Javan Hawk-Eagle Spizaetus Bartelsi Stresemann, 1924 on SOUTHERN PART of WEST JAVA
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FINAL REPORT STATUS, DISTRIBUTION, POPULATION, ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION Javan Hawk-eagle Spizaetus bartelsi Stresemann, 1924 ON SOUTHERN PART OF WEST JAVA Andi P. Setiadi Zaini Rakhman Pupung F. Nurwatha Muchammad Muchtar Wahyu Raharjaningtrah CREDIT REPORTED BY Andi. P. Setiadi, Zaini Rakhman, Pupung F. Nurwatha, Muchammad Muchtar & Wahyu Raharjaningtrah MAIN CONTRIBUTOR Yusron Saaroni (YPAL); Gana Hendarsah, Ahmad I. Juniarto, Henry A. Singer, Yuvan Hadian, Firman Hadi (HIMBIO-UNPAD) EDITOR Dr. Erri N. Megantara (Jurusan Biologi UNPAD); Resit Sözer MSc; Iwan Setiawan; Dr. Dewi M. Prawiradilaga (FFI-IP); Vincent Nijman (UVA). PHOTO Andri Setiawan, Andi P Setiadi, Zaini Rakhman (YPAL); Yuvan Hadian (HIMBIO-UNPAD); Takeheshi Kato( Gunzo-sha). ILUSTRATION Dwija Putra, Vincent Nijman SPONSOR BirdLife International British Petroleum FFI International @ Yayasan pribumi Alam Lestari, 2000 ISBN 979-9319-03-X CITATION Setiadi, A.P., Z. Rakhman, P.F. Nurwatha, M. Muchtar and W. Raharjaningtrah. 2000. Status, Distribution, Population, Ecology and Conservation Javan Hawk-eagle Spizaetus bartelsi, Stresemann 1924 On Southern Part of West Java. Final Report BP/FFI/BirdLife International/YPAL-HIMBIO UNPAD, Bandung. Publication of this document was supported by THE GIBBON FOUNDATION P.O.Box 7610 JKP Jakarta 10076 Indonesia i PREFACE Yayasan Pribumi Alam Lestari (YPAL = Indigenous Nature Conservation Society) in collaboration with Biological Student Association (Himbio) University of Padjadjaran Bandung were finished the first year of 'the Javan Hawk-eagle conservation programme' at south part of West Java. The project was conducted since March 1998 until June 1999. The activities of the programme were distribution and population surveys, some ecological aspects and conservation action. This final report presenting the results of distribution and population surveys and some aspects of its ecology, includes of it were behaviour, home range and nest's habitat. Besides that, the disturbance potential at each location and activities on conservation action programme were also presented. The conservation programme were being done during the project periods were raptor identification training, awareness material (poster, leaflet and sticker) dissemination, participated on several exhibition, radio programme and environmental awareness for the first school children. We hope this study can support institutional or anybody who concern for conservation effort, especially to save the Javan Hawk-eagle with related to the forest ecosystem of Java. ii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Javan Hawk-eagle Spizaetus bartelsi is threatened species on Endangered category, and its current population is considerably very scarce. Therefore, the conservation efforts are urgently required considering declining of population. Limited data on this least known raptor in the world are still an obstacle in the conservation efforts of this species. Low public awareness to support the bird conservation efforts in general, and Javan Hawk-eagle conservation in particular, is another important weakness. During fifteen months (March 1998 - June 1999) Yayasan Pribumi Alam Lestari (YPAL) in collaboration with Himpunan Mahasiswa (HIMBIO) Universitas Padjadjaran has conducted the project research of the Javan Hawk-eagle at some observational sites on Southern West Java. The aim of this program is to collect and fit out data of bio-ecological of the Javan Hawk-eagle and to increase the public awareness for Javan Hawk-eagle conservation. The program has resulted additional data on distribution and population of Javan Hawk-eagle at 15 new distributional records. Locations in where Javan Hawk-eagle occurred are mostly found on elevation between 25-2400 m asl with estimated population of 59-75 pairs in all surveyed area. During surveys, nine breeding pairs were successfully identified that describing the hatching period on April-November. The study has also recorded several preys including eight species of small mammals, three species of birds, and three species of reptiles. A number of behaviours and its variants on eaglet were observed. The behaviour is categorised into five main categorises (resting, moving, feeding, calling and other behaviour) which is growing simultaneously with morphological development and affected by parental care. Javan Hawk-eagle is frequently seen at natural forest rather than other habitat types. The high percentage of contact in natural forest is showing the high dependences of species to the natural forest. The Javan Hawk-eagle's nest has been detected in natural forest on the emergent trees of few species including kibodas Homalium tomentosum, kitambaga Eugenia cuprea, and rasamala Altingia excelsa. The occurrence of Javan Hawk-eagle and its habitat has been seriously threatened by human activities such as forest encroachment, poaching, and illegal trade. Natural disasters that occurred in the Javan Hawk-eagle habitat were fires and landslides. To increasing public awareness in conserving the Javan Hawk-eagle, materials of public information with Javan Hawk-eagle as the main object such us poster, leaflet, sticker, pin, and T-shirt have been made and disseminated. Beside distributing material of awareness, the program has been conducting campaign on several radio stations at Bandung (Rase FM and Mara FM), Garut (Reks FM) and Tasikmalaya (RSPD), environmental education for elementary school at Panaruban and producing an internal bulletin for information exchange to each member of this project team. Exhibition on Javan Hawk-eagle was organised at several places or events by collaboration with other organisations such as at Jakarta (the Japan Foundation), at Cimahi on National Exhibition of Sumpah Pemuda and at Bandung with SMU 25 Bandung. YPAL was also hosted the second workshop of Javan Hawk-eagle in Bandung in collaboration with Javan Hawk-eagle Focus Group and participated on the ARRC symposium in Japan by presenting poster presentation of survey result. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Yayasan Pribumi Alam Lestari (YPAL) and Himpunan Mahasiswa Biologi (HIMBIO) Universitas Padjadjaran are very grateful to British Petroleum (BP), BirdLife International and Fauna & Flora International to funded this programme through “BP Conservation Programme Award 1998” for “Globally Threatened Species” category. We are grateful as well to BirdLife International - Indonesia Programme for supports through Vogelberscheming scheme for awareness activity of this project. The team also thanks to Mr. Masahito Yoshida and members of NACS-J for binoculars and monocular supports. The great support was given from JICA-Biodiversity Conservation Programme, PKA, and LIPI to hold a second workshop recovery plan of the Javan Hawk-eagle at Bandung. Numerous people were contributed to this project, we would like to thank to Dr. Dewi Malia Prawiradilaga (Balitbang Zoology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences/FFI-IP), Iwan Setiawan, Rudyanto and William Rombang (Birdlife International-Indonesia Programme) for their supports, Resit Sözer for his trained to our raptor team, to Javan Hawk-eagle Focus Group partners for their comments and critics to the project. We also very grateful to Dr. Erri Noviar Megantara (Department of Biology, Padjadjaran University) for his supervision for this project. During the survey we also get helped from partners, for that we have to thank to: ! Dr. Supriatna (Dean of Mathematic and Nature Sciences Faculty, Padjadjaran University, Bandung), ! Ir. Sumin (Head of Balai KSDA I West Java), Ir. Noor Rakhmat and Ibu Dra. Nadjmatun Baroroh ! Ir. Atik Angga (Head of KSDA Sub-section of Sumedang), Pak Rusman (ranger), Pak Rukana (head of TP Mt. Tampomas Resort), Pak Emun Wasmadinata (head of Mt. Jagat NR Resort) and Pak Jajang (ranger of Mt.Masigit-Kareumbi GP) ! Bapak Kustaman (Head of Talaga Bodas Resort) Pak Maryono, Pak Ruskindi (rangers). ! Bapak Ir. Novianto (Head of Balai KSDA II, West Java, Ciamis), Pak Citta Asmara, Pak Taryana, Pak Syarifudin (ranger of Nusa Gede Panjalu and Mt.. Sawal), Pak Masruri (Head of Pananjung Pangandaran sub-Section) and Pak Rakhmat (ranger). ! Bapak Dulman (Head of South of Simpang Resort), Pak Odang (Head of West Simpang Resort), Pak Undi and Pak Irun (East Simpang). ! Bapak Ace and Pak Aceng (Curug Cijalu), Pak Ace Salam (Curug Cisasarap), Pak Udung and family, Pak Asep Mulyana, Pak Maman and Pak Umirta (Panaruban), Pak Juhana (Bkt. Tunggul), Ir. Joko (Brussel/Patuha), Ki Emud (Situ Patengang), Pak Acip (Ranca Upas), Pak Opid Heryadi (Head of Dano village) and the PGPI nature lover Club' members. ! Arif Gustiawan, Zaenal Mutaqin and Akrurroji volunteering during the survey and also Ida Anshori, M. Arief Risyadi, Dessy Nuzar and Buchroni for their support to the team. ! Mr. Masanori Iwasaki, Mr. Kato and Mr.Yamamoto (Gunzo-sha) for their cooperative work and for their gift of the Javan Hawk-eagle photographs. ! Mr. Toru Yamazaki and The Japanese Mountain Hawk-Eagle Team Project members. ! Radio Rase 102,3 FM Bandung, Radio Reks 133,35 FM Garut, RSPD 99,1 FM Tasikmalaya. ! Dr. Johan Iskandar and wife, who was given us a practise of environment education techniques ! Gibbon foundation was given a support for publication of this report iv PARTICIPANTS The participants on the field research are; Andi P Setiadi, Zaini Rakhman, Muchammad Muchtar, Pupung F Nurwatha, Wahyu Raharjaningtrah (YPAL); Firman Hadi, Yuvan Hadian, Henry Ali Singer, Gana Hendarsah, Ahmad I Juniarto (HIMBIO-UNPAD); Akrurrozi, Arif Gustiawan, Muhammad Sobur, Zaenal Mutaqin, Buchroni, Ida