s WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Enured na Socond Clan, YEAH—No. 49 Po«t Otnce, Wcatlloli WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1953 Published 30 Pages—S Cent* JHII Every Tliurmluy Lground Season Ends Council To Make Summer Union Services Father and Son Continue Sunday 4dult School Sets Oct. 5 As Rent Control The Rev. Elbert E. Gates Jr., Polio Victims; ET» Presenting Awards pastor of the First Baptist Church,' Decision Mondav will preach at the summer union worship service to be held Sunday Town's Total 6 ustration, Attendance Totals j at B:BO a. m. These services arc Opening Date For Classes held during July and August by Unofficial Reports the Baptist, Congregational and Gamma Globulin ^AlITi Highs Show Members Are Methodist churches, Mr. Gates has Shots Given To announced that he will preach on Women Arrange 7 Courses Added , ,f the playground season was marked .Thursday at Against Extension Dinner". Miss Dilys Jones will he Two Children * nds by the presentation of golden achievement awaifs at the organ console. 'if nd girl winning the moat ribbons on their respective play- The big decision will be made The service is open to the public. With three new cases reported Exhibit and Tea Since Last Year n ides a gold trophy and golden rosette ribbon, each winner Monday, when the Town Council Newcomers to Westfield and visi- to authorities, the 1953 total of in- j j a free trip to a Brooklyn Dodger baseball game Wed- will vote for or against the reten- tors are cordially invited to attend. fantilo paralysis victims in West- The united arrangement will field stood today at six. The toll in Booklet Will Be tion of lent controls in this com- Union County is 26. Club Members To i. rtunte-wide playground championships at Warinanco munity. Council members, now continue through Sunday, Aug. Mailed To All Homes »keS, Aug. 12, Harry Kitchell of Westfield completely ftudying the housing situation SO, after which thte participating The town's fourth case was re- 'Display Handicraft ,11 other entrants in the here, in preparation for the meet- churches will resume their regular corded last Thursday. Leslie schedules. Browne, six-year-old daughter of Tho Westfield Adult School will tournament. With a ing, are generally, from most re- Arrangements are being mnde open its 13th year when classes [t underhand tosa ports, of the opinion that controls Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Browne of 322 6 Scouts Back Canterbury road, is in satisfactory 'or a studio exhibit and silver tea begin Oct. 5 and continue for 10 topped 20 out of 2fi shora should be dropped. They contend to bo held at the home of Mrs. Lp Mid received the cov- condition in Overlook Hospital, consecutive Monday nights, ac- there is no real shortage of rentals Local Man Killed Summit with the non paralytic Norman Mott, 447 Longfellow ave- cording to an announcement made chirapionship medal. From Trip West in Westfidd. nue, sometime in September in _,„ of Weatfield narrowly type of polio. today by Weyman O. Steengrafe, At its meeting July 12, Town connection with the "Make Your Jaother first place medal director. A 12 page booklet with Council passed a resolution keep- In Raritan Crash The fifth and sixth cases were Dollar Grow" campaign of the Wo, Fit wu defeated in the pad- Scout Ranch Is a complete description of each ing the controls activated until reported Friday by Health Officer man's Club of Westfield. inli finals and received a course will bo mailed to every Post-Jamboree Stop Ayg. 24. The resolution requires Joseph Mottley. Maj. John D. Gill , ed»l. Peter Higgins, Death Car Crushed The campaig'n was inaugurated home in Wostfield the second week O a public hearing Monday followed Sr., a Westfield dentist and his 11- r ch»mpion, and Char- early in the summer by the club in September, registration by mail B Six Westfield Explorers and one by definite action either to main- Between 2 Trucks yeai'S-old son of 144 North Euclid horseshoe cham- ouse project committee of thd will bo accepted during the third assistant crew leader were among tain or kill controls. avenue contracted the disease. The club. Every member of the club week in September, and registra- I in the early ' The Westfield Property Owners' Otis Armstrong, 27, of 623 Hort boy is confined to his home and is tion night will be Sept. 21, at 20 Scouts and two leaders from not seriously ill. The case is the nnd affiliated organizations was ROBERT E. LONG Jdfljilirreipective tourna- the Watchung Area Council con- Committee will fight any extension street was one of two men killed sent a dollar and asked to com- which time people may enroll in Thursday when their car was non-paralytic type. Two other chil- tingent to the National Scout Ja'm- of rent controls when the issue dren in the Gill family, Catherine, bine it with her skill, talent nnd person in the cafeteria of the rt istratltm and l toree in California who returnJd comes up Monday, a spokesman crushed between two large trucks ingenuity to make it grow. The Roosevelt Junior Hlgn School, the, TMMI « f " n U. S. .Route 1 near Metuchcn. 13 and Walter, four, are in quar- Igorei were recorded for home last Wednesday, following a for the group said. antine, Mr. Mottley said, and have fund3 thus accumulated were to Civil Service school where all tho classes will •Uyrround season, it was The other man who died in the be returned to the committee to be held. post-Jamboree experience at the E. T. Williams of 1155 Central crash was Alex H. G. Maldmcnt, been inoculated with gamma globu- KXt new all time highs evenue, a member of the commit- lin serum. Dr. Gill is recuperating add to other funds earmarked by Dr. W. T. Harta-adcr. chairman "™"TlhMr» attained this year. Philmont Scout Ranch, Cimarron, •16, of Rahway. he club for the eventual acquisi- Rating Applicants N. M. Their arrival via B & 0 tee says most of the Westfleld in the post hospital at Fort Sam of the instruction committee, an- Itejiitrttion on the six play property owners do not anticipate The police account of the acci- Houston, Tex, He is not listed in tion of a club house. Membeja nounced that a total of 25 differ- reached 1,447 while total at- Railroad at the Plainficld station dent gave these details: were very enthusiastic about the ent courses will be offered this marked the end of a 32 day trip asking increases in rents, but ars the county toll, pending a check of 15 Take Tests climbed to 25,337. opposed to controls on general A southbound truck driven by his case. campaign and have been working jear, of which seven will be new _, ucltement pervaded across the continent.' principles, although some owners James Collingswood of Great Bar- on projects all summer to muke For Postniastership ndditions to the curriculum of last Ipliypound during the week According to Mrs. GUI, her hus heir dollars grow. Mrs. J. Russell At Philmont the boys were mem- are entitled to as much as a 40 lington, Mass., stopped for a red band, who visited his hone re- year. Four of these new courae< k children began preparations bers of a southbound expedition per cent increase. traffic light at an intersection >n Freeman, chairman . of the club Applicants for the $6,170-a- have not been offered for some "Country Fair" which was cently, has paralysis of the right house project committee appointed years: Flower Arrangements, Pho- M Couy known as SX-61. During their 12 Westfield Property Ownero' Raritan Township. arm and shoulder. Both the major year postmastership here are being Jlkond«y morning Various day stay at the ranch they hiked Mrs. C. F. Denney to head the dol- tography Fundamentals, Water- Committee contends that it Is un- The auto carrying Maldmcnt and his son developed polio symp- lar campaign. "evaluated and rated" by the Civil •Krous booths were con- along" rugged mountain trails, fair to continue to penalize the nnd Armstrong stopped behind the toms Thursday. Mrs. Gill plans Service Commission, it has been color and Beginning German, while Ldmd decorated by the chil- cooked their own meals, and landlord with rent control when all truck. Another truck, driven by to fly to Texas tomorrow. Tho purpose of 'the studio ex- announced. the remaining three are feature |b anticipation of the affair. camped out at night. They also other price controls have been hibit is to give members an oppor- courses, which' have never been Wallace C. Hitchcock, also of Major Gill was recalled from the Tho job has boen vacant since offered before in Wcstflold: School • fire the only medium of participated in field sports, nature lifted. Great Barrington, plowed into the tunity to display these things Postmaster John li. Traynor re- ferred to the University of Buffalo, Edward Leggett will conduct a lines and steamship companies will k drive event Steve Friar, Rlch- Area Committee cent years with special relation to where he received a bachelor of boxing class for boys Wednesday Also Joseph S. Bushlnger, Paul present travelogues and answer IHooper and Louis DeChrista- modern methods. "Successful sel!- science degree in psychology in evenings from 6 to 8 p.m. Calvin Exchange Club E. Davis, Herbert R. Welch Jr., questions. This course will be of- ptook top honors. In the ridin* Mayor Charles P. Bailey has an- ing," said Mr. Brunelli, "is the 1950, and a master's degree from Hughes and Walter Slater are Plans Annual Picnic Harold W. Crickenberger, Ralph fered from 8 to 9 p.m. for a fee h throw, Jim Bendel and nounced that ordinances prohibit- result of smart, story-telling ad- New York University last June. serving as instructors of a mode C. Bates, Bernal O. Bodkin and of |5. lie Eddy took first place. Tha ing use of diffusion wells and re- vertising, attractive packaging, lie began work at the Bordentown airplane class which meeta at the Joseph J. Cagnassola. This year Robert E. Long will throw into the basket was won charge basins will be introduced as eye-appealing displays and worth- institution July 1. Center Monday and Friday eve- One hundred children saw the bin John C. Apgar and they will I Tom Devitt and Jim Bendel. a step by this community to con- while educational features. Pic- He was a member of the Pres- nings at 6:30 p.m. Dodgers-New York Giants game Loth serve as coordinators of Arm- I Menbrenner, Jim Bendel, serve water. tures with a story, self-selling byterian Church. The Business and Industrial Wo- yesterday as guests of the Ex- Fines Increase in chair Travels. Recently these men y Bonnetti and John Heroux The municipal leader expressed packages, striking displays and Surviving besides his father ar| men's Club of the Center is spon- change Club. They left from the organized Westfield Travel, Inc.', a 1 (litest riders in the pony ex- soring a bus ride to Olympic Park YMCA by bus. travel office located at 108 Cen- • event. Top trick riders were doubt that water returned to the new, interesting facts all add up a sister, Mrs. Carol Gordon of At- earth in diffusion wells — some to success in marketing. These lantic City, and a brother, Quen- Thursday, Aug. 27. The craft class Final plans for the excursion Municipal Court tral avenue, 'lie Widraer, Marlon Heilman, for girls will meet every Tues- were made Tuesday night at the Collins, Butch Maltbie and planned in this area would be less should be applied straight through tin Armstrong of Somerville. He Mr. Long haj been active since than 35 feet deep—could be used from the wholesaler down into the was unmarried. day, 3:30 p.m. starting in Septem- Exchange Club meeting in Orchard Fines collected in the Municipal 1929 in the travel field, beginning Mendel. Speed races were won stores and to the ultimate c Funeral services were held Mon- ber. A cooking class will also be Inn, Springfield. Court and the Violations Bureau in the R. B. travel again locally. started for small girls. The course Mayor Bailey also reported sumer." day at Gray's Funeral Home, with Also charted was the annual here have shown a steady increase, department; until 1933, when he (Plewo turn to page 3) the Rev, George V. Gardner, as- will include the learning of do- Exchange picnic Sunday, Sept. 13, according to Malcolm Reed, court started his own agency. He HSs Westfield will take steps to join The speaker was thanked on be- nestic etiquette as well as cooking the Plainfield Area Water Supply half of the club by Russell E. fistant minister of the Presbyter- at Forest Lodge Martinsville. cleric, despite the adoption by the escorted many group tours to the ian Church, officiating. Interment and preparing meals. It was reported that the dub state Jan. 1 of the point system Mational Parks, Canada, Alaska, Committee. The committee was Darby. In the absence of President Extension sessions which wii Submit formed recently to enable munici- Herbert L. Vance, the meeting was was in Monumental Cemetery, orchestra once again participated fir traffic violations. Florida and the Caribbean. Mr, South River. start today and continue through in a Bette Sehafer show for serv- Apgar, who has organized this palities to join forces in conserv- presided over by Dr. George S. out the year, will be carried on in There is a month by month in- ing the water supply of the area. Laird Jr., vice president. icemen at Camp Kilmer recently. crease in fines collected, despite course for the past two years, be» Appeals different neighborhoods of the At the board of control meeting, the new system, which Mr. Reed gan as ticket agent for the Balti- Robert Snevily, local town at- Sixteen visiting Rotarians at- community. The first session will it was decided the club will send more and Ohio R. R. prior to own- torney, reported he has contacted tended the luncheon. Welcomed oy Former Resident conceded probably makes may Edward Biertuempfel, chair- be carried on at Columbus School a delegate to the Mational Ex drivers think twice before trying ing his own agency. He has trav- ' of the Union County Board other municipalities in the county Charles Clark, they were Horace Playground. Activities will include change convention Sept. 23-2S at eled extensively in Europe, South served by the Plainfteld-Union Wa- Bunker, Bill Furey, Fred A. Hum- to "get away with" a violation. —ition in Elizabeth an- Promoted by VA Softball, table games and crafts. Colorado Springs, Colo. Two principal reasons for the und Central America and the Car- Monday that only three ter Co. and that they Indicated mel, Russ Laurer, Maurice Taylor, All children, youth and adults ibbean. their interest in the supply com- Dick Wardlaw, Paul Whitford and Guests were Rick Williams, of increase arc the larger number of t»x appeals were submitted interested in participating in the Westfield, son of Roch A. Wit violators given summonses, Satisfied taxpayers of West- mittee. He said he felt certain A. Wallace Zimmerman of Plain- Announcement has been made above mentioned activities may (Pleasc turn to page 2) • "he tax rate appeal season, they also would join the committee field; A. B. Caldwell, J. Wkltat by Harvey V. Higley, adminis- call WE 2-4759. liams, past president, and Kenneth through use of the electrical speed "opened May 15, drew to a and adopt similar conservation oi- Coffee and Dick Dowell of Cran- trator of veterans affairs at the The work of the Center is under Knott, a former Akron, O., Ex- timer, and a general increase in Central Office, Washington, D. C, change member, now of Westfield. fines, Mr. Reed explained. Mobile X-ray Unit • Monday. dinances. ford; George Helm and Dr. W. J. the supervision of a trained staff Young Williams, 19 years old, was McGinn of Fanwood-Scotch Plains; of the promotion and transfer of of social workers. The staff in. Mr. Reed said the point system . and Ninita G. For using fictitious plates on an field Council are represented

College Bound? Stop here first ^CELEBRATING OUR 14th to. ro^nd^put^our wardrobe, W^TISB'I';WKSN ydu need ih ANNIVERSARY stock from shoes to hats! AND FORMAL THE FINEST BRAND NAMES ARE REPRESENTED

. including Sampeck, McGregor, Botany, OPENING and Mavest OF OUR NEW ADDITION Visit our NEW UNIVERSITY SHOP SATURDAY, AUGUST 22,1953

WE TAKE GREAT PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING THE FORMAL OPENING OF OUR NEW ADDITION, IN CONJUNCTION WITH OUR 14th ANNIVERSARY SALE I ( • • . • In celebration of Milt dual event we are offering tREMENDOUS SAVINGS ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF FINE FURNITURE. MCKITfc Tweeds, cheviots, flan- nels; wide range of colors. In addition to our Distinctive reproductions in solid ~\ MapU, Mahogany, Cherry and Pine we are now carrying SLACKS: Charcoal grey, brown and blue fo mix and match ot A COMPLETE LINE OF MODERN PIECES FOR LIVING ROOM, will.

BEDROOM AND DINING ROOM. VfSTS: Tattersall cheeks, rep •tripes, plaids, solids. For real buys in distinctive Furniture, Don't miss our 14th HATS: Pork pies, snap brims and Anniversary Sale. You will be delighted with our spacious new hombgrgs. Xov name it, we showrooms and latest Furniture editions. . . . Plus, the tow, /i have itl low budget prices. SOCKS: Cable stitch woolens; argyles; designs and solids.

WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES CANNOT BE BEATEN!; .. IF YOU CAN If ITS: In top-quality genuine BUY FOR LESSi WE WILL CHEERFULLY REFUND THE DIFFERENCE I leather; wide range of styles. SHIRTS: Button-down colter types Use our rear entrance and other smart styles. COME IN AND BROWSE AROUND! from the municipal parking lot. TICS; Striped reps, figured fou- lards, under-knot motifs. Register For Our Free Awards Open Daily 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. During This Great Event John franks HIGHWAY FURNITURE SHOP PUlNffKUJ WISTFIilD WDGWOOO tit Conditioned - for your Shopping C*mf*rf ROUTE 22, NORTH PLAINFIilD PL. 6-15S3 «5» OUR NEW RiA* INTKANCI BIRICT HO* TOWN PARKING .THE WESTFIELD (N.J.) LEADER, THURSDAY AUGUST 20, 1953 Pago Three when the cry "watermelon" went ul your intentions and uvoid sud- place nnd at the same time broke on 9-B, Tho dally deductible contract nd Season up. last year's record with a complete fties Increase lao is on tho inclusive basis of Don't You Be Icn turns in and out of line. And The golden award was won by rip in 106 seconds. The following At Columbus this week, Dor- oivlco benefits in contracting hos- t there is' any question about the :iad to break a two and a half min- ithy, Rose, Elsie and Barbnrs litals, but tho plan patient will Ight-of-way, it doesn't hurt to Patty Scott. Sue Allen won the iluse made a very good showing white special ribbon as tho out- ite tie with Dave MorphiB comiiiR (Continued from page 1) be charged $5 a day, nnd tho Blue A Labor Day ive the other fellow a break. mt the victor: Ken Brown, Nancy 11 all the crafts. The boys were or previous summers. The June Cross will pay tho balance This "Labor Day just about winds standing grirl rodeo participant. cry active in making key chains Dick McDcrmott was the outstand- Thompson, Ed Labinaky, Morphls, otal was $3,140. contract rate is about 20 per cent' p the summer," Bolgcr concluded. Charles Brown, and Don Mulvl- nd pot holders. Good projects Other July totals arc: Fines pay- ower than tho comprehensive con- Weekend Statistic 'It's better if your memories of ing cowboy, along' with winning; ore completed by Ed Minor, John the boys golden achievement hill. The funniest event of the day ble to the town, $417; court costs, .ract. he holiday season arc pleasant) wns tho potato race. Sticks witli agan and Rowland and Ronald 1432; state law violation lines pay- The new group monthly rates, lot painful." award. By unanimous vote, Mike iiughes. Don't become n Labor Day Petrucine was given a citizenship nails on the end of them wero ble to tho county, $1,840, nnd nived at with the N. J. Depnlt- iveekeml statistic," Matthew J. sward for his cooperation, thought- Riven the participants and potatoes The special event of this week ines payable to tho state, $10. lient of Banking and Insurance, Bolgcr, retired Newark policT layground Teams fulness and consideration for were placed an equal distance >rought great excitement. The bi- Comparable figures for June \ei'o listed as follows: hicf nnd now executive director others. apart. Entrants were to spear the tycle rodeo was divided into two ,vcre: Payable to the town, $GG1: Comprehensive: Single person, f the Foundation for Safety, ad Win in Baseball potatoes, hold them nnd drop them ;roups: senior and mldgeta. Dia- •ourt costs, $570; payable to tl;o 2.10; solo parent with one or ises North Jersey motorists. Boi- Tad Donahue won the local mid- :'n the basket at the end of the line ance and obstacle races wero the nunty, $1,844, and poynblc to tnc ,i\ore children, $11.50; husband and SCOTCH PLAINS — The Fan- and return to the starting. Chnrlie Kur is also a director of the New get croquet honors. Lucy MorgRn main events in both classes. Three itatc, $15. wife without maternity benefits, Jersey Automobile Club, AAA af- wood playground baseball team de- took box hockey honors. Anno Brown won in this event as well us enior girls competed in the dis- $5.32; family contract with ma- feated the Recreation Park team :ho speed race. The next event filiate serving Essex, Morris and Denholm retained her title as ance race which was won by Con- tornity benefits, $5.44. Union countioB. Tuesday afternoon at the latter'» queen of croquet; Lola Donahue was the slow race where the par- nie Faggins. Out of 11 boys in the plnyground, 9-4. In the Littla ticipants had to go as slow as they Blue Cross Daily deductible: Single person, "You might Rot a thrill from fiee- was the runnerup. Glen Gilchrist lor race, Chuck Fuchs emerged Sl.GG; sole parent_ with one or League baseball game the Plains won the local honor in parchesi. rould down one yard aisles with- he victor, Joe Lark won tho mid' ng your name in the papers," Bol- [eating team beat the Robins 9-1. out letting a foot touch the more children, $2.76; husband and der observed, "but not if it is Carmen Gibson is the local cham- gets obstacle race. The distance Boosts Rates wifo without maternity benefits, Foatured at the playground was pion in Chinese checkers. Tom /round. Here Ken Brown emerged among the lists of highway fatnli- 1 series of novelty games, bicycle yn Dodger game Aug. victorious. vent was won by Morris Lurk. $4.14; fnmily contract with ma- tics or casualties published the day ,witith Lincoln's champion-- Fairiol is the local horseshoe cham- ?inal week's honor awards went ternity benefits, $4.20. aces and a swimming party. pion. Hopscotch local honor went NEWARK—Tho Hospital Ser cfter Labor Day." Bolgei:, an au- o Elsie Muse and Morris Lark. ..co Plan of New Jersey (Blue The present rates, under the hority on traffic control and reg- to Linda Jewett and Marcia Grov- The junior three wheelers also The gold achievement awards went Plans have been completed for Cross) yesterday'announced ralo sole contract^ plan available, are: ulation, concedes that some acci- the boys to go to Ebbct's Field, bS I l C enor. The finalist in the badmin- had a speed race with Dennis Dorothy Muse and Ronald Sr pr evious ly unannounced Wean coming in first. Junior How- increases of from 23 to 57 per Single, $1.20; solo parent with dents do "just happen," but the Brooklyn, to watch the Dodgers ?'cifenship awards went to ton tournament were James Mo- Hughes. Runnerups were Betty Bean and Tim Sharkey in doubles. arth was second and Johnny Mil- Ann Turpin and Joe Lark. cent in two new alternate contract ne or more children, $2.40; hus- majority, he said, are the result of flay the Chicago Cubs, by bus ' Widmer, Jeanne Heroux ler, third. In the three wheel po- plans. iand and wifo without maternity fomeonu's carelessness, thought- Wednesday. Somo 60 boys will be , Dave Leursen, Martha .Tames McBean won the singles. M Local and town champion in pad- tato race Junior Howarth was the H. Theodore Sorg, president $2.80, and fnmily with mnternity less or reckless driving. accompanied by Ernest Hobble, . Claudia Cagnassola. victor. This day closed with a said the increased rates are base, ?3.56. 'You can do much to assure lUpervisor; Mrs. George Vcnrzio, tin the week Lincoln's an- dle tennis is David Hackenburg. wife of the recreation commission- Doubles for the local ground were party for all playground partici- Former Resident on rising hospital costs — whicl The plan estimates that for the your own safety and happiness in to Tamaques was pants at which time they ate and have risen 60 per cent since 1943 comprehensive contract, tho rates holiday driving juBt by applying t'i, and Mrs. John Ray, manager »„»»,. Frizes of candy Hackenburg and Dave Sandberg. of three Little League baseball Spike Graf is the local midget fully enjoyed ice cream and home —and will go into effect for cur epresont an overall average in ommon sense and ordinary cour were awarded with the made cake. leams. Tho first-place team, tho tether ball champion. (Continued from page 1) rent contract holders at tho ex crease of about 57 'per cent over tesy—and by keeping your ey its of the local Co-op cial services, with responsibility piration of the current cpntrac1 on the other fellow," Bolgcr ad Cougars, will be guests of the Gold achievement awards fo' the preseent contract. The daily playground. ..tie bowling honors went The end of the season at Roose- for the supervision of special ser- year. For new subscribers, it wil deductable contract represents nn vised. "Common sense tolls you , Collins with Jack Briggs the year went to Charlie Brow^ velt closed with tho special evenr and Patty Howarth. Nancy Thornp vices programs in 28 hospitals lo- go into effect November 1. overall average increase of abou not to drive so fast that you do The activities at tho grounds rrtk Oldfield taking second of the bike rodeo which was a cated in 10 states and Puerto Rico, 23 per cent over, the present con not have complete control of you °Saa Healy, Ed Collins, John son and Jim Fogarty were award Tho new contract types are the will close Friday, Aug. 28. Awards, success with over 65. entrants. Tho ed honorable mention, along wit' In January, 1950, Clucsrnnnn re comprehensive, and a daily deduct- tract. car every second; not to pass on and trophies will he presented to «n Sandra Boynton and Doi- outstanding event of the day was turned to New Jersey as chief oi blind curves or hills, or when you _ fooncke all tied for first place Bob Mulvehill. ible. They replace tho presen Reduced to a daily average, th the boys and girls at a later date the cross-country race which in- special services at the VA Hospita single plan. Blue Cross said the new rates fo do not have more than ample to be announced bv the recreation F, peanut throw. Potato rac?a This week scrap crafts wen Lyons. 1 cluded over 35 entrants who start- used from various units of th< The comprehensive contract pro- the comprehensive contract rep tonce in front of approaching cars committee when an all-flay festival won by Carol Miller, Gail ed off at the driveway of the Jun- "Ordinary courtesy — to sa . Bonnie Warren, Betto season. Softball games were hel Mr. and Mrs. Cluesmann an vides for inclusive services in con- resents an additional cost of aboul will be arranged. ior High School, wended their way nothing of the fact that it is th< „. Heilman, Gail Healy, Bay every morning and captains Ec daughters, Carole, Linda and twin! tracting, hospitals, without an two and one-third cents per per through the woods where tricky iaw — requires that you keep t( BOOI, Mary Grimley, Sandy SW- Labinsky and Patty Howartr Jill and Judy, will be leaving Mar payment chargeable by such hos- son per day. The average cost ol GOING ON VACATION'? arrows guided them out to the the daily, deductible contract ii tho right, except when passing Son Susan Sohaub, Willie Gor- fought it out continuously. Th< ion today. Mr. Cluesmann will re pital to the plan patient for a Be sure to Have Th* Leader drive way on the other side of the most Interesting game was held port at his new station in Brock hospital services generally n about 20 per cent less than th( even on two and three-lane dua n ind Mary Elcome. In battinn highways. It requires that you sig Forwarded to Your New Addren 11 off a tee, Claudia C«- field. Ferdie Schumacher took firs Monday when Labinsky's team ton Monday. quired for the care of the paticnl comprehensive. mmlm and Ray Heroux won*, in ejunior class as Mice Bunn and j Collins took senior honors. Pea- it rices wero won by Susan thiiib, Peggy Baron, Nancy Patty Hiross and Billy Unto, Patty y Shttp Thurflday iron. Golf ball driving was copped f Gail Healy and Eddie Collins. Until 9 Lassie ... the coat you A watermelon eating contest Jd Monday afternoon highlight- 1 the week at McKinley. Forty- iht entries participated and tiits were awarded to Gay Reid, love and live in linnet among the 16 children six an old and under, to Maureen towiy and Philip Lambert, boys, (a) 100 fo virgin wool id girls from six to 10, and Jane flannel in grey onwiy ind Donald Somcrs In the or blue. Sixu 9-lS roup over 10 years of age. Lassie Maid and Lassie Jr. Twenty-two of the playground's 4t.»S imllecs were taken to Tamaques irk Tuesday for a picnic, marsh- Our beautiful coats from Lassie Maid and Lassie Jr. uiloir roast and, a Softball game rtw«n the boys and girls. The qi won 12 to 10. The children textured rich and tailored for all occasions. 1M were busy weaving pothold- m ind stringing thoc-button •*. , . , , Here are four, from our fall collection ... each a nu&vel finners of the bicycl* rodeo events wen Donald Domert, Billy Koerlch, Philip Lambert, Maureen for the price, each lining guaranteed for the life of ihecoat. Conway, Dorothy Mayer and Bar- kara Byrne». Citisenship awards »er« pretested to Jane Conway ud Charles Hazza. Honorable mention for the week included tonnie Trautz, Barbara Byrnes, (c) lOOfo virgin wool m Hsrl« Macaluso and Dorothy tvedgewood , check, Uayer. Golden achievement iwardi were presented to Jack Beige or rote, l°yn and Jean MacFadgen. Suet 8-16 Bruce Clement received honorable motion. At Wilson playground the boys playing a new game, bicycle JMO. It has aroused great interest. Croquet mallets are used and for • pony, a sturdy bike is used. A «r» rubber ball or a soft ball 1* W, there are four mounted play- Ms on each aide. Captain Bruce "»J for a polo ball. As in regular ™t»ls team, which includeJ «*» Sandberg and Dave Mann Captain Skip Willetts team -which Kortd Jve goals to two goals orer 'eluded Jim McBean, Herndcn na Glen Gilcrist in a thrilling jMie which attracted the entire PlWound and other rititens. lame.' rkrsdei: refe*«ed the

The big day of the week was £e rodeo. The speed races were (d) 100% virgin wool »»at Skip Willet came next. Spike Levmoor in beiga Wfllet came next. Spike Graf won ^ , and Ric«"«l McDermott or grey. Siitt £klf Joe Petruceine pressed hard 49.SS !f the course. The midgets t they Could' *** «>a!- le8din«' f0"<"«* »>y Jfuee Sargent and Heidi Slocnru. if !|c°nd group midget race saw £» Sharkey pedal hard t» <

nn Mor Te»fer'a cttfv, ««•• tttnl tUme S*»f Taff Mc ? ? * and -

,J}° lariat », T,ope contests 'hrowinTT tne toyt' in latlat kola Donahue, Karen ln *r™* aw^fSes i^n to y i toy* THE WEOTPIELD (N.^T.) I Poqr" George Houghton FANWOOD—Puncrnl BOIVICOB OBITUARIES or George 11. Houghton who tiled iaturdny in MuhlenberR Hospital Mrs. Catherine Clark Mrs. Elk Earley vpro hold yesterday morning in late A Mrs. Catherine O'Dotinell Clark, Funeral aorvk'es were held Frit he Itoughton Funeral Home, Jer- 78, died lnat Thursday at her hoiiw, day aftornoon for Mia. Ella M. icy City. SCOTCH 1 108 Park street, after a long ill— ISley svho died AuffUrtt It at the A Solemn HIRII Funeral Mass in Board nc>. Baumer 9r. of 6Q1 St. Mark's ave- Joseph Qallagher from employing machines to cir- "Some of the new uses, changed places — and switched the nue, died last Wednesday at The culate and coot the air indoois, sions can be mod«, they require The chief occupations of that iso- argument. Joseph W. Gallagher, 74, Lynd- extensive structural transforma- course, result in improvement to lated region were sawing wood and Baby Hospital of New York Modi- hurst, formerly of Linden, died there are definite steps that w« the neighborhood, but the reports ' cal Center. Born in New Bruns- can take to remain fairly com- lion and are expensive. Conse- last Thursday at his home after a mu«. ^ quently, prices paid for closed tho- of the BUivey showed the predomi- . wick, July 4,1951, James had been ihort illness. fo nantly depressing effect of the 185s . til sinc« birth. We can avoid overexposure to h. =.,., w« -an liesent a fair value for the land. of a theater business with or with- SUBURBAN TRUST COMPANY Surviving besides his parents Coriell and Joseph Gallagher, both the direct rays of the sun. We pius a reasonable value for the out the substitution of another of Weitfleld. encourage perspiration—which ^ is commercial enterprise." •re • brother, William H. Baumer walls of the building. WESTFIELD - CRANFORD Jr., three listers, Winifred J., Mr. Gallagher was born in Newour body's built-in cooling devic: "When a theater closes, a front- Turning to reports of theaters NaUlie B. and Marjorie A. all at York, He had lived in Linden 25 —by an adequate intake of bland age of from 40 to 76 feet is taken operating at a "break-even" point SCOTCH PLAINS - GARWOOD hone, alto his maternal grand- years before moving'to Lyndhurst fluids. Wecan avoid alcoholic Bev- out of an otherwise active business or "in the red," Mr. Holmes point- parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. nine year: ago. He retired in 1920 erages. We can wear light, porous community. Instead of contribut- ed out that deferred maintenance • Broufh, of Vero Beach, Fla. as a lithographer for the New clothing which permits the circu- ing its share as a component of is speeding obsolescence in many ASSETS $31,000,000 York Journal-American, where he lation of air about our bodies and Funeral services were held Frl was employed many years, tne neighborhood shopping area, instances. The unattractive show - day morning at the Dooley Fu- encourages the evaporation of per- it becomes a deteriorating influ- house loses further attendance, OlOiST »ANK IN WISTNIID ' Other survivors are three other spiration. We can bathe frequent- tnen cause and effect change place, neral Home, Cranford, by the Rev. daughters, Mrs. Margaret Cargano ence on the economic whole. John L. Flanagan, assistant pastor ly, to keep pores cleansed and "With a decline in pedestrian and reduced box office further les- ORGANIZED IIM and Mrs. Elsie Bielowski, of open. • We can avoid heavy and ". of Holy Trinity • Church.* Inter- Mrs. Dorothy traffic, the 'walk-by, walk-in' trade sens income available for mainte- Deposits Imtmd Up T. $10,000 ly »IC ment waa in the family plot in St. Keanirourg; and fatty foods and prefer fruits, veg- 19 reduced. In some cases adjacent nance and repair, he explained. : QeitTllde'* Cemetery, Woodbridgp, Marsnjl of Lyndhurst, and two etables and salnds. We can limit other, sons, James, of Linden and our activities and control our emo- enterprise follows the theater as "In spite of depressed current Thomas of Chicago, tions, so as to avoid the increased i, casualty. conditions," Mr. IJolmes. empha- The funeral was held from the bodily heat which both Jirodlice. "Where the building is convert- sized, "it should hot" Wi thought 'It Collins. M«morial, Lyndhurat. %.-•. tot all then* means hiphysical Iffd ed to a lesser use, it will depress that any theater Investment is au mental adjustment, we can beat r.earby business locations," Mr. tomatically undesirable, that mo- [ Augustine Malbrod . the heat. Thus definitely we canHolmes added. "Unfortunately, the tion pictures are obsolete, or that 1o something about it. lesser uses dominated the reports. the industry is In the doldrums, MOUNTAINSIDE — Augustine There were scores of listings of An answer to the financial prob- Malbrod, 50, of Mountain boule- storage facilities, both of a special- lem may be found in a short time. vard, was admitted and died yes- Paving of Road ized and a general nature. Them Three-dimensional films, reduced terday at Muhlenberg Hospital, were garages and light manufac- local property assessments, Plainneld. Funeral arrangements Faces Committee turing. elimination of the federal admis- have,not been announced. "Many of the closed theatres sion tax, alone or in combination, SCOTCH PLAINS —A citizen have been demolished, with nu- inay provide relief. The industry Mm. Flora Chambers group asked the Township Com- merous replies indicating they have has weathered other storms. With mittee Tuesday night why some- been replaced with parking lots. FANWiOOD—'Mrs. Flora Mc- community understanding, It will thing hadn't been done about pav- "Obviously, the function to revive and continue its function Th* casual, comfortabU attir* col- Iver Chambers of 100 Forest road, ing Redwood road. Led by Robert as, a segment of neighborhood life died Sunday in her home after a Hnltenhof, 2220 Redwood road, which the theater can be convert- lag* m*n really go for — her* in all long Illness, ed will depend largely upon zon- and as an important means of cul- Wt •Mbinrtbf they claimed that they had been tural communication." sixts. Com* in •arly — Fro* altera- A native of Jersey City, Mrs. told as long as two years ago that ing restrictions. In addition, some to tip ibovt •rnttuwnl Chambers had lived in Fanwood the road would be pnved and that tion* of court*. for 32 years. She was a member of fire hydrants would be installed. n Wpptfipttftt: Ail "Saints Episcopal Church of Scotch Plains and a member of Committeeman Phillip A, Cobb Would Beautify Civil Defense Flannel Suits its Guild. ssid the question of the hydrants HxpttUntr ttminti Surviving are her husband, ia up to the water company, Road Charcoal and mtdlum gray — favored George F. Chambers; a daughter, construction, he added, was delay- Blue Star Drive aults Denied for eampu* wear, 100% wool. Mrs, Bruce Henry of West'Palm ed tn the early sprinr ,.nd summer Frlewl from $49.00 (Klfr fctwaln Beach, Fla,; two sons, George J. and ia the responsibility of the de- veloper of the tract, the Redwood Plans fo*.» survey on how to TRENTON T- New Jersoy Civil of Roselle and Robert F. of add to the beautification of the Mmvmtnt CGo. Tampa, Fla,; two grandchildren, Construction Co. Commltteeman Defense Director Leonard Drey- Ehrlich said tha developer would Blue Star Highway (22) were yesterday invited Robert B. Sport Jack*ti 4B3-11 (tang* tort and a sister Mrs. Cordon McNatr made Tuesday at a meeting of the of Rumson. be told to proceed with the work. Meyner, Democratic candidate for ibmtrUlr 2-ltoa The company, It was explained, drive committee at the home of its overnor, to come to see just what All weed, twwdi, corduroyi, tKevlon, A private service was held in has posted a bond to abide by re- chairman, Mrs. Albert L. Stillman, :he state's program against enemy flanrwit. from $I«.*5 •ritetor HlMirMrt knlM, Gray's Funeral Homa, Wwtfield, quirements of the township. Plalnfield, attack has accomplished. Monday. Interment was in Fair- view Cemetery, Wertfield. The' drive, which extends from Drey fuss answered a charge by Mountainside to North I'lainfielil, Meyner last Sunday that the New 600 Rent Control a five-mile stretch, was suggested Jersey Civil Defense program is Slacks by tha Garden Club of New Jersey 'obsolete." Protests Already Filed as a tribute to the men and women The Civil Defense director said: In all fabrlti, to match or mix. Why BwMt tart of New Jersey who served in the "I know that Mr. Meyner is a from $11.W BCC««H lh« ulecllim •( • xannnul that ELIZABETH—James J. Raffer- aimed-forees'during World War busy person consumed with the wilt bur your Wily maw llironili IIM I|M ty, executive clerk of the Union It task of flying all over the state •hould be t family decision. Don't Ufa Ika County Rent Control Agency, Present at the meeting were rep- furthering his candidacy, but I •htntt that II won't be. Itat at ap 1ie o oms invite him to come to our offices in Sport Shirt* *li*fc .» «? *~™L Ll?™l resentatives of gardeg n clubs from he State House in Trenton to Aik for «ur iUuitrated booUtL on which to file protests continue bordering the drive: Mrs, Mostly all washabl*. to came in. The board is now faced Q^^ c . DreyerD , MountainsidMii e learn what the state Office of Civil without about 600 cassa involving Mrs. MarCy S. Littlefleld, Westfield Defense ha3 accomplished and is Cotton Flannel* from $3,93 doing from day to day. L. L. MANNING A SON **. mi 1,000 or more individual dwelling Mra, john Dawe, Fanwood; Mrs, Gabardines, ainflhoms, etc. units. The application blanks have Harold N. Scherer, " *'I know that he will go away from 4.9S Stanley Burner, Owner not yet been received but ar» «x- fleidrandMrTRoy^Winklepleck with much more respect far our tM Vnt From Street Tel. PLalnfleM 60706 pected by Friday. Westfleld. Also present was Mrs!efforts than his announcement Corduroys .• at 7,95 1LLVSTRATSD BOOKLET SENT UPON REQUEST " Vance R, Hood, Boonton, presidenl would indicate he now has." MVILBEHS OF QVAL1TY MONVMEMTS FOR OVER W YEARS . The way to save money is d Club of New Jersey Sunday, Meyner said a modern oi tne Ggr en civil defense system "cannot be Whit* Shirts not to spend it—to reflect on what and instigator of tne Blue gta. built on the obsolete World War II Button dawn oxford, spread collar, »tc. Is a necessary expense and to ask proje(.t, the first of its kind. model." The Democratic guberna- Arrows from $3.95 In each instance whether life would T4. dgcided tha(. each n torial candidate called for a reap- praisal of New Jersey's civil de- Van Heusen from 3L9S fense setup. ment or any American family. | Dreyfuss, in answering Meyner, Anybody can find things to buy Practices: Once the results cited an award given the state in 100% Dacron Shirts a different branc J * completed the 1951 for having the best civil de- fense plan in the nation. Rinse out in a {iffy — needs no ironinfl. $11.50 New York Htrold-Tribune. They will also contact officials of '. . . The government will not Municipalities for cooperation. be truly efficient until it divorces Since the inception of the drive itself from a great proportion of "A erippled France is dramati- . 1945, 8,000 trees have already the responsibilities and activities Pure Silk Repp Ties cally demonstrating a double les- it has usurped from the states over >en planted. Future plantings are An excellent selection. at $2.30 son to her friends across the •x pected to continue the naturalis- the years. It has grown to big that Atlantic. The first lesson is that tic borders. Among the features it can't be handled." — Syracuse when government allows inflation Pott-Standard. to permeate an economy by trying Plus a full line of Accessories ". . . Confiscatory taxes and g. from Hat t© Hose id a dogwood arboretum of ernment handouts never have made ! ins: will be a woeful day indeed. any people better off. Only more The second lesson is that no all varieties which will grow in ~ersey. Commercial develop- production can do that." — N. Y. amount of foreign aid by Uncle World-Telegram & Sun. OjMft Monday and Sam can help such a e-ovemmenf ments now established along the uiuatts, Friday tv«'s Hi 9 p.m avert catastrophe." — Wall Street route will follow a design in keep- Journal. ing with the requirements of high- Cranford way business. tAtlavn cooktKl milt or poultry 11$ E. Broad St. 12 Springfield Ave. Alao discussed were prospective eaa be delightful served the second 2-5696 Read The Leader For activities designed to keep the ob- day if yea lust dip the piece) la 'PLAINRELD 24143 t$l cr, 6-0092 jectives of the memorial before the fritter Uatter and fry to deep fat Cfowtl Wednesdays dwlng A«*mt All Local News , public. oo& ftfltfea brown. THE WESTFIELP (N. J.I LEA'PIR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1963 (lustrial Area Mental Numbness Vote Board Slates Highway Hazard ans Await Evening Registry Highway hypnosis 1B nn osyie. ELIZABETH — Union County Itate Approval daily dangerous and often fatal izt'MH who an? not registered tu Minnner complaint. vote in the November Kiiburnator< What onuses, it and how can itinl election eimH iRn up during any Check These Big Buys be combntted? jf six special uvi'iitng registration periods, ofuduls of the Union Monotony, repetition and fioo- County Hoard of Elections huva dom from distraction ale the 10- ( dHl»reai» satisfactory, announced. AND THERE ARE PLENTY MORE AT AtP dos Inxltig factors which oftoii lull mo- l» " thenecessary' pel- torists into a trance or self-in- On Sept. 10 and 17, the board S th. development. Ifduced hypnosis," warns Edwnrd P. office in the Courthouse will bo ," probable we will Curran, safety director of Key-open for registering until 9 p.m. it" Dr. William L. stono Automobile • Club. "Other During the final week of registrar A.P's FAMOUS "SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY ^n Committele factors are Bense-dulling summer ion, Sept. 21 through Sept. 24, tho hent and humidity, and new super- Courthouse office and all munici- r highways and turnpikes thut wind pal clerks' offices in the county through the,country-side for hun-Will be open until 9 p.m. dreds of miles without billboards, Failure of election officials hero ^k »S° «'hcn its offlc.nl stop lights and intersections. Pnd in other counties to pvovido STMK 1 more adequate registration faoili- "The car's purring mechanienl tles was criticized by the New Jei • grass sr-perfection, the seemingly endle^ soy state Council of the CIO. Carl Rtretches of bright road surfaces, lioldeiman, president, declared the minimum of grades and curves, Son of drainage and diapos- that additional evening facilities Ib. All A*P the rhythmic pattern of lights nt must be made available if all po- .. f! .,,W ar through a maze STEAK Super Mirketi night, also add to the cumulative ISri.1 channels, Dr. Sampson tential voters are to be registered. and Self-Service Sterei hypnotic effect. Then comes the Mr.. Holderman charged thut danger; the driver has ceased to public officials apparontly are con- , civic p-oup with the ex-think and be alert and the car Boneleu OPEN fction of residents of the Lakliteralle y is driving itself toward nn cerned with increasing rcgistra. Mo Fat lb. area, are said to favor the • ion only in years when, like 1952 FRIDAYS TO 9 P. M. accident. it will benefit Republican candi- Added ?" "he large industrial tract. Prlcvs ifftctlvi throuflh Sat., Aug. 22nd, In |p Committee has ex- h^t can we do to nvoid high- dates. Fourteen counties have Sup*t Markatt and Stlf-Strvlci stor» •nly. proval. The Taxpayers way hypnosis? made no plans, except during tho final week, to provide evening reg- SUlH ttyli-ilui IV, to 3«, Ib* i> Is behind the idea. The "Several simple but very effec- lb tive things. On long trips motorists istration hours, Mr. Holderman |n Service Maol OaparlmtnU ' * „„. of Commerce inaugifr- »eid»-u-Cook-nz»iund«r 3ibi Tthe project. should stop at regular, frequent in- aid. sh ld lb IL tervals and get, from behind the Boneless Veal Roast - " 53c In All Moal D.parlmjnt. . •»• « Jay Abraham, district super- Regular Jtyle-nm under 10 ibi IL whoei for a cup of coffee or aBrook Improvement In Seme Meat D»panm.ntl lb s/the C. B. Snyder Healty 'stretch'. If driving alone, tho mo- Ground Beef *•*!?v<™f ib,39< Fresh Hams wweoreiih.rhaif ib.67e - of Newark, promoter of thetorist should lower the car win-Approved by Committee l b ieet, said the company is quito Top Sirloin Roast "H«» 89c Fresh Pork Shoulders ^ >«" ib 45* Turkeys dows In order to get or create 0 Top Grad«-(U«»lir Style L to meet any requirementbreeze, munch candy or chew gum, SCOTCH PLAINS—The ordi ,l,e township felt was neced- Top Round Steak »?neies. ib 89c Smoked Hams ^^ 53c poMjb 63e Ducks In Service Meal Departmenli • 39c and turn on the car radio. Om> nance providing a $21,000 improve- who| r itn lb e Top Grada-Riady-to-Caak , «If It is too expensive, andmust be careful in using the radio, nlcally undesirable, we ment of Cedar Brook was passed at Chuck Roatt or Steak ^.m ib 45c Smoked Hans »° * " " - 73 In All Meat Departments however; commentators and speak- final reading Tuesday night by the e |k tbondon the project," neers will help to keep the senses ltd. Township Committee. Pot Roast Bon.i.s. ch^k ib 63c Hams "tSS-X'^ST* ':!L^V Pork Sausage ^ 49c ^ * 59< alert, but such things as soothing Dr. William L. Sampson, com Fr s s ]n w Dr S»m|»on ontn e othcr "*nH music mutt be avoided. tnittee chairman of the Board of Plate Beef - » " '* ^ * tb. 15c Ready to Eat Hams ^rr ">-75c Bologna or s«d'/2b 29c ited out that thero was no at- "Passengers in a car can be a Health, said the brook has been a iptto discourage the new indus.- big help in overcoming the tranpe- drainage headache for years, ani Boneless Brisket Beef .,£,:!.• ib,05t Canned Whole Hammouibi.m«nib. 95c Liveiwurst »Munsch^i9.rSiic. • ^15c *»** •- »»* "* applied to the State Board of propriated from this fund. Sliced Bacon vsu «rRight" y ib k 45c ilth for a sewer permit. Th« "Summing up, then, the motor- Rib Lamb Chops ^ cu.-i... w»u ib. 89c P 2 P g Fresh Scallops . »>69< le replied that it was a matter jst can avoid dangerous mental Forest Service the local authorities. , numbness by having a mild curios- Ten per cent of national foreit Rib Veal Chops shoruu.-i...*.... ib 69c Beef Liver sP.ciaiiy s.i.d.d ib 33c Fancy Halibut Steaks "We called in local experts." iiy about everything and by em- earnings are set aside for use by »>55< (Dr. Sampson, "but-all of their ploying slight distractions to keep the Forest Service In building and mminendstions we felt were too the mind from taking & psychic maintaining forest roadi and trails ingent. We think there is an-fiesta." within 11 a t e • containing luch nr w»y out." foresti. Dairy Values... Sw—t. Vine-/Up«ntd Flavor.' The township has drawn up have submitted to the state have lardeR't Irani us which it feels would satisfy Man-Skid Ruin rajuirtirunts of the develop-been given at least a tentative ap- Make icatter nigs skid-resistant it These have been sent to proval;" he said. This may b«_done, by fastening rub- Gruyere Cheese ". 29< fito'tT •• . ber J»r rlngi, pieces st inner tuba, Cantaloupe 2 r 31* MAD TNI UADHt FOR or stripi of a'dKeiive tape to thi |"Bit we do not want to declare undiriidi. Sliced American M.ioBiip oc.s> ib55e i until the ideas that we ALL LOCAL NEWS r Thi ttrittt Table Gripis, Sliced Swiss f-cy dom. ic ib 59c Juicy... Servi '•• t« Fruit SalsOs. TM! DOING st Seedless Grapes..., Sliced Provolone DO*.^ ib. 63e Table tielery >"ca>»cai °orr white# n.ik 1 Qe Yellow Onions Ched-O-Bit che.se f d nb.pkg.49* OO CaUkillfarmi Uad29t New Green Cabbage ib.3« N§arb farms Kraft's Velveeta ch..s.food iibPkfl 57c CallfornU-txtralargesiz* 5 (or 19e Cucunibers y *«ch5c BeetS From niarby (arms bunch Jt Cream Cheese !^:. 21:;, 31 e California Oranges v.i.nda, 5 & 49c B k Cottage Cheese - "- From nearby (am. Ib. 8^ l From n.arby farm. lb.7«

32 u. reii'v* imr iattod b*fftfl Sunsweef Prune Juice kittl* 30

A wealth of plump Brand berriet—the big Juicy Sweet Peas tow 1IS3 Pick 3 ^ 32* kind—give this prize- 11 M. winning flavor! Hershey's Syrup CbtMUti 2 JmtParktr D<»M*k«»at CHaf-IHI»aaU»rll»e|'i "«• OOC SYAM#I|AC UMI IINCN arVMCIIV* lUaa «0,^33. Clinamon Bnns * 311 Orange Chiffon Cake Heinz Baked Beans . 2 ];;>17« Sliced Pineapple °°i* Libby't Sliced Beets 2 ^ 27. AprieOtS Sultana unpeeled 25« Tklfit-Qwnchtiiq Oleak Ginger Al«, Club Soda, 1% 29 oz Tomatoes >° 29« Del Nonte Prunes VlHB fruit H»vorl-plui d.poiit A boll lei Dom«itic— O ' 07 TOmati PaSte various brands O cans 23< Seedless Raisins A& i7 UfLSta DlaailT Ginger Ale, Club Sodr O 7»oi.ACm tflillB llOfcll Iruit HavoD-pluj d.poiit L bottlai ^9* m Ginger Ale, Club Sodr 112oz'99c Uncle Ben's Rice l;:r::L "°-^- Grape Juice ASP fancy quai,./ 2 Sm,33* I Ceola* Root lesrwite d^ot't V tiane *• w BAAm Premium Quality e% t2 oz. River Brand Brown Rice 17* Starkiit Tuna Fish %t «»« »«35« "•••••••••••MBiHiriarji » ~ <* ** *•* «>+*•* «- Dwwa sold in liti.ni«d store* *• cam .6 box 29c ANUCS-In Stockholm, SwtMn, .heph.rdew Marta Anderson is shown trainwg Bellentine, Piel'i, Rupp»rt'>, SchMfef'r, .0 12 si. Educator Crax r 0I Gorton Codfish Ca «Lu t0 leap SracefuUy tats th« tix, upper left Edmund Werz, right, never forgot his Trommer'l - lold in ' • ti >tore> t cant m Butter Cookies •><"/< Norway Sardines ^p9l,r 2 31< ™ Switzerland. Although be now llvet In Chicago, he imported two Japanese deer as • M .33. ™>»der of things past, The 6t}dg« |ime pl«yed in St Louis, lower left, by expert* Oswald Campbell's Tomato Soup 3 °cr 32« Marshall Herring 0 "«*y ana Charles H. Goren, right, isn't really on the up and up with those two chimps, but Rkeingeld Beer .,J^L~ D d Hackney, 19, meira business is ih« plunges into i pool of water tstridi Dinah, high Corn Muffin Mix — - i5c Prem, Treet or Redi-Meat 43« tone at Atlantic City*« Stp»l Pier, rieht All flavors O 29 oz - J C. Hoffman Beverages plui deposit t bolllei ^«J* Buff Ginger Bread Mix 25<> Octagon Laundry Soap Libby Baby Foods SIM RIIlM "All" detergent Strained Chopped Napkins dexo Controlled sudsing — for automatic washeri Vegetablt shortening 24 oz. 6 2::% 23B 3 L 75« pkg. 39 7,2.49 Wriilay Staa Palmolive Soap Palmolive Soap Spie«Span Lux Flakes In re-osable plastic bag Especially (or the bath For toilet or bath For washing painted surfaces For fin* fabrics 3 cl, 22e large •)*„ junt "|C» lge.pkg.27e Ajax Cleanser Kirknai Breeze A«!»ic* s roiEMesr FOOD HITAIUI ... JINCS TIM With foaming action Granulated Soap All purpose dotargert

2 r 23* =ka wu> Dig aoB 155 ELM STREET MIHMM OKHAtt AND MOAD WESTFIELD. N. J. k»ultra room with tlroplace, full dining; living room with one!, iS"*! room, modern kitchen with break- £H,s£l Ing. Full size diningB "'««! THIS IS ,V0T A I.AIK1K IIOMK, but Ha very conipuctneHB is part or f»»t area. The screened porch, off attached isa-raRe- Low taxes, Im- with two corner cupboarSs, Is J nln« UltrtlinH /„,_ ' . room, il WAITING FOR YOU its olmrm. Well not bnok on a lot of the llvlnir room Is 2fi feet long. mediate possession. ,L. -„.,-e nd of the nail, xour with many lovely blue Hpruces, Oil hent, 2-cnr KiirnEc. Well worth t?lfe ™m adore the kitchen, so dej Inspection. |18,W>. BRICK AND FRAME COLONIAL REYNOLDS, FRITZ & BETZ atf ^ HI Pa 'I C • • eia " —^ -™ - ""a" evergreenH. nnd flowers In seaaon, altrnfltl to itlve lottuS Ol OOilnler V 003 Ea.t Broad St. t'hnriulnj? munller Coltt- tho trim Colonial appearance of $23,800 on;aVfour toM cor. Elmer nlnl which can lit every the exterior with tho colorful awn- SMART AND NEW $13,900 fficabinet'space; there's a hrenk- steps WESTFIEILD 2-O30O nr*il «if (lie youiifr fam- Inn Is moBt attractive. The Indi- ON A DEA.n END STIIBET Ideal for to ily. Three m-cantl floor vidual dcalltn of the Interior will children fhere Is a 'welve-year-oW •Jt! you Sufd possibly want. The certainly pleaae you. A wide pic- ATT1IACTIVB 6-room unlit level. three bedroom home win tiiea filreta yoy u icouis o a "UB"'"'kit^h "«••••d -•- h- Mulllple Mating Members lirdroonm nnd tiled bn1h. Three bedrooms, one nnd ono-nair •IKKIIK AnE SEVEN lltchen flrat floor lavatory, faun^ry Is oft tho kitchen and has .... ttvwr»^fj Fully Mt?recnrd porch, ture window nt the rear of the baths on ono level, nine panelled room. In thla neatlf room for your Deep Freeijr. Ai )n>t ivntrr-iill bent. From living room has the effect of uent home. The "vlnf screened porch, tiled bath with fl This gives easy acce.,"';'! stretching the visible area and living room with "replace, full Sower, knotty pine recreation the rear ol the *°™*-J"'&t ,S, throe master sizo U*AI tll foundation to chimney dlnlnir room, kitchen with fable room la quite lnra;e (with ?Som, nttachcif arago, and gas a large screened porch, just tn» 00 Tarrr'a n new Inane of the WISH- the exterior mirror* itm overlookH the rear lawn nnd gar- oven «re»l«ee) and there B SerUct location for outdoor mcalj. two tiled bathii (suSf !"! voraforl nftihe Interior. den. A screened porch nt tho pine area, laundry room. Beautifully heat. Situated on a Beautiful lot CHh^attacher featured BaraBs eInclu ComnS ?i H ING lll'.I.I. thnt h»« Juat keen irob- Hllftded plot, 200 feet frontage. la an r«lri« room on tfce two blocks from Lincoln School. the master bedroom isi 18 x 14, Is sot for December "ftij llahed, and there •• a complimentary See thin home ««clny nnd la sroatf for warm evening relax- Short walk to Franklin School. lat lloor for television. and thorc are two smallsf beo- copr for you nt our office. K you L-tiiitliiue t» receive the ing. Dining room and modern 12.1,000. Three hedrooma and rooms. The bath 1» beautifully feme out-of-town Iclenda who talk jay It hn* EIVC a—«15,250. kitchen complete the ilrst floor, bath on the 2nd loor, NORMAN BEAUTY filed with tiled floor, and has a $28,750 of aomedar moving to tKIa nren, we nnd on tho necond door are three Oll-alrnm heat, two car tub and Btall nhower with a glass will be ajind to iMiid thf>m conlea, attractive Colonial bedroomB and HOUSE BEAUTIFUL drtncbrd itarnarel Juat a $32,500 door. In addition, there's a pow- tiled bath. In the bnoement is a "hop, aklp nnd Jump' too, at yoar req.ueaf. It not only IN THE GARDENS renlly exceptional pine panelled jrsT HEDUCKD for quick sale, fhls der room, also tiled. The mnn ot PITERSON-RINGlt tell* about our town, but It hna 9 MAHTF.il 11EDIIOO1H A»D BA.TII on from public and Paro- home Is Hfteen years old, and the house will enjoy the over- •Icturea of homea limed through the lounge, or second llvfng room, per- flrnt floor, four nddltionnl ,bed- chial ichools. nl.ed Kiirage U % 25; no aqueel- NEWMAN, INC, malllalr llatlnir ayntem o» our Wrat- known *o »«wn>* nn n lo- fect for televtplon «nd Informal beautifully situated on a high lnB In and out of enr doors here. eitalon for Krneltmn liv- entertaining. We will be pleased rooms upstairs. Beautitvil Cape- knoll far back on the property. 140 Nortk Avenoe •elH Hoard of Itealtora. which rlrea to nhow you thin lovolv home, juaf Cod exterior built pre-war and Custom built by Its original own- The full basement > very ana- Weataeu . a eomprebenalvo Itlra of the vnrloua lnpf> Thin one t>nture« n perfectly maintained. 2G- Jiving clous, of course. Oil, olr-condl- types of our ofTerltiirii. break Cunt nook and a reduced In price to $21,500. er. It contains a beautiful science tloned heat with extra humldlflerji ire. 2-7113 tlcn Cor t*»«»f inomentH room, full dlnlni? room, tiled kit- COLONIAL INN COMFORT Kitchen with breakfast space, 1,000 gallon outside tank. The cost vga of O. 0 Elm St. WeetBela 2-0031 an»r of thla aolldlr bedroom and hath over two-car ON nilADFOIIl) AVICNIK we will THE bnlll, excellently located garage. There Is also a hus-e rear S28,.T0«.0O—.4 PRR-WAR COLONIAI' •how you a fine name, built by- one "BOOK OF VALUES" Bvenlngei four bedroom home screened terrace, and a Pefky * In one of Wychwood's prettiest HAROLD E. YOUNG Col of Weatfleld'a brat bulldrra In 1942 BUNGALOW Jnmea 3. Boccola . . . W«. atopptd In the; ojllce to cypreBB recreation room with, ".re- sections, yet within easy walking •II forma .( ^ ' IMS. It* aalnlrd wblte and la part IN OUR WINDOW May Arnold .... We. S tell ua thai ae would place. Washing machine, refr g- distance to stored, bua and the hrlclt with a alate roof. There nre Gnr I>. Molford . . . We. WMfcJJ like to aell. The loealloa erator, carpeting and valancea In- Wilson School, six rooms, tiled INSURANCE In n very denlrat»te Mrhoul Amelia Saundera .... We. 2-1013 la one of the moat soaejkt cluded In the price. kitchen and powder room; screen- 4 bedtwoma and 2 batba on the wccMott. Solid construc- aftrr In WratSeld) tke aecond Sour, and thoae bedrooma tion tvlth pre-war mate- ed porch: gas heat. Lovely yard are really far above average alae. EDWIN O. EDWARDS yard la quite large and 153 Monalala Ave., Wrallel* With variety of frees. This home rial* «NHurr« yoa of fu- JIB Kim 8*. (a beautifully araruened Is In perfect condition and deco- Three af them take twin beda ture peace of mind. and shaded. The «rat roiajlertaklr, and the 4th la a real l>arg« llvlnjr room tvlth We. 2-5620 tfc Bettr I.. Wlearmaji . RtfvWJ. *-M»J rated most tastefully. bedroom, too. There IN a prettr Realdence Paoneat PETER A. DUGHI, Realtor Sovr l« arranged '• e »orotkrI"Baatmam •> We.a-1«T1-M LOTS FOR SALE loir hurnlnic flreplace( Bor T. Canneld , . . We. 2-OXM popular center kail tra- Ilaael S. Crowe . Re». We. tM"* amrtK rard. The 2-rar garage la at- kllchen with dlnlaR SM ESnet Broad Street dition wltk a large (-« S17.eoO.0e-—HERE'S A SPLIT LEVEL tached. Gaa heat. The kitchen and nren. Three bedroom* Winifred Rdwaraa . . We.a-MTO Claire E. Barker . Bea. We. RANCH HOME, only 1% years old. ESIDE1VTIAL building U ., _ the Srat floor lavatory aa well aa I.unlar N. Baker . . We. Z-2441-W xl3> llvlna; room, dlnlna; and tiled bath. Attach- Jcaa A. Bra«r . . . We.2-3M1-W EXCELLENT VALUE room (10il3> wltk cor- The living room Is 21W x 13; First St. for sale. Schoolj clonl i the 2 aecond door aataa are tiled. ed ararnare, oil heat, taxes ner oupnoarda, aunroom cheerful dining room, and kitchen To close out estate. lt«ke , Price* at »2»,S00. only 924IT.A8. YoVIl love oir tke living room and with breakfast space. On the sec- Contact Thomas Fraw, «« It.—918,000. LOVELY FI.OWRHS ndd to the open aereened aorck to ond level, are three bedrooms and Ava., Cadiz, Ohio. ' beauty of this homo. The llrst floor kalance olT tke alnlna; tiled bath. Attached garage; line has a large living room, kitchen room. In addition to tke lot. Ideal neighborhood for chll OUNTAINSIDH — Lot us M with dining- space, 2 bedrooms and fonr brdroomn on tke dren. ideal for any type of hotn, IN MOlUrTAlKSIDE on Woodland FANWOOD bath. One of the bedrooms Is so 2nd laor there la aa C. B. SMITH, JR. cated halt way up the mo£j Ave., |aat over tae WeatleM line ELLA J. McCORMACK situated that It may be ujea as extra room and katk on Rao Her S14.5O0.0O—QTIKT STREET IN THE near Summit Road. Excellent I* la • H-roam cottage, priced at Center entrance Colo- a dining room. The second floor tke 3ra SOOP. Oil kratl JUNIOR HICH NEIGHBORHOOD. tlon. Reasonably prlceu. Boil IISMft The lot la plraaaatlr large . nlal $mmt «m the market Realtor hn» 2 bedrooms. There Is a lovely two car a;aravet perfect IT reara of Wcatatold Real Batata A compact, three bedroom home care Westfleia Leader. - ' with ••jtdoer arralaee. There'a • tiro days. Seven rooms, Meaiker MaKlple Llallac RECREATION ROOM In the base- ackuol location* wfOl 21 foot living room, fireplace, flreplaee In the living room. too. 1H haths. It Is trne this ment and a large 2-cnr detached T-V room, and tiled bath. Brand — flehoal baa plefca tke> children nn hnate waa tmltt In IMS »S.1^«».OO— LINCOLN SCHOOL. Pre- frarago. Located near the new Jef- new oil burner. Lovelyahaded lot. nt the rorner. Taira—*17S. Itaick hat with new plMmfetnK. war HIX room houBe In excellent ferson School. Asking prlco 111,' paaa.aaloa If yon need It. new oil banter, new root condition from the entranco vesti- 000. SHORE FOR SALE and freak reieeoratlns bule to tho fireplace In tho wcll- We- are meaakere off tffee which la heln» done, thl* WrCHWOOD WHIIeM Board of Reallora ahnded back yard. The 21-foot SPLIT LEVEL SUBURBAN LIVING Maltlale Lianas; Srsteat HOIIK ACltlM — NEW WAII property la worth every llvlnp; room hna a fireplace and $35,000 FRONT COTTAGE, beautll penny or the Making; entrance to the tiled kitchen; full decorated. Immediate occum Off BEECHWOOn PLACE we have price of dining- room: breakfast room and LOCATED In Fanwood and built 15 AT ITS BEST AlAN JOHNSTON 110,000. WATERFRONT anX. m nmea. fcauae »f »att nrlck enm- lavatory. A flagstone porch opetiB years ago In this Bpacloua split ANOTHER OWE of o»r Park Lots. Custom Built St.ii atraetla* that aaceta the malro- off tfte dining room. Second floor level homo with a largo den. First Realtor haB three large bedrooms, tiled level hns an entrance hall, living Weataeld "Magaalno Terms.' Free Booklet. Choice ? , Batata «f the araapeet whv waata bath and storage room. Knotty- Covtr Hoaiea" la a. lo« 9M EXM STREKT tember Rentuls. Closed SIO.ND, a madira hoaae, scared te>r one- KAtSALL room (13x22) with nreplnee, din- vatlon tkat apeaka for only. faatlly living, within walking dla- pine' recreation room and bar In Ing room 10.4x12. Tiled kitchen Itaeir. W« can't da Jaa- taaee af the atatlaa aad ahoaplee; the basement. Built-in garage. and open screened porch. Second WE, t-124* (Eveataga) Forced BAr heat. Low taxes. level has 2 bedrooma and hath. tlee IK tke apace allotted EDITH WOER.NH , enter. Neat a baa, too. «24,MaV PRANKINBACH Third level has 1 bedroom and hrre kat we know roar heart will keat a little EXCEPTIONALLY SHORE ACRES, N. J. lac ELLA J. McCORMACK, Realtor lavatory. Two car attached garugc. faattr. aa oara dl*. when MoaatalaaMe 115 ELM STREET . WSlMlcM 2-47M Low tuxes. Only 121,000. TOR nee tke keautlful BEAUTIFUL 6-room ranch house » Praepeet it. Wa. 3-4848 aettlna; and alcelr kept WELL CONSTRUCTED with brccxeway nnd 2-car garage; TUB PRICK TA« rrada •la.tan an Meamhvra For more Information about these Interior, Tkere are foar with llroplace, 1% baths, patio and aneh a alee T-roem hame . typs homes on lsrgs lots. Open #ltB Graadvlew Ave., la prleeal at 912,Mt>,a#—JU«T the place for the (or Inspection en Bat. and sun. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE PLACE! TO KEEP A HORSE) la Watckaag •ISM. War not delve ar aad call ftimtly that has to have 4 bed- (torn l-.«0 P.M. to S'.0« P.M. ROOM AND BOAHD avallaUl i detalla. rooms. Laundry )st floor, new oU initiate Lletlac Bfateaa Meaaetr BARRETT * CRAIN. . 3S' TERRACE! BBAlTtFUL stona front ranch single Klrl in private home.E heating: unit, open porch. Grant a. i). icorr co. MO homo,wtth plaster walls, fireplace, We? 2-7347. . School section, excellent condition. 4M VMMI AT*. MCLTIPIB LISTINO MBaMBM PKHFECT CONDITION hot wa.ter heat, 2 porches, ful Bltah4h ». J. LEADER CUSSIHED ADS PAY cellar, on largo landscaped plo PRIVATE REST HOMl REYNOLDS, PWTZ ft MTZ «i4 n«e.a«—FOR IMMKDIATK OCCU- t s-e-tf 4911m St. WM*fi«M>1IW0 POSSESSION (view property). Full price 145,000. COS. ELDBRLV PE»FI,R. ••At/rriRa " ' -••' oncy Is another 4 bedroom houae, care and tray service it ' Bvealajge Susi a step from the station ftntl la) FMw*«a! shoppinir. on bua line; block and Real*eare Telepkoao Ifamkera Tel. We. 8-1019-J. n half from Parochial school, nnd KOSTER R. R. UmM,Jr W».J-»MI •-ROOM ranch home with attached Uafcajtattssr?a .. . Inssssss, 'phaae S-«Hst short walk to tho Lincoln School. Gordon V. Cnla We. 3-TW5 arage, city sewer and macadam Betaa »ehaaldt B«a.'pb»nel lim Jt'a an older one and has u new William A. Clark We. S-OlaKM oil heuttnj? unit, bedroom, nnd on SeUctcd Listings Sriveway and street Included m • REAL ESTATE WNTD.I third flour, open porch. Can be William H. Slaaaam....MM. • BWT beautiful section on Madison Ave. MULTIPLE Llanno NEMMWI converted to1 S-family as It is in in Vlrglau H. -Wladkaaa....We. 2-*lu off. Park Ave. Close fo schools, the sone. shopping: and transportation, ltm»S available for srocirtfj Weatflald, Mountalnj(4«, StfJ MOUNTAINSIDE OBIT •u.tw «13.»8«,a#_i7r THK GARDENS—an- Plains and Fanwood, LUt other older home that has 3 bed- Alaa property with us. rooms and bath, den and break- C. I. SMITH, JR. HAMPTON HANNA WESTHELD fast nook, screened porch, saa FANWOOD S-ROOM BUNGALOW, breelewfty heat, 2-car garage. Torn IN VAU'fl. aerea ma aallt lerel, »lle kalk aad aerrter reaai, Realtor and garage. Corner Hunter am PRANK j. O'NEILL, l-«ar amraBe, Halaaed revreattoa r«oai, l«t lvajalfi*, coracr, lat laer SCOTCH PLAINS RlekaM P. LWgat* , , . WB.2-11 Madison Ave. Only 114,900. A GKM of n home nestled In level kaa aarage and recreation rooml aeeoa< level, living noa, Ktkel M. IMttr . . . WnUM IT Via ItiMt We, u HcttLns of evergreens. J%W».MON A »RAD K>1> fltrcct dlalag ra*ai, aa* kllrkeal live atepa at, tkree ketroeau, katk »aa wismeiD Majltlplc Llatla* Memaera In Scetck plains Thin center hall colonial is this 12-year-old home In tip-top aawder ra»aa mtt tke aaaater kedroaaa. has the kind of "living condition. Large living room with •ll.ten—POPILAR 3-bedroom ranch 111 Ctatral Ave. Wa, S-1IM room" you will enjay. The fireplace, dining room, kitchen, type home with panelled dining ft-ROOX RANCH with fireplace, : count mot Ion is stone and breakfast nook lavatory and bedrooms, dining room and kltch breakfast nook, lavatory and LOVBLV ALL BRICK HOME, 2 reara old. Ire large rooma, enelsaei area, built-in garage and larger a OR * BEDROOM house, with li Rftlntfle, with a twenty- screened porch on 1st floor. 3 bed- than average plot?. en, livlns; room, colored fixture three foot living room, rooms and tiled bath 2n trees, a breakfast nook ecatev kallway, larse llvtna; room wltk Breplaee, Alalaa; ronat, kltekea otkera to pick Iraam, KAKCIT1VB dCHlres to rent ( with a sunny bay window. Realtor wltk elevtrlc dlakwaakrr and tivn targe kralnNiB.a wltk trial* alldhia;- •17,S««—HIHAL setting for a spa- HAROLD E. YOUNG CO. Above there is n miiHter M* ?T*rtk A venae We. 2-1121 alear clotkea eloaeta. Hot water keat aad 1-car garaa«. Readr *"* cious farmhouse within walking HIT K. araa« It, WB, 1-lIW-mMT . leaso 2 or 3 bedroom nooill bedroom -with double CIOB- *eewaaa<» aa «w»er kaa tfectaea ta atar witrt ke kaa keea traaeferre*. distance of station, etorea and eraeo O. Hartlara* . . . WE. X-TOU •-ROOM split level on Myrtle Ave. suburban neighborhood., «™J «tH, full tiled bath. Two McMhev Ntaltlplc Llatla* t schools. Beautifully modernised off Frontf St. 114,500. other twin nice bedrooms, kitchen; large screened porch and $160. Best references furnlit' plenty of closet »pa.ce and r-OI H BEDROOM HOME, carage an* lara* eKCloaX Mtrtk »n a kl> patio. Oil hoat. HAMPTON MANNA S-Rr'.DHOOM ranch house. Full cel- Phone We. 2-4227-K. M another tiled bath. Bessler CHARLES C. BAAKE lot la exeelltat rMdltloa aa* taa arlcakorkoo*. Jajal like aew, Ulak- lar and rarafre, on Weaver St., off stairs to the attic nnd waaker la kltekea. ai7,»»0 SEAR BOITK 33, yet ona MANIC J. (yNIIU, ASSOCIATE Farley Ave. Only 113.500. built-in closet are within Realtor - • ROOM WANTED Wcaiker s( t*« quiet country lane; 3 bedroom co- 4W-ROOJI bungalow and garage— easy reach, and there Is a Malllpl* Llalla* gfiUrm lonial wlrtt particularly nice kit-, $I7,MO.OD tool house with plenty of •PRBADISO RANCH, wltk tarre twla-alae kedroona. Hi tatka, 2-nir chen. Detached Z-car garage. WASTten by local bintness I room for those hikes and TIIK FOLKS SUM.ISG THIS HOMK ararage. Llvlaat aa* alning rosma all done In exaialalte makoaaay One large room o.r S smaller n garden equipment. At- paaelllag. Meat ke aeea ta aaprrelate It, aa It la very aaaaael. Westrteld homo on LVXlRIOtS S-BEDROON RANCH la Creattraaal 8«M»a tached garage, plot siae tire leavlnfr the country and liHve HOME, 2 years old In wonderful convenient to bath, or 't a time limit tu settle their affairs deep, well shrubbed plot. Fire- neighborhood, near schools and OW sltTAKT AVE. Beautiful ,„ apartment. P.O. Box. US. Tell ^before snlltng^ They have axked place, screened porch, breakfast room bungalow, attached garage, 2-5511. thut we make a Npectul effort fo Vr'.nT'LMKiB ASB BRAlTIFl'l. HA\/, aerea «f room, powder room, 3 excellent transportation, large living room Prlc. $24,000 lind a buyer for their property. It «»"•<• *••' large ke*rooma. three eomalete katka, load, of eloaeta. bedrooms, rtnixhod recreation with neldatone fireplace, dining full cellar and expansion attic; conalata ot an tttlroctlve residence living room ISiS*. illnlag room 11HS. aaaater ke*ronm MitT. kltrkea room. Reasonable taxce. area, last word in kitchens, tiled With city sewer. (Compare.) well situated In tine neighborhood aeltia * *"*'tYV*^"* «ara«e. Voa eoal* aot aak tut • lovelier bath, attached garage, full cellar, Oalr SIMM WANTED TO WISTnilD ot comparable homes. Large liv- «3«,73«—CHOfCK Westfield home In large lot. ing room with fireplace and Plo- hlshly deHlrable location. Living VOl'R CHOICE from 111,800 to (40 4,1,"»••"•<«. vlew_for mllea aroand. J.at oat of tkla line bedrooms, '£ baths on 2nd dlnerent type homes in all loca- fortablo home surrounded house overiooka rustic setting. 2 tions, consult us for section an Ifadlus of Clark Town** 1 by, trees; a really rteep floor.ta Finishearad erecreation room. price. J&.. 7-9100. Kxt. 2«, 8:00 ^*J pi of, A7X232; a fruma homo large bedrooma and tiled bath on AJ £W * * -, Large, well second floor, 2-cnr attached Ka- shrubbed plot. To Inspect, see S:0» P.SI. daily. with twenty-two foot liv- raife. Ol! heat. Spacious grounds. ANK CHIPKO, Heal EM*t« ing room with fireplace, The price of |21,800 for this al- .Rt. 23, rialalcle-, J»< *. KAMII.V ot four wants to rejtfl dining room, easy to work most new dwelling la made for H. CLAY HIIORICHS, Inc. PI. M)H or pat •.MI pished apartment, h»"" In kitchen; Inclosed port'fi; the sole purpose of moving thin Realtor Oiwa all Week froaa • A.M. t. • P.J hou-BelteepInK roorn». BS three bedrooms and tStUh; property quickly. To inspect con- XS* Soata Are, Kaaweod »•». a-TTM August and month of Ml| steam-oil heat; there is an only. Can furnish reference unueual addition to the Kay Bo,,,,. Rv,. . _ w,_ j.agaa gurflfre, with a glass in- in Mutk Taj lor, K,e. . . ri.lt.27OK IMMIDIATI •OSSISS4ON "We. 2-7787-M. cto&ea patio and fireplace, WeatSeld Matltlple Llatlar Sjateii BCSBALOW—2% years old. Wvlng wonderful for picnics and CHAR1IS C. IAAKB WESTFIELD PANWOOO room, 2 bedrooms, tile bath, l&rgd •JIJET business couple, C<* parties outdoors; all tiifa Raohar kitchen and dining area. 2nd floo: convenient to buses and to CHARMIWO I-ROOM COLONIAL, 5 —1 finished room. OH heat, reai town. ISSIinAlUCB MORTGAGES years old, with attached garage, cellar entrance, attached garage 4,17 Boat* A«™ W. Weatf CM, W. J. HARRY H. MALLETT In beautiful residential nefB;hbor- Storm sa«h, screens. Near N. r Ffic. $15,900 Pkaae WB, 3-aaaa _ 4«ij _ l.vw «l"W*yf two-car garage on 36x135 foot lot. Owner araat .ell hood near grade school and trans- and Newark bus. An excellent buj O»a. CO-OP Mkt. Aaa*le rarklaa; Rtarhir portation, available for quick pos- ut f 14,200. AlURT J. NNNINGER AGINCY Evealaga tl».»O0. session, priced low at J14,9»O.O0. Dorotar Hill -Wt. 3-S3M-M ON A MAD IND STRUT »•• Meantaln Aie., M«nntalaaMe, V.J. R. Wllflum Ftaker . . . Rak. T-S2M •PI.IT LEVEL—three hrdronm*. repreatlon rnom anil raricr. ,.Jr, WANTED Mlldrnl Hirark .... We. i-2«8*-W HEMTED — Owner h.i» option nn HAMPTON HANNA • CSGALOW, 1 years old. Uvln Membrra Haltlale Mating gjatrat •ovation can; be u«, to give >ou a better Idea or tlie anl.he* kone. laVRer Vioune. need* cash to com- PRANK J. OWitU, room, fireplace, 2 bedrooms, till ple.te transaction. First floor haa bath, kitchen and dining area. 8n< WB SBKD MED BOOKS. Xra. 1 WK. 2-nair P. CAMIUO * SON living; room Hs3«, lurKe dining 37 Kim Street WeatleM 2-3*73-4 floor—1 largo ruom. Oil hea top prices for yoiivs. REAL "1STATB — IVSVB room, all modern klu-hen with breeieway and irurage. Plot Jl Book Shop, 330 Park Avft SCOTCH FIAINS electric, dishwasher, lar^e nun- Frank J. O'Neill, Eves, Kt. %nm 1J0. i'rlce 114,500. field. Plalnfteld 4-3800. (21 KOHTR AVK_ W. porcn. feecond floor haa three bed- WAR SHACKAMAXON WEa<, 3-aaai „, WE.t. I-n ««Klale UMiac tlciakrr rooma und bath. Plenty ot closet KM A QUICK SAll LOTS OP ROOM HERB INSIDE AND CA»H rOR MEWS AUTHENTIC CAPE COO a( ta* WraturM B««r« sp»ee, oil steam heat, two-car g-a- OliT. New bungalow—living room, Ing habits, boots, nntl 0* KMltara rage. bow ta.rea. grond sized well stone fireplace, a bedrooms, ttl< fornlture, bra-ssware, T WEMJ MAIXTAtSED 8-yc:ir-oW landscaped lof. A buy at »18,600. CONSULT bath, dining room, science kitchen, VoIB's, il8 Madison Ave. • cottapre; livinur ronm, kttehen- IDWARD A. CAMIUO in f II heat, breezeway. garage. Plo 108x345. Price U6,80O. dtnettts 2 bedrooms, tile biith, UEALTOK — UlirBOB listed IS? linures, fn nale Sn Wot- WALTER KOSTER largrP ronm fini«hed in knotty ptno »-s-tt SCOTCH PLAINS r in expansion attic. utfuciioVi ga- field and neighboring towns ob- NEW All MUCK rage, % acre plot, only $13,300. UIUKHTS SIlr.L ROAD between viouijiy. we cannot, advertise all THE BEST poaai«]a aervlc* airalti >UHtin and Warren Street, open of them. Mayho the house you you. plus OUT SI years' enarlenea RANCH HOMI are looking for In included in as specialists In residential *a< Lr»IJTO ROOM j2'xii'8», dning room THE IOYIE CO. for inspection on 12ft x 100 ft W 12»10'8", 3 bedrooms, 2—JS'xU', i service call J- 6 rtiinn, 2-Klr gnrmfo. A)l-briok these llstinirs. Why not drop In buslnaaa properties, tet us kno ton Ava union. Pl>oa» Elisabeth 3-42OO Op, Central Station ranch type hnuse. Fireplace, knot- ot^ore^l. "et ua It * ovcr. °J! pall us and what you/4 lfke to Bitli OR BU 1—13 8 xla', all with double elos- KvenlHiEM vnit Br. HuUnny ty ptne hitclien, hot watnr hpat. —wo can help you I etM, science kitchen, electric range, S.6SM. We. 2-SM5-M Buy directly from builder. KUz. OIL HOT WATEft HBAT, rial 8-20-2t S-4907. S-6-tf A large staff of •.ns.HlUa sales- cellar entrance, porch, 2-c»r at WILI. PA¥ 5»o for Inr «;^^ HARRY H. MAUETT men offer yon the complete service tachod garage. All plastered wain WESTPIELOi and overall coverage you need. JJd completely insulated. Plo vice, 217 Hsoltor ao»il2O. Price »22,500. ONLY $14,500!! [•^h *".. e»»oalle Safeway Sfore HOT WEMWS TO AWT 1,arfKf S-rnnm rnn«*h type w ltd fall baspmrnt, attached irtirasf; 3 in m RB HOMES n%mm t» «•*%«•» WB WITT all types of used rupy, fcrrfroomx, or jour « h«*lrr of dfnfnic rnnm jind 2 tM*dr<,on.Mt llvlnar carpet*. El. 1-478O. I°?*I, lttd wt|*"*** kitchen. ill* hath with stall shower. Opek dally, Jack Merrill Be.. Wo. *" -^ - 3ggS JgP SSOPEJI DAIbY « SVlfDAYS TO 8 P.M. 2-5 P.*. Cedar Street, off Central Ave, «•».•• FANWOOD CI»O ,„, M. A. MERCNCR 2 Ramiaa- Rd. COT. Roate M CJoodf condition, ncao""** •Z4.MA. AiroAir * _ i.vgrKAt G»». Ol* JleMea ReatawranRt t We. 3-4J05-J. ____—— FA V WOOD 81S DCDIET COURT WALTEt KOSTW Fanwoo* S-C283 — — -~r tn drive <•»"! Noltl*t«tm iranitpoirtimm,, ^.-hno'l Tttd Mh^nninJ^iUt^wat+t g-8-t KAITIFIL compact;enionlal horn Open norch, powder room, recrea i'vV: ts^stsrsr'-"- **'" ••"-**• -•— «^"-«"—« •-ROOM n«r!!B, attached garage tion room, J bedrooms and tl). AUCTIONS *«••"* »BII- l!"4S Center hall colo- •undeek poroh in tho front, auto- bath on aecond. lArge lot, nea: OTHEH flyF. HOWES FROW MJ.200 to (um.flfll). nialtared. 339 Livingston St., OWStg TRANS^TmE t»«,IC C? BluHned porch, 3 twIn-alMd bmi- Westfleld. Call after «:Jo o'clock ISnrwood. Ang. 24tn 21-foot living room, tlre- HARRIETT I. MOORE E. f. WflLIS Pli . full fjlnhl^ room, lurKe fTi R a dtty- Phone We- Antiques, rorniture. WALT1R KOSTER tcht-n. all wuHi* pli'Hti'rfl alu- Or. 3-2.1*1 Bcea. Or. K.nkler "The Bungalow Specialist" • "Innjri utorm wlndowa atui doora, O > BOAD A.ND BOITE 32 hljSiiO lot. 2 bloeKs to new sehool, t)^ * 5-year-old ranch. I -ROow house ijt Garwood. Tel. ' Wt 24150 Oa*l-end BtrR«t. $18,50ft }1*> get) rooms year 'raattd porch, tire mortgage available. No brok'er«. 2-71S3-W. »• * till Harding Btroet. We. l-im-VI. *-ao-» LEADER WANT ADS PAY TO Ot THfljyEgTFIELD (W.J.) LEADER THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 196S Paire Seven

• AUTOS FOR SALE HELP WANTED- opciutlny untluf the wurtl aystem, '1'vpnwitirnii.— iniiprw New Ward Setup nml three inotu have ntttdu pinna now; BIPI'H Iili-S'clo: Hlmi to cluuiKi! from the ]ii'csent system HltnlPH nnd [;ltHf>. Nli'U' UA.vrian MALE OPiie.rnl TiiHiiriim.'", siciiniBlilii to tho wiinl form. LINES BY SOGLQW Aponry, 227 Noulli Axe., w«Ktni<|d AUTOMOBILES (Ooiitlmxnl from page 1) 2-2840. • 8-Kl-ir SHOP TRAINEES "Eight municipalities have a IllKlifat Prli'cn Paid polities. Out of the 13 eligible for population considerably less than ROTOTTLUNO* HERVFCT rt-I>AV, .lil-IlOt'R- uWlc, No fxpcrl- tall \\v, li-twm ,,r wr, -.(11(71) We. 2-5477 ciifo IHM'C 4Htir>'- lntcriiitt iiinl ex- ward government there arc seven tho 7,000 minimum ruqnirod bu- SHOP AT GRILL'S fvenliiuM n B IT'S DAS*' to look ninart In simple- .11(11 Ll foru a ward Hyuteni could bo in- to now ntylPB und enay-Kj-luinider Una Cnilllloi! «S Sedan, llrd. fillirli-M. hup our HPli-nlloii or wuli- _ Hfit( 1031 Ford l-iliiiir I*rug-rttHHlv*i H Mil in lltirwooil. iliuk'J. Tho largest population of 1»M) I'IMIIIIIKII Cnnvrilble Conpe Wi-Mtlluld a-G-IUU, K-tl-if • LEGAL NOTICES • tho eight la 4,922 (BO per font rtei-tui fubrtea at IIUIIBH uricn» - III.-,!' Olda ,W demonliilnr, 11 fit, I" I M Ml| |'i| HtulU* u (111 t'lllili'lM ( •.-•I U.-.l OlfUiiiol.llp KM a-ilour, lljil. lowt'r than tho minimum-. GRILL'S SILK & COTTON SHOP »:«"> 1" »:»», lluliwuy J'-KllV. WOODWORKERS MlTICIl TO CniiDITOIlH loo ,i:. llruud HI. Wvaiiirlii. x. a 10411 Oldamulilll NB Ssdllli. lljil. l H»,%l) I'utillBL' ll !f|.(jnii. llrfl, Katuie of ^AltKiui K. 1IOPPMAN, "Of thn j-Finninintr munielpnlitlcs s-ti-tr .Sluri iiniiH'iilutflv. f>7 Hmith Av*-., ItH-iiuHeii. 1AING MOTOR CAR COMPANY 1 which are eliKibk' Scotch Plains, SI'ENCIOII CIlKHirrncilil. IndTvld" l' uiiwuod, N. .1. i'Ursiiont to tlio order orciIA.ur.HH 11U 10. I'lflli SI. rlnlnncld with a iiopiilation of 'J,0lifl is sec- unily iluHlKlivd suppurtH. Over 20 I'lrii. n-22-ii TWO JII0V wnlltV.I for lim.lHi'illiliiB A. OTTO, JU., SurroRiito of the yemrs I'xporleiieo. Plnlnlleld 0- Cnilllluc unit Olilamobllc Omlcr iiliil Ire.' wiirlc. full Wo. 2-11520 ur County of lfniut\, nnulo on the ond only to Crnnforu which has u W 7 i f i iwenly-tii.rd iluy of July, A.V., iflTiIt, Miii nai t 1 I s 1 1 tu>un the apiillciitluti or Llic untler- population of 18,000. The third re- R4O Wtmt Front St., plnlufleld " .'i !.'h' «V", ", ,'" '"'""" •'"*" «"•' a-n-tt •flK-ny pxlilblt to lho itubucrlber PIANOS—The finest and largest so- JftM-HMIt, Wmtflpli) trmlrd (Statistics ore from the 1952 edi- j lured Unilrd Hlnles Savings Dornli lection In Central New Jemcy, Ex. bike, Jr.; loniliro ol'llil'r, Jt:>; mill lll.-,:i 1'n.knril ilrliHiliKtrtlloi MALE OR FEMALE nulwr onth or altlrniution their clufflvely selling' tlio world- IllhlcH, CIIJIIPH mill lioiiHolinlil O|U'lt I-lvt-lllllKM tin tins mul demiuulB ugainst the tion of Financial Statistics of for as long m len more years at u «"«IH. 774 Wi'Mtlli'liI Av<-. PAcicAim WKS!'I'II:I,I) co,. INC, '«t*jii^ of unlr) ili'L'i'jiNPil within six renowned Solimer, Kranlch & nunthH From the date of tmkl order, N. J. Municipalities and Schools.) | new HIGHER rule of interest I The)' Buoh, Janssen, Paul Q. Mehlln and •IIH North Aie., i:. Wpatffrld f will go right on earning interest «ix other leading manufacturers ICASV wiiMlH'r, lii-rnt mnili'l; :il«o «. ii-iciiii wt, a-:ir,iiii ir they will lie forever liurreil from f 1 v 8-C-tt troneiMitlng or recover Ing; the same "From tliu study made to date without your doing a thing about il, Your purchases are at lowest T"l V:* '''f '""',;''-. ,';''5' ri-:i»tmnble. linn many full tlnu> positions avnil- igithiHt the HubHcrlber, prloes and doubly guaranteed: by llllll LINCOLN tlul. cuuiii., Wmik, it seems apparent that as a munici- That It true not only of the Saving! the manufacturer and Stndolc uvet'ilrlv,.. u'hitpwallH, fully tMiulu- Dorothy H. Tonrse, MR\ — H'OJIRX Kxecuttix pality reaches a great popula- Bonds which you have held for len Piano Co. wltti over 25 years of IM'tK (Junil I'uiulUloii. [.ef1 t for Ht?r- Cuddle 13. Davidson, Atty. dependable sales and service. 478 CAN YOU HAMMER A NAIL vli'O, must ftpll. I'ull AVt . 2-r»ri!iS-iM .No Hviterlem-e Ni-filoil tion with an Increased demand for yean, but any other Series E Bonds Union Ave., Rte. 28, Middlesex IK'IWLH'II r, :U0-7:00. Wf Will Trnln Vuti 224 10. Hro.id Mt. OR DRIVE A SCREW??? Alnny empioyiM' beiiollis. West Held v, N. ,1. _ more services such as lire, police, which you have invested in in llu> open "til 8 P.M. except Sat.. Sun., " "H-4t F*ePR $9.00 siil will" gui-age nml and Mon. S-U-tf Apply Htore Slltr., HIS Cfiitrul Av*. meantime. Anil any Series E Savings WANT TO SAVE ABOUT $20.00? Til KOHl! jJtntinn WllKOM1 , Funlo- public health, roads, etc., it be- 'i'i" for iiroriiHslonal iimllo, Country Kqiilr* . (irocn, llOAtll) <>!•• KOICATION comes necessary for this local gov- Hands which you purchase now will raiifnrdji-lil.<.». HERE'S HOW , . . It&ll, Ion- mileage. Ui'Bt offer. Tel. TOWII OP WRKI'PIKI.O «l*o enjoy the extended earning |M> - HOTTED cow and sheep ma- WP/VR fiOT A 1,'I.OC'K of nnassem- ernment to investigate tho possi- nure. Also card wood Rich ton I XION CO1 N'l'V, N. J. riod. They will start earning Interest lili-il, iiiipalnlnil IUIIIIIK riimn i-ur- KOTICI4 bility of a more suitable form of soil. Also light trucking. Phone lit'r ruliiiU'iH. Tht'V'rt! nil init out, 1BI1 JIK1K-IHV cltlli couiid. Ilnillo • EMPLOY. WANTED • onleJ bliln will lie received at thn sooner and mature earlier, too, pay- "West. 2-67D0-J. ' 8-6-tf rt'ndy I'O lit twrptiier. All you have nml lu'iitfr, new oluu-li iiml tiri'H. Ortlce or Hie Dlxtrli-t t'lerk, ai'1 government. 1 ing S%,compounded «eini-unnil«lijr lo do is iiNt*i.mhlt. 'cm. II'H not Call uflVr li.Oll r.M., We.^-iritll. 101.IIIOIII.V in;m hiuiily with tools, Mark SU'ect , ^YeHttleld, N. .1. up to niiril. A chllil 1'iiulii iln It wilh 1 when held lo maturity. v.-iints uny kind of imrt thm wiu'K. 8:11(1 oVluck I'. •«. Dnyllitht Huvlfii,* "The Scotch Plains Taxpayer's ANTIQUES 10.12 N.VNII. rniliu, hir. ilhiM'llnnnl Tlm», Tuenday, Septemlier 8. m.'ill HiKiiulH, Snllx KIII-^H. si-:tt bed. l-lkt) "Will ilo ivilnllntt or llulvt enrppn- riimlxlied 4-room nml whni with inlini'iiH II Is todiiy. try. Wo, 2-4104. 8-U-St for HUlUflylUH fuel oil to the 1-llnl Association feels the safest and i.r i>rlvuti- r-ntrnnctt NBI.9O1V IIAI'1' iimr, 2i),nl)ll mfli.N. SUIT:,. Onn Wo. Street .^t'ltool, .'Ifl-'" Kim Street, \Ve*t- 741 Clark HI. Tlii'w ur,. whin, 1 'pine liciuitli'B surest decision, to make would be , v Imi .'.I *1 on iiliiH ntlll- Krncii fully IIIVIKIII !!, 7 It. hltrh 2-U7H-.I iirinr «::m l'.M. tleld N. J., In ueeordmu'e with the Lfrmii--« rwiulri'il Adults Cull Kt'enlHK* will lit HtuiKly In uiiy riirner. liullil ROMPAN'IO\, rpKuniiHlhli! nii.l ofl'l- .•ondltlimn or blddliiR uiul the no»rd'» for the Township Committee to •n4 Werkcuda tin-in rlfflit In. Nil snivliift, pluiihiK t'U'iit wlilow^—will keep IHIUHO for "Howllli'llt lolls for Supplying Kllel should refuse to authorize such a or an.vtlilnir pise. Jusl null or iiitioii. Wo. a-i'4:,7. 3 in- 2 lultlltH. I'liutlauhPii. Itoffr- for the Weslllolil 1'ullHc XclloulH." authorize by resolution, that a resolution, tho citizens uppn .peti- wriMv toRol'lior. Tnke Ilicm nn" our oiu'i^a. "Write Uux -117, caro Wrwt- Charter Commission be elected to liM Ll Tlie lloard of Kduc.Htlon reserveB tion of the registered voters have ^.eTA.J£: WASHBRf—Tjned and rebuilt. Guar- lilllldn for ii lunltl|r.l.1».:ij—loslHB. IS1H) Illl ,10 ••SS" ronv crllbln, the rlKlU to rejeel1 any Dr all bids, study tile charter of Scotch Plains P anteed. $25 and up. that Is, to us. ^Rst'iiihled and lin- Hid i'iII iillllu • •fir™ A !"ilnl.le Seiiten.Uer 1st. ! n. Cull tin y H. and to waive tiny iiiforinalltle* that the right to place a resolution on • fill Ve. 2-llS!^ »1VOWDE!V AHPI.1ANCRS inhwl Ihey'd oost ynu mure than l '..M ., \V e. 2-IIUOK-W. iiu UM ire deemed bent for the Interests and to consider a new churter or tho ballot." 431 NOIUTATC. We.l. >Vr.»llcld .iml'.'l". k. We. 2-I12I1S. >f tlio lioanl of Kduratlon. improvements in the present char- .TiritooMUnml linth unfurnished. Wt.t. 2-0410 THE UNPAINTEDFURNITORE CO. VOlXd nnui wonlil like ilay"s work. I'llANCRB I'KIUCK ter and make recommendations Pine" ruril antl (rnnlen prlvlleg- 8-G-tf KOll SAI.K—Fnrd, S cylinder, tlMC UpriM't'in-CM. C:\\\ hetu-oyn *,:fl0 mill IllKtrlet Clerk r ! «lm iisl neu- tianw. Heat and 401 W.-Front SI., Plnlnlll-lll Toitr tUior seilnn. ?4oo. Tel. AVe. 2- 9.-DI1 P.JI. or S.-nO iiiiil !> A..M., HOAllO OF ETWrATTOS thereon, GOING ON VACATION? »* "• - 1-1.-.1 Located 3 Tel. I'l. 4-01KI 30SS-M. l'lnlnlli'kl <-n04:l. SlintHWnod l'"ree- WHSTFIEI.D, NEW JIIHSET Be sura to Have The Leader SAVE I FREE DELIVERY tunn, r,21! \\~. Keccilid St., Plnln- AllRUBt 20, 111.-.3 Pluiioa, MH mat aafd. I1M7 (HKVHOr-KT convertible, rartla flelJ. s-20-2t 8-20-lt Pees p.8t "If the Township Committee Forwarded to Your New Address Bararnln Priced - Kunr Terna and heater, Heht tan body, dnrk top, K'>od condition. ASUIIIK $01)5. mrf.i. Oct. 1st: rel ( CRANFORD PIANO CO. STl'dlO couch, urncticnlly npw, CI1ITAINS nml f'me- linens ilonc 111 JiVr monili. Write Box 418, cure liotlntoin »uilo,.will soil HPpnrate Tel. arenliiKM, Wo. a-01'.6-.T. my own home. C:ill Wo. 2-02(18. •fr,st(leld Wader. Tanvni and Rebulldrni lileccs; .skis, wnrilrolip, liiitliroom 8-20-lt O»r. H.K. Slatlua CrM. tl-2ti* pnsfnihlc. many otlier avtleles. \!«iit lf»41. 2-tioor ,/ Jitr.. fall 8-6-tf Pliono Wo. 2-t,2S5-W We. 2-ri90a-M. WOMAN' wlnlifB In onro for clillilron liy ilny, wpok or month. InfiintH ui> i ROOMS FOR RENT • PBNCGR COHSK11EIIE. Individu- GIRL'S 24" Mgyolf, nnkliiK price JK,, lo 4 y«'i\rn, Mrs. rioorBe Krlekinnn, ally designed supuorts for men 3 yon in old; l>ov's 26" blcynlp, a»k- HELP WANTED - We. a-iliui. . « SERVICES YOU NEED » _...M. comfortable roomi at mod- and women. Appointments made •ng price 111), 'l-i'l. Wt. 2-0208-J. Kft« wtefl. WESTFIBLD HOTEL, In the home. Chestnut [-64831 , FEMALE |7a W. North Ave. WE. 2-2774. Ruth W. Hackett. 109 West Clay onF.IlN lilonilc illnotto huffeX R-ood LEGAL NOTICES Ave., llosolla Park, N. J. 8-li-tt comiltlon, $2S. Cull We. 2#IS0-.I. REPAIRS • LANDSCAPING TYPEWRITERS ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE 39* n<« P. n-VE.Vn-OI.n 0 c\i. ft. Frlgldnlro. KOTICR TO OflKDIT STORK BOUND??? A-l I'oiidltlon. IlenBonalile. Tel. MAKING ENDS MEET? Rstjilo of CU^Rl.KS W. LUGGAGE REPAIRING A. R. DAMIANO TYPEWRITERS -JRSISHED room tor business men. We. 2-0"":>. dereaped. •References exchanged. We. 2-5565. IIV YOl'R MKA11H TIMK* you enn TRUNKS — UMBRELLAS LEADER DRAINS ADDING Machines and Caloulnore 8-C-tt lee eur Maternity Fnaaloaa earn {SO-JiiO a week—no Invest- PuL-Piinnt to the nrdnr of CTTAUI.ES BtJITCASES — LADIES HANDBAGS Sales, rontatH and repairs. Prlir* tram »7.R,t •c'fll.nspoT r<"frlKcr«tor, 6 cu. fl',, A. OTTO, JH-, Pumwite of the THOMPSON TYPKW(IITKR. lae. Urcaa SkOR ment—use of oar iielitful. Work BUSKIN'S ROTOTILLER SERVICE MSHK!) room for business man excellent conilitinii, o years okl. at your own convenience, Children County of Union, mnrte on the tontli 187 North Are., PlataHeld «-WM4 15 Kla> It. We. 2-3411 Tel. We. 2-309K-R. : are no handicap. PI. 4-468ft. day of A«BHHt A. D., lPriH, upon the ISO Norlk Arc, PI.AINFIKLD 4-BSW We. 3-3328-W bunie nf adults. North side of 8-G-tf nppljention of the undersigned, as iFtWU s-e-tf 'Ti Garage avnllable. Wo. 2- 730/it ISxceutrlx of the pstnt'e of said de- s-6-tr .. 8-20-tf ceafled, notice 1» hereby Riven to the J-C TYPEWRITERS VPFlWRITRns — All makes. W SELLING OUT LOCAIj firm requires general office creditors of suid dcepfiHed to exhibit 4LL MAKES sold, rented, repaired. JrBM.HHKl* room for n bupinoHS worker, 8:30 to 5:00—T. Any wi>ek. to the subscriber under onth or af- WATCHMAKER -. ClOCKMAKER have your favorite make. Sales Typing, illhifi, no Hhnrthniul. Kx- TREE SERVICE Authorized distributor for H*ral • man In private inlult home. Semi- repairs-rentals. Repair oatlmatei flrntatlon tiifli* cliiimH und deinnnds RISPAiniNG wntcheB, clocks, elec- Tree, ana Sarnka x Iprlvatp biitli. Coavenlent to 54 and free. Qllinan & Horowitz, 35 lOlm COMPLETELY perlence not npprBHary hut plena nftnltiRt the pptnto nf said deceased tric clocks. Chus. Rothrocki 1240 TrlmmFa—Pla»trri_Re»mrea oltlce Irpewrllem. • 0 bus line. Garftge available. We. Bt, We. 2-0B83. ' 8-0-lf ant persona IirV nml nbllity to m«e. within 6lx iiiontlis from the dnt'e of Haliivay Ave. We. 2-3E32. Member LAND80APB COXSTHUCTIOY TERRIU'S |j.34G6-H. 8-20-tf public eHHtMitinl. Write Htntlnt? age, sain order, or they will be frpvei Untied Horologlcnl AsB'n. 8-0-tf Laa« Cleartaa- — Card Woe* 111 Oeatral Ave. Wa. I-Mta SclllnR nil the thlllBs that ex|ipriene«», If nnv, anil snlnry t>x- barred from pronpoutiiiff or recover- ppclted, to Box 425, cure We.^tfl ' ing the same ogalnpt tlie Rubpcrtlter. W«. 2-0011 iipnnalte Qnlnibr • S-U-tf JOJIPOBTAHtifJ room near n«w AHl'tl* and rugs, used, all clean- muke a huu«e it Iiotne, UPHOLSTERY I High School, Garage a vn liable. ed, good condition, room BtzeH, Etta B, Ulnker, 8-6-tf I Teachers preferred. Tel. We. 2- remnant's, stair and hall enrpetg, Open for inspection nnd throw rugH, new remnants and jnuTlinse U'eek end of Ally- or part time positionn for Kxecutrlx FURNITURE REPAIRS ||»53-R. 8-20-tf educated wompn. Plpfiannt work. Cuddle R. DavfdHon. Atty. JIM 1OVEUND factory, seconds. list 22 and 23. 224 K. Rrnna St. DON MAXWELl MOVING-TRUCKING E comfortable corner room ISIlbtISIlKtlbetkk lllti K KvehmtKKh e Must have ear. Apply giving: full IANDSCAPE NURSERYMAN iVieii private fmnily, near station, detiills to-ttox 403, care Westfield Westfield, N. J. TJIUKU THIMMDI) and removed. 203 Norrla in, Bllulbrth 8-13-4t Fees Jft.ftO WMtfiaid 2-0226 RELIABLE TRUCKING CO. I bus and etoren; bimlneeR person 8-13-tf M. T. GRAHAM Ijertder. 8-l!-4t OordwooS tor snle. Call We. 2- I only. References. Cull before 9:00 IVOTICH TO CHF-niTOllS 6520 or We. 2'597B after G;30 P.M. Mover* of Fine Fvrnltare I A.Sf. or after 6:60 P.M., We. 2- IIOOKKKIII'KU for lUirronphR ma !-O-tf Kiatlmatea vn Rea«e«t 1 0071-U. 525 Lawrence Ave. elilne Ry«tcin for nccount« rpcelv- Elstdte of JAAlfiS II. PACKARD, GIIMAN AND HOROWITZ KAIK'S STANTosr CIIVUCH — OLD FASH- nble nnd payroll records. Knowl- deceased. Pen Hcpnlr Service 8 room •».!(• J ptlfffi of hookkeepliiK neeesHiii'y. Purnuant to the order of CTIAUW-3S ANSWER THE CAU NOW — Lance comfortable ' IONED IIAIiVEST HOME HU1 - Phono WesUleM 2-J440 Authorised Dealer* 4 ruoma an.W I room nenr town and station, G12 I'Kft, SATimpAV, AUOUHT 29th. Apply in perHon, Schnefer'H. A. OTTO, jn., Burrngata of Oio FOR Parker, SheafterB, Waterman, 5 roam 4X.HO I Westftekl Ave., Westnekl. Kervhig from 4:30 to 8:00 P.M. K2ntf Ooiinty of Union, iiiiiile on the tenth Esterbrook, Complete repair ser- FOR PLANTING THIS FAll HefrlKern4ora movedi 95 aiia «a Home style, Roast Turkey and day nf August, A. p., 1 nr>a, upon the vice. Ronson lighters, sola and re- All lioado I Kmart* H. private nittinff Kain, MttHtu'd Pot'titoefl, SuccotiiNli, III.T-lttTK carrfHSre. Kedatrom WAITllKHSIIS wnnlPil, '"U ur jiurt nppl lent Ion of the umlerHlffiieri, ns paired. 86 Elm St., West. 2-0SS3. WI! CAW OIVI3 oxt'rti nttentiun now, TEL. CHANFOHD «-lM4 I rumi, private bath. Clood location, etc. Music, Fancy Talile, . JJakPjl town nml country Btroller. Rotii in tlniP, Ap\>ly .InlvlH ntnlng Room, Mxecutrlx of the. estate of Paid de- liolpln'K you w\i\\ your plnnM Cor lie!. We. 2-lfiSJ-J. Good}*, Fresh A'eKetablei*. Kim fur excellent vunaitiun. We. 2-4171-M. 54 101m St. 8-20-tf ceiiRpd, notice is hereby Riven Co the planting this fall. tli« clllklrrn. Adijits *2.»», Chlldreii creditors of SJUU dec«)iseiJ to exhibit COlllT.NEVOlllT. i ltxrnES«—Truckln« 1 tct tlie Huhserlbei* under oath or nP- lKfiB furnlBhwT room. Next to 5-12 |l,pp, JotK'BOc. ' • „ , , j — oxperlrnred iir«- flrmation tlieir clalnm nnd demands PEftMANINT DRIVfWAYS an,nd movtnKoving. BBinall joba aollcltlaa. *ft-.lhW:'i floor,-! it*!*, k aa-ujnflt"tbfi pHtnie nf• nnirt'tlpren Five TM Power R*llee Trips to .phore.ihora.. Te.1. wa 8-30O4. ng mm. 232 Prospect St. with eluili*. Piiir'of rosewood foiil within nix months from th« date Top Soil ' ' Mil HIM wmn.yinllKrid 11(11 NI0IIOI.lt H»|IIC:ilA>l>ISI'..().vi,- 8-20-tf «nld order, or they will be fdn^m C.ll Pan. 2-B477 or Fan. 2-8WT L\ it I. F, front bcrtrnom in private er moving. Unloading numeroiiH Ht'ooiH, ' bnrred from prosecuting or recovei*- Ilotary (IHIHH; *«- lARODNT'a MOVINO A aTOHAGfc. items In very guotfr condition. PHn Experienced ao- IIIH: the Ha me UffiiltiRt tlie HulinnrlbeP JOHN ANDRUSKY SMYTHE'S LANDSCAPE SERVICE Now loading household goods to Porch Klfder, $20;' (1-E , wringer DON MAXWELL'S count ft rt'celvnbin nnd lmyablc, Ma C. WatkliiH. 8-O-tf NoiiHtl; Musi vvofk »S;i(unlay. Tf. IA V;inre, and California ahlpimints. Same Alan ]-'lor|.st, :i21 fluuth Ave., -WcntHolc]. TCnnzmnn & Kunzmnn, Attyn. FURNITUlE REFINISHEO van to destination. Let ua esti- 1 '"""I" wlln private bnth and en- corner tnble, 2 ft. x 2 It., $3; Bteel AND llKPAIUEI). No need to pay 1 tranro. Otis M(n,lc ,rnm frn,n nnd bed (single), und Hprlngn, %'r, UPHOLSTERING S-20-tf n WatohunK-Ave. mate your next move. UniteUnited Van wooden bed (double), spring anil Plnlnfleld, N. J. high for highly skilled work. Spe- LinesLi , TeTdd SargentSt , AAeenff . Wt muttroHS, 1(1.2.fii). PhlM assorted FURNITURE REPAIRS HACTlfAT, niirne or wnmnii with S~13-4t • Fees Jfl.flO cialist In antiques or modern. No 8-8-tl? glawHware, cotton t*hrow rugH itnil Westfield 2-0226 UnnwledHTP «'f v.nvo nnd cook In p overhand: lower price. OuarAntead bedspreadH. Tel. evellirigH, Aug. for rnhvnlpsrent. Adult family of work. Be smart, call Fa. 2-5000. • PIANO TUNING 22-211, We. -2-7383-J, or Inspect Sat- two. Kuli time ninid. Pnr further ED CHIIO lnfornintUm call We, 2-TT«07. **r.ui:iiH Dully Trlpa INSTRUCTION • urday A.M. at !t2;t Summit Ave. WBNTFIKLI). NKW .IlCHRY PIANO TUNING llr Trlpa to tki Rhure 8-G-tf 141 NORTH AVB, 1+4M PLATINUM ring with .sr, blue wBlto f.Ilil/S 20" bicycle. Tn good "contll- SWITCIIIIOAIII) OPRIIATOK—Know Sealed fropoHiils wltl lie received Til AVB, . WE. 1-+4M ,. tinn. (10. Wo. 2-5311-W.' by the Mnyor and Council of the C. HICKMAN REPAIRING Young-Piano Studio diamond (flsh.tnil setting) witli 2 how (o typr. Plant in (Inrwood, Town at WentflAlri, at the Municipal S-Mf diamonds on either side. Sacrifice. N. J. Sevpral emnloven lieiipflt Vultdlng, 121 Prospect .Street, We«t- and Decorating Cranford Piano Co. Box No. 410, cure Westlleld i»ead- G rod, reel. Whlrlaway rod, Tlonrs 8:30 t'n 5:00—"> tlnv WP. Held, New Jersey, on Monday, Auff- TanlKt and RelmlMlair er. reel Hpln-etisier. h% teat. Used Tleply t« Unx 41!i, cure WPHtll ust 24. 1953. at 8 P.M. (Daylight Vr«e I3«flmiite« 3 Norta Ave,, K. OraaKird 11-2720 nn««. $lfl. W'R. 2-2018. ld Saving1 Time) for tlio construction Chmlnul 5-4305 8-6-tf SEWING MACHINES ANTHtDES pair of pine tables from ot a sanitary Bovver Find upuurt'e- New England, suitable for end ta- oi'NTAIN fflri. nond hourf. Expe- 8.8-tf COMPLKTUPLSrTRB piano aervlce ^ tuning, flsl5 IMJAIJV IIMR broadlouin rug; nances in a section of St. Mark WI R[PAIR bles or nlflit stands. $40 pujr. dlnt>tte «et, preen porcelain top, rlencod preferrod. Call We. 2- Avenue. Sewer TrcHekcM Water Tnaeaea reipalrlnal ' • . reflnlshina;. All modern Tel. We, 2-5081-R. exlttiLHion leavca, KUH 8, 4 tnatcli- 3172 -ft. -jethojs. Sablo Music Canter 849 All Makas al PropoHiilH must he accompanied by South Ave., Oarwood. Tel. We. 2- 1ns chsilrs; brand new 4'^Tquart a certified check payable, to the W. O. HEBLER HOI'S 26-in. El^in bicycle, good uiftSfiiiu cooker, chfiip. Call morn- LOOAI. financial Institution linn op- 3.'T)4 anytime. 8-6-tf SIWINO condition, *20r Tel. We. 2-15,12 en inp for weU-gronmetT, alert order of the Treasurer of the Town We. a-«*TII-J tnff8-(?veiitnfi«1 Fa. 2-f.r,2r>. of Wentflelil, N. J., In an amount MACHINES Thursday after 6:00 P.M. or Fri- young: woman, FIRO 2l-2"i. Ability equal to ten per cent of the amount •lone mi To» gull Let a S1NGE3R expert tun«-up day. M Vl'l,i; dlnettp table, W x -14", es- tf) meet the public, typing, Hhort- bid. Raid proposal must nlso be Oil Talk Holea footlan your lowing machine, Reasonabi* STARTING NOW 'etldK to 3Ox(i4 InH. Or. 6"i5r>2. tiftrif!, and knowleriifrt of peneral accompanied !>y H nurety company s-e-tf chartrea. Saiimates furnished In HKKHHiK.HATOH, Coklspot, B cu. ft., dlTire routine rcnuired. Write ex- eerllflt'iite Rtdtiiijf that BIIUI surety WATERPROOFING advance. AFTUMOON ART CUSSES nucrllice. $,"rO. Mee It operating;. We. TAIII.I'l—Hefet'tory extension, solid PiMinni'e to T'.O. Box 01)8, WHttleld, compfiny will proviJe tlie bidder • MISCELLANEOUS .2-I359-M. N. J. (jllAHAsiTF.1011 to atop all leaky SINOII SIWINO CENTI* FOR CHILDREN nmhognny, ]tfi'ft:ct condftimi. <,'ont with the required bond, and mtist be banementa. Kanon plastering, side- 1150. Will KHII for $.10. We. 2- delivered fit the place and before walk repairing and filteratlona. •3 ELM »TT . WI It™, j, K. I.waer WKKH GHOWISK IP. Urowlng ant AIV for R-enprnl nou^ewnrU. 1-2 the hour above mentioned. •ENtHX SERVICE •tioi ma Hmiuoiii. Ave. 4S08-M. a npr iveek, prefprably PrJciay. UenJamln Heed, We. 2-6198. 8-6-tf of everything. Could you use our Plans and specifications may bn »nn Wentntla 2-708* very nice youtlr bed, or our faith- We. 2-iflr.O, •ATTAO — ABO — ffOMOat ful, too small, Frlgldaire? iC so, )«-PIK(.*K Jacobenn oak (llnlnir seen or procured nt the nffifB of GEORGE S. WOODS 7-30-U cull V7e. 2-6211. room set. KiuntMi ohk library ta- WOM4II tor Ilwhl' \\oii*evrork. 'Plain John T. TlfjpUtiiH, Town TCnKlneer, ble. ():ik (li-esspr, Hlng-Ie Sinim'niB 1 121 Prospect Street, Westflelcl, New Home Maintenance RONALD A. SCHADLE RADIOS rooking . Fond of children. Own Jerspy, Hepnlrn nnil Alterntluita bfd, Ace uprlnK, felt niHttre^H. room. White preferred. Tel. tlnh- (Inttern — HouMna; PMO'fo enlarger, 3H mm., condensor, Illiick antlf|u« iron fireplitcp nut- wny 7-!>4"i2. The Town renerves the right tn tllrA advance without removal of fit, [.urge warih'nbp trunk. Hwinfc reiecl' tiny or fit/ bids. It, in HK PnlntliiK — l>f< irmln«r Elm Rodl* anal lladrk C». TELEVISION - RADIO roll, plott"ed metal negative carrier, interest It Is deemed advisable to 1101 nrnnilvlr.r Avr., WmOeld, N. J. We. aJKtft in Bim it. with inm utiuiilfiid. Two HIIIML We. 2-HMM.H. Apalianc* 'switch In baseboard^ 20-dlameter tablecloths, 2% nnd 3 ft. long. ences Cor general housework three do HO. 8-6-tf enlartfeTnents, on easel Included. UUiSMViire RIeetrii! heater. (J-W JOHN T. HOPKINS, 8-6-tr Sarvic* No lens. Excellent condition. mornings n Wi>ftk. Own tranwporta- electric washer, 0 years old. Tel. tlon. We. 2-H293. Town Engineer. AROONAULT HOUSEHOLD $32.60. Klwoort 6x7 with Wollen- We. 2-3096. 8-13-2t . Fees $9.24 ELM RADIO t ELECTRIC CO. 8-6-tf s»ck, f:6.3 lens, IBS. Tel. We. 2- SERVICES 1M rA.M IT. . WC. 1-MT« 1907. JO-P1HCE WAI.NTT dining 100m ^f LIBRARY ASSISTANT IMHI.H: H^AniN*; riaera rollakea — Whidews Waaied 8-4-tf FOR MIRK: in excPpLlonnl t-oiidltion. Table ZO.MMi OHDINAM n BLDO. CONTRACTING Waedirork Cleeml Cellar, cleaned - Cement fln- «II,h'\T Serve! refrlgerafor, 8 cu. ft., ..ml library GJtpnri- MaMrla m. WMley We. 3-4»H frozen food compurtment, guaran- with 3 Kxtra hoortln and felt partn, MountainMde, N. J. EXPERT SERVICE I mortar 7,1 .'"'' ''Oicretit B mixeri , 6 eliiiirs. buffet, china cupboard, pnre. Free Public Library, We. 2- Auir. i(». i t*r»3 -MODERNIZING 8-6-tf l»«o? u.i?,i er) mii!«r' • «"•»'>• teed by manufacturer for 3 yearn. and nerving table. Flrnt rennonnble 4543. 8-6-tf NOTICR IS HKRJ3BY OTVBN thnt Jower aw We. 8--»llf5. fiinh offer, WestfU-Jd 2-4188-li. a public henrtngr will be held by the TOP Noll*, blue atone for drive- TELRmiON I Me.Jv*e Innttuctft l » > WOMAN for tlpanlinr nnd Hmali GENERAL REPAIRS ways, rotted manure delivered E)£t> a flret class washing machine? Board of Zoning AdJtiBtment in the (All Makea) WAL.W'f desk, very gnod condition, amount Ironing OTI« half tlnv, onae Council Cham tier, Borough IIn 11, Alteratleaa an4 Btalateaaaea anywhere. Dump truck for hire RADIOS Here is an Bsay washer in ton n wppk. Neur 49 bus. We. 2- Tuesday evening, Sept. 22, 1953, at with driver. Call Waa.. 2-0852-08698 a-.-afte-r KRI'lini) CHAKfiKHS condition for ft fraction of orig- suitable for hiKh Pt.*hool boy or 127B-W. 8:li> o'elork, on the matter of an Small J«bf a Specialty 6:00 P.M. 8-«-tf ajHAI.I. APf>LIAMCni inal cost. Also andirons, pcr&en Kirl. Jlfl. OHIKWC. a-5»«8-M. application of OeorKe D. Keller, Jr, and fireplace rnols. Lawn sweeper. »Af,BSLAny for Irienl (ITPPP shop, DAVIDSON'S WESTFIELD RADIO LOST AND POUND corner Woodvnlley Rrl. nnti fliirrctt Wear. 2-TaM-J SEWIRS-WATER TRENCHING Tel. We. 2-4195, P«1H SALE—Bed, mattres», Mpnng, exTiprienced preferred, but not pft- Tld., to erect 1% story frame dwel- AND APPUANCI CO. dreHKfr, clesk, flat cediir (Mu-Ht on «entlnl AH year round employ- ling. All contrary ro the Zoning 8-a-tf FOOTINGS - OIL TANKS DUG KIGR wool coat, size IS, large rollers*, ree.I ut»hf)tHtf*red clmlr ment, full time only. Excellent SHI- Ordlnanre, 31 E»«t ajFIMi4 •«. '-,I' found please genuine beaver collar, $40; giro's croanet «et, 2 porch rugt* *%xfi. 2 ary, bontin and paid vnen flonn. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, ALTERATIONS > REPAIRS O1IVER HOWARTH, JR. WrlBht U aha size 34 navy wool dress-up coat, W«». 3-3775 ' < - baskefhall bitHKftw, 2 pair of ice Annly in writlnc tn FlprbertH, Rtilph R. Dletz, Chnlrmnn KITCHDlf CABIlfETS ai32 TRENTON AVE. $12. Tel. We. 2-1680. »knte« Mzes 6 and !>•&. I'liorie Rlnlto Theatre BldR., WeHtfleM. Harry Ijake, Secretary HBCRBATIOM CELLARI Cranford fi-OfilO. 82O2 S-2i»-tt Ween |2.7« ATTIC BOOMS VrESTFIElD 3-M60-R '''"ian1™""'/1'1 lnrge blue B'ay IOVIXG—Must sacrifice. 9x12 broiul- HOOFING RADIO ft TELEVISION loom rug, $50: hall runner, $8; Af.PISK refrigfrai'ur. s"<"'orl condi- •CHEEKS Qulk electric broiier (Infra-red tion, $2:». Trf. We. 2-41'7-1-Sr. STORH «A»H, ETC. ray), $ir>: utility table, !•">; two SIIVICI WM. GRASING 1 1 double bedspreads, |3 each; Bates •;• SOI'Tir — 10-piere walnut To*r Set Ili*flCa*T«i ISfflPM R,!?^ "" ,"* "Puff," vicinity twin heil set wifh drapes, dust dlnlnff room suitp; Kitchen Aid Oneral ••IWtoat Contrtnvt CONSTRUCTION ll^We"i-i9t?."jEml"-ee Crescent. ruffle, $7. Tel. W«. 2-6620. STENOGRAPHERS JOO GROVB ST., EAST Aeetpt Itotkli mixer; elftctrir* heAttr; bpftv^r WE. 3-1DM cape; hr«wn ctnth noat, size 18, CARPENTER STATION RADIO ft TELEVISION r 1 ke<| MI«* pedestal lavatory, tank toi- worn only 4 tlm^n; triple vnnfty 1-8-tf i%. vKitt "? ; t. Lost Mon- let, fittings, small steam radiator. , or genera! oatdoe* vrersc r f ntrfvI ari!i mirror; 2 candlewick berinprefl'Ts; |f «nuf. Kind" , South We. 2-6533. red and white kitchen t;ib1«» with TYPISTS NOTICE Call West. 1-*4M 333 South Ava. 4 chairH; MaytaK wnsher; Ironer: WntficU 2-4**0 Gil REFRIGERATOR, fine condi- lamps; 2 man'R ^nits five 40; metal Plo0n R#rinifn0S| O](] floora made tion, bargain, Phone We, 2-4274-J. brliigf set. Bowling ball; eon.«n!e like new *y elsotrle machine; mod- 8-6-tf I Ate. J" ,."^', '"vicinity N. Buo sevviriR- mi»rhfn«. All gout! condi- erate prices. R. B, Goddard, 798 TO GLO9R AN S3STATR t 2 arm tion. Phone We. 2-r,»r,t. Prospect St., 'phone WE. 2-294U, T-V REPAIRED IN YOUR HOME P chairs, 8 cushion couch, rockre, or- JUNIOR CLERKS • REFRIGERATION P-Eft 1 ,| Xve "*"««. Keogh, 1 cusiona) cliair, center table, mtiinrJ, *1.IH» PKB SERVICE CiLL plus slialf, 2 Electroliers, 2 lamps, ma- HA!VO CARVEI* walnut dining fti- tarts. Day or night. Economy hogany bookcase, $40. At 885 Dle, two mulching; psienplon GROVER C. TRANOR REFRIGERATORS Sleotrlc, Cr. 6-J8S5. 8-«-St Mountain Ave. We. 2-0228. leaves "i sidt^ chnirs nnd orit> arm- chnfr. Perfect condition. I'M. T-?'- Better Jobs Are At PAISTISH AND PAPERHASGIMG FREEZIRS We. 2-rj.'l«4-M. Kfft{mnfe« Free IBSOiS refrigerator, good condi- We. 2-IIM9 AIR CONDITIONING tion, $40. Westfield 2-19S7-M. 8-B-tf lctnir, Sevalrlaa*. InBtaflftttom • DRESSMAKING BELL TELEPHONE LABORATORIES Pnlntfns; and Papering Commerelal and Romeatle HOOVfcR, model 543, $10; portable DT> PRRSSKn Gf,ARB All aiafcea — All Work fiuaramtwd electric, old model, ?20; estenston | Rutltnateti rnrnlNhed A. R. CHARTKIIS table, $10; other Items. Phone W>. Trl. Cran/Ard 0-01S9 DMSSMAKINe 2-4444 (before 5:00), We. 2-1268-M m;ike an iinusiial tablt? setting. A 7-30-4t WE. 3-6T3O ALTKRATION* and Sewlnr 6f itl evening's. . lovely Oumpote for the center of John you'll lilrp wltft advancement n*?panse of our policy of kinda, ineludlng draperies and tht* table. prnmotion—fr^m-wirhin . . . W«? h;ivp fre()Ui?nt pny incr^csen 8-fc-tt curtains. Mrs. Ruth Weoton, <19 WHWB psinted furniture, good For as ynu movp up the bidder on your job . . , You wIU beeomn Rooseveft St., We- 2-74 St. ehild'a bedroom. Also cherry milk MRS. MARJORIE MILLEN part of the FteH System benefit plan . . . And enjny ni:my ROOFING 8-6-tf cupboard. Very reasonable, TeJ. .111- Flint Bronil Street club snd social activities . . , Come in nnd talk with Mrs. LAWN MOWERS We. g-1372-"W*. Metasrar at 1Murray HHI about a priHsiblo place for you. Onr J. WESLEY Einployrm^il office is ripen every duy (innludinK SnturtlayM) BS CLEA!fBI>, repaired and WE. i-vms-m We. 2-12H1 from a A.M. to 4 P.M., and Monday evening to 9 P.Af. MdNTYRE'S 4-PC. BHimOOff furniture— twin replaced. Boots reoairei. General MENDING - ALTERATIONS beda, bureau and cheat of draw- LAWS WOWKR HHOF carpTOtry. Aiceratlone. J. Leigh, Went. 2-6466. s-8-ti iorr, ™ , Home for pat Oood ers, painted light ffray, once rn;i Expert SBArpeniBK DRESSMAKING cat lioa-itny, ?4ff; 9x12 wool rug, hrospn SHWIWC—Mimr SP!I fleprant walnut BELl TEIEPHONE LABORATORIES and Reaalrina: ™ H.im ! roRc™" 'months an*i hef»e, ?20; expandable pur HAWO * POWER WOWF - - - ^late and Tile, roof Pick I» and nellvet eelatn top table and 4 chairs, suit- dining cult*. Kun>t, 7 ft. Inn*, LAWK HOLI.FRS FOR RFNT repairme. Leaders and ffutters able for breakfast nook, 110; i/fi m.irble tn]) sewer, (i dwirf. mimd Murray Hill, N. J. Near Summit WKI.BTSO new and repaired. "W. Schubert, tabir- I'Hsfoni hnih. ^:ic-ft.^Cfl only —— h.p. motor. G-ii Shadowlawn Drive StMHIT fl-IMtOO, EXT. »J23 NO PARKISO PROBLEM WB. 2-8941: Sprlngaeld Ave., BSPEBT ilresmnnltinR;— Suits, Ooafc, DELIVERY SERVICE Alti-nrlofi!.. Also will dwiKn ami MG^rfC—Mont •=»»]) mtpif rr\b md Whippony, N., J. Near Momsfown WE. 2-2IS2R C!H nwn patforn frttm any Ph^tuf,* m*itti-*"s-* 1 nf '< e niiiplt- livins- S3S V. El.WER STREET or sl?^fh, in^hidinsr brida! and rrom Bet \¥"hifn«*y fffHing tir (hlanket tyui'i: antlqin- l.iHqiic [ WBIPPAN'V S-1 EST, 324S Sat. 1920 evenins tlr^HHt^. Tel. Wf. 2- riage and mattrefj^; Crnwn &IQC nlfi-i-i": mlrriv,-; In-ic-i-Drnc: larKe 8-6-M TAILORING 2474R nDf trie fcroller; Trim Me bsi!.h Incite »eum*r trunk: .nmntlty :f .•h/-i- f'» V d < ,> '^ "' enndT ion 2~yflar-o1d Hardwiok gns st.i\i* lr with light and timur; Kelvin.-itor TAILORING LEADER WAST ADS PAt refrigerator. All i/fond conrtitinr SEp?jail"'<3 R«i«l>»tr«a and v&ry reasonable. Calt We. 2 «,»I.R ' Friday. «aturc!riy. Mnn*ay— H87-W Plni" dry .«inlc, Lincoln rocker, IfSH'B AWft ^VOMES'S 6AR)tfI»IT» LEADER ADS BRING RESULTS --- — iTisfeJlatlonfl and rs- Expert workmanship. Quick service, at furnttare. fflnrfM. curi'iH, primi'.K'es. Chair palra. Wall outlets light twltchm, Reasonable ratea. Bsnmates otteer- e fto^kcass eouch m caningr, furniture refinishingr. «tc. Lftrnpn rewired. DoorbelH and fully elven. cfcatrs iam^a rug* entities repaired. Jobn Fr«y, Cr. «- MAYFAIR TAIIORS separately Tel Fa 111 f)aftal>r it. we. S.MM J-6-W Pfcge Eight THE WERTFIELD (N~.J.) LEADER. THURSDAY, ATWtTJST 20. 19S3 Squad, Penny quickly recovered Sweet, returnH. beT! horso returned riderless to its horse, a home-coming present for and was released. A new rider,, she rea with the Air Force f0 F A N W 0 0 D hulf-hour Sweet's daughter, Penelope, 10, Tlirown Rider, 10, -table. ' . and is expected home uJ was found, unconscious in the Pe- her Korean veteran brother, when intends to keep the horse in shapo search by neighbors of Mrs. Thom- Rushed to Muhlenbcrg Hospital, Davi,) Found Unconscious asme Sweet, B King street, endeil ter Rino cornfield in Cooper ronrf. tne animal bolted. The girl foil until her brother, T alnflold, by the Fanwood Rescue Tuesday noon, when Tim child had been exercising " NATIONAL GROCERY CO

GROCERY CD. Celebrates The Opening

; STANLEY ABRAHAMS Of Its Two Newest Units Railway Man. Is Chairman of Both Stores Are Located Right In Hospital Committee The Staten Island Ferry Terminar ' Stanley Abrahams, prominent llahwiiy business man, has accept- (*••> To Serve 2 Million Commuters Monthly - ed the chairmanship of the busi- ness committee in connection with Railway Hospital's new develop- Every Nite ment program, it was announced .today by William H. Rand Jr., president of Tingloy Rubber Corp. Till tf! and general chairman of the cam- paign organization. In accepting his position in the Thurs. and, million-and-onc-half dollar build- ing piogram, Abrahams stated, Fri. Till "There is quite a difference be- tween 1963 and 1929 when the hos- pital was built. Since that time, rr Railway and. the adjacent com- munities which depend on Rahway " Hospital for medical tare have enjoyed a steady growth in popula- tion, industrial activity and now Stratford Farm* «m •• business. "Our hospital facilities, however, JOIN THE BIG CELEBRATION With These MEAT BUYS have not kopt pace. We need and Strawberry Preserves V 251 must have both an adequate num- *bei of beds and the finest medical •nd surgical equipment money can U.S. GOV'T GRADED "CHOICE" "TENDA-RATED" buy to meet present day require- ' menU. I am very happy to have a N.B.C. part in this building program to ' provide the means for better com- munity health. I am sure that my fellow businessmen in the entire Ritz Crackers hMpiUl service area will add their iull support to my own." Included in the building program si'e a new service wing to provide lnacawd auxiliary services; a DtlMont* " ROUND ROAST three-story wing for additional beds'; and a service building to N*. 2V> "house gjkrages, workshops, and liv- Fruit Cocktail ' intr quarters for employees, as well M provide headquarters for the Top or - local civil defense organization. Mr. Abrahams has, been very ac- Bottom tive in civic affairs for a number Ib. of years. He is trustee of the Cere- Armour bral Palsy League of Union Cuts County and has served as chair- » MM for the Cerebral Palsy Drive I 'CM. In Rahway for the past four years. Evaporated Milk NO FAT ADDED4 ,Ile has acted as chairman of the) Halloween committee and is a termer member of the Board of Adjustment- For two ytars he, has HYGRADE'S been president of the • Rahway Vitamin "C" Added LAMB COMBINATION Blood Bank, and for. three years Two Mealt in On* Was president of the Business SMOKED PICNIC HAMS Men's Association. Mr. Abrahams Hi C Orangeade Will is also g member of Rahway. Elks and is immediate past president of Kiwanis, Ruling Due lain Tlit Big CtltbratioH On Shackamaxon hm Tn« Iff Ctltbralion MH Tfct Mf Ct With TfctH Dfliry Sptciafi WHk Tfefit hum fmt fmtiwnt Superior Court Judge John 0. h Tfctit DtlitaUtuti Dififhfi Blgelow reserved decision in New- Borden't Snow ark Tuesday in a suit which seek* « Shirg the' appointment of a custodial re- lu«. Smakay >-•!• - Your Choice ceiver to handle the finances of Cheese Spreads* Shackamaxon Country Club, Orange Juice Scotch Plains. . •erttM'i RtUsfc-Pimtarta-CliW* I Crtem Chttia Pastrami or Flagstaff The action, against John Hand- lers, of Biver Vale, and several Wej CutS YourC VA Id. members of his family who are Lemonade 7t£1.00 co^ownevs of the club, was insti- Kftft-Slkti-Ytllwi «r Whitt , Rolled Beef VfllUy rtMt tuted by a group of Shackamaxon numbers who claim the manage- American Cheese 4^1.00 ment has failed to provide the fa- Strawberries cilities promised to the, member- ship. Nathan Reibel of Elizabeth and Sidney Werbel of Newark, counsel for the plaintiffs, claimed their clients were entitled to specific /tin The lif Ctftkntian equitable relief. They asked fur Whit* ROM White Rose the appointment of a receiver anc With This Ctfcfc hm Jk* Dtt• «eck an interlocutory injunction bsrrinjr the management from T«i__i£65e COFFEE transferring club funds or expel- ling members. A temporary in- TM Bits "V 19e 'I' 93c junction to this effect now is in Fresh SHRIMP force. The attorneys, said the Shacka- ietch-Nut Beech-Nut Freshly Sliced maxon membership has collected a total of approximately $380,000 !n membership fees and special COFFEE Baby Foods lunds for food and entertainment. Strained Junior Halibut Steaks »39 They maintain Mr. Handwerg and n Calif. Carrots •» 8* Ilis associates have failed to pro- !. .96t From Jersey's Rich Soil vide the facilities promised to the 5,0,49c 6, ,89c members. ar Salvntore A. Simeone of New- I«> < ark and John Meehan of Jersoj PIANUT IUTTII _ |ar WOV City, attorneys for the defendants, Ivory Soap Sweet Corn 6 23 chimed the fees collected were DUGAN'S Special If88 than the amount cited by the 3 Calif. Cheic* Picked plaintiffs, and argued that the Tide::: 29c, : 69c 3.r,;37c Chocolate Sponge j| 4% plaintiffs were entitled only to a buit in the law courts for breach Personal of contract, not the injunctive ac- BAR CAKE %„"• 4 V* Sweet Plums 2*25' tion in Chancery Court. Cheer Judge Bijrelo-w said he would ad- Ivory Soap vise the attorneys of his decision. t 29c r: 69c Armour's Star Meats Bnildera Incorporate 4 b», 19c ! EUZABKTH^-Tlidway Build- Treet _ S: 45c ers, 123 Elm street, Westfield, Dreft Ivory Flakes Tuesday filf»d articles of i pra i' C Clk •i-it'i County Clerk rfpnry G. I box 49li Jtulten. far the purp"»<> nf iairy.i & 27c ing on a. real estate buninesn. Total j Camay Soap authorize i capitalization l« 2.5im \ 20 Mule Team Aarn «rf stock sf no par value, j Spie & Span Camay Soap BORAX Mb tmx 33* open* with 100 of th.>-.. , «>*AXO 1-tt can Corned f tor .liworporator-, ,uv Beef Nash \2- 30c /alia V. Poliaea, Cranford; .limp '£ 23e Croerry Prhrt effrctie* Than., F. Stawer, Elizabeth, and Harriet 2 S 21o Ajtgntt 20 thru Tart., August 2.5. Ztpoisfcy, Newark. Ihighi and >tMZflB£TH^WESTnilP Ml nlh*r prtrf, mffvrlite 'til Sirf.. Jfoftnatone, WestfiaM, are counsel. RAHWAY Aagua 22. Qunnritiei Limited. Turin r-.- • " ... tm* THE WESTFIELD (N^ J.) LEADER, THURSDAY. AUGUST 20, 1953 Page Nine ]t\al And Club News Of The Week In The Westfield Area WUk Principal hi August Wedding Presbyterian Church Mrs. Louise Tiedje, Edmond Rochat Jr. Miss Jane Montgomery They were in the East for the Scene Saturday of John L. Sugar Takes as His Bride Married in Texas funeral of Mr. Meinert's father. Merritt-Osnum Bridal Married Saturday Miss Rhoda Davison The marriage of Mins June Lois Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Davis Montgomery, daughter of Mr. and of 054 Raymond street am vaca- Miss Nancy Jane Osmun, daugh- Mrs.. Louise Mnyne Tiedje, Miss Kriodu Jean .Davison, Mrs. Frederick W. Montgomery tioning at Rangeley, Me, ter of Mrs. Frederic D. Osmun of daughter ot Mra. Alexander Prim- daughter of Mr, and Mra. Max B. of Prospect street, to Airman 1/c -•- Edffowood avenue, nm^ the lute rose of 32(! Scotch Plains uvonuu Davison of Morrisville, Vt., was Billy Ray Huckebn, son of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Guy S. Lyman of Mr. Osmnn, became the bride Sat- and John Louis Sugar, son of Mv. married Saturday afternoon to nnd Mrs. Robert T. Huckeba of 408 East Dudley avenue are in day afternoon of Fontninc L^r, and Mrs. E. U. Sugar of Pussaic, Edmontl Paul Uochnt Jr., son of Sweetwuler, Tex., took place (.pending a week in Buffalo, N. Y., Merritt, aon of Mrs. Wellington were married Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Paul Rochat Saturday in the First Presbyter- «aa hostess. Among visiting their abn-in-law and Howard of Falls Church, Va. The ceremony took plqcu at Drew at 423 Hillside avenue. ian Church of Sherman, Tex. Tho ero the bridesmaids daughter, Mr. and( Mrs. William The wedding took place in tho Methodist Church, Curmel N. Y. The Rev. Melvin. McGuughey Uev. Dr. Egbert Lubbers offici- £ Carol Head of G. Lamb. Presbyterian Church at thrco at seven o'clock with the Rev, performed the double ring cere- ated. -+- o'clock with the associate minis- George Weyand officiating. mony in the Methodist Church, & al Weatfield High Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cardillo ter, the Uov. Richard D. Smith, of- Given in marriage by Dr. Henry Morrisville. Given in marriage by her father, ficiating. A reception followed in Langheinz of Summit, the bride the bride wore a pale pink shan- tvenmgMrs .Johnson of 718 Central avenue, held open Escorted by her father, the tung dress with white accessories. Set supper at her home house Sunday for their son, Frank, the Osman home. wore a gown of light bluo bouf- bride wore a gown of white lace, Vikl party. who left Tuesday to enter the Escorted by her brother, Fred- funt net with matching stole and fashioned with scooped neckline? Miss Martha Humphries of 1 a tiaru of iridescent sequins and Montgomery, Ala., was the bride's r evening a dinner party U. S. Navy. eric D. Osman Jr., the bride won and shirred illusion insert, long uple was given by Mrs. -•- a gown of silk embroidered nylon pearls She carried a white prayer- pointed sleeves with skirt ter- only attendant. She was attired ton Sr. at her home, •Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Ket- tulle made floor-length with point- book with white orchids and ste- minating in a short train. Her in powder.blue shantung. Lawrenceville. cham of Lincoln road have re- ed bodice with illusion yoke em- phanotis. fingertip veil of illusion was at- Paul Walsworth of Houston, fwiiam VolU of Tren- turned from a stay in Winstead, broidered with seed pearls and Mra. Donald McDougall of tached to n small cap decorated Tox., was best man. £ test man, will honor the Conn. petal collar. Her fingertip veil was Westfield avenue was matron of with seed pearls und she carried After tho ceremony a smalt re- Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Parker. Johnson held by a crown of seed pearls and honor* She wore a mauve gown a bouquet of gardenias and step- ception was held at the Hotel Sinner party at the Eiver of King street, Scotch Plains, with she carried an old fashioned bou- of nylon net with catching cap hanotis. Grayson in Sherman. quet of sweetheart roses and and veil and carried un old opt.. their children, Lois and David, Maid of honor for Her sister was Mrs. Huckeba is stationed at are' spending this week at Lake baby's breath. fashioned bouquet of brandy-wine the Music Circus, roses. Deborah Weucrthelo of Marv Amanda Davison. Brides- Perrin Air Force Base, Tex., with Hopatcong. Mrs. Mario Miccio of Garwood maids were Mrs, Robert P. Davis an Air Force Nurse Corps. Her ille. ^ was matron W honor and the Westfieid was flower girl and wore a white organdy dress over of Cabot, Vt., Mrs. Edwin V. Post husband is in the same medical d Mrs. Cecil R. Mills of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Denney and bridesmaids were Miss Ann Gib- of Hot Springs, S. D., sisters of group, also stationed at Pcitin. . d avenue celebrated" their their daughter, Barbara, of St. fion Green of Washington, cousin pink and carried an old fashioned the bride, Miss Lynn Davidoff of 1 Marks avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. bouquet of pink roses. They will make their home tem- , wedding anniversary last of the bride, and Miss Gloria For- Mount Tabor, and Miss Jean porarily in Sherman. t their camp, Rob Mar, on H. A. Sturges and their daughter, Kiato of Woodbridge. Miss Lou Joseph Sugar, brother ot the Worthirigton of Pittsfield, Mass. .Lake, Cooperstown, N.Y. Barbara, of Stanley oval, have re- Pftrrmann of Weatfield was junior bridegroom was beat man. The turned from a vacation at Wills- ushers were Donald McDougnll The attendants were gowned in d Mrs. Mills were married bridesmaid. All" the attendants varying shades of blue with white Class-Mayhew ugoin Westminster Pres- boro. Lake Champlain, N. Y. were dressed alike in satin gowns and Charles Meierdierck, both ot -•— Westfield. accessories. They carried white D Church, Omaha, Neb. - with strapless bodices with match- Betrothal Told Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Evans ing jackets and horsehair bonnets The soloist was Misa Dorothea gladioli. ,nd Mrs. Ernest C. Barteil of 135 Lambert Mill road have with half crowns. The honor at- G. Traynor of Westfield. Best man was Samuel Grecna- walt Jr. Ushers wore Norman Announcement has been made i daughter, Shirley, have returned from a motor trip tendant wore French blue and car- Mr. Sugar is associated with of the engagement of Miss Lois I t? their home on Moun- through the South. En route they ried pink glomeliaB. The two the Panama Canal Railroad. The Herberg of Burlington, David Ro- chat of Westfield, brother of the M. Mnyhew, daughter of Mra. reiae after spending three visited their son-in-law and daugh- bridesmaids wore pink gowns and couple will reside in Cristobal, Louis M. Mayhew of Superior, at- Chautaunua, N.. Y., ter, Petty Officer and Mrs. Blatt their bouqueta were pink glomel- Panama. bridegroom, Stanley Ericksen of Long Island, N. Y., and Alan Lud- Neb., and the late Mr. Mayhew, (ley were guests of the at Pensacola, Fla. ias. Tha junior bridesmaid's gown to S. Carter Class, son of Mrs. T. ent of the Chautauqua In- was green taffeta, and her bou- wig of Schenectady, N. Y. n, S. C. Hazlett. During Mrs. F. S. Slater of Ross place Jane Slated for Sherman Class of 260 Walnut will leave tomorrow to spend two quet was gellow glomelias. A reception was held on the street, and the late Mr. Class. ay Shirley was a member Alice Place of Westfield was Foothill Play House lawn of the bride's parents' home, Chautauqua Choir and was weeks in Ocean Grove. followed by a supper for relatives. Miss Mayhew is a graduate of -•- 1 •—Arthur Swoger flower girl. Her frock was French the University of Nebraska School to iing with the Chautau- Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Smith blue nylon net over taffeta end "Jane" by S. N. Behrman, from The couple left on a wedding trip Syniphony Orchestra as a MRS. ALAN MANDEEVILLE AUGUSTINE to Cape Cod. . of Nursing, and is now aasociatcd of 449 Farley avenue, Scotch she carried a basket of summer a short story by W. Somerset with the Veterans Administration of a girls' octette under Plains, and their twin sons, Rich- Jeanne Anderson, Alan Augustine of Montclair flowers. Maugham, will be presented at The bride is a graduate of ction of Walter Hendl. the Foothill Play House, Bound People's Academy and the Uni- Hospital at Denver. Mr. Cluss ard and Robert,' have returned Wed in Presbyterian Ceremony Saturday For traveling, the bride wore Brook, Wednesday through Satur- was graduated in the naval re- from a two-week trip to Waco, u navy blue suit with pink acces- versity of Vermont, where she was serve program at Brown Univer- Dorothy Anderson and her Tex., where they visited First day, Aug. 29, and Wednesday, a member of Alpha Chi Omega tter, Lynn, of 228 St. Paul •Miss Jeanne Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ray- fories. After a motor trip to Vir- Sept. 2, through Saturday, Sept. sorority and Mortar Board, senior sity and received his degree in have concluded a visit with Lieut, and Mrs. Herbert L. Mattox mond Anderson, of 503 Colonial avenue, . was married Saturday ginia, the couple will live in Ar- B. electrical engineering at Prince- Jr. They were accompanied by Mr. lington, Va. women's honorary society. ton University. He i» now con- Haiie Aodereon of Cleveland, evening at eight-thirty o'clock In the Presbyterian Church to Alan Included in the cast Is Frederic and Mrs, Mattox Sr. of the Farley Mandeville Augustine, son of Mrs. Harold M. Augustine of Montclair The bride is a graduate of West- The bridegroom is an alumnus nected with the Public Service Coi avenue address, Mrs. Smith's par- Rich of Fanwood, who is the but- of the University of Pennsylvania, ot Colorado at Denver. and the late Mr. Augustine. The ceremony was performed by the field High School and attended Un- ler. Helen Williams of 718 ents, minister, the Rev. Dr. Robert M. Junior College in Cranford. where he belonged to Sigma Chi A fall wedding is planned. ford avenue and Miss Bar- -•• Skinner. A reception followed at She is a graduate of WoodbrWge fraternity. He will be discharged Hundy of 121 Bradford ave- Mis. Arthur S. Jones of 547 the Monday Afternoon Club in Named President from the Navy early In September. wood parkway with her three chil- Vocational High School where she Son to Richardson* are on a motor trip through Flainfield. Of Dancing Society ftudied practical nursing. Mr. Mer- A son, Gary Allen, was born USE LEADER CLASSIFIEDS iddle West. They will spend dren is spending the summer at ritt is a graduate of Washington READ THE LEADER FOR Conesus Lake, Conesus, N. Y. Given in marriage by her father, Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. Harold TO BUY OR SELL days with Miss Handy's sis- the bride wore a gown of white Lee High School in Arlington, and W. Richardson of Pomfret, Center, ALL LOCAL NEWS -ltw, Mrs. Wynne Handy, at -*-'• • nylon tulle and chantilly lace made Elsa Heilich Kempe of Eliza- attended George Washington Uni Conn. Mrs. Richardson is the mt in Eoyal Oak, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph'Konopko of beth, was elected president of the versity. During the Korean con former Claire Hamilton, daughter 106 I^pect street returned Fri- with a bouffant skirt ending in a American Society of Teachers of , ind Mrs.> Byron Perkins of chapel train. Her veil of illusion tlict ho- served two years in the of Dr. and Mrs. Henry C. Hamil- day from Florida. They toured th« Dancing, the oldest dance society Army in Germany. ton of Tremont avenue. l avenue are spending; a state and spent two weeks as was held with a matching lace cap. in.the U. S., at its 76th (diamond SPECIAL i »t Kenncbunkport, Me. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert She carried a heart-shaped bou- jubilee) convention at the Hotel Eggeman of Qrlandtk^^^^, t of white roaes and atephan- Astor f.^ila fast week. , »4 Ch»ik«Pn»pl«*ot 132 ••.wssypr' ••.. . . J5ALE _ wick warn «re parents of a Mr*. Laurenc* B. Butler of 762 Miss Maribel Tucker of Rosclte Membership in this society Is orn last Thursday at Muhlen- Westfield avenue and/her children, was maid of honor. The brides^ regional and by examination in SPECIAL HoipiUI, Plainfleld. Beverley and Leonard, have re- Maids included the Misses Char- all dance forms. Members are FOR ALL OCCASIONS turned from a month's vacation at m . and Mrs. D. W. Timber'lake lotte Patton and Patricia Herring- from all sections of the U. S., PURCHASE otpect street had as their Camp Wulanat, Bristol, N. H. ton ot Westfield, Miss Virginia Dominion of Canada, and B. W. I. ue»t last week- his daugh- -•- Smillie of Detroit and Miss Ruth Miss Hciltch conducts classes ri. Ivan Smailcy of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Christian Cell and Wilcox of Media, Pa. in Elizabeth and Westfield. She •former Evelyn Timberlake. Mrs. G. B. Russell of 190 King The honor attendant wore a is a past president of the New street, Scotch Plains, are spending fiame-colored dress of nylon tulle York Society of Teachers of I. and Mrs. Rothwell E. Smith three weeks in Massachusetts and und lace with matching hat, and Dancing. lden jveniie have returned Vermont. the bridesmaids wore simil;« several weeks tour of Kowns in aqua. They all carried Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Cromwell cascade bouquets of coral-shaded Parkers Have Daughter of 229 Baker avenue have returned African daisies and delphinium in '• «nd Mrs. Peter Atamantyk from a month's vacation trip to rhiides of blue. H Edgar road are parents of California. They visited Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Parker , i t»rn Aug. H at Muhlen- The best man was Robert D. An- Cromwell's sister, Mrs. Fred W. derson, brother of the bride, and of 125 Benson place announce the JEWELERS'OPTICIANS I Hospital, Plainfield. Beck in San Diego and her mother, birth of a daughter, Deborah Ann, v»*t tt— Mrs. George E. Shriver in Santa the ushers were John A. Dotterer Monday at Muhlenberg Hospital, Ms and Harold Gallagher, Ana. On the way home they stop- ol Philadelphia, Pa., and Lieut» PiainfiieM. She is their first child. 1 of Lieut, and Mrs. B. F. ped in San Francisco, Salt Lake Harold C. Johnson Jr., of Mont- Mrs. Parker is the daughter of Mr. t»M MQA» mm, ler of 2075 Meadow View City and Colorado Springs. clair, William E. Jacob of Long and Mrs. Harry M. Leon of the CLOSED -WEDNESDAYS DURING IVhX * AV«B9T " are returning this week Island and James E. Wren of Hav- Benson place address. I visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Albert Stirrup ci'stown, Pa, "I Mrs. E. D. Gallagher of of Coleman place have as their After a wedding trip the couple , Calif. Lieutenant Gal- guest Mrs. Edward N. Pool of will live in Montclair. » * • has been executive officer Winston Salem, N, C, formerly of 1 the USS "Otterstetter" at Westfield. ™rt, R. I., and is being as- Girl to Mckcls duty at Brooklyn Naval Mr. and Mra. Marshall M. Cooledge of Wychwood road have Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. returned from their summer camp Nickel of Houston, Tex., an- '. «nd Mrs. A. H. Garvin and at Minocqua, Tamahawk Lake, 111. nounce the birth of a daughter, two children, Arlie and Su- Their son and daughter-in-law, Elizabeth Vivia, born at the New Nationally rf 765 Prospect street are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cooledge and Methodist Hospital in Houston, '»« Mrs. Garvin's mother, daughter, Joan, are vacationing at Friday. Mrs. Nickel is the former J. J. Morton of Nitro, W. Va. the camp. Beatrice Ingraham, daughter of S. advertised Merton Ingraham, and the late '• «nd Mrs. Lester B. Dan- Mis. Ingraham, of 823 Dorian « of 531 Coleman place have (Please turn to page 10) road. »a nouseguests Mr. and Mrs, high fashion— 'Id Fick of Oak Park, 111. The Deckers entertained for them e they were here.' fully lined W«tfi«ld't Distinctive Fur Shop '• «nd Mrs. A. Kingaley Fer- » of 1 Stoneleigh park with «iree children, Elta, Bo »nd GAMBURG FURS w Vwill return home this w,eek- READY TO WEAR MADE TO ORDER '*"*" three weeks at Laval- RAINCOATS BY rr;" REMODELING REPAIRING —•— • wd Mrs. Richard Meinert CLEANING regularly 29.98 to 39.98 $18. - $22. "•, Okla., formerly of West- Scientific FUR Storage •'»ve been visiting his EXPERT WORKMANSHIP FREE ESTIMATES "^la-law and sister, Dr. and • 12 different styles ... all with matching ~ies Speer of Cranford. 10* I. IfMHl St. W«tfi«M 2-2433 hats Opart Monday evenings • large selection of coats selected from this season's collection of one of America's foremost makers BOXlD AND IMPRINTED Your boy friend started if ofl ., * the white sueded leather • distinctive collection of fabrics including CHRISTMAS CARDS oxford with red rubber sole. It's rayon flannels, corduroys, shadow Our iarga Mtoctien is now on display. Dean's list stuff for fashion, plaids,failles, pin-checks and gabardines Slop in — choose your cards new so hitch on to the bandwagon • all fully lined and exactingly made and fake advantage of our and make Varsity... yours! $ • sizes 8 to 16 in a variety of desirable colors Special 10% Discount Nat every color in every style or size Jeannettes Gift Shop SCOTT'S "©iff* for Remembrance" Air Conditioned Betwoen th« Theatre and the Library Free forking en Elmer St. ELM * QUIMBY STS. RIALTO THEATRE BLDG. Open Monday and Friday evening OPEN MONDAY EVENINGS TIL 9 WESTFiEtD • Brarwh S«MWS 13« Etawra Av*., IRniMftt Open Fri.-Mon. Evenings We. 2-3901 Ten TOE Named lo Board how, Andrew K. Iioteler, of 12 Helen Groceljtih Of State Club Miss Marjorie Battis William H. Hllh, Mr. and Mrs. Joh, „ SALLY Greenwood road, M<>untain»ide, are Plans Her Bridal Members of the Garden Club of of 217 Haielwooi) L^ nt the Derinudinna Hotel in Hamil- Bride Here of Karin Green Engaged the birth of a aon.fr (Continued from pago 9) ton, Ilcrmudii. Westfield appointed for a two- Mr, nnd Mrs. Roy CarrlRnn of Richard KohlmeYcr MOUNTAINSIDE — Mr. nnd year term to the executive boul'd Jr., August 11 itV (iHO lllllciost nvcnnc have returned Mr. and Mrs. Valentino flrean Mrs. M. Paul Goceljnli of forest of the Garden Club of New Jersey Pitnl, Plainfichi Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Stern of Berkeley Heights linve nn- Hill way have announced the vr- AUGUST hns a daughter from Southampton, I.. I., with and their live elilldren of i'l'l Mtnn- The First CohKrcrfif lontti m Mesdnn.es J. VV. Cutler, Har- their chililnm, Holly, Joy anil Church, was tho scene Saturday nounced the engaftemcnt of their .•nirernent of their daughter, Helen "w—llflth annual homecoming ,1,1 I, Brooks and Lloyd Oncol. three.. ' loy nvenue ore home nfter several ilnuphti-r, Miss Knrln Alice Creen, celebration. Liberty Corner Susnn, weelis nt Orient JViint, I,. I. afternoon at four o'clock of th Ami (iocoljiilc to Rudolph J. M« - -•- wedding' of Miss Marjorie Eliza- t'J William Hamilton Hills, son of U:r, son of Mr. ami Mrs. lludolph FreBbyterinn Church. Turkey Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Hnuptll beth llnttis, of Hnhway, daughter Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward II. Ililla of Milller of Belleville. dinner served nt li, 0, 7 and 'of 135 Linden nvt'nuc with their I.ieul. and Mrs. John B. Mc-of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd K.Bakis, fU8 Mountainvlcw circle. Miss Hoceljak studied nurslrij 8 p.m. County fnir on church t«'o children and Mrs. HaupUt'n Eliiiy and their two children, Bcott Si'., of Arlington, Mass., to Klcti Miss Oreen wns graduated from dt Caladonlo (N- Y.) Hospital and grounds bcginnlhir nt 12:30 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. nnd Susan, are with his parents, aid J. Kohlmeyer, of Knstoli, Pa., Jonathan Dayton Kegionnl IliiM now attends Newark College of P Sabol of 717 Hardinu street, re- Mr. ami Mrs. lliehnrd S. McElroy son of the late Mr. nnd Mrs. Hlch- School nt Sprint-field and attended nutgei-H University, She is em- ' ""' SEPTEMBER turned recently on the lie de of 10 Stonleiuh park, until Septem- anl M. Kohlmeyer, of St. Louis, Pratt .Institute in Brooklyn. She ployed by Dr. N. W. Pishinan of 0—Garden .Club of Westfield, 2 Kroner after traveling in Switzer- ber. Lieutenant McElroy, who has Mo. is employed in the drafting deport- Newark. p.m., 1011 Hnhway avenue. land, Fiance and Italy. been stationed at Alberqudrque, The Rev. Willard Blckett, pastoi ment at the Bell Telephone Labor- Mr. Muller received his degree 10—Harvest home, East Millstone -•- N. M,, will be at the Brooklyn of tha Congregational Church, stories at Murray Hill. Stevens Institute of Technology, Methodist Church. OCTOBER Miss Louise Jewptt and her nep- Navy Yard. Plairifield, performed the cere- Mr. Hills was graduated 'f<"n in business management front mony. A reception followed at the tho tingiy School In Elizabeth nml where he wnp a member of Phi 1 Turkey supper) South Branch home of the bride's brother and uttended the University- of Penn- Sigma Kappa fraternity. Dunne Reformed Church' HuriihiSge sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd nylvanlu. He is employed by Kclch- World War II he sewed two years sole, Women** Society of R. Battis, of 817 Carleton road. liold Chemicals Inc., Elizabeth, and with tho Army In the Europeai Christian Service of Gladstone Given in mari'lage by her father, 1? attending Rutgers University. theater. He i3 employed by OtH Methodist Church, church Iho bride wore a white eyelet or- tfo date has'been set for the Elevator Co. in Harrison. gandy pown of ballerina length wedding. 6—Opening of Westfield Adult No Better Glasses and a matching white cap. She School. carried a colonial bouquet. Children Hold 7—Fiah ond chips supper, 6 to No Better Name.. • Miss Carol Battis, of Arlington, Represents Scouts Benefit Carrtival 8 p.m. Ea3t Millstone Re- Mass., sister of the bride, was At National Camp formed Church tfhagei moid of honor. Robert A. Battis, The second annual carnival for g Turkey dinner and bnf.air. of Helleitown, Pa., brother of the th« benefit of the Children's Cotih- Women's Society of Christian bride, was best man. Miss Dilys SCOTCH PLAINS—Joan Sny- tiy Home wSs held from Monday Service, Bound Brook Metho- Jones, of Westfleld, was at the der, 17-year-old senior Girl Scout to Saturday of last wCek at 455 dist Church. W £funrKr£ organ. of Troop 8, one of six girls chosen Grove street by Thomas Gottllek) AnnUal turkey supper. Ladles Following o wedding trip to to visit the National Girl Scout James ahd Michael Seller and Aid Socie'tyi 6 p.ht Neahaiilc Nantucket, the couple -will reside Camp in Cody, Wyo., arrived there Hlchard Sullivan. This year they Reformed Church. at 100 West Milton avenue, Rail- Saturday and expects to stay until were also1 assisted by Eugene Bazaar and turkey supper, wMTfieto ^ way, September i. t'rekko. There were games ahd 6:30 p.m. First ahd Second THe bride was graduated from Joan, who will be a senior this prltes, and comic books Were sold. Board of Stewardesses, St. FR Arlington (Mass,) High School Thomas AME Zioh Church. I Is i ti JiiVMTH. tff tVt> linl >j year in tht! Scotch Plains High The children also made door to and Charles Secretarial School, School, is secretary of the West- door collections in the neighbor IS—Pashion show, 8 p.m. Friettd- Op*n ttiunJly (vtntngt - CfoMd WlftmWy* : Cambridge, Mass. She is employed minster Fellowship of the Pres- hood arid Collected a total of $27 iy Class First Methodist in the medical division of Merck byterian Church, a member of the for thut oh a new figure whin you wear Etude Minor,,, thing you mrtfnt* Bay what you Watchung terrace have announced 11—YWCA World Fellowship the engagement of their daughter, ''The Instructor", Mrs. Weinberg'a Maideniorm's marvelous new bra that gives shapely noo« hokw Mi «ool «omfoH and Miss Eda Catherine rlartpence, to prize-winning drtiels will appear luncheon, 1 p.m., YWOA. junior Women Plan ill olio of the early issues of the roundness to. small-bosomed figures! And there's no ko eoelor on y««r J«k. Arthur Hyman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samual M. Hyman of 28 Park pchool year, with illustrations. Girl to Witliani Lambs fussing with bust pads. Foam rubber curves are View drlra. Fashion Show, Tea Writing on the general theme, "Where I Want to Go on My Next built right into the bra—impossible to detect, beauti- Misa Hartptmce recently re- FANWOOD — The Junior Wo- Trip, and Why", Mr3. Weinberfc's Mr. and Mrs. William G. Lamb ceived a bachelor of science de- man's Club is planning a fashion of Buffalo, N. Y., announce the fully effective. Don't urait-another day! Discover gree, cufti Hude, frdttt Alfred Uni- manuscript is entitled, "Lak'i birth of a son, Peter Stevens Johnfrankx show and tea for Tuesday evening, Oeorge Adventure". ' Etude Minor'now...from 3.00 versity where sHe was a membel Oct. 6, In the auditorium of St. Lamb, July 27 in Buffalo. They of PI Alpha Pi Sorority. She fs a Bartholomew's Church, Scotch have another son, William Jr., legistered nurse currently on thePlains. The Arthur Morton & Com-Josephine Sxalajko two-and-a-half. Mrs. Lamb Is the staff of Muhlenberg Hospital. pany Dress Shop qf Plainfield win Daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Guy Mr. Hyman, also an aluntaus ul present the show Using Members To Be Married Lyman of 408 East Dudley avenue, ttn FOUNDATION »4 *«r lUSINttl UriW IIOH T roilNDATION (•• 5 r^rjs~-t: «'Tnrg?Yu- - Alfred University and a member ot th* club »s models. of Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity,'was SCOTCH' PLAINS—«k. Ma\y 'yr granted a master of science de- .,,Mra. W. E. Bernlng in whose Szalajko of 37 Victor stteet has cree In public health from the home plans were made, and K. . announced the engagement of her ^COLLEGIANS THE CORSET SHI daughter Miss Josephine Szalajko, University of North Carolina in It. J. Neubert have been named AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR FITTING COMWIT Back-To-School News June. He expects to enter the -o-chairmen and committee chair- to Pyt. Gerald Jaeger, son of Mr. Anna Marie Munch of 1417 Or' Army in the near future. men are: Tickets, Mrs. Walter Mc- and Mrs. Bernard Jaeger.of 211 chard road, Mountainside, who 148 E. Brood St. W«t, No date has been set for the Oee; decorations, Mrs. H. GeorRu Katherino street. was graduated from Mount St In Fall Fashions wedding. Greimj publicity, Mrs. Meade Miss Sszalajko Is a graduate of Mary's Academy, North Plainfield llower; refreshments, Mrs. Roger Scotch Plains High School and and completed her work at tho at Wright's Turk, Mrs. William Schubart, Mr% Berkeley Secretarial School. She Troth Made Known Raymond Hughes and Mrs. Lau-is employed by the American Katharine Gihbs School in Mont- Attfutt It a nfegic m«n»h in th* Fashion Fitld rence Andrews; general commit- Platinum Works, Newark. Pvt. clair, has secured a position with • revival *f triad and true elastics, that Of Rote Schrul tee, Mrs, Charles Bond and Mrs.Jaeger is a graduate of St. Bene- through the placement department • comprise th* greater part of any smart ward- Eric Luster, Piano music will be dict's Preparatory School, New- of the school with the Remington IKIDI-; SCOTCH PLAINS — Mr, andfurnished by Mrs. Malcolm Hazel. Rand Corp., Newark. Mrs. Arno W< Schrul of 416 Stout ark. He will be stationed in the sit*s»t*34Vi Priced 7.98 to 24.98 avenue have1 announced the en- Par East shortly. Thomas S. Culver of 18 Scuddfcr gagement of their daughter. Miss Attend* Conference road has been awarded the bronzo Rose Marie Schrul, to SN Richard Friendship Club tuxis Medal by the Culver Mill Clearance 6n Sale Rack $5 to $9 Newcomb, son of Mrs. Margaret At IS. H. School lary Academy Summer School, ValuM to $20.00 JsWcomb of Elizabeth and the late Has Card Party where he is spending this summer Henrjr Newcomb. this stfnitner J. H. Bartiett gf in the Naval School with boys Miss Schrul is a senior at Scotch Westfield attended a scientific con- About 30 members ot the fiom 88 states, the District of WIltlT'S HESS SHOP Plains High School and is em- ference, under the auspices of theHlendship Club, the senior citi- Columbia, two territories, and 10 Dioyed by the 1. A. Dunham Co.,American Association for the Aa"zen group of the YWCA, played foreign countries. 55 Elm Street Plalnfleld. SN Newcomb w«s grad- •»«««W*nt . y subject, but feels this to bo pve- There are one billion tcrci el j . _ ^ nuituro as the question as yet has grazing land in the United SUttl. not become one on which the- townspeople must decide. •life,"* *t i- -»\.* 1 ' *ip > • i Also called to question was the fl&letncnt that under tho petition Edw.Mackie & Sonsy UIP Committee nfembers would (ci-rlns Northern If, J, serve without pay.' "This is not in to* 'OTBT SO Vcwm tho petition," declared Mr. Cluw- 60)1. Ope

Oaneer Causes UPHOLSTERING About 300 mbstancea, ranging SLIP COVERS from the dust of «om« matallla elements to complex organic com- MATTRESSES AND (OX pounds, have been shown to remit SPIINOI MNOVATTO in a high Incidence of e«nc«r 110 SOMERSI.T ITIUT among those- exposed to them. PLJUNFIBLD, M. J.

FLEMINGTON FUR CO. _ . K Open SUNDAY & Everyday Kir. mill Mm. !lnrr>- HI. DcMIH lire iimv tit home lit >l:tI CmldhiK roml. TIIIM home WIIN iMircltilNtMl rrtMil Mr. mill Mrn. JnilU'K II. Ittmlllillll thrffiijth thc ofl'lci* lif 8. A. NlltiinitTM ('*>. It tvllN II nlliltilllc llMtllljc. Wheat Farmers 'Plains Democrats Vote Curbs Vote Caution

NEW BRUNSWICK—New Jer- SCOTCH PLAINS—The Demo- sey's wheat farmers have votod cratic Club of Scotch Plains de- 292 to 122 for the establishment cided in a surprise move Thursday of marketing quotas on wheat for night to adopt a "hands oft" pol- IFRISK? BUSINESS—It looks as if three, men are trying to tip that auto over in Flushing, N. Y., but such is not the case. The cai 1954. The Production Marketing icy toward the petition being: cir- I Is merely serving ax t leaning post for "suspects" who are being frisked by a police sergeant while a patrolman stands guard. Thll Administration of the U. S. De- culated for the ward form of gov- partment of Agriculture counted ernment for the township. It had demonstration was held as a lesion tor a group of rookie cops. the ballots at its offices at Rutgers been reported that the Democratic College of Agriculture after farm- Club was behind the ward idea. He suggested terms of the bill ers in 19 of the state's 21 coun- John M. Clawson, 2269 Beech- might put restraints on free en- ties voted Friday. wood place, Democratic, candidate terprise. He recommended several Chain Crash , About 1,600 farmers were eligi- for assemblyman, said the matter changes which, he said would en- ble to vote in the state. A PMA hail been discussed and that the courage competition. Injures Four spokesman said that 471 ballots rlub felt the question was a civic While Governor, Driscoll has were cast, with 57 being chal- rather than a political issue. lenged. , Mr. Clawson lashed out at state- said several times he was oppo MOUNTAINSIDE — Four cars to price control at the retail level. Unofficial and incomplete re- ments made by the presidents of more fur.. .more coat were involved in an accident in turns for the nation showed tho the local Republican and Demo- Driscoll was amused at the news Route 22 in front of Police Head more fashion.. • conference in telling how he was voting favored quotas 8G.7 per cratic Clubs. "I am very sorry in ..JNTON — Gov. Alfred E. quarters Friday at 5:35 p.m. when cent to 13.3. deed that those men spoke as Re . .for your mo0©yt jjoll Monday delivered 100 vo- forced to veto conditionally a bill a car driven by Frank Meegan, I bills to the New Jersey Legis- to boost the pay of jury comjjjis- Last year New Jersey produced publicans or Democrats." The men Brooklyn, slowed because of heavy about two million bushels of have every right to speak on the re. Fifty-nve were outrigrM w'oners. Earlier this year, he won traffic and rain. MINK JO. The other 45 he will sign a long battle to have the power wheat, with Fassaic and Hudson issue as citizens, explained Mr. I law if the Legislature will «?i Appointment of jury commis- Four persons were injured the only counties growing none at Clawson, but their party affilia- sioners transferred from his office slightly and treated at the office all. tions should not be considered on "ethe corrections he suggested. this question. irDrlscoll, delivery of the veto to the State Supreme Court. of a local doctor where they were Polling places, mostly PMA of- •fowr taken by Officer John Herrick. fices, were open until 9 p.m. Hun- Mr. Clawson deplored the Re- jages marked the end of his The Governor said the pay bill Squirrtl |or tasks as Governor; The 50- Mrs. Mary Meegan, riding with terdon and Somerset Counties set publican Club president's state- •old Republican Governor goes was written in such a manner that her husband, suffered cuts of th up extra polling places besides the ment wherein he likened the gov- MfllttitS J of office next January after jury commissioners in first class PMA offices. Hunterdon wheat ernment of Scotch Plains with thaC |n jura in the chief, execu- counties would retain their present farmers balloted in Clinton and in of Jersey City and Newark. Espe- s chair. $900 a year pay while commission- is to be limited to hand methods, tho office at Flemington. Somerset cially, said Mr. Clawson, when it era in second class counties woul.l it would not be long before wi took added ballots at the coopera- is public record how unsuccessful •rinrt Iriscoil sent the bills back to go up from $750 to $1,500. That would be faced with demands t< tive office at Belle Mead. Newark's government has been. 1 houses. He worked until late would give the second class county limit sewing to hand methods an< Union County wheat growers "And how could he compare our At OUR idjy preparing the messages. commissioners $600 a year move re recommended for ap- he saw it, the bus companies would a new fabric, the color of Rested, should not lump the physi- mt, to change the way the be setting the fare instead of th-j which matches that of the cally and mentally handicappec i Commission arrives at bus PUC. 2000-year-old redwood tree into one classification. That wa m transfer |50,000,000 The governor said the Stats behind her, The fashionable one of the major objections to thi nt security funds, to Treasurer estimated it would cost color was photographed in the present bill, Driscoll said. . what state prison convicte New Jersey $5,000,000 through Muir Woods, a redwood grove I print, to revise the handling the sale of government securities The governor said there are CO a few miles from Patricia's municipalities in New Jersey no Ntally retarded children and to effect a transfer of $60,000,000 home town. ferte the law on the coramis- from the State Disability benefits operating under commission form \ 'otm of government. fund to the Unemployment Com- ot government. He said he vetoci I Ms message on the gasolina pensation Trust Fund, which is in a bill that would revise the ac in lt>48 amounting to $26,000,000 under which they were created be Jwion bill, Driscoll said he the custody of the Treasury of the when the. $50,000,000 was put into United States. cause "many practical politician [deep concern and doubts "with the disability fund. / Anyway, he as well as students of governmen feet to the wisdom of govern- Driscoll said "it is now sug- said, if the bill were signed, it have assented that 'commission ™< regulations of the kind gested that the transfer of this would cost the employers 6/10O of form of government is on the way Whether the ii off to Klnd.rtort.rt, Hi«h or C.lkg*, *h.

On return from Miss Kay your vocation wishes to announce that she you'll find it is no longer affiliated with

convenient and EHLERT-KAY BEAUTICIANS. pleasant to dine Watch the Leader for the announcement of her new at the location. HOTEL SHIM THE AUOUSON ROOM Ooimby Street WMNMeV N. J. SUMMIT 3-3640 SU 6-3000 Open Mon. and Frt. Evenings until 9 AIR CONDITIONED P/M» Ttvlva THE WESTFIELD (S.3.) TTMTT" """TPgnAV. AUGUST 2 A Realistic Appraisal Supporting The Decontrol of Rental Properties

H'iK H«W—Mr. ni»l Mm. U'I Ilium Hwwuer. fori»t-r*> t»l»ir, (ire Hit* U«-*v (Miner* nl Itit' lii'iiir pl In Westfield K «'»>• l»-r«n-4% I'uuitMUlf, »lil*li liir> |iurtli frjjui >Ir. Miitf JlfrNJlf4i -4#u1j 1 WIMIain A. (Inrk of ihr iiirit-c of llnrrrll A Critlti, Im>. (formerly It* It. Iliirrrll, Jr., f.uriluu |*. OMIM. AMI»IH',>

A tomiito sandwich salad mak-. Use of both these vegetables in an Ever Popular Interesting way. Chop fresh crisp jieclod cucumber with celery and Tomatoes Now onion, blend with mayonnaise and Use as sandwich filling between two slit'XfH of tomato for each serv- I. It is the considered opinion of most impartial observers At Peak Value ing. For four persons, use J/4 cup chopped cucumber, '4 cup chopped there is no longer a rental shortage in Westfield and surround- By MARY W. ARMSTRONG celery and one tablespoon chopped • Home Agent onion. Serve on lettuce with olive BAFT ATTENTION—Whether they're eager to learn, or are The local harvest of tomatoes I1! or paisley garnish. ing communities. All. communities bounding on Westf ield have merely exercising their youthful critical faculties Is not known, under way. Although fresh tomn- but it'* obvious that nlne-y*ar»old Pierri Marny has an audi- (oes are available all year, we arc ence M he paint*, Th» ltd set up hia easel In the garden of likely to Htie tho finest tomatoes Italian Award to eliminated controls already. Obviously, one cannot find "$40.00 during late summer, when nearby Kotra DIKM p»th«dr»l In Parli and itirted to work. Some lads iomutoB are plentiful. 'These to- who were pitying n*«rby couldn't legist their curiosity, and Pierre nutoes are allowed to ripen on the Arthur Venneri housing" in Westfield — this has always been true and, of undoubtedly received many profound tugfesttons on his painting. vine because they do not nefed to The "Star of Solidarity'!^ of the hold 'up'under the ntmiti of u lom: tullan' Republic, # with diplotna, course, will continue to be true. There is an ample supply of ark, did .a preciafon routine i jplirney. They untfolly have a bet. 'aa conferred upon Arthur Ven- ter flaror and a higher vitamin C neri, president of the Arthur Ven- Bette Schaler sailor costumes; and a rhythm tu content than tomatoes pickod number, Elaine Ley of I'lninficl neri Co., general contractors and rental units in Westfield to fill the needs of our community. Any did a tap routine nnd u Hawailu teen and then ripened. -•ngiifcers, uf 300 North avenue, Presents 75th huln numbft,. And piico-wlso tomatoes are njust, at the request of Baron Carlo The birthday boy was Pvt. ROKI good choice for current meals, To- Je Ferrarlis Salzuno, Italian Con- increase in .demand seems to stem from outside communities nald Flury of New Orleans, wh mato prices arc lower in Inte sum- ul General of New York. Many Kilmer Show wua celebrating; his 20th birthday. mer than at other times of tlft close friends of Mr. Venneri's at- Tho birthday cako, mado by Mrs year. The New York average rt- (ended thu ceremony performed by where emergencies may exist and the overflow tends to seek Mr«, Bctto Schafer of 050 T!ny- (Catherine Flunmior of Court I prico of tomatoes in the las Dr. Elio Giuffrida, vice-consul, at Mond gtreot prmwnttd her 75th Trinity, CDA, of Wfestftold, wui five years was 17 cents a pound j the luttor's office in Newark, Aug. •how at Csmp JCIUnor Thursday presented by Miss Fanni Jones o; September, onc-hnlf the January 11. ! out the better communities. •Iffht before a record rathoi'lng? Scotch Plains. price of 84 cents a pound. "This award in being made*" Of troop* at Service Club 1, Mickey G reiser of Union MODI Nearby farms aro also pickliv riaron Salaano said, "in considera- Mrs, Schafer opened the show several ballads and John Dunn o cucumbers, You're upt to find th tion of your praiseworthy activi- with t son* and introduced the Lynhurtt did song nnd danci lowest cucumber prices In AUKW ties in behnlf of the reconstruction • Weatflrld Exchange, Club Band routines, Miss Jones sang two nnd September, ftoip nild-Augus of Italy and the great fight Which Included Molten Ntiwburith, musical comejly numbcra nnd i to early September ia a good tim •ignlnst Communism, during the »lano; MorrL Kmnblor, nuxo- Negro spiritual. ;o fill the pickle jar. The besl trying years after the war." phone; Webb Orr, b»s%; Vie Rons- Two boys from tho audienco vol cukes arc green, firm, well shaped Dr. Ciiuffridn added the follow- •aiml, 4ruma, all of WeatfleM; and Rnd heavy for their size. Kce|i 2. Housing emergency in the country has eased to such a point unteereii for tho show. Pvt. John ing personal comments after con- • DUbMituU, Torml gchlrvltta, Pace, formerly with tho Charles (hem in the refrigerator until you ferring this great honor, "To the trumpet, of I'Ulnflald. Splyalc Orchestra, sang; and Pvt,Uro ready to uso them. high recognition of the President that there is no sufficient reason for controls thereon. Better Edwftrd Hufhei of Harrison and Sidney Maggaro of Lodl, formorlv Both tomato and cucumber cm of the ltepubllc of Italy, I wish to Buddie Miller, John Cnssldy and with thu Lewis Prlmn Orchestra, bo sliced for a relish tray, cut Into uild my personal appreciation for fdd. JioOloiiifhlln, all of New- played two trumpot solos. The Ex naiads, or tucked Into sandwichc; thu enthusiastic and generous sup- opinion seems to be that it is unfair to continue to penalize You can scoop out tomatoes ani port offered by,Arthur Venneri Oil them with n surprise, such us in all Enitintlves taken fur the cottage cheese, egg, fish, or benefit of Italy. On nil occasions, the landlord with rent control when all other price control* chicken tolad. Small cucumber I have found Arthur Venneri a knives arc also easy to scoop out incere friend, always mindful of ind All with a mixture of cucum. the welfare and prestige of Italy; have been lifted. ler pulp, cream cheese, lem.in conscious that this prestige re- uico, salt and paprika. Cut theflects upon the destiny of all cucumbers in half, crosswise, eut Americans of Italian extraction iff the ends, scoop out the center, in the United States." llscnrdlng tho seeds. Sprinkle the Mr. Venneri is also actively en- nside with salt and pepper and gaged in sponsoring and in cam- hill for lit) minutes before stuf- iinignlns: for funds in many Ing with the cucumber cheese flll- heritable nnd civic projects in America. He is constantly en- 3. Rent control has resulted in removing the incentive on the part deavoring, through his efforts, to bring about » better understand- of the owners of dwelling properties to continue to improve •hange Club Band played a "jam"' ing and relationship between ussion. America and Italy. Nathan Stritaler of Westfield Mr. Venneri resides, with his j their properties, thereby depreciating entire neighborhoods lonated the refreshments. mily in Cranford. I and communities to the ultimate devaluation of such proper* ties. This results in higher taxes on the remaining properties. You, as a householder, will have to pay for this even if you SPARKUNG do not have to rent your property. WHITES

4. Westfield has kept pace in producing additional rental unifi NIGHTS with other communities. It must resist the pressure of those who desire to be subsidized. We cannot be the haven of those who desert the communities where controls are now lifted. There art man1* heart tike thimmeiing metmiight ample rental units, reasonably priced, in Westfield at thf on a white summer dress- but It must be pure iparV- present time which are not rented—-they remain empty. West- ttag *Wt» - the brtj/m*r offfief»Af?K.. whit* owr liner retular dry. field in all fairness should remove controls. ehaniag ea*. »ive, ttmm.

7t—va"t -i jne r ,nr n-"- tr-trif OJ,I tr • ,'nf ."7, -n^-j, . „ • n mi. - „» •ma •'—V,TTI,'T. , fn i- - - -,rr , ,J3 ,r, ma •, *. 3C-: IT • -> ,, . f • t a. Only the municipalities retaining rent control will bear *•

STOti HOUSS .., „Jr f „„„.,„, expenses incurred. If rent control is continued in Wesffield, »

Saturdays Closed AH Pay w« meen additional taxes. This matter will be decided by H* Town Council at its meeting August 24th. _wo rou.

reoretnr ©wmir : THE -WESTPtBLD (N.J.) LEAPES, TKtfltSftAY, AUGUST 60, 1958 Page Council Introduced an ordinance ers bought the']' property in full would so continue." • *' tft-ws Of Other Communities eivinK Uie Mayor and Council the knowledge they were ndjncent to I'ower to adjust votes and service OtliBr ofDcers are: Vice-|>re»l- • Route 22, but also in the knowl- (lent, Neil Wintringhami secretary , chnrges by resolution. Should the it ia Zone A residential prop- ( ordinance be adopted'nftor a pub- Mrs. (icorge C. Dreyer, and trenS" Around the State erty and in the expectation it urer, Jackson Lahn. heariiiK Septp . 1,, an increase of I'd cents per 11,1)0 0 alloll n will im y_A "ie tecU'i when classes pciintemlunt. According to the re- .D-The Plulnficld "' e • but bucnuse of in— port, lit leant 22 now people, 21 of Arm Water Supply Committee, lost me Scl'':.: ! of the pu- thorn teachers and one u new sec- week voted uiioniinuusly (o request for pai-t-tinic retary in the Bourd of Education the I'iuinfivlii Common Council to t the end of office, will report when personnel kmend a recently adopted ordin- J^Tovcr tho 3,500 report Sept. 8. Ten of the 34 e|c. ance designed to consovvo water mentary teachers w.ll he new, and WeBt BI.IM the early by addlnK u section prohibitiiiR the was n" mcl'eaBe of one new person will join the use of recharge basins or diffusion . Tlrere over the previ- Bound Brook grammar school Wells. Sensational Values staff. ^ North riainlield, Watchune 'and Panwood have adopted such ordi- nances and other municipalities IN LADIES SPORTSWEAR i)JD BRO-OK —An cx- VERONA—Verona's retail wa- served by the Plninfiold Union Wa- ter rates are due for a rise for the ter Co. arc being requested to take We could not resist these bargains even though high rate in personmil first time since 1928, It was an- similar action. These other com- r for the faculties of the nounced last week as the munities also are being invited to we basically sell just children's apparel . . . become members of the water sup' ply committee in order to join (FAMOUS NATIONAL BRAND) forces in conserving the water sup- ply in the area. JEW LOW PRICES ON , LADIES' POPLIN SKIRTS In sizes 10 to 18 — Mode to sell at $5.95 Boron Needed Two styles — wraparound or flair, with two' large pockets, Latest colors. In Small Amounts $1.50 each By All Plants tot miicti the numbers 01 ttM paints By the MASTER GARDENER LADIES' GLEN PLAID SHORTS it the wmbers on thi mttal «tj»ct Boron is the ''Cinderella" of Zipper tide, large back pocket. - Ml fill ia the spaces. If* a cinch! plant nutrient elements. For many A BIT OF A HANDICAP—But these one-leggefl war veterans from Queen Mary's Hospital in ' Made to sell at $4.95. Sixes 10 to 18. years, it was regarded as an un- London enjoyed a garjie of soccer on the lawn at Buckingham Palace. They were attending a desirable impurity in potash con- garden party htld by the "Npt Forgotten" Association, which works for the welfare pf Britain's pounds used ia plant food mix- war-ijisobled veterans. That ball came in for a great deal of kicking, too. $1.00 each lures. Hence, many states required plant food manufacturers to guar- antee that their products contained condemnation proceedings institut- LADIES' POPLIN SPORT JACKETS no more than a certain minimum ed by the Port of New York Au- Highway Business percentage of this supposedly Driscoll Signs thority. Half belt. Made to soil at $8.95 dangerous element. Actually, too "The findings of these commis- Size 18 only ' . . much boron ia highly toxic to Dwyer Bills sioners are advisory as the billd Plans Opposed plants, but nowadays, in contrast provide that the judge 'may review to the days 6i yesteryear, boron findings (of the commissioners) the form of borax is especially TRENTON — Governor Driscol MOUNTAINSIDE — Residents $2,00 each Saturday signed two bills intro- find shall not be bound thereby^ of Pembrook Estates, adjacent to idded to complete plant food. but may alter or reject such flnd- Boron, as one of the1 group of duced by Assemblywoman Flor. Koute 22, near Lawrence avenue, ence P. Dwyer, Elizabeth Republ s in such a manner as will, in i.ave formed the Pembrjook Civic & WASTEBASKITS -95 trace elements", is needed by his judgment, fairly, protect the LITTLE SISTER COMPANION BARGAIN $2 plants in very, very small quanti- ran, which provide additional leg and Improvement Association, Inc., Ware 3.95 NOW illations for the Port of New Yori interest of the parties, ,and such. with main objectives of "working SHORTS ties. In common ujith. the other review may be made either with BASKETS trace elements,. its specific func Authority in acquiring land fo for civic Improvement and'main- In gabardine, poplin, denim, etc. air and marine terminals. or without further hearing.'," tenance." Were 2.95 NOW (ions in plant growth are as yet Governor Dracoll also signed » Made to tell at $1.95 to $2.95 . not clear. It is known, howevir; In signing the two bills, th bill introduced by Assemhlymt.'n Protection of "aesthetic valu'es" The sets' are complete with everything you need I chat where this element is defi- Governor said: .. Sizes 3 to « - 7 to 14 9 Beautiful and Matching designs Jo choose from. G. Clifford Thomas, Elizabeth Re- of property on Route 22, west of rient, plants exhibit hunger sign?, "These twp bills restore a pro publican, and former Assembly- New Providence road, also is an or deficiency symptom patterns, vious statutory provision wherenj man William F, Tompkins, New- objective, according to G. Clyda which are corrected when a little a judge of the Superior Court ma iirk Republican, requiring1 the at- Van Allen, president. $1.00 each borax is added to the sail or appoint commissioners in certai torney general of New Jersey to sprayed on the foliage. The organization, with a mem- devote full time to the office and bership of 40 Pembrook Estates Pure boron' is an extremely nnd citrus fruits, just to name barring him from private law pruc- property owners, vigorously op- scarce, high-priced and rather use- few. Some alkaline soils and rici tJce. Tompkins has since been poses zone changes to business in ess, brown, powdery metal, but roils that have been over-limed named U. S. Attorney for New the area, Mr. Van Allen said. Walter Burd the common borax, a compound have been found deficient in boron Jersey. "These resident property owij ontaining.this clement, has a va- This nutrient element leache The Governor had recommended 17 Elm Strwt Tel. We. 2-0155 liety of uses, one of tho most im- through the soil profile rapidly I hat all deputy attorneys general $60, payment to part-time county OTHER STORES: portant being a raw material in and on extremely deficient soi also be full-time state employes, some plant food mixtures. annual applications must be mad but the legislature voted to apply judges for services outside their SFMNGFIELD - CAIDWEU - HOOMFIELD Boron deficiency has been fourd The use of a complete plar^ the restriction only to the attorney respective counties. general. • Open Monday *Jil 9 P.|n. in apples, alfalfa, sugar beets, red food in the garden will preclude The, other permits the state to beets, cauliflower, cabbage, celHljv, ^tjie possibility of boron deficiene. Other bills signed by the Gover- refund overpayments of unemploy- nor include, two introduced by ment compensation contributions, State Senator Samuel L. Bodine, penalties and interest in lieu of / Flemington Republican. issuing overpayment certificates to 233 E. Broad Wwtfield 2-3180 One raises from $40 a day to be used on potential liabilities. At School or College the next best thing to a letter from home WHAT YOU MAKE,ft is the weekly visit of THE LEADER SPECIAL SCHQOl or COLLEGE RATE 2.00 FROM OPENING DATE UNTIL JUNE To maintain or increase tbe value of your home requires constant ettention to necessary repairs or improvements. Take eare of them Order NOW on this convenient order blank us they occur and you save major headaches later on.


S.nd THE LfADfR from. tips

StW *«!*••«„ If y«u're thinking of building or buying a home why net investigate the mortgage opportunities at Westfield A SAVINGS INSTITUTION • Federal Savings first? Page Fourteen THE WESTFIELD (K JV) JjEADER. THURSDAY field. Mr. Jones is married and ha. three children, one girl nnd two Smoke8 WlthE,^ . - , ^ ^^ sumlnnl Oil On. In Endowed with the S ]:•.-':••. bovs, who arc enrolled in the pub- of the Esso ytundurd Oil Co. winch m u member of tho ii.countmK Me* school system of Wosthuld. _moke through his ear« "M Esso Promotes includes Bnywny, Jiayonne and staff ut the Dillon HOURO Ki'tlm-ry San Francisco Calif * *>S1 thu Eafilo l'lunt in Jersey City. and traiiHfi-rru'l to Uuyway H>- Hustrating TV commer.i.r ' * With The Servicemen to prove that a certain Lamar Jones Mr. Jon. u luitivo of White flni-ry in VM» uaspecial nsrtistiinl ,.,„ „(,' Council of the Boy Scouts LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS Isn't just kind to the now raduiiteil from Louisi- l() t|,t, c,|,j,,f nccoiintniit. In Jnnu- ,,f Aim-lien; and is a member of ALWAYS BRING RESULTS .-It's kind to tho ear. u Lnmar Jones, 700 Clark street., nnu State University in lll.'ll with Hie Pivsbyt.rinn Chuirh in West- Graduate of Ordnance Airman Gil.lcrslecvc has been appointed chief nccount- Specialist Course Home on Leave

Pvt, Gerald Jaeger, son of Mr, Airman 3/c Koimld M. Gilder, and Mrs. B. Juegerof Scotch Plains sleeve, 18, «on of Mr. and Mrs, wns graduated Aup. 10 from the George Gllderalccve of'1985 W-Bt- Oi'dntinco Specialist Course at Ab- field avenue, Scotch Plains, i erdeen Proving Ground, Mil,, a» on Hpenini; a lG-dny leave at horn uutomotivc fuel und electrical sys- cftcr recently completing a cours< tem repairman. in jot und bomber mechanics al .ho Amurillo Air Force Base, Tex lie will report Aug. 28 to Barks- Charles Crunriall u'alo Air Force Base, La., to fnk; In Muditcrruncaii up duties as a jet aircraft me rhanic. BUDGET TERMS Navy Lt. Charles N. Ciandall, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Ciandall Checchio Given of 907 Embree crescent, is aboard FREE PARKING i. the antiaircraft cruiser USS lun- Real Leave in Japan can which recently visited the Med- iterranean port of Genoa, Italy. SCOTCH TLAINS—Sgt, Amer- Since tho Jnncau'i arrival in the ico N. Checchio, whose wife Rita Mediterranean in May 1053, she and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfons has made visits to several ports in Checchio, live at 581 Forest road, North Africa and France. recently spent five days in Japan on a rest and recuperation leave from Korea. Sergeant Chocchio is Fleishman Takes a member of Company B of thi Air Cadet Training 279th Infantry Regiment. Robert E. Fleishman, 22, son of Columbian League Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Fleishman of 420 East Dudley avenue, having Meets in Trenton ' successfully completed the initial phase of his aviation cadet train- An organization^ meeting o: ing program, has been graduated the Board of Governors of th from tho USAF Fre-Flight School, Columbian Leajrue of New Jersey Lackland Air Force Base, San An- was held Monday night at th tonio, Tex. Stacy Trent Hotel, Trenton. Dele- Having completed the 12-week gates from 21 New Jersey countle NOW IN PROGRESS! pro-flight course, he will enter the met and ratified a constitution. first flying training phases of the The objects of tho organization program at bases of the Flying arc to organize and encourage Training Air Force. American Citizens of Italian line- age to participate in local, state and national affairs of a political In Summer Training and civic nature; to promote gooi government; foster good citizen At New Bedford ship; to promote the cause of th Republican party and to cooperate , Capt. Eugene H. Remick of 1742with activities set up by the Florida street is among a group county, state and national chair- Wk PEREEQ of army reservists studying the men of the party. TO BE FULLY SOLD OUT TO THE BARE WALLS AT AH AVERAGE guided missile, during a two-weeks period, of summer training at Fort The League is an outgrowth o: Rodman, New Beford, Mass. the Columbian Citizens Committee • The Reservists, students in thefor Eisenhower which was active weekly Army Reserve school in in tho last presidential campaign. New Jersey Military District, trill George Fcrnicola of Westfield is complete their, training program tho Union County delegate. •t the Massachusetts installation, Sunday. Church Activities 30 LLAR 3 From Here In At First Baptist Summer Training Sunday: 9:50 a.m., worship in the First Congregational Church O_h iiVi FUKWITB Cadets Harry Q, Engen of 640Sermon by the Rev. Elbert E Dorian road, Edmund D. Lewis of Gates Jr. on the (subject, "The 757 Harding street, and Harry M. Man WJio Left Dinner.". Visitors c Montgomery Jr. of 240 Watchung and newcomers are cordially wel- SEUT" 478 ^ fork, are attending Air -Force Re- come. '•* •'•'-' "" , aerre Officer Training Corps supi- mer camp at Ethan Allen Air Wednesday: 8 p.m., Church BRAND Council, summer meeting: in the Force Base in Winooskl, Vt. NEW LIVING ROOM SUITES The cadets are among 200 col-chapel. Several important quea- leg* men in training at the Ver- 'tions will be discussed. BRAND NEW! mont base, headquarters of the ' Sunday: The regular fall and 517th Air Defense Group. Upon winter schedule of this church will MATTRESSES Hurt «r_ Kivnfl'r.rfs «l graduation from college, the Ca-be resumed, the pastor preaching Hum liKrady >l«iwi1 M tlw dets will receive reserve commis- at the morning worship service on -m 1 «HI Jf lw« wim. the subject, "The Importance of A & BOX SPRINGS Thty'ra fl«(iif M Brktl y«H sions as second lieutenants in the «r«»Mn'l _.!!•>• |».iiU.I Air Force. Chart." 169 Thwy'r. wvrth 4«-W* flndl to #249 ?•.-«-• la Newcomers who have arrived in lri,iU tfc-t- prioit Westfield during the Bummer and Clark Qualifies As $14 >24 • Tifnlrkn • Iniy Sty)* would like to affiliate with the Expert Marksman First Baptist Church may let this V.l. to $35 tat. to $49 • V.touri • [v.ty C»lir be known by contacting the church $ Private Earl R. Clark, IB, sonoffice any morning (Monday-Fri- day) between 9-12. $ 'of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Clark of • Ivtry Framt CwiV-iHiM-l 220 Jefferson avenue, recently fired 225 out of a possible 250 on 34 *49 »/.!•£_. • MODERN 248 349 the rifle range at Marine Corps V.l. to $59 V"|. Th. entitles Clark to wear the crossed •Mbht to •» Ik* Wrt vm4m •mrill 644 Brand New °^> rifles' medal of the expert marks- mt In • HlKfian W p«n.m> «i_ man. The new Leatherneck is a 1851 AUO nri BEDROOMS SCQ S1CQ graduate of Westfield High School MI OK mONI MM rim. .pi Tfc.y'r. AnHrk.'! and a former student at Amher-t Our udMtw ITA-MU try C-Mnhf. OMIM PIMSI College, where he was a member of H W V I W W Ni.r.1 Tripb. -Wkl. ««) the baieball team during the 1052 yw H-Hltm ntrm. THIS SALE IS FOR Vtlu- la $329 season. Clark was formerly em- THI PUIMC ONLY wiM. Iwyww h • «w» ployed by the Glass-Plastic Supply CORBY'S Co. ts a salesman. ENTERPRISE LAUNDRY AIL SALES FINAL Immw*. «.IOOO •nrfcMrf-Mfm. •249'349

- 325 BRAND NEW MNHK ROOMS ft DINETTES STUDW C0UCME5 Hurry! Hurrjl For better tetrctiori $

WPE4IMY IEOS trmm m • 4 • r « ^M_tan dirsma w Eterr One Brmttd Hem* 3? 10 w am HVI lots «f n.odoch.s—onrf » . ,, - #fc - j *^ ,t,,, S you y«_n sf -ompim HMC .™*** *••""««*» dieamttn land e» *44 78 hand, fhty , , y wendarfut new 9 v Otf OlAcr. up to $12$O mt i m n* dm,,. W.-v. b..n 35 y«,r_ ttt. __. t» $M9 wt uniMAirs -$HOI»,»T.HO»«- snviec. (_"• tndl* wdw rm. >=*o ke_< «*•»»>. «r AM AMHIT OOt tMNT PUM\ MOUNTAINSIDE STORE felfcSfonsQpMW«Mafsi_«.if NEWARK STORE w . a o_My j OAftT BWtNS SAU 47MARKETST< I *. «_ *• f t. M. HIGHWAY 22 tOTH STORES Of»EN Out? (•*»«•* S*«J Qpm, Woi^ fri. «, Jot fy^. K3MHB-IY » - At THf CltCtlf SUNDAYS 2 P. M. to 6 P. M. NEAK HANf SHEET TOE WE8TPIBLD-: m.-.M T.BAnBR. THURSDAY. AUGUST 20, 1958 Page Fifteen

ell to Increase S. Co. Supply •te / / / 5T^ Croon Brook ,1 with mi estimator.

*!*"!, it hns been reported. rcc of supplp y t"".)U^ considerably, ac- *ef.T"omP«ny executive, Mil not be sufficient to fitter/ ^i demand, on a

Tio.. which service. nion, nitics ction'of Eta- d a renr-collapSC une 27, leaving water pr«.ure s os long ns ten hours. *, for use of the new CORN fcleared Thursday after- Mr. nml Mr*. ('imitHllo 111 DoniHo/fitrmt'rly i.r IMnhiileUI, nn> now rr* n the Union County Park IT tUnrlrit F*. Mtirth through tin- < Ml Ire »n II, t'ln> I rhilrhKH. Inc., lit approved an agree- California * the Citv of Plainfield SEEDLESS ib. Meofhcwell. Under GRAPES board could not Louella Butter Plump, juicy, sweet t Enjoy them now at this special low price. the water com- Winner of over Lm I e Known Facts BOO prizes! Found Featured at all Acmes! Lk Winslow,• secretary-treas- Special this Print J J^ Ib. carton g ^M SH infield-Union, said all about your navy weekend only! ir . n. to be done legally ^ "ummation of eontr.et- FANCY WESTERN GLENDALE CLUB leement between the c6m- MISSOURI DRANK iy' d the city. Use of the WJ:1 158,000 CAILONS OF Ji to been approved by the OFFlt IN THE FISCAL VERR IQ9I . e Water Policy .Council. Cheese Slices * 29 e. Serve with ice cream for a double treat. ,Ld arid is ready lot use at . Colored American, Pimento, SWiss Blend Special this Week-end! ' ,rk will Mr. Winslow re> P ;t. rHe estimated it will t*k« $ "ore than a month to in- 1 7U »i. Provdlone Bdilard biscuits 2 pkH. e pumps, power connections Callfbrliia 1QC •rtrt a building at the site. *WHATM MATTER WITH MARTWICK ... Glendnle Club Cottaire ffisr • •• • 1 ffor we of the Plajnfleld ...•UN lAflN' FOOD AGIN??" ' Prlntut OK-ar. AQZ Valencia Dozen Grated •ullta 33d Mat^arihe 39' I hive been prepared dur.ng Kllchcn Jir Wi, Ib. * »kl>. ***' tottn 20(5 Blu< Bannit 9Q,< Richer juice! Popular size. An Acme week-end feature at this e ye»rS of negotiatmn With Gruyere Mftfgarine •/«••, Ib .ntUi i!TV- city »nd park coinmissioh, Mr. * special loW price] wss £Z well wBl .dd1 approx- i2m c n e BALA CLUB itely 7 Per cent to the com- Genuine Spring J P«3ent water sources, Spam - " 43 Lh total about 14,000,000 to 0000,000 gallons a day. The The Miracle Meat! lb. Beverages II ws capped by'Plamneld in Legs Lamb 59 U, but never had been used All C rim ton For that reason, the 6Q0,- Varieties Bottles 0ACH MARINE GOING D t-rallon-a-day estimate may OVERSEAS MUST. BE , :ve to be either generous or too EUEL AT SEA, A, Miracle Whip Oven-Rtady legs Lamb M>. 69C COMMON PRACtltt FOR NAVIV INITIALLY ACCOMPANIED BY jiservative. SHIPS UNDERW4.V, WAS FIRST SIX MEASUREMENT TONS OP Tender, tasty genuine spring lamb sure hits the spot! GetYovrFavoriteBJG LEAGUE" hi any rate, Mr. Winslow saj.l ACCOMPLISHED IN 10.13. 'SUPPLIES »NO IQUIPMENT Salaalad DressinDressii g A"FC newest source will not sorte Quart Jar II At all Acmes 1 , company's problems. Because Baseball Cap the rapid growth of the area for •rid 2 bottle cap* from Ld by Plainfteld-Union, addi- Fined $13 were Jane Townlej' only BALA CLUB Beverage*! jnal sources must be found to 15 Given Fines Stephen of 1936 Rita terrace, COOKIES. CMCKEBS, ETC. C 50 Legs & Rump. 11 49 A |l.25 value 1 Simply null coupon from lop f\y«r the demands on days sufh In Traffic Court ScotcH Plains; Ralph L. Burrison, Oxford Creaiim ?.VJi".w. 29c of Bala Club IwvernKON with M)« and i bottle of 426 East Broad street, West- [June 27. Protrala NAB1800 caps from Bala Club. :h( Pluinfield Area Water Sup- field; Donald Pearson Heller, Serve delicious, flavorful veal for a change this week-end! FANWOOD — Fifteen persons rretzem >u> Twin BUNIWNC Comaiittee, composed of com- Cranford; Ellis H. Franklin Jr., Hi-Ho Cracker B s BEVERAGES were fined before Magistrate Cranford. l«.«i. «k|. Lliesiervfced by the company, BllMSHINE 35c J cilUti for the establishment -havles N. Thorn in Fanwood Mu- Sttper,C0Ql*,,'.....S.SSU. 3 .".i 20« ieipal Court tyonday night. Fined $8 for paising-thti tk Chocks' 39c Bacon '""* a ttotige ritervoir. A» a result stop street were Frederick del- Super Cool. 3 !'.;•/ 2»e 'Pitied $18 for speeding were Loin 99c Liverwurst I the June 27 incident,- the Stato nero, 228 Westfield road, Scotch Look Wltot 25c Will Buy! Royal Crown cotA -7c £,". ard of Public Utility Commis- Benjamin Nusbaum, Plainfield: lawrence B, Raff, Cranford; Alex- Plains, and Kichard J. buesclicl, 89c Midget Salami ners ordered the company to Plainfield. Cherries BBSS.-*,™ 25c Hires Root Beer 6 L,t";, 37cS,V. under Scott of 609 Central avenue, DEL MONTE «=„ L v cl 85c Fresh Frosted Fish by Sept 3 a report demon- lUl Shoulder "* "*" Westfleld; Seymour Schwartz, Pruit Cocktail ll-oi. can * ' COfPtE, TEA iting its ability to provide ado- t k Elizabeth; Donald J. Edmondo of Breast" *" Itl 15c Cod Billet HIDItlM UK, late sources of water and to pre- 2S?-26e Asco Coffee Ik. klf W* B46 Boulevard avenue, Westfleld j rirai Co»l Miner or n pt future service interruptions. Beef """' ** * 39c Scallops Zl'. • IID Oi- Clifford D. McGlendon, Cranford; Although the ' American whit* Green Giant Peas 2:;!,', 25c Wincrest Coffee Ib. >u B*C William P. fciaenbach, Plainftekl; man first mined coal In Virginia in Liver OiMl" VM| Haddock 1 ITIONO »•••»« rwUi' ate Ideal Spaghetti 'S.I«r" 2nJS " 25c Ideal Coffee ir Association Plans Albert C. Gale, North Plainfteld; 1700, the Hopi Indians In New Mex- ri*m can Arthur D. Prink, South Bound ico were using coal to bake their Tomato iuice ESS!1 2£r 25c onmt MM »»*. «'C »»».»«"• x Education Drive Brook. .'.'••'' tottery fiva to six centuries earlier. PJWTfeT MttDS Peanut flutter SSSR \S 25c BAKERY VALUES! A State fiar Association com- Macaroni Creole Mentien 2 *'": 23c Facial tissues "lMC"s 2ffft 25c is planning an intensive Virginia Lee Special! Spanish Rice Mennera 2 Oftn»'*i. 23« Dgram to bring lawyers of the Speedup Cleanser 3 ,i,V 25c C Milan'! Its up to date on federal tax Chopped Beef Wl . tin MISCELLANEOUS Filbert Ginger Layer 35 ChaeoUU frlKort 19-01. Milk Amtliricr Pirns for a tax information 4 3/1 •(. Regularly ,39c! *Tangy Ringer cake topped with a filbert »i«, with teams of lawyers who Pickles VL%* 10c BANANA buttercream icing and filbert pieces. Kanana ri.AKES Kinlize in that tield speaking Kvap. Milk 25c lore local meetings of attorneys, Virginia Lee Cocoanut Rice Puffs odtn 2 ;;„•.. 23c 31c HEAL *• ••« fe announced today by Norman Peaches If, Wheat Puffs liOLU HEAL Sihlesinger, Newark, attorney 17-n. 4 ... >kf Ideal Peas 2 eana 37c Macaroon Cup Cakes Shredded Wheat ,*..,. certificated public accountant 2HI-JI. 35c 0 has been appointed chairman Ideal Peas caiu 3 • N TOURUtS the State Bar Association's 211-u. Regularly 36e Tempting, tasty macaroons and oven-fre«h Ideal Peas 39c cake. Featured at all Acmes this week-end. Serve with On Sale In Stores Selling Tolletriei iral taxation committee. The Ballla | pointment was made by Edward Charms Assorted Pops 2> Pali* Shoe E&"'' Pa"<> Shop Eber', Pali} Ivory Soap SIM " STRAWBERRIES ort to keep attorneys of the e Brono Seltzer IV1" 57t ™ posted on the aew rules, We Ivory Soap •4 IDKAI, CONCENTRATED p "be serving the interests of the toilet Tbiue 2 El" Phillips S£8J!12m». 48c ™c, which turns to the legal ORANGE JUICE 2- 33'Hhimnnn WOODBI«T »e,ni«t ai.M 'fesion for counsel in such »»t- -Rdmiit Comlorf Seabrook Broccoli Spears »«25c and county facers' CoMef SPECIAL! Chicken Ala King Inn JE " 5fte P»ps who wish to hear speaker* Oft Fridays W 9 PM- Weral taxation may arrange Idea! Lemonade Roslosee Patterpanarn ^ ^ 1 appearances by contacting Seabrook Mixed Vegetables * 'esinger at 60 Park place, SLMMER FlRXITlRE 21c PrkesEffettivetkniUt.Aut.22 Covered *f Seabrook Cut Corn •oincidient witn Mr. SeWeSing- LOWEST PRICES! "••29c pointment, Mi-; Cfurry *«- Casserole Libby's Melon Balls I the designation of David • I OfM «f ItW Larftfsf t OUTDOOI Summ.r I Ideal French Pries larold Kamens, Francis X. i fe 35c I FurnitorF * DicplayDil s iin thh« faif t I I| 93.00 Value! While supply laatst nek, Samuel S. Sttrr and Downyflake Waffles an Widmark, all Newark This week only! «s memBers of ttie As • Oymi DM Q Umbntlos ns federal taxation com • Wrought Iron Q Hammocks Q Choirs • Aluminum D Gliders Wilsons Mazola Oil Martinson's Camay Soap Blue Cheer £] Rockers • ToWei • ChoiMs * [J Outdoor Grills Q lamps • Sond Bo««s nUKwrf JMMr^ar »w •** 37c isiu. 69c i°,g- Instant 3 -ir 22c • Redwood Q Swings Q Porch Shades • Rattan • Picnic Outfits • Swings » «2.09 Coffee £' 5tc 2-$, 21c MOR -r 47c Sstad 6U * Llqnia Shortenlnf Q Weather Vanes D Sird Baths • Sun Balls Q Marquest • Park Benches Sunkist Kingsford MAM Spic & Spam DUZ

Cash and Carry Concentrate Corn Starch Tl* Minth (hmer IS! IS 2tc THIS SUNDAY SoveJ You Money! For U»MM« 2 *••* 3IC 53S, l^c Chocolate ** 25c £3*. 23c ^%*K,*e 65c lAtOM'S rf You Can't GK It Into Yoor Car - We'll Deliver. • A. *. ., • y. «. R & R Lava Soapc<*'. l(te Ivory Snow OXYDOL PATIO f TIDE Boned Chicken if 73c Boy 3 Lava, Mail in box fronts Save $1.00! Get 3 quikut steak gpi*. 29e r to P. H G. and get coupon for C Chicken a la King ZT 53c knives for 5f Vorlh Itratirh, 111-** nmv livlnjf In thrlr ttvw IHMIH* nt 7-11 K»ilir rrc KCPIII, rpfrntly imrrhnMdl COLLEGE INN COCKTAIL frttm Mr. un.» 29c addition. ' about your navy Cans low price Two recipes frequently request- 10 KITCHEN CHARM HEAVY ed are given below. Others are found in the extension service bul- THE NAVY NOW HAS A 125-ft. Jetin "Pickle and Relish Recipes" VACCINE THAT WILL IN00ULATE AGAINST WAX PAPER. . roll which may be had by writing lo TETANUS AND DIPHTHERIA the Home Economics Extenstcn AT THE SAME TIME. Office, Court House, Elizabeth. , LAMB LEGS PETA1 SOFT MUSTARD PICKLES 2 quarts green tomatoes GENUINE SPRING 1 cauliflower TOILET TISSUE. 2- 23c 2 quarts green pepper Tender Meated, juicy—brimming with C 2 quarts onions all the delicate flavor of genuine spring Wash, cut in small pieces and cover with 1 quart water and % lamb. It's the delicious, dependable lamb Ib. cup salt. Let stand 1 hour, bring you've learned to expect at KINGS. 59 lo the boiling point and drain. Mix PIRATE, MASCOT PUPPY 'A pound mustard, 1 cup of flour, OF THE NAVY DESTROYER BIRDStvr 4 cups of corn syrup and vinegar USS CARPENTER, H to make a thin paste. Add this SPICED—SLICED CHILLED TONGUE paste to 2 quarts of vinegar and FROSTID .cook until thick, stir constantly to Ramava wrapping from tmolcad tengut. Cevar prevent burning. Add vegetables, LUNCHEON tongut with water and bring to a bail. Raduca IALLOONS FREE WIVITEACH PURCHASE OF trail 16 minutes and seal in jars.' h»ot and ilmrntr gtntly for SO minutit ptr pound •VELLOW TOMATO PRESERVE or until tandar. Ramova tongua from cooking BIRDS EYE —WHILE THEY LAST 2 quarts small yellow tomatoes MEAT watar, skin and raturn to watar until cool. Rafrig- IIRDS EYE 1 lemon Vi Ib. 33 arata until raady to slica and tarv*. 5 cups sugar % teaspoon salt SMOKED SHORT CUT a- PEAS 4 tablespoon^ ginger root Click, Mr. Joe, the 15c or candied ginger IIRDS EYE WHIPPED rover the tomatoes with boiling FLIT BEEF TOfieUES..' 49c water. Let stand until the skins may be easily removed. Peel and POTATOES .. .add sugar and salt. Simmer for -29c -49c Delicioutly Fnth 17c 40 minutes. Add the lemon, cut Cora flakes or graham crackers Sponge Caka California IIRDS EYE SLICED into thin slices or shreds and the crushed (by rolllne In waxed paper A rich, brown crust on sponft WARREN HULL (finger cut into small pieces. Cook under • rolling pin), with melted cake is easy to get If powdered Sllftrl for 10 minutes. Pour into steri- butter added, can be pressed to line sugar is sprinkled over tba top ••STRIKE II RICH" lized jars and seal. pie pan for a tasty crust. before baking. fumowTV STRAWBERRIES. ind BUDIO Shw GRAPES. 19c '•*•• 25c IIRDS EYE ORANGE JUICE. cms PLUMS , • %. 4. 4 79c IIRDS EYE SWEET POTATOES LEMONADE .. 4ca"* 73c IIRDS EYE _ 21*25' CHICKEN BREAST 99c CUKES «ack 9C «nti> fv C PASCAL—Large Stalk KRAFT "WITH HOLES" SKIRTQQ Va-lb. SWISS CHEESE. • Phi- 39c WITHOUT PlIATI ^i^a^l ^i^a^P KAUTiFUUY CLIANED AND PRESSED ^^j^T ^f^T FREE 89c PARKAY• •. •' SPACE MAN MARGARINE . leech-Nut 29c With Carton UMO'ldkM KRAFT SLICED ART FAIR OF p|r/^ MltOMICtOtY MM Baby Foods STRAINED JAMS MILK MliENSTER CHEESE.X 39c CURTAINS 79 •RSAKSTONI CLEANED .«d FINISHED 5 *•» 49c 2-25c COnAGE CHEESE .".£.-19c SALADA ««*H AMIIIICAN AND rIMINTO TEA BAGS SLICED CHEESE "* •ass POTATO CHIPS 35c frtt! Gutsf Sizt with IS - 21c PHILADELPHIA Purchatm of ktgular S/n -56c 9-ti. Iff 47c CREAM CHEESE . 2^ 29c «IE LA CHOY IOOKLET •IXCILSIOR. '"""i Arts mni Scercrs of BEEF STEMS »nnio ,«.."AU VEIL CUTLIT. ., . * m • lie •EEF STEMS. , . 36c 6NEESEIHRIER . .


NO EXTRA CHARGE "MIKE" 223 NORTH AVENUE * r "ir.uus W1STF1IID y 6f fQRf MO. WIN THE Pork in the Station PUna Sunkist California BHtD5 EYE Mr. Joe Pays Matar Chars* WO NORTH AW,«.«„.•] LEMON JUICE SALES Store Hours - 7:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. '"' 2 CONTEST THE WESTPIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1958 Seven* KOOS BROS. m£o t/Jed TIL 9.30

Weekday! & Saturdays

sale 59.95 CS.9S

i W. TIMBERBAKE At this startlingly low price you'd expect a sofa and nothing more! And with these sweeping, W' slung lines there's no reason to believe this is or Timberlake anything BUT a sofa! But, whisk off the peggedin backrest and in seconds yon have a super-comfortable 6-foot bed. Built to keep its [50 Years seating ease and sleeping comfort through steady 24-hour use with Texlite rubberized hair nnd felt filling... firm spring edge ... kiln dried frame* i iv Timberlake, of 253 street, was feted at a ... full coil spring construction. And look! The maker used biscuit tuft- C given last week by offl- ing with welting for that extra air of luxury. Tweed fabrics in brown, Kthe U. S. Playing Card Co. persimmon, grey, or lime. • York, to celebrate the 50th ,!ry of his joining the bir Before his retirement I years ago, Mr. Timberlake 14 a gales representative for Kj He at one time opened nch of the card company City, but was shortly to recalled to the main •ill New York. liraierous letters and notes of i tiation received by Mr. Tim- lt, he was cited for his many •buttons and years of service T» of the "distinguished group [der statesmen of the com- •Jv; I native Virginian who has I in VVestfield over 40 years, fiobcrlake is a member of the yterian Church, the Old J and lAtlas Lodge, Corin- | Chapter of Maions. He is iwner of a private collection (d, rare playing cards, num- ; over 400 packs. LOOP-TWIST RUCS! [0 Cite Jersey

lety Record V-'

lENTON—New Jersey Thurs- 8x12 •(*• Ireteived two awards for its 29.95 ] on traffic safety — from the can Automobile Association 11 Institute of Traffic Engi- Koos takes the floor.. .to show off these deep-pile, 9x12 cotton twist brpadloom rugs! Fine loop-twisted rugs with features you homemakeri wards w»re presented to Priscoll «t the Stite will find more precious than gold! Just look ... they're washable and

,-^^si^ft^t**. tlieit backs are Iatexrco»ted to hug the. flapr, prevaU^ • '* * skidding . . . and they resist moths! But the moat appealing news of I Conn., presented" an achieve- 1 amrd from the Institute of all is that their price is a fabulously tiny 29.95! Colors are lush . . . Jc Engineers. New Jersey, won cloud-grey, hunter-green, autumn-brown, Nassau-beige, and apple* •ward by tying with Connecti- green. Ior flrst place in the institute's 'X I northeast region traffic safety

1st. . s [dd said New Jersey ranked -••2 . v'V ^ /••» •"•.•' )h among the 48 states in traf- f fety accomplishments during

>yd Hughes \>i Paterson pre- ^ tew Jersey an award for -•ng second place in the East- |I!ejion8l Pedestrian Protec- •"ontest of the American Auto- e Association. Hughes is sec- .y of the New Jersey Council ?A'- LUCKY PURCHASE! •mefican Automobile Associa- •Clubs. , oil, in accepting the fos, lauded the work of state TALL "INDIVIDUAL" LAMPS '•'nifnts and local police

(he Republicans are lemming I the Democrats have come % to realize before: The mstth ahmttl fnnient has grown so large it 6.88 post unmanageable. . . There I old saying that enemies never » conquer China: theyare in absorbed by it. So it is, it These h«ndiome Koot limps look anything but this tiny 6.88 price 1 They're tall limps , . . •

36.95 tote *r fall Bees MMKrest shopping? Then yonil be interested! We've lopped dolI«M right off Simmons wonderful 59.50 mattress. In fact you'll see )ERMOOEN the 59.50 price tag stUl on the label! Each mattress ha» Simmon* scientifically engineered steel innerspring unit plus their famou* n*n- iagpre-oailt border (taped all around for extra strength). Handsome grey and Kmc-striped ticking; air vents and handles. Twin ot full ske. >ISON IVY Als* 59.50 matching box springs, 36.95.

• BUDGET TERMS IV* ITED Tmke up to 18 months t* WotJARVIS TRY KOOS DEJL1CIOLS LUP CHEOBIS & UL\3»tHS StUVtll IIALLY Tim WESTFmp by Robert Osborn of $27.69 followed by Vi) Kssex County, Koses should Bntcrci) »l the Po«t OfTlet at WeBlfleld, K. J., $20.83; (4) Hudson County, $26.07; more this year. «# Bed Clans Mutter. (5) Ocean County, $23.10; (G) Cape and healthy Koin/ by Tto* WeMlidi) Irfoaci Printing'and Putillnhlnv 5>y keeping them dl COIJ'PBIij', At) Jn£(.pf*tl(lent NcwBpajifr. May County, $20.79 ; (7) Bergen County, rtcV-free and Official J'Hpi-r f'>r (he Town (if WwtnVId »nd and south to Arkansas and Honda BffTOUgli of Mbunlnlimltli-. $19.44; (8) Somerset County, 517.52; of moisture ftubat'rllHi'iM |£ »u u y*"ar In udviinee. nmi to TOtne "tent into Missis- "g (9) Middles, x County, $10.52; (JO) JV-s- sippi. Another form, which » a SepteJnber. KMatiHflied 18H0. SHif County, ?1C.O5; (11) Union County, [ Office: tO Klin Ktrcvt. WM>1(1*I0. N. J. Turtlcheod SI4.34: (12) Atlantic County, $14.11; Ctv« Nalicmol Wildlif. ftdwclion Tel. WE. 1-4407 — WE. J-«(08 {VA) Mercer County, $13.64; (14) Mor- Qualttr WeekllM of New J«»f ris County, ?12.03; (15) Warren Coun- Tiirtlcbcad Is ty, $C97; (16) Burlinirion County, National Kdjtorlul .Aj-noelutlon Relatively Rare NATIONAL IOITOR1AL $C65; (17) Cumberland County, $4.89; (18) Sussex County, $1.49, and Glouces- Here is one^T^r vtid flowers ter, Hunterdoji and Salem Counties, th«t field naturalists like to find. I: h rarely abundant and within ?0.00. its range it is common enough so that in one form or another it may The report on indebtedness is from a "What is'the best way t forthcoming summary of county finances be found now and then on almost any field trip at any time of U.e finance a far? THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1953 which the New Jersey Taxpayers Asso- year. Of course, the plant in wu> ciation issues annually for the informa- ter looks little like the attractive I'yefound the Fight Polio. Give! tion of taxpayers. The reports are based plant of late summer and fall. upon official figures filed with the state The turtlehead is well name! Polio played a game of numbers with probablj' from the remote resem- the best by far — human lives in 1952. In its most savage Department of Local Government and in- blance of the flower to a turtles attack of all lime, the disease swept clude debt authorized but not issued as head. It also goes under suen well as actual borrowings. names as balmony, snakehead, ga- down upon the nation and made statis- lane or tete de tortue. The fact tics of people. Week after week, in I* Ml J* that it has been given so many countless communities, public interest common names might indicate that ^ Understatement of the Century it has been sufficiently attractive •was focused grimly upon numbers—the It's a strange but true fact that the to be given a name by persons significant numbers which summed up in establishment of the petroleum industry other than botanists. Since the cold, simple terms the full extent of was delayed in the spring of 1855 until /lower is hot edible, has no recog- Low over-all cost and time polio's ravages. nized medicinal flavoring, poison- hard-pressed promoters could produce ous or other practical values it to repay— This year, the nation's polio figures the wherewithal to pay a bill amounting oiust rely on its beauty for what- are slightly behind those recorded up to ever place it may have ia nature s to §526.08, This was the fee charged for hall of fame. Finance your car the BANK (his time last year. But already West- the first thorough scientific analysis of field has listed five little victims of the "rocjc oil". The favorable report was the Its beauty, if it has any, is not AUTO LOAN way!" disease. Despite the national figures, lo- Mori (raffle occMwdt hapfwn to drivmr* who think blatant. It has no Bpectacular fra- decisive factor in building the confidence •cciUtit 6 year to the March of Dimes. Our fight Now 100 years later the courage and turn" . . . "not the slightest prob- rareness that we like the thing. vision of these early oil pioneers, who lem in the building of the 2O0-acre here at home Is far from over. Perhaps golf course in the park (Ash Turtlehead grows m wet spoU WKTHttD - CRANFORD - SCOTCH PLAINS - next year through the help of your con- because there was a chance for .profit he Mail Brook) were packs of savage wild such as the banks of swamps and risked everything they had in the devel- marshes and it is not uncommon in tributions, polio cases will drop to on ieldT" W their""!obbying, the, dogs that roamed the cleared lands. unprecedented low. Your March of opment of a new and almost unknown lave forced a Town Council t ... the dogs, which usually hunted the little eddies along the edge of substance, can be fully appreciated. Oil tct the proposal for establish in packs of five or six, stole piss a brook. It grows to a height of Dimes contribution is winning the fight from nearby farms and had virtu- up to three feet, which is tell against polio. has become so much a part of our mod-' ally wiped out wild life in the paik enough to get the flowers high era way of life that a country's living Credit Where area." enough to be seen among the usual m *» », standards can be accurately judged by Cretlil b Due Having had both cats and dogs associated plants. The stems are Freeze the Social Security Tax as pets 1 can understand both Eides angled and smooth. The leaves are PHOTOSTATS the amount of petroleum products which of the problem. And as a resident smooth, bright green, to six inches The President, in his budget message, its citizens use. Americans use more oil Editor, trader: long, with well-toothed margins Bald thjftt the increase in the social se- I was very much interested in of Westfield for over 15 years, I than any other people in the world, To vour lead editorial of Aug. 13 can freely state again, that while and short sterna if any stems are SAME DAY SERVICE curity levy, which under the present law keep ahead of the demand placed upon pointing out how last the residents dogs are licensed they are by no present. The leaves are opposite mean* controlled. I have observed, and more or less uniform in sizo will go Into effect on the first of next it, the U. S. oil industry jn the seven-year of Westfield got action -with re- from the lower to the upper por- year, should be postponed- The Increase spect to the removal of the two from three different locations in period, 1946-52, has made capital ex- a two percent. It would, therefore, amount chemical plants, etc., amounting to some Immediate action they did re- owner-pest has recently moved to an automatic Jump in, the income taxtsB teive, and your lovely "homo pink, crimson or sometimes a blu- ?15,000,000,OQO. town" is to be commended for trie into our comparatively newry de- ish color. Sometimes it is more of all the millions of people under social civic enterprise and aesthetic con- veloped section . , . they iutfn Up (treenish white and-white than «s - security, „., , .. The chemist who first analyzed the sciousness of it* citizens. as sure ag frost and beetles. ,.,-.• | suggested above. The upper lip of Titusville "rock oil" made the under- At the present time we have one the flower overlaps the under lip The ense for freezing the tax rate i* But, lest the last paragraph of Slaniese kitten, and I would be for a short distance but the whole HENRY P. TOWNSEND A very strong one. Social security re- statement of the century when he cau- >our editorial leave the impression glad to halo him with licenses if flower is rarely over one and n serves urn onormouB — some f 18,000,,- tiously said that there was "much ground i hat the railroad had to be "Bold" tho town fathers' could hang some- half inches long. The stems remain AGENT ALLIED VAN LINES, INC] for encouragement" that "rock oil" was on the removal of thiwe sinus, or thing heavier than a halo around erect through the winter, holding 000,000. And annual collections arc run- ;n any way opposed the request, let tho necks of thoughtless dog own- the capsules that bear the seed*. LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVftS a raw material from which valuable me hasten to point out that we not ning greatly in excess of benefit pay- When the flower is in bloom It products could be manufactured. only ware "ready and willing" to J. II. SELTZER. STORAGE WAREHOUSES ments and expenses. lemove them from that location, may be visited by the Baltimore Moreover, few believe that the present m m m hut that it has always been our checkeispot butterfly, whose cater- 241 North Av*. WtttfMd,Ni pillars are reported to be depend- nodal Micurlly set-up is sound and equit- Other Papers Say: intention to preserve the attrac- tiveness and dignity of the Plaza Family Life Today ent wholly upon this plant aa a VML 34444 i able. The Houa«> Ways nnd Means Com- Death-Trap Ice Boxes urea to the extent that we might source of food. - CRAlttM - mittee bus established u »ub-committr>o Through n coincidence, 11 chifdren be concerned, PHYLUS PAGE BHADSHAW Turtlehead ranges from New- I to make an exhaustive study of the entire lost their lives last week in three aban- Thus the Jersey Central, too, Specialist In Human ^c/«fiotis social security nyHtem—~a matter which likes to feel that in a sense it is Rutgers, the Stvte University doned ice box tragedies within a matter '•taking1 a part in the life of the will take considerable time. Other au- of hourg. 'The three mishaps were not community" and helping to watch SITTING STILL thoritative non-governmental studies connected in any way, one happening out for Itn best interests. Have you been annoyed lately by have been started, including at least one near Richmond, Va.; the second on a Your leaders may be interested youngsters running up and down which seeks \vuyn for putting social se- lc know that the advertising com- the aisles of a train? Perhaps farm in Arkansas and the third on a pany (not to be confused with the you've wondered why they can't sit curity on a pay-as-we-go basis. dump in Haverhill, Mass. advertisers, who of course had still like other people, The others . In the light of all this—to say nothing nothing to do with the matter) has you have in mind are usually ad- It is high time something was done been notified that their license for ults, And children aren't amall size of the fact that the administration is this location has been cancelled adulta. pledged to eventual tax reduction, not about these old, discarded death-traps which are so frequently found in fieldf and that the posters must be re- It's almost a physical impossi- tax lncreftges-~the levy should be frozen. Moved as quickly as postible but bility for normal, healthy children The danger HBB in the fact that, simply and dumps. It is difficult to understand In no event after Sept. 10, to be still for more than a few min- through inaction on the part of Congress, why so many of them are permitted to ROBERT L. BARBOUR. utes. Moat adults are usually glad remain in cellars, sheds and elsewhere of a chance to sit down and be . the automatic provision of the present Cats, Dogtt and Noise quiet for a while, but not young- law will be allowed to become operative about the premises where young children sters. They have a terrific amount play. of energy which mu»t be worked and all of us will suffer another tax bite. Editor, Leader: off through physical activity. Here's a case where only specific Con- If the police, health officials, public In the July 30 issue of the Sitting still i» almost torture to works departments and other municiptl "Leader", a letter was published groaxional action to change the law enn under the title, "The Eternal Cat". a youngster. AdultB may admire . do a needed job. employes would make a gurvey of their the "quiet, well-behaved child," but The writer mentioned, "Our dogs "when a child is quiet for very long, » M i« respective communities a/id demolish are licensed and controlled, but our neighbors dear darling little there's usually something wrong. County Debt Picture these old ice-boxes they would be ren- He may be sick, or he may be shy dering a fine public service. Ordinances pussy cot is allowed to run wild, and afraid. The parents who make While overall county debt in New Jer- destroying gardens and property, their children sit still are forcing sey remained fairly ronatnnt between making it a violation to have such old ice as wMl as doing untold damage in boxes on one's property should be one thi> destruction of nesting and them into unnatural behavior. 1048 and 1952, at a total of more than 1 Children don't have to ran wild means of putting an end to this never- younj? of birds, * 96 million dollars, 11 of the state's 21 The dogs surely are licensed as anywhere and anytime. Maybe counties increased their indebtedness by ending chain of suffocation fatalities, stated. Hut are they "controlled"? those youngsters running up and In the same edition of the "Lead- down tho train are too boisterous. more than eight million dollar* and eight Four brothers, ranging in age from er", a fonturnd news item was pub- If somebody would play a few showed declines totalling nearly 8'^ four to nine, and their two-year-old sister games with them, they would prob- ably quiet down. Even ao, they million dollars during the period. were tlje victims in the farmyard acci- would have a pretty hard time Gloucester County, which had ft 80 dent in Arkansas, the ice box tomb in L'NES EU SOGLOW sitting still for long. It's too much thousand dollar debt in 1948, waa in the this case having been a large affair that to expect. Youngsters- tire of look- had at one time been used to keep soft ing out the train windows. They debt free column in 1952 along with get bored, restless and consequently Salem and Hunterdon Counties which re- drinks cool in ft nearby country ston. irritable. A large supply of diver- ported no debt either year. The second case involved three brothers sions are needpd to make travel and a fourth playmate. T>ie parents were comfortable. Counting the cows or Greatest eViBiiKe in county debt posi- red houses is good for a while. But tion between 1918 and 1962 was re- employed in a nearby Virginia veterans' whf-n the children tire of this, the ported by Hudson with a reduction of hospital. wise parent will have something more than 4' » million dollars in its total. After the third box had given up its else ready to occupy their time. Bergen County reported the largest in two victims on the Haverhill dump it wag crease during the period—21,4 million smashed to bits, but too late. If like USE LEADER CLASSIFIEDS dollars. treatment were Riven other old boxes TO BUY OR SELL Greatest total indebtedness on Decem. many future tragedies could be averted. Nol many ol us have that much. That's why savings are b#r 81, 1052; was reported by Essex Vl^'M wo*'" nuke d M—«•*!„, —FlainfieM Courier-News. will. Whatever you warn In the fit- so important especially when the money you save dlravs . County, with more than 24 million dol- I'1™ ~ »'"» Mivinn for it loduy lh« dividends. Don't let VOUR money go up in smoke. lars, followed by Hudson County, with Being an American and aware of our VX Suvlng, Bond way. Jom ,\,t rnyroll *i«vinf Plan whrrc yo,, W€M.|,, Come in now to start saving. n«arly 17 million dollars, and BprjitPi American privileges we don't like the Invent in t nilrstigratin(r committees living. Bonds run* no rink of htmtt nd Afidren amauim-il i-> due t» market IWriuition.. Pijaci- * I - I I II I II has been quite the opposite.—Hew Or- p*l n>4 intern* an (fuaranteed to Second leans, La., Herald. in l«m»ury. _THE WESTPIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1953 Page Nineteen to any benefits, whilo others re- ceived compensation foe only one bless Pay week of unemployment. Job Security Playing The Cards Thg agency's State Employment Seeing is Relieving Decreases Service increased its job place- Staff Is Cut By ALEXANDER SPENCER ments, fillinu 15,117 non-agricul- IN A CERTAIN tural orders compared with 15,043 INDUSTRIAL Patricia Larsen writes: "Re- in June. The active file of job ap- TRENTON—Tho Now Jersey cently at a duplicate game, I over- "fourth successive PLANT, WORKERS plicants totalled 65,917 nt the close Division el Employment Security WHO&E VISION heard a reference to the 'Missis- of July ngainst 58,788 for the pre- Friday paid off 60 of ita employes 1 MAKE THE and another 650 may be dropped WAS UP TO sippi Heart Hand, which nindo the vious month. Job orders listed by STANDARD second time I had read or heard employers numbered 1C,1BG as of from the payroll as a result of of it, but I can't iind it in the BANK COME July 31. cuts in the federal budget. EARNEP *6.58 few bridge books I have. If there The state-operated and feder- MORE PER WEEK is such a hand, what is it? Temporary disability insurance ally financed agency, which handles THAN THOSE WITH TO YOU! payments made under the state's SUBSTANPARD "Also, I would like to know what systems in July totalled $827,803. unemployment insurance and em- you think of using points for valu- , on its activities dur- ployment service, asked for $7,- VISION, REPORTS ing a hand at no-trump and for ic Division of Employ- 498,000 in salaries for the current THE BETTER suit-bidding." Jty said with plant "Although the nation's atomii: fiscal year ending June 30, 19E4. VISION INSTITUTE, „ for vacation purposes program appears to be advancing The Federal Bureau of Employ- The Mississippi, Heart Hand is an ?1 seasonal peak, the vol-satisfactorily its full potential can- ment Security advised the state it THE DISCOVERY OF LENSES old, old-timer, Pat, and probably ineropl»yn'ent insurance not be achieved until a way is will receive about $6,000,000. IS OFTEN CREPITEP TO you don't own any old books on found to (five private industry, THIS MONK, WHO WAS THE auction bridge, where you would rose to 58,500 an In- Tho initial layoffs included sea- Iind it. It'ij purely a trick hand and I H 000 over June. How- with its vast research facilities arid son assistants, local office nssist- FIRST TO DESCRIBE CONVEX When you don't want to call production knowledge, a greater was supposedly used by the gamb- , to the short duration of ants and other temporary clerical LENSES AS A WEANS OF lers on the boats plying the Missis- . it the bank, you can bring it I, of unemployment many role than the present law makes employees, the division said. CORRECTING PRESBYOPIA possible."—Newark "News". sippi to fleece the unsuspecting did not become entitled Besides cuts in personnel, the di- (PROBABLY IN 1276). lambs. After losing moderately to as close lo you as your nearest vision expects budget cuts for re- the intended victim, one of tho mail box through banking by mail. pairs and alterations* travel and three gamblers would suggest that The "pen and paper" method i* communications. WITH ADVANCING the stakes be raised sharply, and WATERPROOFING CELLARS Tho federal appropriations act AGE, WE EXPERIENCE the lamb would consent. Then one especially handy when the weather made no funds available for salary A REDUCTION IN VISUAL of the three sharpers would stack is bad, or you are unusually busy.J Thoro-Seal System increases. The state agency is con- the deck while "shuffling" (and fronted with the choice of either ACUITY A DECREASE don't bet it can't be done!), and rescinding increases which were IN OUR FIELD OF this deal would come up: We invite you to use our allocated to its employes July 1, VISION, LOWERED and Clearing and Rough Grading SPEED OF PARK NORTH ' banking by mail facilities. along with other state employes, A x x x x x or attempting to absorb the in- ADAPTATION, AND A ASTUPyOF93,00O NEED FOR /WORE V none creased cost by additional layoffs. Eye-CARE PATIENTS • X X X X N Permanent Driveways The salary increase involves about LIGHT. + X X X $600,000. OVER 45 SHOWEP THAT 96% HAP A COMPLEXnV WEST EAST _ UADR DRAINS - CONCUR! WORK 4k none 4 J 10 x x "When government takes the OP VISUAL ERRORS VxxxxxxVx Peoples Bank & Trust Company STONE WALLS - CUR1INO - PATIOS larger share of profits and of extra WHICH NEEPED • none • 10 x x x x or overtime work, there is little PAINSTAKING, INDIVIDUAL • A K Q J • xxx Opposite Railroad Station stimulas to greater expansion or CORRECTION. ONLY 4% 10 9 8 A.S. MANNINO & SONS productivity."—Herkimer (N. Y.) COULD SAFELV USE Westfietd, New Jersey "Telegram". SOUTH Serving Wesffleld 35 Y«ara REAPy-MAPE REAPING • AKQ CLASSES IF LUCKY M. MMS •» WL 1-OMMV READ THE LEADER FOR ¥ A K Q J 10 9 Member Federal Depot It Insurance. Corp. ALL LOCAL NEWS ENOUGH TO SELECT • AKQ J THE PROPER ONES. A none In Auction Bridge, tho idea was to buy the contract as cheaply as possible, so South, not realizing he was being taken for a ride, would Livestock Loans Rent Change gaze fondly at that beautiful array of pictures, and bid one heart. Now Available Table Urged West would ovcrcall with clubs and with South bidding hearts and 52 Weeks of Cape Cod! West bidding clhbs, South would TRENTON — Emergency live- TRENTON —New Jersey Rent arrive at six or seven hearts, West stock loans, recently authorized by No, we haven't become a travel bureau! And, Control Director Chester Ligham would double and South would we aren't offering a deluxe year-'round vacation Congress, are available to eligible has requested county rent control very confidently redouble. Before farmers in New Jersey, Chester J. agencies to work out a uniform making the opening lead, West at bargain prices! Tyson Jr., state director of the table for rent changes. would remark that South had' no Farmers Home Administration has chance to make the hand and South But, we are able to bring a little bit of the announced. Under a state law which took would fall for the bait and suggest Cape to you ... in the form of fine water-color These loans will be made to es- effect Aug. 1, county agencies are a side bet. West would let himself reproductions. You'll find familiar scenes faith- tablished dairy farmers and pro- charged with administering rent be talked into it, say for two or fully recaptured in mood and color. Best of all, ducers and feeders of beef cattle control for those municipalities three thousand dollars or whatever these reproductions are attractively framed . . . and sheep, he said. Applicants which have adopted it. Thirteen he figured South was good for. and may be purchased for only $4,501 must have good records of opera- of the state's 21 counties have rent That money woula be put on tho tions, have a reasonable chance to controls. table. succeed and be unable to obtain Ligham said Thursday ho had West would then remark that SWAIN'S ART STORE, needed credit from other sources conferred with the county agencies South would be lucky to take ten to continue their normal opera- and it was the general opinion tricks, and South would be invei- 317 West Front Street, Plalnfleld tions. Loans will not be made to that uniform rent decreases and gled into betting, a > large sum on dairymen for capital expenditures increases should be specified for each undertrick or overtrick. After Picture Framing Since 1868 suoh as the purchase of cows or each, type of housing under, con- that money WHS duly laid on the equipment. trol. table, West would lead. Tho loans will bear 5 percent Ligham said ho had requested How many tricks do you think interest and may be made for per- each county agency to work out a that South can take? iods up to 3 years, the FHA direc- table of itemized amounts, subject West opens the ace of cluba, 443 North Ave. At The Plut tor said. to differences in cost of living, to South ruffs and lays down the see if an approximate common de- ace, then the king of hearts, and BERSE BROTHERS Wcstficld, N. ). LEADER WANT ADS PAY cision could be reached. East ahowa out. Being one trump shorter than West, due to the ruff, South starts the spades, West trumps and returns another club and South has to ruff. Whenever imiJG *>T0HIS//v///jy/*M West is in he leads cluba and all the poor fish can make is six tricks 1 AT WHEUNS1 This hand probarjly, never hap- pened, but it shows what a "me- NO LOWER PRICES chanic" might do with a deck of cards. Of course, the professional ANYWHERE crook would never make it so obvi- ous, nor would he look for a killing on one hand. He would rather be- long to an exclusive club and milk SAVE 40c the cows for heavy cream over an extended period. $1.06 CAVALIER CIGARETTES, As to counting points, Patricia, can of 100 we are heartily in favor of it in 66c no-trump bidding, whether you use the strong or light no-trump open- ing, hut we are not yet sold com- (pletely on point-count for suit bid- SAVE 38c ders. Milton Work, the grand old man of bridge, was the first "name" 46c FILM, 120 Six* 3 for player to recommend the 4-3-2-1 count for no-trump bidding and it became so popular and was so closely associated with Mr. Work, that it became known as the "Work SAVE8c Count." He didn't invent it, and who did is one of the unsolved 10c PETER PAN SOAP 3 f Or 22c mysteries of bridge. Encouraged by the success of counting points for no-trump bid- ding, Mr. Work devised a system SAVE 49c If you want those extra of using the 4-3-2-1 count for suit bidding; but it never caught on, special reserved seats in the and for a very good reason—it wa3 $1.98 PELICAN COOLER, Vi gallon— $1.49 no good. A few yeara ago, some of the comfortable surroundings of your own home, be sure to ask your dealer about the European experts worked on and came up with a method of valuing SAVE 18c financing plan of The National Bank of Westfield. all bids by counting points, and about the same time some Ameri- 59c METAL SHOE TREES. 2 for cans did likewise. All of these You may see history as it happens, and have a ringside seat at sporiing events. methods had some good features, and some of them were practical, but not until Mr. Goren wrote a 10c EMERY BOARDS 10c BOB COMBS book on 4-3-2-1 did it start to take just tell the salesman you want to save expenses by financing through The National hold. There are better point-count val- lank; or, stop in at the bank to secure the money so you can pay cash. uations than Goren's, from a pur- 5c 5c ist's standpoint — Culbertson's Point Count, for example — but none approach the Goren count for You build your credit when you borrow at simplicity and for that very reason quantity limited it is far and away the best. (If you like point-count, that is!) NATIONAL BANK tEADER WANT ADS PAY

OF WESTFIELD COAL •ROAD * ELM STS., WKTFIIIO TV FrtmByBank WHkACk* First Grada Upper lehigh D. LASS, Ph.O. S. Wf INTRAUB, Ph.G. SUMMER PRICES Filling Prescriptions 4 the Most Important Part Stove er Nof .$22.25 •f Our Business »eo _ 19.25 Buckwheat T4.8O FREE DELIVERY - PHONE WE. 2-2142 Stoker Rice 15.65 Cranford Coal Co. Cr. 6-1516 LEADER ADS BRING RESULTS ffiWE1 l| Su fui' muni i VISIT THE SHOWROOM OF THE ulf in: V'*ri Ijjjfwd Case 1 a|«»s O-yer job As '*»•'««» mini' lu you. HUNTERDON CUT GLASS ct^ .mii v J^'UU'cnilU' Cliairiitan Wis •I'vi-r, .v«wr Unuiual Orismol Oetigtn — Moderate t,ltei tli^i XnmV piniujv.;* ' w eHV''iyv v HT uf iiii'lii't iiii W Hililiilylil SuiiJw, (i|Vr J'nivlr-f ' HIT I,I 1 - OPEN AIL DAY WEEK DAYS AND SUNDAYS. Jicfi/iniliiii'il.l.'1,1 in ijiiy. iMfn-d F- "M* |M7 :iuHif ill.' Miull-J' l'tlJl;;iiJV>M | uf tt'lmt •'lui.l.r rii;iil" may U ill-! Ritoit and Wholesale 1.1..;;,: ••' " j lilii'i'l iiliirlh. A t'luuo'f viili U- good i jfithwuy (.'onjuv^'iimn. %•. In* jflllllllllill Illl' ,'iiilll <'u|lillJV • FHONf I71W • IOTH and i. VMi ' ^t A Wit liiii^liiii hi iiil i im i u siiil'uirj^Jiiii'l «i'l '«' u'illuiul M'j/- 1 IH^IJIIIII of I In th>fit)0MW fimd "Miuiuwlnk-, \vVii Ut i;ure that Jn\" tilt ^Icjnjlilli, iii » mivi nl j i-vcry ' «i.m- hanir^ well. I 1 1 ^'Jtwi'ijl Mi.'il |u uvii'ii,;, Iiu;' IM'.W- Wvy*' W""'" '" 'I ' ^ Mu^nji 1 ^iiyiJi' J^ voiiiinuv M^» yjTu't M/.ni c R !! > it "•' , ainfi* (il Wiiflilnv'lyfi I" i'UMy .;,ut .ill )ii:i gv\s- u.U | <),'.'• fflV'M'1' .'^'H's "I u VmitUVfii- Omt, » luivnld uiji Iv IJH" jesii)vi)Is .I;)' liis disl.ri.tt- i J )ij llu run) )''nii!i 9H fully flic clcBij,))n,es| >iu ii)u ,\ l/i tlu WKli or SIJ, if «t till. 50TE4BSA80 and NOW! "Wlif" i'tidliiv ) bv L.IDIMuni.-. iiiiuwiUiui l(i|t iu.-.|ij| v I jit i|)(,- |j|IU l tinnil,'. v.ahlli Una elf "))y file tinit^ iiU'nl ui lib owl) (Jull) 4^V >p f J-.(fl*f..).ir,,,-H •• —*r ff"- ,, — ., »/w lllHil"?"! States ar.<) I)IR «,' i)m ntat HH-IUMMU flf ll.jfl) of Jt||Mi.'H|!)|M!l (IS III Wjlljt ' «f"S.ti'()i Wealfies; s rl of i'--ii. uiliflvulluiiK tnivi; l««i) r.hc|iimv\i,i fi|| tlii. l'Hi>><|i.|i'.}| with pplio »:>«.) »l)tl "1'ilr Mil unil Iiu: nil I his luiib i'siilt U i^uully toiin-- j) In ii:ry |lj||u/' lit.lii.vL= Miss PWf}' Ml" W.s".vi)1- "!«'*.' JIWIM1-"'•""II-S*. «MI|'M| hmtl l)ut|i Ip^ful" yain|(i»B. ii f »i»))s(|io jiml (jf(.i,f C|sui)iHvvm1H'«ll!l''Pllfll! |l;l l.llll.loaii.'r, t:{.lull>inl| , liillllll|.' i)«c>ii|vi|ly inoiti wear- 4 'ri liuoiillisl. i|l ll||ttffirs ll|iivuiaily, iiiulji;, p?>'ra)Rf ill IP: .%/}• fonnfii' ill tll'luilf f)? tilt l|iui| wlio is |iq» ii OF i |u|.(r f eKli WOllleil, On till! fivoiljijiilly — |||i)|ji)bly liy ntxt ?'• fW!>!) ffl PHjisliimiM) f|ip lP«(||ii^ raoiikiif | list Nmuiiibi-f, uti>|>lfi. f.uss. n 3|iipl»is ||«ii| jtiiuM rH|iui>lit-i}il _,,-n(i>«jnS ^ Handily fljjalp tPti)- w f l | IjlllHlula, ))C "111 l,|ii.l|.U ttlth ail fturHfllV after SI! (llHiSl !llnM» " » |«IJ)I •wnninii Mwnt- Kw this less Ii) nnun,K,>ji,j|ii.(i (i|ui»iiij pf o j,tfs fur |li« ?^ku V u femK 34 iiqijri, refMriin* wlU'in thu viwjipi |f pjiy, will N jl )llf)l)l> \ t! (ivrt or tlirau ^ys. m, Cull Vf))H- (jpc|Hr 91 Alice if tl|D£tt y »li(tht—lot mars thw) w* in?ti

1 p|i|! kpuny ifBjfmwt for pullfl 1» mnm Mm s m Mwm \m mm mipm WMJ»-

unwdod Sto WHAT A DIFFERENCE! mud Quarry Remember the old days when you had to wave a straw fan frantically in front UWt THAP of your fuee to create even a little cooling breeze? What a difference between those days and the comfort you can enjoy today! New, thanks to the magic of dependable electric and gas service, you can enjoy air conditioning either throughout your home or with individual \* in room conditioners! l Here is another example of how electricity and gas contribute to your daily life. These regular services from Public Service are always on band, bring you greafw comfort and greater convenience 24 noun a day!



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t tu»titv in !>* !># p th ! Jhmtiac "#§!& :.ime n .mi ^ tfie RAWSONJIOTORS SALES, Inc. SALES %»a ftmm, ,m&, WESTPTELD (N. ,T.) LEADER, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 10B9 Association will present a "(lying ers Request Park Jersey Plying Faniiprs'. 7)ie Ust'K on l^urms njul f D of thu Insulated lids on deep well conh scholarship" to a fiivm boy or girl youngster must be u meinbof of Accompany Inir tho essuy must bo All entries B1IQUI(1 be addressed •r«"•tio'uld never be' |rnmersed In between 10 and 21 from one of Dietho Putiiro Farmers of America, n letter from a 4-H club lefider, to" Alvah W. Soveraon, New Jerfley water but should be carefully wiped ion To Account For Spending 48 states at their 11)53 convention 4-II clubs or other ii|rrlculturtil school principal or agricultural in- Department of AKiieulture, 1 West aft with • clean, damp cloth aftet in September in Wichita, Kan., youth organizAtions. structor giving a short history of State street, Trenton 8, and roust ma, Tha lid may bo left ajar Vvhen resolution raised n detailed report should he announced Alvah \V. Severn, Each enfant rauat submit a 500- the uppllcant nnd his o\\ hei' in-bo postmarked prior to midnight, tha cooker |a not In use, to keep received by the bonrd, for studv, filghtstown, secretary of tile New M'oril uasay of "Tho Alrt>l«ne—'(*» terest in uviiiLion anil n pliolu- Sept. 1. •ooktr tinh. f Board of shqwing how the $1,250,000 of in County capital' funtlH was expanded by th« commission." Bemiinjrcr in speaking to his bpnrd about the situation, said that the portion of the reservation altii- ontrol, and ated in Mountainside stretches n *.d.V«f «>• im'ne distance, of 5,000 feet, from New pur- Providence, road to Deer Path' and 5?«nd the immediate pital ihat it is nothing more than a f»f u« of ?1BO,000 ca has thicket through which few people , which the park agency have ever passed. Vining that 85 per cent of He pointed opt tjj^t New Provi- S, in hi» homo m^jpahty dence'road has beautiful homes Ltalnside is occupied by abutting it on one side, and the dia- gng Reservation, Freeholder »ial picture of the reservation on j BenninRor suggeated to the other. eholdera that the resem- He said the Park Commission osscssion of the Park Com- had taken title and created the couid.be abandoned and reservation back in the early 20's •) * ' J I estate transformed to but not withstanding, the area has lain dormant and untouched with- projects or the construe- 1 of homes. BenninKer said "we out thought of improvement. too much p«r|c land in ovr Bennipger set qVt also that through sale of the reservation, at il l least that part in the Mountainside • jiile we like parka, so do wesection could be disposed of for ice cream, but too much of real estate holdings and the con- can make you sick," he said. struction of homes, and the pro- tone w park board by resolution, ceeds, which might net possibly '•"4 nted Sept. 8 last year, asked more than $250,000, 'could be freeholders to appropriate in turned over for Park Commission *" '-'it l958 county budget $160,000 iise.'' •''•-" '• ' _ " ' '•'"_ r nse by the said commission While the freeholders took no capital improvements to the definite action along this line, B'an- * i ' • ' ningrer speaking again said, "The tamling to a statement made Paylt Commission should watch its r to the meeting by the finance dollars like the freeholders do." ian, George Herlich, he a>c! fellow members are aware of fact that for the years j^Tto Flying Scholarship the freeholders have provM- Is Announced opital f unila to the park bpJsr g $550,000 and th»t $9 TRENTON — New Jersey farm k commissioners during those Vuth have an opportunity £p com- n had realized from the sale pete for a chance to earn a private its lands funds in the approxi- pilots license. . t amount of $700,000, making 'The National Plying Farmers! apital funds availab)e fo the 46 ommission of approximately 0,000. tOYAI ARCANUM ' , Richmond Tracy, Park Com- MJSIJW COUHCIl N.. 711 ion engineer and Ge'eretaiy, ,i today that "We haVe not Amrlcn Lldn Hill Krd anything from the freehold- W. Ntrlti Av«, and Cranway PL Ui M4 4* niwWay Iwilm yet. All the data requested ji VWttai ikble, Our records show where An bhW capital funds have gone." The commission ia meeting this nuxni, but Mr. Tracy did not w if the matter would come up. t of the resolution as IN A HURRY? d today ran: In addition to the aforesaid itil funds since 1946 the coun- has provided the Park Cotn- n $3,473,594.26 for use us enance funijs. Park Commission in addi- o the capital and malnten- ce funds appropriated it in make delicious years aforesaid, in the same ars also has received hundred* thousanda of dollars from its ICED COFFEE Ienue-produciiig activities which with MARTINSON'S Iraue has also been extended in De tuxe It park system. ["After considering this and di.i- JOM Original «-«<-"•«• Tiw •• |ssin& the project with the com- ssion, this board is of the opin- that before more capital funds 10 l,li«finf tu>p«Dn ot JOMAI Instantt add 1" ol bolllni w.ter In • till |l»l. Stir. Add Park Commission use are' lc« and cold mtar.

BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAYS CAS STATIONS • PARKING ARMS RESURFACING AND PENETRATION WORK Wm. A. PARKHURST CONTRACTOR c.f AH w«.tfi«W J-17M ««t. MIH Un« tntwit At Uw Sflt Frictll O. ten 334, Wc«tfMrf MMMitaiiMWa, |f. i. • M«r* Nfn-Skid Safety, w flowout • Low«r Co*\ H, Milt. • Ufafirn*

For Long, Safe Mileage Safe, Guaranteed at ipwmr Cost NEW TREADS CHAMPIONS A^fNM •• fwwlHi TM MWI *f in YMT OWN Sale Priced convnhnt i*O way fo BALTIMORE-WASHINGTON EASY WEEKLY PAYMENTS-LOW AS 75< PER WEEK

THE WEST NCW A short drive takes you to PUinfield where you board a fast Die»el-fel«trJc train. You'll relax Man. - Thurs. - Fri • A.M. to * P.M. in comfort, enjoy excellent food, courteous ser- Wed. * Sot 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. vice, and have the assurance of arriving on time. TAKE THt MO AT HA INF KID Ositd Sun. thru tabor Ray *w BolHmre, Washington, Plrtiburgh, Akron, Cl.»elond, Tol«*>, D«lroll, Chieojo, ClMnMll. Uxihv<»«, St. touh. Cow.cttan» at SOUTH AVE. at SOUTH UNION WnhnsjiBii win itirsugk tl»ii«r« 10 Coiitemlo and T»»a>. (at rtie Traffic Light)

««O !,„te« • m.Mi| .Can. for imiuf-Mfe «••«!• *«v»l— nil a>our ECONOMY MM ml THt HMM.1 •««• H.AM. CRanford 6-92OO . » fi»-p*n*v AIT.UST 20, 1953 Page Twmty-Two THE WESTFIELD (N.J.) tr rr one block from the Lincoln School, and three blocks from the High Taining at Sea the Ocean City Beach Patrol, School. •,vhich has held the tournament ti- Shade iree The homes will sell Horn $20,500, tle for the past four years. Activi- depending, upon the model and size ties will be climaxed by a Life- of the lot. Five dlirerent models gunrd's Ball set for Aug. 29. Post Filled will be creeled by the builder, and Of interest to vacationers from the purchasers will have the choice the Camden-Philadelphia area will KUZABETH—On mw.r.-,tnd»- of four or tivi! bedroom layouts, be a water pageant scheduled to tion of Freeholder Alben J. J!l"- full basements or crawl apace, (Ire- bo held Saturday in the Borough ninger, of Mountainsitio, ms>>nty places, pluster or sheet rock con- BerieeaFor Dry of Medford Lakes. Highlighting leader of the hoard, the B«mi of struction, as well as lots which will In every drough the evening activities will be a Freeholders Thursday without ois- border on u landscaped brook run- ty, catUe can be .een«£,| parade of colorfully - decorated sention appointed Joseph J. Garo- niung through the development. AH doing well on farms «,« J*lJ floats on lower Aetna Lake. Lights t»ns»f tract thousands of South Jersey!Jury Commissioners J. Carroll k*Mr »* ~ T»ro»*»r« w»5 t« Mr.. ami Mr*. KranV. 1.. l>unln,j. 'I be brands here. vacationers. Local officials repon Dolan. of Elitabeth and Harold J- tra»»a<-lt«« nut kmi«lr. I.ldffnir tor C. II. Miilth, J'.. that this year additional clam bale Henry, of Plainfidd who sought mlw. Tkk «»• « mulllplr IIMIne facilitiefili s will be availabll e inthe to hive the salary of Benjamin | and known as Westbrook Village. county park. Korb. of Scotch Plains, clerk of the Union County Jurv Commis- | Larger Houses The company was instrumental Also sparking spectator enter- in arranging the sole and financing tainment this weekend will be thesion, incrvssed from $3,500 to (To Be Built Here MICHAEL $1,500 annually. The FiwSwMer*, [of TS homes on Rahway avenue CERM6LE |D*Hy MadLwn let New Jersey state championship last year, known as Green Village. PW.G. Kegatta of the International Moth throttfrh the directors. Colonel John Builders arc turning their atten- Cudmlt As part af tK training program aboard the lU.troyer USS "Hy- Class Association for 195S, set forH. M. Dudley, seat urord back to tion to the needs of larger families, All during construction and sale •u", Midshipman Thomas A. Corcoran of 609 Elm »trc«t opcr- Saturday and Sunday at Avalon, the {omsnisHowrs that th* hoard of these houses they were beset, Oar MaHt atat a main water valve in the engia* room. He is «. senior at kas mai* is a practice of sever sn- j according to an announcement they said, by parents of large fam- Cape May County. The event is [made today by Koth-Miller Com- PHRRITlfiCy Dartmouth College. sponsored by the Avalon Yacht creasisj: salaries visrinjr tht year ilies with requests for four and Club in cooperation with the Bor- because th* salai? was set at OKjpasiy, morUrage specialists, Kew- five bedroom houses. After a care- beginning of Use rear and is a ark. Arrangements have been com- Jersey Department of Conserva- ough of Avalon and the Interna- •--,-- ful study of the area, they were Next Two August tional Moth Class Associatien. S *«<*«** >*«^ Howmr, when the p!et«>d by the company for thesuccessful in obtaining part of the tion and Economic Development.' old Willoughby Estate, upon which Weekends Full Of Lifeguards representing beash Hundreds of ardent golf doifro • aeparteent te jgrts are forward financing of 20 true center hall will attend the 9th annual FraxK-ui to *!» k"135 « tiw ™»^» «P»«- split level homes featuring four 20 homes will be erected on lots Fun For N. J. Visitors patrols stationed at New Jersey's X. Coakley Memorial Tourcxse-st, t ra«st in ranging from 9,000 square feet and major shore communities will com- r or .N and five bedrooms with two baths, set to take place at th* GaUopias t *"•**- r^" to kc erected on Rshway avenue up. The site of the development is TRENTON—Water pageants a pete for top honors during the Hill Golf Course, Keaiiworth v.i i 'M0*-1"- t« givta c-c-a- golf tournament, sailing rtgattas, South Jersey Championship life- Union, Aug. 28. The. all-day af-5 C«es=MS»i«xr* l\>!an *=d Henry guard Tournament, to be held *o- fair will see more than 125 pi e-' {wia»i out thai Kori's rtspoasi- and a clam bake will be among morrow at Ocean City. Boat races sessional and amateur folfers c«O5-j bffid«s cassis: of preparing aad attractions foe visitors in New Je~- peting on the fairways- QfiK-w\* \ 9ez.-diz£ cct through the zcail ap- 1 and swimming, events will spark •ey daring the latter part of Au- attractions for spectators at thereveal that refreshments will K (pr«xieatifiy 1C.0M qaestionnaires SAVE MONEY NOW! purt, announces 'William C. Coot. beach at 6:30 p.m. Acting as host available to the pubik at the Gil-' a y**r. Tisese mest he tabulated tff commissioner of the Newto the visiting lifeguards will be loping Hill Golf Oah Heose. i aad wkea rssrari cross-indexed SERVICES Representatirea of th« Unrrer-'» a«l» certain tier* is no duli- salist Chorea frosa all parts cf tie: <*t»» »a the jary i»t- Korb has United States are present^- «t-Jb««n eSeit siac* Dec*sai»r. 19St, 206 NORTH AVE., WESTFIELD tending a series of jaeetiajs at i aad Ks wsrk has frwjneaUy b*en Murray GroTe House, Laaefca BAZ-1 co=«aa«3 hy Tarioas sbenSs of- bor. The meetings ttiSX fee het£ I *t*s ^a ^i"55* cSces h< was em- TclcphOM We. 24003 thmngh Aa«. 38. pioyei WildvmKi wiU wiad sp Atspastf ectivities with a saiBcc recatta*! ^—«| \lPn Piv sponsored hT tte G«aS« WSJ tf^« ,i Yacht cia^ to be h*a •« Boro speed rmes Sunset Lai» Aajt- !» as^ 3t\ Botk ; aW kstvltoaM De.c*-a*M 01 WE RECOMMEND Ciaaes aa4 Sstk ciiaa s»3i2^ craii JIOCNTAINSIDE—Two West-; At will e awards at ti» fieJd saea -srere fined tSS each last event, «jp«teii so atsract peak vwi ia liusicipa) Court by numbers e-f V3*caticc*rfc Asgaeat- \ 3^a^s-tr»Se Alan Thompson, who YOUNG FOLKS TOGGERY ias *5S£ast»Bs *s •WJ14TTS«4 wa be j found ticja coiltr cf recUcss drir- a sttafasbeaani teciaasesi, AISE-liap. S They wrre Peter Eever eof TU E. BROAD ST. : Oak av«sae, aad Jaioes MacMillaa, ^aaaBBBla^aaiai^ ^^.B^^ •&• akka»^ ^^Bksihl Ad^ToDogOwnei* ^^^/SrS^T^ The children won't be happy maybe, It jvar ief & set at Tesiests s-peedin^ aad totems isEjwsiperir in S»52te SZ. but schools open pretty soon. This ooe ia_»»a eiesj«i tie. Mt-rwfl cf New •SKSM& 133 for store, exclusively handling children's RENT A PIANO clothes, , solve* all your problems, AT GRIFFITHS right here in town. Stop in and see. ft* Scale) of OIL HEAT SERVICE New SPINETS irEs a^ tiKat Tk Care acd FUEL OIL A SRVICI POK NIWCOMMS TO WISTFUID pay « little at *X p«r month asd 225 E. BROAD ST. TEL. WE. 2-3213 ^sW PtoCsrte**) Ail are EM***** imlws—Ulnt Mialli ami •wtH writtea. If you decide to buy ihe piano withis 6 ISQBUSS, I say Hherty, I do not all money paid for rental and (klrrerr wili ie teana? cat-; *eaa sm$£f -rtael is referred to as deducted from the purdme price. MS «*2Ef as T**snm? E-Smi-' ~&$% €altj! in.«'. I mean liberty «Ss* esaari hfjm y»ii ae a aaassV! •* Ske israriiiaJ ta think his own Its certainly plain tasee «*t fir a\ i^^rs. T%IE PISSSSKX^ ' Skb£3^ci£.x a^c Irre his own life as M pwff ati. SSB»27 iaj iarti tai is:. '* ceares ia thir.i asd live . . . tiw SESSS, t^r^MWi ijes,m.,^ i SSSTT ^ a s*s to choose bis own Tie *£ffl£S2i% CES« ist zhs ^T^mn3. ?»K3^tS3es, H^feity of a man to me, Xxke it a y^B Upttlt doc' rts fcis CTS bsas«s as he thinks isd ta» ats t^r^se-» tfctr ca»a * is «5Bg4,t to fee ran, as long as he J«i™e bStmig. After a trm ^stc-|ao» us* fcterfere with the right Phon* MArket 3-58SO ao ti* dec iB aaaaesate i*ef«f etter j"-op!e to do tie same Chevrolet trucks



TW, VMT win-for the pr«H»ot»ien yw-lrwd, «,«, «,, hwfkm m9t^&mmM trvck* ft«» 91 oth*r moi... »•« ploin to POLAROID DERMOGEN Chevrolet truck* euf-s«H «H others IMCMM rh*y ewt-vefve •« etherf WUHn ui.#-»giw'< MMra When truck users show a continued preference fw Me particular make of truck, you can be sure that preference For the best buy is based on a single sound reason: Wi rteJe w huyt t POISON IVY Year after year, truck users in every field *ow a «a— "-boy new! ctear-cw prefereoce for Chevrolet trndu by buying more of them flan any- .1" aaurn, will reopen for the fall sea- a light feeillng with a recommend, PLAINFIELD , 1953 Great . that made moviu history. l>ortrnying emotional feeling with iger; Kichnrd Hiirhley, buainesu Sandwiched in between the horsv ,on Tuesday, Sept. 8, it was an- ed plant food when transplanting. .,,. : greates™ t county expos.- . Of specinl Interest to youngsters ust the lumcln and fai:lnl explos- .louncod this week by munni;in£ lUKL'r; nnd Ottillia Staehle, AIR CONDITIONCO races will be a pro^rum of out- is u tiibutii to the Croat Western ion. oinptruller. Ileli'ii Kidiurds as docr acts on Hie singe in front of iructor Frank Carrington, with If crab gross is ono of your Hlnia, complete wilh chuck WUKOIIH, Roby and Dell—Here is a fust The Merry Widow" nn the first u-c3.s repri'Houltttive. will replace the pnindstand.' An innovation, conn) and horm-.i, with tilt mastm- •iiuiuu'l Stiiininiii, now touring problems, don't meet it with mere STRAND f 1 < l 1 this" your, will be a complete change of wrumonies, Jimmy Groaso, in and ilashy act featuring pitches, ill. Tickets are nu'w on sale. halfway ini'afliires. Remember, it PI. 6-3500 r*"'S |1|a Lucky Ho i| 'Drive" pins, throws anil Homcrsuults. This marks the theatre's officinl Kurope after 14 years with l'apur 10st of twin for the vvonihg show, with the role of Hopnlonfr Cassidy. The ill II. takes moro than one spraying to ki "»•• antes'. 1 cim exception — "Starless Night" following scene, colobrntiner black- These two young people launched ratisitiou from slimmer to winter kill crab grass. I I",!. exhibition ever given America'd famous dancing horse, face minstielsy.linds him doing an their artistic balancing act at lock—a trend which hus been evi- mobile thrill show! Snnta JWonicu, Cyl., live yenrs ago. dent for some time in the Papur programs have been pro who will make an appearance at impersonation of Al Jolaon. Mill's lengthening seasons. The fi- Loth piT.\)iT,!aiiees. Going professional was n natural AIR-CONDITIONED fir chch of the succeeding Most elaborate of the ensemble development for both of them. al decision to put the Playhouse MAT!. AT llM M Tuesday has been set An ultra-streamlined revue, numbers is a salute to the great Roby played university football n nn annual 42-week basis was WESTFIELD BVm. AT TtW /farmer's day and chil- '•Jlcvkluml U. S. A.", depicting the lovers of the screen. An enormous and Dell had a keen interest in made last spring by Carrington RIALTO 2-1288 dav Wednesday as home rise of the motion picture industry, heart with pink borders appears dancing and acrobatics. nd Antoinette Scudder, Paper CONTINUOUS SAT. FKOM 1.00 - SUN. FROM 1.30 ."day, Thursday is "The will be presented in the Grand- on the upper slope. The 20 girl Two Virginians—A team of ar- fill's co-founder and president. 5 Friday will be Lehlgl. stand Follies of 1053. The initial chorus, dressed in white plumes tists who have combined deftness The theatre was then closed for r/d'ay and children's day, performance will be given Tuesday and carrying pink hearts, surround iio first summer in its 24-yenr his- race d y A and versatility in one of the Thursday — Friday — Saturday Kttrday auto ° - " night "arid advance sales indicate it. It opens to reveal the team of smartest juggling turns in the tory to allow time for* necessary {their special signification. large audiences for the five nights. Roby nnd Dell, who interpret the amusement world today. They ^organization. ALAN UDD - JEAN ARTHUR - VAN HEHIN Lord eutries in every one of Inclement weather will not love theme in their adagio ilnnce, work with almost any moveablc . TECHNICOLOR ' :• . . firlcultural nnd horticultural the presentation of this musical then vanish bnck into the heart. object—Indian clubs, hoops, boxes, Innovations include the sale of 1 -nents ore assured, accord- spectacle, for a 80 foot by 90 foot balls, even one another. series tickets for three shows out The show ends with a Parisian oi five this fall season and the im- George Steven's >SHANE" Howard M. Singmaster, canvas cover will again top themedley ruminiscent of the many entire stage area. Jackie, the Australian Eqilibrist portation of a famous Hollywood films with a setting in the French —This young and personable Aus- production. Subscribers will be -.HIT N • . ,t.r-. .', .;••'." " Tin previous years there will Product ,of four years' work by capital. As a linale the chorus does tralian Is an equilibrist par excel- fruests of the Playhouse for this MICKEY ROONEY - EDDIE ALIERT r days of harness and run- George A. Humid & Son to bring an intricate precision routine on lence. His natural sense of balance latter event, the unique "Turn- Jces, with a total of 162,000 real musical comedy to the .Great bicycles. A speciul orchestra is and the law of compensation, plus ,'ibout Theatre"! starring comic "A SLIGHT CASE OF LARCENY" V V UZAIETH SCOn {.purses. Some of the fastest Allentown Fair, the story begins provided to back up the musical. his unerring accuracy in judging dancer Lotte Goslar and the famed Some of the world's most daring his centre of gravity in any diffi- Yale Puppeteers. Tickets for non- acts are scheduled for afternoon cult posture liuve drawn forth the subscribers will be available only Sunday — Monday — Tuesday NORTH JERSEY AGRICULTURAL AND and evening performances in front wonder and exclamation of physi- after subscribers' requests have INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION cists and medical students alike. of the grandstand. They include: been filled. A GREAT LAUGH SHOW! Prowif** op A comedy zebra on skates—a Dan- His closing number is a perfect The Paper Mill will continue its OXFORD MOWS COUNTY fAI« ASSOCIATION ish import. classical handstand on a stack of policy of presenting popular oper- MARJORIE MAIN - PERCy KllMIDE. Troy Hill,, N. i. 20 blocks, each the size of an or Aujurt lo-M Rasini's Rocket Car — Rasini ittas and musical comedies but EXTENDED ENGAGEMENT ^w. !«««.'to Uy..l»ock drives a midget car down an in-dinary brick, tiered with geometri- will also add a few plays without "MA AND PA KETTLE ON VACATION" " "" STARTINO >«l. r«lw Amuwm.nl Wdit clined vamp, from the upturned cal precision one on top of themusic. After Franz Letter's roman- Hundred' of Comm»«lal Exhibit! end of which it leaps out into space other. jic ''Merry Widow", starring Dor- • -Al $O— ' ,-, ' _/'. / ' ' • ti t/te 4Ciem at Flow.r Show - Form Product* - Milk lhawr turns a complete somercault in •Alfredo Landon and His Mid •ettor Honui Ctntar — Youth Plan — CMMnn't Vlltaf o othy Sandlin and Ted Scott, comes "ABBOTT AND COSTELLO GO TO ^ARS" Farm Mochinry - Agtomokih Show mid-air and lands with a resound- gets—Here is a laugh-producing, a new operetta, "Enchanted Night" Hifh ftlt Thrill Atto ing thud in a specially built tar- rib-tickling feature. With one mannnd the recent Broadway hit "Call Horw Show Friday mrt Saturday, dty mi nijht paulin. The tiny car weighs only and three midgets who are experts Me Madam". Each production will Comt .orly in Woafc. ovoid Mlohway Trarlit 350 pounds and is jet propelled. in acrobatics, balancing and pyra- run five weeks. Wednesday-Saturday August 26^2 10000 >q. ft. dramatic exhibits f« food Caniumir Macallan Johnny Weldo's Socialized Bears miding, they suddenly cause every- The staff for the new season, JO atr.i of S«Hrtolr»..nl - Idwotto* - Fun ' —Three big, brown bears who ca-thing to go topsy-turvy. This act "TITANIC" also "GREAT SIOUX UPRISING" AMAH FOR All NOITH JMKY vort and play and appear to be do-starts off with some top-notch ac- cile as kittens at play, will thrill robatics, but it is soon acrobatic spectators with their remarkable mayhem. COMING SOON and varied tricks. The bears per- Skating Ryles—A Danish import form different tricks, including (Two men, two ferns) do a skating "DANGEROUS WHEN WET" - "PICKUP ON SOUTH STREET" riding a bike, an auto and drink- turn at terrific speed while doing SALE ing milk from a bottle. Two oftwo, three, and four-person balanc- them ride tandem in a "Bicycle ing. The terrific pace builds up to 45 r.p.ni. Built for Two" number. a two-girl iron jaw naie. CHECK The World-of-Mirth Shows wii: Valita and Aldine—Scnsationa' CLASSICAL '• barrel-jumping-into-and-out-of " again dominate the midway, which INOS TODAY COOL AIR CONDITIONED act. Aldino'a props are simply a is the congregating place for most number of fancy barrels with no of the Pair's thousands of visitors ALBUMS-Half Price tabtri Taylor RITA, heads in them. The trick is to jump In addition to the human and ani- Ava Gardner LIBERTY into a barrel, then,out of it and mal curiosities, this entertainment "RIDE, VAQUEHOI" HAYWORTHr SINGLE RECORDS PLAINFIELO 6-5477 into another, then into two barrels organization again will present alia STEWART | standing one on top of the other, dancing girls, "hot" bands and trained animal acts. For the young 2 for $1.00 then into a barrel on top of a "AFFAIRS OF FRIDAY... table, and finally into a barrel on people there will be the uaua . price up to $1.16 each) 0OMIE OIUIS" GRANGER " top of two tables. But the attrac thrill rides. .% Two First Showing Hits! tive Valita apparently does no Exhibition buildings will be open see it that way. Just to make i daily from 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Live MW.MIMHMM SALOME mpre difficult she insists that Al- stock judging will start at 9 a. m CHARLES IAUGHTON dino carry her astride his shoul- Tuesday and continue until Thurs- ders when he goes over the ob-day, The usual cavalcade of al JEM SIMMONS stacle course: This acrobatic prize^wining 'cattle, livestock am «««rrtatlt Oit^Befiaft-P horses will taker—place—tit 4h WITH A The Hollywood Sky Rock p. m. Tuesday, Wednesday ancl 27 ELM ST. thriller with accent on altitude an Thursday in front of the grand- WISTFIELD 2-144$ stand. Mil the proverbial "death-defying O»M Men. >n CRANFORD natic feats which have brought ies of elimination races to deter, YVONNE ROCK mine the field for the main event them in more ways than one, tc MATINH DAILY 1:15 P.M. DE CARLO -HUDSON BY DRIVING the topmost rung; of their career —the Allentown Fair Sweepstakes EVINlNOS FROM 7 P.M. \ i»] /yiAXWIU REED u, Starless Night—This famous of 20 laps. screen and television star and her CONTINUOUS SAT., SUN.,, HOLIDAYS PARAMOUNT trainer and owner, Captain Wil- USE LEADER CLASSIFIEDS SEA DEVI LS*i •I. o-MU liam Hoyer, provide a act tha k Now Thru Sat. A NOW TMHU SAT. . IT many people saw only in recen TO BUY OR SELL Aug. 20-21-22 Uodu«db,0*(1DE.R0St^ years in Cecil de Mille's motion Clifton W.bb - laroara Stanwyck LOmcW by RMtA MULSH1 picture, "The Greatest Show on In MMN KTliO oooil Earth". Starless Night is a black Circus4&9:3Op.m.—Swirriallday American saddlebred mare tha k "TITANIC" it YOURSELF does about everything from danc- nut m IICHNICOIOH ing to the strains of a lilting waltz to grandstand for the audi- ..BABY ),H Crionofcr - Faith Domirfuo ence. k "THE GREAT SIOUX it Rudy Dock's Basketball Dogs—. UPRISING" tfnlesi you've ictuilly driven a Pontiac A sprightly group of canines play- you can't appreciate how nimbly it han- ing a national pastime. Two oppos- PARADE Sun.-Man.—Tu». -k ing groups of dogs in a rough and Aug. 23-24-25 dles in traffic and how economically it tumble game of basketball that I WUmorfc — J«m hfn will cauBe tears of joy and roars »p.m. cruises the open road with power to if "PICKUP ON SOUTH it Conpktc Btv Wind u4 Frwe ff of laughter. STREET" • WHEEL ALIGNMENT •WMIIL •ALAMCINC Linon—The Tramp on the Rope •pare. —In an all silent exhibition, Linon PIUJ GENERAL AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING with facial expressions and body DwiuM O'CMIW - Yv.th DvOny •RAKB sairrCB — CAB»ValaTTa« * lOiflTip* We're ready ttni afixkra* to let you drire motions portrays every human yo« CM Tor »•• c*rt « ••<••« TOTOM AmoonX emotion from pathos, helplessness k "FRANCIS" COVIRS * it yourself for first hand proof that to downright hilarity. In a maze THE BIO TOWN" AUTO LITE, Pontiac is the best hay of ill, from any of ropes and ladders he manages to WHALEN'S GARAGE AuthoriMtl "I Statftw standpoint. W«d. Thru Sat. • Aug. 26-27-21-29 •00 NORTH AVE., E. . TEL. WE. IN TICHNICOIO* Call Far and DriU-fty WiHiamf — Fernando Lambi Our annual competition for • "DANGEROUS WHEN if 4 MM »ELUXE SE»AN . blonds, brurrets, redheads; WET" Midi*, Neater, EHre«U#Ml ilgaala tOMIARD floats, decorated carriages 7"A« Plict hr bin PLUS 'a Stanwyck — Richard Carlien "ALL I DESIRE" • $2,514.04 No hottel now at hill w thore WEL-DON Can five you better fond or more. OLYMPIC PARK •"••"BJOH-MAPISWOOO It's vacation, when you dine. With «a in pleasant summertime. CONCRETE CORP. DOLLAR AIR CONDITIONED GEORGE CHONO'S DMNtt SMVEB SUNDAYS The Bandstand rU CENTRAL ATE., WCflTTlELD.lff.;. won 1240 TO 1M 138 E. BROAD ST. CHI-AM CHATEAU • ClOSID MONDAYS • Rout* 22, Mountainside, N. J We«tfi«ld 2-«3«3 In an effort to servo DOLLAR 731 Wast 5«v«nth Si. AMERICAN-CHINESE CUISINE Hainfiold *-4432 Complete Slock of Luncheon Dinner the small concrete RECORDS YOU CAVT BEAT Try «w WW» varl«r of frety Chhrn* 78 - 45 - 33 1/3 R.P.M. dMm (dot on dW«r»nt—prepared hi customers we are or off MW modern Vilchm. MUSICAL Pontiac INSTRUMENTS MOIUD CHAHCOAl STtAKS AND CHOPS operating and de- •AM1CUED SPAM IIU PHONOGRAPHS UI6I VARIETY OP COMPUTI livering every CHHffSI FAMILY DINNfIS HARMONICAS Qrttor* to tok* out. A. A. Danting SATURDAY! SHEET MUSIC RAWSON ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS W* suggest you ord»r in advancal - 5nd WT - RAT DeVAlLF.R »na Bl» grctntn TEACHERS «anHrti«M ft offer oW Catering »» . nrr nmv ri'Mlillutt' In (heir neu- lionit' fit Ittl. ployment Compensation young birds the red of the hood In fall and winter the diet shifts Hilii ti'rrlli'f, Scntcli I'lnlllN, piirrhnard from 1'eltT .11. JIOJIT lliroilKll which is as of July 1 last. more wholly to plant foods. Acorn3 tlu> olVlt'f of II. CJil>- KrlnlrlcliK, lni%, FnnwiMXl. ing the July-September is replaced by black or dusky anc! forts to build a free and peaceful Governor Driscoll also signed a iimployment Securlfi the distinctive collar is obscure or assume a prominent part and bill permitting some graduates of lewis's Woodpecker missing. The Eexos in the adult woodbine berries may be Import- Labor Secretary 10-and 17-year olds, 20 per cent •orld. ' formerly non-accredited medical Harold G. Hoffman ,1 V C\9S2 Notional Wlldlif. Ftdsrolion stage are colored alike. Unlika ant. At this time of the year the moro than in 1961, failed to re- "Evcfry year of schooling in- schools to take medical board ex- fiscal year just ended the, some of ita relatives this wood- woodpeckers may appear in flocks Urges Young People turn to school after taking sum creases adult income. The I960 aminations in New Jersey. employer contribution rate. pecker is usually phenomenally which at a distance may add to tho mer jobs," the secretary said. census shows that men high-school per cent and it ia C3ti**»« impression that crows arc being: To Stay In School "From 1944 until last fall, there graduates 25 years old and ove- To take the examinations, the taxes patd by employe™ 1, Lewis's Woodpecker quiet 'out'in breeding season and doctors must have lived in the occasionally in migration it has a icon. At such times the otherwise had been a steady decline in the averaged $762 more in 1049 than that period will total Easily Identified elativoly quiet birds may keep up Secretary of Labor Martin P. number of boys and girls who eighth-grade graduates, women, state for five years; interned for $60,000,000. Workers' harsh churring call that sounds Durkin today called upon parents a year; and served as a resident By Its Coloring woodpeckeriBh. in incessant chattering which stayed out of school for work. $- A spokesman for the Governor thirds that 'length or just under a ground. In it, six or seven dull in good-sized flocks. people are lured by plentiful jobs the spokesman said but , foot. The general appearance of runks of trees. There is at lease British Columbia to the Black at good pay and fail to realize that munity student aid can help. Pat- said 10 or 12 persons are affected white eggs are'laid. >ne report of a Lewis's wood- by the measure. Applications for New Jersey did not recomi, the woodpecker may superficially Hills and south to California and by not finishing their education ents should not be misled by short- graduates of some school The food of the Lewis's wood- iccker doing this but it is not a Kansas roughly marks the breed- now, they jeopardize future earn- :erm opportunities for teen-age examinations must be made within • remind one of a crow because at a pecker is varied with the seasons. ommonly observed characteristic 90 days. previous years. • distance It looks black. The (light ing territoryy. Winters are spenp i ings and advancement. Moreover, jobs. They should think of the long In summer the most Important udging from the literature. Dur- f t T L li our country needs trained people laul and give their children the All medical schools in- tho ^however Is not the slow, loiaurc:y food is insects such as grasshop- from western Texas to Lower Cali- ng migration the birds may circle fornia and south into Mexico. and informed citizens in our ef- ireak that education affords." United States are now accredited, LEADER WANT ADS H

Everyone Wants a Lassie... 'Cause Lassies have the Style, the Fabric, Even the Price You Love!

I-oVe tlie summer . . hate to see it » » ,,; _.THB WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20,-1953 Page Twenty.Five Public Library Lists Je public library last week in- "World's Greatest Detective ture," Dlola and "Before You Buy Setnler Attends road attended a directors meeting lor is program director of tho pike Crash Newest Additions clude: Fiction, "The Saint v«. Stories/' a IJOUHC," Callcnder. of the Newark Chapter of the Na- Scotland Yard," ChRrtiria; "Tho Newark Chapter and Is associated Also, non-fiction, "Television Accountants Meeting tional Association of Cost Ac- Bridge nt Toko-Ri," Michener; with Johnson and Johnson in Now, Three Books added to the Woatficlil and Education in the U. S.," Siop- READ THE LEADER FOR countants, Aug. 12, at tho Hotel w Tho Florentine," Splnutelll and. mann; "Tho Undersea Adven- ALL LOCAL NEWS Bernard Senilor of 937 Carlton Robert Treat, Newark. Mr. Scm- Brunswick, e injureJ d Sun- j™ auto. lie wore (n eoUI- SU street and McMANUS BROS,, 1152-1154 EAST JERSEY STREET, ELIZABETH - OPEN DAILY 9:30-5:45 P. M., THURSDAY 9:30-9 P.M. (CLOSED MONDAYS)

16, of 115 Cac- ^/taken to Muhlen- WfilS P^infield, by the K d and treated for «f the right arm, rU ofneck and right This Is The Time To Buy k Motion is reported j, morning. ? to the police an auto- T of Elizaboth, was New Furnishings For Your Home— t east in South avenue, R boy rode his bicycle out I&M street They collided fut side of the road. . frtportod her car continued The Time To Save Plenty \Z street, hitting a tree IB

Laura Miranda, 18, pi i passenger in the car, Here at McManus Bros.! tan to tho office of a local and treated for arm and a head bruise. nii,i tiarite suffered bruises of odij •bees and complained of a \ injury. She said she fw her family pliysician. I cir ,nd bicycle were badly Simmons HIDE-A-BEDS Ko.summonses wore is-

WANT ADS PAY Reduced (ANKER'S 33^3%

I* • ' • ••• A HANDSOME I, AUG1E DANKER SOFA PLUS A COMFORTAW.E BED JHCER'S 'DOTS 'N' DASHES; AT THE PRICE OF •reit tt *et awayon vacation, A SOFA ALONE lift truly wonderful to get 1-particularly, when you earn I daily bre*d by greeting and —| serving such fine I (oiks as those I who wend their • way to DANK- gER'S! Lev* Scat SryUt Rkductd !• start at . . .199 • * * (V«IUM up to I2M.0O) Didst -know I that Jean Osvath Every "Hide-A-Bed Sale" by McManus Brot. hat | recently held a 'shower" for proven to be most advantageous for homeplanners for I Peggy Joy Holl- they not only get a nationally famous Simmons product Ijerg who'll wed at a lobstantidl saving but they also get a double Andrew Taylor, guarantee of satisfaction from McManus Bros. Te again turd«y, August 29^ at the ttrian Church, WwtaeldJ meet this demand, we have placed, on sale another Ml reports the "shower", was group at radically reduced prices ... at savings up te Jli peat affair—f«tffn| $m00 6nd morer-Toumytrro^irfrbm'tnirievve-ir •is really grateful to Jean! contemporary styles in''an"'excellent array of colorful . .*'**' ' ••• ick home agairt after a really fabrics. Shop early — many are mostly One or two of Jyahle "inore siesta^ We Pete a kind. •Edna Belrpc of Fanwood . .; YOU |

yeur mr m nw of McManus Bros, has sold hundreds of th«» complete 3-pc. bed ensembfes ... the value i* moJr extroordmoryl Here you get a complete sleeping unit for just a little more than you would spend ordinarily for a handsome, sturdy, Eorfy American poster- panel bed. In addition you'll r»st well too - for you will sleep on a very comfortable, well-known mattress with its hundreds ond hundreds of tempered steel coifs ond deep felted ophojstery home furnishings pbs a resilient foundation eoil-*prirtg to estwre maximum support. Choice of maple or mahogany'fmisnes. There's nothing e!se to (Th» Largest end Finest Home Furnishings Store in Elizabeth) buy . .. it's all complete for orrfy $59.95. 1152-1154 EAST JERSEY STREET • ELIZABETH USE OUR BUDGET PLAN - $5 MONTHLY! (Elizabeth 2-5600} farmers were to ., wewty-91*: Lone Fanner Says that only those wu J*' • them. 'IVy Wok his WO"}'' con- Sewage Control D,n; at- tnininK 545 in cash, lu- snid. an. Measure Signed wore important •< tendance; 884,291; revenue 10 dropped him into the wood* ami SCOTCH PLAINS — Union farmers i,, t|lcc o ""j Totals $6,645,010 Alfred E. slnte: Commission, $5,411,355.rj; fled. TRENTON County had »>> "U-ction landslide he "aid, but only J When he regained consciousness, TRENTON—New Jersey Trens^ brt>nkagn $1,081,503.70; tutnl, ?('>,- Prism" hns sitrnwl »'»" '""'" bi" F,l,l,,v in favor «f the referendum urer Wnlter T. MnvRi'tts Jr. hr.->412,948.89. he walked toward the business which prohibits .li.sclmrirc- of ».'«- C.M11.T of Wi'stfU'lil. II- IWl-iml es ricting wlu-nt proiiuction. The annoi'iictul the "tnli> collected %0,- ,,,,,. ,„• uthfi- polliilintf miittfi in score was one in fav..r; none »> treatmi'iit at the office uf Ur. Ml..- 1 1 1 04S,010.74 ua Us sihnrc of a rewJ 1 1 1 'ivfi-H and strwinw within Oi' J " ' IllllldSitiull. $85,8!)B,1«« In but* handled at Newark Man Robbed, turn Tliompsuii and the I " "' ' "Kiliotinn of uny si'Vi'i'iiiri- aulliur- wi'iu notlfiwl. •I'll,' lOcctlon in which farmers Open 24 Hoi;,, J Mumtioulh IIOTC Track during its Then Left •Unroiiscious ily .-.wi-pt tlii- J'ii."saic VulU-y all over the country wore to voto fiO-ilny raclni; season this your. Passes Dentistry Exanw si'\vi-nii?u Autliority. KH.lnv deals with the sruvcvnmentu MaiKt'tts sniit the attendance nt Sherman Rclefonl of Newarli, The bill, sponsored by Assem- proposal to cut down on BUvphia llll'I'S 1Iills Monmoulh also sH n new rc-curil— was robbril nnd left unconscious blyman Elili'n (R-Murna), wheat by restricting acveage 014,807. in a wooded area off Knnwood Francis B. Windham, 782 Broad permits the scwviw authoritm- 611 Park A*.., street, was among 110 persons planted in wheat this fall. The There were only 49 racing days avenue, SaUminy afternoon by to institute- suit B«uin«t aiiyont- farmers vote either for or against three men whom he niei In n tuv- who passed the June examinations discharnini? scwaRl- or.other mal- at Monmouth last year. Margetts for licenses to practice dentistry j ihu measure, Reglttered P\._._„ gave this comparison for 11>52 and ern near St. George's avenue, ter into rivers iiml stieanis. Linden. in Now Jersey, the State Board of Anv farmer who grows wheat is attendance at i 19o3 on n 49-dny basis: Tho Passnic Valley Authority eligible to vote in the election but According to Detective Lieut. Registration and Examination has was exceptcd because its opera- Day and I 1952—Handle, $71,101,347; at- announced. John Koscielny of Hahway road, tendance, 805,609; revenue to Albert Hann, who investigated, tions require discharge of wuste at whose home Union County Releford said he took a ride with state: commission, $4,681,294.20; LEADER WANT ADS PAY into the Fassaic Kiver. breakage, $888,373.00; total, ?8,- the three men after drinking with Cltptnln mitl Mm. John 4. LnfTnn are now rr*tillna; In their >i*tv hnniff fit ftl.1 iiriiNOii ultifr which tfcry rei'Miily miri'linned from Mr. nntl Mm. If. .limrph Mnrkprt. TIIIM *nli> IVDN nmiHIiltcil tlirnuKli IlejimMfi, Frill A IIMK. Till* tvnw (i multiple llHleii pr

Scotch Plains-Fanwood News T* Yaa BUSINESS aines Edward Duliiifkna, Ida AIYMT Five Guests Attend ichadt, Matthias Gill, Richard RAPID Rotary Club Session essner nnd Jnmes Cunningham.

SCOTCH PLAINS—Five fjuests 'feeling Scheduled • AUTO DEALERS • COOGAN'S attended lnst week's Rotary Club meeting held in Bremble's Inn. • SCOTCH' PLAINS—The Board UNION COUNTY MUSIC SHOP SERVICE STAT John Sampson, club president, if Education will meet in special BERSE BROTHERS LM LIQUOR SHOP introduced the guests' who were ession tonight at 8 in the board SCHMALZ AMOCO welcomed by Lawrence AndrewB. BUICK CO. Poul W. Twilley, Prop. Frotlacti oom at the High School. On Authorized They included Lewis Gray, mayoi 'hursday, Aug. 27, at 8 p.m. in • Milk & Cream Gu — Oil — Complete of Watchung; John Worth of Plain- BUICK Beer — Wines — Liquors Cmlrnl Avc. ant he board room, bids will be • Buttermilk field; Albert Lamberton, George ipened for construction on th3 M. Ilnskew and Phillip Offenheim- • Cottage Cheese idditions to the Evergreen and DESOTO & PLYMOUTH WE DELIVER er, all of Westfleld. The invocation ihackamnxon schools. TLUMBERS LARRY'S SHELL! wns given by Harry Paff. Authorise 8»l«« * S«rvlc« • Butter & Eggs call WEstfleld 2-3113 Ceiaplete Aatn I Girls Sell Lemonade Car Overturns Delivered Fresh C W. BRIANT Aato Salei & Service From Our Elm W«stfi«ld PLVHIIING * HEAtlWO 441 tr»r1» Art. .OHO THICK «At.B« To Aid Rescue Squad SCOTCH PLAINS—A car WB.lt.1* «-3*H a4 UlC Nearby Farm OONTBACTOa 115 Nortk AT.. B. driven by Frank Turek Jr., 19, \ SCOTCH PLAINS—The Rescue Middlesex Borough, overturned Call WEitteM 3-*3tl Squad was richer by 50 cents last Wednesday in Route 22 and SK Sartfc A«. Weat Weailcla CALL PL 6-2277 PETERSON'S Westfield Friendly! Thursday. Victor street when a tire blew but. HUGH CLARK Westfield Mokll rroaocu But the organization's gratitude Turek escaped uninjured. LIQUORS Ga«—Oil SHOE REPAIRS L^arlcatloa is all out of proportion to the size MOTORS LIQUORS - WINES - BEER — Waaaomohile— of the gift. For the 50 centa repre- Motor Sales Co. Inc. ELECTRICIANS "For that Speedy Prompt Delivery Servie* - Car Waul)" ' sented the total earnings of Gail Trapping Skunks AmpJe Parkin* Spacu AMERICAN SHOE REPAIR *M Norla AM. Mcssmer, 6, and her sister, Kathy, CHARLES T. BRENNAN Ml WE»»««ld Z-5Mt WBlat. 2-0.1TT 5, daugteri of Mr. and Mrs. Harry New Assignment 2O Saa'k In. W. W«««l« Altx Rocco OODP [PLYMOUTH P.Messmer Jr. of 1924 Bartle ave- W local Police CIECTRICIAN Shoe H*»»l»la«— I«Tl»IMa Sole« nue. '• QUALITY WINE & Hat HaaavatlaaT — ZlpP«'a Bepalreil Ve »'•< In nrelrHml work at. the Victor Re The girls operated a sidewalk The efforts of a rroup of Tudor LIQUOR CO, Call WDattcM SM*« lemonade stand so they could con- 8»1M »n« •arvte* I#NMt comt t& r«ii. jval residents to oust a band of Qcaula* factory Part* IB.«raad8t, Wwtaeld tribute to the Rescue Squad. SALES —"SERVICE Winet - liquors - Be»n Texaco Produ kunks appear to bare reached C«« r*n Bottf at ft Sol* Dan W«. t-«iee-f B»»». W*. 2-.142T In »>»tHfld PARTS — REPAIRS -K3Bfc=T HAVOL1NE Motor 01 ] an impasae, with Sergeant Harry AT*, w. 14* B. Brona Uintt Resign* From Board Minnlck of the Westfield Police WE DKI.IVBII RESTAURANTS Department currently sulking the FISH DEALERS anil FANWOOD—Athol C. Newman, striped interloper. MARFAK According to one of the Tudor BIVONABROS. ROBERT TREAT formerly of 115 Forest road, anil LAING Lubrication now of East Orange, has resigned val homeowners, the animals AWNINGS AND from the Fanwood Board of Ad- have been on the prowl for about FRESH FISH DAILY LIQUOR SHOP CANOPIES Beat —Winet — Ltquoit VUVNBARD Tiret, Batterle't and justment. His resignation was ac- i month, digging holes in lawns MOTOR CO. CHOICE SEA POOD GUM 0UU4 F«» •»* I cepted last week by the Borough nd, as skunks will, filling oral nallvary Sarrfca call WKilttK S.IWM) AVB. * WOMB Council, which passed » resolution homes with their own peculiar M-» M. Broad St. in Dihakf Waataall praising Mr. Newman's 20 years odor. , CADIllAC CHATTIN, INC WESTF1ELU ; of service on the board. Residents say complaints to the "Hart a Chot wi* Ctionin" LUNCHEONS AND DINNERS LOANS WEDDINGS AND TEAS gmme warden went .unanswered. Sales and ScrvlM tit. itaa - . • UPHOLSTERERS/ The SFGA sidestepped the issue, AWNINGS DELECTABLrtATEirNG Scotch Plains Lions DESIGNERS aUting that Bkunks, not being • CMVM ami AKmlmim PARTIES TO PLEASE domestic* animals, are outside the Hear Penn«ylv«nian fit-in B. itk iin«« 1 urindictinn of that agency. Th^ HYDE & EtLlS, INC. iuta2p.ni. 8i»eta In New York City'* < SPCA will take care of defanet call jlanaaanaar Dlnacn Villog*-for 25 y»of», SCOTCH PLAINS -Elwood btimatat and Samptai an Raquol FLOOR COVERINGS Rohrbaugh of Clearfleld, Pa., (raert ikunks only. John E. Pitcher 7.11 W. Ttk ' PLalalMW a-«Kll We»tfield for the pott 30< of Henry Bluhm, addressed the The police department was 144 Nank »v«. W. WmtfiaM our accumulative ex WhDhM 1-OM1 LINOLEUM WEitf ield 2-4800 MOUNTAINSIDE Lions Club Thursday night in Ma- brought Into th« affair when it HARRY MILLER at your wrvice. FLOOR TILE Quick, Conndential Servlca ple Tree Inn, Fanwood. Mr. Rohr- wu forced to issue a summons to BLUE STAR INN •n annoyed resident who had taken Auto Loans tn IK MlnuUa baugh, charter president of the MOTORS, INC. •lak Taaa Also Leant on Furniture, 'Salary, BISliH — WINBS — LIQUORS Clearfleld club, told of its history to shooting at (he varmints in vio- • CLEANERS 41 DYERS • Wall Corcrlaa* or Personal Kot« . aOOD FOOD Charles Led and activities over the past 11 lation of the law against the dis- WMlHWf ! gpeclsllllllg In Corner South A.vi.oi»| charge of firearms within town years. Sau«rbr»tten and KartaunelglasM Cumberland St. I limits. That seemed to put it up BROWN & KELLER'S Friendly Finance Co, SprtaKl«M n*. MivtlM PlyiMHth New. Upholstered Purainjl Presiding was John S. Booth. to the police to do something about CLBAMBHl * OVERS •a«» An. W_ M plaaa ttS E«»« Bro»< It. Birthday flowers were presented lo GanMtiift # D«mt*nt» the nuisance. •Canalua • Fun -W«Sal4aM • Wet Uc.No.TM' William House and John M. CIiw- • B)»kcM • Ran MOUNTAINSIDE INN We. 2-1427 son. The song leader was Joj.w The natural ef»ict for ttie jofc M»4rr» llmfl V«»lt. was SergMnt Mimkk, who has 1MB. Bros* St., Wnl«»li WEI WM LUNCHEONS ft DINNERS .— Clawson. The next meeting will he m B»4f" >nd P*nd*r Repalrlnr t«-«8 wukuitn A .., nt«, rii 1 si— FUEL OIL LUMBER Aug. 27...... long been a sportsman, with trap- « Auto Palntln* * ReAnllklnr STEAKS — CHOPS — SEA FOOD VACUUM CUA> ping one of his many accomplish- • ?&rt« a&A Aoce»»orle> Banquet Accommodatlona M mmrttk AT. B. Wn<«*M ments. He has been assigned to WESTFIELD LUMBER M Hratrvatlinit eall WIKMM 1 MM HUGO J. FUGMANN SCHAEFER'S X-Ray Unit Serves trap and destroy the antnrals, and Prompt Cleaners WBnta'M 2-Z*M hopes to have the area denned up Attth'ortlad MILLWORKCO. Slat* 300 At 'Plains In about m week, barring more in' SAME DAY SERVICE FUEL Oil element weather. NORRIS «!•] HI 1* — Oat a« liva" ArafclMatnal WaaMwark HOOVER SCOTCH PLAINS—More th»n SAO residents were servtd by the 1H Oaatnl In, WaaMcM tall Wa*ial< S-tSM RUO CLEANERS • Trim off old canes of raspberries CHEVROLET, INC. ta\t WEttfield JJ272 >!• ffartk An. m, BALES * N«W Jersey State Health DeparU Pkoat W*. *-4Mt and blackberries and born the HIMHl mertt's mobile chest X-ray i trimmings. If left in the vJcmitjr of MIUWORK ' Thursday in front qf th» Muniel- tha plants, th»y may hurfcor rust • COAL DEALERS • HAMRAH BROS. pal Building. »nd anthracnose diacaaM 6»er :ht • AUTO INSTRUCTION* own »r riAi IVAUFAPEIS The Candlelighters Service winter. Cranford Coal Company WESTFIELD LUMBER OLUKAT l»«:o M.BAWKH* Group of Cirl Scout Troop 26 ar Caaitlata kmnm c«»«a«a 10* QUAIITY UfPU UHIGH COAL IT'S , • ranged for the service. Scouts who •at* i»Mca ratllHIea c •sptofew Shwe or Nut. -..fwrton »J2.7 MILLWORK CO. volunteered their services included " " 19.73 WELCH'S PAINT »| Dianne Kuntsman, Louise V«lf, iomt Of the Jtomlc boraM •» Ankltcctaral waaiwaHt Caauileta Bafat* IcrvfM A-l Auto School luckwlnaf " " 17.00 W«ll-T.-Wall Car*««tiie thst they nmld k* Mil WBataola CHmmH la tke Him e> Ovlc* say, Learn To Drive Now I CALL CRANFORD 6-l5\6 •!• Hart* *r». B. Adults who assisted were Mes- AtUvetei by irtillary or lulded mt» 332 Leland Av. Mainfleld •ne<. Mivous noni OU« JftCIAlTYl INTERIOR MOVERS FLainfield 6-44J6 PACKARD WATER SOFTE> •vm Hy dramatic DECORATORS Slondard BROWN & KELLER'S SERVICE WESTFIELD CO., Inc. SARGENT'S Experienced • Fluid- Dm. CHAIN Oriental and Domeatl Ao Will Pick Y«u Vf at Y«ur Horn. EXPRESS HUO CLEANKHl Soft Water Servie*' tteflarn Cold Storage Vaulti PACKAM) Nalnfleld 4-7271 DECORATORS tm at, SaiaaV *««««!* WB MM* CUSTOM JCADB Salei & Service AT*. a FarnfNEv* — vtt can • ll«* Cnm " CORSETS • DMplHN WHIIIII STORAGE UNITED VAN LINES, Inc THE CORSET SHOP k«( Par Oar "*« Sett Cor««t« rtfaz—Cm! I** HiNRY P. TOWNSEND la Salesmanship" but WEstfieM 2-4040 call Wat««M MM "To Fit Them Is An" •4aa STORAGE «T ». BUnAO JIT. ttWI MOVING t> PACKING PACKER BROS. Inc LM4I>S Bin4a to C»on«e From Plainfield 6-8870 B. ™OMT 9T. OPTICIANS 141 B. Broad WSUtBHI 3-M1I call HEAT WITH OIL... Ml Hart* Arc W. KAISER-MAZM •JUVENILE FURNITURE* ROBERT F. DAY • ECONOMICAL • AUTOMATIC • DRUG STORES • Salei & Service Prescription Optickm • SERVICE STATIONS • AL EERSE'S oall • DEPENDABLE An K&kes ot Cars Servlcod *nd Repaired CENTRAL CAROUSEL « Elm gfc We.t«,l« AL'S CITIES SERVICE (Opp. Peoples Bank * Trust Co.) wu Hwti At. m. PHARMACY lf! ramttnn — T»T« * Saa — OH Phone WE. 2-2200 Laarlcatloa WBatKM Vt*41 lllcfaael J, Cermels, Reg. Pfca ••II WBattcM »-5 im J.) LEAPEB. THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1953 fiam Jf'arm Against Termite 'Diners' I of Agriculture. Eueh conr«p ruiw anil arronecincnlH have'been made Announce Second " Baby Parade at I for 10 Weeks, exclusive of Christ- Brokers Report for partial possennion immor.lintely, mas recess with the torm ending and full possession Will bo ob-Lawn Demonstration fan. 22. tained when new quarters for the Park Saturday Waterfront Sale Texas Co., have been completed A. necoml liiwn demonstration*;! Although the courses nro plan- ! ned principally for farm people, in Linden. will be huld this evening by thS j Union County Anri.n\. with a parade around' tllo Further information about age on Newark Bay nt the nioutb worked phras*. You may often sub- lnwn renovated, An each step if) j park's picnic grove. hose courses can be obtained from of the Pa8salc River on a govern- stitute "on" or- "nbout" for this carried out, the agricultural ugerijsI Three top prizes will be givti. .ho Assistant Dean of Agricul- ment maintained SO foot channel phrais. It la bttter not to «»?-,, "Wr. will discuss what is being done and I in these-five categories: Prettiest ture, College of Agriculture, New within the extended free lighter- Smith arranged an Interview with ivhy. 11 Brunswick. blonde, ulwnya the most populai nga limits of Now York harbor, Pfofeisor Jones In corinactlon with All persons Interested in mate] division; prettiest brunette, pret- Alterations and Improvements are John's gradea." Subatltutt "about" ing a new lnwn or renovating ah j tiest red-head, best decorated car- LEADER WANT ADS PAY contemplated by the purchase^ for "In connection with." old, are invited to attend. iitt|>e and best float. A dozen Es- x County women will bo judgep. The pnrklfi new, free show, due Monday, will feature the Plying Valentines, trapeze trio; the'Stein- met! trampoline act; Hal Plum- mer, contortionist, ami Smoky, Joe Phillips' trained horse. Olympic ParWs pool will be n commencement scene Aupr. 29 for tomo 900 children who have learned to swim there this sum- mer, under Red Cross auspice). On Sunday, Aug. 30, there will be FUTURE STAR—Linda Ba- another memorial concert, with bits, 11, is probably trie :e Univeriity'i Col- Capt. Joseph Easile's band playing world's youngest; recording hi* off AAgriculture, Explains Mhy"a dtrt.filUd porch like the one im all-Sousa program. Miss Patri- artist o( classical music. In |n tbe model encourafM unwanted termite "gue«U"-to dine on cia 'Sousa, daughter of the late? New York, Linda is shown troojen itructuret with the raiult lliann by the termite-ridden John Philip Sousa, has been in- making a record" o( a.Mozart „„ by {our he holdi. Dr. Schmltt tayi that with current conttruc- vitod. , medley as composer Frank lion methodi termitei never had it ••' food. • Luther checks the perform- lVew Jersey Food Prices ance and Bob Thiele, right, 'clocks the timing. . leaf-Sucking Pests Retard Show Slight Decline Growth of Trees and Shrubs TRENTON—The State Depart- ment of Labor and Industry today Rutgers' 10-Week Mites, psyllids, leafhopperai, tled, unhealthy.; Lace bugs, with announced the average retail food Every stack from front to back—every shelf and every l»re bu»s and aphids are, busily tiny gray oval bodies and sospric- e declined very slightly during Farming Courses at work on trees anil shrubs. samcj--like flat wings, me sucking July—oni^hulf of .one per cent. showcase—offers row on row of extra values. We, make Some are so tiny they could pass Juices f rpm' the underside of The department said the decline v through an eye of a needle. All leaves. Spiny with lindane. was accounted for by "the sub-Start Nov. 2 every price a low price—and we do it every day. We ire meek appearing, as if they Hosts of evergreens are yel-stantial decrease" in the price of Bald do no harm. fresh fruits and vegetables, which lowing and browning. It's likely balanced off an increase in the Rutgers University's seven seek out special values, and we pass them on at once. Ytt for all their innocence they the work of red spider (the two-price of meat and- eggs. Short courses in, agriculture will ii untold damage from spring to spotted mite) and aphids, all suck- start this year Monday, Nov. 2 mil into Indian summer, remov? ing plant juices. Seme may be two weeks later than; usual. No wonder you eat better for less money when you |nr plant juices causing chloro- flushed off by a forceful stream of mites may be crowded on the According to WoaWvelt Grif phyl to disappear and often cau«- of water. Better still, spray with surface of a single leaf, all suck fin, assistant dean of Rutgers n( « distorted appearance to thea mitlcide to check the mites and ing vital juices. Spray with a College of Agriculture, the Inte shop Co-op. Co-op is the store run by its' customer! I hi Some, like leafhopperB, either nicotine or lindane ta con-miticide such as aramite, ovotran starting date for the 48th annual transmit deadly virus dis- trol the aphids. or dimite. session of short courses Is to per eaies. . •_...• Turn over a low-hanging copper Leaf hoppers, the) Olympic stars mit farm people interested in tak Notice, Bays Edward J. Duda, beech leaf. It may be white with of the insect world, also drain ing the courses more time to finish assistant entomologist of the Bart- a woolly aphid. The underside of plant juices arid are the vectors their season's work. BELTSVILLE TURKEYS lb lett Tree Research Laboratories, a birch leaf may be gray with of virus diseases. Slender, deli Courses will be given in dairy another kind of aphid. Aphids cate, tiny, they're quite abundan how tbe leaves of boxwood have 1 farming, fruit growing, vegetable fresh killed tupped. Inside are small grayish-* also cause leaves of maple and and serious this summer. Spray production,' animal husbandry, green psyllida (first cousins ta apple to crinkle and shrivel. Con- with DDT or chlordane, poultry husbandry, turf manage- .phids). They cause plants to trol with lindane or a nicotine These are big days for such tiny ment and landscape maintenance. I VEAL, CHICKEN, or 14iu xcome an unattractive yellow. spray. insects, when may do considerable Each is a full-time course and in- Spray with DDT or nicotine sul- Notice how dusty leaves of soma harm unless you step in and stop cludes . lectures and laboratory fote. . oak, hickory, sour gum, silver their monkeyshines. work conducted by regular mem- CORNED BEEF > 49c p|CKLE &PIMIENTQ ' Rhododendron, azalea and fiie-i maple, elm and birch have become. bers of the' 'faculty of the New tttrn leaves become chlorotic, mot- Iit's mite damage,- and- hundreds LEADER WANT ADS PAY Jersey -State • University's College BABY STEER UVER ,b-49c I LOAF 29c



15c Used car dealers report that •••••* Pork and Beans 1.-1.2 for 27c LIQUID STARCH Ugal. 29C CAMPMU'S , Fords return more of their original Pork and Beans 23^. 2 »* 37c Macaroni Dinner 2 ..29c cost than any other car-r- Tomato* Paste HUNT s 312 23c Paper Towels COOP '"ST 15C and there are 41 reasons why: Evaporated Milk 2>H25c WI1S0NS lite Potatoes MUY N..i«r, 10c B.V Meat Extract v,.^r 29c Take power, tbrt'i two kigh-CMnprelsion engines are real leaders in their claw. Ford'i tie only CM in the low-pric* All Regularly $1.00 Geld to offer you the smooth power of * V-8 engine. And no 14 Price Sale other car in any field hm w modwm • Six. WOOOBURY'S URGE, $1.00 SHI, BEAUTY BLENDED NOW ONLY LOTION COCONUT OIL CASTILE SHAMPOO LANOLIN RICH HAND CREAM

MACINTOSH AmtS twin 25C ' FROZEN FOODS BATIKS Take Savings. Ford's efconomy-minded SEA1ROOK EXTRA FANCY PEAS Take builtl. Ford's we-pwM d«(Mmi* Tmh» tide. Ford's wondwfiil, new Automatic Power Pilot lavsa y

is to USTIN TO TNI BOBBY SHERWOOD SHOW WA1C 4:30-1:00 A.M. MONDAY THKHMM MtlAT STOtE HOURS 8 A.M.-6 P.M. - OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. , MEMtn - M!D-IA»TB»H COOMMtWM, ««. - NAWSMM COeMWRATIVg - TWIN COUNTY GKOC1RS, INC FORD THE Take visibility. Ford pm you the "in- Take drives. Only Ford in its field gives W0RTH miBE WHEN TOW BUY IT... wound" view you qete) in tndiy'l ftrt-moving you ft choice of a completely automatic drive, burnt A curved one-piece winduhield, car-wide Fordorralic, die Snort, moat verwtite autumaric WORTH MORE WHEN YOU SEtL TTt »«E window and Urge "picture windows" all you esn bay ... fud-mtiits Overdrive or •round m»l« 9UFe vou nilve Full-Circle visibility. easv-ahiftinK Conventional Drive. Westfield Motor Sales Co., Inc. CO-OP FOOD STORE NORTH AVENUE WESTFIELD 2-1038 T-! Twen^Eigtt THE WKSTFIELD(N.-JO Finals in Tennis Club Junior Local Killers Score Tennis Club Team Seeded Players Advance In First Auderson Start* Iu Rick Williams Ootworlhy Wins Mixed Doubles At Mohuwk Horse Show Swimming Meet National Dive Tide Wefctfield entries in the annual Defeats Summit Title Play Opens Lake Mohuwk Horse Show, held Rounds of Play Monday. Tuesday Roger Anderson of Wcatfiuld Upsets Gatesy Bob CMworlhy of Moun- Saturday and Sunday, brought waa the big point getter for tht talnaide won the three-meter •--•I.:,, ,,,,,andi sereraseveral In First of Two Jn conclusion of one of the mote Play went according to form National AAU diving cham. home a cnami" it Callahan rodiJ with no upsets registered Monday J'luiiititld Swimming Club, whicl At TC Saturday o Ambitious teuniu programs held in won its seventh straight Union For Golf Title piomhip at Indianapolu Sat- libbnns. Miss I to the Junior Di- 1 the history of the Wentfield Ten- and Tuesday in the junior singles County Men's Swimming Chum urday. The Mixed Doubk'8 Champion- her Misty Miss shiu after placil.K r-1 vieto: championship tournaments for auij nis Club, nix junior champions will uionship at Kahway last week. An In an upset, a Holy Cross Col- CMworthy, who loit thu vision the Olym- mit Tennis Club u [ be crowned at the club courts Sat- boys and girls of the Westfield ship of the Weslf.eld Tennis Club the ifray huntfr first in derson scored 13 % of the club's lege student, Kick Williams, won crown to D. S. Browning of martird in the children'hil s open match held at the local iu urday afternoon when the finals Tennis Club in the age groups, | for 1963 will be at stake when ;na a «- ten, twelve, and fifteen and under. 77 points, The Union County J'ajk the Aah Brook Golf Course club the University of Texat )••! day afternoon. Of five i mo j/Jayed in the boys and giila Pools contingent wad second with championship by defeating tlie year, clinched it with a near- play gets underway in the annual played, the local players > {.ingles championships for players Thirty matches were played with =our!T;^won f : All^Metl all seeded players advancing '• hi points and Malolo Swim Club Now Jersey PGO champion, Jules parfect I % double, twUting tournament to be held at the local won triumphant in two sin j 1C years and under, 12 years and of New Providence, third with 14. •omenault. The five judge* Hunter SL'at event. 1 the first two day/of competition Gati'sy of Garwood 3 and 2, in club courts Saturday afternoon, Jimmy Leo's First Edition-woi. doubles engagements. under, and 16 years and under. The Westfleld High School star lS-holes Sunday. rated it the beat dive of the five matches played Barbara Sturges and '/Alpha Aug. 29, according to Ucorgc Yen- Jimmy jji-v o - — Seventy players entered the six won first places in the 50 yard It was an even bigger surprise day, three giving it 9>« of a he Open Working Hunter Clans, sets before the iCvents with play getting underway Bentley were the first to reach the zer, tournament chairman. semifinals in competition in the freestyle and backstroke; fourth because Galesy set a new coura potiible 10 point! and two placed second in the Children's cided. : late Monduy and continuing all in the 150 yard breaststroke and record for Ash Brook Saturday. awarding it nine. Handy Hunters, third in the Olym- group 15 and under. Barbara de- Present indications are that tne Westfield will play at week. The finals will start at onofeated Meredith Henschkcl 0-0, was anchor man on the 100 yard Ho -went around in 34-37—71, to The .Mountainside youth, tournament will be a wide open ia, fourth in the Working Hunter o'clock according to Jerome II. relay team. Itake and fourth in the Humer this Sunday afternoon in 6-0 in the first round of play, and clip two strokes off the old marl who competed En last year's affair. Last year's champions, Don Stak- ^entity Jr., chairman of the Jun- bet by Mike Vinegro this year. (lass lor amateur ridersidr . *•'- ."- «.- engagement. then triumphed over Susan Nye Zilpha Bentley, also of West- Olympics, contributed to his Weir and Carol LaRoza, will not ior Development Program, Parents (5-4, 6-2 in the quarter finals. Zil- fleld, won the 50 yard backstroke Williams, who resides in West- final total of Z09.ZS with a equitation division, Jimmy won Fred Hesse, playing No 1 .!„ mid friends of the youngsters are plia won from Anne Brower 6-0, event for junior girls, £or the Wat- field, scored m\ upset .to gain the well executed backward twist- defend their title as a team, du: third in the AHSA Medal class. _les for Westfield, was he W jnvited to witness the matches. In- 0-0 in the opening round, and reg-chung Lake Swimming Club. TJija final, lie bounced Vinegro, 4 and ing Hi somersault, 2)4 pike to the fact that Weir no longer Peter Fay, representing; Camp loser for the local club. 0e«£ terest is at fever pitch and many istered a straight Bet 6-1, 8-1 winciub was without the services this somersault, sae a backward is identified with the local club. Ranger, took second place in theHimadi- of Summit proved T Rood matches are in the offing. over Margie Maxwell in a quarter year of, Luane Campbell, aiiotht-r Gatesy dumped Sal Caramagno, twisting 1 ',i somersault. Mies LaRoza, however, will team special camp horsemanship c&ss.1 steady for the harH'Wtting C The junior tournaments are onefinal engagement. Westfielder, who had been a double 4 and 3, and Bill Robrecht, 7 and up with Fred Hesse, runner-up to youngster, but was forced to ™ , of the high spots of the Junior cliampien i the past three years. it, to gain the final round. Gordon Booth in the club men's three gets before winning 6-1 2^ J Development Program. Each week Susan Nye won her first round 7*5. • * 1 contest from Carol Walton 6-0, It was the ni st tournament tri- Local Woman Ties tingles this year, and the duo will for a period of ten weeks, tennis umph for the Westfield youth, t Kaplans Pace In No. 2 singles, Bob Stulki clinics have been held at the club G-0. Lynn Anderson defeated Sally bfi dangerous contenders for top Blackburn 6-0, 6-0 in the first Stars, Caseys Holy Trinity High School grudu honors. Hesse is a former Eastern former Lafayette net star had to under the supervision of George ate, who lies been playing golf In Charity Golf go all out before taking the meas. fjco wagon, tennis professional. In round. Marjorie Savoye downed interscholastic champion and h«Shacs k Golf Night Beth McCoy 6-0, 6-0, and will play only three seasons. He is a nephew lire of Mike Hered o£ Summit SJ 1 turned in a number of creditable tW( addition to group instruction for Lead Softball of Danny Williams Si ., former 4-6, 7-6. Mary Guibenkian in the quarter The HoIe-in-Onc Tournament, . *)| youngsters in the various age Shackamaxon professional, and a performances in New Jersey tour- A husband and wife team won finals. Margie Maxwell defeated sponsored by Plainfield Lodge 8S5, John Kraft hung up < groups, there have been lectures, cousin of Danny Williams Jr., one naments. Miss LaUoza ia playing their respective divisions in the Sandra Stevens 6-0, 6-0 in h«rLoop Playoffs BPO Eiks for the benefit of its set 6-1, 9-7 win over Ed question and answer sessions, of the State's leading pros. the finest tennis of her career. Plainfield Elks sponsored Hole-vn- first match. The winner of the Crippled Children's Fund, came to the visitors ia the No. 3 round robin tournaments, BT:U Teamed with Miss Doris Knoeppel One contest last week during -. talks on good sportsmanship. Av Martha Gerhart - Bonnie Blrdsu'i Kick's cousin gave him the only a successful close Sunday night at encounter. natch will play Lynn Anderson. The Westfield Community Soft- of Cliffside Park, the local net- "Shackamaxon Night" at the tvajjc attendance at the weekly golf lesson he ever took two yeaia tha Windmill Driving Range, Bill Elcome and Henry Hesse Mary Guibenkian drew a bye inball League playoffs got under way Windmill Driving Rrange in Route ftwions has been 75, During the ast week when the Caseys and Kgo, but Rick has made decided Route 22. cter has won three junior doubles continued their fine victory jtrW the first round. inprovement since then. He bcaU 22. c e v tummer 166 juniotf members of Merchants played a 1-1 tie game, championships in New York State. in HnnWedoubleas planlnyv bhyv downing Herb Wright moved to the finals his father, Roch Williams, rather A special playoff had to be held Both members of Shackamaxon py y owning £ , the c|ub, have taken part in the followed by two games between MoyerM - andd TT. Gebalt of Summit in the title event for boys 15 egularly, and his dad plays in the Sunday night to determine the wo- Miss Betty Coumbe, club sin- program. The local club's fine work t'iie league's oldest rivals, tho Country Club, which honored its 6-2, 6-3. The Elcome-Hew duo years of s^e and under with vic- ovv eighties. Williams has,tried out men's division winner, for Miss gles champion, and a ranking play- With juniors has been heralded North Stars and Triangles. Both pro with an "Alex Ternyei Night," completely outclassed their adver- tories over Pick Kimball, 0-0, 6-2, for the Holy Cross team twice and DUne Williams of the Plainfield er in the Eastern U.S;L.T.A., will throughout the country and ha« were won by the North Stars 4-2 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kaplan tork saries. They jumped into «n early and Bob Feeley, n from Bob Cagsidy by default. youngster had knocked off such tion. the opening set of their matea •?We went «re Barbara Sturgta, Top-seeded Hank Marshall ad- a li B the cup, Second place in shooting for with A. Gagliara and Pat Mulligan : standouts as Johnny Edwards of Gordon Booth, four time winner ' "M*rf Gulbenkianj Lynn Anderson vanced to the finals of the boys AfertjliiuiU ,,,.000 001) 1—1 8 I men went to George Mauro of of#Summit 7-5, eked out the sec- '•mi Zdpha Bentley. In the boys Uufltsya 0U0 1O0 0— I 5 I) Scotch Plains and Mike Vinegru Bob Caney's H'6 incher with- of the men's singles championship, tournament in the 10 year old Umpire*; Kelly, llowilon. of .Koselle, itood the final weekend of firing to Plainfield at four-feet, one-half , 1, followed by Boti Cassldy. of a single;game,' Due to the age The Wostfleldei', whose long gon, former women's title holder third with a four-foot, three and North Ktiira ,.103 DOI) 0— I I S drives are adapted'to Ash Brook, Don Hampson was tops in the at tho local club. Henry Hesse will .f'Ko, 8( Doug Jnhnaon, No. 8j andirioup, decision. was reached that THHUKIUB ,,,,110 ooo o—a 'j j malPfry group at 2 feet, 6 inches. one-half inch shot. ,'IUi* W>lgh,t, Nq, 4. tho winners in this event would led Gatesy 2 up at the turn after team up with Miss Juno Stevens o£ losing the first hole, Gatesy foil Cranford, a top ranking Junior Mrs. Kaplan's six-foot, 11 andEsposito-Jacksou •';, Dorothy Gulbenklan and Jl}»ry bo selected: on the basis of the II II 11 MISN'H DIVIHION TrhinifluM ..,..001 OrtO 0— I It 1 one-half inch shot was good for Klirdnall were seeded 1 and 2 re* player winning four of seven behind by three holes at tha 12th, [Joll fHHWy, player. Others who already havo Lose in Finals Nurth HIUM ..100. OH) x— i 5 u then won tha 13th and 14th. submitted their entries, are MIB.first place in the women's division.'! s' w«etiv«ly in the girls tournament {.'limes. Marshall defeated Tom Jmplrt'u: Kelly, t!ruwfor*l, Kurltan Vulloy CO 3V4 I". Second place went to A. Mildred . .if«r gi'l» 13 fe»ta of sge and «n Benjamin 4-0 and won from Bob After Gatesy dropped an ir»n Joo Kpluflo, William S. YeaKCT and John Kraft, 11 II F, WfttchunK CC Vh '». Lynn Anderson and Spencer Kipe, Seibert of Westfield with an eight- George Esposito of the West- - .-'der, In th* boys event for 12 years Punnecker by a like score, Werclianta .,,,001 pon 0—131shot ten feet from the pin on the foot, four and one-half inch ef- Guasya 0311 illlli x— i I 0 EM Kripltm, field Tennis Club teamed with i#nd finder the Beddings, were us 16th, Rick dropped a No, ,7 iron Mary Gulbenkian and Bill Fullard Ray Bailey defeated Dave Bil- Umpires: liowilmi, K6)ly. aiiiickitmuKon T% In.Jr., and Susan Nye and Cyril Rhys. fort. Second place.in the special Bob Jackson of the Netherwood 'fo||owif Teny Bentley, No. Ij tanbender 4-0 in the first round, The games this week depends only six inches away for an auto- WOMIWH DIVIWMN Shackamaxon competition went to W,C|Mrln Efldv, No. 2; Malcolm Bar, matic blfdte, and he won the hole MIHH Hiiino WlllluniB. Club, Flainfield, battled their wr.y IHiley will play the wiffliet of the on how the Triangle-North Star Vllilnlield OO 2 (t., 6. far Vl'l« 10 years of age andmatch front Steve Booth by de-Park at fli45 p.m. x-Woii 1'luy.on: 17/t.,»',{, in, GOING ON VACATION? John "Chandler of Fanwood and mitt Jay Bontloy was seeded No. , Qn JTueuisy «tnd. „. 1 fault, « Vi ...... ;„ ;„.. .mrAW. FBY DIVISION * •:-m m* Jaae Yoger, No, g, H»flk nights next week there will be, D'in Tlumpmm 3 ft., « In. "Next Page Be tun to Have Th«;4eaeer • > rfDeWitt Willis of Scotch Plains on In the girls event, 10 years of Forwarded to Your New Aaereit ' nftwM! was topaetded in Hie boya age and under, Jo Ann Bray, Janii games under lights. Tuesday Uuf Swamp Roaelle Park Kil ttrgwnetl , 4 ft,, 1 In. Saturday 6-^, 7-5, 6-1. vr^aurney far 10 year old youngsters, Ytager, and Margo Ritchie all ad-winners of the National and Amci ;»nd vindcr, with Bay Bailey JII,vanced to the semifinals, Winners lean Little Leagues will play for Wcstfteld swamped Roaelle Park, H»M No. 8. were selected on tha basis of the tha championship and this game 1144-1083 last week In « Union , Junior Day will be held again heat, of seven games in match play, will be followed by a championship County Pollen Fiatol League -•nit Monday morning «t 0 o'clock Second a e e d e d Jane Yeager i.oftball game. Wednesday night match. A new loop all time record •nd the final Junior Day of t»ethawed real class in downing Joyce the Weatfteld Police Department was set by Elizabeth when thoy ' IPM Manon fs scheduled for Au-Smith 4-1 in the flrat round, arid will play an All-Star game and this fchot 1102 in defeating Linden Ho. ,f Hit'Sl at which time awards will then defeating Marion Archer 4-0. will be followed by another cham- 1, pionship aoftball game. »• mad* for good attendance, for Jo Ann Bray gave a creditable Standings flnd Wostfleld-Iloselle tournament winners, and for good performance in her march to the Don't forget the days, >O* YOUR VIST The players chosen for the All-I'uvk scores follow: sportsmanship, v semis. In the first round Jo Ann , Kamberi of the Junior Devel- Stav game are as follows! w. defeated Jban Kammerman 8-1, Murctntnta—Vf, Unnnlelll, A. ttuaao, U«ID CAR RIAL I nent Committee include; J. H.won from Judy Nevins by default Trittnsles-—D. Paniuarellu, J. Miller. illicit li No, t ,.13 \ .1100 ntley Jr., chairman, Mis. H. 1. in the second round; and then tri- Jlnrtll 8luv»—1'. Vlalhuitle, II, Moil Uindtni No. 2 ...... ,11 1 .»lti denon, Mrs. ][. N. Bailey, Mrs. not 11. linlon I'uunly l»urk ,10 II ."Oil umphed over Bambi Eddy 4-0 in ruaeya—J, (Tolemnn, ,1, clRnovero. Crantord ,,,.,,. , « 8 . I'110 H, Bentley Jr., Mrs. Stan H. tha quarter finals. Jo Ann played (lloilView—II. M»:C'IO8ky, (!. Crosliy. . 7 .000 Hten, Miss Jane Prager, Mra, Natlonnl QYTPBUTO — It. Nowlcm, C. ViillMlllllll . 7 .sou a ate.llar brand of tennis and ia Hmxton, Sltrliurtttld ...... 5 I C. f, Eddy, Mra, Henry J. Mar-expected to go a long way in jun- YMOA—.p, Flnffs, 10, Khnmennan. a 1 , Mrs. Bobert McCoy, Mrs, J, Aecurala' Bushing—Q, Kelly, T, Moa- Weatllola 4 0 .111JI?0 ior tennia circles if aho stays with perovli'h. Sitotch ]*lalns .L 4, I) .aos felyig Jr.. Mrs, W. S. Yeager, »nd the game, Tho pltuiiera for this ffnine are toHunnult 4 9 M» Charles f, Patterson 8r. Ktmilivortli .,,..,,., 4 9 ins Jay Bentley, seeded No. 1 in the 11 .08 Atervha orKrt). ,1100 mrla event IQJwd under, did not.North 10 ,00ft H«wks Down PBA see action on Tuesday, Her oppon- OoSKe ents In the early rounds of play WJSSTl'lUU) In Exhibition Game will be Alice Methfeesel and Betty YM'PA—Prifntla* telniw , Benjamin, Alice Meth teasel won MtO— O'Suoh " V'ui'dulls The matuiser*. Muntle. Nntional Hewitt J 'WesMJeld'a Hawks heat the from Peggy Laird by default. (lyiiilini. Coauheiii i)uw, M*i reliant Hi ilet'tiyden, Oaae^a, Buya Used Car •#rim|ord Honorary PDA, 8-4, inBambi Eddy won from Harriet a ...... lTT »n exhibition game between Union Haslam by default. Marion Archer 2 £ount|> Baaebaif League nines at (cored a 6-2 win over Kate Glen- GOING ON VACATION? (slulnil non, fiail Burdett eked out a close TaMaa,uea Park Sunday, B« aura la Mailer «jv lofcnny Morris, Hawk manager, win over Susie Eddy 4-8. Margo Rilehie defeated Judy Large 8-i; i y*w Totitla .1.0*8 fli# W* U.m with a b»a«a-lqa

< Please turn to page 29) 1, Th* tt*am ai Hi* in*4 car trap—th* hail af m a«r lawmllaaf. taf>-ajwaility traaa-im. .100 3. Chaclne) Ov* ways—engine, tMaring, Hi«t, kvaha*, atecM by mat tWIIeel OWtmeail* mechanic!. 4. lacked by aw wrHtm watranry and butinail

9. Clavrfr warteel—»e you cse'f ga wrang—by OMtataMta* tamag* taat al u»ea ear aaaand- akiliry a*e] valua—fka Sa«e»y-Teirte! Seel! Best of a!!, our srJrctioo uicludr.i osed "Rocket" Engine eara—dext t**t b»r to a rt«t0 Omsmobile! C^^* i^ and iee—»ad you"!! a jrrt... it'f smart to deal with Oldsmohilc! MNE AS VOU INMY THIIACES T^til! to the riciftj ir&m your etub Don't let crumpled fenders, broken kouse tafele, for tabit ^eservftEioni phone YOiikers:t-4?87. grilles or smashed glass remain on t *ACf $ NMMnt your damaged cor. Let our experts vsdon* YOntersg-COO, tS.ldrw sot AND repair the damage and repaint TO TO LDS MOBILE MAURI YOUK CA1 usv err * MOIT MfVI; Tanneh or Rn4?« where necessary. fl coiyenietu-e when io Weal Kids H *»> to Siw Kill to »ACKf» »Y tMIt your car needs service! Saves CrosCounty AmpU parking ^ 1 yaur tiise . . . costd nothing .^pendi'nt "D" t«m ot* Pk.. 7tk Av -Vin Con. lo Stl TOUR NIARtST OLBSMOIHC DIALIR extra. Ju-st phone and our Lex -Mroms W PACKER BROS. Inc. modern Servt-Car will be at dltior promptly. *l M, •••m. nt COWUTI AUTO MMJWNO NORRIS CHEVROLET, Inc. 223-225 North Am, Aatharixmd D*mkr far Yoar Horn* Tmwn Nortk mA Central Av**, Wertfield, N. J. TcL We, 2-Q220 RACE WAV THE WRRTPffiLD (N.J.); LEASER, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 19SS P*M Twenty-Nine Monmoiith Sets Junior Tennis Play -V- The Majors Junior Tennis Continues at WTC New Records (Continued from pnfro-28) nob Yenzcr defeated Bill Fill- •. ' • •>•- i-'&vi By B. O. THOMAS Ufarny Frnnt?. winning; from Su- zanne Wilcox 8-(! in n prliellinjr lard Jr., (1-4, (1-1 In the quarter MONMOtrm PARK — Mon- ilnnls of tlii> Junior A Tournament contest that required almost two Sunday at the WestlteUI Tennis The collapsing; Giants Knvo the niotith Park closed its 19B3 racing hours before the winner was do- Dodge-.* a comfortable lead in the son last week on a crescendo oidod. Tho Wileojc y o n n K-S t o i- Club courts. Fullni'd extended Yen- •Nationaall LeuKuc and the WWhite e uf wagering and attendance fig- showed real spirit and duti'imini;- zer in the opening set but wnt Jox wwi. rough time with ures that found brand new refolds tion before bowlnff out of compe- unable to maintain his pnee in tlu- lie Detroit Tigers whichi , at thia written into the book. Climaxed tition. Her line performance was second. ate date, makes it appear certain by the last Saturday's smashing one of the high spots of thn first Vernier's win on Suuilny put him that this year's world series will $3,405,470 "play", poured through two days of piay in the junior in the semifinals. Ho will play the be another subway series. the machines by 42,807 patrons, events. Mnrny had to RO nil out to winner of the Dick LnRozn-Boh If history repeats and it prob- the seaside traok> closed with final eke out. a win. Both girls played Cnssidy encounter. Charlie Patter- ably will, the Dodgers will los« wagering of $85,898,100 for a well. Dorothy Gulbenkian, seudt"! sou Jr. has already reached the the series to the New York Yank- dally average of $1,717,962. This No. 1 in this event will meet the limit bracket. ees although this year the Dodgem compared with last season's 71,- winner of the Mary Glennon-Susfln have the best chance they have 1(11,347 and $1,452,272 average, Walton match. Mnry Birdsall will Coakley Tournament had in years to' take the title. an increase of slightly better than meet Julie KammPrmnn. Ellen The Gianta, in a bad slump, 17 per cent. Attendance jumped Bryden will meet Barbara Elcome Set for August 28 PACEPS IN ACTION TOPAV?.. "lapped back nt the expense of from last year's 870,300 and 17,- Terry Bentlty renehed the finals the slipping Phillies and beat Phil- 761 to 994,576 and 19,891,. ap- of the tournament for boys 12 Union County's top golf attrac- proximately 11 per cent up. j-enrs of nffe and under, by dofeat- tion, the 9th Francis X. Coakley "delphid's two aces: Robin Rou- Memorial Tournament, is expected crts and Curt S.mmona. Robin Jockey Snmniy Boultnetta, who K John Cook 6-3, and downinR \Mlllnni P. Onrllr nnil fnnill), rufmrrjj- of PlnlMlrlil. nrr now rrnM- Roberts lost a heart-breaker to the led the joeky fold in 1949, was Larry Ritchie 0-2. Winners in thin lo find many of the ranking Rott- Inic In lln-lr npw hump nl 24i llflrlilt*rtk nvt*nup, FnnnutMl, purchftNra ers in this state teeing off for hon- from Hul <>. I'rnim-n IliriiiiKh (hr uin..- of It, fill) (rlnlrli h*. In... Gianta and, although the final back in the same keen form this irroup were decided on the basis of l''nn\vuiiil. TliiM pruperlr KHH .M.I.. #livri. ' score was 8-1, the game was, not season and was seen astride 51 the player winning one Ret. .lack ors, medals and prizes at the Gal- as one-sidud as the final score in. winners, just, over a one-a-dny av- Benjamin defeated Charles Eddy loping Hill Gulf Course, Kenil- Uicated. erage. His closest competitor was li-4 to advance to the semis. Mal- ivorth Friday, Aug. 28, nt 9 a.m., Mrs. A. Faxon Paces Apprentice Roger LeBlanc with the Union County Park Commis- Robby'suffered from non-sup- colm Sargent also moved to the Director to Speak 41, and then came Jimmy Stout semifinals with a 6-3 win over sion has announced. Echo Lake Golfers port as ho sought his 21st win. with 34, Joe Culmone with 20 and The tournament is a pro-amn- Even Robby joined his team-mates .Tcff Chandor. Sargent and Benjn- Charles O'Brien, 124. Stout had min will meet in the semifinnls teur best-bnil meet with each pro- Mrs. A. D. Faxon defonted Mrs, On Bible Plants m compiling six errors as he threw led the riders for the previous fessional having three amateur W. Smith 7 and (i lost week in the wildly to first. Despite his bad Thursday afternoon, the winner to three years in succession. piay Terry Bentley on Saturday partners who are to receive, ono- flnnls of the first flight of the Dr. Harold N. Moldenke, direc- showing against the Giants, Rob- half of his club's handicap. Pairing championship golf matches of the in Roberts is still the best right- Sidney Jacobs and W. R. Mit- afternoon at two o'clock. Ritchfo tor of TraiMde Mii.st'imt in the won from Dick Howe 6-0 and will be made by drawings. women's division at Echo Lak.» hander in the business and his chell deadlocked among the train- Country Club. The second flight Watchung Reservation, will give Awards for Tuna Tournament youth promises many more years ers with 14 wins .euch, as Lylu Charles Eddy defeated Tom Lig:ht- winner was Mrs. John Wittke at on illustrated lecture on "Plunls of successful pitching. Phillips finished third with 12, B. bown (1-4 in the first round of play. Pool Night at Echo 5 and 4 with Mrs. W. Sexton, run- of tho Biblo" in the Museum audi- P. Bond, tl, and J. B. Bond and All finals will be played Satur- nerun. torium, beginning at 3 p.m. Sun- t Racers ^Mmar Sept. 1-3 After the Brooklyn Dodgers T, W. Kelley tied at 10 each. Mit- day, weather permitting, with the Lake This Saturday day. The program held for the flapped the Giants silly, they chell also topped the fraternity u first match scheduled to get under- Miss Bobbie Doerr won in the first time last year, proved so :ont!nuance of a policy to if the hopes of the New Jersey played their cousins, the, Pitts- season back. way at one o'clock. The annual Pool Night nt Echo third flight, scoring a 7 and (5 vic- popular it Li being repeated. The thevsport of fteeplechasin^ Tuna Tournament Association are burgh Pirates, and continued (o Lake Country Club will bo held tory with Jlra, L. Clovin second. public is invited, the Union Coun- win games na if they owned the James Cox Brady, whose Artis- Saturday at 8:30. Fourth flight winner was Mrs. A. tflir race coars.es, Amory lealized. thisfyeirj/and the predic- ind won the closing day Sapling ty Park Commission announced, dl, president of the United tions' bf experts come to pass, tuns luague. The Pirates won one game Major Pin Leagues The program will Include ballet J. Ericsson nt 4 nnd 3 with Mrs. In conjunction with the lecture from the Brooks this year and if Stakes, surged into top money Jerry Tripp runnerup. Racing Association, fktilng on a strand scale once again among the owners with $84,925. Prepare for Season nhd duets presented by theformer Dr. Moldenke will also offer an will be a commonplace thing off anyone believes that the Dodgers Nuc-ettes of Newark; trampoline d a new series of awards to 4 It enabled him to top J. L. Me- exhibit of paintings of Bible the New-Jersey coast. will blow it this year, look at the nnd diving by Andy Pasinskl ar-.c! plant* »t the Museum, supple* |e to the owners of leidln? schedule and find out whom the Knight, • last year's leader, whose The Recreation and Sportsmen's Shjackamaxon Holds on the hunt racing circuit. color-bearers accounted for $65,- Bowling Leagues are putting loose Frank Wells, foimer.national tum- mented by n series of old prints, •• Fer .years the giant tuna pro- Brooks pity their final games with bling champions; a diving exhibi- Qualifying Round pencil illustrations, and actual ig on the recommendation vided the ultimate in salt water fct Forbes Field. 775. Constance Morabito was third ends together, preparatory to the awards committee, consist- with $45,050, due to the prowess opening of a new bowling season. tion by Ken Welch, captain of the specimens of Biblical and Holy fisherman's dreams off Jersey- Yale swimming team and Eastern Qualifiers for the first flight in S. Bryce Wing-, Frederick Then, -following the. unexpected The New York Yankees com- of My Celeste, Mrs. B. F. Whitakr-r The Sports League,'which will Land plants from today to Aug. jandre, Russell M. Arundcl piled 29 runs in four games duv- accounted for $41,200 and Joseph Intercollegiate towbosvd Cham- club championship tournament at 29. This exhibit will be open to patterns of marine life, the giants open a 32 week schedule Sept. 11 pion; a surf board exhibition by Phackamaxon Country Club over ris Wood Jr., the prominent moved away from the shoreline m mg the past week, scoring 22 of Gavegnano for $39,300. at Recreation Lanes on North ave- the public from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. - those in one game against the Mnry and George Folanj specialty the weekend were as follows: My- every day except Monday, and to said the association their trek northward. Distribution of winnings among iiue, recently reflected Alex Hunt nets and clowns, | disburse 16,600 annually Washington Nats after the Sena- president, Ken Meyers vice presi- ron Friedman, medalist, 73; Ed special groups of 26 or more per- Today evidences are that they tors had beaten the (Yankees 2-1 jockeys was rather wide-spread, jx Hauler, 70; Joe Sladkus, 77"; Lej-sons at other times by special ar- the leading timber, total of 47 knights of the saddle dent and Dave Stiles sectretavy A buffet supper will precede the are moving inshore to their old the day'before. The New Yorkers pool program and dancing will lie Sladkus, 78: JJm.Tingley, 78: rangement with the director. land hurdle horses which winning at the meeting, 127 train- and treasurer. Art Corrogl, 78; Barry Baroness, i the eastern and midwest paths. And, to provide the fisher- lend the American League and the follow it. 'Dr. Moldenke and his wife last man In this area -with the oppor Dodgers' lead the National League ers saddled winners while 380 The Rec loop will hold another 79; Les Weiner, 80; Leo Galenti, ut racing circuits. To be owners shared in the richest purse year published a monumental book tunity of hooking into one of these by eight games. If either team is meeting at the Knights of Colum- HO; Joe Auater, 80; Leon Gross- on Bible plants, copiously illus- point system, the tremendous game fish while com to blow that lead the- Dodgers distribution in Monmouth Park bus Hall August 31. Officers for MrauM Rare Kaowa man, 81; Dr. A. F. Kramer, 81; Sal 1 each division will receive history. Alter ramming her oar Into • trated, in which 240 species of ueting for • prize, the New Jersey would get the nod as the more the new season are Kan Ross, pres- Simeon, 82; Joe Haydu, 82; Yock plants are identified in the books rand $1,000; second, $600; ident; Les Warren, vice president, tr«e, • woman driver in Columbus, Shapiro, 82; John Pulver, 83. Tuna Association decided to hold Mkely, The Dodgers are noted for Special attention also was fo- Ohio, *ued a driving ichool for |28,- of the Holy Scriptures, Auto- 1400 and fourth, $209. In the 1963 tournament' off Belmar. that. This year, however, they cused upon Jockey Jimmy Stout and Dave Stiles, secretary and Vt of a tie, the sums are treasurer. There is a possibility W0, charging: "They should h«v« graphed copies of this book, as need not fear their areh-enemif-s, '•vho won a phenomenal nine stakes known before .they took mjr money GOING ON VACATION? well as pamphlets and folders on piled and divided. This year's tournament will be the New York Giants who will be •—the Oceanport, Omnibus, Regret, here will be an opening in this Be wre to H»v« Th* Leader | tallied by Chris Wood Jr., held Sept. 1 to 3, inclusive, with ten team league. that I could navtr learn to drive the same nubject, will be available lucky to finish in the first division. Colleen, Lamplighter, Salvator, i tar," Forwarded to Your New Kiirnt at Trailalde Museum. :tor of the UHRA, the Sept. 4th held aside as a rain day llumson, Choice and Sapling, Few till be awarded as follows: Contestants will be shooting for In the National League last liders at any meeting ever have Ira winning1 race, two for the grand prize award known ti- week, the Bums scored 28 runs Bcored in more stakes events. knd one point for running the Ballantine Three King Trophy, while second place Milwaukue a huge cup of special design ap- Horseflesh remained in constant I sporting races where no scored 45. The Phillies were sec- demand with 189 claims registered award is made ' to the proximately 49 inches in height. ond with 30 and the Cuba wers ; during the 50 days of racing, rep- o'mta are to be doubled. Individuals m«y enter the tour third with 28. Low team on th3 resenting a t«tal of. $.8.68,500. under sanction from na-ment by "Writing to the associa- totem pole was thirNew York ag- So-with all figures brand new i Committee of the fta- tion headquarters at 53 Duke gregation. in the record book Monmouth Park jlechane and Hunt,As- street, Kearny. They will then be In Cincinnati Sunday, Ted Klu- closed its most successful meet- lor appointed, state rac- assigned to a club tor the tourney, iewski set a Cincinnati record by Ing, with officials already clear- 1 will be tallied. Thia is necessary because under hitting a home-run in each game ing the decks for 1954 and "bigger •is will be made at the rules of the competition, the tro- of a double-header. For Big Klu .'Did better" things nil around. of the1 autumn hunt phy becomes the possession of • his home-runs were numbers 35 it in November. Points club tor the year. A club winning nnd 36 and that set a new record hunt racing campaign- the award three years gets per- for the Bed Legs. Ties Develop in past spring circuit will manent possession of it. The previous record of 36 in one Echo Lake Sweeps ive and included in the fitason was set by Hank Sauer SAVE MONEY! HUk PntaeH when he was a.Red Leg in 1948. W. A. Schumacher 80-11—6!) The total mflit production In tkt The Braves' Matthews still leads and K. Harms 84-15—69 tied for ON VACATION? Unlted States baa increased front the league with 37. lop honors in Sunday's Class A TOPS ALL •'• to Have Tha L*»aVr M.Ml.OM.OOO quarts in 1*89 to M,. When the Yankees »nd Dodgers sweepstakes at Echo Lake Country to Your N.w AiMre** OMO to J US0 ellneh the pennant, the scramble Club. Frank Persons followed at lor the first division will be keen 77-7—70. Ray Corcoran won Clais In both leagues. Milwaukee should B honors with 89-20—89. At 71 finish second (or first) in the Na- were J. Hughes 87-16 and Barry tional League with the Phils and McLauffhlln 94-23. fh«. Cards scrambling for third and E. Herman won Saturday's TNI F0W HMD •fourth. In the American League Class A sweeps with 75-10—63, the White Sox should finish sec- T. Malcolm 83-13—70 and S. H. dnd with Cleveland and Boston Carsley 86-14—72 were next in scrambling for third and fourth. order. In Mobilgaa Economy Sweepstakes, TOMfS BEST I1YS! Dodge V-8 takes top honors over all The Pirates are a cinch to fin- Tied for first in Class B were other 8'a in famous 1206-mile run. foh last (43 games behind now) A. J. Ely with 84-17—67 and J. Official AAA rating system established *nd with Detroit's improved play- Creager 94-27—67. Georjre Ma- Dodga aa America's Top Economy 8! Ing, the Browns will probably teer was next at 87-18—69. < clean up last place in the AL (38 game* behind). Hesie Wins Opener WINS ITS CLASS Now that the season Is practi- cally over, have you noticed how In N«J. Court Event ihany people are saying: "wait til Fred Hesse of the Westfield next year!" Tennis Club scored an easy 6-0, AMERICAN B-0 win over Alfred A. Smith of W. Nixon in the opening round of the Sew York Chicago .. \l 46 fourth annual New Jersey AH Cleveland fit 60 •i Amateur Men's Tennis Champion- B 66 ;,-, !r»Bi sKips sponsored by the Newark ..'aaMngton •|3 so .612 JED CARS - USED TRUCKS Fhllnrtelphia 48 67 .492 Evening News. Hesse overpowered In Mobilgas Economy Run, Dodga Betrnit 43 73 .117 Smith and won as he pleased. The V-8 outperforms every car in its class. St. Loula 41 ,77 .3«5 ,8«7 match was played at the Warin- Dodge wing Trophy for cars priced just NATIOKAJ. L13AGC.-K SmUmt+ri w. L. % O.P nneo Park courts at Elizabeth Sat- Ooda« Coronal V-fijM 4dooc Sedan above lowest-priced field. Brooklyn 87 0 urday. Milwaukee . 4T s FhlladslplSta SI .844 15 It. Leg Is i 52 .644 15 SITS NEW RfCORDS lew Tot* 5* vlnclnnati 05 .419 ?8 Down Pcymtflts! lowtf Monthly Paymonti! **HtsbuTg:h 84 .311 V.I tfhfca*o". it 7» 37 SEE US FOR THAT This li tlit Tim. to "Sup-Up" to the Wmnorl •y MICHAIl PIZZI s Right now, your dapendable Dodge Dealer offers you top trade-in UNUSUAL USED CARS! irttfTAL ANGUISH! alkwanceon yoar present cut. It may never be worth so mtich again, tVINftUDE MOTORS You s4t down in that big white Thia is your opportunity to step up to the extra power, safety and chair and wish that you were now handling ease that make this '53 Dodge the Action Car of the Year. In AAA Performance Rand. Dodge V-S elsewhere. You're so upset, you're This is your chance to own the winner... to drive and enjoy the car demonstrates outstanding power-for- (most numb because (he worst in that topped all other 8's in the Mobilgras Economy Run; streaked safoty with record-breaking perform- •et ts come, The ance. Mew records show Dodge tops alt n» N*W it •ARBOUR BOATS dentist then hu- to new records in official AAA performance trials; won top Awards American cars over Measured Mile. «nd Safety g-ins to tfriM, but for style and beauty! Come in today. Step up to a Dodge and save! does his job with meh great skill CHRIS-CRAFT ;h»t yon*r« quite •eady to concede SAY STATE ;he thought huTts depondobl* iore tftan. doos pUm, PWnfc, Trotbr*. he deed. and R-Mfol. All the expert* igree that thw* Dodge has been honored by 3 mpamte Beauty TMMS - YRABIS ACCIPTID iugh brake ser- Awards from recognized authorities on style and rice is a necessSy. Good brakes *»Sgn. Then experts cfte Dodge "beauty with a ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^m^ Motor Sales Co. Smith Motors means safety for you and yon** porpoe" as the new trend in styling. BF ^^ WW ^tm HI V-IIGHT 6t SIX Why not drop miamd this week TtiNf IN MfBAUION THBATHE P/trr WEEK ON C1$-TV ...Ml* *>*©• fC* TlXW AND STATION 319 North Av«., E. W-MttM-r* MariM CcnMr and have those | brake!) cheeked f\3MW 5WHT *sd «djustes? Par tte &«st fcrte WwtfwW 2-103t WHTMtD 2-5O34 etwnee, some to $:e best equipped Opwi WMMvfi W* ^ • Ait* Electric Scr- MM. -m-* M. «*•. 7 f* »:M HUGH CLARK MOTORS • North Avenue at CUrk Street feside." Tef. tlf' THURSDAY. AUGTIST 20. 1953, Page Thirty THE WESTFIELD (N.J.) Lutheran Hour Couples' League News of the Churches Features Guatemala Sponsors Outing Missionary Sunday The Couples' League of Re ITS ALWA\l Christian Science Redeemer Lutheran deemer Lutheran Church is spon Deploring the treatment accord- soring a church and Sunday schoo' Tho church edifice is located at Wcstfiold'B Lutheran Church is ed different races, colors and family outing to be held at Camj 422 East Brand street. located at the corner of Clark classes of people, the Rev. Robert Northover, one mile east of Bourn Sunday service and Sunday street and Cowperthwaite plnce, F. Gussick will discuss the topic, Brook, Sunday, Sept. 13. school are held at 11 a.m. opposite Roosevelt Junior High "God Hath Made Of One Blood The day will begin with th BARON'S Wednesday evening testimonial School. New residents are invited All Nations" on The Lutheran meetings are scheduled for 8:15.to seek the services of the pastor, Hour, Sunday. Pastor Gussick is regular church service at 10:4! the Rev. Walter A. Kcuning, in branch office manager of thea.m., which will be held in th Sunday evening services are rustic auditorium on the camp omitted through Sept. 6. any spiritual need. Telephone WE Lutheran Hour office in Guatc 2-1512. mala City, Guatemala. grounds. Louis Herfurth, Howard There is a right solution to tho Knauer and Henry Feil are mak problems confronting mankind to- The Sunday service and the Sun- The Lutheran clergyman wil ing arrangements for this event. FOR THE BES day as we prayerfully seek the day school are held at the same tell his international audience, "t<: The service will be followed by guidance of God, divine Mind. This hour, 9:30 a.m., during August the infant Church its Lord had subject will be dealt with in the a picnic lunch in the covered pa- and on Sept. 6. Church time nurs- given a world encircling ^niss vilion and adjacent park. An lesson-sermon on "Mind" In Chris- ery for pie-school children is The message of the Cross, which tian Science churches Sunday. afternoon cf games and contests available every Sunday. The Christ had placed on the shoulders for all ages, with swimming, base The Golden Text Is from I Sam-church is open for prayer every of the humble followers was to goball and community singing wil uel : "The Lord is a God of knowl- forward unrestricted by nationa Mr. and Mr*. Donald P. WltkrM, fornirrly o< Betnlvktm, Fn., arc now In IN VALUES day 9 a.m. to sundown to encour- be arranged. The games commit- their new residence, 230 f-:n«t llndlrr uvvuiie. which they recently edge, and by him actions are age the residents of Westfield to or racial boundaries." tee consists of William Meyer, purrhaNed rram Mr. anil Mr*. I., F.. Grubb. This wn» neicotlnttd through weighed." It**} noli]*, Frltx Jt l)et». rrnltun. pause for spiritual meditation The head of Lutheran Hour Jean Meyer, Betty Meyer, Edith Selections from the King James some time in every week. broadcasting in Central America Herfurth, Al Hoik and Eleanor version of the Bible*will include how "a Spanish Hess. Keep up pest control measures Shear back evergreens to keep The Matin service Sunday at I will point out them compact and well-formed. the following: "If any of you lack 9:30 a.m., will include the. sermon queen outfitted an Italian sailor It is planned to dispense cold .0 minimize the ragged "late sum- wisdom, let him ask of God, that Arborvitac, yew3 and fir trees may TRY BAROJd to carry further westward the drinks, ice cream, candy, frank- mer look" in the garden. Use a givcth to all men liberally, and up- of the paatov, "Jesus, a Moat Con- be cut back two inches if growth troversial Figure." Cross in conquest for the crown of furters, etc., a quantity of which weed killer on broad-leafed lawn braidcth not; and it shall be given a new empire." In answering is compact, but cut them back even The Sunday school lesson will will be free to the young folks of weeds, but wait until there is more if badly overgrown. him. But be ye doers of the word, whether the conquerors' dream he Sunday school. The conces- and not hearers only, deceiving include tho Bible story, "The Three plenty of soil moisture. Men in the Fiery Furnace," Mrs, has come true, the Lutheran Hour lions committee la maae up of your own selves." guest speaker will note that "in Charles Miller, George Murphy, LEADER WANT ADS PAY Louis Hcrfurth will be in charge HEAD THE lEADfK FOR Ml IOCAI NEWS FIRST From the Christian Science text- Central America there ia only one WSllard Dunham, John Devnne book "Science and Health with Key of tho primary department and Fred Luckmann the advanced de- ordained clergyman to serve 10,- and Arthur Knauer. to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker 000 people. In Guatemala itself Publicity for the outing is being Eddy, the following correlative partments. Visual aids will include a filmstrip of the Bible story. Chil- there is only one clergyman for iiandled by Raymond Hess, Wil- Reg. 25c passage will be read: "The history every 25,000 individuals." liam Hawke, Frank Surges, John of our country, like all history, il- dren will enter by way of the parish hall door, from Cowperth- Although Protestant missions Schade, Virginia Murphy and Thea lustrates the might of Mind, and Dunham- ENGLISH LAVENDER SO/ shows human power to be propor- waite place. account for only 2% of the popula- tionate to its embodiment of right tion, the Lutheran Hour speaker Monday at 8 p.m. the Sunday will point out that while Protes- thinking. The despotic tendencies, school staff will meet in the parish Economy inherent in mortal mind and al- tant growth may be slower, "it hall. is producing a stockier plant for Nothing is cheap that is supcr- FOR ways germinating in new forms of Members and friends arc In- IUOUS, (or what one does not need, tyranny must be rooted out today there is one ordained na- vited to reserve Sunday, Sept. 13, tion pastor for every 1,000 mem- s dear at a penny. —Plutarch through the action of the divine for the church and Sunday school HARD WATER Mind." bers." The Lutheran Hour ia family outing to be held at Camp broadcast , over 18 strategically- Spend not, where you may save; Northovcr, one mile east of Bound located stations in this area. ipare not, where you must spend. Brook. The service at the camp ^-Proverb 3"*25i First Congregational Pastor Gussick will tell his in- will be held at 10:45 a.m. No Sun.ternational radio audience that day school session will be held and Economy is a distributive virtue, The Kcv. Elbert E. Gates Jr. many of the natives "co-mingle the Our service is near. You'll like 1/2 PRICE the parents are urged to bringnames of his deities with the. ind consists not in saving but in will preach at the union services their families early and come pre- selection. Parsimony requires no of worship to be held in the First Christian saints and the Triune the quality of our work and the pared for the picnic lunch and the God. His witch doctors enter the jrovidence.'no sagacity, no powers Congregational Church, 125 Elmer afternoon program of games and if combination, no comparison, no DOROTHY GRAY LOTI street at 9:50 a.m. Sunday. The sanctuary and lead the people in contests. Refreshments will be onprayer... ^ . .Point Four help for judgment. —Burke modesty of our prices! sermon will be "The Man Whosale. In case of rain a program Left Dinner." The soloist will be them has been good, but it is not will be held locally after the enough. They need someone to All that ia worth reckoning is Reg, $2.00 Mrs. Nelson A. Keller who will morning service in church and an •hat we do, and. the beat of cvery- sing Gounod's "O Divine Redeem- point out to them, as St. Paul did opportunity for families to gather in Athens, the folly of doing hing is not too good, but is econ- er." Miss Dilys Jones will be at the and have their lunches indoors. imy and riches. organ. obeisance !o the "unknown God.'" IVORY DRY CLEANERS NOW Watch for further announcements. —Mary Baker Eddy The following persons from ths The Lutheran Hour guest speak- and LAUNDERERS church are attending this week the er will emphasize the tremendous Economy is the art of making Church Family Camp at.the Com- results the program has had in ho most of life. Tho love.of ccon- 16 MtOSKCT ST. munity Center, Peering, N. H.Presbyteria: n Church leading people to the true God imy is tho root of all virtue. in Central America. —Shaw Dr. and Mrs. McCoriaon, Mr. and Today. 9:30 a.m., women's WE HAVE THE NEW Mrs. Nelson B. Alkins and Sara Music will be furnished by the prayer circle In the chapel. This St. Louis Lutheran • Hour Chorus He will be a slave forever, be- Ellen; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Besslcr, group meets every Thursday morn- auac he docs not know how to use Nancy and Paul; Mr, and Mrs. under the direction of E. W. POUNDEX ing for prayer. Anyone is wel-Schroeter, staff member of thetmall means. —Hornet Charles P. Hilfcrty and Carolyn; come to attend, or to pray with Jonathan Hinebacli; Mrs. Dorothy Lutheran Laymen's League, spon- the group at this hour at home if sors of the global Gospel broad- B. McLanc and Arnold; Mr. andunable to be at the chapel. Mrs. John M. Morgan, Joyce and cast. ELSIE IS ENTHU- TO PUT Joan; Mr. and Mrs. William J. Tomorrow: 11:30 a.m., church OH, I CANT 00.'I'M £ HELLO THERE'WHATS Nelson, William and Janice; and staff discussion and prayer serv- tTIRtOFROMSHOPPI SIASTIC ABOUT ice. SCR! OUS TALK Mr. and Mrs. George B. Webber Calvary Lutheran WEIGHT ON ' and John. The camp clows Satur- .Sunday: p:30 ajn.,JBible school, AHOTHeNQOTPOOft AtQUT? S day. church-hour numery in the pariah CRANTORD—The Rev. Arnold QUMJTY house. The Rev. Dr. Robert M. J. Dahlquist, who has been re- 2 THtY HAVE QUALITY P00W Dr. and Mri. McCorison will re- Skinner will preach on the topic called to active duty a a Chaplain turn to their home in East Cor- "He Failed to Get Away." in the U. S. Navy, is expected inth, Vt., where they will remain In the absence of Richard W. home this week-end. Student Pas- lU 60 THERE V I TRADE until Sept. 1. 1 Litterst, minister of music, who istor Alvin S. Rudisill will preach at AFTER THIS JiTHEREJDO. Farcnta wishing to enroll chil- on vacation, Marilyn J'. Herrmann the service at 9:30 Sunday morn- TOOTH BRUSHES dren in the church school prior to ia acting as organist. The prelude ing. The music for the service Sept. 6 are requested to call the will be "Prelude" by Cesar Sunday will be a quartette "O church office. Mi»s Wynn will he Franck and the postlude "Choral Morn of Beauty" by Jean Sibelius, on duty this week and next and Suite Gothique" by Boellmann. sung by Mrs. Phyllis Hearte], Mrs. NYLON will be pleased hi enter these reg- Miss Priscilla Quimby of West Louise Hausmann, Robert Vogcl istrations!. Orange, wilt bo the soloist. She and Charles Knauer. Reg. 50c will sing "How Lovely Are Thy Sunday school will reopen Sept. Grace Presbyterian Dwellings" by Riddle. 13 at 9:30. a. m. 12 The morning worship service of Woodsidc Chapel First Methodist Grace Orthodox Presbyterian Delicious - M EAT S -Tender FRUITS - VEGETABLES Church is held in the Lincoln FANWOOD—The Lord's Sup- 100 :-.. School auditorium Sundayi while The First Methodist Church is per will be celebrated at 9; 16 a. m cooperating with the First Baptist the new church edifice is being At the 11 a. m. service and again CHOICI JHSIY TINDER completed on the Boulevard at Church and the First Congrega- ASPIRIN at 8 p. m., Melvin Wlstner will be tional Church in union services. •CITS largo bunch Midvale terrace. The new church the speaker. Mr, WUtner, who re- 5c will be finished around Nov. 1. On The service Sunday will be held ib. 85c sides in Plainfleld. is actively en- at 9:50 a.m. in the First Congre- SIRLOIN STEAK Sunday morning at 11 o'clock tho gaged with the N. Y. Bible Society JHSIY CRISP pastor of Grace Church, the Rev, gational Church with the Kcv. CHOICE miil has served a> a missionary in Elbert E. Gates Jr. preaching. CUCUMIERS ... .to. 5c 5- Leslie A. Dunn, will preach the the West Indies. Sunday school sermon on the subject, "What Is will convene at 11 a. hi. also. RADISHES Man?" based on the teachings of M#a Oak Falter PORTERHOUSE STEAK .. 89c GRAIN At the mid-week service Tues- largo bunch .. the one hundred thirty-ninth Your pigi may tain tattn If ye» SHOUIDER 5c 7i Psalm. day, at 8 p. m. Gavin Hamilton tt«d them frawth-premotinf ant» will be the speaker and his talk Wetlei and -Hamini, but tout ra» SCAIUONS Th* evening worship service of will be followed by a prayer torlali will eat centre! worrci. LAMB CHOPS ,59c Grace Church is held in the church service. Largo bunch .. 5c owned manse at 551 Summit ave- nue where the pastor will preach Prayer TENDER JERSEY CASCARA SAGRADA at 8 o'clock on the subject, "Of Assistant Minister MILK-FED FOWL «,47c CORN 5c Such Ts the Kingdom." Visitors Directs Junior Camp arc always welcome at the serv- that Heals SKINIESS ices of Grace Church, FANCY 100 The mid-week service its held at This week the Rev. Richard L. EGGPLANTS 5c the maiwe M Wednesday evening Smith, associate minister of the FRANKFURTERS » 53c at 8. Presbyterian Church, is directing TAUETS Junior Camp II of the New Jersey VVith unlimited promise Synod at Island Heights. Christian Science knocks at th« door ot every human ASSTD. COLD CUTS ,59c 29 St. Paul's Church MOZIN FOODS Local Girls At kiart. Will you open the SUNDAY—TRINITY Xtlt Cel- door and listen? ttMBBiitg Mty - KM yowr HaiMll-Ch«rgo el I ebration of Holy Communion at Presbyterian Camp 8 a. m. At 11 a. m. there will be a Thoughtful leading of SNOW CROP service of morning prayer and ser- Ann Mitchell and Marie I.ind- GROCERIES •ROCCOU .... 10-vt. 25c mon by the rector, the Rev. Fred- quist are representing the Presbv- SCIENCE AND erick W. Blatz. terian Church in Westfield this SNOW CROP LIMA y|O_ Monday. Ecclesiastical cmbroid- week at the Junior Camp II of HUDSON HEALTH with MANS, IO-OI., 7 for 1TC fry class will meet in the guild the New Jersey Synod at Island NAPKINS _ -iO-i room of the parish house at 10Heights. Key to tht Scripture* 10c a. m. by Mary Biker Eddy COST'S 1% MINUTi MAID .... KMNKlfS tfo-m*. X for 27c GRAPEFRUIT OT.. Read The Leader For has brought listing help and JUICI, *-oz...... 2 for JLI C •ITfll NIAUM complete physical healing to ClQftOX f% All Local News multitude*. It can show you, Owort be*Ue . _ _ £. f«r OUR REAR INTtANCl P*OM TOWN PARKING f2« in the same wiy, the healing 29c IHCH-NUT \f\ DAWY FOODS ft? tlMTMTIMCIIMrrll?S power of answered prayer, the prayer of understanding, STlAINtt MkiT WOO IU for95c WALT'S "This system enables th« SUNSHINE'S KRAFT AMERICAN f\g\ learner to demonstrate to* cHKz-rrs .„ „ %%. b<»17c SUCIS •-«*. XTC OvHHEAD DOOM •Ulllt divine Principle, upon which Jems' healing wa» based, DCHE'S BORDfN'S WEJ-CUT ROOFING I MODELS, I AC* *73 and the sacred rules for iu CHKSE prewnt application to the NNEJtmE JUICE :_ 4«j-ox. con 25c ZVC cure of disease" I Sconce mAITf'S BRIGHT KlTCHEM CABINETS riril ml inr'nm n« aad Health, p. 147). PHilADCiPH!A CREAM APtfCOT NECTAK - _ •...!*«. eon 10c CHEESE i-oj. SINK TON IfBU Science and HeaMi m*? Sought, rea4, fc HOME IMPROVEMENTS tfiMMTtt CHRISTIAN SCIENCE OPPOSITE RIALTO THEATRE ODD JOM FRANK N. NiHEl SEADISC BOOM Optfci*" Hosrt: 10 to 4;JS 243 E. BROAD ST. PlEASi CALl n, Afa« Monday, j *» • t UI E. RM St. rffflOTTlOlO ^ 2-1294- T«j. PL • %&m*& earf fee* ufc<±c ? CFNTR4L ftVt PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS WestffeM 2 3973 & W'tSTFlELD Phone WestfteM 24600