When a Bishop Resigns-- Breasted, Belted, Zippered **M*Jiiiiai^Niiiiyiii >» *IWW>I Ml ' I'iwlwi 1 Land a Rainbow "Cholct'^Of- 'Priesthood Ia My Opinion
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s^w^fSsii^s^sps^^^s^sKf^^w^^irry'. 33}«3jSp5§gpp,ipf j,. '~X -i^ :'i #(«>iftiriS»»M*<^*V«*rt! Courier-Journal — Friday, June 13, 1969 mm M'f Lft-?- reg. $25 Express Gratitude to Pope w/. Glacomo Chiamura kisses the ring of Pope Paul VI as some of the other Italian oil wofEers who- had s**b been held captive in Biafra look on. In an emotional scene at the Vatican, one of the men told the pontiff, "We are very gratefll^-fo^^1-yoH-4lavft-^^«^le-fnr-^R,, The 18 men, f.niren prjsjtnfr_jd^,jjgl^L ing swirled around their work camp in Nigeria, were freed from a death sentence when the Pope and other leaders had appealed to Biafra to spare their lives. (RNS) Freed by Biafra, Oilmen Meet Pope Vatican City—<RNS>— Tope Paul to secure the men's release and ex comed by the Italian President, by 7. VI, in an extraordinary midniggit-au— pressed regret at the death of other members of their families and direc dience, received 18 oil workers whom oil workers during the fighting tors of their company. They' were ac his appeals, junong others^ iaiLres.- around Owerre when Biafra recap companied on their return journey by cued from execution in Biafra. The tured the area. 18 men, including 14 Italians, three ""ih^AfricHTr-Mshop-of-Po: Germans and a Lebanese, liad sent a Later, during his regular Sunday (Bishop Godfrey Okoye), and before cable to the Pope, thanking him for noon appearance to lead pilgrims in going their various ways they wanted" his intervention and asking for the the recitation of the Angelus, the to express their thanks, participating audience. -Pope described his meeting with the in the common joy for their safe men and the efforts to obtain their return and in the mourning for their During the 40-minute meeting release. here, the Pope stressed the impar 10 fellow workers killed in the harm tiality of Catholic relief work in Ni "These good men were very less and honest execution of their geria, thanked those who had helped moved," he said. "They had been wel duty." le in JL JBishop Shannon Bishop Requests Priests, HFT- a i's Makes It Official: Don't Act on My Behalf He's Resigned St Paul, Minn. — (RNS) — A sur right of bishops to dissent from non- Minneapolis — (RNS) - Auxili prise message from Bishop James P. infallible papal teachings and remain Shannon blunted efforts of support bishops. ary Bishop James P. Shamion of the ers to get some action in his behalf HE Archdiocese^M^JL-EauJ^lnasiaBQais- Tffonfthe Priests' Senate of the Arch After receiving Bishop Shannon's 3F. has conHrmed that he submitted diocese of St Paul-Minneapolis. mpssagp, th, his . resignation last Nov. 23 as an dorse a. march but it did support a auxiliary bishop and as pastor- of St The senate, which convened a prayer service in behalf of Bishop ; Shanr^cff, .^e-.jC^oftciiChturoJiij^ndj A but. 131L Helena's church here. special meeting to consider what to do about the bishop's resignation as leaders of the Arohdiocesei --In~a~nand-wrfEten" letter li>-Wttfr auxiliary-Hbishop—following -dissent >l-.7r'r> (A group of 60 priests, acting in mar L. "Ehorkelson, religion editor from Pope Paul's birth control encyll- cal, did, however, approve two state dependently of the senate, later ar of the Minneapolis Star, -4he bishop ments praising the'bishop. ranged-for an afternoon march June said the resignation was contained in 8 from the St Paul Cathedral to a a letter to Archbishop Leo> Binz, Bishop Shannon in his message to mall near St. Paul Seminary ending the senate, declared: in a prayer service). The senate head of the archdiocese. The arch sponsored an evening prayer service bishop- was askeoT io"Torw«ifd thi TFIT "I respectfully^ request my brother "Th flie Cathedral. 22 quests "to the proper authorities in priests to abstain from any public Ronfe" statement or action regarding my present status and recent public stor ies concerning me. The bishop submitted ills resigna Yale Honors a o %8m. M tion two months after he -wrote Pope "I feel very strongly that no good >m$ Paul that he was unable to accept his would come from such action at this Bishop Shannon teaching on birth controL. time. I even believe positive harm would come for the Church if such New Haven, Conn. — (NC)—Bish Later, he disclosed in the letter a course would be followed." op James P. Shannon, who has con to Mr. Thorkelson, he was urged by Bishop Shannon asked instead that firmed his resignation as auxiliary Pope Paul's personad representative the senate give "a vote of confidence, bishop of St Paul and Minneapolis, " support and encouragement" for- was honored bv the Yale University "IS this country, Archbishop Luigi graduate school for achieving emi Raimondi, the Apostolic Delegate, to Archbishop Leo Binz and Coadjutor Leo Byrne of the Archdiocese. nence in church governance. v go abroad and live, but ^without any Church assignment "They have gone far beyond their Bishop Shannon and three other duty in trying to help and counsel me Yale alumni received the Wilbur He rejected this proposal atnd said in these recent difficult months," he said. Lucius Cross Medal at the Y,ale com he had accepted an offer to continue mencement program June 9. as a tutor during the Summer at St Before the meeting, priests sup John's College, a non-denominational porting the bishop had caucused and The honor was established two school in Santa Pe, N.M. He bias been decided to request the senate to con years ago by the Yale Graduate teaching there for the past four vene a board of inquiry into the resig School Association in memory of- the \A/©'ve shown just 3 of our nation, to endorse a protest march, famous Yale dean who served as gov months while on a leave from the to seek openness in the operations of ernor of Connecticut from 1930 to enormous selection of car- & sffe archdiocese. the Archdiocese and to affirm the 1938. coats. You really must see them to believe the great \ variety of styles, sizes and colors . single and double- i vj"ii ""i i mill1 When a Bishop Resigns-- breasted, belted, zippered **m*jiiiiai^niiiiyiii >» *IWW>I Ml ' I'iWlWi 1 land a rainbow "cHolcT'^of- 'Priesthood ia My Opinion . The Most Honorable Fraternity.' beige, aqva, yellow, ivory, Following is a partial text of the of three possible future assignments but where I would choose to live in naVy, mint green, pink and : letter of Auxiliary Bishop James P. outslfde the umteoTSulites.— "Tfre—fmurer- coral. It's a magnificent col Shannon ttf St Paul and Minneapolis, to Willmar Thorkelson of the Minne I reported these options to Arch- It has now become clear to me that i . I cannot Jbria& .myself to -accept any lection andr-a+isayTngs-prices apolis Star, regarding ^onflrndatlon"of" —bishop—Leo—Binz..and.. (Coadjutor). his having submitted his resignation Archbishop Leo C. Byrne in a letter of these invitations. in which I also stated that I did not " too! Hurry in to find your fav as auxiliary bishop and as a pastor I have been invited by the Board of to Archbishop Leo Binz of St. Paul believe that I could serve the needs orite. Sibley's Career Coats x^ of the Church in any of thgse un Visitors and Governors of St John's and Minneapolis. College in Santa Fe, N.M., to return specified foreign posts. on fasliion floor 2 and all t. Use Dear Mr. Thorkelson, there as a tutor in-the-sairaner-pro Shortly thereafter, Archbishop gram, beginning three weeks from suburban stores. rd for Since your publication last week of Binz informed me by letter that he now. I have accepted this invitation. a portiojiof^jm^s^tricUy confidential had discussed these options.in person ment, correspondence with our Hots' Tatber Needless to say, I am today a deep wlth^Srebblshop Raimondi and that ly troubled man. Nest week com irpostr "Pope~-pauJ[, Vl7~i"biave~ .teen—deeply iir~nfc ^tsit-enly - jcwo such foreign troubled by some of the news stories pletes/ my 23rtf year as T ffiernbef of places were" mentioned, not three, as the Catholic priesthood, in my opin le one and the speculation which pour arti I understood. cle has occasioned. The past dfew days ion, the most honorable fraternity in rants, the world. I am aware that the state have been for me a period of extreme Some weeks later I was again in personal tension and anguish. ments I have made in this letter may ghout vited to Washington to confer with well be to many good persons *( among The Apostolic Delegate. He inquired them my family, friends, classmates charge In the interest of truth and ac- whether I nad reached any decision. curacy, I should ljke thetrefore to set and parishioners) a scandal, a stum- I said I had not. He then asked if it bling block, in the literal sense. And the record straight on a few facts- would 'help if additional—foreign which have been garbled in some places were added to my list of op yet, each statement iTiave given is stories I have seen an-d some new tions and proposed- several other true. Can the truthrbe a 'scandalum'? facts\not yet revealed in. the- press. countries. I inquired more particu Please pray for me. s It is teas that I did sucbnri* my for larly about the nature of such as- mal resignation, both as a pastor an discovered that-he-Tdid- as an auxiliary bishop in a letter to not_mean official posts or canonical .