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The Great War.1479th Day town. The Boche counter attacks here, is still uncertain, but it is known that THE GERMAN RETREAT ON THE FLANKS as well as ;it Miraumont, were carried at. least three thousand have been capt- out by fresh troops, which have been urcd. In comparison with those taken seen rushing toward the front from the yesterday, the prisoners to-day were Comment rear in an effort to relieve General tired, dirty, hungry and thirsty. Military Otto von Below'a harassed Seven¬ Among the prisoners was a brigade teenth army. commander, who when captured was W. L. McPherson .\t Achiet-le-Grand Hie attacks were about to back for artillery By telephone 1918, The Tribune Association.New York in such strength that the British re support. Jus- at that moment i (Copyright, by Tribune) , tired for a shorl distance from the stocky British soldier put his head in IN the pinches German psychology him a month or six weeks of com¬ íiuískirts of the town and contented the window and informed the com¬ works the Germans. parative themsclv« :''¦!' against security. (be- time being with mander that he was a prisoner. The of the German The French advance in the Oise pouring bullets into 'he enemy forces, Later after the commander had inability on, military mind to admit failure and region is still unchecked. General who in their eagerness to win some- reached the prisoners' cage, one by one A Personal face its its un¬ Tenth Message thing, no matter bow small, rushed his officers began to arrive at the sam consequences frankly, Mangin's Army drove forward right into the centre of the target place.
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