Institut Français Pondy Papers in Social Sciences Lie Pondichéry Mapping out Social Change in South India A Geographic information system and its applications ". C.Z. Guilmoto, S. Oliveau, V. Chasles, R. Delage &S.Vella ~ 1 ..J MAPPING OUT SOCIAL CHANGE IN SOUTH INDIA The Institut français de Pondichéry (IFP, French Institute of Pondicherry) is a multidisciplinary research institute, whose scope embraces Indian civilization, History and Society, Environment and Development in South and South-East Asia, through the Departments of Indology, Ecology and Social Sciences. Created in 1955, the IFP is part of a network ofresearch centres funded and supervised by the Division of Social Sciences, Human Sciences and Archaeology of the French Ministry ofForeign Affairs. Since 1988 the Department of Social Sciences has been carrying out joint Indo-French research programmes in anthropology, history, demography, geography, sociology, by focusing on cultural and social changes. As the result ofthese programmes, the Pondy Papers in Social Sciences (PPSS) are a series of working papers to which IFP researchers and associated persons contribute (refer to the list at the end ofthe issue). French Institute ofPondicherry, Il, St. Louis Street, P.E. 33, Pondicherry 605001 India, Tel: (413) 2334170/334168, Email:
[email protected] Website: In Delhi, the Centre de Sciences Humaines at Delhi (CSH, Centre for Social Sciences and Humanities), is also part of the same network of research centres, coming under the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Since 1989, the Centre's research work is primarily oriented towards the study of issues concerning the contemporary dynamics, relative to development in India and South Asia.