21St Century Dam Design — Advances and Adaptations
United States Society on Dams 21st Century Dam Design — Advances and Adaptations 31st Annual USSD Conference San Diego, California, April 11-15, 2011 CONTENTS Plenary Session Managing Multiple Priorities: Raising a Dam, Operating a Reservoir, and Coordinating a System of Projects ............................1 Kelly Rodgers and Gerald E. Reed III, San Diego County Water Authority; Rosalva Morales and Yana Balotsky, City of San Diego; Thomas O. Keller, GEI Consultants, Inc.; and Kevin N. Davis, Black & Veatch Corporation Partnering with Project Stakeholders at the San Vicente Dam Raise...........3 Thomas C. Haid, Parsons/Black & Veatch JV; Gerald E. Reed III, Vic Bianes and Kelly Rodgers, San Diego County Water Authority; and William A. Corn, Shimmick Construction Company Managing Unexpected Endangered Species Issues on Bid-Ready Projects........5 Anita M. Hayworth, Dudek; Mary Putnam, San Diego County Water Authority; and Douglas Gettinger, Jeffrey D. Priest and Paul M. Lemons, Dudek Planning and Cost Reduction Considerations for RCC Dam Construction........7 Adam Zagorski, Shimmick/Obayashi JV; and Mike Pauletto, M. Pauletto and Associates Ten Years After the World Commission on Dams Report: Where Are We?........9 Manoshree Sundaram, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Australian Risk Approach for Assessment of Dams ...................11 M. Barker, GHD The Relative Health of the Dams and Reservoirs Market ................13 Del A. Shannon, ASI Constructors, Inc. Design of the Dams of the Panama Canal Expansion ..................15 Lelio Mejia, John Roadifer and Mike Forrest, URS Corporation; and Antonio Abrego and Maximiliano De Puy, Autoridad del Canal de Panama Concrete Dams: Advances in Analysis Myponga Dam Stability Evaluation: Modeling Stress Relaxation for Arch Dams Using Linear Finite Element Analysis ..........................17 Scott L.
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