Key Facts Discover what’s special At a glance

Infinitely wild Throughout the year the and Bavarian Forest National Park Šumava National Parks offer a varied pro- â Established in 1970, and thereby the oldest gramme of events. Specially trained forest and German national park tour guides, rangers and other national park INFORMATION POINTS: â 243 km2, of which 67 % (in 2016) is non-inter- staff accompany you on guided walks. â vention zone, in which natural processes are Lusen National Park Centre TOUR SERVICE CENTRES: protected +49 (0)8558 96 15 0, [email protected] NAVI: Böhmstraße 41, 94556 Neuschönau Here in the heart of Europe wild â â Bavarian Forest National Park: nature has found a home again. Aims: nature conservation through the protec- tion of natural processes, education, recreation, Out and about +49 (0) 800 0776650 â Falkenstein National Park Centre research in the forested wilderness â Šumava National Park: +420 731 530 287 Ludwigsthal Šumava, Bavarian Forest, – â IUCN Category II, European Diploma for Protec- +49 (0)9922 50 02 0, [email protected] different names for one and the same anci- ted Areas National Park for everyone NAVI: Eisensteiner Straße, 94227 Lindberg ent mountain range in the centre of Europe, â A network of more than 500 km of marked trails Summer is high season for animals and plants, as â Kvilda Information Centre depending on cultural, geographic or histori- â well as for hikers and bikers. A network of several Kvilda cal reference point. 99 % of the territory is forested – primarily mixed mountain forest, followed by mountain hundred kilometres of marked hiking and cycling Uniqueness and constant change characterise +420 388 435 544, [email protected] State and linguistic boundaries between Ger- spruce forest, 1% open raised bogs (Filze) and trails links all the characteristic landscapes of nature, especially in national parks, where the NAVI: Kvilda 14, 384 93 Kvilda many and the run along its main both national parks, including mountain peaks, abandoned mountain pastures (Schachten) motto “Leaving nature to nature” is the top â Kašperské Hory Information Centre ridge, which separates the catchment areas of the glacial lakes and mires, as well as meadows and commandment. Even so, there is an excellent Kašperské Hory Danube and the Elbe. The landscapes of the Bava- pastures. Experiential trails and educational Šumava National Park offer for people with disabilities, older people +420 376 582 734, [email protected] rian Forest and Šumava National Parks are defini- paths lead you to the most beautiful and attrac- or families with small children. It ranges from â Established in 1991, the largest national park in NAVI: Sušická 399, 341 92 Kašperské Hory tely siblings, but not twins. tive places. Information boards tell you about the accessible paths with limited inclines to the Czech Republic interconnectedness of nature, culture and guided tours where you can experience natu- The national parks are shaped by a forest, which â 2 683 km , of which 23 % is non-intervention zone history. re through all your senses to national park is allowed to develop freely and uninfluenced, (2014), in which natural processes are protected exhibitions. and which highlights the impermanence, creati- In winter nature is covered by a thick, white blan- â A Biosphere Reserve since 1990 (Man & Biosp- vity and originality of nature again and again in ket of snow, which muffles noise and strength- For information before you travel: here) new and surprising ways. In the past the wild, ens the weak sunlight. Those animals that are still â â D: +49 (0)9922 5002-0 unspoilt nature inspired writers, composers and A network of more than 890 km of marked trails active must conserve their energy so that they [email protected] artists working with glass, while today it offers â 80 % of the territory comprises forest habitats, can get through the hard winter. With this in people seeking relaxation a rich an exciting 19 % open habitats, primarily mountain meadows, mind please respect the winter peace, which â CZ: +420 388 435 544 experience of nature. pastures and raised bogs, 1 % bodies of water nature needs and use only the marked trails. [email protected]

Together for Europe’s natural heritage

Mountain spruce forest Imprint Pastures and moun- Typical habitats tain meadows and their inhabitants Nationalparkverwaltung Bayerischer Wald Boulder fields Freyunger Straße 2 D - 94481 Grafenau Mires +49 (0)8552 96 00 0 +49 (0)8552 96 00 100 [email protected] Správa Národního parku Šumava Alluvial spruce Mixed mountain 1. máje 260 forest – a touch of Taiga forests CZ - 385 01 Vimperk Among the exceptional features are the +420 388 450 111 natural spruce forests in the areas at higher +420 388 413 019 [email protected] altitude, which are not to be confused with the well-known artificial spruce forests - the magic of old cultural across our countries. They are related to the Bodies of water - where the devil lost his sack Taiga forests of the high north and are found landscapes The areas of boulders, such as the Lusen only in the higher, rawer locations of the The wonderful grasslands and hay meadows summit, are seemingly hostile to life but are mountains above 1,100m and in the Alps. – eerily beautiful and full with their wealth of insects are habitats, in fact an Eldorado for lichens and ground Snow, which often covers the ground in of melancholy created by people in the forest through very beetles – many of them genuine relics to hard work. Particularly impressive are the these areas well into the early summer The unspoilt mires of the high areas of the the Ice Age. In particular, the green-yellow “Schachten”, high altitude abandoned months, allows only specialists to Bohemian Forest, which mark the waters- 1400m – living on wet ground map lichen cannot be missed – it covers mountain pastures. Gnarled old maple trees flourish. Carpets of woolly hed between Elbe and Danube, conjure – a colourful habitat © 2015 Nationalparkverwaltung Bayerischer Wald much of the granite blocks with its charac- and field stone cairns provide valuable struc- On clear nights, cold air flows down from the reed grass and wavy hair a touch of mysticism into the forest lands- /Správa Národního parku Šumava teristic patterns. Scattered islands tures for a whole range of insect, bird, reptile The southern and south western slopes bet- mountain slopes and comes to rest in damp grass complete cape. Mosses, grasses and dwarf shrubs 1300m Photos: Martin Milfort, Maria Hußlein, Hans Kie- of dwarf pines and shrubs and bat species. ween 650 and 1200 metres are much war- valley basins. Ground frosts occur here even the picture. dominate the landscape with water-filled ner, Rainer Simonis, die Erlebnisakademie, Klara protrude from among mer than the areas at high altitude. In addi- in summer. As in the higher areas the spruce pools and bog lakes; crippled dwarf trees The hay meadows, which provided either Schubert, Zuzana Růžičková, Ivana Bufková, the boulders. tion to the spruce, silver fir and beech can Archiv Nationalparkverwaltung Bayerischer Wald, characterises the forest here. Wet conditions struggle for survival here. hay as winter feed or bedding for cattle, are 1200m Boulder fields be found here, with sycamore maple thri- Archiv Nationalparkverwaltung Šumava together with a lack of nutrients mean that very different. Magnificent colourful bloo- – mountain streams, rivers and Only rain water is available to plants in the ving on the stony ground. These mixed very few pines, rowans and downy birches ming plants and dancing butterflies give Design: Atelier Václav Hraba high raised bogs as large peat bodies cut forests are the most significant habitat in glacial lakes get to grow old with the spruce. these meadows their own unique character. 1100m Print: Profi-tisk group s. r. o. Mountain spruce them off from other sources of water size on the Bavarian side. From quiet and calm to fast flowing and Through their widely spread root plates the and nutrients. furious – the variety of habitats in and around Mountain pastures forest On the forest floor very little blooms, but spruce tries to find a foothold on this ground. water in the Bohemian Forest appears to be / Schachten Mountain lake the first impression of a lack of species is In spite of this, storms often fell whole inexhaustible. Glacial lakes with their deep, 1000m deceptive! Buried under the bark of mouldy areas of forest. Among thick cushions dark water are witnesses of the Ice Age. In this trunks and in decaying wood a gigantic of peat moss new generations of Species rich mixed rather undulating landscape their steep rock mountain forest army of insects leads a secret existence. 900m spruce sprout from decaying Spruce Fir Raised bogs faces almost create an Alpine feeling. Springs The number of insect species is only tree trunks. (in mountains) that become roaring mountain streams, Mountain ash Birch exceeded by the rich number ponds and mountain lakes are home to of fungi. Mountain pine Alder Pine forest remnants charismatic animals such as trout, dippers 800m

Mountain stream Dwarf pine Norway maple and otters.

Pine Beech Raised bogs 700m Bavarian Forest National Park Sycamore maple Dead wood Šumava National Park (in valley) Alluvial spruce forest Species-poor mixed mountain forest Mountain hay meadow Alder ash alluvial forest 600m Bavarian Forest and Šumava National Parks


National Park Information Points Kvilda and Exhibitions Food service and accommodation

Seelensteig Emergency camping place Stezka duše Experience trails and learning paths through especially unspoilt nature Marked hiking trail Bus stop for Igelbus and other services (D) Marked cycle path Bus stop for Green buses (CZ) Public road Railway station State border Parking area (some with charges) Visit us! Bavarian Forest National Park core zone Information (restricted access) Museum Šumava National Park Zone I As a first place to go we recommend visiting our Food service (restricted access) national park centres and information points. Here you can experience almost everything and gain initial insights into the national park idea, its his- tory, as well as its flora and fauna. MANY THANKS! THIS IS HOW YOU CAN HELP NATURE

To protect endangered plant and animal species – particularly the capercaillie – you may only use marked trails in the core zone of the Bavarian Forest and Zone I of the Šumava National Parks. There may also be access restrictions at certain times. These access rules have been valid since the Schengen Treaty came into force.

Cycling only Parking only in on marked cycling trails designated parking areas Dogs must be kept Do not take anything away on the lead Do not leave anything behind Do not disturb animals

Campfires and smoking Camping in designated prohibited places only

How to get there

Buses and trains enable you to get easily and in an environmentally friendly way to your starting points and destinations in and around the Bavarian Forest and Šumava National Parks. Holidaymakers in many villages around the Bavarian Forest National Park can use buses and trains free of charge. Ask your host for further information. Trains With the Forest Railway (DB) and Czech Rail The right way to go (ČD) you can get to the national park regions from further afield without using a car. You can also get around the region easily by train In national parks the natural pro- once you’re here. cess of life, growth and decay in Buses ecosystems is protected. Dead trees remain in the cycle of nature. Falling trees From May tto October the Green Buses in and branches are among the typical risks that Šumava and the Igelbus service in the can be encountered in our parks. Please pay Bavarian Forest will transport you and your attention to these dangers and leave the bicycle. Services run on an hourly basis. In forest for your own safety when it’s windy. winter you can get to many destinations on The use of trails is at your own risk. the German side with the Winter Igelbus service. Marked hiking trails

Bavarian Forest National Park: Animal symbol on ye llow back- ground: Sign for a c ircular hiki ng trail, with the Marked cycle paths path leading back to the starting point. Plant In the National Parks cycling is only allowed symbol on white background: Sign for a h iking Between Bučina (Buchwald) and Zwieslerwaldhaus on marked cycle paths. trail that leads to a p articular destination. Fo r you can discover both national parks in two days by a c ircular tour you will need to combine diffe- Bavarian Forest National Park: bike. On the German side you can ride 73 km on re nt marked trails or use buses or trains. The pictogram for cycle paths the designated National Park Cycle Path. In the shows a cyclist and often a number. The num- Šumava National Park you can use the cycle paths Šumava National Park: bers indicate circular tours of varying degrees of 2114, 33 and 331 to return to the starting point Every trail has a sign formed difficulty. The National Park Cycle Path is signpo- 65 km away – or you can explore the southern of a horizontal coloured stripe on a white back- sted with the picture logo of the Bavarian Forest part of the Šumava National Park on cycle paths ground, sometimes supplemente d by an arrow to National Park. 33 and 1023, which lead as far as the Moldaustau- direct. At points where trails cross, sign s indicate see (Moldau reservoir). the next points of inte rest. Th e re d sign s acco m- Šumava National Park: pany you through the Šumava National Pa rk and Horizontal stripes on a yellow Always make sure that you’re well equipped – take you past emergency campsites (without background or yellow signs with black numbers with map, sturdy shoes, something to drink, cove r!). A one-off overnight stay is allowe d if you indicate the cycle path. Signposts along the first aid kit and wet weather clothing – remem- observe the rules. course of a cycle path are yellow. ber you are in a mountainous area!