TIFFNEWS Newsletter of the Old Tiffinians’ Association No. 232 June 2007 President: MR. S.M. HESLOP, MA(Cantab), MA(Lond) Chairman Hon. Secretary Hon Treasurer Hon. Membership Sec. Copy for next HOWARD MALLINSON STUART LESTER MARK DARBY DENNIS BARNARD edition by Home: 01372 468693 Home: 020 8546 1172 Home: 020 8398 1050 Home: 020 8942 9768 E:
[email protected] Office: 01628 589820 Office: 020 7694 3322 17th August, please. E:
[email protected] E:
[email protected] Tiffin School Office: Tel: 020 8546 4638 Fax: 020 8546 6365 www.tiffin.kingston.sch.uk TIFFNEWS Editor Brian Holden, 20 Green Lanes, Epsom, Surrey KT19 9UJ Telephone: 020 8393 3293 E Mail
[email protected] Last Friday (18th May) our Upper Sixth Form left. For many of From the Head’s Study these students this marks the closing of seven years at the School. The event is a celebration of the experiences and memories of Dear Friends, Tiffin. Beginning with a breakfast, students and staff then adjourned Recent political pronouncements to the main hall for a talent show. The show ended with closing have again pushed selective remarks from Andrew Parrish, the outgoing Head Boy, and myself schools into the spotlight. As I before a wonderful film was shown with images of every single write, the last seven days have student in the year group. Finally everyone went outside to collect seen a somewhat frenzied their copies of the year book and say goodbye to staff. Interestingly, media and political focus the content of the day – the talent show, the film, the year book – upon selection by academic was put together by the students themselves.