Masonic Token: October 15, 1889
MASONIC TOKEN. WHEREBY" ONE BROTHER MAY KNOW ANOTHER. VOLUME 3. PORTLAND, OCT. 15, 1889. NO. IO. Published quarterly by Stephen Berry, Baskahegan, 175, Danforth. John P Ker, hall, a banquet room, with suitable ante m ; Martin L Porter, sw ; B W Stinchfield, rooms. The large hall is frescoed, the other No. 37 Plum Street, Portland. jw ; Alex McClain, Jr, see. rooms wainscoted in whitewood. Star in the East, 69, Oldtown. George F Twelve cts. per year in advance. Postage Presentations. prepaid. Lull, m ; Frank W Parsons, sw ; Walter II Stevens, jw ; George T Sewall, sec. Bath, Aug. 16. Advertisements $4.00 per inch, or $3.00 for Quantabacook, 129, Searsmont. Alanson Right Eminent Past Commander John 0. half an inch for one year. G Caswell, m ; Benj B Toothaker, sw; Shaw, on the occasion of his 25th wedding Loima C Poor, jw; Allen L Maddocks, sec. No advertisement received unless the advertiser, anniversary this evening, was presented a or some member of the firm, is a Freemason in Amity, 6, Camden. George T Hodgman, good standing. m; Reuel Robinson, sw ; George L Thorn- Past Grand Commander’s jewel of gold stud dike, jw ; Leander M Kenniston, sec. ded with diamonds, by Knights Templar of THE PHANTOM ARMY. Molunkus, 165, Sherman Mills. Elijah F Maine. It is the most elegant ever presented Harriman, in ; John C Hussey, sw; John Gos- in this state. Very Eminent Deputy Grand nell, jw; Benj H Towle, sec. And T saw a phantom army come, Commander E. M. Fuller made a very im With nevor a sound of life or drum, Oxford, 18, Norway.
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