Democratic Republic of Angola Burundi Central Africa Republic of Congo (Congo South Sudan Republic (CAR) Congo (DRC) Brazzaville)

Sudan Tanzania Zambia

Regional Training Facility on Prevention of Sexual and Gender Based Violence in the Great Lakes Region

Training to change attitude to prevent and punish sexual violence ICGLR-RTF Centre of Excellence Participants during the opening ceremony of the Training for Master Trainers, on Prevention of Sexual Violence in the Great Lakes Region, 8th May 2017 at Afrique Suites Hotel, Kampala - Uganda. Access to Justice and Fighting Impunity of SGBV 01












A publication of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region - Regional Training Facility (ICGLR-RTF)

Plot 2, George Street, Simbamanyo House, 7th Floor Kampala - Uganda P.O. Box 1386, Kampala Tel: +256(0) 414 343655, Website:

Published in June 2017 With support of the World Bank

Printed by: MPK Graphics Ltd Design and layout: John Wagogo 02 FOREWORD for Police Officers from ICGLR MemberStates; they The first training organized inDecember 2014 was from thetraining attheICGLR-RTF. 2017. By endof 2016 about 400 people hadbenefited the seventh training workshop hadbeen helpinMay lakes Region. Athetimeofpublishingthismagazine, prosecutors, civilsociety, andjournalistsintheGreat for police, military, medical,judicial officers, convene six(6)majorhighprofile training workshops Three years since itsinception, theRTF was ableto Uganda. AHost Agreement between Government ofUganda andICGLR was signedon18thFebruary 2014. ICGLR commitment to fight impunity in sexual violence crimes. The Headquarters ofRTF are in Kampala, categories ofpersons whohandle casesofsexual violence intheGreat Lakes Region”. This isinlinewiththe mandate isto “...train andsensitize police units,judicialofficers, medicalofficers, Socialworkers andother February 2014 andoperationalized inApril2014 withtheappointmentofitsActing Director. The RTF Violence plusthesubsequentICGLR SummitsandRIMCdecisions, theRTF was openedon18th officially of Sexual Violence against women andchildren andParagraph 14oftheKampalaDeclaration onSexual Pursuant 11oftheICGLR to article Pact, 6(9)oftheICGLR Article Protocol onPrevention andsuppression Years ofICGLR-RTF Lakes Region:Three in theGreat the ICGLR SexualViolence against Towards of ofExcellence aCentre Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV Acting Director RTF, NathanMwesigye Byamukama in conflict situationsrespectively. The financial military justice system andmanagingsexual violence concentrated on managing sexual violence under workshops took place inAugust 2015. These two Peace andSecurity. The second andthird training African UnionCommission (AUC)’s of department on Sexual Violence inConflict (OSRSG-SV) andthe of theSpecialRepresentative oftheSecretary General DNA technology. This was by supported theUNOffice Prevention andSuppression ofSexual Violence using were trained inForensic Evidence Management for office through theBHC.From 5 It was by supported theForeign andCommonwealth and Investigation ofSexual Violence CasesinConflict’. workshop heldinSeptember 2016 on‘Documentation TheDepartment. was fifth asensitization andtraining the African UnionCommission Peace andSecurity UN Secretary General for the Great Lakes Region and It was by supported Office of the Special Envoy of the Impunity ofSexual Violence intheGreat Lakes Region’. was heldinJuly2016 on‘Access to Justice &Fighting Commission (BHC).The fourth was asymposium that came fromsupport OSRSG-SV and the BritishHigh sufficient support fromsufficient support Member States to take off. The The RTF isstillagrowing institutionthat requires support. stakeholders. This isthecore oftheRTF/ WB/NICHE standardized training materials andcurriculafor four together Master Trainers (MTs) who are setto deliver The seventh workshop ofMay 2017, was bringing prisons service, civilsociety andjournalists. stakeholders including,butnotlimited to, themilitary, few years will seetheenlistingofothercategories of workers, police units,andmedicalofficers. The next in theICGLR Protocol namely:Judicialofficers, social of allthefour major stakeholders specificallymentioned collaboratively completing training andsensentization thealready2020 andsupports runningWBproject by WBproject. This isafour-year project endingin workers additionalto thestakeholders supported the SGBV; for inparticular medicalofficers andsocial training programs inthe Prevention andMitigation of RTF withtheInstitutional Strengthening to deliver Development inHigherEducation (NICHE)supports In addition,theNetherlandsInitiatives for Capacity counties. who would inturntrain others intheirrespective Training ofTrainers (ToTs) from ICGLR memberstates officers infightingSexual violence. Specialfocus ison regional training programs for judicialandpolice the RTF to develop andimplementtwo high-quality training programs. Inparticular, theProject supports is to bestrengthened to deliver highquality regional Violence andWomen’s HealthProject’ inwhichtheRTF ‘The Great Lakes Emergency Sexual andGenderBased World afour Bankthatsupported year project under The initialboostoffundsto theRTF was provided by NICHE/ NetherlandsandGIZ. funds from Population Council-Kenya, FIDA-Uganda, from alltheICGLR MemberStates. Itwas by supported Kampala, Uganda and was attended by representatives Documentation andInvestigation whichtook place in the sixthbigmeetingwas aregional colloquium on th -7 th December 2016, Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV within theavailable resources was on.Itcanbedone this report, thesearch for theappropriate property Euro to RTF. 1millionsupport At the timeofwriting ICGLR-RTF asaCentre ofExcellency ofthe aspart aside EUR200.000 to buyproperty befittingofthe of theNetherlands‘sNICHEprogramme thathasset the continent. We are grateful to the Royal Kingdom problem ofSexual andGender-Based Violence on effective andefficientmanagement oftheendemic of Excellence inproviding thenecessary skillsfor The RTF haspotential to become Africa’s Centre efficiency willgreatly improve muchfaster. and aknowledge production/ progress ITExpert, and and theaccountant. Ifwe get atraining coordinator in actingcapacity, withahandfulofgood volunteers been achieved iswhatIhave beenableto doaloneand staff for smoothandeffective operations. Whathas RTF needsto recruit atleasttwo core “heavy weight” Pia Peeters andLeanne (2ndleft) Bayer (1stright) Dr. AstridWake, representative NICHESupport Ms. Verena meetinginBurundi Phipps (1stleft) World MissioninKampala BankSupport ledby World Missionledby BankSupport addressing RTF meeting 03 04 LIST OFABBREVIATIONS &ACRONYMS EUR ( DRC DNA CSOs CEDOVIP CAR AWCFS AUC AMISOM AfDB ACCORD MSM MTs MPLA MOU MONUSCO MGLSD LRA KD JLOS IT IDPs IDA ICT ICGLR-RTF ICGLR GLR GIZ GBV GBP (£) FPUs FIDA Uganda FGM ) Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV Democratic Republic OfCongo Deoxyribonucleic Acid Civil Society Organisations Centre for DomesticViolence Prevention Central African Republic African Woman andChildFeatures services African UnionCommission African UnionMission inSomalia African Development Bank African Centre for theConstructive Resolutions ofDisputes Euro (European Currency) Maastricht SchoolofManagement Master Trainers Movimento Popular Angola deLibertacaoIn Memorandum ofUnderstanding Congo United NationsOrganization Stabilization Mission intheDemocratic Republic ofthe Ministry ofGender, LaborandSocial Development Lord’s Resistance Army Kampala Declaration Justice andLaw Sector Information Technology Internally Displaced Persons International Development Assistance Information Communication Technology International Conference oftheGreat Lakes Region-Regional Training Facility International Conference oftheGreat Lakes Region Great Lakes Region fuerInternationale ZusammenarbeitDeutsche Gesellschaft Gender-Based Violence Pound sterling (BritishPound) Family Protection Units Uganda Association ofWomen Lawyers Female GenitalMutilation WHO VSUs USD ($) UNSESG-GLR UNRCO UN-OSRSG-SVC UNODC UNITAR UNICEF UNHCR UNFPA UNDP UNAIDS UNAFRI UN UN Women UGX ToT SPLM-N SPLA/M SLM/A SGBV SADC RWF RTF RPF RINR RIMC RECs PSO PIU PIM OHCHR O/SESG-GL NICHE NCM NC NAWJ-U World HealthOrganization Victim Safety Units United States Dollars United NationsSecretary General to theGreat Lakes Region United NationsResident Coordinator Office UN-Office ofSpecialRepresentative ofSecretary General-Sexual Violence inConflict United NationsOffice onDrugsandCrime United NationsInstitute for Training andResearch United NationsChildren’s Fund Office oftheUnited NationsHighCommissioner for Refugees United NationsPopulation Fund United NationsDevelopment Programme Joint United NationsProgramme onHIV and AIDS United NationsInstitute for Prevention ofCrime United Nations United NationsEntity for GenderEquality andtheEmpowerment ofWomen Ugandan shilling Training ofTrainers Sudan Peoples’ Liberation Movement-Northern Sector South SudanLiberation Army/ Movement Sudan Liberation Army Sexual andGenderBasedViolence Southern African Development Community Regional Women’s Forum Regional Training Facility Rwanda Patriotic Front Regional Initiatives onNatural Resources Regional Inter-ministerial Committee Regional Economic Communities Peace Operations Support Project ImplementationUnit Project ImplementationManual Office oftheUnited NationsHighCommissioner for HumanRights Office oftheSpecialEnvoy oftheSecretary General for theGreat Lakes Region Netherlands Initiative for Capacity Development inHigherEducation National Coordination Mechanisms National Coordinators National Association ofWomen Judges andMagistrates inUganda Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV 05 06 FACTS ABOUTICGLR-REGIONAL TRAININGFACILITY friends ofICGLR. 26 Art (4) oftheICGLR Pact states The RTF isfundedby MemberStates, partners and FUNDING PARTNERS Facility. ICGLR Summit,to hostthisspecialRegional Training Republic ofUganda offered, duringtheDecember 2011 In fulfillmentofthisobligation, thegovernment ofthe of sexual violence intheGreat Lakes Region”. officers andothercategories ofpersons whohandle cases judicial officers, police units,socialworkers, medical up aspecialregional facility for training andsensitizing and Children (2006), and Suppression ofSexual Violence against Women 6(9),theICGLRUnder Art Protocol onthePrevention LEGAL STATUS AND MANDATE a muchbigger andpermanenthome,thanks to NICHE. George Street, Simbamanyo to House.Itwillsoonshift Ministry ofGender, LabourandSocialDevelopment – Kampala, Uganda. Itishosted onthe7thFloor atthe The Regional Training Facility hasitsheadquarters in LOCATION Tanzania, Uganda andZambia.The RTF was launchedon18thFebruary 2014 inKampala,Uganda. Republic ofCongo (DRC), Republic ofCongo (Congo Brazzaville), SouthSudan,Kenya, Rwanda, ICGLR ismade upof12MemberStates namely:Angola, Burundi,Central Africa Republic (CAR), Democratic Region, was established by theHeadsofStates oftheInternational Conference ontheGreat Lakes (ICGLR). The Regional Training Facility (RTF) onPrevention andSuppression ofSexual Violence intheGreat Lakes Muburi-Muita (2nd Right) with the staff oftheRTFMuburi-Muita (2ndRight)withthestaff Executive Secretary oftheICGLR AmbassadorZachary Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV “Member States agree (d) to set Children. Suppression ofSexual Violence against Women and for undertheICGLR Protocol onPrevention and sexual violence in theGreat Lakes Region asprovided and othercategories of persons whohandlecasesof officers, police units,socialworkers, medicalofficers The RTF mandate is to train and sensitize judicial GOAL of SGBV to improve theresponse to SGBV intheGLR. training to professional groups that deal with survivors Providing High quality training material and quality MISSION STATEMENT facility onprevention ofSGBV intheGLR. A leading training, research, and information sharing VISION premises. Uganda as a Member State contributed Office by any otherresources identifiedby theconference.“ development oftheGreat partners lakes Region and and by resources mobilized from cooperation and by mandatory annualcontributions ofMemberStates that theoperating budget oftheICGLR “shallbefunded member states) army, journalistsetc asthecasemay befrom allthe12 sexual violence intheGreat Lakes Region (e.g. prisons, other categories ofpersons whohandlecasesof workers, medical officers, attorneys/advocates and The RTF willtrain police units,judicialofficers, social TARGET GROUPFOR THETRAINING 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES; the Region for quality enhancement ofSGBV training across well as regional and national SGBV training needs technical expertsandatechnical assistance as To provide a database of regional and international management ofSGBV cases. training materials for practitioners inthe To provide policyoriented research to inform network available to training stakeholders; networking events andaregional SGBV training media activities,aswell asfacilitating demandled encompasses runningawebsite network andnew documentation andsharingframework that scientific evidence gathering, earlywarning, To provide regional knowledge-generation, UN instrumentsonsexual violence; protocols andframeworks oftheICGLR, AU and resolutions; standards andpoliciesaswell ason materials andthedatabaseaswell astraining on frameworks andacommon access to content, curricula thatprovide common skills,common To develop regional coordination andstandardized violence intheGreat Lakes Region; categories ofpersons whohandlecasesofsexual units, socialworkers, medicalofficers andother To train andsensitize judicialofficers, police Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV Using • by: organizationspartner already doingsimilaractivities, governmental, civilsociety, international andnational The RTF works closelywithgovernmental, non- RTF PARTNERSHIPS 11. NICHE 10. 9. GIZ 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. UNWomen 2. 1. Making • Providing • Using • Ensuring • DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS TO DATE access to justice symposium inJuly2016 for theGreat Lakes Region (O/SESG-GL)-Gender Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary General Population Council -Kenya FIDA -Uganda British HighCommission inKampala AU-Peace andSecurity Department SVC) General-Sexual Violence inConflict (UN-OSRSG- UN-Office ofSpecialRepresentative ofSecretary World Bank Member states ofICGLR developed by partners training manualsorstandardise theonesalready the various MemberStates trainings relevant information anddata working technical committees. their

their use that a data regional similar of technical bases their platform organisations to trainers establish expertise for partners to the are conduct to situation part to develop of share the the in 07 08 launched instyle The ICGLR-Regional TrainingF showed interest intheregional statisticsonSGBV. enlightened aboutthefacility. Onthewholejournalists a uniqueopportunityto ensure thatjournalistswere thenextan article day. The mediabriefingprovided media includingThe New Vision newspaper whichran was covered andtelecast by several mainstream Nathan Byamukama, representing ICGLR. The briefing representing theRegional Director UNWomen and Kyasiimire, Commissioner Gender, MsDianaOfwona The mediabriefingwas addressed by Mrs Elizabeth a press briefingon17thFeb 2014 atthe MediaCentre. The RTF launchon18thFebruary 2014 was preceded by participants. The Facility was launched on February 18, 2014 at a colourful ceremony in Kampalaattended by over 70 is basedinKampala,Uganda iscurrently hosted by theMinistry ofGender, LabourandSocial Development. the Prevention andSuppression ofSexual andGenderbasedviolence (SGBV) intheregion. The RTF, which The International Conference ontheGreat Lakes Region (GLR) openedaRegional Training Facility (RTF) on Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV The Guest ofHonour-HonMaryKarooro Okurut, Minister ofGender, Labor and Social Development, delivering makingheraddress Rydeo representing MaryRobinson ,theSpecialEnvoy Musisi theRegional Director UNWomen andPernilla Luaba, Mrs DianaOfwona representing Mrs Christine by theExecutive Secretary ofICGLR, Prof Ntumba- of State for Gender). The openingwas alsoattended Africa Affairs) andHonRukiaNakadama (Minister Gender), HonShemBageine (Minister ofState for East by three ministers: HonKarooro Okurut (Minister of and Law Sector (JLOS). The launchwas presided over session was attended by officialsfrom theJustice to marktheestablishmentofRTF. The afternoon by diplomatsandpartners. Thereafter aribbonwas cut The withabreakfast launchstarted meeting attended acility currently engaged ineliminatingSGBV. cooperation withtheRTF ofallotherstakeholders benefit from the RTF services. Hecalled for greater Mr MugumehopedallMemberStates would greatly handling sensitive crimesagainst women,” headded. to develop andharness theirability and attitudein usually involved ininvestigations ofsexual violence we have thisfacility to empower personnel thatare are women andyoung girls.Itis,therefore, timelythat with violentconflicts inwhichthemajority ofvictims Facility comes atatimewhentheregion ismarred violence intheregion. “This launchof the Training the effort to fightand end sexual and gender based He confirmed thatUganda was fullycommitted to in the implementation of theKampala Declaration. fight SGBV intheGreat Lakes Region andabigstep the centre asalandmarkoccasion intheeffortsto Ambassador BenLukwiya describedtheopeningof Ambassador JamesMugume,inaspeechread by empowerment inUganda. national machineryofgender equality andwomen that thefacility was located atthecentre ofthe and SocialAffairs intheMinistry, expressed pleasure Elizabeth Kyasimire, theCommissioner for Gender Sudan andThe Netherlands. South Africa, Great Britain,Angola, Burundi,South and Care. Embassies represented includedJapan, UNDP, UN Women, UNAFRI, UN-RCO, UNFPA, Oxfam Several organisations attended thelaunchincluding of Foreign Affairs. Lukwiya representing Ambassador Mugume, Ministry the Commissioner, for Gender and Ambassador Ben Also inattendance were Mrs Elizabeth Kyasiimire of theSecretary General to theGreat Lakes Region. The pastandcurrent Executive Secretaries ofICGLR: (L-R) Ms.Liberata Mulamula, Prof Ntumba-Luaba and AmbassadorZachary Muburi-Muita Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV women’s lives across theregion. that “Itisimportant in itscommitment to oversee the improvement of facility, sheobserved, was anothergreat step forward through itsPact andProtocols. The openingofthe more recently infavour ofwomen’s humanrights commitments to peace andstability ingeneral and applauded theICGLR for brokering many regional A representative oftheUNWOMEN inUganda towards thelaunchofFacility. UN Women bothfor financialandtechnical support admitted SouthSudan”.Healsothanked particularly backing from allthe12MemberStates, includingnewly brainchild oftheICGLR thatreceived unequivocal government for accepting to hostthefacility, “a violence,” Prof. Luabasaid.Hethanked theUgandan a great step towards victory against impunity ofthis to victims of sexual and gender based violence. It is personnel, andallstakeholders inrendering assistance will equipsecurity officers, socialworkers, medical children. “The launchtoday oftheTraining Facility and punishmentofsexual violence against women and Region, whichcallsfor theprevention, criminalisation Security, Stability, andDevelopment intheGreat Lakes is infurtherance 11inthePact to theArticle onPeace, that especiallytargetcrimes women.This commitment Heads of State and Government towards elimination of He saiditwas ademonstration ofthestrong willofthe was agreat day for women intheGreat Lakes Region. Secretary oftheICGLR, saidtheopeningofFacility Prof. LumuAlphonseNtumbaLuaba,theExecutive it achieves itsintended objectives. facilitate the work ofthe training facility to ensure that to working closely with the Ministry of Gender to Ministry, hepledged theministry’s commitment As Permanent Secretary ofUganda’s Foreign Affairs 09 10 violence,” shenoted. professionals to dealwithcases ofsexual gender based medical personnel, social workers and other relevant equip prosecutors, judicialactors, police officers, the purposefor whichithas beenestablished;to harmonised training curricula to ensure thatitserves facility, we mustfollow through withquality, timely, to withintheFramework. “As we launchthetraining commitment outofmany regional leaders agreed that theopeningoffacility was afulfilment ofone Mary Robinson expressed gratitude andemphasized of theUN,SpecialEnvoy to theGreat Lakes Region, Mrs In her speechdelivered by Ms Pernilla Rydeo on behalf 50,000) to equipthecentre,” sherevealed. initial contribution offiftythousandUSdollars (US$ to announce theflagoffofthiscollaboration withan withtheregionalpartner training facility andispleased operations oftheFacility. “UNWOMEN isproud to the Ugandan government in order to kick-start the strengthen collaborations further withICGLR and She pledged theUNWOMEN’s willingness to too long. moment for allthosethathadwaited for justice for far noted. Shedescribedthelaunchasanemotional accounting for better outcomes for survivors,” she based violence injustice processes. We willalsobe to a much clearer accounting of sexual and gender and judges meansthat at lastwe willbecontributing professionals, witness protection specialists, attorneys specialists, psychosocial trauma counsellors, health personnel, to speciallytrained interpreters, forensic the facility ranging from investigation and prosecution “The fact thatawiderange ofexpertise willemerge from Lakes Region,” shenoted. jointly work for theinterests ofthepeople oftheGreat and cover for ICGLR and the new initiatives to link and regional leaders continue to provide politicalsupport Mrs MaryRobinson- former UNSpecialEnvoy ofthe Secretary General for theGreat Lakes Region. Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV facility iswell staffed, facilitated, encouraged, and and Agencies to offer to ensure theirfull support the training,” she said.Sherallied regional Governments will go on and on unless we get this kind of specialised who have undergone thisviolence for themtheguns of thosewomen, ofthose girls,ofeven theyoung boys South Sudan. “The guns may fall silent but in thelives plight ofsurvivors of the on-going violent conflict in had reached epic proportions, citing the particularly she said.Shedecriedsexual violence whichshe said reported. Itiswhy aRegional Training Facility iscrucial: experts have noted, isthereason far fewer casesare to recount whathappenedinfullview ofeveryone. This, akin to second violationgiven thatthevictimisrequired “The mannerinwhichSGBV casesare prosecuted are but would ensure itworks. Uganda was not going to merely host a ‘white elephant’ projectsof important like the Facility possible. She said spirit ofregional cooperation thatmakes therealisation The ChiefGuest,MaryKarooro Okurut, laudedthe November 2014 thathadculminated into theFacility. region. Sherecalled thelongstrugglefrom Arushain finally openandwould meettheexpectations ofthe Minister Nakadama was happy thattheFacility was region’s progress. of women andchildren becauseofitsimpactonthe security andto advance especiallythelives andrights was overwhelming interest to promote peace and covers ahuge chunkoftheICGLR, Bageine saidthere directed atwomen,” hesaid.AsaCommunity, which crimes against humanity…which have always been the EastAfrican Court ofJustice to includehandling and are inprocess of extension of the jurisdiction of “We recently passed aProtocol onPeace andSecurity African Community to purge theproblem ofSGBV. saying itwas ausefuladditionto effortswithinthe East Minister Bageine welcomed theopeningoffacility on 7thJanuary2015. A.g Director, ICGLR-RTF duringhiscourtesy visitto theRTF the Great Lakes Region with Mr. (left) NathanByamukama, Amb. SaidDjinnit,SpecialEnvoy oftheSecretary General for officers in training especiallymindsetchanges withinjudicial Oxfam andaretired magistrate whohasbeeninvolved Inter-Religious Council ofUganda, Richard Mwokozi of Justice Law andOrder Sector, Carol Bunga from the (CEDOVIP), LucyLadira from theSecretariat ofthe Musuya oftheCentre for DomesticViolence Prevention Laboratory intheMinistryofInternal Affairs, Tina Musaule, anofficialfrom theGovernment’s Analytical set up and run the Facility. Other speakers were: Alex thanked UNWOMEN for thefinancialdonationto help Affairs andGenderwhomadeitpossible. Healso out thecentral role ofboththeMinistries ofForeign appreciation to Uganda for hostingtheFacility pointing Issues attheICGLR Secretariat. Hereiterated Byamukama, theProgramme Officer Crosscutting Participants were alsoaddressed by Nathan WICCE, amongsomany otherstakeholders. Prevention, theInter-Religious Council ofUganda, Isis- and Order Sector, theCentre for DomesticViolence The session attracted thePolice, theJustice Law training effortsinrespect to theeliminationofSGBV. harnessing already existing knowledge andongoing both technical andfinancial,ways andmeansof must bedelivered, potential sources of collaboration, of whatRTF curriculamustfocus on,whoandhow it interface was aimed at areflection and preparation Organisations engaged incombating SGBV. This the Secretariat, theGenderMinistryandCivil Society The session afternoon was an interaction between security to beguaranteed,” Karooro said based violence are prevented inorder for peace and girls, to ensure thatalloccurrences ofsexual gender citizens of the region, the men and boys, women and impact beyond where itishosted. “We owe itto the appreciated so that its work can have far reaching

the RTF opening Uganda andRwanda of Newspaper coverage in Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV ceremony. Bottom: Labour andSocialDevelopment. (in yellow) looks on.Seated isthethenMinister ofGender, East African Affairs whiletheUNWomen (left) representative Top: of sexual violence. skills to effectively investigate andprosecute crimes justice officers with the requisite knowledge and 2015 in Kampala. Itwas aimed atequippingmilitary System intheGreat Lakes Region, heldin August addressing sexual violence withintheMilitary Justice atthe RTFGuests and participants 2nd training on The Executive Secretaty ICGLR greets theMinister of A cross sectionoftheguestsatofficialopening 11 12 ICGLR INSTRUMENTS ONSGBV &ICGLR-RTF (2004-2015) 30th No 2004 vember 19-20 No DATE 2008 18th June 2006 cember 15th De 2006 vember Instruments on sexual violence - - - Salaam Declaration) of theICGLR: (Dar es 1st Ordinary Summit TITLE Lakes Region. Impunity intheGreat Violence andEnding Eradicating Sexual Declaration on The Goma November 2012). 2006 asamendedin region. (December for thegreat lakes and development security, stability The Pact on ICGLR Protocol Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV Towards Eradicating SGBV intheGreat Lakes region Salaam Dar es VENUE RDC Goma, Nairobi Nairobi violence andexploitation and girlswhoare victimsofrape aswell asotheractsofsexual psychosocial medicalandlegal assistance support, to women relevant traditional mechanisms,aimedatproviding support Commitment(67): of economic development regional mechanismsto mainstream gender issues inallsectors Commitment(55): Establish nationaland andstrengthen Declaration onGenderEquality inAfrica. Africa, the Beijing Platform for Action and the African Union’s and Peoples’ Rights,theProtocol ontheRightsofWomen in against Women (CEDAW), theAfrican onHuman Charter the Convention ontheEliminationofallforms ofDiscrimination Declaration, theUNSecurity Council Resolution 1325(2000), national andregional levels, inaccordance withtheMillennium for promoting gender equality atalllevels andinallsectors, atthe Commitment(35): Adopt deliberate policiesandmechanisms conflicts. youth from duringarmed ofmanipulation,particularly allsorts Nations Security Council, creating conditions for protecting the mechanisms, includingResolutions 1308and1325oftheUnited with therelevant regional andinternational politicalandlegal HIV/AIDS pandemic as a peace and security issue, in conformity of sexual violence, implementing a Regional Strategy against the persons, involving theminourpeace efforts,addressing issues the elderly, thedisabledandsick,refugees anddisplaced Commitment (27): Protect vulnerable groups, women, children, MOST RELEVANT DÉCISIONSABOUTTHERTF survivors ofsexual violence, includingtheperpetrators ofSGBV. assistance, medicaltreatment, rehabilitation andreintegration of and assist survivors specificallyinthearea oftraining, legal Fund for Reconstruction and Development, to prevent SGBV Member States to create aregional facility, undertheSpecial Recommendation (35):Pursuant 6.8oftheProtocol, to article provide stiffpunishmentfor crimesrelated to SGBV against Women and Children by reforming the Penal Codes to Protocol onthePrevention andSuppression ofSexual Violence MemberStates to domesticate the Recommandation (32): law.” war, inaccordance withnationallaws andinternational criminal acts ofsexual violence, bothintimesofpeace andintimesof and children through preventing, criminalizingandpunishing Women andChildren, to combat sexual violence against women Protocol onthePrevention andSuppression ofViolence Against (11):“TheArt MemberStates undertake, inaccordance withthe Against Women andChildren Protocol onthePrevention andSuppression ofSexual Violence Set upregional mechanisms,including 15 2006 vember 30th No PROVISIONS OFTHEREGIONAL TRAININGFACILITY (RTF) INICGLR INSTRUMENTS (2004-2015) ary 2014. 28 ber 2011 Decem 15th-16th 2012 th th Janu July - - - Children Against Women and Sexual Violence Suppression of Prevention and Protocol onthe summit) (5th ordinary Great Lakes Region Development inthe Security, Stability and Promotion ofPeace (ICGLR) onthe Government ofthe Heads ofState and the Summitof Declaration of declaration) (Kampala Based Violence Sexual andGender Session on Summit andSpecial Fourth Ordinary the ICGLR atThe Member States of Government ofthe Heads ofState and Declaration ofthe communique) (Kinshasa Final Based Violence. Sexual andGender Declaration on on theKampala of Justice andGender Ministers inCharge Level Consultation of ICGLR Regional High sa Angola Luanda Kampala Kinsha - domestication process; Forum , Civil Society and the Citizenry for speeding up the Parliament, Law Enforcement Institutions,Regional Women involved in thedomesticationprocess withinGovernment, Judicial Cooperation to allstakeholders andlobby allthose violence against Women andChildren andtheProtocol on the Protocol onthePrevention andtheSuppression ofSexual namely: theProtocol onnon-Aggression andMutualDefense, accordingly disseminate theprovisions ofthethree Protocols, the ICGLR MemberStates commit to simplify, translate and Commitment (1):The Ministers ofJustice andGenderfrom who handlecasesofsexual violence intheGreat Lakes Region. social workers, medical officers and othercategories of persons facility for training andsensitizingjudicialofficers, police units, (6(9)):MemberStates agreeArt to setupaspecialregional the KampalaTraining Facility for thefightagainst SGBV. Decision (25): Welcome theforthcoming operationalization of State andreport to thenext RIMC. implementation oftheKampalaDeclaration ineachMember Decision (24): Direct theSecretariat to monitor the Declaration” National Budgets theimplementationofKampala to support Committees multi-sectorial coordination and provision i1r place ofimplementationtheKampalaDeclaration National including theadoptionofspecificNationalLaws ;theputtingin of theProtocol onthePrevention andSuppression ofSGBV, implementation oftheDeclaration andthedomestication Decision (23): “Recommended theacceleration ofthe for decision” the establishmentoffacility andpresent itto thenext RIMC Secretariat to prepare thefinancialrequirements (budget) for the Regional SGBV Training Facility anddirect theICGLR Commitment (14):“we take note ofUganda’s offer to host suppression ofSexual Violence against Women andChildren” 6(5) of ICGLRline with Article Protocol (2006) onprevention and improve access to justice and protect SGBV victims/survivors in thissummitandspecialsession onSGBVmonths after (2011) to financing, facilities and gender sensitive officers) within 12 fast track SGBV casesinthepolice andjudiciary(with adequate strengthen specialcourts,sessions andprocedures inorder to Commitment (8):“Direct concerned ministriesto establishand judicial investigation andprosecution ofperpetrators” Gender BasedViolence andcooperation inmatters ofextradition, order to eradicate existing armedgroups, combat Sexual and and Children aswell astheProtocol onJudicialCooperation, in Prevention andSuppression ofSexual Violence against Women on Non-Aggression, andMutualDefense, theProtocol on Commitment domesticate (2):“fully andimplementtheProtocol Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV 13 14 15 10 ary 2014. 28 2011 15-16 Dec. 2008 18th June 2015 March 2012 th th th Janu

July - Coordinators ICGLR National Summit) (5th Ordinary Great Lakes Region Development inthe Security, Stability and Promotion ofPeace (ICGLR) onthe Government ofthe Heads ofState and the Summitof Declaration of Declaration) (SGBV)-(Kampala Based Violence Sexual andGender Session on Summit andSpecial Fourth Ordinary the ICGLR atThe Member States of Government ofthe Heads ofState and Declaration ofthe Lakes Region. Impunity intheGreat Violence andEnding Eradicating Sexual Declaration on The Goma 10 (Final communique) (SGBV). Based Violence Sexual andGender Declaration on on theKampala of Justice andGender Ministers inCharge Level Consultation of ICGLR Regional High Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV th meetingof sa Angola Luanda Angola Luanda Kampala RDC Goma, Kinsha - 14 oftheKampalaDeclaration Training Facility thatUganda hadoffered to hostasperDecision the ICGLR Secretariat to expedite thebudget oftheRegional Commitment (25):The Ministers ofGenderandJustice request Kampala Center should beexpedited. Recommendation 7(ii) and Punishment oftheCrimeGenocide). Natural Resources, Protocol onSGBV, Protocol onthePrevention on JudicialCooperation, Protocol ontheIllegal Exploitationof 2015 (Protocol onNon-Agression andMutualDefence, Protocol themselves to domesticationandimplementation ofthe priority in Recommendation4 (vi): MemberStates shouldcommit budgeting of2016. process oftheSecretariat like Lusaka Centre intheupcoming Integrate KampalaRegional Training Facility into thebudget Recommendation 4(iv): the KampalaTraining Facility for thefightagainst SGBV. Decision (25):Welcome the forth coming operationalization of State andreport to thenext RIMC. implementation oftheKampalaDeclaration ineachMember Decision (24): Direct theSecretariat to monitor the for decision” the establishmentoffacility andpresent itto thenext RIMC Secretariat to prepare thefinancialrequirements (budget) for the Regional SGBV Training Facility anddirect theICGLR Commitment (14):“we take note ofUganda’s offer to host issues. social workers, medicalofficers andallothers whohandleSGBV training andsensitizingjudicialofficers, police andmilitaryunits, Member States to put in place a special regional facility for Recommandation (36):Pursuant 6.9 to article oftheProtocol, : The release oftheseedmoney for the The Conference Secretariat should (IDPs) anddevelopment zones. of information, refugees, internally displaced persons There are also protocols addressing themanagement violence andillegal exploitation ofnatural resources. as prevention of genocide andwar crimes,sexual and good governance, judicialcooperation aswell 10 protocols pointto non-aggression, democracy at leastalegal basisfor itsoperationalisation. The protocols provided eachofthefour challenges with referred to asPrograms of Action), whilethe10 four core challenges oftheGreat Lakes Region (later The Dar esSalaamDeclaration (2004)identified Development (see 3). Art Fund for Reconstruction and Follow upMechanismandthe four Programs of Action, the (2004), the10protocols, the the Dar-es-Salaam Declaration be made.The Pact includes if any significantimpactis to into consideration theothers one area have to necessarily put exclusive. Effortsto address three situationsare notmutually the Pact recognizes thatthe bedeviled theregion for long, and development thathad challenges ofsecurity, stability interconnected and interwoven Creatively crafted to address the known astheICGLR Pact. Great Lakes Region (2006),also Stability andDevelopment inthe the basisofPact onSecurity, 12 Members States founded on (ICGLR) isanorganization of on the Great Lakes Region The International Conference The ICGLR The aimisto stimulate collective effort oftheICGLR to fightsexual violence. institutional structure thatconfers obligations andresponsibilities inthefightagainst sexual violence. the ICGLR theprograms legal instrumentssupporting ofactiononsexual violence aswell asthe the crime of sexual violence individually within, and collectively among member states. It highlights This demonstrates article thattheICGLR hassufficientmechanismsinplace to prevent anddeter fight Sex Utilizing ICGLR mechanisms to preventand ual Violence sometimes usedinterchangeably. woman disproportionately” 1(6).Sexual (art violence andSGBV are that isdirected against awoman because sheisawoman orthataffects The Protocol provides thatsexual violence “includesgender basedviolence violence (SGBV). another for exploitative ofSexual purposesisallpart andGenderbased of vulnerability orgivingreceiving ofpayments sothataperson controls forms ofcoercion, abduction,fraud, deception, abusepower orposition harboring orreceipt ofpersons, by means ofthreat oruseofforce orother of organs.. This impliesthatany recruitment, transportation, transfer, or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal prostitution ofothers orotherforms ofsexual exploitation, forced labor, (especially women andchildren) andtheirexploitation; exploitation of The Protocol alsocovers undersexual violence thetrafficking inpersons covered undersexual violence. children to perform domesticchores or to provide sexual comfort isalso and enforced sterilization”. Sexual exploitation orcoercion ofwomen and reproductive organs, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy rape, sexual assault, grievous bodilyharm,assault ormutilationsoffemale and children underinternational criminallaw includingbutnotlimited to: act which violates thesexual autonomy andbodilyintegrity of women against Women andChildren (2006),definesSexual violence as“any The ICGLR Protocol onthePrevention andSuppression ofSexual Violence by theICGLR defined as Sexual Violence Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV the summitwhere decisions/resolutions are made. (NCM). They make proposals/recommendations upto Secretariat andtheNational Coordination mechanism Inter-ministerial Committee (RIMC),theICGLR into theother. These are: The Summit,theRegional decision-making organs of the ICGLR, eachfeeding The “Follow upMechanisms”constitute achainof and HIV/AIDS. human rights,youth, environment, humansettlement mainstream cross cuttingissues namely: Gender, plus humanitarianandsocialissues. Allthese must regional integration and economic development and security; democracy andGoodgovernance; The ICGLR Programs ofAction include:Peace

15 16 utilized to eradicate sexual violence from theregion. The mechanismsdiscussed below canbecreatively have been integrated and enforced in the first place. sexual violence in areas and spaces where it ought to the collective consciousness to integrate eradication of development threat. Whathasbeenmissing ispartly that works indisposingoffasecurity, stability and being utilized inthefightagainst SGBV aslong mechanisms, nothingexcludes themechanismsfrom explicitly stated intheinstrumentsofsomethese sexual violence. Even thoughsexual violence isnot discussed below, to prevent anddeter thecrimeof The ICGLR hassufficientmechanismsinplace, as implement theICGLR projects andPrograms of Action. “Fund” for Reconstruction andDevelopment to Foreign affairs. The Pact alsoincludesthe(Special) Secretariat at the regional level, to the ministers of Coordinators atnationallevels to theICGLR Executive and progress reported accordingly from National are therefore supposed to be implemented, monitored the Committee onNatural Resources. The decisions such astheCommittee onPrevention ofGenocideand Salaam. There are alsoProtocol basedcommittees and theCivil Society Forum (RCSF) basedinDar es Multifunctional Youth Forum (MFYF) based in Nairobi the Regional Women Forum (RWF) basedinKigali, the known astheKampalaCenter. ICGLR Foras include Suppression ofSexual Violence (ICGLR-RTF) also the Regional Training Facility onPrevention and Center for Democracy andGoodGovernance and Lusaka Centre alsoknown astheLevy Mwanawasa The ICGLR hasdecentralized offices suchasthe ICGLR MemberStates to exist orattackacountry. DRC would nortolerated neitherbe supported by any such astheFDLR,LRAand ADF, currently operating in those oftheUN.This would implythatnegative forces structures oftheAfrican intervention force as well as against oneormore of themby utilisingthecommand collective andeffective responses to armedattacks for mutualassistance anddefense aimedatenabling end, MemberStates prepared to buildjoint capacity the government ofaanotherstate” (Art 1(b)). To this conflicts orinvolved inactsofviolence orsubversion against territories ofarmedgroups orinsurgents engagedinarmed member states, orfrom tolerating thepresence ontheir opposition forces orinsurgents onto the territory ofother defense under the Protocol on Non-aggression and mutual of sexual violence. The ICGLR MemberStates agreed It iswell known thatnegative forces commit crimes Region the Groups from Eradicating Armed Illegal “…to abstain from armed sending or supporting Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV ICGLR NCKenya, attended Amb. Rosette Nyirinkindi ICGLR NCSouthSudan, RTF training workshops Katungye representing Amb. Josephine Gaita, Amb. Patrick Mugoya, attended RTF training attended RTF training attended RTF training Amb. Thiik GiirThiik, ICGLR NCUganda, Angolan Delegate, workshops workshops workshops Edam, thethenICGLR NC Amb. Desire Nyaruhirira, of Sudan,attended RTF Amb. Mohammed Eisa attended RTF training attended RTF training attended RTF training Virginie Ndessabeka, Zambia participant Zambia participant training workshops ICGLR NCRwanda Congo Brazzaville workshops workshops workshops for Foreign Affairs AUGUSTO Secretary ofState the maleisManuelDomingos and promotion ofwomen and Delgado Minister offamily Filomena deFátimaLobão Telo In Angola(From L-R) Maria specific laws to combat sexual violence whileothers, Declaration). Many oftheICGLR memberstates have and prosecution ofperpetrators” (Res. 2oftheKampala cooperate in matters of extradition, judicial investigation groups, combat sexual andgenderbasedviolence and Judicial Cooperation, inorder to eradicate existing armed Against Women and Children as well as the Protocol on Protocol onPrevention andsuppression ofSexual Violence protocol onNon-Aggression and MutualDefense, the commitment domesticate to andimplementthe “fully on Sexual Violence (2011)). This was in addition to time frame (see Res.1 oftheKampalaDeclaration aggression andMutualDefense” with in a specific region inconformity withtheICGLR Protocol onNon- resolved special session oneradication ofsexual violence, In December 2011, theICGLR Summit sittingina disarmament ofthesearmedgroups are included. attack aneighbor, noassistance, apprehension and groups, prohibition from usingterritory asabaseto range of actions including denouncing all armed to “measures against ArmedGroups” whereby a 8(1-11)Article ofthesameProtocol isdedicated the majorvictims. mothers, daughters, wives andsisters whoare usually region aswar isknown to increase thevulnerabilities of a great opportunityto prevent sexual violence inthe from groups hidinginneighboringcountries. This is violencefurther (includingsexual violence) originating threatened have regional for support protection from to ensure thatthosecountries whichare secure but With thismandate, theregion hasanopportunity stability anddevelopment oftheGreat Lakes Region”. use offorce to restore andmaintain thepeace, security, Member States suchactiondeemednecessary including forthwith…. individuallyorinconcert with theother them all….andwillassist thestate soattacked by taking or more ofthemshallbeconsidered anattack against It was alsoagreed that“any armedattack againstone “...(to) eradicate existing armedgroups inthe Angola’s law ondomestic violence Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV Some ofUganda’s laws onSexual andGenderBased Violence available. by themarauding militarized rapists intheregion is women of the region from being raped and violated the obligations. The enablingmechanismto protect enhance thestate’s ability to respect, protect andfulfill measures inplace, onlypoliticalwillisrequired to Therefore, withthesecommitments andbinding survivorsthe crimeandsupport ofsexual violence. and international instruments to prevent and punish by theirown jurisdiction,canstillusebindingregional Initiatives onNatural Resources (RINR)andthe strengthen“to the inter-linkage between the Regional of States alsoresolved, intheKampalaDeclaration, to break thisexploitative andabusive link.The Heads Resources project by supported theGiZatICGLR Concerted efforts are on-going through theNatural of SGBV. groups would enhance protection for potential victims resource sector to deny access to theillegal armed violence, thetotal control ofthemineral andnatural tension andconflicts” includingcontributing to sexual “represents a serious source of insecurity, instability, other natural resources intheDRC andelsewhere strength to illegal armedgroups suchminerals and where thearmedgroups thrive. Since whatever gives to remove illegalities intrade from thechainofsupply regularizing themineral sector, itwould bepossible exploitation intheminingareas andbeyond. By DRC diminishtheircapacity andfurther to sexual illegal miningandtrade inthestrategic minerals in groups themeansto strengthen themselves through Resources (2006)isrelevant to deny theillegal armed Protocol on combating Illegal exploitation of Natural also sexually exploit women andchildren. The ICGLR Illegal armedgroups donotonlyexploit minerals; they natural resources to groups access armed illegal Denying 17 18 social workers. curricula for police, judicialandmedicalofficers plus had embarked on developing training manuals and Capacity Development inHigherEducation (NICHE) Netherlands through theNetherlandsInitiatives for oftheWorldthe support BankandtheKingdom of States andpartners.By March 2017, theRTF, with technical andhumanresource from support Member in theregion. Inallthesewe willneedthefinancial, we expect to have trained more than1000cadres all professionals inthe12MemberStates. By 2020, country expertsengaged to cascadethetraining to The next two years willsee12Master Trainers and96 over insensitization 400participated andtraining. lot. Seven regional trainings have beencarriedoutand Three years since itsinception, theRTF hasachieved a Uganda, isnow fullyoperational since April 2014. the KampalaCentre onSexual Violence) hosted by Suppression ofSexual Violence (andvariously called The Regional Training Facility (RTF) onPrevention and Facility onSGBV theRegionalTrainingStrengthening found to mitigate and/or prevent thenegative impact. and economic milieu,appropriate measures would be the two andtherelated impactonthesocio-political thoroughafter research on the interconnectedness of Violence (SGBV)…”. When this is fully integrated, Regional Initiative onSexual andGenderBased (hosted by theAfrican Development Bank-AfDB) to facility underthefund for reconstruction anddevelopment Sexual violence requires “creation ofaspecial (financial) 6(8)oftheProtocolunder theSFRDfunds.Article on Sexual violence projects have beensupported partly have beenused. not beenforthcoming whiletheexisting contributions 2010/2011 p.8). Nonetheless more contributions have contributed by member states (ICGLR Annual Report (b) ofthePact. By 2010, 3.5million dollars hadbeen priority Projects withinthePrograms 10 ofaction(art towards implementationoftheProtocols andthe fund isfor providing financialandtechnical support which ishosted attheAfrican Development Bank.The had madetheircontribution andpledges to theSFRD As ofDecember 2010, sixoutof12memberstates implementation oftheagreed projects andprograms. the ICGLR, to also contribute of the in the support invited development partners,group offriends to whichthey pledged to contribute resources, and (SFRD) was establishedby theICGLR memberstates The SpecialFund for Reconstruction andDevelopment Funding ICGLR Sexual Violence tofight Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV replenish theFund isurgent. Fund, thiscommitment willbeachieved. The needto without partnersandmemberstates replenishing the exists underthisarrangement, itis inconceivable that window for funding activities to fight sexual violence training ...andcompensation ofvictims…,”.Whilethe of survivors andvictimsofSGBV, medical treatment, provide counseling, rehabilitation andreintegration it about. a crimeagainst humanity ortheconditions thatbring the rape andsexual violence inparticular ingeneral as actually address rape ofitsmandate; to prevent aspart this respect, theGenocidePrevention Committee can based onpolitical,ethnic,racial orreligious grounds. In or systematic attackagainst any civilianpopulation, humanity whencommitted ofthewidespread aspart Tribunal for Rwanda affirmsthatrape isacrimeagainst 3oftheStatute oftheInternational Criminal Article the inter-ministerial committee may entrustitwith. impunity andalsoincludingcarryingoutany tasks that good time,andsuggests specificmeasures to fight information related to genocide, thesummitin alerts preventing genocide. Italsocollects andanalyses reviews situationsineachcountry for purposesof the ICGLR GenocidePrevention Committee regularly in theGreat Lakes Region”. Infulfillingitsmandate, of genocide, war crimesandagainst humanity prevent 38is“to clear mission underArticle crimes 26,establishes, underArticle aCommittee whose Crimes against Humanity and All Forms of Discrimination, and Punishment oftheCrimeGenocide,War Crimesand Protocol though,theICGLR Protocol for thePrevention of theGreat Lakes Region. Incontrast to theSGBV between genocide andsexual violence inthecontext genocide protocol, demonstrating theinextricable link under theprotocol ofsexual violence thaninthe mean. Genocideismore comprehensively covered genocide, war crimes,andcrimesagainst humanity that ofgenocide prevention provide detailsonwhat sexual violence. The Protocol onsexual violence and Sexual violence canbegenocide andgenocide includes Committees Prevention Genocide ICGLR effortsfor acombined assault onthevice. fighting sexual violence butthey are notyet linked to such asUNHCRandIOMhave interventions related to Indeed, MemberStates and international organizations room for fighting sexual violence inthosespaces. of displaced persons, the related instrumentsprovide While theregion remains withmore thanafair share Refugee andIDPs campsare known hotbedsfor SGBV. (IDPs) Persons Displaced andInternally Refugees Protecting of information andcommunication. 2 (9) of the Protocolline with Article on Management Communication Council for theGreat Lakes Region in time the ICGLR established a Regional Information and the victimwithoutglorifyingperpetrator. Itishigh be sensitive andrespectful ofthesituationand rightsof professionalism, reporting onsexual violence should and crime”.From theperspective of sexual violence through amongotherprinciples,“preventing disorder promote free andprofessional mediaintheregion information andcommunication was expected to Furthermore, theProtocol onManagement of regional level. no potential rapist shouldbesafe bothatnationalor of suchsuspects.Underarrangements therefore of extradition, judicialinvestigation andprosecution Judicial Cooperation was aimed at facilitating matters demonstrated thisclearly. The ICGLR Protocol on from the1994 genocide against theTutsis inRwanda as rape andhideinneighboringcountries. The fugitives border crimesandcriminalseasilycommit crimessuch The geography of the Great Lakes Region easies trans- stigma ofsexualviolence impunity and tofight communication Promoting judicialcooperation andbetter stakeholders to fightSGBV inrefugee andIDPcamps. will have to make strategic partnershipswithother the rightsofWomen ICGLR-RTF inAfrica” 5,2). (art the African onHumanandPeople’s Charter Rightson on HumanandPeople’s Rights,andtheProtocol to against women” inlinewithCEDAW, African Charter member states to “eliminate genderbaseddiscrimination or otheractsofviolence” 3.2(b))andcommits (art Persons prohibits “direct orindiscriminate attacks addition, Protocol ontheProperty RightsofReturning opportunity for crusaders against sexual violence. In with disabilities.” 1(a-d).These(art are allwindows of women, children, thevulnerable anddisplaced persons respect to theirsafety… andprovide specialprotection of and 1325“applicable to theprotection ofwomen… in well asrespect ofSecurity Council Resolution 1296 to international humanitarianlaw andhumanrightsas 4 requiresresettlement” 3 (1-3)). Article (art adherence … in places of displacement, upon return, or and bearprimaryresponsibility for protection ofphysical causes ofdisplacement. Andmitigate theconsequences … to Internally Displaced Persons commits MemberStates The ICGLR Protocol ontheProtection andAssistance to “prevent arbitrary displacement and to eliminate root Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV and they wilbegiven theammunitionto fightSGBV. States to fightSGBV. Itencourages theregion to ask (2011). This demonstrated the will of the Heads of instrument: theKampalaDeclaration (KD) onSGBV to theVictims ofSGBV’ endedwithissuing acritical ‘United to Prevent, EndImpunity and Provide Support of December 2011. The Summit,whosethemewas special session onSGBV duringtheirordinary session to whichtheHeadsofState agreed. Consquently the Zambia, theRWF asked for aspecial summitonSGBV Summit ofHeadsState inSeptember 2010 inLusaka Forum (RWF) was established.During theSpecial ICGLR programs andprojects, theRegional Women In order to ensure mainstreaming ofgender inall peace aswell asstrengthening democracy” 36). (art prevention ofconflict, safeguarding political stability and “good governance isessential for ensuringsocialjustice, international standards inforce.” Itisalsorecognized that accordance withappropriate national andregional, and degrading anddiscriminatory practices againstthemin women’s rightsandto eliminate allforms ofprejudices, mechanisms andadoptaregional genderpolicyto promote this end member States undertake to establish appropriate (to) guarantee development andpeace intheirsociety. To empowerment of women and protection of their rights instrument states that“MemberStates recognize the can save potential victimsofSGBV. 44ofthis Article enshrines democracy principleswhichwhenapplied ICGLR Protocol onDemocracy andGoodGovernance Even thoughitdoesnotdirectly refer to SGBV, the Forum mechanism Empowering theICGLR RegionalWomen to government, rebels andpeacekeepers. and protecting potential victims of SGBV. This applies sector andinthearmy asaway ofempowering women the solutionisto recruit more women inthesecurity minimum sexual violence, ifany. Inthisregard, of part number ofwomen intheirrank andfileexperience been establishedthatforces thathave areasonable and ..,addressing issues ofsexual violence…” Ithasalso children, elderly…and..involving theminourpeace effort States committed to Besides, intheDar esSalaamDeclaration, Headsof the ICGLR Protocol on Democracy and Good Governance. the indicators ofgood governance. This isinlinewith Involving women inpeace andsecurity sector isoneof Forces Empowering Women toJointheArmed The KD has19Resolutions, sixofwhichare on andits Measures Preventive Violence The KampalaDeclaration onSexual “protect vulnerable persons, women, 19 20 to genocide, war crimes,orcrimesagainst humanity sexual violence crimes, includingcrimesthatamount appropriate mechanisms to investigate andprosecute survivors. The KDby callingfor theestablishmentof in order to improve access to justice for victims/ of casesrelated to sexual violence inmostcountries fast tracking measure to theexceedingly heavy backlog and procedures for handlingsexual violence casesasa establishment ofspecialcourts,courtsessions end sexual violence (thatisinclusive of men); The KDdeclares aZero tolerance campaignto women andchildren against SGBV. of addressing prevention, protection of andsupport reporting anddocumentationofSGBV casesontop their nationallevel structures thatwould facilitate strengthen orestablish(where they donotexist) In additionthey directed responsible institutionsto human rights, women’s rights and SGBV eradication. to judicialandsecuritysupport sector reforms on State alsoresolved to increase financialandtechnical non-aggression and judicial cooperation. The Heads of forces, domesticationtheprotocols onsexual violence, In prevention, priority was putto eradication ofnegative to zero tolerance to SGBV. will test theextent ofthememberstates commitment violence. Implementingtheseresolutions inearnest seven are “general resolutions” related to endingsexual “providing to victims/survivors support ofSGBV” and “prevention”, three on“ending impunity”, three on Women inpeace keeping forces Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV prevention ofsexual violence. role of the civil society were seen as bedrocks for the between natural resources andSexual violence andthe Training Facility (RTF), themedia,inter-linkages Democracy andGoodGovernance, theRegional The importance oftheLevy Mwanawasa Centre on prevention criticalfor prevention ofSGBV. committed intheregion” considers genocide armed groups againstinnocent people ofDRC; ifandwhen to witness incessant and destructive actsofviolence by any warned that“The Great Lakes region would notstand by in Nairobi, Kenya onthethenSituationinEastern DRC the HeadsofState during their extraordinary session During the humanitarian crisis ineastern DRC in 2008, Indeed theregion to show hadstarted signsofaction. necessary actionwillbetaken. to thesummitoritsextraordinary Session andwhere comply withthePact itwould becompelled to explain where for instance, amemberstate was“unwilling” to issues to dowithhumanrightsviolations.Insituations and sanctionsare oftheICGLR part Pact oncrucial to protect atanearlierdate. That iswhy monitoring of Africa madetheregion aware oftheresponsibility population. Realities in the region of the Great Lakes SGBV would notignite States to protect the their inaction.Violations ofhumanrightsincluding For long,Headsof State in Africa were criticisedfor toprotect Commitment totheresponsibility violence. must continue to stop atrocity crimessuchassexual all vulnerable populations.This isthemomentumthat halt war isto save women, children, girlsandboys and for sexual violence, amongotherheinouscrimes.To peace process.” Every war situationisabreeding ground possibility ofsanctionsagainstthosewhoobstructthe halt to fightinginEastern DRC; withoutexcluding the vigorous efforts with a view to ensure that there is complete August 2012, Summitthey decidedto “undertake their youthful energy anddetermination. in andjointhe fightagainst sexual violence to bringin of unemployment, the youth need to take keen interest victims. Currently preoccupied withresolving questions even whenthey are boththeperpetrators andthe demonstrate theirpreoccupation withsexual violence actively fightingSGBV, buttheyouth forum is yet to of focus. Women andthecivil society are already and functions,sexual violence isinevitably their area the Civil Society Forum (RCSF). By theirvery nature (RWF), theMultifunctionalYouth Forum (MFYF)and The ICGLR Fora includethe Regional Women Forum The ICGLR Fora SGBV. in theirrecommendations anddecisionsincludingon have convened, themechanismhave beensteadfast at nationallevel. Whatisclearthoughthatwhenthey with theSummitatregional level andMemberstates early warning signs,whilethereal decisionto actlies within theMemberStates. Allthesehowever actas the Secretariat to have agrasp onthestate ofSGBV the Protocols, andspecificallytheSGBV protocol, help meetings by stakeholders abouttheimplementation of light thechallenges andhow to address them.Other reviewed inrespective countries helpsto bringto coordinators, security andpoliticalsituations are every sixmonthsinwhichthey, together withnational The convening ofRegional Inter-Ministerial Committee Other follow upmechanisms sanctions against obstructingpeace. Intheir7 eastern DRC, threatened theHeadsofState further Furthermore, in 2012, duringthe M23 insurgence in violations includingsexual violence take place. a humanitariandisaster underwhosecover all did notonlyprevent anescalationbutactuallystopped ICGLR respectively oneastern Congo. These initiatives Obasanjo andBenjaminMkapa representing UNand the UN,AU andICGLR withformer Presidents Olusogu under control justintime,thanks to theinitiatives of take place becausethesituationwas partly brought forces into theKivuProvince oftheDRC.” This didnot necessary theGreat Lakes Region willsendpeace-making th Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV -8 th

sexual violence intheirrespective jurisdictions mechanisms onhow bestto contain and prevent all thosementionedintheICGLR structures and In thisregard, theRTF isready to train andsensitize utilize existing ICGLR mechanisms to prevent SGBV. SGBV thatneedattention andMemberstates needto and humanitarianconsiderations to theproblem of security, political,economic, sociological,biological with allthenecessary willto doit.There are cultural, through allthemechanisms,space andresources a bigchallenge thathasto betackledfrom allangles to theinstitutionsthereunder.left Sexual violence is efforts undertheProtocol onSexual violence to be sexual violence shouldnotbeapreserve ofonlythe as awholeandappliedin a holisticmanner. Fighting in theregion, theICGLR Pact hasto beread together time of conflict or in peace. When confronting crimes conflict butthechallenge ofSGBV remains bothin There are ongoing regional effortsto recover from Conclusion prevent SGBV. existing ICGLR mechanisms to Member states needto utilize to will do it. all the necessary with and legitimacy, resources all the mechanisms, spaces, all anglestackled from through is abig challenge thathas to be Sexual Sexual violence. violence efforts undertheProtocol on of only the not beapreserve Fighting should sexual violence Youth Forum of theRegional Chairperson Keizirege Ms Nancy

21 22 objectives. team has been helpful in the realization of the RTF (pictured right) who is the Acting Director. This under the stewardship of Nathan M Byamukama volunteers andinternees oftheRTF since itopened; Labour andSocialDevelopment. Below are thestaff, has since beenhosted by theMinistry ofGender, was launchedonFebruary 18,2014 in Kampala,and Conference ontheGreat Lakes (ICGLR). The Facility by the Heads of States of theInternational Violence intheGreat Lakes Region, was established The RTF onPrevention andSuppression ofSexual Regional TrainingF staff 10 Oct2016 Volunteer -Research Volunteer -Research June 2014-Sept 2014 June 2015-To date SYLVIA NAMPEERA OURIDA VICTORIN MATINA LORIMER Accountant , volunteers andinterneesat theICGLR- - 30 Oct2016 Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV April 2014 KAGWA NKINZI SANYU Volunteer -Research Oct 2014 - Dec 2015 Oct 2014-Dec ASIIMWE NANKUNDA ASIIMWE Volunteer -Training Sept 2014 -To date RICHARD MUHWEZI Program Advisor/ Program Advisor/ Communication SHARON - June 2014 acility June 2015 Sept 2014-Aug2015 Jan 2015-To date BAHIIRA PATIENCEBAHIIRA ISMENE NICOLE Communication JOEL BUTEGWA Gender Expert Gender Volunteer -IT Volunteer - ZARIFIS - Dec 2015 Dec Knowledge managementKnowledge June 2015- Aug 2015 Volunteer -Research Volunteer -Research KATAHWEIRE OSCAR Feb 2015-To date Volunteer -I.T and NATAMBA DERRICK June 2014-To date SAGAL HASH SAGAL place to ensure that access to justice is enhanced andimpunityeradicated. isenhanced tojustice that access toensure place thestrategies of thisstruggle, as in well the achievements and challenges as Hediscusses it. to fight ofSGBV theproblem andmade various howtheICGLR interventions acknowledged discusses (pictured) oftheICGLR Zachary Ambassador Muburi-Muita Secretary theExecutive in 2004.Inaninterview, its inthe1990s.TheICGLR inception Lakes Regionsince was established oftheGreat aconcern been has (SGBV). This Violence LakesRegionisgrappling Based The Great with ofSexualandGender theproblem depending on particularities ofeach.Thedepending on particularities situation each country showing bothreduction andincrement always new statistics andusuallyalarminglyhighin a people. We must collectively fight it. There are social, cultural, political and security conditions as of worship. Itnegatively impactsonoureconomic, communities, inourschoolsandattimesplaces peace times,inourhomes,institutions, It isworse inconflict settingsbutitisalso common in ANSWER: The problem ofsexual violence isendemic. LakesRegion? intheGreat violence based QUESTION: How prevalent is sexual and gender- for fightingsexualviolence –Executive Secretary ICGLR There isneedto supporttheRTF andother mechanisms Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV to the Rwanda fight it after Genocide in 1994 and the time immemorial butthe region was more resolute The problem ofsexual violence hasbeenaround since oftheICGLR. concern SGBV amajor as togethertoaddress came region inthe explainhowthe12 memberstates Briefly become easy targets ofsexual violence. deteriorates for women andchildren especiallyasthey circumstances change into war however, thesituation countries get determined to eradicate it.Whenthe is always increasingly changingfor thebetter as 23 24 National Coordinator ineachmemberstate through serious crimesincludingsexual violence. We have a been extradited from onecountry to anotherto face You mighthave heard thatsuspected criminalshave through theProtocol ofjudicialcooperation. violence. They cooperate to fightsexual violence states). Many countries now have alaw to fightsexual it asis(depending onlegal system oftheMember domesticate thePact andtheprotocols orimplement fulfill provision underthoseinstruments.They either states whichare required to respect, protect and under the ICGLR legal instruments is by member Implementation orenforcement oftheobligations of thislegalframework? for What themechanisms enforcement are impunity. for tojustice SGBV andfight access to enhance legalframework The ICGLR aprogressive has in 2011. Itisnow timeto implementthe commitments. 2008 andtheKampalaDeclaration onSexual Violence added theGomaDeclaration onSexual Violence in Violence against Women andChildren. Onthisthey The Protocol onPrevention andSuppression ofSexual Protocol, the first ofitskind, to fightsexual violence: of sexual violence. They alsoendorsed aspecific committed themto prevent andpunishallforms the Pact onSecurity, Stability and Development which the AU, UN,civilsociety, religious leaders endorsed working together withmany stakeholders including to peace, stability anddevelopment. The leaders of insecurity and that its eradication would contribute in 2004,they identifiedsexual violence asonesource leaders of the Great Lakes Region met in Dar-es-Salaam clear that rape was used as a weapon of war. When the subsequent wars intheDRC inlate 1990swhere itwas Participants inagroup discussion duringasymposium on Access to Justice andFighting Impunity ofSGBV intheGreat Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV Lakes Region, Lake Victoria Serena GolfResort, Entebbe-Uganda, 7-9th July2016. violence. own capacity andcommitment to fightingallforms of of ourmemberstates inconflict, whichinhibits their violence. The onlychallengingsituationishaving some They are determined to seezero tolerance onsexual the easiest thing to rally the region against the cause. to fight sexual violence. With all this commitment, it is went aheadandputinplace theKampalaDeclaration violence against women andchildren. In2011 they first ofitskind,onprevention andsuppression ofsexual 2006; they alsoputinplace abindinginstrument,the prevent andpunishthecrimeofsexual violence in and development. The MemberStates committed to to address iftheregion was to have sustainablepeace 2004 sexual violence was identifiedasonecore area when we callonthem.You shouldnotforget thatin convening power to coordinate them.They respond fight sexual violence. The MemberStates gave usthe It iseasy becausethere isthenecessary politicalwillto efforts coordination regional the be done to and whatenhance can challenges arrangements,of thecoordination themajor ontheadequacy on SGBV? yourexperience Share efforts regional these isit tocoordinate How easy the ICGLR. We have theconvening power inallthis. Secretariat isonlyatechnical andcoordinating armof when the explanation is not satisfactory to them. The over failure to implementthePact andprotocols, we have aSummitwhichcaneven imposesanctions on security, Stability andDevelopment andabove all their progress andchallenges inimplementingthePact Foreign Ministers ofthe12countries meetto share Regional inter-ministerial committees (RIMC) where whom we work with their respective countries. We have guidance asthecasemight be. and support the ICGLR suchas theRIMC and Summit for future evaluating andreporting to theresponsible organs of about theseinstruments. We keep monitoring and instruments. Infact some countries have actionplans their performance against thecommitments inthese implement theprotocol. Members are measuring Goma declaration andKampaladeclaration to better putting inplace more enablinginstrumentssuchasthe We have elaborated alsofurther theprotocol by train different stakeholders against sexual violence. and civil society have used the Protocol to sensitise and we now have theRegional Training Facility, governments Most countries have legislated against sexual violence; only butitisasolidweapon to fightsexual violence. The Protocol instrumentwithabout7articles isashort Children? Women and against ofSexualViolence Suppression and on the Prevention implementing the Protocol in achieved havebeen successes What major all have to beengaged. which we shouldnever be.Itisastruggleinwhichwe the RTF thatwillprovide minimum standards below are developing training manualsandcurriculumunder below which we shouldnot be. Inthe case of SGBV, we can all move together knowing that there are standards We share bothknowledge andchallenges sothatwe our different memberstates inorder to avoid them. best practices. We alsolearnfrom thechallenges from achieve themandinspire many towards thedirection of this to learnfrom thebestpractices sothat we aspire to which they are, present for opportunities us.We use homogeneous. The different stages of development at We know thatICGLR MemberStates are not andendingimpunityfor tojustice SGBV? access memberstateinimproving madebyeach progress thedisparityin How istheICGLR addressing to fight sexualto fight violence. mechanisms ingeneral the RTF andtheICGLR Letviolence. ussupport shall eradicate sexual inpracticeagreed we If we putwhatwe have Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV mechanisms ingeneral to fightsexual violence years ofaction.Let theRTF ussupport and theICGLR eradicate sexual violence. Let us make the next years, If we putwhatwe have agreed in practice we shall Let usstop itinourhomes,schoolsandwork places. on our Member States both in conflict and in peace. Let usstop theshamethatthisheinouscrimeis putting Your word? last declarations andprotocols oftheICGLR. keep runningasperthealready agreed resolutions, provide thefundingnecessary for thestructures to They shouldkeep thepoliticalwillalive andalso forin place endingimpunity? andmechanisms structure thecoordination support doto shouldtheMemberStates more How much States andpartnersto pushthisagenda forward. on sexual violence. We willencourage ourMember Member States to implementtheICGLR Instruments and encouraging nationalstructures in allthe12 survivors. We will also keep coordinating, collaborating punishment ofsexual violence aswell the assupporting sensitise the major stakeholders in the prevention and theRTFIn particular to train willbesupported and are working ondifferent aspectsofsexual violence. ofgender,Department women andchildren which namely theRTF, theRegional Women Forum andthe We intend to vigorously theexisting support structures thechallenges? andaddress successes these What youplanningtodoconsolidate are every sixmonthsinRIMCandtheSummit then monitor and ensure that they report on progress also usethenationalstructures to share reports and through convening meetingsindifferent countries. We We allow theexchange ofexperiences ofprofessionals andreplicated? shared identified, are that practices best How doyouensure enabling laws to fightsexual violence. difficult to access justice. Insomecases,there are no have challenges of culture and corruption that makes it violence isrampant andimpunity reigns. We alsostill law andorder, allbreak down. Yet thatiswhensexual the state, suchasthepolice, courts andthegeneral neither fullyoperational noreffective. The organs of make thestruggledifficult.Inconflict, thestate is Conflicts thatkeep cropping upin MemberStates toendimpunity for SGBV? in its efforts that theICGLR challenges faces What themajor are

25 26 which was by supported theAfrican Union andtheUnited Nations. ACCESS TO JUSTICE ANDFIGHTINGIMPUNITYOFSGBV ICGLR-RTF CONVENES REGIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON of women andchildren. sexual, psychological, socialandeconomic well-being and its destructive impact on thelives, health, physical, widespread incidence of sexual violence intheregion that thismeasure would contribute to reducing the Women and Children. She said that it was envisaged Prevention andSuppression ofSexual Violence Against States hadalready adopted theProtocol onthe Coordinator for Uganda revealed that12Member Nyirinkindi whowas representing theICGLR National In heropeningaddress, Ambassador Rosette the 7 Based Violence intheGreat Lakes Region’ attheLake Victoria Serena GolfResort, Entebbe inUganda from convened asymposium underthetheme‘Access to Justice andFighting Impunity ofSexual andGender The Regional Training Facility (RTF) oftheInternational Conference for theGreat Lakes Region (ICGLR) th to the9 Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV th ofJuly2016. from Atotal of65participants 19countries inthesymposium participated represented by MsMadeleine Schwarz whostood in General for theGreat Lakes Region (O/SESG-GL) was The Office ofthe Special Envoy oftheSecretary- of sexual violence. merely treating the consequences andnotthecauses institutional/ legislative weaknesses that lead to crimes, hewondered whetherthere were nosystemic/ absence ofcorrective therapies related to these the handlingofSGBV perpetrators andcitingthe within theMemberStates. Raisingaconcern about the causeofICGLR pointingoutitsunique roles ICGLR’s Ambassador ZacharyMuburiMuitalauded

violence in theMemberStates of the Great Lakes practices andmajorchallenges ofaddressing sexual The focus was on theexisting measures, good/best SGBV intheGreat Lakes Region. practices onaccess to justice andfightingimpunity of as they resolve common challenges andshare best to share information, learnfrom eachother’s successes system. Itwas anopportunityfor theMemberStates in theregion issuchthatthere isnouniform legal justice for SGBV given thattheoperating environment to share experiences andmechanismsfor accessing violence. Itprovided aplatform for MemberStates issues ofaccess to justice for thesurvivors ofsexual The symposium was heldinresponse to theunresolved achieve that. the measures taken by theGovernment ofUganda to gender basedviolence. She briefed of the participants of theGovernment ofUganda to theeradication of Culture reassured ofthecommitment theparticipants Peace Mutuuzo, theMinister ofState for Genderand Development whowas represented by Honourable The Minister for Gender, LabourandSocial and avery adversarial court system. structures, lackofcapacity oflaw enforcing entities the stigma,lackofwitness andvictimprotection prosecution ofSGBV cases.Hecited, amongothers, the challenges andgaps encountered inthetrialand framework of SGBV in Uganda giving an overview of Honourable Justice Mike J. Chibita,discussed thelegal The Director ofPublic Prosecutions inUganda, cooperation.for survivors andexperience sharing/ justice, protection ofwitnesses andvictims,reparations investigative capacity, theimportance ofmilitary ensuring adequate law reform andreview, enhancing tackled, Mr. Zahindanoted themainentrypointas how theimpedimentofnationalcapacity could be and Sexual Violence inConflict hadconducted. On United NationsTeam oftheRuleLaw ofExperts onthetrainingsHe updated theparticipants thatthe UN Team on Sexual of Experts Violence in Conflict. was represented by Mr. Innocent Zahinda,theDirector The UnderSecretary General (USG) ZainabBangura extradition through judicialcooperation. perpetrators ofsexual violence and to facilitate their the HeadsofState to neitherharbournorprotect in addressing theroot causesofconflict, callingon of thePeace andSecurity Cooperation Framework for Ambassador Said Djinnit. She focused on the work Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV during Symposium onAccess to Justice and Fighting Impunity representing Amb. SaidDjinnit,SpecialEnvoy ofO/SESG-GL Dr. OnzivuaSylvester from Ugandaduring aparticipant Pius Bigirimana, Uganda’s Permanent Secretary inthe Hon.JanatMukwaya, Uganda’s Minister ofGender, Ministry ofGender, Labour andSocialDevelopment Madeleine Schwarz, HumanRights/Justice advisor, of SGBV intheGreat Lakes Region Labour andSocialDevelopment one ofthetraining workshops

27 28 either thelegislationorenforcement oflegislation. laws governing SGBV, there were stillgaps identifiedin Member States hadfunctionalandimplementable instruments legislatingonSGBV. Whereas some as well asthestatusofimplementationregional national legal frameworks ofeachcountry represented A wealth ofinformation was shared concerning the persons handlingcasesofsexual violence. medical andsocialworkers andothercategories of potential experts to train judicialandpolice officers, fighting sexual violence canbeaddressed; andidentify RTF, themisconceptions andchallenges related to also suggest how through research andtraining at good practices to adoptamongMemberStates and and theimpactithashadonaccess to justice; identify sexual violence inMemberStates ofICGLR andbeyond violence related cases;discuss caselaw related to Member States related to fightingimpunity insexual the progress andchallenges existing intheICGLR The mainobjectives oftheSymposium were to: Share fight against impunity for sexual violence crimes. andeffectivelysupport assist MemberStates inthe material for thenewly created RTF soasto better Region, inorder to inform thedevelopment oftraining Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV Symposium take participants agroup photo duringtheopening ceremony, Lake Victoria Serena GolfResort, Entebbe-Uganda, 7thJuly2016. readily available across theMemberStates. most countries althoughlegal aidfor victims was not including psychosocial counselling were available in facilities for specialisedcare for SGBV victims effective one-stop victimcare centres; andthat victims ofSGBV. Somecountries hadestablished mechanisms to address thejustice needsofthe emerging from conflict required transitional justice The country experiences indicated thatcountries implementation ofSGBV laws. it was deemedamore effective way to improve were suggested to enhance suchcoordination since countries where thiswas weak, better frameworks bodies through multi-sectoral coordination. In the number reporting good coordination ofimplementing Country experiences were shared withagood suppressive aswell asremedial aspects. survivors ofSGBV takinginto consideration preventive/ in place to address access to justice for victimsand and financialframeworks andany othermeasures policies inplace aswell asinstitutional,administrative the mechanismsofjustice available to them;laws and of thesituationvictimsandsurvivors ofSGBV and Some ofthespecificareas discussed were: Ananalysis

Among theresolutions ofthesymposium were that: the respective jurisdictions. improve access to justice for victimsandsurvivors in also discussed themeasures inplace to enhance or survivors ofSGBV incivilorcriminalcases.They have amajorimpactontherightsofvictims and that have beendecidedinthecourts/judiciary that Countries alsoshared themajorcasesandjudgements • • • • • • • manner for thesake ofjustice ensure crimesare addressed inatimely specially selected courtsessions to through eitherspecialcourtsorregular, SGBV casesshouldbefast-tracked context, procedure andlanguage. common understanding of content, of information onSGBV to ensure a police inorder to increase dissemination for prosecutors, medicalpersonnel and SGBV manualsshouldbedeveloped encouraged. cases, suchasuseoftoll free lineswere quickening thereporting ofSGBV Innovations for broadening and forward Victim compensation was agood way settlements for SGBV cases SGBV and refraining from out of court the penaltiesagainst perpetrators of Law reform was required to stiffen their violentacts. assessment to get to theroot causeof victims alsoneededpsychosocial The SGVB perpetrators, justlike the case inMadagascar. selected for thispurposeaswas the a specialpooloflawyers especially across theboard for alllawyers orfrom bono legal aidfor SGBV caseseither There should be mandatory and/or pro

Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV

Antonia N’Gabala-Sodonon -AU, Coordinator Gender, Kaitu from Tanzania Antidius,aparticipant duringoneof Nathan Byamukama Justice Mike Chibita -DPP, Uganda Peace andSecurity Programme, P&SD, AUC remarks duringtheSymposium remarks duringtheSymposium the training workshops , Ag. Director RTF makingopening , makingopening 29 30 FEBRUARY 2014-MARCH 2017 HIGLIGTS OFMAJORMEETINGS&TRAININGS ICGLR-RTF: THREEYEARSOFENGAGEMENT Dates 2014 February 18 th hence thefacility was openedon18 Uganda (par24 &25oftheSummitDeclaration) operationalization of theFacility inKampala, January 2014 in Luanda Angola welcomed the this service. With Uganda ready, theSummitof was to finalize modalitieswithICGLR to provide 5 Pg. 7oftheRIMCReport). BodeTechnologies easy prosecution of the suspects. (Refer to Decision related to DNAevidence-based technology for the police andthejudiciary, onthetechniques stakeholders inhandlingSGBV cases,inparticular in DNAscientifictechnology inorder to train all partners includingthoseorganizations specializing directedfurther theSecretariat to identify relevant (SFRD) asseedmoney for thispurpose. The RIMC Special Fund for Reconstruction andDevelopment US$100,000 was approved undertheICGLR also mobilize more resources from partners”. of theRTF, whowould inthecourse oftheirwork CS to provide seedfundsincludingfor thestaff the office opened.The RIMCalsodirected the Other partners promised as soon as to support funds for furnishing andopening the Facility. resources for theFacility...” UNWOMEN provided Secretariat (CS) was directed to mobilize Training Facility inUganda…” The Conference “approved theestablishmentofRegional concept andbudget from ICGLR Secretariat and On 28 George street for thecuttingofribbon. Activity andremarks headquarters on7 Hotel, inKampalaandthereafter to RTF ceremony was heldatImperialRoyale The RTF was officiallyopened.The opening oftheRegional TrainingOpening/Launch facility: Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV th February 2013, theRIMCreceived the th floorofSimbamanyo house, th February 2014. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Ambassador Mugumeof Ben Lukwiya representing Gender andAmbassador the Commissioner for Mrs. Elizabeth Kyasiimire the Great Lakes Region. of theSecretary General to Robinson, theSpecialEnvoy Rydeo representing Mary UN Women andPernilla the Regional Director Mrs ChristineMusisi, Ofwona representing Ntumba-Luaba, Mrs Diana Secretary ofICGLR, Prof Gender). The Executive (Minister ofState for Affairs) and HonNakadama of State for EastAfrica Shem Bageine (Minister (Minister ofGender),Hon Hon Mary Karooro Okurut and closingceremony Dignitaries attheopening Netherlands. Sudan andThe Burundi, South Britain, Angola, Africa, Great Japan, South represented: Embassies and Care. UNFPA, Oxfam UN-RCO, UNDP, UNAFRI, Organisations, Civil Society representative, ICGLR representatives, UN Women officials, Government Participants April 8 27 2014 2014 August th


World oftheRTF Banksupport from October 2014. This consultancy report was thebasisfor the October 2014, inaconsultative meetinginNairobi. plan was putinplace anditwas later discussed in future collaboration. Inaddition,adraft strategic partners intheGreat Lakes Region andareas for Uganda, was doingandidentifiedtheirrespective also enabledRTF to mapoutwhateachpartner, in plan was presented anddiscussed. The workshop draft for astrategic planincludingathree year work international organizations. Duringthemeetings,a several governmental, non-governmental and strategic planningmeetingwas conducted with mission, objectives andactionsfor theRTF. A for RTF. This was aimedatdefiningthegoals, Organizations to discuss the draft strategic plan RTF KampalaMeetingwithCivil Society foster thepromotion ofpeace in the region. like thewomen, youth, andCSO Forums that existing platforms withintheIGGLRFramework signals ongenocide prevention. Hepointed outthe and provision ofinformation onearlywarning processes like observation andvoter education, be given inelectoral opportunityto participate natural resources addingthatitrequires CSOs to in monitoring and detecting illegal exploration of of Action. The ICGLR protocol alsomandates CSOs finalization oftheICGLR Pact and itsProgrammes ofthepreparatoryto bepart committee for the of the ICGLR, the Member states mandated CSOs He pointed out that during the preparatory phases civil society 16 times in the Dar Declaration (2004). effective andby participation makingreference to appreciates the work of CSOs by promoting their Lakes Region”, hesaid.Hehighlighted how ICGLR mission for peace anddevelopment intheGreat security framework, you willhave ICGLR supported support “If you the peace support and Director ICGLR RTF appealedto theparticipants The ICGLR represented by NathanByamukama Ag. WICCE. Itwas heldatImperialRoyale, Kampala were facilitated by HelenKezie-Nwoha ofIsis- and facilitated by the OSEGLR. The discussions UNDP, RTF, Care Uganda, NPI-Africa and CECORE by AkinaMamawa’ Africa incollaboration with Cooperation (PSF)Framework. Itwas organized monitor andevaluate thePeace, Security and DRC, Uganda, Burundi and Rwanda to implement, Establishment of a coalition of civil society from ICGLR-RTF/OSEGLR Civil Society meetingon Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV Protocol onsexual violence. 6(9)oftheICGLR-Art 2011 to helpoperationalise on therequest ofICGLR in Program. Shewas hired Conflict inAfrica (LOGICA) Learning on Genderand fromsupport World Bank’s consultant was hired with Ms Viktoria Perschler a chaired themeeting. Nathan MByamukama The Acting Director, Region GaborBeszterczey. General for theGreat Lakes Envoy oftheSecretary- Officer -Office oftheSpecial Program Management Hennekens, andtheSenior Netherlands Mr. Alphons the Ambassador ofthe Eziakonwa-Onochie, in Uganda MsAhunna and UNDPRepresentative UN Resident Coordinator Mr. JosephButiku, Chairperson, ICGLR Regional Civil Society Forum attended theWorkshop AMWA. Rapeand after ACCORD, Hope CEDOVIP, ISIS-WICCE, GAPS, ,UNICEF, Women, RCI/ MGLSD, UN representatives, Government the UN. embassies and institutions, ministries and government from CSOs, representatives involved 30 The meeting 31 32 2014 October Septem 16 2014 tember, 11 13 ber 2014 th th th Sep -15 -17 th th - -

, At theendofworkshop, members agreed that: Coordinators ontheprogress at theRTF-Kampala. who attended from RTF briefed National capacities in achieving results. Mr Byamukama NCMs withintheICGLR, andstrengthen improve understanding ofthekey roles of Blue Hotel Lusaka, Zambiawithagoal to Programme Officers. Itwas heldatRadisson National Coordination Mechanismsand The Capacity BuildingWorkshop for ICGLR contributed to thereview andupdate ofthereport. RTF was represented by Katahweire Oscar, who on women’s peace andhumansecurity. The and holdduty bearers accountable for delivering and information for evidence-based advocacy and Security agenda. Itwas alsoto generate data had madeinimplementingtheWomen, Peace 1325, 1820 andtrack theprogress thatUganda implementation ofGomaDeclaration andUNSCR progress oftheUganda NationalAction Planon generating feedback from stakeholders onthe meeting, held in Kampala Uganda, was aimed at Declaration andUNSCR 1325,1820.The on monitoring theimplementationofGoma RTF attended avalidation meetingfor areport mechanism for Peace andSecurity andDevelopment .” a presentation on the “Role ofICGLR asaregion by NathanByamukama, theAgDirector made workshop inKampalaUganda. The RTF represented for Conflict Resolution (CECORE) organised the Nairobi Peace Initiative Africa (NPI-Africa),. Center of ArmedConflict (GPPAC) inpartnershipwiththe Framework. The GlobalPartnership for Prevention & The Peace Security Cooperation (PSC) CSOs onConflict EarlyWarning EarlyResponse A regional consultative meetingwiththeUganda • • • • Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV State’s efforts in domesticationprocess. ICGLR Conference Secretariat andMembers Protocols, they the neededto support dedicated commitment to thePact and With aspiritof mutual respect and within theGreat Lakes Region was crucial. legal harmonization intherelated fields of allProtocols inaharmonized way, To pave the way for thedomestication involved inthedomesticationprocess. and responsibilities ofthesethree organs roadmap for domesticationwithclearroles National Coordinators ofallMSelaborated a The CS,theNationalLegal Focal Points and pact and8of10protocols by theendof2016. All ICGLR MemberStates shalldomesticate the Conference Secretariat. Secretary oftheICGLR and theDeputy Executive Coordinator ofZambia of Zambia;The National Minister ofForeign Affairs for Women inGovernance) Director, CEWIGO(Centre Joy Mukisa,Executive Angeline Nguedjeu;ICCO; Africa Executive Director Walter Odhiambo, NPI- Madeleine/Gabor, Executive Director. Rose Othieno, CECORE Resident Representative; Coordinator/UNDP UNoSE; UNResident Officers and Programme of MSICGLR Coordinators National Organisations. Governmental and Non- Governmental in Uganda, Over 20CSOs represented Africa were East andCentral countries from in Uganda, 16 institutions key government of CSOs and representatives Over 20 Novem 24 2014 October ber 2014 21 st th -24 -27 - th th

a meetingonaccess to justice later in2016 with theOSESG-GL especiallyinorganizing was compiled whichledto anothercollaboration on thediscussions, outcomes andactionpoints SGBV training infrastructure intheregion. Areport the mapping exercise (baseline survey) about anti- the region to contribute to theconceptualization of the mainobjective to involve SGBV stakeholders in from UNWomen RTF organized themeetingwith Prevention andSuppression ofSGBV. meeting inNairobi ontheICGLR-RTF for the A stakeholder consultative andbrainstorming at theRTF. The objectives ofthetraining were to: Asiimwe Sharon andRichard Muhwezi, bothinterns in thetraining course andwas represented by republic of Congo. Rights NGOsfrom Uganda andtheDemocratic Uganda HumanRightsCommission andHuman management, Gender, andHumanRightsfor the A capacity buildingworkshop onConflict • • • • • and post-conflict reconstruction efforts. inclusion ofwomen inpeace building greaterHuman rights,NGOsto support frameworks oftheUHRC andthe Identify strategies ofusingtheinstitutional Bring agender lensto conflict resolution; and Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda. in thepostconflict contexts ofthe face inbuildingpeaceful communities Explore thechallenges thatparticipants specific conflicts theirinstitutionscurrently face. to equipthemto addressskills ofparticipants the Enhance theconflict resolution andmediation human rightsandconflict management;. concepts ofpeace, conflict resolution, knowledge andunderstanding ofthe Build andstrengthen participants’ The RTF was invited to participate With support Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV and SouthernAfrica. Regional Director, Eastern Musisi, UNWomen representing Ms.Christine Deputy Regional Director; Ellis Oluoch-Olunya, Closed by UN-Women andofficially Opened by JennetKem, Commission (UHRC) Uganda HumanRights and Legal Services, Complaints, Investigations Tino, Ag. Directorate of (CCR); Ms. Rebecca Agnes for Conflict Resolution Centrebuilding Support, Intervention andPeace Project Officer: Conflict Mr Paul Mulindwa, Senior Ms. Simone GLR. UNFPA, OSESG- Cooperation, Development CEDOVIP, Swiss EAC, FEMNET, IGAD, COMESA, RTF/PSSGBV, Secretariat, Bank, ICGLR Women, World of UN- Representatives agencies. government of Congo, Republic the Democratic Uganda and of NGOsfrom representatives officials, government Commission, Human Rights the Uganda Dignitaries from 33 34 Decem 7 ber 2014 9 10 uary 2015 7-9 ary 2015 2015. February th th th Janu -13 th

Jan th -

- - of sexual violence anditsotherrelated crimes. successful prosecution andmanagement ofcases and train ontherelevance offorensic evidence in against humanity, genocide andhumantrafficking and itsrelated crimessuchaswar crimes,crimes and regional instrumentsaboutsexual violence To sensitize police officers aboutrelevant global held inEntebbe, Uganda. The objectives were: (AUC-P&S organised Department) the training (SRSG-SVC) andAfrican UnionCommission Secretary General onSexual Violence inConflict UN Office oftheSpecialRepresentative ofthe Lakes Region. The RTF from withsupport the for thepolice andmedicalofficers intheGreat of Sexual Violence intheGreat Lakes Region Management for Prevention andSuppression 1st RTF SGBV training inForensic Evidence called for collaboration between AIPRandRTF the committee andlinked genocide to SGBV. He a presentation ontheoverview oftheprogress of of thegenocide committee, was invited andmade Nathan Byamukama, whowas aformer secretary committee onprevention ofgenocide. RTF’s in collaboration withtheUNfor theRegional Institute for Peace andReconciliation (AIPR) the training organized by the Auschwitz training in Kampala, Uganda. The RTF attended The GenocideandAtrocity CrimesPrevention Lakes Region attheRTF offices ,Kampala,Uganda Secretary General’s SpecialEnvoy to theGreat Hosted Ambassador DjinnitSaid,theUN commemorate the20 regional launchofthe‘HeFor She’Campaign to UN Women invited the RTF to attend a Nairobi, Kenya. The launchofthe‘HeFor She’ Campaignin participated in a panel discussionparticipated on ‘Men looking in’. RTF Ag.Director madeapresentation atandalso Platform For Action. NathanByamukama, the Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV th anniversary oftheBeijing UN Women ESARO; Deputy Regional Director, Ellis Oluoch-Olunya, Southern Africa; Simone Director, Eastern and UN Women Regional Ms. ChristineMusisi, the openingceremony. SESG-GLR alsoattended Advisor Office oftheUN Tabifor (Senior Gender Conflict, Mrs. Miranda on Sexual violence in onRuleofLawExperts leader of the UN Team of Balemba Zahinda,Team the ICGLR, Mr. Innocent Executive Secretary of Prof Ntumba Luaba the Minister for Gender. Karooro Okurut, Ugandan closed by Hon:Mary in Uganda and officially Inspector General of Police by Gen.KaleKayihura, the The training was opened Academic Programs, AIPR College andDirector of Studies, Keene State Holocaust andGenocide Waller, Cohen Professor of Foundation, Dr. James Program Officer, Stanley Angela Bruce-Raeburn, Reconciliation (AIPR), Ms. Institute for Peace and Programs of theAuschwitz Director for Africa Dr. AshadSentongo, working withhimsince. them”. readiness to cooperate with center andexpress my show myto the support He remarked: “Icame to RTF hasbeenclosely (SRSG-SVC) others from the Mukama and Augustine Huffine and Vendegrift, Ed including: Glenn Technology Ltd from BODE Region, trainers Great Lakes States ofthe the Member officers from officials, Police Government committee. on genocide the ICGLR states of from member representatives Women, AIPR, UN 12 9-10 2015 February 2015 March 2015 march 11 th th


the following recommendation which was extensive adopted after discussion ,with of theRTF and submitted the Annual Report of 2014 Ag Director RTF made a presentation on the status grown thiscooperation undertheNICHEprograme explores”. The anddiscuss opportunitie RTF hassince makeshappening andcertainly sense to further my colleague Joyce Ngaiza. Very interesting what’s with Nathan,hisassistants (Patience Bahiira) and had avery informative meetingyesterday afternoon Theo observed: “I’m pleasedto inform you thatI in thefightagainst SBGV were discussed. Mr of mutualinterest andstrategies oncooperation explore areas ofcooperation Matters andsupport. Netherlands embassy inKampalato further Ms. Joyce Ngaiza .The meetingwas heldatthe Embassy, Mr. Theo Oltheten and his colleague of Law andPolitical Affairs attheNetherlands Director of ICGLR-RTF to the First Secretary/Rule A courtesy callby Mr. Nathan Byamukama theAg. Lusaka Centre in theupcoming budgetingof2016”. Facility into the budget process of the Secretariat like Secretariat shouldIntegrate Kampala Regional Training including recommendation 4(iv): “The Conference recommendations oftheNationalCoordinators RIMIC received andtook note ofthereport and and development oftheGreat Lakes Region’ the the implementation of the pact on security, stability ‘Strengthening thecapacity ofICGLR institutions for of theExecutive Secretary. With thetheme and to endorse theroadmap for therecruitment to theConference Secretariat and itsinstitutions plan for 2015, thestate offinancialcontributions Secretariat’s AnnualReport of2014, theaction Lakes Region; analyze theICGLR Conference Security, Stability andDevelopment intheGreat to review theimplementationofPact on Angola. Regional Inter-Ministerial MeetinginLuanda, prepare for the 10 recruitment of the new Executive Secretary and to its institutions,to receive theroadmap for the contributions to theConference Secretariat and 2014, theactionplanfor 2015, thestate offinancial ICGLR Conference Secretariat’s AnnualReport of Development intheGreat Lakes Region; analyze the of theICGLR Pact onSecurity, Stability and whose purposewas to review theimplementation in Luanda,Angola. The RTF attended themeeting A meeting of National Coordinators of ICGLR held Lusaka Centre intheupcoming budgetingof2016”. Facility into the budget process of the Secretariat like Secretariat should integrate Kampala Regional Training The RTF attended themeetingorganized th Ordinary meeting of the RIMC. 1 : “The Conference Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV and Patience Bahiira Oltheten, Joyce Ngaiza Nathan Byamukama, Theo Executive Secretary representative ofSADC Great Lakes Region; the Secretary General for Special Envoy oftheUN Secretary ofICGLR; The Chairperson; Executive Relations ofAngola, RIMC Chikoti, Minister ofExternal H.E George Rebelo Pinto the Representative ofJIFC, Commander of EJVM, and of the ICGLR fora, ICGLR, theChairpersons Executive Secretary of National Coordinator, da Silva, theAngolan Mr. Evaristo DiasMalheiros Patience Bahiira Joyce Ngaiza and Theo Oltheten, Byamukama, Nathan and Zambia. Kenya, Uganda Sudan, Tanzania, Sudan, South Congo, Rwanda, Republic of Democratic of Congo, Republic African Republic, Burundi, Central of Angola, foreign affairs Ministers of and Zambia. Kenya, Uganda Sudan, Tanzania, Sudan, South Congo, Rwanda, Republic of Democratic of Congo, Republic Republic, Central African Angola, Burundi, countries: the following of ICGLR of Coordinators National 35 36 July 2015 25 29 July 2015. 13 2015 June 14 2015. - 10 - 20 th th th th -16 -15 th May June th July

th th

1million Euro for support four years, ending2020. the NICHEproject. This first meetingledto a negotiations withthe Royale Netherlandsfor From thismeeting andthereafter, RTF started Director andSylvia Nampeera, theAccountant. represented by NathanByamukama theAg. costs and audit statements. The RTF was annual planningandreporting eligibility of the RTF initsgrant to participate obligations, organized ahandbookworkshop andinvited Development inHigherEducation (NICHE) Rwanda. RTF Capacity buildingtraining inKigali, and madepresentations duringthecourse. Bahiira, bothinterns attheRTF were trained they operate. Katahweire OscarandPatience Uganda withfieldstudytours to places where training course atMetropole Hotel in Kampala, Raising Voices, Uganda organised thefour day Domestic Violence Prevention (CEDOVIP) and CSOs, Government andNGOs.The Center for for SGBV stakeholders inAfrica including ‘Effective Violence Against Women Prevention’ RTF Capacity buildingtraining workshop on and alsoreview theProject ImplementationManual. Accountant, andFinancial Management Specialist Project Coordinator, Procurement specialist,Project The mainwas to recruit four key positionsnamely: collaboration withtheWorld Bankproject team. from World Bankby theRTF andICGLR team in Kampala. RTF hosting theWorld BankandICGLR mission to sessions withsecurity forces inKampala,Uganda. who were later to train intheRTF-organized the training. RTF networked with more experts attend thecourse andmadepresentation during Izeme attheRTF, Zarifis,theGenderExpert by NathanByamukama, theA.gDirector; and Centre (IPSTC), Kenya. The RTF was represented course attheInternational Peace Training Support Union Mission for Somalia(AMISOM) organised a Peace Training Support Centre (IPSTC) andAfrican Gender Based Violence (SGBV). RTF capacity buildingcourse onSexual and Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV The NetherlandsInitiative for Capacity The mission was organized withsupport The International Embassy, Kigali with Royal Netherlands and CatherineViz ,then EP-NUFFIC (Netherlands) Senior Program Administer Mr ArmandGaikema , Director ofRaisingVoices. Michau, co-founder andCo- Director, CEDOVIP, Lori Tina Msuya, Executive coordinator, RaisingVoices, VAW Prevention Natsnet Ghebrebrhan, and Patience Bahiira. RTF OscarKatahweire by the2interns from the staff,Support supported Programme Assistant Ms. Yvonne Niyonsaba, to the Executive secretary, Mbata, Personal Assistant RTF Kampala;Ms.Evelyne Byamukama, Ag.Director Officer Gender;Nathan Mokodopo,Berthe Program Officer, Chair;Amb. Eliane and Finance program Simukoko, Administrative were: Mr. Robert M. Members ofthemission Experts fromExperts IPSTC. Rwanda largely from Participants were VAW. prevention of in thefieldof consultants and individual organizations governmental and Non- Governmental countries, Southern African Eastern and CSOs from Qinyu Cao. and Sabrina Leanne Bayer we were with bank side, From theworld interviewers. on thepanelof UNHCR were UN Women, Decem Decem 12 2015 August 13 2015. August ber 2015 14 ber 2015 10 th th th th -14 -20 -18 -12 th th th - - th

dealing withcasesofsexual violence inconflict. Police withtheknowledge andtools neededin was to equipbothUgandan militaryand Conflict”, themainobjective ofthetraining Women andGirlsfrom sexual violence during Military andPolice officers inprotecting organized a “Training workshop for Ugandan from theBritishHighCommission inKampala The 3rd training onSGBV. The RTF withsupport investigate andprosecute crimesofsexual violence. the requisite knowledge andskillsto effectively training was to equipmilitaryjustice officers with in theGreat Lakes Region. The maingoal ofthe sexual violence withintheMilitaryJustice System (SRSG-SVC) organized training onaddressing Secretary General onSexual Violence inConflict UN Office oftheSpecialRepresentative ofthe Lakes Region. The RTF from withsupport the The 2ndtraining inaddressing SGBV intheGreat FM and procurement review of the project. training from theRTF inKampalaandUndertake SGBV campaignsin2016 andtheroll-out ofthe to take place in2016, thelaunchoftwo main project activitiesthatincludeconferences plan and budget for 2016, the detailed plan for thedevelopmentmission undertook ofthe work Violence andWomen’s HealthProject. The Lakes Emergency Sexual andGenderBased mission forImplementation support theGreat advocacy andawareness creation amongothers.” holistic manner through research, training, sensitization, established to address SGBV inacomprehensive and efficiently for theGLR,itis theonlyinstitutionthatis that needsto berecognized andharnessed more The reportstated: “RTF further has a unique role different partners to organize a number of activities” (the ICGLR), theRTF hassecured fundingfrom considerable fundingfrom itsparent organization it isarelatively young institutionthathasnotreceived though most of the staff are interns and even though they concluded that:“RTF hasastrong leadership, to discuss possible areas Intheirreport ofsupport. anassessmentwhich undertook mission to theRTF RTF hosted theAfrican UnionCommission (AUC) Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV Kampala-Uganda of Office - MONUSCO, Evelyne Bamba,Head It was closedby Ms. of IndustrialRelations. for Labourincharge Uganda’s State Minister Hon. KamandaBataringaya Gen. KatumbaWamala. Chief of Defence Forces was closedby Uganda’s Minister of Uganda. It representing thePrime Constitutional Affairs Ministry ofJustice and Uganda’s Attorney General, Hon. Frederick Ruhindi, Darkwa from Ghana. Linda Akua Opongmaa was headed by Dr The two-person team Kampala respectively Secretariat andtheRTF Bahiira from ICGLR Nampeera andPatience Oscar Katahweire, Sylvia Plus NathanByamukama, Seraphine Hatumana, Marie Gorret Muhitira, Coordinator, Rose Mbazira, Tchim Tabaro, WBProject specialist; Amb ElaineMukodopo, development Leanne Bayer, Sr. social Development specialist; Pia Peters, Sr. Social violence-gender suppression-of-sexual- the-prevention-and- training-facility-rtf-on- to-the-icglr-regional- assessment-missin- org/publication/view/ http://www.icglr-rtf. officers and police Uganda military host. and Uganda the Sudan, Somalia Sudan, South African Republic, Congo, Central Republic of Democratic Region, namely: Great Lakes States inthe affected Member from conflict- justice officers Military criminal as stated The sameteam 37 38 7 May 4 2016 March 2016 19 2016 March 14 2016 th th th March -20

th th

and onillegal exploitation ofnatural resources violence, non-aggression andmutualdefense examining theprotocols onGenocide, sexual on ICGLR instrumentsandthejudicialcooperation, levels. NathanByamukama made apresentation recommendations andconcrete actionatdifferent criminal matters intheGreat Lakes anddevelop in-depth discussion onjudicialcooperation on member states. The objective was to initiate an prosecutors andpolice directors from ICGLR Secretary General intheGreat Lakes for general with theoffice oftheSpecialEnvoy ofthe It was organized by theICGLR incollaboration of memberstates ofICGLR inNairobi, Kenya. A regional conference onjudicialcooperation RTF inthefightagainst SGBV intheregion cooperation andtechnical assistance to the the RTF. MrNathanByamukama appealedfor beneficial andareas ofcollaboration with to RTF’s NathanByamukama discussed matters Danish embassy between theAmbassador and Danish Ambassador. The meetingheldatthe Collaboration meetingbetween RTF andthe Program, hadcompleted hertour ofduty. ICGLR-RTF over theRegional NICHESGBV in Kigali andcoordinating/collaborating with Great Lakes SRHRPolicy officer, whowas based the Agdirector ICGLR-RTF. Carolien Vis, the Netherlands Embassy andNathanByamukama Reproductive HealthandRights/Gender atthe Adokorach ElsieJudithpolicyofficer Sexual and was alsoanintroductory meetingbetween Royal NetherlandsEmbassy inUganda. It Meeting ontheSGBV NICHE program at the violence offenders. This isstillunderdiscussion. implement, namely:Rehabilitation ofsexual office. Discussed andshared aproject to jointly RTF paid a courtesy call to UNWOMEN-Kampala Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV Director oftheRTF ICGLR-RTF. and Patience Bahiira from Ag.Director ICGLR-RTF Nathan Byamukama Pederson ofDenmark, Ambassador Mogens Bahiira from ICGLR-RTF RTF andPatience Ag.Director ICGLR- Nathan Byamukama and Rights/Gender, Reproductive Health Policy officer Sexual and Adokorach ElsieJudith Bahiira from ICGLR-RTF ICGLR-RTF andPatience Byamukama Ag.Director UN Women, Nathan Humanitarian Specialist Claire Hawkins Genderand representative UNWomen, Hoddan Addou country Interpol South Africa and states, plus ICGLR members prosecution from of public Directors as stated The sameteam as stated The sameteam 2 Septem July 2016 5 ber 2016 2016 tember 7 th th nd -9 -6 Sep th th

- - of persons handling cases of sexual violence. medical andsocialworkers andothercategories experts to train judicialandpolice officers, to fightingsexual violence andidentifypotential addressing misconceptions and challenges related ways, through research andtraining atRTF, of adapt amongMemberStates andalsosuggest on access to justice; identifygood practices to of ICGLR andbeyond andtheimpactithashad law related to sexual violence inMember States in sexual violence related cases; discuss case ICGLR MemberStates related to fightingimpunity Share theprogress andchallenges existing inthe The mainobjectives ofthesymposium were to: lakes Region atLake Victoria Serena, Entebbe. and fightingimpunity ofSGBV intheGreat RTF convened a Symposium onAccess to Justice Burundi withConference Secretariat officials. member states. Itwas heldinBujumbura of thePact anditsprotocols inallICGLR Institutions to fast track theimplementation synergy andcomplementarities between ICGLR strategies andactivitiesstrengthen Planning meeting to identify ways of harmonizing and linkages withotherongoing initiatives. stakeholders to identifypotential collaborators It was anopportunityfor theproject to share anddiscuss theobjectives. an opportunityfor consortiumpartners of theTu Wezesha project andprovided The launchformally marked theinception leadership andEmpowerment movement project. Akina Dada Afrika UKYoung women’s Meeting inKampalato LaunchtheTu Wezesha Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV for GenderandCulture. Mutuzo, State Minister Uganda and HonPeace of Public Prosecutions in J. Chibita,theDirector conflict, HonJustice Mike on sexual violence in RuleofLawof Experts the Director UNTeam Innocent ZahindaBalemba, General representative, for theGLR,Secretary the Secretary General of thespecialEnvoy of Madeleine Shwarz, office ICGLR Coordinator, Ms. Rosette Nyirinkindi Secretary ICGLR, Amb. Muita, The Executive Amb. ZacharyMuburi Ag, Director. Executive Secretary, ICGLR Secretariat Attended by the

and Angola. Guinea Bissau Chad, Liberia, South Africa Madagascar, Mali, addition to lakes Region in the Great countries in from allthe by participants It was attended empowerment and women against women rights, violence and girls gender, women on issues of that are working from Uganda representatives media, CSO cultural leaders, religious and partners, development representatives, Government Assistants Ag. Director RTF, Departments, Directors ofCS Lusaka Centre, Director, Executive Secretary, Executive Deputy 39 40 Novem Novem Septem 21 10 6 ber 2016 ber 2016 10 ber 2016 ber 2016 ber 2016 Novem 14 th st th th th Octo -22 -15 -11 -15 th nd th th - - -



wrote: “Nice to getbackandplanto work together”. SGBV was born.Nowonder onthisday Almaz 2011 from where theKampalaDeclaration on convened asaSummitSession inDecember and was given theSpecialSummit which was was convened requested withUNDPsupport, Africa, ICGLR Regional Women Forum (RWF) session onsexual violence. From UNDP–Southern decision (2010) was madeto holdaspecial that Almazwas there inLusaka whenaSummit between UNDPandRTF. to note Itisimportant (Uganda) anddiscussed possible collaboration Hosted MsAlmazGebru,UNDPcountry Director Specialist oftheWord Bankfor thefirst time met MsVerna Phipps,SocialDevelopment the WB/ICGLR –RTF project. The RTF also in Bujumbura to discuss the progress of Meeting with the World Bank mission Team 2 Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya, thiswas the cooperation in the Great Lakes Region. Heldat Conference inNairobi onstrengthening Judicial harmonizing strategies between theICGLR Organs. the management oftheICGLR Secretariat and The retreat discussed strategies on strengthening ICGLR Institutional Retreat heldinGitega, Burundi. guidelines; andtheICGLR HumanResource Manual. regulations; HumanResources management It discussed HumanResources staffrulesand ICGLR meetingheldinNairobi, Experts Kenya. of aGreat Lakes JudicialCooperation Network. nd Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV meetingwiththeobjective ofestablishment Lusaka Center Director, Deputy Executive Secretary Society Forum and Chairperson ofCivil the Joint Intelligence Fusion and Deputy Coordinator of Mechanism, Coordinator Expanded JointVerification Coordinator of the Coordinator andDeputy E Ms. Claudine Nahayo Ms. Inabeza Yuhire and Mr. Gerald Coyitungiye, Nathan Byamukama, Dr Frank Okuthe, Mr. Musonda Simukoko, Conference, Mr. Robert Mr .louisBarakuvye, Amb Ligabo Ambeyi, Amb Vicente Muanda, Muita, Executive Secretary, Amb ZacharyMuburi- Gebru andtheRTF team Nathan Byamukama, Almaz (Procurement Specialist) Arcade Bigirindavyi (RTF accountant) and and Sylvia Nampeera (Finacial Specialist) Ms Rose Mbazira (Project Coordinator), RTF), MrTchim Tabaro Byamukama (Ag Director- Ms Verena Phipps,Nathan of Justice ofKenya. Attorney-General/Minister Executive Secretary, ICGLR, Zachary MuburiMuita, Lakes Region, Amb. General for theGreat Envoy oftheSecretary- Amb. SaidDjinnit,Special xecutive Secretary

secretariat staff ofICGLR Assistants, Ag Director RTF, Directors ofCS, Ag. Director RTF. Attended by the stated Same team as as stated The sameteam UN MICT. Africa, Interpol, ICGLR andSouth generals from RTF, Prosecutor the Ag.Director Attended by Decem ber 2016 5 th -6 th

- of combating itintheGreat Lakes Region. trafficking inwomen andchildren andmechanisms states; andpromote awareness abouthuman special courtsandremedies inICGLR member validate oftheRTF draft report onSGBV legislation, Violence asaCrimeunderInternational Law; Best Practices ontheDocumentationofSexual International Protocol ontheBasicStandards of of theICGLR Protocol onSexual Violence andthe to develop aregional guidance note onutilization under International Law. Otherobjectives were Documentation ofSexual Violence asaCrime on theBasicStandards ofBestPractices onthe and Children as well as the International Protocol Suppression ofSexual Violence against Women about theICGLR Protocol onthePrevention and peace andconflict situations;promote awareness development to prevent sexual violence bothin for theRTF training materials andcurriculum identify training needsfor different stakeholders the respective ICGLR memberstates’ jurisdictions; crimes to ordinary/non-technical stakeholders in challenges indocumentingandinvestigating sexual to: provide aplatform for sharingbestpractices and Region. Reporting ofsexual violence intheGreat Lakes Colloquium on Documentation, Investigation and The majorobjectives ofthemeetingwere Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV trafficking atFIDA- Uganda Byarugaba, Coordinator of Uganda); Mrs. LilianAdriko- Lawyers inUganda (FIDA- Association ofWomen Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Irene Ovonji Odida, Ministry ofInternal Affairs; Senior Police Officer with Human Trafficking and National Task Force of Binoga, Chairperson of of Congo; Mr. Moses in Democratic Republic Living Peace Institute Mahwa- Country Director, Ploem, Rutgers; Aloys Health inKenya; Rachel Grace Wairimu of LVCT Project; Carol Ajema and Alupo, Refugee Law Council, Kenya; Susan Program, Population Reproductive Health Chi Chi, SeniorAssociate Presenters: DrUndie consultant from Uganda, and development Butegwa, agender Facilitator: Mrs. Florence Zachary Muburi-Muita. Secretary- Ambassador ICGLR Executive Democracy representing of theLusaka Center of Dr. Frank Okuthe, Director ICGLR-RTF Kampalaand (MGLSD), Director ofthe and SocialDevelopment Minister for Gender, Labour Hon. Janat Mukwaya, the Office whorepresented of thePrime Minister’s General DutiesintheOffice Uganda’s Minister for Honorable Karooro-Okurut, represented. countries were Lakes Region the 12Great and Media.All Civil Society social workers, Practitioners, Military, Medical Judiciary, Police, MSM. UN Women, European Union, included, partners who development Lusaka offices, Bujumbura and staff from both Uganda, ICGLR society) FIDA- workers, civil ( judges, social judicial officers personnel, police, lawyers, medical ambassadors,) ( ministers, representatives Government 41 42 Decem Feb 2017 21 2017 February 20 9 ber, 2016 12 2017 February 15 ary 2017 th th st th


-17 -13 Febru

th th -

- about therole oftheRTF to sensitize theover 60participants Byamukama AgDirector RTF madeapresentation the Uganda Refugee Law project. Nathan Kampala. The meetingwas organized by violence casesatGrand ImperialHotel, Documentation andInvestigation ofsexual A training onInternational Protocol on (is) working for thebroader objectives of the ICGLR”. very pleasedthattheKampala center ontheSGBV the endofmeetingESobserved: “Iam about theprogress madeandthechallenges. At Byamukama AgDirecotr RTF ,the ESwas briefed and Security. Duringthemeetingwith Nathan was accompanied by theICGLR Director for Peace Amb ZacharyMuburiMuitaattheRTF offices. He The RTF hosted theICGLR Executive Secretary, It was held atHotel Africana, Kampala,Uganda Violence Against Women (VAW) inUganda. management ofGenderBasedViolence (GBV)/ learned, challenges andway forward intheclinical National stakeholders workshop on lessons the good work of RTF andICGLR ingeneral. Muita. The ESbriefed thePresident about delegation, headedby Ambassador Muburi- Ag Director RTF was ofthefour part person State HouseEntebbe. MrNathanByamukama President, HEYoweri KagutaMuseveni at ICGLR-RTF meeting with the Ugandan RTF madeapresentation abouttheICGLR-RTF. information andevidence. The Ag.Director violence; improving GenderBasedViolence programming to prevent interpersonal respond to gender basedviolence; strengthening advocacy; strengthening provider capacity to sector leadership andgovernance aswell as The meetingwas aimedatstrengthening on GenderBasedViolence Prevention project. A half-day stakeholders consultative workshop Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV volunteers security theRTF staffand the Director ofpeace and The ES,theAg.Director, Affairs) (NCM –MinistryofForeign Bernadette Mwesige WOMEN andFIDA UPF, UWONET, UN ICGLR-RTF, ULRC, UNICEF, from MGLSD, CEDOVIP, (UNFPA), Representatives Uganda), Roselidah Ondeko Namugeere (MOH, James(MOH),Miriam Mugisa,(WHO),Mugisha MOH, DrOlive Sentumbwe- Commissioner-RH Division, Ag. Assistant Wilson Kajwengye and Byamukama Nathan Mwesigye Muita Amb ZacharyMubiru- Museveni HE Yoweri Kaguta Uganda. UN WOMEN, FIDA UNFPA, UPF, UWONET, ICGLR-RTF, ULRC, UNICEF, from MGLSD, CEDOVIP, (MOH). Representatives from MinistryofHealth (WHO), MugishaJames World HealthOrganisation Sentumbwe Mugisafrom division, MOH,Dr. Olive Reproductive Health(RH) Commissioner, Ag. Assistant

from Uganda organizations Civil society as stated The sameteam as stated The sameteam Ag. Director RTF Byamukama Mr. Nathan Ag. Director ICGLR-RTF. A.g Director

2017 March 2017 March 2017 March 6 4 1 2017 13 st th th –3rd th -7 March -14 th

th training atMasters andPhDlevels for theRTF staff. There could for also beopportunities further connecting natural resources andsexual violence. university andtheRTF for research inforensics plus Further collaborate was agreed onbetween the of sexual violence casesto fightimpunity. capacity ofRTF to train inforensic management and Resilience. This isfor enhancement ofthe and technology Hubsfor Infrastructure, Development collaborative project: PaTHFInDeR: Partnerships proposal earliersubmitted to theuniversity for a Ag Director RTF attended asafollow upto a NathanByamukamafunding opportunities. collaborations andbeprepared for upcoming Leicester aimedatbuildinginternational Workshop in Nairobi with the University of The 6 towards the KICD Annual general meeting (AGM) organized byofweeklong theUPFaspart events Joint AIDS Program (MJAP) amongothers. Itwas Uganda Prisons Services, SGBV. Exhibition for stakeholders in the management of by NathanByamukam Ag.Director RTF. School (MUBS) mainhallandattended It in endingviolence against women andgirls. Public lecture ontherole ofsecurity organs human trafficking andassociated challenges. chaired thefirst session on6 Mr NathanByamukama Ag.Director RTF by allthe24 Police Chiefs from African Countries. Continent. 10resolutions were passed andsigned violence against women andgirlsontheAfrican police, army, andPrisons (singly orjointly) inending responsibilities ofsecurity agencies such as the meeting highlighted andreaffirmed therole and of security organizations andcommunity’, the violence Against women and girls: The Role Hotel. Declaration AnnualmeetingatKampalaSerena was heldatMakerere University Business Exhibitors includedUPF, UPDF, ICGLR-RTF, Held underthethemeof‘Combating th Kigali International Conference th March 2017 on Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV Institute isourinterlocutor. Jeffrey Forensic Science associate Director Alec University ofLeicester and Professor inCriminology, Dr LisaSmith,associate ICGLR-RTF Civil society organizations Senior Army officers of UPS UPF, SeniorCommissioners Senior Commissioners of Okoth-Ochola,John Martin Deputy Inspector ofPolice, Guest ofHonorwas the Rt. Hon.Rebecca Kadaga. Speaker ofParliament, officially closedby the The workshop was Chairman ofKICD. who istheincoming Uganda, Gen. Kale Kayihura Inspector General ofPolice Police ofAlgeria, the Director General ofNational The Outgoing Chairperson, Ms. Peace Mutuuzo. for GenderandCulture, Obiga KaniaandMinister for Internal Affairs, Hon. were: Minister of State Museveni. Inattendance Uganda, Yoweri Kaguta H.E The president of officially openedby The conference was ICGLR-RTF civil society and Makerere and Malawi, Nairobi, South Africa, of Leicester, Universities academics from and related professors About 50 Natamba, Derrick RTF volunteers other ICGLR- Ag. Director, and Asiimwe Nankunda Sharon Oscar and Katahweire Ag. Director, RTF Nankunda. Sharon Asiimwe Oscar andMrs. Mr. Katahweire the ICGLR-RTF, two volunteers at Byamukama and Mr. Nathan Ag. Director, The ICGLR-RTF countries. over 24 African officials from other security Police Chiefs and

43 44 Access to Justice andFightingAccess Impunity ofSGBV