[0:00 - 1:58] : Introduction Music Plays

[This is History Narrated by: Ann-Majella McKelvie, President, Trent Central Student Association, Peterborough/Symons Campus; Rayna Porter, President, Trent Durham Student Association, Durham GTA; Sandra Klemet-N’guessan, President, Trent Graduate Students’ Association]

Ann-Majella McKelvie: Today we are creating history.

Rayna Porter: Today we are creating history.

Sandra Klemet- N’guessan: Today we are creating history.

Ann-Majella McKelvie: During a moment that has managed to both bring us together and push us apart in shared isolation, we are witnessing and reacting to events never experienced before.

Rayna Porter: The unimaginable happened, a highly contagious virus began affecting communities worldwide at first it seemed like a distant worry too far off to really comprehend, until suddenly it was here in Canada, in and in our communities, Peterborough and Durham region. Then the unprecedented happened the World As We Knew It Started shutting down first, sporting events then, concerts and then businesses and institutions.

Sandra Klemet- N’guessan: But this University born of community generosity in 1964 responded to the crisis with that same Community Spirit; donating personal protective equipment, food freezers, and even providing a home away from home for front-line workers.

Rayna Porter: Trent students meanwhile showed our resilience, our strength, we persevered, we finished out our classes, we completed our exams, we became the first cohort to finish their education completely online and we should be proud. History will record how we responded to this adversity.

Ann- Majella McKelvie: Which is why you are gathered here today, together apart to celebrate you, the graduates of 2020. We have worked hard not just this year but for two, four or more and throughout those years we succeeded through classes, exams, papers, presentations, labs and everything else student life could throw at us. We made friendships that will last a lifetime. Met influential teachers and mentors, and gained experiences and lessons that have shaped who we are in our path ahead.

Sandra Klemet- N’guessan: In Peterborough students made the breathtaking New Student Center possible

Rayna Porter: In Durham we saw the groundbreaking of a new building to accommodate the exponential growth of the campus

Ann Majella McKelvie: Grad studies saw a huge increase in students and many new programs.

Sandra Klemet- N’guessan: We enjoyed ourselves in clubs and groups with our friends and classmates. We have had the best times together and we've been there for each other through some of the most difficult times. We will never forget our Trent days and how we have benefited from this amazing University and the people in the Trent community.

Ann Majella McKelvie: And now sit back, relax, and enjoy the rest of the show! And we’ll see you in person at Convocation next spring!

[5:04 End of this is History]

[5:07 Dr. Michael Eamon and Dr. Melanie Buddle appear on screen]

Michael Eamon: Hello everyone, I am Dr. Michael Eamon, principal of Catherine Park Trail college.

Melanie Buddle: And I am Dr. Melanie Buddle and I am principal of Peter Gzowski college. Together Michael and I represent the oldest and the youngest colleges at Trent University

Michael Eamon: But today it’s about being a part of a much much bigger community, and in fact everyone from Trent Durham GTA to Peterborough Trent campus, we are representing everyone today.

Melanie Buddle: And we are here to celebrate grad from your pad 2020 as a celebration of your accomplishments.

Michael Eamon: As we all know it's been a pretty crazy time in this Covid era, we've had to socially separate, we've had to redo how we do our even shopping, and our everyday things we've had to go back home with our families, sometimes it's worked out sometimes it hasn't worked out. Look at Melanie and I right now, we have to socially separate even to be with you today

Melanie Buddle: And actually, that's not that hard for us. We hate being next to one another. This is very difficult.

Michael Eamon: It's a little too close for comfort for me but anyways I'm so glad that you can see us today from the comfort of your own home.

Melanie Buddle: We are here as your emcees today for grad from your pad and to introduce some of our special guests for you

Michael Eamon: And our first very special guest is Dr. Leo Groarke who is our vice chair and the president of Trent University.

[6:23 Leo Groarke appears on screen]

Leo Groarke: Good morning my name is Leo Groarke I consider myself lucky to be the eighth President and Vice Chancellor of Trent. I want to begin by acknowledging that Trent University is located on the traditional territory of the Anishinaabeg. Today, as always we offer our gratitude to our first peoples for their care for, and teachings about our Earth and our relations, may we honour those teachings. I have the distinct honor on behalf of the entire Trent community to congratulate our graduating students on their convocation. The completion of your university degree is a monumental accomplishment, and the pinnacle in the life of a student it's an achievement that deserves a celebration and that is exactly what we want to do here to pay tribute to you our newest graduates. Today as we celebrate Grad from your pad I join you from my own pad on the podium of the battle library in full regalia, except for my green Converse running shoes which our new tradition recently established by our new Chancellor. Today is the first time that I've had the honour of addressing all our graduates together in a single message that highlights one of many unique moments of virtual togetherness we could not have anticipated a few short months ago. I hope that as this message reaches you wherever you may be you are safe and healthy surrounded in person or virtually by your circle of support, your parents and families partner spouses and friends to them I extend a welcome and offer my own words of thanks to those special supporters, we're looking forward to a time when we can all gather together in person again at a convocation next spring. To our graduates today I will say that you are merging with your degrees at an extraordinary moment of uncertainty there has been stress and sadness but I can also say that our community has been truly extraordinary. Over the past couple of months the commitment the Compassion of the community mindedness that I have seen from our community has been truly inspiring. As you look forward to the path may be uncertain, your passion, dedication and experiences at Trent will help you navigate the road ahead. Today does not mark the end of something but rather the beginning of something new, you are not leaving the Trent community but joining the ranks of prestigious Trent alumni which include famous authors, scientists, artists, religious and political leaders, as well as teachers, researchers, medical practitioners, and all-round good citizens. Stay Well keep connected. I hope to see you back on campus soon.

[9:33 Leo Groarke leaves]

[9:34 Michael Eamon and Melanie Buddle appear on screen]

Michael Eamon: Thanks again President Groakre for the inspirational words. It is so great also to see those green shoes that you're wearing you know that is something unique about Trent you can always tell Melanie someone who's gone to Trent for so many reasons one of them is they like wearing green from their feet to their head that's Trent right you're wearing green what are some other things that are so quintessentially Trent; going on the George North instead of taking the Trent express who here has been trapped on the George North and thinking why didn't I get on the Trent express you know I thought was a good idea at the time but...

Melanie Buddle: absolutely sure you're not at your house trends Durham students also have some signs that they went to Trent Durham so one of those would be if you're a Trent Durham GTA student how many of you have gotten lost in the faculty cubicles and I hope that you haven't got lost in the back of the cubicle for this guy dr. Scott Henderson your dean and head of Treasure of GTA so we'd like to give a warm welcome to dr. Scott Henderson now and listen carefully for what year he graduated from Trent.

[10:37 Melanie Buddle and Michael Eamon leave and Scott Henderson appears on screen]

Scott Henderson: Welcome Trent University graduates and all of the family, friends, and peers that have supported you and your educational Journey. I'm so pleased to have you join us today. My name is Dr. Scott Henderson and I'm the Dean and head Trent University of Durham GTA campus. I began this exciting rule just about one year ago and what a year it has been Ive quickly become endeared with this special campus while getting to know the students that contribute to the phenomenal intimate Community energy. The Faculty that push the boundaries of learning inside and outside of the classroom, and the staff that offer exceptional services. it's been a year we have seen excitement that includes the construction of our new residents and academic space, a successful fundraising campaign that will provide additional financial supports for Trent Durham students in the future, and celebrating the first graduation cohorts for my exclusive Trent Durham programs including child and youth studies honours and the Masters of management. I like he was saddened to have her physical time on this growing campus end abruptly this year while measures were put in place to practice social distancing and ensure the safety of our Campus Community. This is not how I imagined my first year here would end but the way everyone at Trent came together to support each other was exactly what I imagine my return to Trent would look like the circumstances were unusual but the Trent Spirit was evident. These changes to remote learning presented unique challenges for each of you but reaching this Milestone of celebrating your graduation though it might look a little different than you envisioned proves your resilience to this time. I have heard inspiring stories of students volunteering in the community, of Staff working diligently to rearrange experiential placements,t a faculty demonstrated flexibility and compassion and making sure their students could complete courses and this is what defines Trent students. not only to me but our surrounding communities that are so grateful for the contributions made by you all. Thank you for your efforts and your determined spirit. I personally like to welcome you to the Trent University alumni family. It's a big one over 53,000 strong across the globe, and a family I've been proud to be a member of since I graduated way back in 1988. As you carry on in your lives following your time at Trent I hope you will carry on the Trent spirit As you go forward being purposeful and transformative and use this to help guide your future actions. Our world is currently in need of strong communities and each sense of the world during this pandemic and I'm sure of one thing it is that your time at Trent and in particular your time at Trent Durham GTA has ingrained in you a strong sense of community. Trent Durham students I hope to see you next spring in person when we can celebrate together at the tribute Community Center and I hope that I will see you in the community whether it's a physical or virtual community we are all now members of the Trent alumni family with this we share a very special bond to a very special institution, until we meet again stay well stay safe and congratulations.

[14:05 Scott Henderson leaves and Michael Eamon and Melanie Buddle appear on screen]

Melanie Buddle: Thanks so much Scott for those beautiful words who knew that you were so young.

Michael Eamon : You know Mel it's great to be here at Trail college too. Trail is the oldest college at University and there's so many Traditions just like the University itself. I think the biggest tradition that Trent has is that every student is known by the year they start not the year they graduate so you guys may think you're the class of 2020 but you're not you are the class of when you started your degree

Melanie Buddle: It also means that nobody knows how long it took you to graduate, which is fantastic!

Michael Eamon: Well there's that too i guess

Melanie Buddle: Again, I'm going to go to another history moment and talk a little bit about the crazy getups we’re wearing a little hot today but this is not as hot as we’d be if we were standing on stage of podium today. so we wear this regalia to recognize our academic credentials really so all the fancy colours you see the hoods these represent our doctoral degrees and where we graduated from. When you graduate from Trent you are wearing a green Trent gown and you're wearing the regalia that represents your program so when we see you here next year you'll get to wear those gowns robe up and look like a fancy peacock too.

Michael Eamon: Well you know what’s also fancy is that students at Trent at the very early days that they were those robes without the hood all the time.

Melanie Buddle: That's true there's great photographs of people walking downtown Peterborough in full gowns in classrooms and on the streets riding bicycles, I for one am glad I don't have to wear this every day.

Michael Eamon: I don't know how you like I think it looks a little classy like I think you can always get a table at a restaurant wearing a gown like this.

Melanie Buddle: No, he’s wrong, he’s just wrong. We also wanted to give you a few more fun facts about Trent, signs that you went to Trent. Signs that you were at Trent Durham student you probably participated in Midnight Manhunt. Michael have you got one for Peterborough?

Michael Eamon: yeah well if you've been a Trent Peterborough student you've probably been in the otonabee river whether you want to or not at some point

Melanie Buddle: Another sign you have been to Trent Peterborough might be that you participated in orientation week in some way or you were an orientation leader. Oh, Trent Durham you probably took part in a fall winter retreat everybody at Durham apparently took part in a fall winter retreat

Michael Eamon: Yeah

Melanie Buddle: You might have a tattoo if you're in O week in Peterborough who knows we’re not gonna talk about that. I just wanted to talk a little bit about history since Michael and I are both Canadian historians and we wanted to share a couple more facts with you about Trent’s history.

Michael Eamon : Yeah no, thanks Mel, who everyone has heard of the Arthur everyone's heard of Trent radio well Trent radio and Arthur were founded by the same fellow that our Chancellor Steven Stone which is great and I think a lot of people know that many people don't know about where the name of Arthur came from an employee at my head because it's named after...

Melanie Buddle: a haircut...

Michael Eamon: A haircut sort of the 60s version of Covid hair. Was the mop top that the Beatles had and is that George Harrison when asked you Beatles what do you call that hair that you have he said Arthur, and I don't know about you at the time that was hilarious today it's not so much; but it is what inspired Steven stones to call the newspaper what do you call Trent’s newspaper or a haircut so that is a little bit of Trent’s history a little bit of crazy hairy stories and and so it is our honor now to introduce Steven Stone our twelfth Chancellor a great guy he was started the Arthur right and Trent radio he's been a producer of so many TV shows and events.

Melanie Buddle: A renowned producer and it's too bad he's not producing us right now.

Michael Eamon: Okay fair enough, but without further adieu Steven Stone.

[ 17:42 Michael Eamon and Melanie Buddle leave, and Steven Stone appears on screen]

Steven Stone: President Groarke, Dean Henderson, principal Buddle and principal Eamon, members of the graduating class, faculty, family and friends I'm trying to imagine what it will be like next spring when we gather together in person and you walk across the stage to receive your degree, your diploma or certificate. In the past you and I would have shaken hands and then posed for a graduation photo among the many photos of you that day but I'm guessing the next spring will be a little bit different; maybe we won't shake hands, maybe we won't pose standing together. I have to see where things are at. In my imagination we would stand appropriately apart. We'll keep the other in the eye for a moment and then bow in mutual respect and admiration and celebration of your achievement and the particular graduation photo would be of two individuals separate but together in purpose on the convocation stage. If you've heard me speak before, you will likely have heard me talk about A New Hope. What do I mean by this? Many students will graduate this year in Canada and around the world, but you are unique because you have been are and will remain forever and integral part of the Trent university community. when I was a student back in the 1960s printhead only recently been found under the guiding principles set by its first president Tom Simon says that the challenge the world's required education but not just any education rather an education with trains us to be adaptable and flexible into Think in new and innovative ways and the foundation of that special education is a multidisciplinary approach to formal classes combined with a college system of interaction and social learning that in short form is the secret sauce of Trent University that's the Trent system. now it's been a tumultuous year and even after the pandemic is over and it will be over the next 10 to 20 years will continue to be tumultuous to has the world is not just changing all around us is changing at a rapidly accelerating pace whether we're talking about environmental change with climate at its core or technological change with artificial intelligence at its core or social change with isolation and the business at its core and democracy under threat the world in the coming years is going to become almost unrecognizable the world is going to need to be saved. the ability to respond effectively in the face of these massive changes is going to require a certain kind of mind, a certain kind of heart, a certain kind of soul, a certain kind of graduate, yes that is where you come in you are the New Hope a product of the secret sauce a product of the Trent system. Not that you need to do anything spectacular rather than in your our everyday lives using the skills which have been imbued and all of us here at Trent to face and embrace the challenges which will absolutely arise over the coming decades not in anger and frustration not with rigidity not by saying well that's the way it's always been done but rather with the agility flexibility the Curiosity the openness and the compassion that has been fostered within you each and every day here at Trent and if each of us can even just a little bit work those qualities into our everyday lives and relationships and interactions then together we can be a powerful influence a movement towards saving a world that must be saved. you likely know already where the phrase A New Hope comes from when Star Wars first came out in 1977 even though it was the first movie in the series Time Wise it was actually the middle of the story and so it was entitled Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope that is how I think of you of us a small group of rebels whose mission is to save the world. yes the time has come to start that saving so I say to you now by the power vested in me as Chancellor of Trent University I now declare the degrees diplomas and certificates recommended by the University's Senate be conferred upon you the graduating students, a New Hope congratulations and well done.

[22:55 Steven Stone leaves and Michael Eamon and Melanie Buddle appear on screen]

Melanie Buddle: thank you so much Steven Stone for those inspiring words Michael and I know how much you were looking forward to being here at Trent this year on this was going to be your first year at a convocation shaking hands with all of our students and greeting them and we know that that would have been really powerful but your words were powerful and thank you so much.

Michael Eamon: As you may have noticed we've changed locations we are now Gwsoksi College which is the youngest college at Trent Peterborough and we're right in front of the first peoples house of learning and the Gathering space

Melanie Buddle: It is my pleasure now to introduce the honor song sung by unity and I have some words to read to you from Unity before you hear them “before all other words can be spoken we bring greetings to all of creation in the custom of the First Peoples of this land we offer the sound of the drum and our voices to honor our mother the Earth we sent our profound and deepest thanks to all creation we greet the world with humility and embrace the richness diversity and wonder of life. in the Anishinaabe teaching the sound of the drum represents the original sound of creation the heartbeat of creation reverberates still throughout the Universe and its uses our being with life we offer these words of praise for those who are graduating we offer these words of Thanksgiving to those who had made we offer this song to accompany all of you on your journey may your lives be filled with grace and dignity’ and I now introduce to you Unity.

[24:25 Michael Eamon and Melanie Buddle leave, and Unity appear on screen]

[ 24:26 Unity perform the Honor song on the First Peoples House of Learning and Gathering Space]

[26:26 Unity leaves Michael Eamon and Melanie Buddle appear on screen]

Melanie Buddle: So, over the years Michael, you and I have probably seen at least 10,000 Trent students graduate. We love seeing you at convocation. Usually we get to hug you, shake your hand wave, so we don't get to see very much to you.

Michael Eamon: But I think we said a little too much today so let's see some other people

[26:46 Michael Eamon and Melanie Buddle leave]

[26:46 Stephen Stohn appears on screen]

[26:52 Leo Groarke appears on screen]

[26:57 Armand La Barge appears on screen]

Armand La Barge: Congratulations class of 2020 from the board of Governors

[27:02 Armand La Barge leaves and Scott Henderson appears on screen]

[27:08 Jacqueline Muldoon and Archie appear on screen]

Jacqueline Muldoon: Congratulations! You did it!

[27:09 Tinan Fridgen appears on screen]

[27:17 Christine Freeman Roth appears on screen]

Christine Freeman Roth: Had to get all dressed up to celebrate your special day. Congratulations today is your day, you’re off to great places, you’re off and away.

[27: 28 Stephanie Muehlethaler appears on screen]

Stephanie Muehlethaler: Alright Trent congratulations from a great band… we are so proud of you, cheers, congratulations!

[Melanie Buddle and Michael Eamon appear on screen]

[27:48 Dawn Lavell- Harvard & staff appear on screen]

Dawn Lavell- Harvard and staff: Wooo!

[28:13 Tracy Al-Idrissi appears on screen]

Tracy Al-Idrissi : Graduates of 2020, congratulations on a job well done!

[28:18 Glennice Burns appears on screen]

[28:24 Nona Robinson appears on screen]

Nona Robinson: Congratulations Trent Grads, I am so very happy for you, please keep in touch.

[28:28 Craig Brunetti appears on screen] [28:43 Cathy Bruce appears on screen]

Cathay Bruce: Carpe Diem!

[28:45 Holger Hintelmann appears on screen]

[28:56 Kristen Woodend appears on screen]

Kristen Woodend: Congratulations to each and every one of you. I am sorry we couldn't be together on the podium today, but you are now Trent graduates headed for amazing futures.

[29:07 Mark Skinner appears on screen]

Mark Skinner: Congratulations graduates, you did it!

[29:11 Chris Nelan appears on screen]

[29:20 Jamie Matin appears on screen]

Jamie Matin: Congratulations to the resilient class of 2020!

[29:25 Corinn Phillips appears on screen]

[29:28 Craig Cameron appears on screen]

[29:35 Sandra Klemet- N’guessan appears on screen]

Sandra Klemet- N’guessan: You’ve mastered it…

[29:40 Rayna Porter appears on screen]

[30:03 Ann-Majella McKelvie appears on screen]

Ann-Majella McKelvie: Hi graduating class of 2020, a massive congratulations on your fantastic achievement. There’s not an absolute more greater feeling than finishing your degree. You all did fantastic and you're all gonna have brilliant futures ahead of you.

[30:17 Diane Therrien appears on screen]

[30:21 Emily Whetung appears on screen]

[30:26 Don Mitchell appears on screen]

[30:34 Dan Carter appears on screen]

[30:38 John Henry appears on screen]

[ 30:42 In memory of Kendyl Hill appears on screen]

[30:45 Michael Eamon and Melanie Buddle appear on screen]

Michael Eamon: okay Mel are you ready for the next seg- oh okay

Melanie Buddle: It’s really hard to do a grad walk while social distancing

Michael Eamon: Yeah so let's look at some people who do it a lot better than we can.

[30:57 Graduate walk videos start]

Aveet Singh Ahuja

Ruby Al Naasan

Rebecca Albion

Salwa Allouch

Valerie Alward

Colleen Anderson Graham

Siow Yan Jennifer Angoh

Chuckwugozie Anija-Obi

Saumya Augustine

Saurabh Bade

Danielle Bakermans

Kelly Brandy

Leah Barrett

Vanessa Bartlett Mathew Bassett

Selina Bavlnka-Davy

Julie Bazeley

Melissa Bennett

Matthew Yanni Bezic

Chelsea Billings

Alex Black

Michelle Boismenu

Pasha Bowser

Kelsey Bradley

Lori Branch

Christina Brown

Maddison Brown

Lindsay Buckly

Moranda Burnfield

Emily Bursey

Yves Burume

Asaad Butt

Caleb Button

Madison Cain

Jose Miguel Capilla Bagatella

Sean Carlin Kristin Carriere

Rachel Cavanagh

Gytha Chapman

Sabhat Chaudhry

Chhavi Chawala

Noodinong-Bemosed Christianson

Irene Christy

Taylor Chung

Claire Cislak

Daniella Codeluppi

Madispon Colletti

Rebecca Collinson

Kendra Cove

Holly Cowan

Marina Crough

Bradly Crouse

Bridget D’Aloisio

Madison Dagenais

Lorissa Dahlia

Andrew Daniels

Rishika Daswani

Julia Davidson Rachel Dean

Brooke Degraaf

Aarifah Desai

Chloe Devlin

Jeevan Dhakal

Rachel Dillon

Lindsay Dixon

Kristen Dougherty

Brady Doyle

Hazel Duem

Letiesha Dunn

Michael Duquette

Rhiannon Duxbury

Katelyn Dymond

Genette Dziadyk

Serena Shemela Eccleston

Ghinwa El-Ariss

Julia Enns-Le Doare

Sarah Evans

Kiara Fabbro

Tasha Falconer

Jennifer Feeney Kara Fitze

Pamela Forgrave

Sydney Fuller

Giuliana Furfaro

Devni Gamage

Glaire Gibbs

Camilla Golec

Joel Goodhand

Symonne Gordon

Emily Gray

Crystal Grijalvo

Zoila Guipit

Jatin Gupta

Gizelle Gutierrez

Matthias Gutscher

Tim Hance

Danielle Harper

Chelsea Harris

Mykayla Harrison

Rebecca Harvey

Sarah Henley

Daniel Hepditch Shawn Hergott

Logan Hill

Jordan Holmes

Kaitlyn Horlock

Daniel Horvath

Alyssa Houle

Elizabeth Hovey

Julia Hubert

Lauren Hunt

Sean Ibbott

Ashely Jackson

Avani Jain

Md Asad Uz Jaman

Hilary James

Jordan Janes

Kristen Jeffries

Grace Jeninga

Tianyu Jia

Hannah Johnson

Lucas Johnston - Flanagan

Serena Jones

Celina Kegels

Giulianna Keir

Atik Khan

Margaret Kikkert

Markus King

Renee Knight

Raghuvansh Kohli

Emily Koshman

Abbey Krajc

Daniela Leal

Tanner Leckie

Josee Leduc

Mackayla Leeworthy

Heather Lemna

Tyra Lewis

Jenika Liberty

Audrianna Lindsay

Stephanie Littleford

Cara Livingston

Anieca Llyod

Kaitlin Logan

Adrianna Long

Natalia Lopez

Kayleigh Loranger

Ben Loucks

Emily Loveless

Laura Loyst

Leisha Lustic

Dingwen Ma

Bennett Macdonald

Hanna Mackellar

Casandra Madden

Karina Mahbir

Kristin Mann

Brandie Manning

Vincenso Marin

KIrsten Marr

Valerie Marshall

Demi Mathias

Heloise Matthews

Alexandra Mcdermott

Riley Mcguire

Kyra Mckenna

Nicole Mckenzie

Lorna Mcinklay

Chelsea Mclachlan

Carly Mclaughlin

Rebekah Mcmillan

Alandra McNutt

Samm Medeiros

Larissa Milligan

Lauren Monlezun

Shaelyn Mortensen

Jordyn Mosher

Anissa Nour Moundarres

Saskia Mueller

Kaitlyn Murphy

Isaiah Mutekanga

Grace Neville

Hanna Nurhussen

Megan O’Neill

Jessica Oosterholt

Gimena Opaso

Mitchell Oriahi

Chantel Osei- Amoako

Sandra Osei- Amoako

Amanda Ostrander

Nikhil Pai Ganessh

Jaynain Panchal

Aakriti Pandey

Brandon Parent

Avery Parker

Megan Pearce

Danielle Peckham

Olivia Pericak

Gabriella Peters

Gillian Petersen

Grace Phillips

Vittoria Pietrantonio

Zachary Pike

Katia Piscina

Vanessa Pitsitkas

Emily Poisson

Nim Poland

Kosheela Devi Poo Palam

Jeremy Porquez

Ellie Porter Summer Prevost

Natasha Prytulka

Xuenjun Qi

Sarah Quigley

Bridget Reeves

Abbi Rhodes Marriott

Riley Richards

Colleen Richardson

Bailey Rigney

Sophia Rizzuto- Bayliss

Alyssa Roberts

Sable Robertson

A Meghan Robinson

Sarah Robinson

Malaya Romain

Amanda Roy

Debra Russell

Magdelena Samulski

Reyna Snachez

Abbygail Satura

Victoria Scott

Hazel Scott Pankratz Nicole Selfe

David Selimovic

Rachit Sharma

Shawna Sidorkiewicz

Jaspreet Singh

Jagroop Singh

Keana Sloos

Alexander Smit

Rachel Smylie

Mikayla Sneek

Krysta Southwell

Alexa Spataro

Sidney Spencer

Albana Stafa

Nancy Stevens

Carmelle Francoise Sullivan

Suraj Suresh Sajjan

Aleah Symons

Katrina Szozda

Suzet Tambe

Emily Tancredi

Derek Taylor Nick Taylor

Samantha Tenhunen

Ryleigh Tessier

Michelle Thibodeau

Tanisha Thomas

Kira Thring

Sybel Tino

Xhek Troka

Cassidy Trueman

Olivia Tullouch

William Usi

Emily Vachon

Melissa Van Andel

Vanessa Van Massenhoven

Talia Vanderheyden

Carlie Vautier

Vipin Sukumaran Nair Velayudhan Pillai

Marianne Vegara

Nicole Vezeau

Kaylea Viera

Hilary Voith

Jessica Walsh Abigail Warren

Jamar Warren

Kayleigh Warriner

Sidney Weeks

Brittany Welsh

Hayley Whalen

Alexis White

Lauren Wilson

Taylor Wilson

Madelaine Winsor

Gemma Wood

Jinyi Wu

Heidi Young

Tianchan (Lucy) Zheng

Kayla Zuccaro

[49:19 Graduate Walk Out End]

[49:22 List of All Graduating Students as of Friday June 5th 2020 is displayed on screen]

[1:02:16 List of Graduating Students Ends Michael Eamon and Melanie Buddle appear on screen]

Melanie Buddle: We wanted to thank you so much for watching this today, and we really wanted to say thank you to your friends, your family, supporters, all the people we hope are watching this with you and who have supported you over the years of your degree we know how important this is to you and to your family.

Michael Eamon: For sure, it’s such a great journey that you’ve been on but this isn't the end, this is grad from your pad but we hope this is the first and only grad from your pad that we do. Next year we’re back to convocation. By the way convocation means let's get together, coming together, so let's get together in 2021 and I look forward, both of us Melanie and I look forward to that.

Melanie Buddle: Thank you

[1:02:59 Michael Eamon and Melanie Buddle leave and Trent Alumni sign appears on screen]

[1:03:09 Congratulations appears on screen}