Woodham Ferrers & Parish Council www.wfandbpc.org.uk Quarterly newsletter MARCH 2008






Exciting news!!!!… the Parish Council are on the panel for April for approval and gaining the Quality Parish Council Award…announcement (hopefully!) and a date for your diary: Annual Parish Meeting on Friday 2nd May 2008 @ 8pm @ Woodham Ferrers Village Hall

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We have had a busy year in the Parish this year already with a lot of work already being dealt with by the sub-committees of the PC. The community group, who are not only working on funding for the new community centre, but are also organising the Festival Fun Day on the 19th of July 2008. Please come along and enjoy a fun packed day out for the whole family. The Friends of Priory fields are going to join in on this date and have their official opening day. In Woodham Ferrers an advisory group has been formed studying the traffic problems run by Jill Oliver.

Pavements & Roads

As a Parish Council we do not do repair work on the pavements and roads, but we notify the CBC & ECC on work that needs to be carried out. Your CBC Councillor, Richard Poulter, is always in contact with the departments trying to and, in some cases, getting things done to improve the situation. Please let us know of any problems and we will do our best to make representations to the correct authority to have it put right.

Annual Parish Assembly

The Parish Council will be holding their Annual Parish Meeting, on Friday 2nd M a y  in the Woodham Ferrers Village Hall. More details will be coming out before then but please put that in your diary. This is your opportunity to hear what is going on and to ask questions to our panel of guests. You are also welcome to come along to one of our council meetings; please see notice boards or our web site on www.wfandbpc.org.uk for details.

Over the last few years my fellow councillors and I have been asked about the police presence (or should I say the lack of!) in our parish. I am pleased to inform you that Deputy Chief Constable Carmel Napier of Police is going to be present to answer your questions. Lord Hanningfield (Chairman of Essex County Council) will also be present, along with your CBC councillors for the area. There may be other guests announced later.

Newsletter/Advertising Opportunity

We are considering publishing a newsletter every two months so we can get keep our community regularly updated of events. We anticipate offsetting some of the costs by offering advertising. Ideally, we would like to keep it to local businesses and services, to promote our local community. If you are interested in placing an advertisement please contact the Clerk for more details.

Law & Order In The Community

Here is an exciting suggestion for you to carefully consider. Some Parish Councils are now paying for a PCSO to work exclusively for them. The benefits of this would be we would have a constant visible police presence in the villages. The PCSO would get to know the issues of the area, build relationships with the community and young people of the area, stop vandalism andhelp to stop underage drinking. We would certainly all have to do our best to support the PCSO. Do you want to have a police presence here in Woodham Ferrers & Bicknacre??? We may have a solution…… if each household would be prepared to increase their Council tax by approx £0.50 per month it’s a feasible project! So now it is up to you now to let us know your feelings on this matter by the various means of communication. We will discuss further at the Annual Parish Meeting.

Post Office Closure

We would be interested to hear if this has affected many of you. We campaigned to try and stop the closure but it wasn’t to be. If you are experiencing problems please let the Clerk know and we will see what we can do to help.

May I take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy Easter.

Cllr Barry Arnold, JP Chairman of the Parish Council

www.wfandbpc.org.uk 2 A NOTE FROM RICHARD POULTER

Council Tax It is the time of year when the demand for payment drops through our letter box and it will show an increase on last year. The Borough Council increase is 4.71% which relates to £6.84 per year at Band D. The vast majority of Council Tax is levied by Essex County Council. Their increase is 4.25% which amounts to £42.66 at Band D. Allowing for the Police, Fire Service and the Parish Council the new amount at Band D for Bicknacre and Woodham Ferrers is £1396.17. This is £30 less than Danbury solely because Woodham Ferrers and Bicknacre Parish Council levies a lower rate. At Band F the difference is even more pronounced at £45.

Concessionary Travel The Government has announced an admirable proposal that all concessionary travel i.e. bus passes will be free from April 1st to travel anywhere in for all journeys starting after 9.30 a.m. and finishing by 11p.m. This is great news for the over 60s and the disabled. Unfortunately the Government has not provided adequate funds for this service. Local Councils have to pay to reimburse the bus companies for providing this free service and that is a sum for which we as taxpayers meet out of our Council Tax. On a best case scenario Borough Council estimates that for the next tax year this will amount to £738,000 or a 7.8% increase in Council Tax. It is only with prudent financial management that the overall tax increase has been kept below 5%. Had it not been for the cost of concessionary travel there might have been no increase for the Borough Council at all. In a further cost saving exercise the Borough Council will no longer be supplying free dog waste bags. They may still be obtainable from the Parish Council but residents are advised to stock up before the free service stops at the end of April.

Ward Surgeries My next ward surgeries will be in the Pitman Room of the Bicknacre Village hall between 10 and 11a.m. on Saturdays 22nd March and 10th April. I look forward to seeing you. No appointment is necessary. I can also be contacted on 01245 223743 or at [email protected]. My wife and I wish all residents a very Happy Easter, Richard Poulter


Where has the year gone already? Thankfully we are steaming towards some (hopefully) lazy summer days. I have been busy preparing the Council for Quality Status which will hopefully coincide with a move to official Parish Council Offices. We are hoping to be located in one of the village halls and this will give the residents a central point for enquiries or information gathering and make the Parish Council far more accessible. We have had wonderful feedback from our newsletters which is encouraging and we hope to possibly make then more regular. Now, a few important things for you to note:

HOW CAN I ENTERTAIN THE CHILDREN THIS EASTER/WHITSUN HOLIDAYS THAT COSTS NOTHING??? EASY!!!!!!!!!!!! Please bring them along to Priory Field, Bicknacre to join in all types of Sports on the following dates/times: Monday 31st March, Thursday 3rd April, Monday 7th April, Thursday 10th April, Tuesday 27th M ay, th Thursday 29 May from 9.30am – 12 noon Children must be age 6 and over Please arrive 10 mins early for registration and collect promptly Please support this or it could be the last time it is supplied and the Parish Council fund these events. USE IT OR LOSE IT!!

www.wfandbpc.org.uk 3

Cllr Albert Mair, Bicknacre, has proposed a scheme to the Parish Council where he will supply, free of charge, a van for parishioners to recycle using local sites. We are currently investigating the finer details but hope to have good news for you soon. There will obviously be conditions attached to this but what a wonderful idea and a great help to many people.

After all our campaigning it was sad to see the village post office close. The Parish Council are currently in talks with the Post Office in relocating the box. We feel that the shops would be a much safer position for the box to be moved to. Any suggestions let me know……

We are for the first time since I have been Clerk participating in Chelmsford Borough Council’s initiative ‘Just Bin It’ campaign. The date is Sunday 30th March 2008. Both the schools in each village are also participating around the same time to help clean up the village ready for Summer. Please come along and spare an hour of your time, if we all work together much can be achieved. Litter pickers, gloves, black bags will all be provided. Children must be accompanied by an adult. The information is as follows:

10.30am – Bicknacre meet @ Priory Field Car Park or Woodham Ferrers – meet at Woodham Ferrers Village Hall.

I wish you all a Happy Easter and hope to see as many of you as possible at the Annual Parish Meeting, Karen

Councillor Woricker received a Certificate for Outstanding Achievement following nomination for serving on Woodham Ferrers and Bicknacre Parish Council for over 30 years. The picture shows him receiving his award at a ceremony in January, presented by The Mayoress of Chelmsford.

Congratulations to him for his achievement.


Being near the end of winter, the fields need less maintenance than during the warmer growing months, but of course there is still plenty to do. Last month thirteen new young trees of various species were planted and there has been general clearing which has made a big difference in certain areas. This has been particularly difficult as the number of volunteers in our working parties each month have been very few. There is a lot more work to be done this year with planting, building benches and picnic tables etc., and of course, as ever, the on-going job of mowing the pathways. We desperately need volunteers. Our working parties meet the second weekend of every month and if anyone could help, even if it is only for an hour or two, it would be really appreciated.

For anyone kind enough to offer their help, please contact Ian Read on 01245 224225 or e-mail [email protected].

So many of us enjoy the tranquillity of walking around the fields but they need to be maintained in a way that will enable us to continue to do this.



12th July 2008  11am Lodge Road Playing Field, Woodham Ferrers

Photos from 2007 Event

Preparations are now underway for the Woodham Ferrers & Bicknacre 2008 Dog Show. This year we are raising money for the Community First Responders, and the Essex Air Ambulance.

The South Woodham Ferrers Community First Responders serve not only South Woodham Ferrers, but also respond to emergency calls in Woodham Ferrers village, North Fambridge, and & District. We are sure the work of the Essex Air Ambulance speaks for itself, so we will tell you a little about the First Responders.

Community First Responders are unpaid volunteers, trained by and working with the Ambulance Service in emergency life support and CPR (heart massage for cardiac arrests). Responders take turns ‘on call’ to attend 999 emergency calls to patients suffering potentially life threatening conditions; they are dispatched at the same time as an ambulance but, being much more local, are usually first on the scene.

In the UK someone has a heart attack every two minutes yet only 1% of the population is trained in the vital skills that can make the difference between life and death. Studies have shown that if a series of events take place in sequence, a heart attack victim has a greater chance of survival. These events are known as the chain of survival: early recognition; early access to medical help; early defibrillation; early CPR; and early advanced life support (with things like the right drugs). Responders are a key part of that chain. From June 2000 to December 2007 SWF’s Responders answered over 1,200 calls – this now averages over 250 per year - and have played a key part in saving three lives of local residents.

Not only does the dog show raise money for local charities and good causes, we also promote responsible dog ownership; in previous years, Chelmsford Borough Council have been in attendance providing micro-chipping at reduced rates and offering advice on all things doggy related. We also hand out free dog waste bags.

We hope you will be able to come – and if you don’t have a dog, then bring someone else’s; and if no one will lend you one, just come along for a day out. We also invite

various rescue centres to the show; so if you are interested in re-homing a canine companion, please do enquire on the day. There really is something for everyone and it is very hard to go away empty handed, or empty “pawed”. There is a huge gamut of classes from waggy tails, appealing eyes (dogs and owners!!), best mover, best condition to winning qualifiers for major National Championships. Most of our winners have never been in a show ring before!!

Priory Pet & Country Supplies will be in attendance again this year, so come along and support local businesses and in the meantime do visit their shop in Monks Mead, Bicknacre. Also supporting us last year were Church & Hawes, Paul Bailey Car Sales, Priory Village Stores, LMB Professional Solutions, Steve’s Garage and many other business from outside the Parish.

We are always grateful for help on the day of the show, so if you would like to be involved as a steward or have any questions, please call 07703 170512.

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According the Guinness adverts, good things come to those that wait. This will be the case with the Community Project for, as time passes, the scale of the task becomes ever more onerous but (and it’s a big hairy “but!!”) so does our understanding of what we need to do to make it happen…..and it will happen!

With an estimated budget of over £3m, it became clear to the committee that raising this sort of money was not the task of a group of well meaning volunteers. We have recruited the services of a specialist community project consultant (who’s primary credentials has been the raising of over £90m of funding for other similar projects) to assist in the nigglesome task of raising the funds. First on his list of ‘to-dos’, is the creation of a master business plan that will set out, in the correct manner, the route map to go forward with.

The three parties behind the project (The Church, The Parish Council and Jesters) have all agreed to fund the appointment of a dedicated project manager to work with the consultant under the guidance of the planning committee.

Final (draft) drawings are ready for planning submission and all these three elements will coalesce over the next three months so by the start of Summer, we’ll be in pole position to take a massive step closer to opening day.

This timing will coincide nicely with the Bicknacre and Woodham Ferrers Festival that this year returns after its sabbatical, on the 19th July 08.

If you would like to know more about the plans for the community project, then make sure you get along to the Annual Parish Meeting on 2nd May 08. You are also more than welcome to attend the regular meetings that are held at Jester’s Kid’s Club at 7.30pm on the third Monday of each month.

STOP PRESS: The day ‘Stewpot’ came to Bicknacre!

If you go to You Tube and type in a search for ‘Bicknacre+Fete’, you’ll find a bit of home movie footage from 1975 that shows the Bicknacre Fete and Carnival featuring none other than radio and TV leviathan; Ed ‘Stewpot’ Stewart! Wow! That’s like getting Chris Moyles to the Festival today. If anyone has any photos from this event, it would be great to publish them in this year’s festival programme. Please send them to [email protected]


Is life manic for you at the moment? I had a post Christmas holiday in Tenerife and came back on Shrove Tuesday (Pancake day) and I feel as though I have hit the ground running. There was a pile of post at least 2 feet high (young people, please convert to metres), 52 e-mails and loads of messages on post it notes that my daughter had written from messages from different people on the phone. I have just about ploughed my way through all that only to have a call saying those dreaded words – OFSTED. But St. Mary’s is a great school and by the time you read this we will all have breathed a sigh of relief in the knowledge that we did very well! Not that I can take any credit for that – that is down to the excellent staff and lovely pupils.

However, we now look forward to Easter – that wonderful time of year when we remember all that Jesus did for us in dying on the cross and rising from the dead. Because of that we can have a relationship with God; what more can anyone want? I hope you can join us for one or more of our services.

Good Friday 10.00 at St. Andrew’s (Children’s work in the hall) 2.00pm at St. Mary’s Easter Day 8.00am Holy Communion at St. Andrews followed by Easter breakfast 9.30am Celebration at St. Andrew’s 11.15am Holy Communion at St. Mary’s

Hope to see you there, Mary Cottee (Vicar)



There has been some recent criminal activity within the area which may have been avoided, with garages being targeted and cycles stolen. Please ensure that property is secured away and garages locked. Consider placing your vehicle up against the garage door. Record details of identifiable property including make, model, serial/frame numbers etc. Ensure sheds and other out buildings are also secured and remove valuable property inside the house where practical. Do not leave property on display within vehicles. Be wary when answering your front door and always use the chain. Always ask for proof of identity and, if in doubt, keep them out. If you see anyone, or anything suspicious contact the police.

Look out for your property and your neighbours. Contact your local police station at South Woodham Ferrers on 01245 320333 or the Neighbourhood Policing Team on 07711147171.


Last September, The Parish Council established the Traffic Advisory Committee to look at the traffic situation through both Bicknacre and Woodham Ferrers. The committee has had several meetings since then, during which we have been examining various ways in which we could improve the traffic situation in our two villages by a) reducing the volume, b) reducing the speed and c) reducing the size of the traffic on the B1418. Some measures have already been taken, such as the traffic island near the school in Bicknacre and the flashing speed sign at the north end of Woodham Ferrers. Unfortunately, these have not been enough nor wholly effective. Motorists and lorry drivers, who are already speeding, frequently do not slo w down for either the traffic island or the flashing sign.

The committee met with officials from the Department of Highways who gave us some advice as to what was possible from an engineering point of view. We also met with Cllr. Norman Hume, Minister for Highways at Essex County Council, in January, at which time we presented him with a number of suggestions to deal with the traffic situation. We felt that it was a very positive meeting and Cllr. Hume agreed to discuss our suggestions with his chief traffic engineer and respond to them in due course, hopefully before the Parish Council Annual General Meeting in May.

Jill Oliver, Chair, Traffic Advisory Committee.


We are pleased that the improvements to the parking lot at the Village Hall, both in the front and the back of the hall have finally been completed. The areas have been cleared and improved, primarily by the Community Service people, providing considerably more parking space than we have had in the past. The installation of the disabled parking bays at the front of the hall should also be completed by the time this newsletter is distributed,

The Village Hall Annual General Meeting will be held in the small hall at the rear of the hall on Thursday 27 March at 7.30pm. Please park your cars at the rear parking lot. We hope to see as many people as possible at the meeting to hear your views and ideas for the hall and its activities.

There will be a Charity Quiz Night on the 8th March to raise funds for the World Challenge Trek to Morocco. It starts at 7.30pm; tickets are £5.00 each. For more information, please contact Claire Niner at 323619. We hope you will give your support to this very worthy event.

Jill Oliver, Chair - Woodham Ferrers Village Hall Management Committee (01245-320037)

www.wfandbpc.org.uk 7

Thinking about an extension or conversion?

A Bicknacre based company providing plans and drawings for house extensions, garage conversions, loft conversions, structural alterations, etc. Our service includes the preparation of all the necessary documentation required by the Local Authority for Planning Applications and Building Control acceptance. Some of our local work has been for the Woodham Ferrers and Bicknacre Parish Council also for the “Friends of Priory Fields” committee. Our furthest distant project is a house to be constructed on the west coast of Scotland over-looking the beautiful Isle of Skye!

The company is engineering based and we have teamed up with a very distinguished Structural Engineer who provides the essential calculations for the structural components of buildings. We use the most up-to-date CAD software and can provide plans, up to, A1 size paper - 840mm x 594mm (33” x 23”) on our own printers.

The company also provides mechanical and engineering drawings for small production projects. All Projects are personally managed by Gordon Ross. So if you are considering a venture to make some changes to your house or light commercial property, then please call, without obligation, 01245 223291 or E-mail [email protected]


HAPPY EASTER Name Tel Number e-mail Councillor B. Arnold, JP – Chairman 01245 223469 [email protected] Councillor R. Blanks – Vice Chairman 01245 327215 Councillor J. Bishop 01245 222543 [email protected] Councillor L. Carroll 01245 321054 [email protected] Councillor A. Mair 01245 222232 [email protected] Councillor C. Saltmarsh 01245 224975 [email protected] Councillor J. Saltmarsh 01245 224975 [email protected] Councillor G. Woricker 01245 323190 Councillor J. Smith 01245 323579 CBC Councillor R. Poulter 01245 223743 [email protected]

You are welcome to discuss Parish matters informally with any Councillor or the Clerk: Phone/Fax: 01245 328988 PC Mobile (Emergencies) 07918648699 (Mon – Fri 9.00am – midday) e-mail: [email protected], Parish Council Address : Springfields, Crows Lane, Woodham Ferrers CM3 8RR

CHELMSFORD BOROUGH COUNCIL 01245 606606 http://www.chelmsfordbc.gov.uk ESSEX COUNTY COUNCIL 08457 430430 http://www.essexcc.gov.uk 01245 491212 http://www.essex.police.uk/ CENTRAL GOVERNMENT http://www.direct.gov.uk/.

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