Three Rivers Review of undergraduate literature VOLUME XVII University of Pittsburgh Honors College Three Rivers Review 2012 Volume XVII Three Rivers Review of Undergraduate Literature is an annual student- run publication of the University of Pittsburgh Honors College. It VHHNVWRHQOLYHQIRVWHUDQGSXEOLVKWKHEHVWXQGHUJUDGXDWHÀFWLRQDQG poetry in the greater Pittsburgh area. It accepts submissions, from September 15 to January 15 of each academic year, from undergraduate students at the University of Pittsburgh, all University of Pittsburgh branch campuses and all institutions of post-secondary, undergraduate education in the Pittsburgh area. Inquiry and submissions can be HPDLOHG DV DWWDFKPHQWV LQ 0LFURVRIW :RUG GRF FRPSDWLEOH ÀOHV to:
[email protected]. Submission requirements are: a PD[LPXPRISDJHV GRXEOHVSDFHG ÀFWLRQRUSRHPV$OOVXEPLVVLRQV must be accompanied by a cover sheet including name, academic year, academic institution, mailing address, e-mail address, submission titles and a press-ready biographical statement. Submitted work is not JXDUDQWHHGWREHUHWXUQHG$XWKRUVZLOOEHFRQWDFWHGDVWRWKHVWDWXVRI their work no later than two (2) months following the current volume’s submission deadline. Three Rivers Review wishes to sincerely thank Dean Edward Stricker, Karen Billingsley & the University Honors College, Jeff Oaks, University of Pittsburgh English Department, Jane McCafferty, Sharon McDermott, 'DZQ/XQG\0DUWLQ&KULV&KLUGRQ1RXU$EGHOJKDQL-RHO:&RJJLQV Jeannette Schroeder, Evan Chen, Cheryl Corey at McNaughton-Gunn, and all past editors of TRR. Cover Image by Shelby Pasell. Copyright © 2012 Three Rivers Review/University of Pittsburgh Honors &ROOHJH $OO ULJKWV UHYHUW WR DXWKRU XSRQ SXEOLFDWLRQ &RS\LQJ GRQH for non-personal or classroom use is forbidden without the expressed consent of Three Rivers Review/University Honors College or author. $Q\UHVHPEODQFHWRDFWXDOHYHQWVORFDOHVRUSHUVRQVOLYLQJRUGHDGLQ creative works contained in Three Rivers Review is entirely coincidental.