Masonic Token: October 15, 1889
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MASONIC TOKEN. WHEREBY" ONE BROTHER MAY KNOW ANOTHER. VOLUME 3. PORTLAND, OCT. 15, 1889. NO. IO. Published quarterly by Stephen Berry, Baskahegan, 175, Danforth. John P Ker, hall, a banquet room, with suitable ante m ; Martin L Porter, sw ; B W Stinchfield, rooms. The large hall is frescoed, the other No. 37 Plum Street, Portland. jw ; Alex McClain, Jr, see. rooms wainscoted in whitewood. Star in the East, 69, Oldtown. George F Twelve cts. per year in advance. Postage Presentations. prepaid. Lull, m ; Frank W Parsons, sw ; Walter II Stevens, jw ; George T Sewall, sec. Bath, Aug. 16. Advertisements $4.00 per inch, or $3.00 for Quantabacook, 129, Searsmont. Alanson Right Eminent Past Commander John 0. half an inch for one year. G Caswell, m ; Benj B Toothaker, sw; Shaw, on the occasion of his 25th wedding Loima C Poor, jw; Allen L Maddocks, sec. No advertisement received unless the advertiser, anniversary this evening, was presented a or some member of the firm, is a Freemason in Amity, 6, Camden. George T Hodgman, good standing. m; Reuel Robinson, sw ; George L Thorn- Past Grand Commander’s jewel of gold stud dike, jw ; Leander M Kenniston, sec. ded with diamonds, by Knights Templar of THE PHANTOM ARMY. Molunkus, 165, Sherman Mills. Elijah F Maine. It is the most elegant ever presented Harriman, in ; John C Hussey, sw; John Gos- in this state. Very Eminent Deputy Grand nell, jw; Benj H Towle, sec. And T saw a phantom army come, Commander E. M. Fuller made a very im With nevor a sound of life or drum, Oxford, 18, Norway. Irving Frost, m ; But keeping step to a muffled hum pressive presentation address, which was hap- Of wailing lamentation ; Seward S Stearns, sw ; Everett F Becknell, The martyred heroes of Malvern Hill, jw ; Howard D Smith, sec. pily responded to by Mr. Shaw. Dunlap Of Gettysburg and Chan cel lorsvi lie— The men whose wasted bodies fill Carrabassett, 161, Canaan. Noah Ricker, Commandery was present in full force. Past The patriot graves of the nation. m ; Samuel J Moore, sw ; Cecil B Gardner, Commander Shaw entertained his friends jw; Albion R. Chase, see. And then came the unknown dead, the men right royally. Many other gifts were re- Who died in fever swamp and fen. Maine, 20, Farmington. Enoch O Green- ceived. Among the presents were gold The slowly starved of prison pen ; leaf, m ; Lauriston A Smith, sw; George L And marching beside the others, ladles in plush cases, and a triple mirror with Came the dusky martyrs of Pillow’s fight, Stevens, jw ; George B Cragin, sec. With iimbs enfranchised and bearing bright. Ancient Brothers, 178, Auburn. Herbert a hammered silver case. I thought it was the pale moonlight— L Gurney, m ; MP Buchanan, sw ; Churchill They looked as white as their brothers. Charles E. Pierce, Past Commander of St. S Stevens, jw ; Lewis A Cobb, sec. And so all night marched the nation’s dead, Timer Commandery of South Boston, was With never a. banner above them spread, Chapter Elections. the recipient of a gold-headed cane from the No sign save the bare, uncovered head Of their silent grim Reviewer ; St. George’s, 45, Liberty. Gustavus H ladies of St. Alban Commandery, in recogni With never an arch but the vaulted sky, With not a flower save those which lie Cargill, up; James Leman, k ; Clarence N tion of assistance rendered them in procur On distant graves, for love could buy Cram, s ; Ambrose P Cargill, sec. No gift that was purer or truer. ing a national flag which they presented to Union, 36, Norway. George W Holmes, that commandery Sept. 20th. On the same So all night long moved the strange array up; George A Cole, i< ; Charles G Mason, s; So all night long till the break of day Howard D Smith, sec. occasion Bethany Commandery, of Law I watched for one who had passed away With a reverent awe and wonder ; Franklin, 44, Farmington. S Clifford rence, Mass., presented St. Alban with a silk Till a blue cap waved in the lengthening line, Belcher, hp; Enoch O Greeleaf, k ; Arthur beauseant. And I knew that one who was kin of mine D Parsons, s; George B Cragin, sec. Had come, and spoke—and, Lo ! that sign Sir Knight Pierce was also presented with Wakened me from my slumber. a sword and shoulder straps by his own —Bret Harte in Chicago Tribune. Constitution. commandery Oct. 3d. St. Elmo Commandery, No. 18, at Machias, MASONRY IN MAINE. was constituted September 4, by Grand Com- The Right SpiRIt.—Marine Lodge, at Lodge Elections. mander Joseph A. Locke, assisted by Grand Deer Isle, being about six hundred dollars in Euclid, 194, Madison. Fred T Blackwell, Prelate Vose, Grand Warder Farnsworth, debt, some of the brethren started a subscrip m; Hiram L Harris, sw ; Leonard O Paine, tion, and in less than a week the amount wras jw; Charles A Wilber, sec. and the Temple Quartet of Boston. Several hundred members of masonic bodies formed subscribed, and the debt paid. Jefferson, 100, Bryant’s Pond. Walter II Small, m; Charles E B Libby, sw; Arthur in the parade, including one hundred Knights Eesti vities. C Ricker, jw; Alden Chase, sec. from Calais, Eastport and Cherryfield. At Lewiston Commandery, accompanied by Liberty, 111, Liberty. John C Sherman, the banquet two hundred plates were laid. ladies, visited Belfast and Islesboro, July m ; Edwin A Porter, sw ; Clarence N Cram, The new Commandery numbers fifty-four jw ; Ambrose P Cargill^sec. 23d, and w’ere entertained by Palestine Com members. We regret that we were unable to Lebanon, 116, Norridgewock. Edward mandery at Belfast. Lowe, m; H E Hale, sw ; G E Porter, jw; accept their kind invitation to be present. August 8th, a delegation of St. Alban Com- Wm J Haynes, So. Norridgewock, sec. New Council. mandery of Portland went out to Portland Morning Sk.r, 41, Litchfield Corner. G A Head, where the Veteran Cunner Association Emerson, m ; C A Norcross, sw ; W II Tarr, Grand Master Penley granted a dispensa jw; Irving W Gilbert, sec. tion for a new Council of Royal and Select was encamped, and Grand r' ..mnander Franklin, 123, New Sharon. James Howes, Masters at Norway, to be callee! Oxford Coun- Locke presented a Past Commander’s jewel to William Ross, now of Philadelphia. in; Abel Chandler, sw; A T Stinson, jw; cil, to Albion Hersey and nine other peti- J C Whitmore, sec. About twenty Templars were of the party, tioners July 16th. Village, 26, Bowdoinham. G II Blodgett, and represented the three city commanderies. nt; Geo W Proctor, sw ; John F Young, jw ; New Halls. Benj L Higgins, sec. August 15th, Atlantic Lodge, of Portland, Moses Webster, 145. Vinalhgven. Oscar The new hall of Harwood Lodge at Ma- had its annual clambake at Spurwink, and C Lane, m; Frank II Webster, sw; W Frank chias, is in the third story of a new block about one hundred attended. It was a Pierce, j w ; W S Carver, sec. built by C. W. Vose, and contains a large pleasant occasion ns usual. 74 MASONIC TOKEN, OCT. 15, 1889. Dunlap Commandery, of Bath, made an Warren LaRue Thomas, Louisville, Ky., silence, solemn and unbroken, pervaded the excursion to the White Mountains, Sept. G. Geno. hall; this continued, seemingly for some 26th and 27th and had a delightful trip. The Reuben Hedley Lloyd, San Francjsco, time, but really only for a minute, when the party numbered 120. Cal., G. Capt. Gen. Grand Commander arose and responded St. Alban Commandery, of Portland, 94 Henry Bates Stoddard, Texas, G. Sen. “dead,” and the brethren rose in their places strong, escorted the Grand Commandery to Warden. and repeated the solemn word : the ceremony the triennial at Washington, under Fred R. Nicholas Van Slyck, Providence, R. I., was a simple one, but there were few dry Farrington, Commander. They left Port- G. Jun. Warden. eyes in the ball. The ceremony was re land at 2 Thursday afternoon, Oct. 3d. H. Wales Lines, Meriden, Conn., Gr. peated as the names of Aaron King, Samuel Forty-seven ladies accompanied the party. Treas. Harper, Geter C. Shidle and John W. Simons They arrived at Gettysburg, Friday after- Wm. B. Isaacs, Richmond, Va., Gr. Re- were called. The deaths among the Active noon at 4:30, and inspected the battle-field. corder. and Emeritus Members had been unusually On Saturday they visited Luray Caverns, Denver, Colorado, was fixed upon as the large during the year, but still not without a and were received by the Templars of Rich place of meeting in 1892, although Boston, parallel. * mond. Monday afternoon they reached Philadelphia and other cities contested it. The venerable Bro. Lucius R. Paige was Washington at 4 o’clock and quartered at The Grand Master appointed— absent on account of feeble health, and Bros. the Arlington. Tuesday they marched in Geo. M. Moulton, Illinois, Gr. Stand. Benjamin Dean, Robert E. Patterson, and the procession from 10 A. m. until 3 p. m. Bearer. Albert V. II. Carpenter on account of ill Wednesday and Thursday were devoted to Myron M. Parker, Washington, D. C., Gr. ness : one or two others were absent for rea visiting and sight-seeing, and Thursday even Sword Bearer. sons satisfactory to the Supreme Council. ing they received at their headquarters. Henry M. Alton, Tennessee, Gr. Warder. As usual, the Council was opened in the Friday they started for home, which was Francis E. White, Nebraska, Gr. Capt. thirty-second grade, and numerous brethren reached at 1:15 Saturday.