PINEPINE CITYCITY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2020 VOL. 135 NO. 6 $1.00 DRAGON WINTER SPORTS: Heating up rinks and courts all around town and beyond. P7 New rules for presidential primary election Early voting open now, party caucus- in Minnesota, and Pine County Audi- The Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party whose candidate I intend to vote.” es Feb. 25, primary election March 3 tor/Treasurer Kelly Schroeder wants and the Republican Party are partici- “This was a legislative decision made the public to know that there will be a pating in the primary, and there will be in 2016; it’s not something that Pine number of changes this year. a different ballot for each party. Voters County just decided to do,” Schroeder BY MIKE GAINOR “This election is very different than must request which ballot – Republican said. “This is statewide. The purpose,
[email protected] what most citizens have ever experi- or DFL – they want. According to state I have heard, is just to put Minnesota enced,” Schroeder said. “I am very guidelines, each voter must affi rm the more on the map when it comes to the Early voting is now open for the concerned about voter confusion and statement, “I am in general agreement March 3 presidential primary election frustration.” with the principles of the party for SEE PRIMARY, PAGE 2 Arson at Pokegama Sanatorium STAFF REPORT
[email protected] The Pine County Sheriff’s Offi ce reports that ar- son was the cause of the Jan. 28 fi re at the former Pokegama Sanatorium.