Deceptive and Counter-Deceptive Machines Papers from the AAAI 2015 Fall Symposium Formalizing Deceptive Reasoning in Breaking Bad: Default Reasoning in a Doxastic Logic John Licato
[email protected] Analogical Constructivism and Reasoning Lab (ACoRL) Indiana University and Purdue University-Fort Wayne Abstract In this paper, I will attempt to model the reasoning used by The rich expressivity provided by the cognitive event agents in an episode of the television series Breaking Bad. calculus (CEC) knowledge representation framework Episode 13 of season 5, entitled To’hajiilee, is notably rich in allows for reasoning over deeply nested beliefs, desires, deceptive behaviors between characters, being a point in the intentions, and so on. I put CEC to the test by attempt- series’ overall story arc where the conflict between several ing to model the complex reasoning and deceptive plan- consistently wily characters comes to a climax. One group ning used in an episode of the popular television show (Jesse and Hank) devises a plan to lure, trap, and catch an- Breaking Bad. CEC is used to represent the knowledge other character (Walt), and I try to answer two questions used by reasoners coming up with plans like the ones about their plan in this paper: First, what sort of reasoning devised by the fictional characters I describe. However, and knowledge representation would be necessary to devise it becomes clear that a form of nonmonotonic reason- such a plan as the one created by Jesse and Hank? Second, is ing is necessary—specifically so that an agent can rea- sufficiently powerful to represent such knowledge and son about the nonmonotonic beliefs of another agent.