s WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Enured na Socond Clan, YEAH—No. 49 Po«t Otnce, Wcatlloli WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1953 Published 30 Pages—S Cent* JHII Every Tliurmluy Lground Season Ends Council To Make Summer Union Services Father and Son Continue Sunday 4dult School Sets Oct. 5 As Rent Control The Rev. Elbert E. Gates Jr., Polio Victims; ET» Presenting Awards pastor of the First Baptist Church,' Decision Mondav will preach at the summer union worship service to be held Sunday Town's Total 6 ustration, Attendance Totals j at B:BO a. m. These services arc Opening Date For Classes held during July and August by Unofficial Reports the Baptist, Congregational and Gamma Globulin ^AlITi Highs Show Members Are Methodist churches, Mr. Gates has Shots Given To announced that he will preach on Women Arrange 7 Courses Added , ,f the playground season was marked .Thursday at Against Extension Dinner". Miss Dilys Jones will he Two Children * nds by the presentation of golden achievement awaifs at the organ console. 'if nd girl winning the moat ribbons on their respective play- The big decision will be made The service is open to the public. With three new cases reported Exhibit and Tea Since Last Year n ides a gold trophy and golden rosette ribbon, each winner Monday, when the Town Council Newcomers to Westfield and visi- to authorities, the 1953 total of in- j j a free trip to a Brooklyn Dodger baseball game Wed- will vote for or against the reten- tors are cordially invited to attend. fantilo paralysis victims in West- The united arrangement will field stood today at six. The toll in Booklet Will Be tion of lent controls in this com- Union County is 26. Club Members To i. rtunte-wide playground championships at Warinanco munity. Council members, now continue through Sunday, Aug. Mailed To All Homes »keS, Aug. 12, Harry Kitchell of Westfield completely ftudying the housing situation SO, after which thte participating The town's fourth case was re- 'Display Handicraft ,11 other entrants in the here, in preparation for the meet- churches will resume their regular corded last Thursday. Leslie schedules. Browne, six-year-old daughter of Tho Westfield Adult School will tournament. With a ing, are generally, from most re- Arrangements are being mnde open its 13th year when classes [t underhand tosa ports, of the opinion that controls Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Browne of 322 6 Scouts Back Canterbury road, is in satisfactory 'or a studio exhibit and silver tea begin Oct. 5 and continue for 10 topped 20 out of 2fi shora should be dropped. They contend to bo held at the home of Mrs. Lp Mid received the cov- condition in Overlook Hospital, consecutive Monday nights, ac- there is no real shortage of rentals Local Man Killed Summit with the non paralytic Norman Mott, 447 Longfellow ave- cording to an announcement made chirapionship medal. From Trip West in Westfidd. nue, sometime in September in _,„ of Weatfield narrowly type of polio. today by Weyman O. Steengrafe, At its meeting July 12, Town connection with the "Make Your Jaother first place medal director. A 12 page booklet with Council passed a resolution keep- In Raritan Crash The fifth and sixth cases were Dollar Grow" campaign of the Wo, Fit wu defeated in the pad- Scout Ranch Is a complete description of each ing the controls activated until reported Friday by Health Officer man's Club of Westfield. inli finals and received a course will bo mailed to every Post-Jamboree Stop Ayg. 24. The resolution requires Joseph Mottley. Maj. John D. Gill , ed»l. Peter Higgins, Death Car Crushed The campaig'n was inaugurated home in Wostfield the second week O a public hearing Monday followed Sr., a Westfield dentist and his 11- r ch»mpion, and Char- early in the summer by the club in September, registration by mail B Six Westfield Explorers and one by definite action either to main- Between 2 Trucks yeai'S-old son of 144 North Euclid horseshoe cham- ouse project committee of thd will bo accepted during the third assistant crew leader were among tain or kill controls. avenue contracted the disease. The club. Every member of the club week in September, and registra- I in the early ' The Westfield Property Owners' Otis Armstrong, 27, of 623 Hort boy is confined to his home and is tion night will be Sept. 21, at 20 Scouts and two leaders from not seriously ill. The case is the nnd affiliated organizations was ROBERT E. LONG Jdfljilirreipective tourna- the Watchung Area Council con- Committee will fight any extension street was one of two men killed sent a dollar and asked to com- which time people may enroll in Thursday when their car was non-paralytic type. Two other chil- tingent to the National Scout Ja'm- of rent controls when the issue dren in the Gill family, Catherine, bine it with her skill, talent nnd person in the cafeteria of the rt istratltm and l toree in California who returnJd comes up Monday, a spokesman crushed between two large trucks ingenuity to make it grow. The Roosevelt Junior Hlgn School, the, TMMI « f " n U. S. .Route 1 near Metuchcn. 13 and Walter, four, are in quar- Igorei were recorded for home last Wednesday, following a for the group said. antine, Mr. Mottley said, and have fund3 thus accumulated were to Civil Service school where all tho classes will •Uyrround season, it was The other man who died in the be returned to the committee to be held. post-Jamboree experience at the E. T. Williams of 1155 Central crash was Alex H. G. Maldmcnt, been inoculated with gamma globu- KXt new all time highs evenue, a member of the commit- lin serum. Dr. Gill is recuperating add to other funds earmarked by Dr. W. T. Harta-adcr. chairman "™"TlhMr» attained this year. Philmont Scout Ranch, Cimarron, •16, of Rahway. he club for the eventual acquisi- Rating Applicants N. M. Their arrival via B & 0 tee says most of the Westfleld in the post hospital at Fort Sam of the instruction committee, an- Itejiitrttion on the six play property owners do not anticipate The police account of the acci- Houston, Tex, He is not listed in tion of a club house. Membeja nounced that a total of 25 differ- reached 1,447 while total at- Railroad at the Plainficld station dent gave these details: were very enthusiastic about the ent courses will be offered this marked the end of a 32 day trip asking increases in rents, but ars the county toll, pending a check of 15 Take Tests climbed to 25,337. opposed to controls on general A southbound truck driven by his case. campaign and have been working jear, of which seven will be new _, ucltement pervaded across the continent.' principles, although some owners James Collingswood of Great Bar- on projects all summer to muke For Postniastership ndditions to the curriculum of last Ipliypound during the week According to Mrs. GUI, her hus heir dollars grow. Mrs. J. Russell At Philmont the boys were mem- are entitled to as much as a 40 lington, Mass., stopped for a red band, who visited his hone re- year. Four of these new courae< k children began preparations bers of a southbound expedition per cent increase. traffic light at an intersection >n Freeman, chairman . of the club Applicants for the $6,170-a- have not been offered for some "Country Fair" which was cently, has paralysis of the right house project committee appointed years: Flower Arrangements, Pho- M Couy known as SX-61. During their 12 Westfield Property Ownero' Raritan Township. arm and shoulder. Both the major year postmastership here are being Jlkond«y morning Various day stay at the ranch they hiked Mrs. C. F. Denney to head the dol- tography Fundamentals, Water- Committee contends that it Is un- The auto carrying Maldmcnt and his son developed polio symp- lar campaign. "evaluated and rated" by the Civil •Krous booths were con- along" rugged mountain trails, fair to continue to penalize the nnd Armstrong stopped behind the toms Thursday. Mrs. Gill plans Service Commission, it has been color and Beginning German, while Ldmd decorated by the chil- cooked their own meals, and landlord with rent control when all truck. Another truck, driven by to fly to Texas tomorrow. Tho purpose of 'the studio ex- announced. the remaining three are feature |b anticipation of the affair. camped out at night. They also other price controls have been hibit is to give members an oppor- courses, which' have never been Wallace C. Hitchcock, also of Major Gill was recalled from the Tho job has boen vacant since offered before in Wcstflold: School • fire the only medium of participated in field sports, nature lifted. Great Barrington, plowed into the tunity to display these things Postmaster John li. Traynor re- <i with «li "profita" going lore' and horseback riding. reserves to active duty with the which they are making and selling for Parents, You and Your Gov- lear of the passenger car, crush- Army Dental Corps. tired December 8, 1951. Joseph T. ernment and Hobbies for Yon. Feommon "till" for a water- Leaders for the Philmont expe- ing it between the two heavy ve- for the bentfit of the campaign. Sharkey, named acting postmaster Ijfeut Friday morning, Te'i hicles. Judy Ann Comiskey, five-year- There will bo an opportunity Jo To serve as *a preview, tho dition were Sanford B.
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