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הדלקת נרות 5:08 | ג ‘ אדר א ‘ תשע ו“ | Friday, Feb. 12 | פרשת תרומה

PICTURES School news

Message from the Photographer: We had a visit last week from Mrs. Heinz and Mrs. Naftel. They cane to observe our First Thanks to all the volunteers for your help with Grade as part of a follow up to the Slingerland picture day at Cheder . We could not Course our have done it without you. Teachers took this summer. They were very impressed with schedule reminder the students and their accom- plishments. Feb. 11-16/ב‘-ז ‘ אדר א ,Thursday-Tuesday

Mid Winter Break - No Sessions happy birthday

Levi Yitzchok Cohen Menachem Mendel Litzman Zalman Leib Farkash library news Yossi Burston

Levi Yitzchok Hendel Thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Jordan for sponsor- Menachem Mendel Marrus ing a book to the library in Schneur Zalman’s Meir Keller honor. Yossi Farkas Thank You and Mrs. Gancz for sponsor- Yankel Sirota ing a book to the library in Menachem Mendel’s Yosef Bogomilsky honor Yosef Keller

and grow up to be a שנת הצלחה May you have a source of nachas for klal Yisroel! Shabbos mevorchim tehillim WINNERs

contest: Yossi Keller won the soccer ball, Gedalia Siklos won The שבת מברכים תהלים Winners of the Mysterious Shepherd DVD, Shmuel Katz won the Tehillim and Shlomo Goodfriend won the helmet. Over 38 children participated in the program, and over 1,664 kapit- lach tehillim were said!! to the following boys who finished the entire sefer ישר כח A Special tehillim : Gershon Jacobson, Michel Simon, Zushi Borenstein and Yanky Silber


As a reward of consistent attendance and proper behavior at Minyan, 12 boys from the 6th, 7th & 8th Grades were eligible for a trip to Campgaw snow tubing.

The following boys were eligible to attend: Mendel Touger, Schneur Niasoff, Chananya Niasoff, Mendel Cohen, Mendel Simpson, Yisroel Shimon Bogomilsky, Yossi Kagan, Yosef Yitzchok Keller, Machi Rimler, Mendel Teitelbaum, Zalmy Hirsch, Shlomo Goodfriend and Shaul Zelig Bronstein.

Thank you Rabbi Silverstein for arranging the trip and giving the boys such a great time.

Thank you Rabbi Wolowik, Rabbi Silverstein and Rabbi Schulman for helping out as chaperones.

Thank you Rabbi and Mrs. Rimler for loaning your van.

The next Minyan trip will be at the end of Adar 2, IY”H.


Rabbi Simpson Sixth Grade—Limudei Kodesh

B”H, Kitah Vav has been growing in their learning by leaps and bounds. Recently we have been learning about the property of a captive. Do we bring down one of the captive's relatives to גמרא a fascinating take care of the property? If yes, what compensation should that relative get? What happens if we find out that the captive died? The talmidim have been very involved and excited about the discussion.

and חמץ times for burning , בדיקת חמץ and have been learning all about מסכת פסחים we started , משניות In . מצה of דינים

asked for another chance to טמא that were מדבר we learned the about how the Yidden in the חומש In and משיח The Rebbe learns from this that we should ask for. פסח שני and where given קרבן פסח bring a not just wait patiently for him to come.

class news

Mrs. Yoffe Fourth Grade — General Studies

The fourth graders read a selection entitled: “Reading with Your Fingers”. It is the story of Louis Braille, the inventor of the system of writing in raised dots for use by the blind, known as the Braille method. Louis was only fifteen at the time of his invention.

Every boy then wrote a paragraph describing an invention he would like to design, and how he would go about if. One boy’s dream invention was a huge heater that would warm up an entire city, and also melt the snow. Another idea was to design eye glass wipers to make it easier to see in the rain. How about a book making robot, complete with a writing, typing, and binding statin? Would you enjoy having a “Time Skipper” machine which could take you back and forth in time or a tissue cleaner etc…? Their ideas were terrific!

tzivos hashem news

We have started a weekly raffle for all those soldiers who fill out their weekly mission sheet and bring it back to school or fill it out on the computer.

This weeks winner: Gedaliya Siklos! . י ‘‘ג אדר א‘ ,The next raffle will take place on Monday

Parents can also use the new easy to use mobile website for filling out mission sheets. Visit

Farbrengen כ ‘‘ ב שבט

. רעבעצין חי ‘ מושקא the yahrtzeit of ,כ ‘‘ב שבט This past Monday we had a Farbrengen in honor of Among the stories that R’ Wolowik told the children at the Farbrengen, was one of the Gurary family from South Africa that was visiting the Rebbetzin. During the visit, the Rebetzin asked their 10 year old daughter how she likes America compared to South Africa. Since the girl was shy her mother responded that in the U.S. she has good kosher chocolate that can’t be found in South Africa. The Rebetzin immedi- ately asked one of the house helpers to bring out a large tray of chocolate. About a year later, a couple of months before the passing of the Rebetzin, there was a group of bachurim traveling to South Africa for Yeshiva. One of the bachurim was close to the Rebetzin and went to visit her. During the visit the Rebetzin asked if he can take a package for the Gurary family. Yes, as you guessed. She sent chocolates for this girl. We always have to make sure to look out for the needs of others and try to help them whenever we can. parshas Yisro students of the week—general studies






GRADE 3 GRADE 4 YOSEF YITZCHOK LITZMAN YAKOV YITZCHOK PLOTKIN MOSHE DREW ?? ב"ה Lma'an Yishme'u Shabbos Table Companion מרכז אנ״ש Merkaz Anash Rabbi Shimon Hellinger - Editor 344 פרשת תרומה תשע"ו

Hearing Good unless he makes an effort to avoid hearing it. )תו"מ תשמ"ח ח"ד ע' Unceasing Sound Waves Hearing Only Good )15 Reb Shlomo Leib of Linchna, a student of the One of the first chassidim who came to Rabbeinu Yonah writes that just as speaking Chozeh of Lublin and the Yid HaKadosh of Lubavitch after the Mitteler Rebbe settled indecently harms a Yid's neshama, so too listening Pshischa, made every effort not to listen to there in (1813) was the eminent chossid, to indecent talk tarnishes one's neshama. The unsuitable talk, and for his part, he was careful תקע"ג Reb . The Mitteler Rebbe had Shaloh writes that a child who hears goyishe songs to speak only when necessary. When he was instructed his chassidim that whenever they will develop a negative nature. young, he rented a room together with some were traveling home, they should stay over in others in the home of a tailor, but would always )ס' היראה לרבינו יונה, ]שבת נט ע"א[, משנ"ב סי' תקס שעה"צ כה( every town through which they passed, and return there only after they had already gone chazer a maamar that they had recently heard. The Tzemach Tzedek said, “The bell in Petersburg to sleep. Once, when Reb Hillel was about to return brought forgetfulness upon me.” Until he It once happened that the beis midrash closed home, he asked the Rebbe what he should visited Petersburg in the year (1843), he earlier than usual, and as Reb Shlomo neared his תר"ג do about this directive, because the villagers forgot nothing, but hearing the church bells boarding home, he noticed that the tailor was whom he would meet on his way were simple caused him to forget. still wide awake and was sitting and joking with folk who could not grasp the abstract concepts his friends. True to his principle, he kept at a )לקוטי סיפורים ע' קלח( .of Chassidus distance, but due to the freezing temperature, The Rebbe went into deep thought for a Imagine the surprise of the talmid who he walked to and fro to keep himself warm. moment and then assured him, Di neshama hert entered the home of the Chasam Sofer and This did not help much, but he refused to go – “The teachings of Chassidus are heard by the found him with his fingers in his ears. He inside, though he knew this might cost him neshama, which is identical in everyone. Those stood perplexed until the Chasam Sofer asked his life. With the help of HaShem, the lamp words then trickle down into the body and him, “Is it still chiming?" suddenly went out, and the renters retired for give the listener the strength to fulfill the 248 He then understood that his mentor wanted to the night. Only then did Reb Shlomo go inside. mitzvos-aseh, and to abstain from transgressing avoid hearing the sound of the bells. "From then on, in order to avoid such a the 365 mitzvos lo-sa'aseh." situation again,” he later said, “I learned )קדושת עיניים ע' 331( to give myself a forewarning, by honing my )אג"ק הריי"צ ח"ג ע' שלא, היום יום כד אדר א'( Reb Nachman of Breslov, said that hearing a rasha listening abilities and being able to hear Upon seeing his younger colleague, Rebbi speak has a negative influence on the listener. whispering even at a distance." Yehoshua ben Chananya, the tanna Rebbi )סיפורי חסידים זוין תורה ע' 488( )לקוטי עצות דיבור סק"ח( Dosa exclaimed, “I remember that when he was infant, his mother would take him in his The Rebbe Rashab once mentioned that he had carriage to the beis midrash so that his ears When a certain chossid complained that he was lost his hearing in one ear. Seeking the cause would absorb the words of Torah!" having doubts in emunah, the Rebbe instructed him to discontinue setting his clock by the of the problem, some of the chassidim recalled chimes of the local church. that the previous Shabbos, the conversation of )תלמוד ירושלמי יבמות פ"א ה"ו( people in the adjoining room had disturbed him .while he was delivering a maamar of Chassidus )כפר חב"ד 672 ע' The Rebbe often mentioned that mothers used )20 to rock their little ones to sleep with rhyming He had therefore weakened his sense of hearing lullabies of Yiddishe content, such as “Torah iz di in the ear closest to that disturbance. beste sechorah” (Torah is the best merchandise). )תו"מ ח"ז ע' 156, תו"מ תשמ"ח ח"ד ע' 51 הע' Protecting Oneself )65 The Rebbe said, “Some people think that it HaShem created man's fingertips narrow makes no difference what one sings to a young enough to enable him to obstruct his ears from child, since anyway he does not understand. hearing improper things. The soft earlobe was The truth is that everything that enters a child's created for the same purpose. ears affects his neshama in the years ahead.” A Consider This! )כתובות ח ע"ב( mother must therefore not only know about the importance of Torah: she should sing about J The Rebbe points out that unlike the other senses, J How can hearing words of it to her child. hearing does not require the cooperation of the Torah affect a person if he listener. One will hear a nearby conversation doesn’t understand them ?at all )שיחו"ק תשל"ט ח"א ע' 616, תשל"ז ח"א ע' 112(

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Can I back out from my commitment? of the Vilna shas) and on the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch. He passed away on .(1852) תרי"ב his birthday, Tu Bishvat JJ In halacha1 the sale of an object is not completed with payment, but rather with an act of acquisition (kinyan). For small movable    objects (metaltelin) the appropriate kinyan is for the buyer to lift Once, the rov of Dubrovna asked Reb Nechemia to deliver a teshuvah (responsa) the acquired object (hagbaha) or for the seller to lift an object 2 he had written to the renowned Reb Efrayim Zalman Margolis. After reviewing belonging to the buyer as a form of exchange (kinyan sudar). it, Reb Nechemya added some thoughts of his own and signed, “Reb Nechemya JJ Before a kinyan is made both parties can retract from the sale. the manufacturer.” Upon receiving the letter, Reb Efrayim Zalman asked, “Are all However, the one who backs out after payment must accept the manufacturers in Russia so learned?” a frightening curse (declared by beis din), which states that the One who punished (mi shepora) the people of the Mabul,    of Sdom and the Mitzriyim, will hold accountable the one who A rov once met Reb Nechemya after talking with him in learning he said, "I see doesn’t stand by his word.3 you are a great gaon, why are you not famous among the 'lomdim'?" JJ However, in a case when one commissioned an order from a Reb Nechemya replied with a mashal: A seforim seller once entered the home craftsman and backs out, he must pay for the lost time and effort,4 of a great rov and was surprised to see the walls lined with many and rare since he damaged the craftsman, albeit indirectly (garmi).5 If he seforim. The seller asked the rov, "Why is it that I have a tenth of the seforim that backs out in middle, he pays for the partial damage. you have, yet everyone know about my seforim, while you have so many more JJ Poskim point out that if the craftsman can sell the product, seforim, but no one knows of them?" To which the rov replied, "Your seforim are he cannot force payment out of the one who ordered it.6 The for the world and therefore they are famous, but my seforim are for myself"… obligation to sell it lays on the craftsmen since the item had not    been sold to the prospective buyer. Only if he isn’t successful (in a reasonable amount of time), he can collect the money from Once Reb Nechemya saw a soldier in the Russian army being whipped for the one who ordered it. If he cannot get the full price, he may having let his feet freeze while standing on guard duty. The soldier complained, sell it for less and collect the difference from the original buyer. “What have I done wrong? It was freezing outside!” He was told, “If you would remember the oath you have taken, to serve the king with all your might, this JJ Halacha states that one who caused indirect damage as a oath would have warmed you.” It is said that from this event, Reb Nechemya had result of duress (oness) is exempt. Therefore, if the something chayus for 25 years in his avoda, thinking of the warmth he should have as of a completely unpredictable came up and the buyer cannot result of the oath he had taken before entering this world. purchase the tefillin, he will be exempt from paying.7 (We don’t consider him to have hired the sofer to work for him, in which case he must pay his employee regardless, but as a buyer who committed to buy completed tefillin.8) JJ Even if the seller can receive the full price and incur no monetary A Mo ment with the Rebbe loss, it is inappropriate to back out of one’s word in monetary transactions. Chazal degrade such a practice and label such a person as untrustworthy.9 So Many Years with the …Group 1. שו"ע חו"מ סי' קצ"ח ס"א. 7. משפט הפועלים שם אות מ"ג )וראה ש"ך חו"מ 2. שו"ע חו"מ סי' קצ"ה ס"א, ר"ג ס"א. ולהעיר ישנם סי' שפ"ו סק"א(. Through establishing a Tomchei Temimim yeshiva“ עוד קנינים, ואכמ"ל. 8. נתה"מ סי' של"ג סקט"ו. )ולהעיר שפת"ח פ"י הע' ,in Brunoy, France, similar to that of Lubavitch of old 3. שו"ג סי' ר"ד ס"ד. ט' למד שיש שני חלקים בעבודת האומן וחלק של hafotzas hamayonos has reached a new level,” (Vayeishev 5752 (1991)). Thus שכירת פועל ואי"ז משמעות הנתה"מ. וראה משפט 4. סמ"ע חו"מ סי' של"ג סק"ל ולהרחבה ראה משפטי הפועלים פט"ו ביאורים ב' שמוכיח שלא כמותו(. the Rebbe summarized the present-day “French Revolution”: the epitome of חושן של"ג ביאורים אות קנ"ג ובציונים שם. 9. ב"מ מ"ח ע"א. ראה חו"מ סי' ר"ד ס"ז וח'. משפטי .secular culture transformed 5. שו"ת הרא"ש כלל ק"ד סי' ו' שו"ע חו"מ סי' חושן סי' של"ג הערה כ"ח שבנדו"ד אע"פ שהוא דבר Reb Chaim Mellul relates: “Reb Muleh Azimov brought us into the yeshiva under של"ג ס"ח. שלא בא לעולם מ"מ לכו"ע נחשב כמחוסר אמנה. .the direction of the mashpia Reb Nissan, and we in turn brought many friends 6. שו"ע סי' של"ג סמ"ע סק"ל וש"ך ס"ק מ"ב. “When the first contingent, known as ‘the group,’ traveled for Tishrei the first time, the Rebbe spoke to us very affectionately in French. He gave all eighteen of us one hadas for our lulav, and told us to keep it for after Yom Tov. Following the trip, we all received a and a twenty dollar note from the Rebbe. “Before the 5732 (1971) trip, the Rebbe let us come on three conditions: that Connection someone would be responsible to teach us during our stay, that we believe the Insight without a website. trip would enhance our avoda, and that we would not go into debt as a result. “In yechidus some years later, I asked the Rebbe to speak to me in French, because I was concerned I would miss some words in the Yiddish. The Rebbe looked surprised. He said, ‘You have been so many years with ‘the group,’ and 347-498-0008 you are still not fluent in Yiddish?!’”

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