Author: Riki Ott Number of Pages: --- Published Date: --- Publisher: --- Publication Country: --- Language: --- ISBN: 9781933392585


According to almost every single person on the case, that is except Enbridge, this oil spill is and I quote "huge for an inland spill". Are you kidding me? Why are we even allowing Enbridge to maintain a working pipe system? They have had not 1 not 2 but something in the range of one-hundred or more incidents. Sound Truth and Corporate Myth. We are marking four decades of the Environmental Era and forecasting the future. Apr 24, Chelsea Green Pub. Apr 22, Sisters Press, Cordova, AK. OCS Study. BOEM Department of the Interior. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. Then let's consider the twenty-eighth amendment to the Constitution of the United States: the separation of corporation and state. The movement has already begun. US Edition U. Coronavirus News U. HuffPost Personal Video Horoscopes. Terms Privacy Policy. Part of HuffPost Environment. All rights reserved. Tap here to turn on desktop notifications to get the news sent straight to you. It is wrong when it tends otherwise. Riki Ott is the right person--at the right place--at the right time. Her expertise as an author and as a marine toxicologist alerts us to the true cost of our addiction to oil--not just monetary cost, but ecological cost. Democracy and the planet are at stake. In Not One Drop she recounts a riveting tale of loss, intrigue, cover-ups, and courage--and in the process helps us all see why we will be glad to leave behind the age of oil. Magazine, "Riki Ott, a modern day Joan of Arc, was in the right place at the right time to become witness to one of the most egregious crimes against man and nature in modern day history. Riki has proven through her willingness to expose the corporate corruption and cover up of the Exxon Valdez oil spill that she is a courageous, caring, and passionate voice for the people and the planet. Jonathan Wills, writer, wildlife guide, and Shetland Scotland Councillor, "Riki Ott, a modern day Joan of Arc, was in the right place at the right time to become witness to one of the most egregious crimes against man and nature in modern day history. InNot One Dropshe recounts a riveting tale of loss, intrigue, cover-ups, and courage—and in the process helps us all see why we will be glad to leave behind the age of oil. To give you a point of reference: had the spill occurred off the east coast of the 'Lower 48,' oil would have destroyed coastline from New York Harbor to Cape Canaveral. All the communities along the coast--which depend on the Sound's fish populations for food, jobs, tourism, and work--were devastated. One such community was Cordova, where a good friend of mine, Dr. Aravind Adigia. Selection Day. Pages: Institute of Materials. European Federation of Corros. Auth: ISBN: Page 1 of Jan 13, Granieri said the desire to sell more of the "feature phones" was not the only reason for the price cuts. All Rights Reserved. Designed by Templatic. Story of the Exxon-Valdez oil spill and the 20 year effort of Exxon to limit and cover up the incredible damage which they perpetrated on the S. Well written and well reseached. View 2 comments. May 07, amber rated it it was amazing. Jun 05, Meg added it. Jan 19, Anita Schweppe rated it it was ok. Eye opening but very depressing. Feb 20, Katherine marked it as no-for-now. Jan 01, John rated it it was amazing. A clear look at the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. Cassandra rated it really liked it Jul 31, George rated it really liked it Apr 15, Yen rated it really liked it Jan 13, Rachel rated it liked it Nov 10, Maggie Hunt rated it it was ok Oct 25, Jon Mckee rated it it was amazing Sep 07, Jen rated it did not like it Aug 31, Rachel rated it it was amazing Sep 08, Laurie Dugan rated it really liked it Nov 17, Diane rated it it was amazing Oct 18, April rated it liked it Feb 28, Andrew rated it liked it May 04, Whitney rated it it was amazing Dec 29,