AmericanMineralogist, Volume 63, pagesi,289-1291, 1978

NEW NAMES* Mrcnlst- Fluscnnn

Arsenbrackebuschite* X-ray study showsthe mineral to be tetragonal, probably : : : K. Abraham,K. Kautz, E. Tillmannsand K. Walenta(1978) I4'/ a, a 4.945,c 23.268A,Z 4, G calc2.97, meas (by Arsenbrackebuschite,PbdFe,Zn)(OH,HzO)(AsO,L, a ncw 2.8-2.9 suspension).The strongestX-ray lines(39 given)are (45X arsenatemineral. Neues Jahrb. Mineral. Monatsh.. 193-196. W. 4.828 l0l ), 4.1 7 1 (70x103), 3.349 (60X1 12), 2.598( t00Xl l6), Hofmeisterand E. Tillmanns(1976) Structural relations of arsen- 2.235(50Xll8), 1.453(60X00.t6, 136,22.t0). The mineral brackebuschiteand tsumcorite.Fortschr. Mineral.,54, Teil. l, 38. is colorlessto white,luster vitreous. It is optically uniaxial,negative, o : 1.653,e = 1.642(both +0.001). Microprobeanalysis of materialfrom Tsumebgave PbO 59.4, The mineraloccurs in anhedralgrains, 0.1-0.3 mm, in rodingite ZnO 3.1,FerO, (rotal Fe) 6.5,proo 0.17,AsrOu 30.5, sum99.67Vo, dikes from an ophiolite zone in the Taurus Mts., SW Turkey. leadingto the probableformula PbdFes+,Zn)(OH,H,OXAsO.),. Associatedminerals include vuagnatite, prehnite, hydrogrossular, The material from the Clara mine containssome Cu and some chlorite,and calcite. sulfate. The nameis for Mrs. ChantalSaro. M. F. Single-crystalstudy shows the mineralto be monoclinic,space gtoupP2/ m, a : 7.764, b = 6.045,c : 9.022A, = 112.5",Z : 2. 0 * G calc 6.54.X-ray powderdata are givenfrom the two localities; the strongestlines (Clara Mine, FeKa) are 4.90(60X0ll), 3.68 V. P. Rogova,Yu. G. Rogov,V. A. Drits,and N. N. Kuznetsova (soxrl l ),3.27 (r00x2rT), 3.00 (r00x020. 103, 212), 2.78 (90x I I 2), (1978)Charoite, a newmineral, and a newjewelry stone. Zapiski 2.3f(50X 103,220), 2.12 (60Xt23). Vses.Mineralog. Obshch., 107,94-100 (in Russian). Color honey yellow, light brownish-yellow, luster resin- Threeanalyses by K. P. Glebova,A. V. Bykova,and N. N. ous to adamantine.H 4-5. perfect.Optically bi- {010} Kuznetsovaon materialselected under the binocularsgave SiO, axial, neg., refractive indices about 2, honey-yellow to 56.30,56.38, 56.88; AlzO, I .85,L07, -; Fe,O,-, 0, 0.12;CaO 20.44, bright yellow. Material from the Clara Mine has a ( 2.04,7 > 20.70,20.95; BaO 3.30,3.12, 2.52; SrO 0.90, 2.20,0.90; Na,O 2.45, 2.04. 2.44,3.77;K,O 10.50,8.26, 10.36; H,O+ 3.80,5.13,4.40; F-,0.75, The mineral occurs in the mine as flat laths or platelets, 0.92,sum 99.54,100.05 - (0.32): 99.73,100.82 - (0.39)= max dimensions0.5mm long, 0.2mm wide, 0.lmm thick, on fis- 100.43Vo.Spectrographic analysis showed Pb, La, Mn, 0.x,Zr,Y, sures in dolomite breccia of the second oxidation zone. It also O.00xVo.Analysis 3 gives the formula (Ca,urNao.u,Ko rrSro.o, occurs at the Clara mine, Black Forest, Germany, associatedwith Baoor)Si.O,o(OHo6sFo2s).0.72HrO.If Alros is subtractedfrom , bayldonite, , and stolzite, and intimately inter- analysesI and 2 as anorthoclase,these yield similar formulas, grown with . whichcan be writtenas (K,Ba,Sr)(Ca,Na)rSioO,o(OH,F).0.5-1.0 The name is for the analogy to brackebuschite.Type material is HrO. The infraredspectrum shows the presenceof both molecular at the University of Mainz and University of Stuttgart. waterand hydroxyl.About2.4Vo H,O is lost up to 300",l.3Vo more Discussion to 600o.Small endothermiceffects are noted at440",760o, and 970'. The mineralis insolublein acids. No evidence or explanation is given for the formula stated; by From efectron diffraction patterns, a = 31.8210.05,, : analogy with brackebuschite one might have expected 7.13+0.03.Neither c nor calculatedG is given,but the unitcell is PbdFe'z+,Zn)(AsO,)r.HrO. Infrared study is highly desirable. statedto haveZ : 18. M. F. X-ray powderdata are given.The strongestlines (37 given) are l 1.8(25 X 100), t2.4s \70X201 ). 3.90(30X4 l4), J.348 ( |00X804. 32 I, 5rs;, .r:+ (85X6-ts, sr5, 207), 2.e7 (30Xm.0.3 , 9r3), 2.7s (so), Chantaliter 2.7| (3s). : : Halil Sarp, JacquesDeferne, and B. W. Liebich (1977) Chantalite, Cofor lilac of variousshades to violet.G 2.54,H (50 g load) 412+6 CaALSiO(OH)r, a new natural calcium aluminum silicate. kg/sq mm. Cleavage average in 3 directions. The angle Schweiz. Mineral. Petog. Mitt., 57, 149-156. between planes of prismatic cleavagesis 124"; the angle between the planes of prismatic and pinacoidal cleavageson {001} is 104.. The averageof four microprobe analyses(by Helene Bizouard, Optically biaxial, positive, colorless in section; a : 1.550, g : using vuagnatite as standard) gave SiO, 23.74, AlrOs 38.44, MgO 1.553,7 : 1.559(all +0.002), 2V = 28-30". Elongation positive, 0.06, FeO 0.02, CaO 21.57, Na,O 0.06, H,O(by diff.) 16.1170, X = b, Z'.c = 5". In thick fragments pleochroic with X rose- corresponding to the formula above. colored, Z colorless. The optical properties indicate monoclinic symmetry. The mineral occurs in K-feldspar metasomatites at the contact * marked with an asterisk after the name were ap- of nepheline-and aegirine-syeniteswith limestones,associated with proved publication before by the Commission on New Minerals canasite and tinaksite lAm. Mineral., 45, 253 (1960), J0. 2098 and Mineral Names of the International Mineraloeical Associa- (1965)1, Aldan Shield, USSR. The name is for the Chary River. tion. M. F. 0003-004x/78/I I l2-1282$00.50 t282 NEW MINERAL NAMES t283

Clinoeulite(: magnesianclinoferrosilite) 98,90Vo, corresponding to Pb, rrBi, eaCuq.rqSele7Te1 3rSe.6.. The material with Se ) Te. W. Schreyer,D. Stepto,K. Abrahamand W. F. Muller (1978) name is for powder are given for a mixture of poubaite with Clinoeulite(magnesian clinoferrosilite) in a eulysiteof a meta- X-ray data 32 lines aregiven, l6 of morphosediron formation in the VredefortStructure, South unnamed "Mineral S" [PbCuBi(S,Se,Te)']; least in part to "Mineral S." The strongest Africa. Contib. M ineral. Pe t rol., 65, 351-36 1. which are attributed at lines are 3.62'l (5)(0t2), 3.093 ( l 0X l 07), 2.25r (76)(01. 1 4), 2. 127 The name is given to a clinopyroxenewith composition (SXll0), r.752 (6)(027), 1.546 (5X20.14).The indexing is on a (Fe?.+cMgomMno.orCao ot)(Sit.mAlo.o')O". As the authorsrecognized, trigonal cell, with a: 4.252,c: 40.0954, Z: 3, probable space this is a magnesianclinoferrosilite. Hence the nameis unnecessary. group R3m. M. F. Poubaite is opaque. In reflected light white with a creamy tint. Reflectance maximum parallel to elongation (creamy), minimum (creamy with weak brownish tint). Strongly ani- Hexahydroborite* at right angles sotropic, with interference colors light grayish-blue to total ex- M. A. Simonov and others (1977) The new mineral hexa- tinction. Cleavage distinct parallel to elongation. Microhardness hydroborite, CaIB(OH).L.2H2O. Zapiski Vses. Mineralog. could not be measured. Obshch.,106, 691-697(in Russian). Maximum and minimum reflectanceswere given at 15 wave Microchemicalanalyses gave BrOs 26.91, CaO 20.51, MgO lengths (420-700 nm); these are greatest at 460 nm. 0.22,H,O43.45,CO,1.76, SiO, 1.56, sum l0l. 30.After 0.89,FeO Max. Min. deductingdiopside and calcite, this givesCaBrO..6HrO. lnsoluble 52.65 in waterat room temperature,dissolved by alcoholand by dilute 420 55.19 56.t2 54.35 acids.The DTA curveshows a strongdivided endothermic peak at 460 53.75 107and 123o,a secondstrong endothermic effect at 160o,and a s40 55.39 53.19 strong exothermiceffect at 700o.The crystalscontain many in- 580 54.83 52.t9 clusions,two-phase gas-liquid and single-phaseliquid. The min- 660 53.81 eral is decomposedduring preparation of normalthin sections.X- The mineral occurs in euhedral to subhedral lath-like crystals ray studyshows the mineralto be monoclinic,space group P2/a, 30-40 microns, rarely up to 80 microns long, 8-10 microns thick, : a : 8.006,b : 6.649,c : 8.012(all+0.002A), I = r04.2r',2 2. generally in galena-clausthalite veinlets in calcite at Oldrichov, The strongestX-ray lines(34 given) are 7.73(10X100,010), 3.37 near Tachov, western Bohemia, Czechoslovakia. Associated min- (9b)(21t,tZ 1,021,20l ), 3.l l 8 (9)(0t2,2 t0), 2.792 (t t2), 2.ss0 (202), erals include selenianrucklidgeite, "Mineral S," and the following 2.46e(8)Q1r,220).2.283 \2t2t, | .e6t (7tet2) r .93r (7X240,420). minerals, perhaps new, for which no data are given: The mineraloccurs as veinlets associated with pentahydroborite (Pb,Cu)Bi(Se,Te,S), with Te 16-217o; (Pb,BiL(Se,S,Te\; in drill cores from the Solongodeposit, Buryat ASSR. It is in (Pb,Bi),(Se,S,Te)"; (Bi,Pb,Cu)r(S,Se,Te)u; (Bi,Pb,Cu)'(S,Se,Te)u. aggregatesof flattenedcolorless prismatic crystals up to 0.5mm. Mineral S contains (weight percent) Pb33.86, Cu9.76, Bi3l.7l, Lustervitreous. H = 2.5,G : 1.87.Optically biaxial, positive, 2Z S8.83, Se14.55, TeO.79, sum 99.507o, corresponding to : : 83o,a = 1.498,P 1.503,'y 1.510(all +0.001),r ) u very Pb, ouCuo."r(S'T"Ser.rrTeo oa); its powder pattern differs from that of strong,elongation X, extinctionc:X = l4o. Cleavageperfect, with aikinite. normal to the plane l2o from Z; alsoan imperfectcleavage. The name is for Dr. Z. Pouba, head of the department of The nameis for the composition.Type material is at the Miner- economic geology, Charles University, Prague, where type mate- alogicalMuseum, Academy of Sciences,USSR, Moscow.M. F, rial is deposited. M.F.

Phurcalite+ Rhenium PaulPiret and Jean-Paul Declercq (1978) Phurcalite. Acta Crystal' logr.,j4B, 1677-16'19. M. B. Rafal'son and N. D. Sorokin (1976) Determination of native rhenium in wolframites by the method of local X-ray spectro- The structurewas determined.The mineral is orthorhombic, graphic analysis. Voprosy Geokhim. Tipomorfizm Mineral.' l, = : : = Pbca, a 17.426, b 16.062, c 13.592A, Z 62-66 (in Russian). 8[Caz(UOz)a(PO{)r(OH)r'4HrO].Locality is Bergenan der Trieb, Saxony,West Germany. No X-ray powderdata nor otherdata are Wolframites from Transbaikal were found to contain several glven. ppm Re. Microprobe analysis of irregular inclusions (15-50 mi- crons) showed them to consist of metallic rhenium; no other ele- Discussion ment, including S, was present. Under the beam of the probe Againthe first useof a mineralname gives the structure without rhenium oxidized to RezOz. other data.M. F. A. El Goresy, K. Nagel, B. Dominik and P. Ramdohr (1977) Fremdlinge: potential presolar material in Ca-Al-rich inclusions Poubaiter, Unnamedlead bismuthcopper selenide-sulfides of Allende. Meteoritics, 12, 215-216. FrantisekCech and Ivan Vaviin (1978) Poubaite, PbBidSe,Te,S)., two Ca-Al-rich inclusions (Type A a new mineral.Neues Jahrb. Mineral. Monatsh.,9-19. "Detailed S.E.M. studies on and B) revealed that the refractory siderophile metals are present Microprobeanalysis by Z. Kotrba and I. Vavrin,using pure Pb, in objects ofcomplex mineralogy. These objects (hereinafter called Bi, Cu, Se,and Te and analyzedgalena and covelliteas standards, Fremdlinge) consist of silicates, phosphates, sulfides, and FeNi gavePb 22.95,8i40.29,Ct0.61, Se 15.48, Te 17.47,52.10, sum alloys . . . In both types Pt metals are not alloyed with FeNi but are 0003-N4x/78/ r I l2-1283$00.50 1284 NEW MINERAL NAMES, ERRATA

presentas small dust particlesrather than nuggetsin both FeNi (vs)(213), 3.32 (m) (233), 3.04 (s) (02s), 3.00 (m) (ls0), 2 80(s) and silicates Re is presentmainly as almost pure grains (977oRe, (s00),2.14(m) (s0s). 37oRu)." M.F. The mineraf is yellow, G > 3.5, n > 1.77.M'F.


Unnamed a-UgOz F. Cech, J Jansa and F. Novak (1978) Zykaite, Fel+ (AsO,)'(SO.)(OH).l5HrO; a new mineral. NeuesJahrb' Min- Vassilios Voultsidis and Dietmar Clasen (1978) Problems and Monatsh., 134-144. boundary rangesof uranium mineralogy Erzmelall,3/, no. l, 8- eral (in l3 German). Analysesby M. Mrazek gave Fe,O. 30.72,3044; As,Ou 33 58, traces,0.24; SO, 8.5l, 8.20;CaO 0.02,0.02; H"O 26.13, Idiomorphic crystalsabout 0.lmm in size,resembling uraninite, 33 76; PzO, 26.88:inso|.0.88,0.10; sum 99 84,99.64Vo. The mineralis insoluble occur in zoned intergrowths with gersdorlfiteat Key Lake, Sas- readily in ll%o HCl. The DTA curve shows4 katchewan.X-ray datashowed the lines 3 l4 (lll),2.72(200),270 in water, dissolves peaks: at 195' (loss of HrO), a weak one a1 580' (001),1.928 (220), 1.918 (2o2),1.648 (3ll), 1.63(133) (intensities endothermic (probably lossof hydroxyl), one at 740' (lossof SO3),one at about not given). These correspondclosely to the data for synlhetica- peak is presentat 610'. The inirared spec- U,O, (upper stabilitylimit 135'), which is tetragonal,pseudocubic, 1000'. An exothermic ls glven. a - 5.47, c : 5.397A (Westrum and Gronvold, J. Phys. Chem. Irum suitablefor single-crystalstudy were found X-ray Solids,23,39-53, 1962).M.F. No crystals powder data aregiven (56 lines).The strongestlines (Co radialion) are 10.6(7X103), 10.4 (10X200), 692 (4)(204,01l)5.610 (4X014), 3 812 (4). Thesewere indexedby A. Kato on an orthorhombic cell Unnamed U-Nb oxide with a : 2085, b : 7.036,c : 37 0lA, Z : 8,Gcalc2 504,meas 2 50. Further refinementgavea :20.853, b = 7.031,c : 36.991A. E C. Arcidiacona and Dora Bedlivy (1976) Datos preliminares The mineral occurs as nodulesup to 3cm in sizeor as fillingsin sobreel hallazgode un nuevo mineral de uranio,en Tanti (Prov. cavitiesalter leachedsulfrdes in the dump of the ancient Safary de Cordoba, R. Argentina). Reu Asoc Geol.Argentina,3l,232- mine, Kank, Czechoslavakia Color grayish-white with a light 234 yellowishgreen tint, rarely with a brownish tint. Luster dull, frac- The new mineral occurs in a pegmatiteeasl of Tanti, Cordoba ture uneven Soft; after drying somesamples have hardness up to 2. Province, Argentina, as nodules 3mm in diameter. Microprobe Associated.mrneralsinclude kankite, ,pitticite, gypsum, analysisshowed U 35%, Nb l3%; also presentTh, Ta, Ti, Ca, Cu, Si, and "limonite." K, P, and Ce, Y, and La. X-ray powder data (32 lines)are indexed The name is for Dr Y Zyka, Director of the Inslituteof Mineral on an orthorhombiccell with a : 14.03,b: 1537, c : 1653A. Raw Materials, Kutna Hora, Czechoslovakia.Type materialis at The strongestlines (32 given)are 8.22(m) (002),7.02 (s) (200),4'17 Charles University, Prague.M.F.

ERRATA by Yoshikazu Ohashi and Larry W. Finger (Vol 63,274-288). In the footnote to Table I, page 276, the Fo-WO specimen Zektzerite: a new sodium silicate related to catalog number is incorrectly listed; it should be U. S. Nalional tuhualite and the osumilite group by Pete J. Dunn, Roland C. Museum#106183. Rouse, Barl Cannon and JosephA. Nelen (Vol. 62, 416-420) Albrittonite, a new cobalt chloride hydrate from Oxford, Llano by Wilson W. Crook, lll and Louise-AnnetteMar- In the characterizalion of zekLzerite,the Miller indices {001} and County,Texas (Vol. 410-412). {010f were erroneously interchangedin Figure l. The error is cotty 63, entirely the fault of the senior author, who wishesto thank Dr. The proper cell parametersfor albrittonite are, space group : - : Adoll' Pabstand Mr. RussellBoggs for their astuteobservations. I2/m, a : 8 899, b : 7.065, c 6.644, 13 97.25", Z 2', for The role of octahedral cations in pyroxenoid crystal chemistry. I. spacegroupC2/m,a - l0 331,b:7 065,c:6.644,P = 12238". Bustamite, wollastonite,and the pectolite-schizolite-serandites€ries Z=2

0003-004x/78/r r r2-1284500.50