The Lesson 4

The IS NOT The FATHER SON (Creator) (Creator) IS IS



The (Creator) Limited license to copy issued Calvary Chapel Twin Peaks, twin peaks, CA The Trinity Lesson Theme Poster • Lesson 4

Lesson Focus The Trinity refers to one God in three Persons—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. All three Persons of the Trinity were present at creation.

Key Passages Grades 2–3: Genesis 1:1–2; John 1:1–3, 1:14; Matthew 3:16–17 Grades 4–5: Genesis 1:1–3; John 1:1–5, 1:14; Matthew 3:16–17

What You Heard in the Word • The Trinity is one God in three Persons—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. • All were present at creation and .

Copyright © 2017 Answers in Genesis. All rights reserved. Printed in China. Limited license to copy issued Calvary Chapel Twin Peaks, twin peaks, CA Name ______


SON (Creator)


IS The HOLY SPIRIT (Creator)


The (Creator) FATHER

Lesson 4-coloring-sheet • Student • Grades 2–3 Copyright © 2017 Answers in Genesis. Limited license to copy provided. Limited license to copy issued Calvary Chapel Twin Peaks, twin peaks, CA Name ______Class Notes 1. The prefix “tri” means ______. WORD BANK 2. The ______was with God at creation. three Jesus 3. ______, the Word, was with God at Spirit Father creation. Trinity Holy Spirit 4. God is three Persons in one. God is a ______. God Son

______the the Creator Creator ______the ______Creator _____


______the Creator

Lesson 4-class-notes • Student • Grades 2–3 Copyright © Answers in Genesis. Limited license to copy provided. Limited license to copy issued Calvary Chapel Twin Peaks, twin peaks, CA Class Notes Answer Key

1. The prefix “tri” meansthree . 2. The Spirit was with God at creation. 3. Jesus, the Word, was with God at creation. 4. God is three Persons in one. God is a Trinity.

Father IS NOT Son the the Creator Creator IS IS God the IS NOT Creator


Holy Spirit the Creator

Lesson 4-class-notes • Teacher • Grades 2–3 Copyright © Answers in Genesis. Limited license to copy provided. Limited license to copy issued Calvary Chapel Twin Peaks, twin peaks, CA Review Questions

1. What does the prefix “tri” mean?Three. 2. What do we call a bicycle with three wheels? Tricycle. 3. What is the dinosaur we had a picture of with three horns? Triceratops. 4. What word do we use to explain that God is three Persons in one? Trinity. 5. How many Gods are there, three or just one? One God. 6. Name one of the three Persons in the Trinity. Father, Son, Holy Spirit. 7. Name another one of the three Persons in the Trinity. Father, Son, Holy Spirit. 8. Name the third Person in the Trinity. Father, Son, Holy Spirit. 9. Which of the three Persons of the Trinity was present at creation? All three. 10. What name do we use for God in heaven? Father. 11. What name do we use for God who came to earth? Jesus. The Son. 12. What name do we use for God who lives in believers and helps them to obey? Holy Spirit. 13. What does “In the beginning” mean in Genesis 1:1? The creation. 14. In John chapter 1 we read about the Word. Who is the Word? Jesus. 15. At Jesus’ baptism, each Person of the Trinity was doing something different. What was God the Father doing? Speaking from heaven. 16. What was the Holy Spirit doing at Jesus’ baptism? Descending/landing on Jesus like a dove. 17. Can you recite the memory verse? Allow one or more students to recite the memory verse.

Lesson 4-review-questions • Teacher • Grades 2–3 Copyright © Answers in Genesis. Limited license to copy provided. Limited license to copy issued Calvary Chapel Twin Peaks, twin peaks, CA Grades 2–3 • Lesson 4 The Trinity Name Genesis 1:1–2; John 1:1–3, 1:14; Matthew 3:16–17

Each number stands for a letter. Start at the top of the triangles A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z and match the numbers to the letters using the Code Key. Write the answers in the blanks beside each triangle. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Code Key 7 ______15 4

______. Answer: God is the Father. the is God Answer: 9 19 20 8 5 6 1 20 8 5 18

______7 7 ______15 4 ______, 15 4 ______9 19 20 9 19 20

______. 8 5 8 15 ______. Answer: God is the Son, Jesus. Son, the is God Answer: Spirit. Holy the is God Answer: 8 5 19 15 14 GOD 12 25 19 16 10 5 19 21 19 9 18 9 20

Psalm 119:89–90 Learn the Word Forever, O Lord, your word is firmly fixed in the he___vens. Your f___ithfulness Write the letter “a” in the empty spaces to finish our memory verse. endures to ___ll gener___tions; you h___ve est___blished the e___rth, and it st___nds f___st. Limited license to copy issued Calvary Chapel Twin Peaks, twin peaks, CA 3 3 Justin & Jessie “I don’t understand it either,” said Justin. “But I believe it! ’Cause that’s what the Bible says!”

What You Heard In the Word 3 • The Trinity is one God in three Persons— God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. • All were present at creation and at Jesus’ 3 3 baptism.

OutWord For Family Discussion Suppose someone asked you, “Well, I believe God created everything, but Jesus wasn’t even 3 born yet. How could he be there?” How will you answer? Jesus is eternal just like God the Father. The Bible says that he was in the beginning and that he is God. He always was; it’s just that he became a man when he was born.

Justin and Jessie count lots of things that come in threes: three trees, three red cars, three dogs on3 leashes. But3 WHO could be three in one? Find out in “Triceratops & Tricycles.” Go to to read the rest of the story 3 and print out this week’s Justin and Jessie coloring sheet. Copyright © 2017 Answers in Genesis. All rights reserved. See terms in “Limited License to Reproduce.” Printed in China. Limited license to copy issued Calvary Chapel Twin Peaks, twin peaks, CA 3 3