% BOD (ATU) not greater than 5 mg/1 O Total ammonia not greater than 0.70 mg/1 N Non-ionised ammonia not greater than 0.021 mg/1 N Temperature not greater than 21.5 C pH greater than 5.0 and less than 9.0 Suspended solids not greater than 25 mg/1

2 Dissolved oxygen & saturation greater than 40% BOD (ATU) not greater than 9 mg/1 O Total ammonia not greater than 1.56 mg/1 N Non-ionised ammonia not greater than 0.021 mg/1 N Temperature not greater than 28 C pH greater than 5.0 and less than 9.0 Suspended solids not greater than 25 mg/1

3 Dissolved oxygen % saturation greater than 10% BOD (ATU) not greater than 17 mg/1 O

4 Dissolved oxygen % saturation not greater than 10% BOD (ATU) greater than 17 mg/1 0


Dete rminand Stati stic

Dissolved oxygen 5 percentile B O D (ATU) 95 percentile Total ammonia 95 percentile Non-ionised ammonia 95 percentile Temperature 95 percentile p H 5 percentile 95 percentile Suspended solids arithmetic mean APPENDIX 8.4.1




Total Hardness (mean) Statistic Soluble Copper* m g / 1 CaC03 ug/1 Cu Class 1 Class 2

0-10 95 percentile < - 5 > 5 10 - 50 95 percentile < - 22 > 22 50 - 100 95 percentile < » 40 > 40 100 - 300 95 percentile < - 112 > 112

Total copper is used for classification until sufficient data on soluble copper can be obtained.


Total Hardness (mean) Statistic Total Zinc mg/ 1 CaC03 ug/1 Zn Class 1 Class 2 Class 3

0-10 95 percentile < - 30 < - 300 > 300 10 - 50 95 percentile < - 200 < ~ 700 > 700 50 - 100 95 percentile < - 300 < - 1000 > 1000 1 0 0 - 300 95 percentile < - 500 < - 2000 > 2000 NATIONAL RIVERS AUTHORITY - SOUTH WEST REGION 1991 RIVER WATER QUALITY CLASSIFICATION CATCHMENT: TAMAR

|1991 Map River |Reach upstream of User National | 1 Position 1 Reference G r i d | 1 Number 1 Number Reference | 1 1 1 1 1 'i TAMAR |BUSES BRIDGE R12L001 SS 2808 1338| TAMAR |INFLOW,UPPER TAMAR LAKE (INF. STRETCH) R12L017 1 2 TAMAR (UPPER TAMAR LAKE SS 2S91 1188{ TAMAR |INFLOW,LOWER TAMAR LAKE (UNMDN. STRETCH) | 3 TAMAR | LOWER TAMAR LAKE R12L018 SS 2962 1085| { 4 TAMAR | FOOTBRIDGE BELOW LOWER TAMAR LAKE R12L009 SS 2956 1070| | 5 TAM A R (DEXBEER BRIDGE R12L006 SS 2953 0895| 1 6 TAMAR |TAMARSTONE BRIDGE R12L002 SS 2835 0548| 1 7 TAM A R |BRIDGERULE R12L015 SS 2748 0288| 1 • TAMAR | CROJFORD BRIDGE R12L003 SX 2873 9944{ 1 9 TAMAR ITAMERTON BRIDGE R12L004 SX 3176 9738| 1 TAMAR |BELOW CONFLUENCE WITH RIVER DEER R12L013 SX 3190 9726| 1 11 TAMAR |BOYTON BRIDGE R12J001 SX 3284 9228| 1 12 TAMAR |DRUXTON BRIDGE HI2JO02 SX 3444 8833( 1 13 TAMAR |NETHERBRIDGE R12J003 SX 3483 8675| 1 14 TAMAR (POLSON BRIDGE R12J004 SX 3559 8490| 1 15 TAMAR |GREY5T0NE BRIDGE R12E001 SX 3683 8038| 1 16 TAMAR |HORSEBRIDGE R12E002 SX 4001 7486( 1 17 TAMAR |GUNNISLAKE BRIDGE R12E003 SX 4332 7224| TAMAR |NORMAL TIDAL LIMIT (INFERRED STRETCH) 1 1 18 BLANCHDOWN STREAM |PRIOR TO RIVER TAMAR R12E004 SX 4325 72911 1 1 19 POHTONTOWN STREAM |PRIOR TO RIVER TAMAR R12E034 SX 4143 73731 PORTONTCWN STREAM |TAMAR CONFLUENCE (INFERRED STRETCH) 1 1 20 LATCMLEY BROOK |LATCHLEY R12E028 SX 4088 7374| LATCHLEY BROOK JTAMAR CONFLUENCE (INFERRED STRETCH) 1 1 21 LUCKETT IOLEMILL R12E016 SX 3700 7385] I 22 LUCKETT |LUCKETT BRIDGE R12E007 SX 3888 7368| LUCKETT |TAMAR CONFLUENCE (INFERRED STRETCH) 1 1 23 DAMEREL STREAM |PRIOR TO RIVER TAMAR R12E014 SX 3989 7549| DAMEREL STREAM |TAMAR CONFLUENCE (INFERRED STRETCH) 1 1 24 INNY | UPSTREAM OF CREAMERY R12P001 SX 1533 8702| 1 25 INNY ITREWINNOW BRIDGE R12P002 SX 1701 8650| 1 26 INNY |ST. CLETHER BRIDGE R12P003 SX 2061 8418| 1 27 INNY |GIMBLETT'S MILL R12P012 SX 2419 8339( I 28 INNY |TWO BRIDGES R12P004 SX 2706 8175| 1 29 INNY (TREKELLAND BRIDGE R12POOS SX 3002 7987| 1 30 INNY (TRECARRELL BRIDGE R12P013 SX 3202 7713) 1 31 INNY |BEALS MILL BRIDGE R12P006 SX 3588 7706| INNY (TAMAR CONFLUENCE (INFERRED STRETCH) Reach |Distance River 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 | Length | from Quality NWC m e NWCNWC NWC NWC NWC j (km) j source Objective Class Class Class class class Class Classj j (km) .

4.2 t 4.2 IB 2 2 2 2 IB IB 3 | 0.2 | 4.4 IB 2 2 2 2 IB IB 3 | 1.7 | 6.1 IB 2 2 2 IB IB 2 2 | 0.4 | 6.5 IB 2 2 2 IB IB U 0.9 1 7.4 IB 2 2 2 IB IB IB IB | 0.1 1 7.5 IB 2 2 2 IB IBIB IB j 3.0 | 10.5 IB 2 2 2 IB IB IB 2 | 6.3 | 16.9 IB 2 2 IB 2 IB 2 IB j 4.4 | 21.2 IB 2 2 2 2 2 IB IB j 5.4 | 26.6 IB 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 j 5.1 | 31.7 IB 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 | 0.3 j 32.0 IB 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 7.0 j 39.0 IB 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 | 5.9 | 44.9 IB 2 2 2 2 3 3 j 1.9 | 46.8 IB 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 j 2.5 | 49.3 IB IB IB 2 2 3 3 | 6.6 j 55.9 IB 2 IB IB 2 2 3 3 | 11.9 j 67.8 IB 2 IB IB 2 IB 3 3 j 9.0 j 76.8 IB 2 2 IB IB 3 3 | 1.2 | 78.0 IB 2 2 2 IB IB 3 3 |

0.7 j 0.7 3 3 3 3 3 |

6.3 | 6.3 IB IB IB IB 2 2 2 1A | 0.1 | 6.4 IB IB IB IB 2 2 2 1A |

1.7 1 1*7 IB 2 2 | 0.2 1 1-9 IB 2 2 I

3.2 1 3.2 2 2 2 2 2 2 IB IB | 2.1 1 3.3 2 2 2 2 2 2 ' . ,2 2 1 0.4 1 5.7 2 2 2 2 2 2 . 2 2 I

5.4 | 5.4 IB IB IB 2 2 2 ‘ IB IB |

0.1 | 5.5 IB IB IB 2 2 2 IB IB | 8.5 Appendix

1.4 1 1-4 IB IB 2 2 2 2 2 i | 2.0 1 3.4 IB IB IB IB 2 2 1 2 3 1 4.7 1 8.1 1A IB IB IB IB IB IB 3 | 4.5 | 12.6 1A IB IB IB IB 2 IB IB | 4.3 | 16.9 1A IB IB IB IB 2 IB 3 | 4.3 | 21.2 1A IB IB IBIB IBIB IB | 4.6 J 25.8 IB IB 2 2 2 IB IB IB | 4.3 | 30.1 IB IB 2 2 2 IB IB 1A j 2.4 | 32.5 IB IB 2 2 2 IBIB 1A | NATIONAL RIVERS AUTHORITY - SOUTH WEST REGION 1991 RIVER HATER QUALITY CLASSIFICATION CATCHMENT: TAMAR e2 (1991 M a p > • (Reach upstream of User National | Reach (Distance River 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 ( RJf*WffV* NWC NWC nuptiTTL NWC NWC nv k : j |Position 1 Reference G r i d j Length j from Quality Class Class Class class Class Class Class j | Number 1 Number Reference | (km) j source Objective I (fan) 1 1 1 i ' 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 I I I j 32 |TRELYN BRIDGE R12P010 SX 2002 8 2 8 6 1 4.0 ( 4.0 1A IB 2 2 2 2 IB IB | IB IB 2 | 1 33 PENPONT WATER JALTAENUN BRIDGE R12P007 SX 2233 8130( 3.7 1 7.7 1A IB IB IB IB IB IB IB j 1 34 PENPONT W A T E R |TWO BRIDGES R12P008 SX 2695 8165| 7.1 | 14.8 LA IB IB IB IB PENPONT WATER |INNY CONFLUENCE (INFERRED STRETCH) 0.2 | 15.0 LA IB IB IB IB IB IB IB j

IB IB 2 2 3 1 35 LOWLEY BROOK (LANDLAKE BRIDGE R12E005 SX 3287 8235| 3.7 1 3.7 IB IB 2 1 IB j 1 36 LOWLEY BROOK |LANDUE BRIDGE R12E017 SX 3473 7 9 7 0 1 4.0 1 7 •7 IB IB IB IB 2 2 2 IB IB j 1 37 LOWLEY BROOK (LCWLEY BRIDGE R12E006 SX 3593 7873| 1.8 | 9.5 IB IB IB IB 2 2 LOWLEY BROOK |TAMAR CONFLUENCE (INFERRED STRETCH) 0.6 | 10.1 IB IB IB IB 2 2 IB IB j 1 2 2 1A LA 1 38 LYD (A366 ROADBRIDGE LYDFORD R12F012 SX 5205 8446) 6.5 | 6.5 IB 1A 2 2 \ 1 39 LYD |GREENLANES BRIDGE R12F001 SX 4436 8325) 9.5 | 16.0 IB LA 1A LA 1A IB IB IB ( | 40 LYD (SYDENHAM BRIDGE R12F011 SX 4288 8 3 8 8 1 1.9 | 17.9 IB 1A LA IB IB IB 1A 1A j IB IB IB j 1 41 LYD (LIFTON BRIDGE R12F002 SX 3892 8 4 8 0 1 5.1 | 23.0 IB IB IB IB IB LYD |TAMAR CONFLUENCE (INFERRED STRETCH) 2.2 | 25.2 IB IB IB IB IB IB IB IB | 1 8 3 9 8 1 IB IB IB IB IB 1A 1A | 1 42 QUITHER BROOK (PRIOR TO RIVER LYD R12F013 SX 4265 6.7 ( 6.7 IB 1 IB 1A Ia | 1 43 LEW |GOMBEBOW BRIDGE R12F003 SX 4853 8793| 8.4 | 8.4 IB IB IB IB IB | 44 LEW | PRIOR TO RIVER LYD R12F004 SX 4410 6340) 7.3 | 15.7 IB IB IB IB IB IB 1A 2 j LEW |LYD CONFLUENCE (INFERRED STRETCH) 0.1 | 15.8 IB IB IB IB IB IB 1A 2 | 1 | 45 COMBEBOW STREAM (ROAD CULVERT NEAR COKBEBOW QUARRY R12F010 SX 4881 8798( 5.2 1 5.2 IB IB IB 2 | GOMBEBOW STREAM (LEW CONFLUENCE (INFERRED STRETCH) 0.3 j 5.5 IB IB IB 2 i 1 | 46 THRUSHEL |RTVERMEAD BRIDGE R12G001 SX 4968 9128| 5.9 1 5.9 IB IB 2 2 2 IB IB IB | IB IB IB IB IB 2 | 1 47 THRUSHEL |WRXXHILL BRIDGE R12G002 SX 4655 8985| 4.3 | 10.2 IB IB 4280 873S | 5.9 | 16.1 IB 18 2 2 2 3 3 3 I 1 48 THRUSHEL | BRIDGE R12G003 SX 1 49 THRUSHEL |TINHAY BRIDGE R12G004 SX 3938 8538) 4.8 | 20.9 IB IB IB IB IB IB IB 2 | THRUSHEL (LYD CONFLUENCE (INFERRED STRETCH) 0.5 | 21.4 IB IB IB IB IB IB; . IB 2 1 1 i | 1 50 8REAZLE WATER (PRIOR TO RIVER THRUSHEL R12G010 SX 4476 8917| 5.6 ( 5.6 IB IB 2 IB IB IB IB BREAZLE WATER |THRUSHEL CONFLUENCE (INFERRED STRETCH) 0.1 1 5.7 IB IB 2 IB IB IB ‘ IB 3 i

1 8.5 Appendix 1 51 BRATTON BROOK |BRATTON CLOVELLY R12G009 SX 4676 9202| 4.1 1 4.1 IB 2 3 3 2 I B 1' ■ U IB | BRATTON BROOK (THRUSHEL CONFLUENCE (INFERRED STRETCH) 2.0 ( 6.1 IB 2 3 3 2 IB' 1A Iff j i I 1 52 WOLF (WEEK'S MILL BRIDGE R12G005 SX 4461 9423 ( 3.6 | 3.8 IB IB IB IB IB IB 2 IB | WOLF |INFLOW, ROADFORD RES. (INFERRED STRETCH) 1.6 1 5.4 IB IB IB IB IB IB 2 IB | WDLF |ROADFORD RESERVOIR (UNMONITORED STRETCH) 3.6 | 9.0 IB IB IB IB IB IB 2 u i IB IB j 1 53 WOLF |REXON BRIDGE R12G006 SX 4133 8685 ( 1.9 ( 10.9 IB IB IB IB IB IB 1 54 WOLF |PRIOR TO RIVER THRUSHEL R12G007 SX 4031 8629| 3.6 | 14.5 IB IB 2 IB IB IB IB 3 | WOLF (THRUSHEL CONFLUENCE (INFERRED STRETCH) 0.4 | 14.9 IB IB 2 IB IB IB IB 3 | 1 NATIONAL RIVERS AUTHORITY - SOUTH WEST REGION 1991 RIVER MATER QUALITY CLASSIFICATION CATCHMENT: TAMAR River 85 86 | 87 88 89 90 91 | |1991 Map River |Reach upstream of | User National | Reach (Distance Length j from Quality NWC m e j nwc NWC m e NWC nvivp \1 jPosition 1 (Reference Grid j j source Objective Class Class(Class Class Class Class Classj | Number 1 | Number Reference | (km) 1 | Oca) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IB 3 j BROADWOOD BROOK |KELLAC0TT BRIDGE | R12GQ12 SX 4066 67991 5.9 1 5.9 IB 2 2 I 2 IBIB 1 55 IB 3 | BROADWOOD BROOK |WOLF CONFLUENCE (INFERRED STRETCH) 0.4 1 6.3 IB 2 2 ( 2 IBIB 1 1 | R12G096 SX 4250 9390| 3.7 | 3.7 IB IB | IB IBIB 1A j 1 56 KENNARD STREAM |PRIOR TO ROADFORD KENNARD STREAM (ROADFORD RES. INFLOW (INFERRED STRETCH) 0.5 j 4.2 IB 1 1A | 1 1 KENSEY IBADGAUC. BRIDGE ( R12N003 SX 2317 0692| 2.4 1 2.4 IB 1A 3 I IBIBIB 2 2 j 1 57 IB 2 2 IB j | 58 KENSEY | BADHARLICX BRIDGE | R12N001 SX 2675 8643| 4.2 | 6.6 IBIB 2 I IB 2 2 2 IB j | 59 KENSEY (TRUSCOTT BRIDGE | R12N004 SX 2987 8499| 4.0 ( 10.6 IBIB 2 i 2 LA j | 60 KENSEY {NEWPORT | R12N005 SX 3270 8511| 3.3 | 13.9 IBIB 2 1 IB IB IB 3 | R12N002 SX 3517 8478( 2.8 | 16.7 IB IB IB | IB IBIB 2 is i 1 61 KENSEY jST. LEONARDS BRIDGE KENSEY (TAMAR CONFLUENCE (INFERRED STRETCH) 0.1 ( 16.8 IBIB IB j IB IBIB 2 IB | 1 1 SX 2671 8626| 3.4 1 3.4 IB 2 I IB IB 2 2 IB | 1 62 TREGEARE STREAM |RED DOWN BRIDGE | R12N006 TREGEARE STREAM |KENSEY CONFLUENCE (INFERRED STRETCH) 0.4 1 3.8 IB 2 1 IB IB 2 2 IB j 1 1 1A 2 2 IB IB 2 1 *3 CAREY (HALWILL BRIDGE - QUODITCH | R12H006 SX 4202 9846) 3.6 ( 3.6 2 1 2 1 IB IB j 1 54 CAREY (ASHMILL BRIDGE | R12H001 SX 3935 9534| 4.7 | 8.3 1A 2 2 1 2 IB IB 1 65 CAREY 1 MIDDLE BRIDGE VIRGIN5T0W | R12H007 SX 3710 9263| 4.0 j 12.3 IB 2 1 IB 2 2 2 2 | | 66 CAREY |BOLDFORD BRIDGE | R12H008 SX 3642 08201 5.1 | 17.4 IB 2 2 1 2 2 IB 2 2 | | R12H002 SX 3600 8631| 2 .1 | 20.1 IB 2 I 2 2 IB IB IB | 1 67 CAREY |HEALE BRIDGE CAREY (TAMAR CONFLUENCE (INFERRED STRETCH) 1.4 | 21.5 IB 2 2 I 2 2 IB IB IB j 1 1 | 60 HENFORD WATER |HENFORD | R12H005 SX 3735 9472| 4.3 | 4.3 IB 2 2 I 2 2 2 2 IB | HENFORD WATER (CAREY CONFLUENCE (INFERRED STRETCH) 1.2 1 5.5 IB 2 2 I 2 2 2 2 IB j 1 SX 1745 9095| 6.0 | 6.0 IB 2 3 I 2 2 2 3 2 | 1 OTTERY ( MILL | R12M004 6* j 9.5 IB 2 2 IBIB IB IB ( 1 70 crrrERY | BRIDGE 1 R12M0Q5 SX 1889 9328| 3,5 3 1 OTTERY |CANWORTHY WATER BRIDGE | R12M001 SX 2240 9173| 5.0 ( 14.5 IB 2 2 1 IBIB IB i b j 1 7* IB 2 IBIB IB IB | 1 *72 OTTERY |h e l l e s c o t t b r i d g e | R12M002 SX 2855 8777| 10.6 ( 25.1 IB 2 1 SX 3182 8736| 4.1 | 29.2 IB IB 2 1 2 2 IB, . IB 2 1 1 7* OTTERY (YEOLMBRIDGE | R12M006 IB 2 2 IB . IB IB ( 1 74 CTTERY (HAM MILL BRIDGE | R12M007 SX 3445 8682| 3.4 | 32.6 IB 2 1 OTTERY |TAMAR CONFLUENCE (INFERRED STRETCH) 0.4 | 33.0 IBIB 2 1 2 2 IB IB IB | 1 4 1


|1991 Map River |Reach upstream of | User National | Reach |Distance River 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 | |Position 1 |Reference Grid f Length | froa Quality NMC tmc NHC n v k : KWC NWC NWC j | Number 1 | Number Reference | . 1 1 1 1 1 TALA WATER |TAMAR CONFLUENCE (INFERRED STRETCH) 1 0.2 | 9.5 IB 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 | 80 LANA LAKE |LANA BRIDGE | R12J005 SX 3407 9591| 3.1 1 3.1 IB 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 1 LANA LAKE |TAMAR CONFLUENCE (INFERRED STRETCH) 1 1.8 1 4-9 IB 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 SI CLAW |CLAW BRIDGE | R12K016 SS 3746 00711 4.2 1 4.2 IB 2 2 2 I 2 2 2 | 1 *2 CLAW |CLAWTON BRIDGE | R12K001 SX 3533 9932| 2.9 1 7.1 IB 2 2 2 2 2 2 IB j 1 » CLAW ITETCOTT BRIDGE | R12K002 SX 3267 9692| 4.3 | 11.4 IB 2 2 2 2 2 3 IB j CLAW |TAMAR CONFLUENCE (INFERRED STRETCH) 1 0.7 | 12.1 IB 2 2 2 2 2 3 IB j 1 1 1 84 DEER |RYDON BRIDGE | R12K003 SS 3356 0415| 6.8 | 6.8 IB 2 2 2 2 2 2 IB | 1 «5 DEER IWXNSCOTT BRIDGE | R12K004 SS 3386 0142| 3.8 | 10.6 IB 2 2 2 2 2 IB IB j | 06 DEER |DEER BRIDGE | R12K005 SX 3195 9741) 6.0 | 16.6 IB 2 2 2 2 2 2 IB j DEER |TAMAR CONFLUENCE (INFERRED STRETCH) 1 0.2 | 16.8 IB 2 2 2 2 2 2 IB | 1 1 1 *7 COLESMILL STREAM |100 METRES BELOW STW | R12K007 SS 3387 0317| 3.3 | 3.3 2 2 2 2 I COLESMILL STREAM (DEER CONFLUENCE (INFERRED STRETCH) 1 0.2 1 3.5 2 2 2 2 | 1 1 | 88 DERRIL WATER |DUALSTONE BRIDGE | R12L005 SS 3013 0058| 5.2 | 5.2 IB 2 2 2 2 2 | DERRIL WATER |TAMAR CONFLUENCE (INFERRED STRETCH) 1 2.2 1 7.4 IB 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 | 89 SMALL BROOK IHEADON BRIDGE | R12L011 SS 3100 0731| 3.7 1 3.7 IB 3 3 3 2 | | 90 SMALL BROOK |YOULDON BRIDGE | R12L00S SS 2995 0526| 2.5 | 6.2 IB . 3 3 3 3 1 SMALL BROOK |TAMAR CONFLUENCE (INFERRED STRETCH) 1 2.9 1 9.1 IB 3 3 3 3 | 1 1 1 91 LAMBERAL WATER | FORDA | R12L010 SS 2771 1119| 5.3 | 5.3 IB 2 2 2 2 2 IB IB | 1 92 LAKBERAL WATER |MORETON FOUND BRIDGE | R12L007 SS 2758 0893] 3.2 | 8.5 IB 2 2 2 2 2 2 IB | LAMBERAL WATER |TAMAR CONFLUENCE (INFERRED STRETCH) 1 1.1 | 9 .6 IB 2 2 2 2 2 2 IB j 1 1 River Tamar Appendix 8 6 Water Quality - 1991

NRA SOUTHWEST Lyd, Thrushel & Wolf Catchments Water Quality - 1991

Hennard Stream

River Wolt

Bratton Brook

NWC Class 1A

52 NWC Class 1B Breazle Water NWC Class 2

NWC Class 3 Roadfor NWC Class 4

Not monitored

Version 1 /1991

River Lew

Broadwood Brook River Lyd S c a t

River Tamar River Caiey


River Kensey pedx 6 8Appendix

Quither Brook

NRA SOUTH WEST Inny Catchment Water Quality -1991 pedx 8.6 Appendix Ottery & Kensey Catchments Water Quality -1991 pedx 8.6 Appendix Upper Tamar Catchment Appendix 8 6 Water Quality -1991 Tamar Estuary Catchment Appendix 8 6 Water Quality -1991 fKCHNtfj HTVfES MIH3OTY - SDUIH VEST FH3EN 1991 RJVOl V K B) Q M J T t OASUTKTinrtf ogoiflgp tim wrwp amnancs used k r qw .m /ssssm q CRTOKNT: t t m «

|Ri\rer | Reach i^stram of | Iter SOP Calculated Catansinand Statistics ised for Quality Assessnmt ■ i i i i i | BBC. 1 j Hrtiw jH lower Itaperature DO (%) bod twin jlbtal Amonia Uritn. Auiuila S.SoliA Ibtal Qfcar M a i Zinc j 1 1 Class Stile | Class 95tile Gass 95tile Class Stile Class 95tile | Class 95HLe O n e 95U1* Class ftan daos 95Ule Class 95tile j 1 1 1 1 1 1 ITOHW | BUSES SOTGE |KL2LD01 IB 1A 6.7 I 1A 7.5 1A 15.9 IB 77.8 IB 4.3 | 3 4.625 1A 0.013 1A 9.5 1A 5.0 1A 20.0 | |TWfW jtlFCTR TOttR LAKE IR12LD17 IB 1A 7.1 I 1A 8.6 1A 19.8 2 50.7 2 5.3 1 18 0.550 1A 0.010 1A 16.3 1A 5.8 1A 17.2 | ) i » m |I£MS W P R IAKE [R12LD16 IB 1A 6.6 1 I* 8.0 1A 20.0 IB 69.4 IB 4.0 1 1A 0.164 1A 0.010 1A 15.1 1A 5.8 1A 28.4 | |TTMW troommxa m a t umh m m lhe JR12L009 IB 1A 6.4 1 1A 7.6 1A 19.5 IB 69.4 IB 3.5 I 1A 0.156 1A 0.010 1A 15.0 1A 5.7 1A 11.7 | | U « « luxout onnz |Kl2I0O6 IB 1A 6.5 1 1A 7.6 1A 16.6 IB 74.7 2 5.2 1 IB 0.425 1A 0.010 1A 14.2 1A 9.3 1A 9.0 | |TJWR Iu w w s i c m : na n s JK12LD02 IB 1A 6.6 1 1A 7.7 1A 17.0 IB 72.4 IB 4.3 1 a 0.326 1A 0.010 1A 2).5 1A 10.6 1A 134.0 | |TJW« | a m x 3 M £ |P12LD15 IB 1A 6.8 1 1A 7.8 1A 17.1 IB 71.2 IB 4.4 1 1A 0.309 1A 0.010 1A LB. 9 1A 7.0 1A 97.7 | (TJWR l a C M C T O B O E X IKL2LD03 IB 1A 6.8 1 1A 7.8 1A 17.8 IB 75.7 2 5.6 1 IB 0.465 1A 0.010 3 25.4 2 96.1 2 938.6 | ITTMSR I m c s n m an n z |K12U004 IB 1A 6.8 1 1A 7.9 1A 17.9 IB 68.7 2 5.8 1 IB 0.481 1A 0.010 3 26.1 1A 7.0 1A 23.6 j r n w a IEE1CK CTN'UEtCE WD H RIVER GEER Im2ua3 10 1A 6.9 1 1A 8.0 1A 17.6 IS 65.2 2 5.3 1 IB 0.356 1A 0.010 3 31.9 1A 7.0 1A 77.0 | f U W R (KJHCN HUEGE |R12X)01 IB 1A 6.8 1 1A 7.7 1A 18.3 IB 72.5 2 5.7 t IB 0.3* 1A 0.010 3 28.3 1A 7.0 2 454.4 | ITTWR |auacN aanx |P12X02 IB 1A 6.9 1 1A 6.1 1A 18.4 IB 75.7 2 8.1 1 IB 0.563 1A 0.010 3 30.6 1A 9.9 1A 29.9 | |TJN« |tU2fi&UU£ |KL2J003 IB 1A 6.7 1 1A 7.9 1A 17.8 IB 74.8 2 5.4 1 19 0.495 1A 0.010 3 30.2 1A 6.4 1A 40.6 | |U«tt |h m m Ba n s |K12J004 IB 1A 6.6 1 1A 7.7 1A 17.9 IB 75.8 2 5.4 1 IB 0.494 1A 0.010 3 n.i 1A 10.0 1A 49.6 | |TOTO |GFECJIO£ BRQX£ |KL2B001 IB 1A 6.8 1 1A 7.7 1A 17.7 IB 74.8 IB 4.9 1 IB 0.370 1A 0.010 3 37.5 1A 11.9 1A 154.4 | |TT»R |KRiEHUIXE |R12BD02 IB 1A 6.9 1 1A 7.8 1A 17.7 1A 82.9 IB 4.7 1 IB 0.321 1A 0.010 3 29.9 1A 10.0 1A 44.0 | Ih w k KUNESUKE ERQXS |KL2B003 IB 1A 6.9 1 1A 7.7 1A 19.1 1A 83.5 IB 4.2 1 1A 0.249 1A 0.010 3 28.8 2 63.3 1A 52.7 | 1 1 1 IS/NOUNI STOW |HUER TO RIVER Wf R JR12E004 3 3 3.3 | 1A 7.3 1A 16.3 1A 81.0 3 11.3 | 2 1.475 1A 0.010 1A 5.4 2 1217^0 i 2567.0 | 1 I 1 IKKTCRTOW SISE2M [FRIER TD RIVER W W (R12B034 IB 1A 6.9 1 1A 7.8 1A 16.2 1A 89.0 1A 1.8 1 1A 0.050 1A 0.010 1A 3.6 * \ 1 1 1 |IATO{LEf b o x li/ an acr |R12028 IB 1A 6.2 1 1A 7.4 1A 16.7 1A 85.0 1A 2.2 1 1A 0.077 1A 0.010 1A l a . 2 154.4 2 &4.0 | 1 1 ______1 |UOElT laXMTLL |R12E016 2 1A 4.1 1 !A 7.7 1A lfi.l IB 79.5 IB 3.1 1 1A 0.208 1A 0.010 1A 8.5 1A 24.0 1A 126.3 | jiucFErr |ILOdT BQSGE |R12X»7 2 1A 6.9 t 1A 7.6 1A 14.9 1A 63.6 IB 3.4 1 1A 0.165 1A 0.010 1A 9.0 2 7S.7 2 620.0 ( 1 1 1 (CHCKLSnOM |HOER ID RIVER T»fW (RL23014 IB 1A 7.1 1 1A 8.1 1A lfi.4 1A 80.7 IB 3.7 1 IB 0.340 1A 0.010 1A 12.0 1A 30.0 1A 152.0 | 1 1 1 IBW iwsncTM cf maiBiar aom sf IRLSC01 IB 1A 6.4 1 1A 7.7 1A 15.0 IB 68.3 2 6.7 | 2 1.211 1A 0.010 3 40.9 1A 6.0 1A r f i | la w ITOEXOTCW BRQGE |R12HX)2 IB 1A 6.5 1 1A 7.9 1A 15.3 IB 66.6 3 10.3 1 IB 0.665 1A 0.013 1A 24.4 1A 9.7 1A 30.7 | |nwr |3X. OJOHER HH1X* |RUF003 1A 1A 7.0 1 1A 8.1 1A 15.2 IB 76.8 2 6.5 1 IB 0.447 1A 0.010 3 26.1 1A , 10.0 1A 9 .0 | | DOT |GDfX£IT'S NHL |R12P012 1A 1A 6.8 1 1A 8.1 1A 16.0 1A 64.1 IB 4.0 1 1A 0.146 1A 0.010 1A 13.9 1A ‘ 8.0 1A 23.0 | | DOT fDO m rrrag JR12POOJ 1A 1A 6.9 t 1A 8.1 1A 16.5 IB 65.8 IB 3.4 1 1A 0.250 1A 0.010 3 77.2 1A ; 9A 1A 37.2 | (DOT Ih s s u m d n a n s IR12P0Q5 1A 1A 6.9 1 1A 7.9 1A 16.4 IB 76.7 IB 3.3 1 1A 0.136 1A 0.010 1A 13.1 1A : ’ . 6.0 1A 30.0 | jDOT ITKCTKOL BUSCE (K12P013 IB 1A 6.8 1 1 7.9 1A 16.3 1A 65.4 IB 3.1 1 0.160 1A 0.010 1A 14.9 15.0 1A 57.0 | A JA Appendix 8.7 |DOT |BE3M£ MHL BUELE (R12I006 IB 1A 6.9 1 1A 8.1 1A 17.2 1A 60.4 1A 2.6 1 1A 0.106 1A 0.010 1A 14.6 1A. 14.9 1A 106.3 | 1 1 1 |HEJTCIir WtJER [T jtiiN am x x |R12J010 1A 1A 5.7 1 IA 7.3 1A 16.5 IB 79.6 IB 3.3 1 1A 0.126 U 0.010 1A 9.6 1A 4.0 lA l 5.0 | iF E n c n rw o s [AUMmt BOBE |R12P007 1A 1A 6.2 1 1A 7.7 1A 15.6 1A 62.0 1A 3.0 1 1A 0.103 1A 0.010 1A 8.9 2 27.0 1A 50.0 | imucur wtnH |u® amxES JR12P008 1A 1A 6.6 1 1A 7.8 1A 16.2 IB 74.6 IB 3.1 1 1A 0.122 1A 0.010 U 11.5 1A 7.3 1A 53.5 | \ 1 1 SOCK [LtttLAKE BOIXZ (R12ED05 IB 1A 7.1 | 1A 8.0 1A 1^9 1A 82.0 2 6 . i | 2 0.763 1A ” 6.010 1A 24.0 1A 16.0 1A 67.0 | IITHZT BROCK (LNUE Bfflffi IRLZS17 IB 1A 7.0 1 1A 7.9 1A 15.6 IB 79.9 IB 4.9 1 IB 0.319 1A 0.010 U 12.8 1A 11.0 1A 45.0 ( jlCHEf BKXK liaC BTBO D Z |RL2E006 IB 1A 7.0 1 1A 8.0 1A 15.5 IB 76.6 IB 4.4 1 1A 0.246 1A 0.010 1A 14.7 1A 26.1 1A 39.6 | rwnuw, ravins w jjk f t iy - sc u m v e st fegich 1991 Rival VfQSH Q M i n CXASSIFIOtnCN fM n ix n m CCBZMNND sm USTICS USED K F QLRLTH ASSESSMENT QaavfKr: i w w

|Rivar |Itoad) upstream of | tfeer HQ3 nilmljrt-nH Dstennnxid statistics used for Quality fesassrcnt i > i t 1 1 i i | 1 | Nxifcer {H l£MT Itaqparaturv DO (*) | BCD (MU) |Tbtal Ancnia Lhicn. Annual S.Solids Tbfcal Obqpar Tbtal Zine | Class 95%±la Gass 95U1* | Class M a n Class 95tU« Class 95U1* | 1 1 1 doss Stilt Class 95%ils Class 95%il» Class 5tila I Class 95tila 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 |IiJ> |A386 KM S R n X Z LH K S D |R12F012 IB 1A 5.3 1A 7.6 1A 15.7 1A 88.7 1 UV 2.9 1A 0.088 1A 0.010 1 1A 10.0 1A 4.0 1A 11.8 | |LXD |CTt3JCM*5 BODGE IR12FTO1 IB 1A 6.5 1A 7.5 1A 16.7 1A 89.4 | IB 3.3 1A 0.180 1A 0.010 I 1A 3.1 1A 6.0 LA 7.0 j |UD |SU»MPM SOH£ IBUPOU IB 1A 6.9 1A 8.0 1A 16.4 1A 92.7 1 1A 2.8 1A 0.100 lA 0.010 1 1A 5.0 1A 7.0 1A 16.0 | |ISD |u f i c n b u d g e {R12F002 IB LA 6.8 1A 7.7 1A 18.2 1A 91.9 j IB 3.4 1A 0.169 1A 0.010 1 1A 6.7 lA 6.9 1A 75.6 | 1 1 1 1 IQUIBCR B O X |HOCR TO RIVER UD i R u m u IB 1A 6.9 1A 7.7 U lfi.O 1A 85.3 1 1A 2.3 1A 0.081 1A 0.010 1 1A 8.9 1A 4.0 1A 7.0 | 1 1 I 1 |LEW IGCMSSCW BRUXE [RL2FTD03 IB 1A 6.6 1A 7.8 1A 16.2 1A 89.8 1 1A 2.7 1A 0.185 1A 0.010 1 1A 5.4 1A 5.0 1A 11.0 | |IfW |HQER ID RIVES. IXD IR12F004 IB 1A 6.7 1A 8.1 1A 16.6 1A 90.0 1 1A 2.7 1A 0.122 1A 0.010 1 1A 6.9 2 41.S 1A 102.5 | 1 1 1 1 l a m s a w s n c m }PQM> OI W H T MA R CEME80W QtMSBf |R12FT>10 IB 1A 6.7 1A 7.7 1A 14.6 1A 87.0 1 1A 2.8 1A 0.Z70 1A 0.010 1 1A 15.8 2 62.0 lA 158.0 | 1 1 1 1 JUWHCL |KIVOTEJ«> OOIXE |K130001 IB 1A 6.7 1A 7.7 1A 15.8 IB 64.8 1 13 4.1 IB 0.675 1A 0.010 1 1A 9.9 1A 6.4 1A 15.0 | |TI«jaCL (VRDOflLL wn r g [RLJ3M2 IB 1A 6.7 1A 7.6 1A 15.6 IB 70.0 1 2 5.5 IB 0.635 1A 0.010 ] lA 7.1 1A 21.0 1A 10.9 | |1HUHX» jSXGhKVD BRIDGE 11020003 IB 1A 6.8 1A 8.0 1A 18.7 1A 80.5 1 2 8.6 2 1.150 3 0.(02 1 3 33.0 1A 7.9 U 11.9 | (THNNf WliU! |RLX3004 IB 1A 6.7 1A 7.7 1A 18.2 1A 84.7 1 2 5.6 2 0.730 1A 0.010 f 1A 23.0 1A 8.3 1A 21.3 | 1 1 1 1 iBOOEVfOER ( m m t d river nctscz. |R133010 IB 1A 6.8 1A " I T IA 15.6 IB •*4.5 | 3 14.4 2 0.797 1A 0.010 1 3 37.0 1A 6.0 1A | 1 1 1 1 |HWTttN BCCK lawncN aouaiy {1020009 IB 1A 6.8 1A 7.6 1A 14.8 1A 81.9 1 IB 4.1 1A 0.259 U 0.010 1 1A 12.1 1A 4.0 "1a 17.0 | 1 1 1 1 |HXF |Vf3K’S MILL ERUGE |Rt23005 IB 1A 6.5 1A 7.6 1A 16.5 IB 79.3 1 U 3.4 IB 0.403 1A 0.010 1 1A 9.5 1A 12.8 u d.6 | |*CU |iofH aanz |RU0006 IB 1A 6.6 1A 7.7 1A 18.3 IB 75.4 1 IB 3.1 IB 0.360 1A 0.010 1 1A 9.7 1A 6.3 U 14.3 1 (VCLf jITOCR TO RIVER 1HIBCL IR12Q007 IB 1A 6.7 1A 7.7 1A 17.8 1A 82.4 1 IB 4.1 1A 0.277 1A 0.010 1 3 25.2 1A 15.5 1A 39.3 | 1 1 1 1 IHCNWXD BOCK iraziAznT b o d g e IR12O012 IB 1A 6.8 1A 7.6 1A 15.5 IB 78.1 1 2 7.2 1A 0.Z70 lA 0.010 1 3 34.5 1A 4.0 1A 42.0 | 1 1 1 1 ( K 2 U H D S D B M |H(im TO RQMKM) |R123»6 IB 1A 6.7 1A 7.5 1A 16.1 1A 83.8 1 1A 2.8 1A 0.099 1A 0.010 1 1A 7.0 1A 4.0 1A 14.0 | 1 1 1 1 |RNSE2f |BNX2II. BODGE |HUMX>3 IB 1A 6.6 1A 7.6 1A 14.8 1A 86.5 1 IB 3.5 1A 0.175 LA o.aio | 1A 9.6 1A 12.0 i 262.3 1 (KHEEf IBNH4U O C H u m s |RL2J001 IB 1A 6.7 1A 7.6 1A 15.0 1A 82.1 1 1A 2.9 IB 0.392 1A 0.010 1 1A 6.8 1A 8.5 1A 64.8 | IKCTEOT |TRjQCDlT U U U X |R12«04 IB 1A 6.8 1A 7.7 1A 15.3 1A 83.8 1 IB 4.4 IB 0.660 1A 0.010 1 1A 9.7 1A 12.7 1A 84.0 | IIOEEY IfOiOQ' JKL2ND05 IB 1A 6.8 1A 8.0 1A 16.3 1A 86.0 1 JA 2.6 1A 0.257 1A 0.010 1 1A 10.9 1A ‘ 6.9 U 58.2 | [KQEQr |st. mroros b o t x e |RL*D02 IB 1A 6.9 1A 7.9 1A 15.8 1A 84.3 1 IB 3.7 1A 0.240 1A 0.010 1 1A 14.1 1A1 , 12.2 1A 48.0 | 1 1 1

1 Appendix 8.7 jH&ZMC STOW |FES DO N BODCZ |RL3C06 IB 1A 6.6 1A 7.5 1A 15.6 1A 81.5 1 IB 3.5 IB 0.520 1A 0.010 1 1A 7.7 lX , 7.2 1A 4^.4 " | 1 1 1 1 |aror )WJ3«nXL EF3DGE - QUCCTKH (RL2HD06 1A 1A 6 .i 1A 7.9 1A 1s J IB 76.2 | 2 6.3 IB 0.566 1A 0.010 1 1A u.S ' 1A 13.6 1A l*!.6 | |CW«Y [A9MHI, BRIDGE |RLM01 1A 1A 6.7 1A 7.8 1A 16.1 IB 70.6 1 IB 4.0 IB 0.317 1A 0.010 1 1A 10.3 1A 12.0 1A 26.6 | iovcar |h h x x £ a m z x v d g d h i c w |RL3XXT7 IB 1A 6.7 1A 7.7 1A 15.9 IB 79.6 | 2 5.1 IB 0.458 1A 0.010 1 1A 13.0 1A 11.0 U 20.0 | j a w Ib c u k s d sn n z |RL2C06 IB 1A 6.7 1A 7.9 1A 17.6 IB 77.0 1 IB 4.4 2 0.838 1A 0.014 1 1A 12.0 1A 6.0 1A 13.0 | jaror 1IWXE BUDGE |RL3f»2 IB 1A 6.7 1A 7.8 1A 17.5 IB 68.8 1 IB 3.6 IB 0.436 1A 0.010 1 1A 13.0 1A 6.9 1A 2DJ | 1 1 1 1 IHEmiDWaER (Kirao |RL2D05 IB 1A 6.7 1A 7.7 1A 15.5 IB 80.0 1 IB 3.4 LA 0.284 1A 0.010 1 1A 10.4 1A 8.6 1A li.t | il

ntncMAL ravfps M Jim im - soum vest heum 1991 FIVER Vftl&R QJNJTi OASSDTOmaJ QgfllfllH) IEIHflDMP SP f lls n c IHD PCR OWJH ASBESSKHf OfflUfNT: TNTR

|Ri\wr |%ach ipstrwo cf | User HQO Chlailatad Dateuiiiwd Statistics iw d for Qiality Assessnmt ■ i i i i 1 1 | HBT. i I I j Ruber Eft iMBT | Efll&w Itaqpenture DO <%> b c d u m n flbtal Amn i a U d m . Amn i a S .Solid* Tbtal O n w | fetal Zinc | 1 1 1 Class 5%Us | Class 95%ila Class 95%il» Class 5Ula CLass 95%Ua | tiass 95%il» doss 95%il» doss I t a Hiwi 9Stili | G*as 95%il« | 1 1 1 1 \ 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 - -I |omra | O n n W M KILL |RLM304 IB 1A 6.5 1 *A 7.4 1A 16.2 1A 80.7 2 6.0 1 2 0.727 1A 0.010 1A 9.9 LA 8.4 1 1A 163.2 | |onzKf |TREM3JE HODCE \BtL2mS IB 1A 6.8 1 *A 7.7 1A 16.9 1A 83.8 IB 3.5 1 IB 0.435 1A 0.010 1A 7.4 1A 6.4 1 1A 38.6 | farmw laswamcf want e r u g e imacoi IB 1A 6.8 1 1A 8.4 U 19.2 1A 80.6 IB 3.6 1 IB 0.413 1A 0.010 1A 9.8 LA 5.9 1 1A 25.0 | |urrutf (H1USCDIT BRUXE |KLMX)2 IB 1A 6.9 1 1A 7.7 1A 18.6 IB 78.0 IB 3.2 1 IB 0.342 1A 0.010 1A 10.6 1A 5.8 1 1A 21.8 | tanser lYEEUHttHZ: (103006 IB 1A 6.9 I U 8.0 1A 19.0 IB 78.0 2 5.4 1 1A 0.248 1A 0.010 1A 14.7 1A 7.6 1 !A 16.0 | (u n u tf |HW MI L BRBDCE [H1M07 IB 1A 6.9 1 I * 8.0 1A 19.5 1A 80.4 IB 4.8 1 1A 0.283 1A 0.010 1A 9.6 1A 10.1 1 1A 28.4 | 1 1 1 Ib c e c h o i x e vtaER 1200 K 3K S 1*5 CF WUN0N> UOOX IH1M12 IB 1A 6.9 1 7.6 1A 17.0 2 40.6 i lfi.O | 3 1.650 1A 0.010 i 26.6 2 81.4 1 1A 25.2 | 1 1 1 louwHDH wani lauxxmer amxs |R13010 IB 1A 6.8 1 I * 7.6 1A 17.1 IB 70.2 IB 3.9 1 1A 0.288 1A 0.010 1A 19.3 LA 5.0 1 1A 16.0 | icnuDoaur warn [HOER ID RIVER OTTOS |RUM)U IB 1A 6.8 1 7.7 1A 17.0 IB 73.3 IB 4.6 1 IB 0.500 1A 0.010 3 32.2 1A 6.0 1 1A 20.6 | 1 1 1 lawomff w ra |FfGKR ID river umicf |R1MX» IB 1A 6.6 I 7.6 1A 16.9 1A 82.9 IB 3.2 1 IB 0.368 1A 0.010 1A 10.1 1A 8.9 1 lA | 1 1 1 | m A V * E R l a m m c m |R12J006 IB 1A 6.6 1 1A 7.5 1A 15.6 IB 60.9 IB 3.1 1 1A 0.294 1A 0.010 1A 10.0 1A 19.0 1 ""T ~

Lyd, Thrushel & Wolf Catchments Compliance -1991

Hennard Stream

River Wolf

Bratton Brook


Non compliance

Not monitored

Version 1 /1990

Rivet Lew km y 2 3 y —i---— t.. Broadwood Brook Scale River Lyd

River T amar River Carey

River Kensey pedx 8 8Appendix

Quither Brook

NRA SOUTH WEST Ottery & Kensey Catchments Compliance -1991

Compliance Caudworthy Water Non - compliance

Nol monitored

Bolesbridge Water

Version 1 /1991

River Ottery River Carey


River Kensey

Tregelare Stream km pedx 8 8Appendix 2 3 4 5 River Lyd — — * » « Scale

River Tamar NRA SOUTHWEST Upper Tamar Catchment Appendix 8 8 Compliance -1991 rOTHTM, ra v ip s n m a a m - axnn v e s t r a u o ? 1991 r iv q i w as gupmy oAssmatnm r U « R CF S H O E S {N) A D HM3ER CF S W IU 5 Q ESXH IC QUttHY STO O *D (F) a anwur: m w iRiver (Beach igstceam of 1 | E« Inner fH Itper | Ttaperatura no W | BCD (AIU) |lbtal tascnia |lhkn. rtrrmia | S.SoLufa | Tbtal OOfpsr Itotal Zinc | 1 1 Brf. 1 1 1 1 1 j Pinter | H F N F i N FN F i N F 1 N F 1 N F 1 N F 1 N FN r i 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |TJWR loss amxz: |R12UM1| 34 - 34 - 1 34 - 34 - 1 34 1 1 34 2 1 33 - | 34 1 1 - 19 - 1 |T7WR jut«R u w r w ® |RL2LD17| 32 - 32 - 1 31 - 22 1 1 32 2 1 32 - 1 20 - | 32 4 1 23 - 23 - 1 |T3WR |IO«B UTOR LWE |R12LD18| 32 - 32 - 1 32 - 23 - 1 32 - 1 32 - 1 21 - I 32 3 1 23 - 23 - 1 |U*PR iBxnsRinz m a t w m u » r lake |KL2LD09| 33 - 33 - j 33 - 33 - I 33 - 1 33 - 1 32 - j 33 4 1 26 - 26 — 1 ITO-PR |HXEER tKHX£ |KL2U»6| 33 - 33 - 1 33 - 33 - 1 33 1 1 33 - 1 33 - j 33 5 1 22 - 22 - 1 |T3WR |TO«Rsiat: sazxz |R12LD021 36 - 36 - 1 36 - 35 - 1 36 1 1 36 - 1 36 - | 36 6 1 34 - 34 1 1 |T»WR j u u u m m |KL2Ii}15i 33 - 33 - 1 33 - 33 - 1 32 - 1 33 - 1 32 - j 33 7 1 22 - 22 - 1 jlZWR jaaftro iftHiE |P12U03| 33 - 33 - | 32 - 32 ~ 1 33 2 1 33 1 1 32 - j 33 7 1 22 1 22 1 j |T7M« It o e o o i oa r s |R12L004j 33 - 33 - 1 33 - 33 - i 32 2 1 33 - I 33 - j 33 6 1 20 - 20 - 1 |T3WR jtTrrM ax F u o c E wr m r i ve r ca n [KL2LD13| 23 - 23 - 1 23 - 23 - 1 23 2 1 23 - 1 23 - | 23 5 1 12 - 12 - 1 |TJWtt |ECKTCN g r u h : |KL2J001| 33 - 33 - 1 33 - 33 - 1 33 2 1 33 - 1 32 - J 33 7 1 22 - 22 1 1 fm oR |ERXaCN DRTOGE |EL2J002| 33 - 33 - 1 31 - 32 - 1 33 3 1 33 - 1 32 - | 33 5 1 21 - 21 - 1 \TTWR |iEn«j®an£ |RI2J003| 32 - 32 - 1 30 - 31 - 1 32 1 1 32 - 1 30 - | 32 7 1 32 - 32 - 1 |U'K1R [HXSCN gm i E |Kl2J004| 35 - 35 - 1 35 - 35 - 1 35 2 1 35 - 1 35 - | 35 8 1 34 - 34 - 1 [T7WR jarasnxE b o s s |KL2E001| 34 - 34 - 1 34 - 34 - 1 34 1 1 34 - 1 34 - | 34 9 I 20 - 20 - 1 jTJWR j r a e m u w s |KL2B002| 32 - 32 - 1 32 - 32 - 1 32 - 1 32 - 1 31 - i 32 8 1 30 - 30 — 1 ICWR jamcsLAKE m u xs |R12ED03| 70 — 70 — 1 TO 1 69 — 1 TO 2 1 ™ “ i is X 12 1 70 4 70 1 1 1 1 1 I i |aAKHX>N srott |HQER TO Krvm 1M « |R12E004| 29 — 29 — 1 28 — 27 — 1 29 1 1 29 — 1 13 29 1 28 28 " 1 1 1 1 1 1 i " 1 |paacracMi so o n |HOER TO KIVJR TO^R |H12EX)34| 16 ~ 16 “ 1 16 — 15 — 1 H 1 16 “ 1 U 16 “ 1 9 9 “ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i (LKKKESf ORCCK |UOCHI£Y (H1IE028| 32 “ 32 — 1 32 — 32 — 1 32 1 32 — 1 22 32 1 1 21 12 21 2 I I 1 1 1 1 1 i IUXKETT jCLQULL |RL2QQ16| 32 - 32 - 1 32 - 32 - 1 32 - 1 32 - 1 31 - i 32 1 1 24 - 24 - j jrnrarr jajacrr am x E |R12S007| 34 34 — 1 34 — 34 “ 1 34 1 34 ■“ 1 31 34 1 1 33 33 1 ] 1 1 1 1 i |CPME35L SB&ti |ITOER ID RIVER U W R 11020)141 33 - 33 — 1 33 — 33 ** | 33 1 33 — 1 31 33 5 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 i |rov )UPS]R2WCF EM/HEICW crajftro IKL2F0011 33 - 33 - 1 31 - 32 - 1 33 4 1 33 2 1 31 - i 33 3 | 20 - 20 1 jnwr jiwwOTCw aaiEE |KL2FOQ2| 33 - 33 - 1 33 - 33 1 1 33 2 1 33 1 | 33 - j 33 3 1 21' ' ' - 21 - i \ m a jsr. a c n f H a m x £ |KL2EOQ3f 34 - 34 - 1 34 - 34 2 1 34 4 I 34 2 1 33 - j 34 3 1 17 17 - j |DNf iGOttEJT'S M U L |KL2P012| 33 - 33 - 1 33 - 33 - 1 33 3 1 33 - 1 30 - j 33 2 1 16 1 - 16 - j jura jiw) aunzs |RL2F004| 35 - 35 - 1 35 - 34 3 1 35 3 1 35 - 1 35 - j 35 4 1 33 33 - i jirrc fnssnun) b s q z |RL2F00S| 33 - 33 - 1 33 - 33 2 1 33 3 1 33 - 1 31 - i 33 3 1 15 - j jiNzr |umt®£iL annz |KL2P013| 32 - 32 - 1 33 - 33 - 1 33 - 1 33 - 1 30 - i 32 2 1 16 : i 16 - i Appendix 8.9 (INff [BE&LS NH L ERHX£ |RL2E006| 34 — 34 “ 1 33 — 33 j 34 “ I 34 1 33 34 5 32 1 3?. _, 1 1 1 1 1 1 i IKMCNTVKIHl l u m n so n s (RL2F0101 35 - 35 - 1 35 - 35 i 1 35 2 1 35 - 1 29 - i 35 1 1 io “ 10 - j i m K K r w a i R IM3KWUI BODGE jKL2P007| 34 - 34 - I 34 - 34 - 1 34 1 1 34 - 1 27 - j 34 • 1 1 17 1 17 - j [H2KKT Vfcm |*BO WfHfS IF12F008| 35 ~ 35 “ 1 35 — 35 2 1 35 1 1 35 — 1 34 35 2 1 34 34 * I 1 1 1 1 1 1 i licucr accK |LWOi«E BtlUGE [R12HX)51 35 - 35 ~ 1 35 - 35 - 1 35 3 1 35 2 1 35 - i 35 5 1 19 - 19 - i jlGWII SCCK iLwns a m x g |R12E017| 33 - 33 - 1 33 - 33 - 1 33 1 1 33 - 1 33 - i 33 3 1 17 - 17 - j jlCMBTOCCK jlCMET HODGE |H1ZD06| 36 - 36 - 1 36 - 36 - 1 36 - 1 36 - 1 35 - i 36 7 i 33 - 34 - i rHnnw, rivers wantm - sum wsr keen 1991 river w ant OXVERT M7R tTMTTTW QUWKf |R12F010| 27 “ 27 — 1 27 27 “ 1 27 1 27 1 23 27 2 1 13 2 I 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iHivnws© GRUXS }KL2G001| 34 - 34 - 1 34 - 34 - 1 34 1 1 34 1 1 32 - | 34 1 1 25 “ | 25 “ | |u*tnfL {wmnzL ggnz |R123002| 34 - 34 - 1 34 - 34 1 1 35 1 1 34 1 1 32 ■ | 34 I 1 22 | 22 " | I’nwjan Isirwcro bodge |H123003| 34 - 34 - 1 34 - 34 - 1 34 2 1 34 4 1 34 2 1 34 3 1 20 — | 20 “ 1 |TJREHEL IHNMr anECE |RL2jOM| 36 36 1 36 — 36 “ 1 36 2 1 36 1 | 35 36 3 1 34 34 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 |H9^ZLE VKIZR |HOER TD RUHR THCEWI. 110330101 33 - 33 — 1 33 33 “ 1 33 2 1 33 1 1 32 33 4 1 18 IB 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I3OTICN BOCK |a«raw aoffxix |RL33009| 33 “ 33 1 33 33 1 33 1 1 33 1 33 33 2 1 1* IB I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |WXF (vqk's mm, amxz: |R12G005| 34 - 34 - 1 34 - 34 - 1 34 - 1 34 - 1 33 - | 34 2 1 34 1 | 34 — | [WXF |rxx? erhxz |R03006| 34 - 34 - 1 34 - 33 - 1 34 - 1 34 - 1 32 - | 34 4 1 34 | 34 1 |WXF |nam TD RIVER HHBEX. |HL2Q007| 37 “ 37 ~~ 1 37 “ 37 1 37 1 1 37 | 35 37 J 1 34 34 I 1 1 1 I “ 1 1 1 1 |ERMWXD ETCCK IMXIAUIT aon$ |R123)12| 33 33 — 1 33 33 1 33 1 1 33 1 32 33 J 1 1° IS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |HMWO snawi |Ham TO RMKH) |RL33096| 79 — 79 — 1 77 1 75 — 1 78 — 1 80 ~1 1 26 32 1 K 14 1 \ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |KQEET |BACGUL ffiHH |HL2I» 3| 34 - 34 - 1 34 - 34 - 1 34 - 1 34 - 1 34 - | 34 2 1 34 ~ 1 34 3 1 (KOBE* [ssDs«LrcK amxE |RI2D01| 34 - 34 - 1 33 - 33 - 1 34 - 1 34 - 1 33 — 1 34 I 1 34 “*• | 34 • | |naas jnuxurr anus |KL2D04| 35 - 35 - 1 34 - 34 - | 35 - 1 35 - 1 33 ““ | 35 3 1 21 1 21 - | |MMEf IMWPCFT 1R12ND05| 34 - 34 - 1 34 - 34 - 1 34 - 1 34 — 1 34 | 34 3 1 22 *T 1 22 ■ | |Kamr |sr. tfTNPras smxc JKL20O2| 37 “ 37 1 37 37 1 37 1 1 37 1 37 37 5 I 37 ,i Mr 1 37 1 1 1 1 1 " 1 1 Appendix 8.9 IUHZHE SBS3M |F£D DOW Htns: |HL2« 06| 35 — 35 “ 1 34 34 1 35 ” 1 35 1 1 34 33 i 1 */, 27 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | I ores |HHWU, UUIJUE — QUCOnCH |RL2fl06| 33 - 33 - 1 33 - 32 3 1 33 3 1 33 2 1 32 - | 33 3 1 13 - | 13 — | jOSET (AsmiiLaanz |R12C01| 34 - 34 - 1 34 - 33 3 j 34 5 1 34 1 1 30 - | 34 3 1 26 - I 26 “ 1 |o*ar |KnZX£ UUECZ vncsssK |RL2007| 32 - 32 - 1 32 - 31 - 1 32 1 1 32 — 1 30 — | 32 5 1 12 — | 12 • | |CffET |HXTHTO HQDX |KL2C08| 31 - 31 - i 31 - 31 - 1 31 - 1 31 1 1 31 - | 31 4 1 12 ^ | 12 • | |08C7 |t£M£ aanz |KLM02| 35 “ 35 — i 35 35 “ I 35 1 35 1 34 35 6 1 30 X 1 1 1 1 1 “ 1 1 i Ih k o o v h s r |HJK*D |KL2H0Q5| 32 - 32 - I 32 - 31 “ 1 32 - 1 32 — t 31 - | 32 3 1 17 “* | 17 ■ | rwnnw, ravtss puntxm - soum vest Ra a m 1991 HivtR worn OM z n r ot o s m o m r a N J B H CF SV C U S

|River |Baadi ipstrean of | User | pH Lwer jHUpsr | Ttenperature CD (%) | BCD umi) |Tbtal Am m i a |Uiun. /unmia| S.SaLkfe | Ratal QEgar Tbtal Zinc j I 1 1 fef- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | nxber j N FN F 1 n FN F i N F 1 N F 1 N F 1 H F 1 « FN F j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |ormor l o n n w M h u l |R13G04| 33 - 33 - 1 33 - 33 - | 33 2 1 33 1 1 33 - | 33 1 1 31 - 31 - | |onn« ClPENUE EfUIXZ |KLM05| 34 - 34 - 1 34 - 34 - 1 34 - 1 34 - 1 32 - j 34 1 1 32 - 32 - | lonzsar |CTtW30Hf VRQR HO H E |RLM01| 33 - 33 - i 33 - 32 - I 33 - t 33 - 1 33 - | 33 2 1 22 - 22 - I 1 onncr | m i £ s m n h u i x e |HL*1»2| 35 - 35 - 1 35 - 34 - 1 35 1 j 35 - 1 34 - | 35 4 | 23 — 23 — ) (OT1EPY l Y O T m U D Z |KL2fl06| 34 - 34 - 1 34 - 34 - 1 34 1 j 34 - 1 32 - | 34 4 1 22 - 22 — 1 jonncf \wn m u* an u s |RUD07j 32 — 32 “ 1 31 31 1 32 1 1 32 1 30 32 3 1 32 32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I H H S H O D I VTOER (200 hEffss iys cp g m x z |KLM12| 33 - 33 — 1 31 ~ 31 3 1 33 4 1 33 3 1 30 " | 33 7 1 23 1 23 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 [auKxmor worn (CPUKHIJff HHII32 |KL3D10| 31 - 31 - 1 31 - 31 - 1 32 - 1 32 - 1 30 - | 32 1 1 17 - 17 - | ICMJDaam warn ) FRIER TO KTVn* UTIUOr \WH01\ 32 — 32 “ 1 32 32 1 32 1 32 1 1 31 32 7 1 23 Z3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |awaa»r vnmt I frier t o hivoi ar m s |H1M08| 33 - 33 — 1 33 — 33 ** 1 33 “ | 33 1 33 33 1 1 21 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 “ | |TJ£A VFOER i m i m o w i |P12J006| 32 — 32 — | 32 — 32 1 32 t 32 1 31 32 1 1 u lfl 1 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |L»SVSmX£ |R12J005| 31 — 31 — 1 30 ** 30 “ I 31 2 1 30 7 1 29 31 4 1 17 17 * 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 |cuw \ cu w m m s |K12H)16| 31 - 31 - | 30 - 31 1 1 31 - I 31 1 1 29 - | 31 - 1 22 - 22 - | |aiw \ a j m n m a s |R12KD01| 32 - 32 - t 32 - 32 - 1 32 - 1 32 - 1 32 - j 32 1 1 23 - 23 - j |aat I’UMULUT ERHXE |R12FD02| 33 — 33 — I 33 — 33 1 1 33 — 1 33 1 1 32 33 2 1 29 29 1 1 1 1 1 | 1 1 |IXCR irerruwmz |KL2FZX>3j 31 - 31 - 1 31 - 31 - 1 31 - 1 31 - 1 30 - | 31 1 1 19 - 19 - | |ixzn |wnBoarr h o p g e |KL2FD04| 31 - 31 - 1 31 - 31 - 1 31 - 1 31 - 1 31 - j 31 - 1 19 - 19 - | Icon |EEER ERQX£ |RUK»5| 33 — 33 — 1 33 _ 33 “ 1 33 “ 1 33 1 33 33 1 1 30 — 30 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 laxretnr, snsaM |ioo m m eelcw Hx & a m a siw |R12HXr7| 31 — 31 — 1 31 - 31 — 1 31 — 1 31 1 1 31 31 2 1 31 31 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 icESRiL warn injALsniE aa n x |K12IJ305| 37 ~ 37 — | 36 “ 36 2 1 37 3 1 37 1 1 34 r i 5 ” 23 * 1 1 2 3 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |3M2,H€CK |mccNBmx£ |KL2L011| 36 - 36 - 1 36 - 36 1 1 36 2 1 36 - 1 36 - | 36 2 1 U - IB - j ISCMLOCCK |k x x h n saxxx |KL2L008| 33 “ 33 — 1 32 32 — 1 33 3 1 33 3 1 30 33 4 1 23 23 “ ! 1 \ 1 1 1 1 1 1 luraBRALvraai | K H A |R17Tfl10| 37 - 37 - 1 37 - 37 1 1 37 - 1 37 - 1 37 - | Tt 1 1 IB. 1 lfl - j |LW«3»LVraER [k k h u j f c u c e r h e c |Rta007| 33 33 “ 1 33 — 33 1 33 1 1 33 1 32 33 5 1 25, 25 Appendix 8.9 1 1 1 1 1 | 1 _l —i—


| - - | I | 1 1 1 1 1 | - - I - " | " 1 1 1 1 1 \ j 1 - | - 1 33 1 73 | - €4 | - | - | | - j - | - 1 107 | - | ‘1 • - | | | - 1 - | 4 1 117 | 44 | 4 | | | j _ 1 - | - 1 34 | - | — - | - | - | i - 1 - | 18 1 15 1 - | 9 1 | | Appendix 8.10 | - 1 - | 4 1 11 1 - | ,1 , - | I ■ 1 | - - 1 — i 1 | 1 i 1 1 | j - | 1 1 11 1 - | | | i | - i - | - | — | - j — - | 23 | - i I 7 1 4 1 — 1 — — | ~ i 1 1 1 1 _ 1 I - 1 22 | 9 I - - I - | - i j 1 - I - 1 - I - | | i NATIONAL RIVERS AUTHORITY - SOOTH WEST REGION 1991 RIVER MATER QUALITY CLASSIFICATION PERCENTAGE EXCEEDENCE OF DETERMINAND STATISTICS FROM QUALITY STANDARDS CATCHMENT: TAMAR

|River |Roach upstream of | User | PERCENTAGE EXCEEDENCE OF STATISTIC FROM QUALITY STANDARD I | Ref. j I I 1 i I | Number| pH Lower j pH Upper (Temperaturel DO (%) BOD {ATU)| Total Un-ionised Suspended j Total | Total | I t I I I ( Ammonia Ammonia Solids j Copper j Zinc j I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I lllllllill.il | LYD |A386 ROADBRIDGE LYDFORD |Rl2F012| - | I ~ I - | -- ( | | | LYD |GREENLANES BRIDGE [R12F001| - | I ~ I - (- - | - | | | LYD (SYDENHAM BRIDGE [R12F011| - | I - | - | -- | | ( | LYD (LIFTON BRIDGE \R12F002I — I ~ — — • I - | I I I I I 1 1 (QUITHER BROOK |PRIOR TO RIVER LYD IR12F013| — | " — ~ — - | " | I I I I I 1 1 {LEW |COMBEBOW BRIDGE |R12F003| - J I - | - - | - - - j 1 1 | LEW |PRIOR TO RIVER LYD ' (R12F004| - I — — — ■* — | 4 1 - | I I I I I 1 I jcQMBEBOW STREAM (ROAD CULVERT NEAR COMBEBOW QUARRY|R12F010 ( - | * ~ — ■ | 55 j ~ 1 I I I I I 1 1 jTHRUSHEL |RIVERMEAD BRIDGE |R12G001| - | I ~ I - | - - j | j |THRUSHEL jWRIXHILL BRIDGE |R12G002| -( f - | - 9 1 - - ((( (THRUSHEL (STOWFORD BRIDGE |R12G003| - | I - t - 71 | 64 55 32 | - | | (THRUSHEL (TINHAY BRIDGE |Rl2G004| | “ — 12 | 4 — - | - | I I I I I 1 |BREAZLE WATER |PRIOR TO RIVER THRUSHEL (R12G010| — I ~ 188 ( 14 — 48 | ■ | I I I I I 1 1 (BRATTON BROOK |BRATTON CIOVELLY (R12G009| — | ' — - | I I I I I 1 1 | WOLF |WEEK'S MILL BRIDGE (R12G005| - j - I - | - - | -- - j 1 - | |WOLF (REXON BRIDGE |R12G006| - | I - | - | -- | ( | | WOLF (PRIOR TO RIVER THRUSHEL |R12G007| — | ~ — “ 1 | - | I I I I I 1 _ 1 |BROADWOOD BROOK (KELLACOTT BRIDGE |R12G012| I “ — 44 | — — 38 ( ” | I I I I I 1 1 |HENNARD STREAM |PRIOR TO ROADFORD |R12G096| I ~ ~ - | - | I I I I I 1 1 |KENSEY | BRIDGE [R12N003| - | I - | - j - <- • | J 31 | |KENSEY IBADHARLICK BRIDGE (R12N001| - | I “ I - | -- 1 J | |KENSEY ITRUSCOTT BRIDGE |R12N004| - | I - | - (- - | i “ 1 | |KENSEY |NEWPORT |R12N005| - | I - | - | - - | ; - | | |KENSEY |ST. LEONARDS BRIDGE |R12N002| | — — Appendix 8.10 11! I I I I 1 ' 1 (TREGEARE STREAM |RED DOWN BRIDGE |R12N006| — | — — ~ ■■ “ i I I I I I t 1 |CAREY |HAIMILL BRIDGE - QUODITCH |R12H006| - ( I - | 5 109 | 79 - ( | | |CAREY |ASHKILL BRIDGE |R12H001| - | I ~ i 12 33 | 2 1 - 1 | | (CAREY (MIDDLE BRIDGE VIRGINSTOW |R12H007| - ( I - I - | - - ( I | |CAREY |BOLDFORD BRIDGE |R12H008| - | I - I - | 20 - | | | |CAREY (HEALE BRIDGE |R12H002| — | ‘ “ — ■“ | I I I I 1 1 |HENFORD WATER (HENFORD |R12H005| - | I - I - I - - i I I NATIONAL RIVERS AUTHORITY - SOUTH WEST REGION 1991 RIVER WATER QUALITY CLASSIFICATION PERCENTAGE EXCEEDENCE OF DETERMINAND STATISTICS FROM QUALITY STANDARDS CATCHMENT: TAMAR

|River |Reach upstream of User | PERCENTAGE EXCEEDENCE OF STATISTIC FROM QUALITY STANDARD Ref. | i I 1 1 1 1 1 Numberj pH Lower | pH Upper {Temperature| DO (%) | BOD (ATU) | Total Un-ionised Suspended j Total | Total j 1 1 j I I I Ammonia Ammonia Solids j Copper j Zinc | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I | OTTERY |OTTERHAM MILL R12M004| - | 1 - I - 20 | 4 - ( | | |OTTERY ITRENGUNE BRIDGE R12M005j - | I “ | - | -- | | | | OTTERY |CANWORTHY WATER BRIDGE R12M001| - | 1 - 1 - | - - | | J |OTTERY fHELLESCOTT BRIDGE R12M002| - | 1 ~ | - | - - | | 1 |OTTERY |YEOLMBRIDGE R12M006| - | 1 - I - 9 I - - | 1 ( |OTTERY (HAM MILL BRIDGE R12M007| * ” | " | 1 ! 1 1 1 _ I |BOLESBRIDGE WATER |200 METRES D/S OF NAVARINO BRIDGE R12M012| 32 220 | 136 6 1 103 | " | 1 1 1 1 1 1 |CAUEMORTHY WATER |CAUDWORTHY BRIDGE R12M010I - | 1 “ 1 - | - - 1 1 J (CAUDWORTHY WATER |PRIOR TO RIVER OTTERY R12M011| — — * 29 ( — | 1 1 1 1 1 .. 1 | CANWORTHY WATER (PRIOR TO RIVER OTTERY R12M008| — - | • | 1 1 1 1 1 |TALA WATER (BRIDGETOWN R12J006| — * “ | 52 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 | LANA IAKE |LANA BRIDGE R12J005| — 24 | 45 * | ■“ 1 1 1 1 1 1 __ 1 | CLAW (CLAW BRIDGE R12K016| - 1 - 1 - 1 4 | 16 - " | - 1 - | | CLAW |CLAOTON BRIDGE R12KOOI| - | 1 ~ 1 - | - - | | j |CLAW (TETCOTT BRIDGE R12K0Q2| — • - | ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 (DEER |RYDON BRIDGE R12K003| - | 1 - | - ( - - | - | j |DEER | WINSCOTT BRIDGE R12K004| - | 1 “ 1 - | - - 1 - ( | | DEER (DEER BRIDGE R12K005| — “ 1 “ 1 1 1 1 1 ! .... 1 (COLESMILL STREAM (100 METRES BELOW HOLSWORTHY STW R12K007| — “ | • | 1 1 1 1 1 J |DERRIL WATER |DUALSTONE BRIDGE R12L005| 24 62 | — “ | ■* | *" 1 1 1 1 1 1 | SMALL BROOK (HEADON BRIDGE R12L011| - | 1 “ 1 - 39 | - - | 1 | (SMALL BROOK jYOULDON BRIDGE R12L008| 95 | 76 - | i " 1 • I 1 1 ( 1 1 (LAMBERAL WATER (FORDA R12L010| - | 1 ~ 1 - j - - , J | jLAMBERAL WATER jMORETON POUND BRIDGE R12L007| — “* " | 1 1 1 1 1 ------l_l