English Translation of Mozart's Requiem
English Translation of Mozart's Requiem I. Introit: Requiem Requiem aeternam dona eis, Grant them eternal rest, Lord, Domine, and let perpetual light shine on et lux perpetua luceat eis. them. Te decet hymnus, Deus, in Sion, You are praised, God, in Zion, et tibi reddetur votum in and homage will be paid to You in Jerusalem. Jerusalem. Exaudi orationem meam, Hear my prayer, ad te omnis care veniet. to You all flesh will come. Requiem aeternam dona eis, Grant them eternal rest, Lord, Domine, and let perpetual light shine on et lux perpetua luceat eis. them. II. Kyrie Kyrie, eleison. Lord, have mercy on us. Christe, eleison. Christ, have mercy on us. Kyrie, eleison. Lord, have mercy on us. III. Sequence 1. Dies irae Day of wrath, day of anger Dies irae, dies illa will dissolve the world in ashes, Solvet saeclum in favilla, as foretold by David and the Sibyl. teste David cum Sibylla. Great trembling there will be Quantus tremor est futurus, when the Judge descends from quando judex est venturus, heaven cuncta stricte discussurus! to examine all things closely. 2. Tuba mirum The trumpet will send its wondrous Tuba mirum spargens sonum sound per sepulcra regionum, throughout earth's sepulchres coget omnes ante thronum. and gather all before the throne. Mors stupebit et natura, Death and nature will be cum resurget creatura, astounded, judicanti responsura. when all creation rises again, Liber scriptus proferetur, to answer the judgement. in quo totum continetur, A book will be brought forth, unde mundus judicetur. in which all will be written, by which the world will be judged.
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