Masculinity and Disproportionate Risk of Contact with the Criminal Justice System: Findings from a Select Sample of Low- Income Black Males in New York City

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Masculinity and Disproportionate Risk of Contact with the Criminal Justice System: Findings from a Select Sample of Low- Income Black Males in New York City City University of New York (CUNY) CUNY Academic Works All Dissertations, Theses, and Capstone Projects Dissertations, Theses, and Capstone Projects 2-2017 Masculinity and Disproportionate Risk of Contact with the Criminal Justice System: Findings from a Select Sample of Low- Income Black Males in New York City Michael G. Pass The Graduate Center, City University of New York How does access to this work benefit ou?y Let us know! More information about this work at: Discover additional works at: This work is made publicly available by the City University of New York (CUNY). Contact: [email protected] MASCULINITY AND DISPROPORTIONATE RISK OF CONTACT WITH THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM: FINDINGS FROM A SELECT SAMPLE OF LOW-INCOME BLACK MALES IN NEW YORK CITY by MICHAEL G. PASS A dissertation submitted to the Graduate Faculty in Criminal Justice in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, The City University of New York 2017 © 2017 MICHAEL G. PASS All Rights Reserved ii Masculinity and Disproportionate Risk of Contact with the Criminal Justice System: Findings from a Select Sample of Low-Income Black Males in New York City by Michael G. Pass This manuscript has been read and accepted for the Graduate Faculty in Criminal Justice in satisfaction of the dissertation requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. January 31, 2017 Delores-Jones-Brown Chair of Examining Committee January 31, 2017 Deborah Koetzle Executive Officer Supervisory Committee: Richard Curtis Gail Garfield THE CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK iii Abstract Masculinity and Disproportionate Risk of Contact with the Criminal Justice System: Findings from a Select Sample of Low-income Black Males in New York City by Michael G. Pass Advisor: Delores Jones-Brown Official statistics document that Black male’s experience disproportionate contact with the criminal justice system (CJS). Existing theory and research suggest that this contact may be attributed to unique attributes of Black masculine behavior. Utilizing a meta-analysis of Black masculinity studies and content analysis of narratives from a select sample of Black males, ages 19-50, the current study examines the similarities and differences between the construction and performance of normative or traditional masculinity, as measured by Mahalik et als’ CMNI and the attributes of Black masculinity as defined in the literature. A goal of the study was to assess whether Black males’ risk for disproportionate contact with the CJS is attributable to unique ways in which they construct, define, and engage masculine identities; or whether their risk for disproportionate contact with the CJS is substantially attributable to structural responses and impediments to their fulfillment of typical (normative) rather than atypical masculine roles. iv Table of Contents Copyright Page ii Approval Page iii Abstract iv INTRODUCTION 1 Statement of the Problem 1 Purpose of the Proposed Study 2 Research Questions 3 Significance of the Problem 3 REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE 4 Masculine Traits and Characteristics 4 Masculinity and Crime/ Criminal Justice System Processing 8 Black masculinity 10 Black masculinity and Crime/Criminal Justice System Processing 20 METHODS 34 Stage One 34 The CMNI; Oliver’s Three-Part Typology, and the Qualitative Meta-Analysis 34 Stage 2 36 Content analysis of Self-Reported Narratives 36 FINDINGS 41 v Comparing Masculinity Theory and Black Masculinity 41 Question 1: Do masculinity theory and “Black masculinity” theory explain distinctly different social phenomena? 41 Qualitative meta-analysis 44 Afrocentrism 54 The comparison of the three studies: CMNI; Oliver’s Three-Part Typology; Qualitative Meta-Analysis 56 Low-Income Heterosexual Inner City Black Males Constructing, Defining and Engaging in Masculine Identities 57 Question 2: How do low-income heterosexual inner city Black males from this study construct, define and engage in masculine identities? 57 Self-Reported Masculine Identities 81 Question 3: Do their self-reported masculine identities reflect a unique “Black masculinity”? 81 Black Males Performance of Normative Masculine Roles 94 Question 4: Are Black males performance of normative masculine roles associated with their risk for DMC with the CJS? 94 DISCUSIONS and CONCLUSIONS 100 Significance of the findings 114 Policy Implications 117 Limitations of the Study 119 APPENDICES 122 REFERENCES 142 vi List of Tables 1: Conceptualizing Traditional Masculinity and Black Masculinity 41 Comparative Definitions of Masculinity Listed in the Qualitative Meta-Analyzed Studies; the CMNI; and Oliver’s Three-Part Typology 43 3: Sample Characteristics 57 4: CJS Contact 66 5: Household Structure, and Relationship with Women 70 6: Respondents Reporting Definitions of Masculinity Paralleling those in the CMNI 81 7: Comparative Definitions and Descriptions of Masculinity 83 8: Relationship with Children 93 9: Comparative Definitions of Masculinity from the Outlier Compared to the Present Study, and the CMNI 95 vii INTRODUCTION Statement of the Problem Compared to other racial/ethnic groups, Blacks1 experience disproportionate contact with the United States criminal justice system (CJS) at almost every stage (Caudill, et. al., 2013; Rattan, et al., 2012; Hartney & Vuong, 2009; Rios, 2009; Rosich, 2007). The reason for this disproportionality has been the subject of considerable debate perhaps best summarized by Piquero & Brame (2008) in three theoretical explanations: (a) differential criminal involvement, (b) differential criminal justice system selection and processing; and, (c) a combination of differential involvement and differential selection and processing. The differential criminal involvement thesis makes reference to statistics indicating that Blacks commit more types of crime (e.g., violence) that lead to arrest. The differential criminal justice system selection and processing thesis refers to the substantial body of evidence documenting the disparate treatment of Blacks, in comparison to other racial/ethnic groups, by various agents, agencies, and structural components of the CJS. The mixed model attributes the racial disproportionality in CJS contact to the operation of a combination of the first two, and “hypothesizes that all of the differences between the race groups cannot be attributed to differential criminal activity” (Piquero & Brame, 2008: 5). In 1988, the term disproportionate minority contact or DMC was adopted as a means of describing the over-representation of youth of color in the juvenile justice system (Soler & 1 The term Black is used in this dissertation with reference to persons of African ancestry whether or not they were born in the United States. This includes African-Americans and other persons of Black racial identity. Throughout the document, the term Black and African-American may be used interchangeably. In referencing particular studies, this author will use the terms used by the authors of those studies. For purposes of this document, the term is intended as a reference to non-Hispanic Blacks. However, this author acknowledges that Latinos who are Black in appearance may experience the U.S. criminal justice system in ways that are similar to that of non-Hispanic Blacks. 1 Garry, 2009: 1), with Black males’ DMC being most substantial (Caudill, et. al., 2013; Rattan, et al., 2012). Initially DMC referred to disproportionate minority “confinement” within correctional facilities, but was later broadened to cover all forms of “contact” with the CJS2 (Hsia & Hamparian, 1988) and to describe the experience of adults of color in addition to juveniles. Available statistics document that Black male youth and adults experience DMC substantially more than other groups, including their female counterparts. Purpose of the Study The purpose of the current study was to assess the usefulness of masculinity theory in helping to understand Black males’ DMC. A substantial amount of research and theory suggests that Black males’ DMC can be explained by their engagement in criminal behavior that stems from unique attributes of Black masculinity (Cooper, 2013; Gabbidon & Greene, 2013: 20; McFarlen, 2013; Oliver, 2006;). Yet, both statistics and research show that, in comparison to their female counterparts, all males are at a significantly greater risk for CJS contact (Heidensohn, & Gelsthorpe, 2007: 341; Covington & Bloom, 2003; Krienert, 2003: 1); and processing (Uniform Crime Reports, 2011: Table 33). This suggests the need for a more nuanced understanding of how gendered behaviors and traits are associated with Black male disproportionality. The current study consists of a meta-analysis3 of Black masculinity research, a comparison of that analysis to measures of normative masculinity as developed by Mahalik, et al (2003) in The Conformity of Masculine Norms Inventory (CMNI), and a content analysis of narratives from a sample of low-income Black males, ages 19-50. These analyses were designed 2 In some cases the term also covers disproportionate contact with other state agencies such as child welfare or protective services. 3 Timulak & Creamer, 2013. 2 to tease out the similarities and differences—both theoretical and empirical—between masculinity and “Black masculinity” and determine their relation to the potential for criminal justice system contact. Research Questions A two-step process involving both archival and qualitative empirical research was used to answer the following
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