‘No right to dream’ The social and economic lives of young undocumented migrants in Britain ‘Noright to dream’ PaulHamlynFoundation The social and economic 18 QueenAnne’sGate LondonSW1H9AA lives of young undocumented Tel:02072273500 Fax:02072223575 migrants in Britain Email:
[email protected] A report commissioned by www.phf.org.uk This document may be viewed online PaulHamlynFoundationisacompanylimitedbyguarantee at www.staff.city.ac.uk/yum or via the registeredinEnglandandWales(number5042279) Paul Hamlyn Foundation website, Alice Bloch (City University London), Nando Sigona and andaregisteredcharity(number1102927) www.phf.org.uk Roger Zetter (Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford) ‘Noright to dream’ The social and economic lives of young undocumented migrants in Britain A report commissioned by Alice Bloch (City University London), Nando Sigona and Roger Zetter (Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford) This document may be viewed online at www.staff.city.ac.uk/yum or via the Paul Hamlyn Foundation website, www.phf.org.uk Published by Paul Hamlyn Foundation ISBN 978-1-905500-20-8 Design: red-stone.com Printed on 75% recycled paper ThesocialandeconomiclivesofyoungundocumentedmigrantsinBritain 1 Contents Acknowledgements 4 Foreword(JaneHamlyn– 5 Chair,PaulHamlynFoundation) Executivesummary 6 Casestudy:Kirsty 11 Chapter1:Introductionandcontext 12 Background 13 Parametersofthestudyanddefinitions 13 Researchcontext 14 Fieldworkandmethodology 16 Researchethics 17 Profileofthesample 18 Outlineandstructureofthereport 18 Casestudy:FangPing