The General Electric Storv Volume 4 a Photo History
1947-1978 The General Electric Storv Volume 4 ~all of History Plfbllcatlon A Photo History .--, .---, r--i .......,...-, THB TUB .:( TBB ~·-- > ) ON THI:illl.:; ') PATHWAYS~'· .f ') 8TBINMBTI , ,. SHOl LDERS . \ , Of ~ \ BD180N 8TBINMBTZ ', , BRA 01· GIANTS PROGRESS BRA BRA ~ .-,-, .---, r--, ON TllEilll;'. ~; "\ PATHWAYS~... , ·, ) THB SHOULDERS ~ 1 OF · BOl80N OF GIANTS I P6OGRESS ' BRA .---, r--7 r:--:, .-,,-, THB •.- :(· ,- TBB TBB ~ -.:) ) ON THF~:;-, PATHWAYS~:'.r ' THB BDl80N STBINMBTZ : \ SHOL'LDERS ., \ 1 OF : \ ) BDISOS 8TRINMBTZ • • BRA BRA m GIA~TS PROGRESS BRA BRA ~ THE ELFUN SOCIETY An organization of present and retired employees of the General Electric Company, dedicated to the encouragement of cooperation, fraternity, and good fellowship and to the betterment of the community in which they function. THE HALL OF HISTORY A multi-faceted project designed to serve as a focal center for the gathering, preservation and display of valuable historical documents and memorabalia about the people, products and places of the electrical industry, and to share this heritage with America. This publication is a joint project of the Elfun Society and the Hall of History, with all proceeds for the benefit of the Hall of History Foundation. FIRST PRINTING - FIRST EDITION COPYRIGHT 1980 NOVEMBER 1980 THE HALL OF HISTORY FOUNDATION ,~ r--, r--, .---, r-.:, . 0/IITHE{Yl·:·/· ') PATHWAYSjl.:'. ) THB TUB jl.·/) Ol\ THr.01.: > ') PATHWAYS ;. :,,.~ SHOlJI.Di RSi \. 1 OF \, BDl80N STBINMBTZ \ SHOULDERS \. OF · \. or GIP . 'TS r' PROGRESS .., BRA BRA ,., OF GIANTS ' ' PROGRESS~ .-:-:--i ~ r-:, TUB THI! [Ql•/) ON mt:~.:( '') PATHWAYS[Ql•::;, ) STBINMBTZ I \ SHOULDERS \ OF I \ BDI80N BRA ,.i OF GIANTS • PROGRESS r' BRA .....---i r--, ~ c---, ...--, ON THE. ;. /R!HWAYS ', '.(~ ) TBB • :(~ ' TBB ,.=:(·l:.:) oi-.:THF.
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