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Thai Nama Na Utuli Minuta U Mini THAI NAMA NAUS009903028B2 UTULI MINUTA U MINI (12 ) United States Patent (10 ) Patent No. : US 9 , 903 ,028 B2 Stahl et al. (45 ) Date of Patent: Feb . 27, 2018 5 , 889 ,054 A 3 / 1999 Yu et al. ( 54 ) NITROXYL -MEDIATED OXIDATION OF 6 , 261 ,544 B1 7 / 2001 Coury et al . LIGNIN AND POLYCARBOXYLATED 8 , 969 ,534 B2 3 /2015 Stahl et al. PRODUCTS 2013/ 0040031 AL 2 /2013 Stecker et al. (71 ) Applicant: WISCONSIN ALUMNI RESEARCH (Continued ) FOUNDATION , Madison , WI (US ) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (72 ) Inventors : Shannon S . Stahl, Madison , WI (US ) ; EP 1 722 431 A2 11 /2006 Mohammad Rafiee , Madison , WI (US ) KR 10 2002 0095383 * 12 /2002 .. .. .. .. .. D21C 3 / 00 ( 73 ) Assignee : WISCONSIN ALUMNI RESEARCH OTHER PUBLICATIONS FOUNDATION , Madison , WI (US ) Rahimi et al . , " Chemoselective Metal- Free Aerobic Alcohol Oxi ( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer , the term of this dation in Lignin ,” J . Am . Chem . Soc . 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