61, rue de Buffon PARIS Ve



comprenant les titres :

- non repertories par le Zoological Record ( 1950 - 1965 )

- parus depuis 1966

P A R I S 196C

ALEINIKOVA M~.- vie Bodenfauna der Mittleren Volgalandes u~d ihre regionalen Besonderheiten. Pedobiologia ,1965,5 .: 17-49 ALLRED D.M.,BECK D.E. et JORGENSEN C.D •• - Biotic communitie.s o£ the Navada test side. Sci. Bull. Brigham Young Univ. BiolG.1963, (2),2: 1-52 .r ATLAVINITE O.P •• - Les Invertebres du sol de Kurische-Nehrung; IX. Repartition des . Liet. T.S.R. Mokslu Akad. Darbai,1966,2: 233-235 ~ AUGENFELD J.M •• - Lactic dehydrogenase activities in Inverte­ brates in relation to environment and mode of gas ex~ change. Comp. Biochem. Physiol.,G.B.,1966,18,4: 983~985 BACHELIER G•• - La vie animale dans les sols. Initiat.,Document. techn. O.R.S.T.O.M.,1963,3 : 280 p.

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Univ. Babes-Bolyai,B~ologia,1964,2 : ~~-99 _ Doua noi Diplopoda ln Fauna RepubllCll Soclallste0 0 Romania. Ibid.,1966,1 : 57-60 Revizuirea-a doua specii ale genului Polydesmus (Dip~opoda,Proterospermophora) din. pa~I'!a_RepubJ.icii Socialiste Romania. Ibid.,1966,1 : 83-86 Quelques autres Diplopodes nouveaux de la Faune de la Roumanie. Ibid.,1967,1: 107-117 semnalari de noi Diplopode in Fauna Romaniei. Stud •. cere. Biol.,Zool.,1967,19,1 : 3-5 Iberoiulus.un genre nouveau de Myriapode (Diplopo­ da- Blaniulidae) de la faune d'Espagne. Mise. Zool., Barcelona,1967,2,2: 31-34 Diplopodes de la Tunisie (avec description d'une nouvelle espece). Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci.,1967,2,15 (9) : 551-554 --

CHALUPSKy- J ~.- Addi tio to the study on the ..;;;,S..;;t~y...;;;l_C-,.-~~..~.-::::~ species in Europe. Vestn. Cs. Spol. Zool. Bohem.),1965,29,3 Bohemian Pauropoda III (conclusive part). Ibid.,1967, 31,2: 121-132 CHAMBEI(LIN R. V•• - A new genus in the Chilopod family Di­ gnathodontidae with proposal of two subfamilies (Chilopoda:Geophilomorpha). Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 196~r79 : 215-220 CHOWDAIAH B.N •• - Chromosome studies in two species of pill­ millipedes (Diplopoda Myriapo.da). caryologia ital., 1966,19,2: 135-141 Cytological investigation on some Indian Diplopoda. Nature,London,1966,5038: 847 Cytological studies of some indian Diplopoda. Cyto­ logia ,1966,31 ,3 : 294-301 Chrom()?ome studies in Diplopoda - A note on :the abnormal sex-chromosome behaviour in the male of Thyropygus. Current. Sci., 1967, 36, ( 4) : 105 CLARK R •• - Centipede in stomach of young Vipera ammody­ tes meridionalis. Copeia,1967,1 : 224 CLOUDSLEY-THOMPSON J.L .• - Some aspects of the fauna of the district around Ibadan,Nigeria. Entom. Mag.,1966 (1967),102,1223-1225 :88-90 CO~DE B. et NGUYEN DUY M•. - Diplopodes Penicillates in: "Khumbu Himal " (I<.esearch Scheme Nepal Himalaya 1961) Sous presse. - Nouveaux representalJ:t~ .. mal.gach,es du _genre Mauri tixe­ ~. Rev. Ecol. Biol·. Sol, sous presse. Mauritixenus,genre mecbnnu de Diplopode Penicillate. Bull.Mus. na:t. Hist. nat.,1967, (2),39: 313-319 - _. Morphologie et geonemie du genre Monographis Att •• Mitt. Hamburg Zool. Mus._Inst.,1967,64: 43-81 Penicillates nidicoles de Malaisie. Rev. Ecol. Biol. Sol,1967,3,4: 621-624

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DUNGER.-W~ ~-:::_Myriopoden-Beobach.tungen in der Oberlausi tz. Abh. Ber. Natur~s_undem~~·, 1966,41,15 39-44 DUNGER \v •• - I 1ithobjus microps Mein. (ChilOpoda) in Sachsen. Abh. Ber.Naturkundemus. Gorlitz,1966,41,15: 33-38 DUNNING R.A .• - Millipede damage to sugar Beet in England. I.I.R.B. sous-groupe Blaniules. Bruxelles,1965 DURGEAT J. et LHOSTE J .• - Evaluation des populations de Blaniu­ les dans les champs de betteraves. Cong. Inst. int. rech. betterav.,Bruxelles,1964 EASON E.H .• - On Lithobius tricuspis Mein. (Chilopoda-Lithobio­ morpha) in Britain. Ann. Mag. Nat. hist.,1965,(13),8 : 285-295 EDWARDS C.A. et BELFIELD W.. - A new. genus and species of Sym­ phyla,Neosymphyla ghanensis with comments on Symphyla segmentation. Rev. Ecol. Biol. Sol,1967,4,3 : 517-52L EISNER T. et DAVIS J.A .. - Mongoose throwing and smashing Mil­ lipedes.Sc.,1967,155,3762: 577-578 EISNER H.E.,EISNER T. et HURST J.J .. - Hydrogen cyanide and ben­ zaldehyde produced by Millipede. Soc. Chem. ind.,1963, 124-125 EISNER T. et MEINWALD J .• - Defensive secretions of Arthropods. Insects,Millipedes and some of their relatives,discharge noxious secretions that repel predators. Sc.,U.S.A., 1966,153,3742: 1341-1350 - EL- KIFL A.H .. - First record of Pauropoda in cultivated lands at Giza region. Bull. Soc. Ent. Egypte,1965 (1966),49, 277-279 EVANS T.J .. - Bionomical observations on some british Millipedes. Ann. Mag. Nat. hist.,1910,(8),6 FAVARD-P .. - Degats anormaux des Iules en Provence. P,P.ytoma,1952, 41 FIMi'lCE. AGRICULTURE (MINI STERE) • - Un l'1ille-pattes nuisible: la Scutigerelle. Bull. Inform. Min. Agr.,Paris,1964,186,: B-B1,B-B3 FULLER H.. - Vergleichende untersuchungen uber das Skelettmuskel system der Chilopode~. Abh. Deutsch. Wissen. Berlin,(Che- Geol., BioJ_.), 1962 ( 1 963 , 3 . - Untersuchungen uberdie Chitintextur des·Integumentsder Chilopoden. Zool. Anz.,1965,175,2/3 : 173-181 FULLER H.. - Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen der Malpighischen Gefasse von Lithobius forficatus (L.). Zeits. Wiss. Zool.,1966,173,3/4: 191-217 GABE M•• - Caracteres cytologiques et histochimiques du rein maxillaire des Chilopodes. c.R. Acad. Sc.,1967,264,(D), 5 : 726-729 GERE G•. - Futterungsversuche mit bodenbewohnenden Diplopoden und Isopoden in der Baradla-Hohle bei Aggtelek (Ungarn) Biospeologica Hungarica XX. Opusc. Zool. (Inst. Zoo­ syst. Univ. Budapestiensis),1965,5,2 : 193-196 GHILAROV M.S .• - Excretory organs of terrestrial Arthropods, and the problem of ecto - and entosomatic organs. ? ? ?,45,9 : 1323-1325 1966 en russe. GOUIN F.J •• - Morphologie,Histologie und Entwicklungsgeschich­ te der Myriapoden und Insekten. III. Das Nervensystem und die neurocrinen Systeme. Fortsch. Zool.,1965,17 GROMYSZ-KALKOWSKA K. et STOJALOWSKA W.• - Respiratory meta- '~ bolism in Orthomorpha gracilis C.L. Koch as a func- tion of.temperature and body size. Fol. Biol.,1966, 14,4 : 379-389 GULIC!A" J •• - Neue und·interessante Diplopoden aus Bulgarien. Annot. Zool. Bot. ,Bratislava,1967,39 : 1-9 Neue Hohlen-Diplopoden aus Bulgarien. Ibid.,1967, 42 : 1-5 ---- HAACKER U•• - Diplopoden aus der Umgebung von Oberstdorf/ Allgau. Entom. Zeits.,1966,76,10: 109-112 Tagesrhythmische Vertikalbewegung bei Tausendfuss­ lern (Myriapoda,Diplopoda). Naturw.,1967,54,13: 346- 347

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pod?J,,.~olydesmida). Papeis Avulsos Zool. 1 S.Paulo, 1967,:21,4: 33~42 ·. :···· .. - The ide_~tity of Cordyloporus sulcatus:.Att.,1898 another - Diplopod uddle solved. Entom •. Mitt., 1.967~ 3, 59 : 183-188 HOFFMAN R.L. et CHAMBERLIN R.V .• - On some genera and families of North American Diplopods. Chicago Acad. Sci. Nat. Hist. Misc.,1950,71 HOFFMAN R.L. et KNIGHT L.S •. - A new genus and species of Spi­ rostreptoid Millipeds from the Pacaraima Montains,Bri~ tish Guiana. Journ. New-York Ent om. Soc.,1967,75,1 : 56-59 HOFFHAN R.L. et LOOHIS H.F .• - Synonymy of various Diplopods. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington,1948,61 ILCZUK Z.,STOJALOWSKA W. et GIERYNG R •• - The occurence of vf citric acid in Diplopoda. Folia Biol.,1967,15,2 ING B.• • Centipedes and Millipedes. Nature,Cambs.,1961,4 JANDER u .. - Untersuchungen zur Stammesgeschichte von Putz­ bewegungen von Tracheaten. Zeits. Tierpsych.,1966, 23,7 JEEKEL C.A.W .• - A new species of Orthomorpha Bollman from Thailand observed in migration,with taxonomic notes on the genus (Diplopoda). Tijdsch. Entom.,1964,107, 7 : 355-364 Analyse du travail de EASON :Centipedes of the Bri­ tish Isles in: Reviews. Journ. Ecol.,1965, 34,2 On two italian Lithobius species discribed by SIL­ VESTRI with taxonomic notes on the genus .Eupolybothrus Verh .• Beaufortia,1967,14,175 : 165-175 JENKIN P.M •. - Apolysis and hormones in the moulting cycles of Arthropoda. An. Endocrin.,1966,27,3bis : 331-341 JENKIN P.M. et HINTON H.E .• - Apolysis in moulting cycles. Nature,G.B.,1966,211,5051 : 871 JOLY R •• - Etude experimentale du cycle de mue et de sa re­ gulation endocrine chez les Myriapodes Chilopodes. G~n. Comp.,Endo.,1966,6,3: 519-533 , , . - Sur l'ultrastructure de la glande cerebrale deLl­ thobius forficatus (1.) (Myriapode Chilopode). C.~ Acad. Sci., 1966, 2b3 : 374-377 -- Correlations existant entre la nutrition et les fonQtions endocrines chez les Insectes. Ann. Biol., 1966,5,(4),3/4: ) ··-1 JOLY R .• - Contribution a l'etude du cycle de mue et de son determinisme chez les Myriapodes Chilopodes . Bull. Biol. France-Belgique , 1966 , C , 3 : 379-479 • JUBERTHIE-JUPEAU L .. - Heterosymelies et anomalies de la seg­ mentation chez Scutigerella silvatica (Symphyle , My­ riapode ). Bull. Soc. Zool. France , 1965 , 90 , 4: 405-415 • ~ Existence d'organes neuraux intracerebraux chez les Glomeridia (Diplopodes) epiges et cavernicoles • c.R. Acad. Sci. , Paris , 1967 , 264 : 89-92 . ---­ Les ootheques de quelques Diplopodes Glomeridia. Rev. Ecol. Biol. Sol , Paris , 1967 , 4 , 1 : 131-142 • - Ponte et developpement larvaire de Speleoglomeris doderoi Silv., (Myr.- Diplopode ). Ann. Speleol., 1967 , 22 , 1 , 20 pages. - Donnees sur le systeme endocrinien de quelques Diplo­ podes Oniscomorphes (Myriapodes). C.R. Acad. Sc.,Paris ,

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