La Trobe Journal 100 Notes and Contributors
118 Notes Welch: Andrea Palladio, Les quatre livres de University of Melbourne, from l’architecture d’André Palladio 22 February to 22 June 2014, in the Keith 1 James Stevens Curl, ‘Palladio, Andrea Murdoch Gallery at State Library Victoria, (1508–80)’, Oxford Dictionary of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, 2nd edn, galleries/rome-piranesis-vision, accessed Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2006, 18 Mar. 2017. Colin Holden, Piranesi’s Grandest Tour: From Europe to Australia, acref/9780198606789.001.0001/ Sydney: NewSouth Publishing acref-9780198606789-e-3320?rskey= in association with State Library OHxKXH&result=3901, accessed Victoria, 2014. 18 Mar. 2017. 8 Harriet Edquist, Building a New World: 2 Alina A Payne, The Architectural Treatise A History of the State Library of Victoria, in the Italian Renaissance: Architectural Melbourne: State Library Victoria, 2012, Invention, Ornament and Literary Culture, p. 113, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University content_id=27124155, accessed Press, 1999, pp. 34–51 and 170–213; Pierre 18 Mar. 2017. de la Ruffinière du Prey, The Villas of Pliny: From Antiquity to Posterity, Chicago & Kirsop: Jean de La Fontaine, Fables choisies, London: University of Chicago Press, 1994, mises en vers pp. 16–17. 1 Daniel Berkeley Updike, Printing Types: 3 Giles Worsley, Classical Architecture in Their History, Forms, and Use: A Study in Britain: The Heroic Age, New Haven, CT: Survivals, 2nd edition, 2 vols, Cambridge, published for the Paul Mellon Centre for MA: Harvard University Press, 1937, Studies in British Art by Yale University vol.
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