COVER SHEET Responsible Federal Agency: U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Cooperating Agencies: None Title: Final Environmental Impact Statement for the FutureGen 2.0 Project (DOE/EIS-0460) Location: Morgan County, Illinois Contact: For further information about this For general information on the DOE process for Environmental Impact Statement, implementing the National Environmental Policy Act, contact: contact: Cliff Whyte, NEPA Compliance Officer Carol Borgstrom, Director U.S. Department of Energy Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance (GC-54) National Energy Technology Laboratory U.S. Department of Energy 3610 Collins Ferry Road 1000 Independence Avenue, SW Morgantown, WV 26507-0880 Washington, DC 20585-0103 (304) 285-2098 (202) 586-4600 or leave message Fax: (304) 285-4403 at (800) 472-2756 Email:
[email protected] Email:
[email protected] Abstract: This Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) evaluates the potential impacts associated with DOE’s proposed action to provide financial assistance to the FutureGen Industrial Alliance (the Alliance) for the FutureGen 2.0 Project, including the direct and indirect environmental impacts from construction and operation of the proposed project. DOE’s proposed action would provide approximately $1 billion of funding (primarily under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) to support construction and operation of the FutureGen 2.0 Project. The funding would be used for project design and development, procurement of capital equipment, construction, and to support 56-a month demonstration period for a coal-fueled electric generation plant integrated with carbon capture and storage. For the FutureGen 2.0 Project, the Alliance would construct and operate amegawatt 168- electrical (MWe) gross output coal-fueled electric generation plant using advanced oxy-combustion technology.