Gov. Phil Scott, Health and Education Experts Address School Reopening
PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID POSTAL CUSTOMER Be Smart. RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER PERMIT #2 Be Safe. National Lazy N. HAVERHILL, NH Wear a Mask. Day Aug. 10 ECRWSSEDDMECRWSS FREE Your Local Community Newspaper THE Vermont AUGUST 05, 2020 | WWW.VERMONTJOURNAL.COM JournaVOLUME 20, ISSUEl 32 Gov. Phil Scott, health and education experts address school reopening MONTPELIER, Vt. – At turn. Gov. Scott was joined by Edu- The group emphasized the fidence in their systems. Vermont to restart in-person a press conference Tuesday, “School districts, school cation Secretary Dan French, benefits of in-person instruction Commissioner Levine ac- learning.” July 28, Gov. Phil Scott ad- boards, teachers, and admin- Health Commissioner Mark for children, especially those 10 knowledged the uncertainty of On Friday, July 31, Gov. Scott dressed school reopening and istrators should take this extra Levine, M.D., and Rebecca Bell and under, and the safety of do- this virus has created concerns signed the directive officially announced he would issue an time to make sure they, and M.D., MPH, FAAP, pediatric ing so based on the state’s health and questions for teachers, ad- setting Tuesday, Sept. 8 as the executive order to set Tuesday, their hybrid and online solu- critical care physician at UVM guidance and Vermont’s low ministrators and parents, and universal reopening date for Sept. 8 as the universal start date tions, are ready and effective so Children’s Hospital and the disease prevalence. While the noted, “As health commissioner, Vermont schools. The Secretary
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