One-Cusped Congruence Groups of Bianchi Groups
One-Cusped Congruence Subgroups of Bianchi Groups Kathleen L. Petersen Abstract We show that there are only finitely many maximal congruence sub- 3 groups of the Bianchi groups such that the quotient by H has only one cusp. 1 Introduction Let d√be a positive square free integer, and let Od denote the ring of integers of Q( −d). The groups PSL2(Od) are called the Bianchi groups and embed + 3 discretely in PSL2(C), which is isomorphic to Isom (H ), the orientation pre- 3 serving isometries of hyperbolic 3-space. The quotient Md = H /PSL2(Od) is a finite√ volume hyperbolic 3-orbifold√ with hd cusps where hd is the class number of Q( −d). Famously, Q( −d) has class number one only when d = 1, 2, 3, 7, 11, 19, 43, 67, or 163. If Υ is a finite index subgroup of PSL2(Od), we can 3 form the quotient MΥ = H /Υ, which is a finite volume hyperbolic 3-orbifold with finitely many cusps. We say that Υ has n cusps if this quotient has n cusps. The quotients Md are the prototypical examples of non-compact arith- metic 3-orbifolds, which are those orbifolds M such that M is commensurable with some Md. (Two orbifolds are commensurable if they share a finite sheeted cover.) For a non-zero ideal J ⊂ Od the principal congruence subgroup of level J is Γ(J ) = {A ∈ PSL2(Od): A ≡ I mod J} and has finite index in PSL2(Od). A (finite index) subgroup of PSL2(Od) is called a congruence subgroup if it contains a principal congruence subgroup.
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