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Fidelity Guarantee>an;d: .'iBtirgiflicj i iV ' . Absolateyj' {3eenrity •;• ¦ Moderato • Ratesy !| J^ompt ; Pay m obit; .Large l^iraaae^;' ^.;

: : ; EAD ¦ ¦ H OF^i6E^'C()^i^B?^itEEJy; ¦ • r ' : ; ¦' : ; • s ¦'¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ f ; ¦ • " ¦ • ' ;: ' -. .' f .- ,; - . . . r.| ..- . . ;! i5 .:•; -, i> ot|!(- V " I -' I • '.. ' , ; • . ' ¦'. j .'. ..vf£»?- »:<.¦ • ': ,ffl >' V !¦ ' <; ^i[¦ '^, : 1 ' " . r> . ":2»J?i(J7ir«!^-laSi- 'SAit6&j i&fli ':- : r lilii/ iiiSSili ' ' oic ¦ Or to any of the Company ? ; Bram^e3,v ¦ i• ¦ : 1 ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : 18 ' Ov ¦» /-. . •p. < ,|< '.• r'j-;-'/? r - "J4* ;'P-" -^ ^-* '' ^^^T^^y^f **'^ . - if?^ • ¦: .;¦ ;;Agencieg^^r M ty i^ESlS ^^S^*' ' '*! * ^ ' f *^. ^jy . V ^. HfW i ^ l i i ^ i i ^ i iiii i i l f ¦ ¦¦ : ; . . . Agents in.Waterfc^-r ; ':|^ :', - y.v t> ¦ ¦TWBBJMUIT nn»Pi.y» . DttHasssBS ' .'V ' , ; : - ¦Ml II limmwp^flfa.l vTviw a T.nMP 1 ¦ minus. ' j' : ;j v- .;. . - I AST NET, ¦ ¦ • ' '-' KF ;N |;;; H . )_. .. :• X ' ;- . ATE OBD ' O*aH©xS^i,ISAED; JULI DA, K»aTJ(*HI>. RATH! : ;.V ' :-::/ ,;^r-::;^ofe^ , rv,' ; L ; ' . , tJi'TP. REDMOND^ W EWS I £!S - 8U.TBE8, . .aiBDA, | !KBRBTVOBaTTOWAED| IHirres f i{2|st^tMPil!Sf : : 4 IT1TBKAB, VAiKtmA,' «r« a t«od*l,t o .«*U . -*»- tinin l'- V I waither'. |ir»»»nt«4 'bj iajor«««ea 1^ LIMEEIOK IHE ; BERNARD H. O"KEItlhrI ; . porudvUn*] j)^ Ubartj Veaelv. lodtoooUat :• (.:- : . • - • ¦ -.] ¦ ' ¦ :' -\ . '}' - T •! v : : ' • - , '[ ¦ '' ' ; ; . •, . -f ; .. '- ' Ifanver. r ' j j ^ :; ; I «ar BartJ «r Pori«la'Uiy TT«T :A'.. '\T 'T B ( >¦ ii' ' ¦¦> •¦ ¦ ¦ ' • |l pB««>oe« what»o «Tii r/ l - . v. '.• r; .. ¦ 1 J'iii:.- _i-. 'i wtnuurtao1.to foiiaaow. .:¦, , . 1 '. : 1 • ¦. _. ' -< ;¦ ¦P¦ ¦ ¦e Xealaiug: I HoM; ¦)B*«r>UOHDAY{ZJii*it> :H' v.- il .- .- . ;' |. ,l p,», ' ' ' ' " ' " ' ¦ ' v; : :' •* The ¦Sooffii . ; ' ; 1 'W'£ li!MEBICK.j . " ; . ,/ |-i fq ' •Tne rc«-fr-fo>liDg Car" (or;^^hiV'So?cni-!^^Cairo ' WedBMd«y,.:«>fcl'U^ !febi'Zf a>>' 'fflxlawKWjriWih ttar 13 no n ' ftod Souur; ¦ io Calt!«, Bbp«I?. , : ¦v - ; "' . CjBtjBBBATKD FOB |rxa • • . . "!: • i • . . ' . ' ' ':i' > ¦ . opd- Bigt~: ,-s "'i ! " ' ! on 1 ; |Pub'id PKEB Ben)mfnfjB^»tie8« ir; : ' |. . . . • ' % StrPEEJOE " ACCOMMOBAnpif: " Basfn^carrred lbirnosVarr.i^^i"^ ^^^ -^- S«j^ta;M» *j«l* eor» " '¦ ' ¦ ifroB allwp cinttthwieniw' Ctl . ; ¦ , . 'iiCMijPABl'JtEKTS, " : (1 ¦ for that terrible tnslady ?bi* «l^««:lV>ni«B4t»t na . .I^'iLtt • ¦sssnmidlr. WrJonca b»»; f»o«k)To W*nsWu»J>. ¦ . ¦ ; ¦ • - »ad Erery: THURSDAY, TT> . ||. ., ... . n •TT^TT* (>¦>. , U^hifleetti'Coffoo Commercial JijxuBH&qiul to cshy Ja Irelftna. Bueseaand staff meet aW train* IU auooTery , " •efl »>& •noont of gtBln*^lefc'f».4i*l'l>W In uooaa HOT to gx'CTMiBi _g: vo,itiiimnffnj^ !' • • '¦ • • ! • ¦ • • ¦: ¦ '¦ ("w"*(/i« 'Uf oad ateamer p. ! . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ •8 -j¦• ;¦ / 1 ¦> - '—M* W.«Hj MMmaWlilarl**&S& . . V 1 watlMtnat, KMbnrj; to Cl»4b Sbipiiag ICoaMJU.f S3. j , John Bftreet, Waterfbrd, (a »D infallible ('«a• ¦+!. . . • - ' ' 1 '_ ¦ ' ' , i I' • - WASB IMXTM I I BDHIBJ > '; .: i - . • - ' ¦i ; - : - > ' : ¦ ¦ " ->: y ;' ' ¦ ' ¦ < !!;'" Tt» r. . ¦ ¦: ¦ . ; ; '?#/A - Jr'#i'.^i« v#'^B/ ¦ •• • : • ¦ ! •• i- '"¦ After four ytiiw m««« -wio» "» <^ I... . «*» Eror/^iTUBDAT ( i*i»toaUi*tH rnoyt : •• Dn»t,i>,xJ frxmxao,Ditttoi— . > . ¦: - ¦ ¦ ¦ • : -r . _. ' . ' •)¦ . 1 .i I. .. . . ! . ( , ' ; • ¦ "' ' ' . . ¦ ' " " ' ' - D : ¦! ¦ ¦ ; ¦: aabmm C«Mle . • . -1 ¦ ¦/ 1 -• . . iaAi ; for fcoa nt gratiftt Wcdnadxy, . . .. . !- tnnlntUe Ewnedy a* edi Ssb , 6 p.n. W4d«»lir, CtiiUir 8 p.o . . . . •T i ^' -W ?# B«*lst«««r yonr *j*a3ta*ha»jtfca firrt i_j . _iL> - WAtsafCW. cos* Slrart) •. i . . . ' ¦) ' ;: -: : ((ll to tCAtaunaid K, KU would *? : i, . ; ;• .< . — . /I, . 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CHABBEa LAWLEB, Pxvgti t «r.v . -;:¦¦ «nwrf¦ a*. osi wapjt.l»Wf«rT'P>fc5/»-i-»~«M«: Meztn. ;7: ; ¦; v U.B»«tt4 StuHiifi&Ji%, ^mpMB»P«a»t«>4 J yoig:4DpBgss^: ' yH'0< • •{ ¦: "' /8 tW»: ¦ ¦ .Swrjr;xp»OAr:-= > :.j j J , : «. • 7pst. - : r .u,,;;.;i !f . ^ - : ' • - : r^V «»ira. . ' "i" - ' ¦• > ' ' ' '¦¦ ' : ^y v : •'i-v.vj .r .\- Xj lix/^S '' - - -!• ''! i- ' 4 > . .' W«3B»OXJ) tf awA dlr^ot, -, "• :• . 9?fco : irflCUOW ^Ottf , WXd^atwrtolvluWUltf* ' ;i - " pita; ' ¦ : ;' ; - : ; .V; ;p:i ;A'j;H-JO^^PragW^JgWIGbenbt . Kotoni**, «th.-»« b ? ^ediiiiatjr, 6th'lbr i 4'».ri . ¦: ' ^" -?r,, j ^^ 'yriiijECrd^^tBB] ^ . '. ¦ ' :; ' - . ; . ¦;>'«•/. :.r.Ob:i> - .»V; :i?:-" ?f .-«a^^.iiiii;:iJr^l*l!,; V. v.-iiriiJ*'^ »t|-.-:'f/.i -: • -*r. SJ| : ::; v ! -;> 4 ; ' ^ -&. i r ; WTS i M *- - . .;;I - :I^s' »:iJvir^ri:^w^iii#-Lr^B.! w: f,:| ' fiifamUjr »nd f»fc: » p.m.' JsSxtirdv.T wJ Her /J p.». -IIS^S ^ ^ :of^^ M"bS^ C»itfattr SiWi»i' Oekjiiiatte JSUt?-. UdtaAlev &teMto Maa/U14aV;-.v^;./>^^.r ' tlOEABD CBBffiK. PtoSrlatoT. I ¦ ¦ ¦ -^ ¦ ¦. ;•¦; ,- ..•.,: » • .. ¦ '. .•: .. . 1 : 2- •:•*«». " TDp2L o.-i".:. i^i-i^-^Vi-Vr:::':- -',* " ^ : !v-- ,v !'.*.; ;;u, - -tf/; -1g"«l5.:v« - - - :v- . - ;- ¦ri^f::- : ; ¦ ! W.^VMBO^vAr, . • are still able : W" / " finished at ;:v ¦ -^!,] HtB ^'^lM^'^ EtwyCAiDSBATtftaMtiu -. . : . . ;... x .;-: - M » pc ^0 to iapp wit tadlea 0ashmia*e¦ -.S08M»lt* JJd. ;¦ • i - v Haanuxnos n> w4mio! A f»l» Pijntitn.) ' ¦: ' ¦- - ¦ 1 ;: . ; v-;j^»cff.:8 rflra ^;-t^^B^v - ., ' j ^ 1 166 Zrerr ), J6B CQBSEfS- is 9a,;; ^ : ;j.y;, / ;- -¦; ¦&»dJJir ;\?riU« tor,; 8 ^ ' |WL ! I * THUliSUAX JJitnoq " (Vu NtwtaVctf '•¦¦ 0ir|0 co¦ lj .^ ; ];;^i;;f^" vl t ;. Ij/ ! 'ecotiad by.'BwifwW'to ooea- [• ' ¦ __ Wimj&B» to NunuTU. ¦ • )- . .'• ^ ' gifoi •II &fpnwUta^ 1 BATUaOAT :_;. rpsis Old Hotel Ufasmi CM gci^S, Jrari WMifca noooB ti^ftody 'of Mdiaw lnofo ^«a?«c»»eo i Era* ¦ ^vik^ontluapfa a L. 4 p,o ¦ , .« . Inutn T» WJ TCTtou, ..; . . . JL ~t»3 all other Drtoki. . r : .' ' B^TI - K b r wo SWimSnijlaiV . . Cj« ^id >n»att6Brto. ,tti , . Emf YSOD&Y AtUcaoo > ^i:C p ;w T B!£O T;S >r J ¦ (Ouco omjl ¦ l . , MBS.EKLLT, PsennrBBS.' BCF • ¦ ¦ W»TJOU»IH it» I lorn. ; . ; • ' • ' " ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' ¦ ¦ ;| ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ; " ' : : v! ; ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ .y^^^fl^w ' SBOIBTDAB; OiTEotii?T JntTspstrrU towiif «">» _ ... . ' ; • ' ' ¦ '^¦ i -, •¦¦•! • •'• ^ " ' ; ' - " :"! : > : <' +.-' - • ' - ' i > ;Clo«o, to tha Ea^wayS uUooi , • • ^ggjga^'^a}'- ftT : • ;. ¦L . ;.!;;' . ' «i ¦ Enzr8ATU SBAT ». ica glSCB: its- redaction in price te^J Wortabops jiaad 'iJPteBaims; ; lit- BOOC^-TIM d/d» .fibJMtoll CcaiMOT i ^^^H^lPrl ^HF Ia»^JWyj«auntaVi'«»)i.*icI»B :Foor: UBM jtW ; «T' £y. SM of itiaiUd) to Uw fctcse^ new'^ " • ¦ «• V ExTttAtnnu niC: MrtimmJ. t Co.'B JHMS t)iBibtORT>^TM' V tf»<*'**t»'<» OM - foorof firotflra placaa. . ' /< ¦ ' .; ¦! . ¦^- • W^/iqpPrW.JtocyyiiroMR -^ f ;. ¦;. r T Vor lUf nf-'I^akfct. >a.>«iWrr toUmr: Yr Tg»»t» Uo*beatAdvertising niedlani* In Ireland, rt well supported.:Vy tW NotiUtr, Cl4srjcr,S«atry, J -^EimCB Co 'Hpaoatk .: fan Jf. I IUwtari.Xcodoa KM I Boott^x J* ¦tost Wom. tajClerksblp*, First irlibPUcaJit |BI^k (QIVIL ! * ^ ^ TJetchiintis »n4 wealthy Agrlcnltnr»l ClassesIn tha Countjr, tho Qoe«o'»Connty]K flB»r»Ovlotr, ¦ ¦¦>¦¦ ¦¦ -¦ ' ' v , Trial rolDlman »j{fl,4tf. • ' ,. ] ' . . ] watt, kod i ; . ; V ; i.[, )- I », Vt/Itoa ri*o», Qlw.on 1 Castom Hoosa BnlldinsL ¦ Special Terms for continuous Advertisements. Post OtBco Ordera, Cboqti^, &c, to bo ¦ ¦ ' ;; ' ; QtW)Ook|JOoc4:it««d. lAttttrioX-iTownQm y.;6ontbaiap» ¦ ¦ ' , : ; ¦ L0AB8 GEANTE0 ON , THB HOST lilVOUE- tou»-tt, Edea .qiuy. DbbHa, Pttri<*'ifOa«r. Cd «» «• OXIJO O5P U0ETGAGE8 THEEEON. i -; - BiStlpria2**j Comi». xui; *(Umlicd).W s'toi ^* , ri' " ' b* hxl from tha Attnta. •¦GARBETT¦ ¦ ¦¦ 'S " ;! ¦•• •' ¦ " • The Burinesa ulriady dooe exeoeds < ; P*ri6>« th. Btood :-. . ; ¦ : ¦ ¦ 1 ' ' • ¦ ¦ • . ¦ • - -¦ ¦ - ¦ ...... / 1 ; . ' . -i : i; ,550,000 |. . v !; -. ;, HERBINE. £1 | ! I - : i b fixed cod podrnite. " ' /.. ' '¦ ' < r ZiC^alJBzpcoscs Waterfbrd SteamsU; p ¦ '/. ;Cina7«^4tte ^te' lb*la^«-lte.kco*. \} < H i*rtfa^ to!&StM» ¦ 'Company*- , ¦ ¦ ¦' atl&ISl ^iS111S' ltailH H :r Bspcsits rrcslvpdnttbo &Utri?lDg:i3ite» cl.izxstaX, • I-0- * •;». ,,»•¦ '- 'rtJUJSBflSD j.-J ; ; '' ;•' . , . i ."i-,c ; •SSSSSSS ** ~«aJa«»dIot-«iaj »iu« lwa» 1 '¦> ¦ 2rea cf Xno£=3e Tax ' . ¦ • • ¦;>' >¦' .' •:'•$•>•¦ , ?— I . . : . '¦ ¦ ¦' Hea^Bton^i^i^^^nix uitsa^a 1 v : ' ¦^-IC'- TJ • •* ,' •'• ''¦ '• V-' -^-StEAjteBj u i '' ¦ • "•, '' : •' • ' ¦. ' r«w ^: AtCsU' ' ..,v -¦i. ^i .wSr-OaitiP^r Aaasa¦ Oftho 5^M«i^ dJ«lUa^;- ¦ -- - ¦ P ^ I-orO=SYci i • ¦U-^...tw . ' :><>:¦>- tJUNBBOOTi a«ai»AU> WMEBAG0, LAE4,' %r lW)W attd i ^ . ¦ , ' ; ;afte tM'ri^ g^ac«M .<[atfeBkv: r . «^it ' UorToo Ycaw.i :• :-ffij ; ' : ,, , ',/ ;-i. ,\ , .-• " ' ''' * ' ' : r ¦ ' l ¦ ¦ ¦ j ¦' ' , 'J 'i" , . ' ' ' ¦ ¦: ;;: , " nt-a^W^mV-^WIaf-ir^L* ¦IrX flWF' »* ' .. ' I I ->' ' , . ¦ ' : 1 l . V. I - \ ;.:.;,:, . . . \:- ;" > ;, . .;;] ^ ^t»te^ ia>j- . V«M«>BW >'^a>' Jtlana Klal ,^^^^ u^^^ a^^^>- . j ' ' ' — Tlw tfatefdei . ! ' > ^ ' "W^ ;¦'; ' TOT " • ; . ' : ' -u aid « Wormatloa bddrcia - W v i - : - ¦ ¦ ' For Prosic3in3 "£- - ^]?' ' 'f.il * . J ¦ j W*410o»» M& y; reebminended, by, ; . . i i, ?:. .. ^..< -:- . ' :- ¦ ¦ ' • ¦: i- Mfenl thV Medical TsroparedK > anlwr Into j ; :!{Qu «re alaa , ; ^ri>Fes£iib)JV EJa ^msiy^a itciilaisa i ^ ^ - ALFBEE H. MERCEB, Secretary ' ¦ M Cajftfloi nLBl.» i« > . "7 . , . '; csoii &pnj the latest ' pf i; ¦ Oaattort*lor. *rtry doorjpuon rf SM aral Marbl* n t |.i I : . . £5 VTcstoexplBSd-StKet, W^^^^^ S^nen i flg; the swrttoaolia i i anjEilyttjal reports,^ copies whiijh QJ lnUjUe(d ; ii ¦¦ ^ ¦ ¦ WoAa. AUoaU»ga»l«!tifa» ' ' ¦ ¦ • - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ :; "¦ ¦ " ; j i - . j . i: i ; ; Doblin . . i - . OtBcfi ) " • j-« •!< - . bs oh ' • ; ¦ '" ; ' -; ' ' i ". caa had ' application, . -; - r • ' ^ ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ¦ '' ¦ '' ¦ to : ¦ '¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦• ' ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦¦ i : . . i • - :¦ ¦ •• - ' ¦: • ) ¦ 'l'V . . O 0» »uJjrU*#»w«»'j|«;«i tMrfUwitouDca .. -i : ' . . . . : :}'. . . . v , ; *a j ¦ Osltlo' OroESM^Cra' ietrli¦ ^i^¦ o. ' " - - .t6» ¦ ¦ ¦ ^g«k ^^^^Mw^wfix pss '^7 »«ht EaU ¦ ' ¦ :- ' - : - . i ii-i T— ¦ . •:I >;- - ':. " ¦ ' ' . ji.l':^'jlt^atSf*l«i^^aaaB^3bSK?MaiSrr^W ^.'- < . : v^ nanufiic*ory J—JohnstpxTn ' ! , ; Watprflsi^l PIBQBM BST ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ r " ¦ BpPAisap jO' to-\ i' ¦ ¦ ; • •¦ ¦ ¦' ' ¦ ¦• '¦ ¦ • - ; ¦:¦ ¦ : ! annnpap r . : 1 < :: : Y i • ¦ . i . , i : I i . . ¦<> Q4B»ET^?8'I fiEBltNE; f nooOi. „ a.^iWp.ia Rats tor, y !)«. < 30 vj n AN ¦:•¦&»*»¦• % - 13.78 p.B W«4 i»a.y " W Um'Abt Work* cnb»t*ltotbem M^BaortortK oH*^Is «b* BWodtrBAoS: IBMH A:ti INtEHK^ «M<* » i: J».J»«K» flrtw ««r. •, »^j.4< p ta. b«»8tyla, i»d .. l r,« Wednndsr „ : J- ¦: ., -.jfe.SJ 1MB. ;.. «a> UffBn. 0*KEEK?E k SONS haro takon om ;*B l«r« S0;»ja V%rnl0^i0^- ' prg^s;. Mol^dMum^ UM ttiportasi Uaatton* Qoanlea at 8trWig'a Mill* f*T/« • - ; # »"'r>*«J'!P«Wf i .i:'^'|pai ¦ ¦ ¦ tad caaimpply nlndldl8tosa «ad! Eobbla at " • ¦ ¦- : ¦: • ; ¦ '¦; ; <* . : . I ' :. : . ; ; !¦:¦ , i-:- j' ;! • - •;.- , ,, |2 ^rJBSr&^V^^^Sfc Brijtol.A .; . . . ; . i j * - ?Jtw» tJtk«t«tamt«l»v£rlrtolt »Xortper Bristol"is S.H. ^^*«Pi ' «tjWat«Jiora' to Brewer, and I other .loading ambers, at RARE B\R(J Al X3J(or Cash, or on tb* p«t ' ¦ : ; «- H. r Timo But o( : ¦ ¦ ; ¦ ; - - ; i !i-r Co. froa .lo or .' PAjmont Syetem. ' . / .' , . ;/' ' , ' ' ' ¦ ' ' Iralavil r . =^ : **l%^*»; Bristol tiork toDabUa • j -f\ . , \ \- : m too Desi incaan ana 1J05 B jynmailli for t«lj 1 ' " American Orgarj^' and Harmoniums at'pricea aorer Iwforf}¦ofibrei ^?/» Bj«ntn», to the publin rdeiis; this enables via hX\t : ESTABLE 40T0 GOPYINa BOOK ' : ; Old,Ins|tnimeDts taken in exchango as ; ¦;¦ ' :¦ ; : : ¦ ¦ ' j part payment.\x-X- ' . ;. J • : ' Boatot toil^^ SSMSSL fl"^^. . 1 *"•• i-i i B i' ^ ". - TSr iL-«¦»«.» offer exceptionalvalue , fcotjb ^ ^ ^ SST ^ ; ; . Violins, Flutes, Melodioas, Ooncerttnala, Aatd-Har^ QaJtattJ 1, ; Banjos, in BIRKBEC .Wedan««r, „ '» pjai WMa ¦ ; ¦ ' " ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ gr^at appearance. ;: . J^ 'itf ¦.1. 8-.U nooa variety. . ; '¦ - . . . I ¦: : : ,• ;¦ ¦: : . , •¦ ¦; upr and, •.F%?»•¦ ¦ « . ^-«p.m. , Vt iiti, ¦ „ '¦ 8^U »ooo . .; ; . , : | : . . ; : VVALUABL ¦S ' x »-«n i «

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mmmn, co-opted membeifin-pimii««f i theTcTri^-on-auir j. ' i : : tor the Prevention oi. Cmetyy to ChUdrj^was; hear)-.'- These-flg vrea:dbpn c<( j represent odin- aJwikfbi ; ; .; i Th& , toonlv. 1 belfeVd;• & tenttj' pittiof. the work; j \D??irsike8j(!s' iid he came tup jipeclally(o m i dTinI the SMiWry.'Barra^s.. «&•?&: as hel -the ¦¦¦ the meeting.aiftiutthis tnatter. He believed : i ; -; ¦ . ' MONDAY. '. . .'- ..:: •• ^- of | , Society in such a pl^i. ^his/ 6>- ¦ -' ' ' '• ~ '!;¦ • ¦ "¦:¦ in; . ;. , ; -;. :-\ c«us«we cannM-telL We fiayo-rio means'6i {:; :¦: :.• BTATE-pF TSUjEf t ,1$0tJBE., • thif IW^for*wOT'the-wry.:town Itdarfd ; ¦. father; was, large ; ' Where there WwMot & dispensers ¦ He thought • ' ¦: of a h«Uy intete«taRf^^ichM«jgJStertv!lLSSlWon0 judging how many people.are,prevented from Remaining on > last att^Wnv flfi; admitted -the . ) MO being cruel .by ' theffear that ^f they 3ndt»lgeA ¦ It would be *llffiest'-saving to-the- unionthat as At thi usual fortnightly m««tint mem« trerowoins last samme r . •thoaa oresent' were—H» ILordebiP i thot ? -during t^e -wfeek, 132F bom,V0;l diBcharged and he understood if bers in attendanhe werft—Uessis JohnW |Uh, ' : , BlBhopTot.Wgferfo^aud their -propenBities, this officer: Pi the Socitfty, during tho week, 129J died; 3 ;l remaining on iegardi medicrne^ b^rMwiw-lWw Sv Dr^lheeMn will deal with them land iUia, .again, onu; toey appointed >a caretaker; at »i moderate pres ding, and • eubsequemtly James Hayes; «jbo««iw f aMtir eP ¦ Lismore; the!Very Rev, . John i^wer.lP.Pj, ; thi* day,!768;! as again»t-784 at ,c<3rreBpond- J.PJ Thomas Veale: P. Vosifc, Michael Barry, ¦ ¦ ¦ ' bra ich; ;Mr. those who are in' jiie habjV of inlki^i;\ ti\h itig periodlasttyear.; Co»t ofjnicissariesand salary, and ^appointed a tompounder, that the irman-TAaaeeidtotVflpM V*.. President ot the *¦ $*"" » ' 1 ibcafi Government Board woiild pay half his E. Keohajo, Michael PoWen Jriu^ Griffia, P, years ago jttjfronjsa WM Sodden, Irish -Otga^gnfcciataty !L?^5 - *? »'^^»' Bafai*,- xaMit,y;ja Society • P. - Burke, JR. La idy; Vi V! £117 6s: |0d. x Last year. .: Generil'average coat - : ' J^UOUJtaadjuiS qnity MulcaW, Mw-liT. A.; of good there is done in this manner/«f which 2s. Old.; jdo.,innrmary,!3a. lOd. j fever hospi- iddibonal expense. He; thought it was well ; ! , i;; THE j BEjffBBAGE| jSCHEMB. : : tend the bye-laws. : Bain^WedM ^, ¦: ffTMcilrath, TJ.D.C; P. rorthy the consideration of the board. ; . Ronncil toon kfter • at «h\7»w,.IML D««»rT«»—OifflB«iw «.Ttan»- Stevenson; Dr. Btephensoi. Mra. O^dpneU,: others never know, j never can Know anything; tal, Us. IINuaiber on puWpor, reUisf, 88?v:.a» ! The! Clerk suggests tlwt a* the Local:Go^ p'Gormaa, - . and when we come to consider !apartualtoge- againBt 739 last year. Cost-duriritf the -week joari E isner inougnv 11 » u»jiim»« »» *y- ^y/ ^/WJW^SSrBS^fS^t* Miss Murphy, Miss HackeU Mr*. 'and|.dispense medi- vernjnent Board < suggented that the sites for Jtzm, X9«L, Uad sod Xqaitr Basinw ^ower; Main^MeeU Mrp. Moran, ; ther from the religious view, of -(he casei'and ; !fliTl , 128. {jd., :|agalnrt £M & 7d. |last year. >pinted ho . sb,(juld attend ¦ the two sewerage outfalls should be : acquired , SOardsy, *he Misses _ -TPir«a'"bif-'B»v ^ach.in.JiiB.; own «ay,. will and; cine at the' unfoh too- . • ; . Stimulants- consumed during the week, wine ' by agreement, a* if th» Council went for the day . Ipta Jena muatiiie«,Very'disalisfled vipw of the'work-j ,33.g lasse agiinst 21 laSl.year - Whiskey ISO, [ Chairman—pi Mackesy, can you give us , , .TIM1 ;upiw»n Bo*to«<*i«Uy, Ilth ¦ ¦ 1 s savingtoight be? , ( Provisional Order the warka¦ would¦ be con- -. 1 -' ^isig ol AheBocretyiirom this andpoint, •'tat -against ba; Deer, 33 prats, '.airajnst' ' anjdea.asto whatihe |. - sidafaily delayed. ¦ ' " !¦ ': ';' •' . . , : ; ?&V*K 'Z ^i&PB *to» *W*«idiwd.y* . . •:iBC»: Quirfcj y«ry.- Re*.:JPoSSJt?#-5^£ iSiH': st y;- a. of fiockeBy. ,'said he cirnld oply pv» a stete- :,:: -^6-e *tt» ^o; :?^^^« dep«rt>'irom':thai: view- of the . c»»fi and . ,re»:- ; ..The Clerk S8id'th?re. : >iras a^ advance £0 .p Dr . CfloirmsD—We will. R)akej note ot that. 1 : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦: ' .Mi»;i?»wer, ¦ -9 SS2& ¦ inentiOiat hed; that it, would «ar« *30 a' . WjdiMliUyafc. h Jm^lMl. ' - . . ¦>. ::¦ - ' ¦;KW?WiW»«* g»dinj; ;ii»\.-«tijaty.to childrea merely as- I OUt-ooor.relief mnts, and he thought the ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ' ' '¦ ' ' ' JBr. anS FittoWiv; «-; i . »¦' :¦¦ " • : ' - ' - '? * : ' ¦ ' • • ' : ' • ¦/ '¦; yaarj ' •• ;:!? ' . . . • !. = . . , > ! T( AC?ITING OP ACCOUNTp. • .}. ; • .¥lcamiU*;:a»lo»»-Unnor »-aTttBt tfacw \ -M~ v -Wakhe and:Miia - <5he6ferJ':?M>WngB:i ¦v- 1 . \y ^: %\8Of>IAL ;EfIL; /';': . - .; •stiAnlanti IoleJ,.--v • ';-. >:; pa , ¦ ¦ ¦i' r:Mr ~CaJmin^Yp«r-wtitrld y tto>;»eU>ry.r-<- :"i.TtbequS lor lilO' iOs. mai ordered to T?e rriOt.r-tqa,Sqteftberi iWlj ^rbwa;Bostows, JH-: }a& io^o' :-yh4ch, ' pSroJve^; pain^runtold pain! ;. I Alderman W«rd aBked-Wwi rms>:-peopl:¦ e:. ¦ toe medicine :came to :'*¦: • -¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ : ~ iJDxJ Gutlfcr -Mid ifcat , forwarded to the. Local Government -Board mqnya iimfe/npoijTlheuooIferid^ng^hiia, one; were 'in the- ff ergt: 'conAigcni8nt«.~ todthat. '- ' ' ' «*a. «(ft '. ' :«hicVitaUa5is growth,, one whie&.^liuta «u^: Gletk^Xher^-Jffre-jtw»-»*>pto-iiaA&e34Sfer. 'in Tor .-toditinrthe.'accoanto.j! • .: . ,, ',..' «Mor4*y^ Seeto^ber.v IiOlj DoaganM— ' ^ - Y-i iftttMnM^thexe' Va* Jtf^ater -.waste.'tejitwo: ¦ all &e xx&U¦ f tvtim: Jitaiite.j/ sin» iiffiiar: de*i rioJwS^i: ^v *:& ~&£;^$*Z^vii: ¦• '¦ ¦ ^rives' . it; of .hopei'flad 'wieil ;wa^jcome.-10, '.': ^. ^ie^nfe^^«re.wp«af«;i>'ba, a\gtfa»t XMtttfttSti^itiuif; - Bo^Cxtt^^^attinlSlfl g 1, lindaad ' ; ; ^UIQ ^sotopouiiQ^^vraUld, "¦WlwI '-thO'dnjis tBiid - ¦ wnalder il»»'tafr;BtibHc'*va-t^^omes.lrom1 Un«J[e^^inito.*w4bet'a.«hw^^;*|«tW3P ;wouia,-8he«Vth&t WtV.C.: Miss Kenny, Thf Qnay; Bay. M., homes where;criieity.exists 'we- slialllDe ;a^'C1«driiiait JMkR)ari'WM' eTWieto!titrM;:''^ ;i ,, ' W&mftffrA 3»tbavJfa cUy, , .lthen . f ^jJ ^tM*%r: ^ was would C6si about 128 each; tn&-the question | Mli'PrnWB BariaeM, SmXaxiAj, »*l^Birt« , 'C.: - •*: -:*; a fj^<>l4Siw^lM . q^ty , BTOKM, M«d»y, «Otb ^ortiy, ' ¦ ¦' "^ ¦ 'present time to get th» burners, or¦ wait until 'It Dr. iR6rary;cBretakerH&-rget.j' J./ . L " ! "" i - - - ' ¦¦ ¦ < BegUoAa, 1MI ; Vi/ Umiai C%*»0rowa' Budttesa,* this'is -calculated-to confer-rKapplause). . i» Jackmajn-;-! am quite : certain, gentle-i Dr;^ iaid that - Kidney had -been, next j»ear. . . ; r \ ., - i.j, y-~ . < y •; ¦ i-Ti 'MrViSoibert SpiaU;:Ip£pe«ai:-ot: a child wh& is reared men, that! there i» n Cutler Mr. ; - "Q * &**>«.•"01,!; M OxxUMxf : (a) J 'Eaffia . ] v?ry hard itp expect that ; not a glass of whitkey giver, getting ai. lioiind per • waek; titfd. he thought • -Mr. T. yeale~5upp0se we had themfat tb> JS??^' ¦"the Society-; H«ad'Oon«ab|o:-Miirnime,!Uffil ni «Til iturroirndinge ^-^i child fwho-hfiB'knowiat except there is aaeceisity for it. •' i , -i , ¦ , . ' "!•' • , - ¦' "' ' '¦'¦ ¦¦ S Ctnkk-ctt-Mr.O«gr U»Oie}—eirilBasiiun , TbnrV * I ' - ithey 'shbuld give nis 4he eime.' : ' / ,*'; : " . •thriaari chapels ? -= • .]¦ : • A d 2 Tittle briiothing in its youngidaysot a. lather's, ' ¦ . Mr. Lennon—If vou . order them, now: they V«i «*.aeI>*-iUl i l!'^-H--- '-v- ;- - of mbtbit's. -loving care ; i a tcjuld wiaoae me? - wil^ . be damaged when you take them down: C U Bflli aa¦ th>•Vetj.-ReT-LJolW:' •wHh the. thump, Clerk-^There- - . - . 1 ; medicine^ compounaer, ana . as vi. ivuuei ITC wUl wood**how U«s>*MiateltoM. Bra*rv ' . } ?¦ " ' - . *v Dfvxnonk ¦ iOn-ihe'propjMUfcs -of morie?.aremisled,;assau lted ia a ojaim iitn' :from Dr. ; . i- certain aimocnt of Capt. Curran',' Harbour Master, ."sunested. ¦0* wjr. »-MM« root ' ¦'¦Etfsra;: PJfcVi»9^*!d-:.fa}^r-^-^-!ftm*'i' •and ' ¦the' blow that 'came l -from.thoae' who Macnanraia for. the sum of ^guineas for -dis- iwould . be relftyed of >*»«j^gy JS&SZP-i . Llto»rc—Th«Baroi sy: of CoduBArvuid Ocrf Jitod* s 'willing,io contribttte to that for . the leading lights¦ fefloctor* should '. " two the of duty;iwiattld hei be - : ¦ ¦- - ' ¦ - ' ' - ' " r.' be hadr . . -. . :- ;: ¦: • ::• S. ^°r Wter : : \ |! , . . A ¦ Bpplaaw.; ,•> ;<; >..v>;., White of the man's «alfoP(la«g )- i, . , * ' * "*" ?%?* tlie ^iahopABmidsi ;vf . ita eramplerHhear, .hear); , Itlis very hard to No;l2DiBpeB»*cy District, and Dr. relieve me of much Mr. Lennon suggested a magnifying ; glass WttS *££ ^> ^" : i Dr. CutleiMIt would not ¦ exjftct Ui&tinei6 children in later ye^rs wi}l Jafkman wal away-.at therisamd time, and - ¦ 1 " ' : '' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' .in front of Ibe leading light*, -¦ :. ¦• -, and¦? ' ilep.. 1 • ;: ' : ¦¦ work, 'Mr: : Quinlan. ; , , . - Dt iot become \ - ' ,- V T " '. > !- . '- ' " } the claim paid on his account was only for discussion, it was unani- > Mr. Griffin said thst he was at the Abbey- Drnft «T« M much. 1 ¦ branch the' conespoopenw "jwas Tf W; by ' : five days,: and the chairman has been en- ! After some farther ' 2 ^H " tfie; y, 1 , THE 8C6i7#GSv .P*j ISOCIBTY :i . ' deciorfd, ron; the; proposition -of Mr aide Chapel lost Sunday, week at 7 o clock, quirini ;\f?hy ;Dr. MacaamaraV-account was mously, and not a lamp was lighted. . ! • . th. j —will not go to swell the humbet 'of . corner - ' ¦ • ¦ " ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' Maher, - tason'ded: by Aid. W- B. Ward, that . ; i LBttert'^apoh ^y.-'-fe'Mn.'kWHlJr ">ti>. attend made for: 16 -days. '... ' . : .- ' . 1 Mr. Lennon—The lamps were broken. : luvMiUivUaxtm. Tbm»u*»dMUMtr 'ltua,' , tta «(^e*m^ wttam P«ii ol Afitoa ' - 'frpm : boyiB;ithat even our small towns ire not un; : the question;of the appointment of a corn- .1-the meetiiif • trerft ireCeiTCd . Mr.||:J. r-B. With-^hear.i hear). The» -is Chairman—jBota doctors should bp paid for House: Committee, Mr. O'Connor (Intpoc\ort said, that'was so. ! Grubb, Ghaorman-ottiie TJxban Diatnctl-Conn-. acauainted the Baiqe tim&. " ' ' : ! :j - ' pounder be rtlerrid to the Old another view of thb work of the Society, that , i The- Chairman aaid he did not inoW what Mr. Griffin—It is v«ry disagreeable ijyot to *"££!*«**?•"* Art P«t of the Buony of Ded» ¦; ' - - ¦• : ¦ direeV advantages of the Dr. Macnamtrawas doing temporary duty for it 'seemfcd to be a; clear thins j~—.» WWH of *™! ! ^ ¦ -THE-A3«roAli;-$eP0fiT : ; ! ;. . : ;- bat there are indirect advantages <:ojmin? from ¦ young matt- was 'appointed as caretaker, difficulty in getting a man to repair the ^« oaummg th*lowauaa a ua- Drl White' who was . aisent at ibe same time hsn« J «0Ex^utiT«..Coni- it which, T think, deserve to; De remembered . ' ¦ though Mrs; Kidney'Jiad,- |with : M^. Kidney, lainpa , so he- would advise the board not to OocB»yo! ',' ¦ Tbi Cosrt win iit «atiM TSnl in taciv Divkica ;" At to «16B9 ol .anothfii)7eax we ;li&y be^orb however, it may be elsewhere, I believe we Dr. Macnamara 4 guineas for one week. : given every.satiBfaeMhi... , ''»• *-;-.''¦!„ .. . . . < d*y ¦ our many ~klnd atippprtora'A ' brief accooiht.or ]eie 'all agreed that drunkenness ahd - cruelty ' Mr; Maber W be-iadnwell to - Ijhe lamps wdrevOrddred jto':be,'rpp"aif«d.¦ , , .' , • «*J Dcra AOL, inift f a.tbia City of WBtafcWt wbjSrW ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' : ' th^sfl^gMp ! ¦ ' ' ' " ' ' the hoar wfll , '"" illd DOCiew p '¦ wont in UUB ¦ujobuyi'. ; . pretty, much liand in hand—(h> iar, hear), ' . . } THE OHAiRl|IAN. ' , " movo that tha-|HMM»rp8nacdwith. He :- '|. .¦; ' ' .[ ¦ . '(THE ROADS. • • ; • -! :!; • r i ¦ b»T«o o'Oloek. - - ; ' ask, there,anr need fodont.think it is this fohner di nger thaj; : appointed care- ^ oort dBeado«4 Hwiay ¦Ti *Xxat *'IJHctVuStiad *l Cut* >i!iib»e*Hta ! 8om« will probably 7'Ja¦ i Alderman feard—We aro all .. very glad to ¦ moved that MjM^H^bo Tir. Cullinanq, in roply fp Mr. Barry, said ' ' ¦ : ' * I for the Society to continue its ; work? but makes -us say thai Irishman are l iy. nature taker.'' . i * ¦= " : '¦ '¦ ' - - ' ot aU . Umimm . 'o ia alplmbAtnJ. otddr.-^ ta* Fbistifl*' aatsw t».ta« 1 see our j chairman here Bgain, and reoovorcd ¦ Fv^^BwF^- < » • isi * ' \ that 'there were Icon:Horses now ¦vrorkinR on i #tiBg:Otti)» \-vfo- feel that as 481 (four hundred and-exdity-. cruel—that Irish parents' are j by aalure «uel ' : ' " ¦ " ¦ Mi. Quinlahi-BBn^ej woman wnq ;dping ¦ bo iAsn, ftonl . a Cottrt, who all partus mat bi Ig.rttdl- ther , from hii accident: ... ' ' . 1 J r • th(j roods, arid, he saw;the. work of the town I one) children in tbis.distnjet-have neeaed to their children j They ar»i not. ffhe Irish Mr. McCarthy—Thank, you, the -diBperi8in5'«K atlKilmcaden. /-;'• jju ho feince 1697, it, is a , |as long !i» - .they . Mr. Ward, I i secon- often done with two-. -Thectaff they had Would C^ lrtdmy laWitafort VttaOei •Assistance of the Society •father and the Irish mother ¦ im quite, rewvered'ac-w. ' ! i It was then-pllBtoBedi by Mr. Maher, do I the city of Cork. . ¦ ; Cmbs- !>sufflcient proof that.we-Bnould«contin.ue^)ur allow their Irish nature toj rule . them " ded by : the chaiiSian, land passedt that ,Mrs. JOD&.thtUf rrSwmtehmid. On th«2ais caie^akerr at , a'salary UMlnmstB«s!nm ttelirt wiU be rained at fu ss ¦ '¦¦; ' ' :" 'I' unvnu -Dvi. i ±suim^i true that a young Jad named Hunt] escaped let! these roads by contract. i " ¦ • - ¦ ¦ ¦ - T lhemselvea.^.- - ;'- :;¦:¦ ¦ I . ;: - .JL"' -. -tem. ' . tte»panoita- • - . - - • • . > - - ^ . — boy s mother, .wba was in the rden it'we wanted them, but we can't afford th» ana i-smalteron -account of ;the!cs^bl^8Knje at .oLa ' children, in my opinion, ; and, I house, would leave it if ahe know i It was decidedftoi . dispense with the.tem- vttUi boldjag must bo Saertod, «ad ia cm it cruelty to ¦ where her¦--¦ it. I Mr. Mulcohy's contract for doin^ the January,. _ :., . of-J ¦ ¦ ¦ -:•-.-. ; ¦ I doM KAabui i Branch in Tortlaw last .; 'l json -jras. :, ,»: • .;¦ ¦: , ..;. . ¦: . ' ¦: . porary caretaker, -aiod|,remunerate - him. for - . - , ¦ • - •. • haJlta* cn ,tUtaU mmic, m eotifi- ' believe 'it is the experiehc^ eve^yonei:wh<> . roads~was £176. - , ' este frni •! . During -.tho yeaf ending "Siet Oec ember¦¦. such time as|he -had-de duty. ' jtk* Oak of Uw ¦ ¦ ' • • ¦ ' - ¦ • ,the work- ¦¦ ¦ Union¦¦ • ihaold U prodaced - ¦:: - :¦:¦ -¦ ¦ » • - • i : . :.. knows our people, |and parttcularly Mr. Jloherj,thought it was very Trrong for . ifr ^ -• • • i - i 1900 i :. - > f . Veala—But thft scraping was. not in- «« ¦*• hmiixtf. , . , ' ' ' ¦ ' ^ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . ; ! ¦ 1 ¦ ¦•¦ ing of :the Society,-amongs^ jthem, ;they -will Mr. Cashin 4o-make such a publio announce- • ,/¦ : r^^' ,- >K R}-\ cluded in:that. , . - » . ;; ; - , ' , , - . chtcm' ^' U-- ' , .,43 - dealt .with • . '' ' * ' "» ' Cases. ;were . . ¦ ¦' >v ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦confirm 'goa, long.w «jr Jin stop; ¦ • ; '• ¦ °* ¦ ¦ . ¦ sj«ta>»*b««» ¦ - "¦ ' ' " what I'say-r-we ment. ;If en<)h a thine did occur, ¦ : : - • - » win 1 ;'; Mr. Cashin : . ' . I .;;..;., . - ; ¦<.: : ¦ ¦ : . > . |The Clerk said that tho road' account ILiM:!5f^aWi^ &L*J*1?* iL^ni 1 m ¦.«__ V* . ~ .* _ * * .flflectin a; -: : .: iing-intemperaocer-Oiear^lear). Md<.agaiB(, should «peajt to the Master, ond . it was for . ' . 103 Children, .and.involving : - . '. ; : . .V; "j. The Clerk read;the following:— brought them in only £280, and {hey'had *pawi aartfilia ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦; ' ~ y" y ' ' ¦ ' ¦if we'afop truelt- to cliildreri), and '^rith ft. -aji thft Master. to) majte a private enquiry into it, ; , ' iaT ii gnknSrf 00 th.conditi oTtfat :!¦ ¦ri'.Ali'OQenteT?.;- '-¦ ': ~: ; ¦ ", . ' :;¦" . ¦ > l ;. : "¦ - ¦ "Mulliliavat, Co. Kilkenny. ' ' reduced A 4ebV ot £700 under, that-account. ' ¦ ' ' : " i¦'¦ '¦ ¦ ¦ v ¦ ' "' '"¦? |>r <»s it' may 'ie,^4topinte4iperihc6i tlien-we andi Bot to njakait public • . - : . ,, •• •• ' " ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' '¦ The¦ bSencea-were— , ^; •;. ;• '¦ \ N ^ •¦ • idr our ' •• "Jan. 29. 1901. : ¦ .'. -f>Ir;_/Veale—Thesemen .are not coitiatjaHjr ¦¦] ¦! ¦ • ' 31 ¦ ' ¦ «p. a .ling Way A^aioa Becuring child- Mr. Casbin-rl think it ia my, duly ,to Bpeak > Vj&*toio^SliS.^«fctbe ' ' ' . •Heelect". .v.v ;;.'.-:.!.-.i.' u;;v- .-V-..-i^ . I' ;' H Bbi>4t..;M« ,- < If.jypn poiatonWtia>aoi.tayduty ' V¦ 2U4reatnierit and.AaB<«il^ -i.t- . S?../. ; ¦ 7 1 ,'¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦' ¦ ¦ ' closed ticket b» cancened._ Thfl 'f(icta;bt.tha v' C^ma^WouJd' yoo - niifli to enip itf vi¦¦ tiht ' : "wn.ttld;'fee. " hard"-to , : tell pfi 1» ^sbund/ correct r.amiSsAisfiea.,-.;. ;,;<.}., . v . ^ • - . - .' .: ¦/. '• • " ; ¦ ¦ 1 ?*}**0 *<^j¥^;«fe'a>' Mfe B1BC>: the '©wnelv-pf ¦ ' -r-They¦ "- would.keep.the' ciiy of : j. :Cauaing. { ' ¦ ¦' ' ¦ ¦ ' " ' -' ' 'TTaiCHrffil^tttQ iwi^i \ir.in ; ia--3^^^^vr ^^ch- ¦WH ' 1'' ¦:. .(: •; i lri Cottk.: ,- ¦ • - - •, - - - .- '¦ '¦ Bull \i^ mejACWLBBEH- O I ABS TBEATED . B0ARb>Bn^;6TO' C«rti)REN:V sjonte ¦Srid-if uttm^ ' Th«CmaT» Ap ' . 'J . . fil?- *"* land/ ?d- ^ *. ^. : ^£ : '¦ : : "Sm .I(6cai,:aov*r»ia^til-BSat<itdjaid rawV ^lied-.fe nie.tt'rt^h- offi>' niece to bei attended /¦;C^lr, &an-^Iet, an\ncconntfb«¦ ,giTei AyMr. tfo^^^^l^a^a?#£raS ? i;5 : '"'• "iiS theri;-1 'repe4 ^r;! most: 'the; : 'Cttlllna^e iyeryf wee*. :. ' :¦;¦ ',- ''. ' - ¦' ". * '- '.-.- • ¦»*a-gliWWs illrtili, mil -W loaWl< ratrUwCtofc ¦^' = .V-' ' ?$< l! '0& '"^i&^ ^ tHe^ p^ •j(ng frtteftti,nB;i3Bt,^AtUcle iW Jby. ^icHeti laDtlv »he'iipt.1iavin8«nevI directed ; . . . l ^Fotfr ^dren r^'wimnitfe^vto; Induis-'. ihiMren.of-drnniard s;and Who te :eive the :4helr- • GeneralrJBogalattoni: of, the nWfest guardiafl,; who TTve> about ' VJfr.' B*rry-i.Th6"dc*K6y'and Pat Dtlrina d|d $*3& &f W'tt*^*****-<* « e*™« by J^ ! ^^ "' - Mi the 27th hereto ¦ ¦ U* tfco Vv&t&nA, •&aot % before TW«IT» Vdookj -trial Schools. ; ;.' ;.j '!;jIs: "j-. .- .i .^..< ' *' •- • ' , :«; = ainalleatshare -of aay education -worthy of the April, 1699, made in pursuance of -the Pauper a quarter or a little o?er a'fnilo awav • to get asjtoiuch-work aa the cighti men. , ' " ¦' ' ttiat HedBAw Ycodon. »?» prpBecuted . i ent to najne,, th»;othCTvfiind, starid in the - Mr. ThomaB .VeKle—The roods were; ^ DBngirra«iard brfv*|qarat o'dock ; asd W»t*fari(fcr ^Fpur .pare^t8 ^a ^ «n4 .PU , Childten Xlfalaud):Act ,: 1898; . bt which the a ticket. She thereupon went back to .Ber very lU MitieoltfS port-freefr TC^ «nd Blenm ¦ .: -pruon- * ioir' ' totaliperiod ,oi -aih© mo itia. largest -needVjOf-it^-brought jup ;witi lout any -Board df Guardians uncles place; dnfo>ined whatjI(6aW. bad this,winter., ,-:|;) .-. - . : J. .. -• , . . . . ' j %tU«l btf ot * o'elodt ia ¦ ¦ ¦ abpoint a ' and> ^him. d»y flwt ' '• 'i;A»-. in - preryio«s yeara,. %"Neglect , i is.-wie pleasure or joy in lifeT-brpflght up- with every Cbmmittee ol: Ladies who ' are Guardians, to About'ten '.jainutes later she' rotumed-^rid •:, pha,innat>—We>jbro ;pajring more for our gggg?<* e [pursuefsudh nn ! auch Ichildren. They remarked that if tha facts of the coco,- issued, a -ticket, to . him. not Utar tbw one forbnsht afta- i jiut whom complai nt vds- in'duli?Ani ajid ftvil coniae- 'anil - .JIJI . lfini? «« The Local GovemmnntBoard "wrote approv- BARBINGTONS tto ckmM tb* tariens »t whichtbey ihall bam when-thft party Sol ' ; will not b* aigiMd nntOtt* : ' ' ; -the obligation, to appoint a s continued' his visits to see that the promises but it is a good thing, and > blesMd thing, Ladies'- Committee they should at once take wages whenever'ho chooses to work, he being m>V finally approve oi the project until they following Bmkm. Emy Dwtt sad Dkm*M •fcookl ! were fulfilled and that-the children r 'Wived . When words have lpat their torce—-w^enhearto necessary ' steps to do «o., . . [; ' ' i ' ¦¦¦' ¦ the ! only foriietf for mileB . around.—I ihave hod got the working planB. They also su?- ootttabfi anwpli f rim ti» Bdok, wtUh-wffl U found00 ' ¦;¦ ' " ' ' are:hardened 'in 'drunkenness,, Rekted that the eite» UM ftot of •¦ proper- treatment. - . , i ! l ¦ , , ¦ and turned to The Clerk eaid he would furnish itfe Local the I honour fo be, gentlemdh/your obedient fdr the outfall should ta« CJ»fl Bin. Thei tusp •hotildba i^Md ' We acknowledge, with' gratitude; th( ! valu- stone, as it' were, it is a godd thing that the're ; ' ¦ be! had by agreement, and not .by Provisional j Government |Board with ,the required infor- iserv. ant, l ' ' '[. , ' I- < ' . . . ¦ : able help we have received f rom, oui : many, should be some- eqciety in the .land [that will mations : : : .. ? : • ¦! . •, - ¦¦ -'!iAJ B. Stephebson." uraer. 1 ; Hnd friends and; gubaeribere, -oa well £ a lrom, Etfip forward . aDd'say to thi i man orwoman— The ticketJabove referred to; was issued by The Clerk suggested that some members of .«r Tb« Crewn«dP«»o.OfflowBotUiii*matodin ' Jrish Constobulartr.;- •''•You axe not doing your d ity to your child'; thb board wait on Mr. Stokes and get his tli>« Coaaiy all f#e» I .that Prtau andiffie 3ovali ' THE ACTION AGAIN$?. THE GtfARDIANS. Mr.: Patrick Boskin, D.C., requesting tb.ei doc- . atapayaUa la «uh¦ tad Staasped f~ lt:would be'imriossible for us-to,record- tte, you are not' disposed to do it: you iannofbe - ' ; " " consent for the outfall at his place. ' BmBMttoa oPDotbtwaJredr.,.. • . ¦• , -, ! JlessrsC: StrtLnee tmd Str'ange, golicitors, tor ia attend {Patrick Morrissiy. ., , .iHti>fl Soiae^r'elworfc tbia, .persuaded to do it j we-harfc -done all' thai we Mr. Barry, Mr. ; Wnlah and the Chajrmnn P»rtScal»r attaagw is dinettd to 0ufi<uV we claim that the resulta.of the coold do. to indues you, bat yoyi-hatisturned - by Mr. were appointed .to wait on Mr. Stokes and OaSoxtAMio * mp^mbUU Dhrkitth. Potcaia I need upon ;.us- Dear. Bir,—Please lot ns hav« a cheque for PiBhaaf And parsed, thftt the ticket be Mr. Hadson ' past jour, -year*;abundantly,.prove tai your bijei' .and ddspiBed o^r /Bflorta. coat*, herein; whldh ' cancelled, a»< ivWjminended¦: bj.-Vr.' , 8iephen- on the subject of tha two out- Cuk..Cojotj.Omi.Staajw, &nprasMd 'or*BmbK ; - ;- : have been '/taxed to'£32 '¦ " 1"' ' - '¦ falls. . ":: r : of. (^.•otell.as the.ojmB of, the Society; . KowV-we nave andther forcei in-reserve, and ¦ !SOn; . - , .li;. I ¦ . , , < . . !• ' \' ¦ 13s; 8d: ! • • ". . • • . •' " -\ ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ' ¦ ' ' ' ' will' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : of: child being » public that we lpy, and trill take \' ¦ ¦ The {welfare, every, ^are.that ¦ Affld.Tit.ot, «mp ¦ - i ' '¦ , . ¦ ktDd*,(acSptD tbialt , > 'Mr. -. '.Kirwaa—Is . - . COUNTY AND URBAN CHARGES. *n ^ all ta* ten .ember the hind of the law, which is strong iuhd far- this in the¦ ¦ Clements¦ case* - ¦ J ^ dutyrwe earnestly! appeal to , ¦¦ .:. ' Mt aboy»/Casad «a lUocwal*! ,i. , ' Clerk—Yes; •• ;. • . - . yiSrjIIKG ¦GUARDIAN'S¦ BEPOBT. Oae SUIfav : -work W every town and village/'¦: ; iniquity and wrong." For this reasdn I think Dublin. "» Alderinnn Ward—Ought we not minute inspection of the vari6us departments, CmH&oiitill Taxation of Corf. !»• 1 it should be a matter of ! : 'I. . . ! to refer that , .THE BISHOP'S. ADDEESa. . to our solicitorB. ' ¦ ,'" ' which..on the whole, I considered wca in a pu uv , ' During ,t their views before them on the subject of « ' boys ' were receiving1 aecular mstructi^n and ]* . . ^ ^Mfi ianm ' - i Gentlemen,—I' have been caked; to propose s solicitors. . Th» ot , the first- resolution, which je to; thai effect to find a society for the Prevention of Cruelty Dr CuUer reported that MrKldney, .caretaker 'also physical drill,, in both , of which , they THE GAELIC LEAGUE. , °'Ud aad-n^Jwdtai th* tow*T>»j. . : in this ! respect, I to know that in all the larger towns over and in|consefluenco of the mrder gest; thatj wobden rollers be placed on the f^^J»W««f tta Ctt ot-Wtforfcrt HsS' been- assigned to . me of, the guar- - thb streets hi Gaelic. Tho cost of each plate w!5Ol? bgvf^aOM r i ahould like to be ' permitted, to expresa' my which it is my • lot¦ to exercise- spiritual juris* dians, he -Employed ' a c«aia, onth«K ttyttowa latitude for the honour which the Committee diction—in all of them,, without -exception, ttarov in me place. «no * was giviptr every inBtead of having the latter jlen about on the BREAD : I -. Tbet Chairman said, that they made some Jmcn an nfoUd«oWnnctoalk afttrriiwu ; of i—? wlw : - I > t- ' They put .some'-of , the> names of too bett ^ - lieve/. heie are} eood. enough xo;fcd naioef. our caseVthe .brahch'as .wdrklng well ;- .(Jo5iwripio& )fw:'-h«'icjun8.i b/sfoto'.'Ute/aieetitttjf'«ii! last day, to stand-npoti after leaving;tho- bath;/'; One ¦ ¦ ; ¦ l Irlahineti on 'the bark lanes, and some .of, ¦a«a *a, /:J ¦ • ¦ • ' .: . - - - - - ..¦W4te«6fd braiicb. in:a:«i;i?. .i-* ¦ ¦ . ¦ " a# thb living Irishmen!that they did not''know Awucinowfc8rai«t ; ' ¦ • ' • ;!*• '¦< better work, of which'flgureslcari never speaK : taken , to fill •bis^'jyoaition. temporarily, - until it should do; but this I- arranged w th the ' Li^aOifRtom : -. ., ¦;. . sitEBijAL ij.nt W. .what they'd do-iwerieiput on the principal A*rau*^wObW»rttaIitaj>ot»aDdIh«af»T»a,at ' ' Wr that it ! , appoint-someone, to it. .In' conse- streets. 1 The-Irishlanguage was-tabng gr^at i1 and being ai8ociety for^tiie prefveii^on of is a;particular pleasure f oi me to conte.hera ; quence^flf ;th*:permission ^given -him 1 -6y the CA accommodaiian. < .which is antmnaU d; and ' " child ' root in .the couA^ty. especially¦ tor ¦th»¦ "past tf tbe CaMi arttlMi ; ;' ' r ¦ Cruelty to Children, and .representiiiK j to-day where lie society this, in a very 'short ! gfaardians -.to'appoint a man to the; ' in- a-tnost upBanitafy Condition, J wou ld* sug- -"' '- •; :;i " ¦ - • '¦' < Ji^r oTar. • - ^- ' I t position ' ' twfelve months. - . : ::' !. • - . ... , ; ,:¦; v , la Ten. I suDDose von take ithe oDDorttCtiity period, done a large amount of solid and last- temporarily, ha called on.» gentlemari whoiri gest to have done away with,- and jjew patent ' AisnAusnasof fbrTi^tsntSiKbalii wdk aMtjtab acknowledging that -children have : -tneir obh- ing wonk (applause). It he Mked closets: erected -jnqteaa. the «ehopl-ioom > Mr. T. Vealcrsaid that they should not look ttt aaa^ th* f ttmmbam whom«ub v ould be ; needless, to- tindertako tho duUea, but he re- Jn . ' ' ' ' Tbaafirsi ' lightly on the Gaelic League. It was, 170 'L, ;¦ ':.\ "; • ¦: - cations as well as they- have their nghta-i- and something more than jieedleas; for me fused. Afterwards a there shpuldjbe Csome jacpommodation.Lip the . . ;; . : ! . . •Mfhl ; laaa Muuronbt « oufinMtfo* '¦ of to . .gentleman named Hardy, BUdng at present: : i- . - , ' at^W (hear, hear). And, therefdre, "ou wish to pav say anything further by w^y urging the -who had beeh-thre© shape of. a rack of pegs on the; blank , walls 1 •tate th*! Pr»rrioq«Sarion* UwakattM lrtoMg inM yews dlspenWnir. for Dr. Mr. Donne said that there was nobody^look- •j. "j' ¦ 'l^' .' ' ' a compliment U> the Walerford Societyj which people of :Carrick/i<> take an' interest in the Stafford, : ead-who had an ' ' for the r.boyjjLtot .hang tboir caps,, andf some- ¦ ; I; '/ . ; \ apothecarys dip- inir liehtlv OQ i*. : ! ¦' . : • will I, though unworthy, represent. ' At altj events society and support it. They have Shown al- loma, and as) ho considered-he would be more times coats 4tppp; as suggested by one «f the P^tj_ B«*».A pp^J. dlfp««4 ofs«kr tfa. ; whatever the reason may be, il esteem it icwiy uiuir iu^«reBb oiiu uieir inspectoti 'Jfhfe^chqol-roora'. tppeareq to ' be ^ iTiumKneas-'lo* useful ; than iftnyone, else, he appointed him . . r ; on; honour to preside over, a meeting cuch as, support it, and therefore I may, without treB- at the^ame salary as Mr. Kidney very cold, aiiri tfle-pupils, to my, mintf, could j VLMnotPnhrr 8nsiota ' - ' ' ¦ hod. Thij . this —(applause). For to begin; with, the passing further upon your! time, now pro- man had Riven every «aiisfaction tr> Mm ' :ff u not, in consequence, %> expected: to do their THB 4UTOMATIC LIGHT. ; ; • •• «• .dsMtod to bdn lateatatko, Bosoniaaeaa *ad :j>resence of such -a large number here, on ceed to move the school !exercises (I don't mean, physical) as I Ajppeal*(a tb*Tnat»pp«k i, resolution^with' *hlch' I might mention .that, eyery insriector, of the pro The Harbour , WaMM^ttbt ma <>uch an inclement day, is a proof—if proof have been entrusted—namely,'that the re- Local Government^ Boart} iney. wpuia it tn^room were perty neaiea. Master reported that cue of dYjV7h ha^raoSS5 I " beforeDr; Browpe's ' ) ¦ thb doors:of the buoy was broken through ! SPECIALITY -. ii2 ^S ^ ! -were needed—of ths lively and solid interest port now read be: adopted (lpud* applause). ; time had always urged bn him to try and set The schpol¦- rtKnu door requires < a . nejwj lock ' penalty of £5 tor Bcy^att ' that Carrick-on-8uir takes in the; work! ot the Mr. Thomas McGrath 1 and other small i repairs,. Tho.: inside Vails thb result of tfte Btorm: It was now all ' 1 - - - , ' ' I¦ 1 econded ithe reso- a componnder in the .dispensary,, and he ' : ¦/. ' : ¦ . Pnuoixa. Society-^applause)., But - you; have-c yen a lution, • which -was passed with acclamation. would not thJnk (or Jtather boards) appeared; to he quite! damp, right. : . .. . , . . . • '! ; Each PbbBoaak nqojMdWithin Six " • ¦ • • ' ' ¦ ' ¦' '' ¦ of bringing the matter before D»j» afterha •;¦ i ¦ which must have' the :¦ Un, i more j- Mr; -William Hodden, or tanizing 'secretary, them now oil account o? effect'of damaftfa|r the THE ENGINEER'S REPORT. . i' M or ah* d^D padWorhar XioMa *he high taxes, but maps and TH^j 'HEWS" \om< ?£, tp K» proposed that—" This meeting wishes : other things hanging thereon. A ' ¦ " ' to BtgMaf aaM wita . SUBSTANTIAL . PEOOP , [. to re- that he could a»ur« them it -would. be little The engineer;reported-that' ¦'/¦ !>• ' ' • ' ¦!¦¦ " • "' th*da* ot tha *a*£S53 \ cord its appreciatjon of the ; new door whjch has recently been placed at in his opinion -!' s' ^ 'y_ ;- , ; to ft. Wrtooaot admirtble work or no increase in the texea. Mr. Kidney had they • would have to ; pay lor making a*, LiMBthig Ad»,TdE»*at ! still, than any which may 'be involved ; a your done by the society,, and « irnestly.commends kept the dispeneary-in the entrance, to the school requires a, new . the con- presence at the meeting, -by tho maf ner in splendid order up to nection of the booses with the new drsntafte I the society'to the continued '-sympaihy and this, and h» understood , now knocker at once to prevent it being damaged. ¦ T ' that his wife At present there appears to be only : scheme. This would add a little to their wtm- w' ^fe¦ r' '¦ ¦ «upport of the -public." Tl e! proposer alluded Would ;be aatisfled to set«9 ,there and care- wenty- 1 - ! ' - Un BmnM *!•**** i ing the four years of ita existence amongst to the good work accbmplii bed by the society take it for m. or ; sixboys in the echool, and dt fiight time they estimate, bat .4. great deal could be «aved: Exceptimuaiyllode rate. ^ ! you—(applause). : Your Society haa riow ar- 12s; per week, and In addi- He would follow the old sewers in some ' and spoke in high:terms of the manner in tion .to that ho would suggest they, occupy the dormitories. . This I consider for part* !• isived at the rather interesting: stag* in its that get a .such a.amall;number to.be unnecessaiyi of I the town, *o> that would save the expense whioh . Miss Grubb, as Hopi Secretary of the compouhder.r and hfe thought any mai would ' tl at and I. tiistory. You have had' the .fortune—good branch, and Mr Robert Sn all, Insppctor, had undertake duUes:for :I-would, Isuggest i for their ^comfort the ofl excavating the: streeu. They . wonlcT'be; I fortune, or bad fortune-^which everyiljbranch ¦ ; ¦: th> m. a,iye«r, I and M Whole lot:be: getting Parliamtniary powers in.case they Abbey Loan ! done their duties. ' • - - " ' half that would , be defrayed by the Local j placed' in one. dormiteryi where < and D^Mjant^ nV of the Society, I 6uppoBe, that has evw.been ! Mr. Burke seconded the (resolution, which Goyernment Board, there (there is ample, accommodation, and that fires could not get the. sites tor the outfall tree. established in-the Kingdom has enjoyed in . would be- very little ibe lighted dunng the day, which wojild Itwould ba time now to reduce the. cost on. the I was carried. • ;. . . :• : . . ; 1 expense.; H4 pointed out that a compounder add ' j its own time—namely,, of being met with the 1 A vote of thanks .materially to the comfort of the children. road repairs, j ; ' . . ; : ¦¦: , ; 'to'hla lordship for pre- would be afereat saving'tothe union, a» it ¦ •leply that there-vra« no need loryn the. consignment.0! gwgid, i« not qompleteyand is at L- ; :; . particularly, in' ihe larger icentres in-Carrick, Kennedy, ; ' ¦ medicines present useless. I would suggest thai r.; Cullinaneiasked instructions ,'tq prevent - the proceedings closed. ' and i< thej^ appointed'' • compomTder this ^ o dif- ' there was none, i and, that .a Sociebr^of-this jwaate would be MByented* ferent pattern cap to that at present u!sed by tne waste 01 water; at ,tne/ scnoolbouse at . was a mere' luxury that Carriekjaid not ! F aB he iwould make the. boys be ; Ahbeyside. Hei wanted three loads of ersvej 110 [Ttpp U ^WY ; •up the drug} Into tinctures,,etc. He had no adopted, which; would add very * WB^pjpiblll, seed for any nsefal purpose. . Somea'ow or way. of keeping much 1 to.their general appearance,, and I un- for the Park. ' ' • ^ | . |j: -. " , : . another, I think, when there is' records ol the medicines, and a question ol the oompounder would be able to see derstand thai anch a cop as I suggetj . could Chairman—What about the mud yon put ! establishing a branch, of the Society I lor the to this. be procured at the small cost of abrot 2s. on! the Park? Qwighter). -i ' . - ; Prevention of : He really tHought, from the Btatistica of the j Cruelty to Children in thia ihat1 this wa».the 9d. a doien. : In-jthe married women's dtrmi- Mr. Power—It U like birdlime (lanRhterV " ! country, we are'ajl: apt to be seized wih what fonjTO only; town in Ire- tory I find the beds : Qhalhnah-rA>stranRer left boot* after ¦ land where there was not a'compounder. In are on the floor nstead hi* j -used - to be known: in old : times as j - • Limerick, of on. bedsteads:; I would. suggest (a id;Dr. him-there the other.bight'(laughter). ;i i: where there were but 40,000 people ;Mr. WalBh—It would keep the ' 6 w r ?our and ' Forde agreed: with¦ me)¦ that bedsteads¦ ¦ should bachelots / . AMOB PATBIA;! i ; ' , P !*, ipton a : compounder be procured. ', ' . ¦ ' " ' .:¦ ' ¦ :;i "- ; T^S^ , ! THE 8KIN/ ar-i In Kilkenny^^ there were . \f i - ; • , . . . - . ¦out of it (laughter). ! : t r » ^S ^a ^^^ : : —a patriotic -feeling—a feeling tvhich, makes I two doctors anj j "In the wiopietfi^diay-Kxmi-, U10 n^parate Mr.,CulIinanewlt will be all righij yon will - us a compounder. He thought that th« Local : deny that although we have ei fflcient Goyernment iBoard ward and the nurkery, Mra. Holmes informed beipleased that I did «o next summer.: • - ' ; evidence of the contrary, :there ' Is no cifuelty would not be «o ntuchln toa there, waa no , which ii badly -*¦ -¦» _ favour of it ga* ioeded. w V mi mr+ .«* aw * a il it were not such an* ¦- ! • :; lo; be dealt.with -by a 8ociety amonj Bt our^ advanta«e This ia a matter that I think should receive ¦ ¦ . -. -k - , .. ., -I- . ' ¦>, :: ' ' " - 1 and benefit to the poor. He believed ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ [- . - QUARRYING ST0NE8. .lit . , ; . 1 sielvesf ; That «uch has noflr beenjpass(d; you mHE * himself eitentipu. ,', , ,. : . i ,; -¦ ' - . QKlK MW\ M that itiwouU be*benefi t to thetn/ Now, he '¦¦ TV^PI OOUfflWrefc: ;„:¦ ,^t. , v -\l ;> ' ¦: otha .. , : have ^out-lived:-Hw decision,- and' yoi i ibave A . K3 . . ' .' . / |;|! :; : 'V -lire : . ; - ^: : ' had a caU day at " In the Prptesiant |Ward ther» e: Very vJohrf WhaUaj; Abbejiiide, tendered tor. _ ;| ; ,rtoaw,.come ipto , mow-peaceaWe-ani .;: ; , ;ti>: attend . ii^ai Kndckboy few patlentj, ; w* ' ' ¦ ^^ t SS and bora * hna if he dfd-not!«et tack l>efpVthiS and. eyerythlng-rwithpot excep- ouknying and piling at M. peY yard.¦ Patk, '^J -I '- 'ipX, ¦ ' baaaV^Mraj Tayj1>fc| bfawtqi'w ^SSfflCpA- ^— iipleaeani watery- vvvt-yov:]e*ni «s»-be-- 4TPIHB-C3K1H-^ TJLPI itTB CTA P b'dobi t»oni-lpok«d.%;b« ife Apple pie!orda&» 1 Colbert tender*^ aV «d. per yard/, : : ,fV> T* oowcUi-misi ¦V' - ^ = ^ WTMDE ^^ U ; ;|.*6r» yon yoat work—namely, to] flupwktt thei i*»0W v ^ PWMarr waUlBr for; : •ugge*t;th« a xlahow »W of ionwt 0 « pro. Mr. Veale—W«wert p^lng¦ a' aulUztk - i.w him would noiT be able 1 ¦ ¦ ¦ ' J ' ¦ :' ' ¦ ' h»i' ; . . i Speiety. its j>rrtent !' vigour juid energy—. Li Mi {tut u u.«Ji^i-«. „_*!!'ivr,_j_r.i ~i t4° Tided ton thai , stairs leading to MM. «n».^ - - J . ;- - ' L-! - si i-Ji . •¦• - - i-i M!~ ' ; - P ukoa's L ' ' M ; . | lo give, .: if sd ft be, needed, larger ecope ; w maE CJKIN Pnwit, mortEnWll4a private; apBrtme^ifl. . The coit .would be a : ,^^nder rf *4riql^0ijb«rt wqs MeM^HHa1iHHIBIa^^^SB^3&.^£I>^StlU vit moat ' ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ acwtpU^' ! its work, «nd. inasmuch'.as -thqae things re- X. O> BreltDloof mere trifle. -V..- 6>\-i, !.-¦ ' :¦<¦'> ¦ - ' . ¦h-!i'- - '\ ¦' •" ¦ ' ; d Ir'Veafeiffhitf : ¦ ' ' ¦ ta BMp,tW*V> Ween XfiO antf tioo.'ffe faod ,n» other "object viW^FIao. on tb»«*i mfr , ' ' - ¦«¦«»«> , ¦. . ¦. . -^"iv,: , " ;„/; , -- , !? / !:j ' " . i ia fuggeitini I In the femkle/icaoote verything #a 1 qoJte Im . aodti ihink I,Bho3d jetcn ¦ rfii fSettuS ¦' • • • ' • ¦ - ' thii tbijn the adVantairesitothe wsa ¦ v !! ;- ; ;, ...... MATEBIAL - 'AID.Mv. ii ,¦-/¦: a Up to iho st^inwd; The-school i nic*ly .(h -. !- .! -Mi :i.. ; . i ¦: tUc ¦ anch¦¦¦ ^:that¦ ¦ ^itaf^v.:- 1' ¦ ¦ -vM^n\ fw £2^u 2r 'IS - -I • ¦ • ¦ ?' *«*x 1 - . heatedj and thETchildrenlookeddw :¦ J . ¦ : contribute ¦ >«ey would consider* WIV. ,\i - it r> . . ¦ , ; n and¦ i vim^BEI , . - .$¦¦> 4 I . ilft» ,, as;may be required, moopy for ¦ ¦¦:¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦„' ¦¦ --• ' 1 comfortable. «¦» *- - " ; ! ' ¦ ' "¦ WA hiy r\ I ., . -. ' , ¦ JWlllt »lary' \%A.. *i' -- t* H -V !- i - • ' ¦ \\ihf proper work |of the Society: in yourfmidst; : ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ had iMr.-' KidneyJ> ' . OKTH ' -- ' ! " " ¦ ¦ ' " ¦• ( - . . ^ * ! "Miss Qcgb$*n%6tnij aiql of ai escap*-of'3 bwimwm ! jr^appl&nse;.;.; lineed iicarcefy- tpointliut to' THB .Or. CtttteriHe badTfil a •»«*,- u ~[ T H> *2^£v*fo 4* *h ttwl O ; (nTsloabli for Ladies «nd which^^7slUSk»4JS) engineer^atBifion I v|you, Jadaes , and ; .sentlemen, at: . thiji your: . ¦' ¦' ¦- ¦ ' ' L CJerkHBe itartetV«i'12». a w!eek.;ii fs, ¦ ;•• •• ;. . .• . • - . • .«Wiar*n. w th ; delle*« «kia : Mr/ CashiA-aoRMing^ ould.beJ called to, .and if fin«bl»L to:inu taedy- i- jicwHhVBirhual:. nieeting; " what ; the 8o4 ety"»! ''"''; - ' ,;:¦; doctor, • !ffl- ' J'. '^' i, .#¦ 1f$lldren; iauI-iQ^t•^ti"PrX*>pijbn?'ii^ H» . ' .. - i :• u,.i . -X- .''i^iTh^ias ovi»lon»,. ibj.L.,.^n»aiJ^ 'i!*brew- rftwq i. , :>' •: i |to'/^i»-.(weU»:mark$a:: ;|We-: ha]'v«^h» !«aaw Tie'ry:: ¦; /> ¦ complalnt tbu j > i^I-.:.ft«^V«avy^!Iiuw»ttgi«f, ¦indl .Kw^w-tt 'HiM] dup^iuwiy doeMM'liad'noQi-! ¦ '!' ? * < ^;^^ 9 ^^i >hil6r^^dpnbU^So«i •f r- .' - - .;¦ . < "'¦ fiiH ;• .'»¦ ' p: ^ j i&aa$r!y:- .i"J (ijS uoreS'tiieiwoirkW curing; i» emphal cilly; -^^ '^¦iij i fewi|be^fc*tiln«aBc»* t*iji SrSS ^JpV m mSmmmmwfcfe iliii p EfcHal ll^M si k 4.M wli^lM Tm&£^iM&. W&M SKIi^SK li-^JK-,- "TV™ ¦ ' - ' " : v ! ; : r " :il • :- :- c ' - '.. : - ! -1 . ¦^'\^ -::i-n" ; ]V -^ v[! V 'rVv;:: ^;" ?H ; : :."!|-r ¦•., =1 ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦¦: -i I v ;.¦

¦ ¦ ¦¦ ' • ' i THE ;• •:¦ ; i; ; i ,.) i '•¦ ':: ¦ •baih «nd.tfifejlhoitt 'buflii no« growinajwhere moprmh JTHE BBPUBLICAS wATERro.D msrmbf opvMb.u ' OHCe happy -mm T)Vn«nmmn •¦ ^Omt) WM a hoHU teadJ He filoo the co^^iwbJch wooTdjiW^nMdlstto^ VVATEfiFOBI) EXECUTIVEi wferred to the vile enllstae t of IrUhmen ' ¦i ' ;¦ ' '• '¦ ' in' tbe; English Aroiy.^^yhal was ibeedmins '.kadi *oinv\ had l^t .themi in the *«, yei; | | ie OlerkVardthe n«xtli5p£5mtf^»*» ¦ • .i- j i- -¦¦ • ¦ ¦ AKD TfiE ^ ' : itevwthelsM they [only prayed for pe ws, and 1 ' ' ' ' 1 "' ¦ '¦ ' ' ¦ Wot wmjttLM^tHem^^k« id . ',-! -;-T,r "••I'.IasTi/ mother* ;wKeii .thej allowedI their . ¦ - -; " : ¦ " 'j" i!. 1 '^]. . .' I^' (-' "- .' i • . 'Vvi • • nfeii^^ . ¦sons out to put down De Wet, whowho;.ha, ha that! the *var Aigiii]beb»u gbt\to. '4 «pe*d>' ¦ .) j .: ' rd fj TALLOW PROSECUTIONS to go > endi I could not| help contrasting that witn • The monthlymeetinjhcf th«^Waterfo ^Na.; hoped, would give them, a thoroughsugh scourging Cillcenny>, wu'held f ¦ " ¦ the f»riou«: clerick: and 'ministers >»f; liifferent 3 District CouiciltOo^ oh |Mtl natJfor ;n«t Tear¦ ^Hfr.tprm: tr.qfmnMP i (abpltase). : « . :>r/i ? ifl •- . i - !' !Jrooni ¦¦ i. ; denominations in England, who, thTiig1i vro- Sattarday in th^[toa^ Ko.'tthe j Worlfr! \:m tMl&dfiSotfcd '-1»3 rtfcidmg-iMrth7lye«£i ;3^iW4a: i' :l!¦^¦;^¦•'I^^¦^^1f•• •s> •fiP.^^^¦^^^ ? further pbaervattons, ; 'IW^^ '' i fa3ttor.-«oine . house.; Mr. i P. Giant,ST-PJ ,^alnnan, [prS-j the " '; : | : . Dungarvari, gaJariay-i' ~ iTho. Chairman put 4be rpiolution, which iessedly tha preachers of the Qoepdl ol Peac«, fred iramenta, and the: result Is that; jat, ^' .v;:|.vr-ji; - !! ^ Mr!^;\«w«iUc>r'-; ) ¦ ' ¦ deviite all rtheir t|me and;energies in urging sidM.-and thelbthAr Tnembets..preseht;were-i -: jem of each ( financial yew; they simply wen '; >1 \;^ ; At the. meeting of th6.;Yirest%a ^«ra ' Exe- was passed unanimously. ill ! ,, ' . , Mensrs. M. Mahet. P.! Irish. T. Kelly,,It • Tne;;-.Cliri reported ffl^M>!-B|«4aae# HSqveral cttes! of grapbihg jwere dis- one (of the taoBt, un just, unrighteoUBand mout ; s*a ing!^tlt-:a;oleM balatase;:•b« K noifionfey -Mobney hl» cutive of the United-Irish League, - field in 'allied barbariously conducted war thai has ever Fitigerald, J. KinseUa,! J.'. 8heedy,^.I MooSi ,ia iciir;creoUto rndnec««in»t them: i pTbkt ^ni inretSe* camelto., f lgaJbj> wiBsed.;' somajdi»pos«f of and) others Teferred , J. Dunphy, W.| Bocketti, B.'iDunph7, B. piwh^S Jrish/i the Town Hall to-day, Mr, ;P. F. -' their consideration. taken place since the world began. My Ph*¦ is «,r^^ption th> «|itaato 1Qtt!*t!;Uliji;«Mu fci^r^^jSk :'" Walelj, &C., back l to the branches for blood boils'wheh Ilthink of it, and though I 1 lani E. phelan, M.punphyJ B« ;Cnrrap.- |"- •:} ; [is-. Med; On the net:j' of} March next he (h< iH:broba>ly have a tumi ofbe £10 t* ¦ ¦wffl« montht/it j wJPJi- -ic^fc 'hei^ie^ii'.1! in - delegates also attended:— ¦ ! ¦ ' .;¦.: ¦! . Urban ¦•¦ • has)done in South Africa , I am ashamed to W. i Healy,. Ptib^anitar7*vefflcers.r tnd 1^ hi r;: ^krttr ^hsA ^oulS vsryiBmaJL ! Aftex a lmij dlscuMion.Mt. Molonty cin« i^;. . 'of lhe hall -for the meeting, ij ! " r . :. . CanlWl, . Clerk of w«sr:-«soji n' aitenr - ¦. befp>»'.th« board, and laid that would be be known as one. Fifteen months all was * ¦ Works* ' ¦ On he i«> of may there, will;'be demand for b« ! Tallow—Alexander Heakin, ' ¦Can. ' decided that the next ; meeting be *Bp ' ' :¦! ' - ; : •]• "¦ :' <¦ ¦:¦¦¦?¦ ^ ¦ ¦' ' !¦ ; R.D.C; ^Ii.jwas. prosperity out here. : The Transvaal wis going dance. :. . • : . .•! \' ¦] a jjearranriuity, «np«tftjng ; t*"£8p0J I *h«y; :|(Ulinf^iiignih& ^boniSd^huxtdtLj next.:- Bonayne, L. Walsh, R.D.C.; Edmond O'Brien, held jln Cappoquin on the February Fair'Day. The minutes (of the last jrieeting wars read ' ' ¦' ¦'¦ |¦ i; ' ¦¦ ¦¦ ane^d by. feaps and bounds, all the.old abuses ¦ ¦ ¦ should,make; .some arrangementswith the ' . '-i(MaPiBBySONAli iBIjffltEPi" . . . ; j ••; John McGrath, secretary;— -j ' '. ;¦ '¦: , [•¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦> - - •¦¦) * ; ! —©oneapondent . wem , actually righting themselves, and the ana signea. , , . - '|- County Kilkenny Cotabcil« imilar to' that of ' tnat [iLismore+-P. E. Denriehy, M:D. (representa- The Clerk said that the flriancs to;be trimfl. 1 f e^f a **f e one"'Sing; be heard in. ™ tive on directory); Government corrupt though it undoubtedly the} County Waterford .Cqftiicil, so M: to get town^ tft%t»allthe prorisioqll relief ordered !umM/«f^al^i^;- J^rm1« Patrick O'Gorman.¦ ¦ County was. was at awr=rate ton thousahd:times bet- acted that dayi consisted ofrfour small itemj thefinitaknent earlier from them.. ¦ : , : " ¦!. j in He «bueiiathdr^? Councillor. : ; -. | ; , , ^^ . T?^*- for compensation .for: certifiaat«5 - from theit mu*t purchawd one house. did "My New Corate." that Wsai^b^bewrrie. ¦"'Cappoquin—RJ ; xi . .uiau vne -iosptiaiiBuc > aaminisirauon ai :' Ifc-J-! Dunphy—There is no way, to compel iwi'know,,^ wheUwr-aiftt +waB- v W. i Collender ^ ^Sccretary ; !INTEBESTING.,LETTER preeipnt ruling the (Council to meet ua'. ' "'¦ " T" '"' r\ "• ' itewi «rnoce««i- ¦ ; Fitzgerald, Co.C.^: John Fives, - T.1 'Bcanlan, ' . ; | |CLAIM FOB INJUBY.; . « 9if-lfeI'fe»»M :»nj order h«re fr6m tteLbcal Patrick Manion, X Keane ment was :eohcerneto rive: it gcLTfitoeniajpard 'tbttlpb^J popple pai itik nqt^ati all Jttfprkfog thmt "1 ' , assistant-secretary. becoming more prosperous. To-dajf it is. . Notice of intention to A -aum. ol quanerly, afld-npt -ln-idriW and'' threatened; : -¦ - ; '• ¦ ' -¦ ' ' • ¦ ' ¦ - M>. Witl ' fprd, W. Bourke, John Quealy, ! '-: . i . for the alleged malicious burning of JtiiB, jinmeron»dmir«r* «, ««J-.i»an»"irj-ft E. Quintan. A HOWLINQ WILDEBNEfiS, i pensatioo proieedlnjM if you dpn't-pfty-^- •• •-'-•O. i .. :.. . . ¦ ! Durigarvan—Thomas Power, C.C C i Jas of a slated stable, with lolt, 15 cwt ,of ;hay» • ¦ • ¦ . -, ' :' -. ; '' Mr.rHajtgi^rr. have been.lpld so, . :; . «ei«r«t»' .volume. Ma. poanitw^^ofimBtKjnoe-* Hayes, C.U.D.C.;| John Wakh ! ". THAT CHEERS" AFTER FOUR >and it has; been .practically devastaied; by the I Clerk—-We are: , j . , ¦ woulbVnolJ ¦ ' ¦ h q : x TJ.DJC.; John THE CUP military - autbonlies. - Nearly every farm 50 barrels of hay seed, winnowing,sheet and . Mjr: Dunphy—Well, than,,! would¦ rcroceei M*3ntfntlr! Greene, John McCarthy, B.D.C.: T Veale. ¦ :¦ ;¦ ¦ is bed, some empty sacks ^qd/fanningippMjpce: ¦ "¦ thaVthBiieU^vinbbfflcer gives themabooiid volume in ofiv* tr^s m.aiio^imlolo.-afcf - \ :. • ; :.. BOIiaNGS. . . I . . ' . burnt, and nowiurider Kitchener'a conimaad; «auJst iUi/tt)unca. . .p!'- V' - • VV' ' U.D.G.: . P.L.G . Michael Power, U.D.C. ' i ever*, outlying, at Itglfsh North. Thof application will -be i: Cft r oJijjh blUpg . Ballinameela—Wm. Stack/ B.D.C ; 'Thos. town and store, with the ex- heard at Thomaatown, Quarter Sessions on ithd k^TA^lwiuldbe «6^r/no* I ^^^^^^^^SmSSS ^ ¦ ¦ ception Of Bloemfoitein and Pretoria, ¦ ¦ ; ¦ ¦ - : ¦ ' • ' to spite your jace; they would throw the -ex Murray. : ! . ' -;_ iT ; . .. is being 20th ; April;. -j i . . . < .; - .;¦: . ',.! : i ; Mr." HsyoA—I ; Callanan and Co . : ' way in : . ..; . . ¦ am ¦ very ¦ glad; I mentioned¦ ¦ ,, ind also to ' ' '33M loJlowing letter describjis tho razed to , . ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ . : the be had of tb> , . Modeligo—E. O'Farreli; Dan Ceaaory, * , tho ;•ground, and oil i ; goods make penie back on us again. . • -| matter :. . > . Art and-Bopk. Compftny of Tk .which iim© of ih6 troops engc ;e'di in: the pn> bnrnt so thftt tbe Boera shall not get suppiif«. - .: CterkT^I-euppo»e you ^Ul the-uwial r Mr. Phelan—The .Q)unty . Council are mos London, At ihrtmtfBi * Walsh' W Eyani (secretary), . j; .McGram, ¦ ¦ v fany; bookseller ; price &»:, • ThU -rplnme ; The -Transvaal U litUe better. " unr< ationable. ; . . "' w: ' : Iwfit- 1 K.D.Ci i John Flynnt K.D.C. ;. ¦! - .- ¦seat , war spept theix Xmos. 3 P;,wa» xeceived The naturfal matter on behall of ttB.gpunbfl.V ¦ , ; : • -I •.- .- , . . . ; refused \j£a«pj|tjt ,th& belt t^tl lit b« welcomed^byr all who-vahj*trn e-ppiifey.'JT on j. result, ot ^ia hit been" that i ¦ pVoviaknal •!Aidnioje—M. , ¦ the-; Boers have Jitf. iJunpby—Do they give any answer? 8&BQS* ' • . ', ' • « . '¦« ' * ¦ . *, * . ' ' . . ¦ ,' ' Fitzgerald \ Michael , Keaae.. in thelc^ty Saturday last;—! - ' ; ;;.. i ;.¦ Ul >-rtade fpr Colony; ¦ ¦ -Cl • I . i and will further enhance tho reputation^ at;f 'Alter cue . reading and signing of ine-jniiH ; C4pte , wherelthey : can wasTmalioious .«r -not;:':] .; ¦¦*, ;¦• .-•:. r '"¦ ' f • | prJi-7Theat^ won't . condescend to .Qbtynst ;|t/*{^»i i:free Mind aifHcntty .to. sltfgle- ' ' l)ay, ¦tt«m Bvwi v :^Greri*7The ««li«ti>«j«r^]rttoMn».:tHe^«(hH» ~~ ii future to tonfchaw¦ teeTat¦ ^cort. .ont tany particular «aS*S ' - '-I -•.«>, . .-i V'- v.ir , .W.Ne5B..yearJ8. mu> ' here«^ *»lnc« -;thj»r:':«atessed-tb« lf ^..l3Mf $«+HitX;{Va iff r«c(( prtca:;. , i . ^ *- *-¦ .. -;...;; ,;. . ( ,- :. ^. ;-; - poAM« | : ' 'jour -T(re!- ' ;- a . r that he ' had a pleasing dntjt -perform, Dear -^—-^ I received JtlnA.-add bolder^the y'haye*li8tt. \inlntB'mij>t44.proifrWis; in>« }«(,;£ otig$. -SUKebDy l'iimilarl^*& ** *& ¦ vp ^4^) b^^k^^nta '^M ^f, ' to . -on leom* balch ol"LelWrs and*cafds.jvith-'greetf fcttirtM Colonial !Dutcn :-Mt .J.: pniiphi—BUjt did ihe^onnfo^fcicU ' ¦^^-ap^rvS^KLx?.Wmri^?;v>; ^-: : bfehalf| of the- Urban District Council oftBn&Y ' Joift^^s^t: laks'j'Ariyr«t«ps} ' abpiit^Uj^.malicibiia*injury! " v ings lor Cnristmas. • You were £ood enough to «ee;what is; to pisefenftheni bvemtonine the ¦ •?• : ¦;. ¦• ¦:. ;•¦ v/Cl irlfel f- 'aonft^Jcnow'; ' wey-.-may < nptrhavBi ; garvan, and that wa8 itcvjpresent^an liddiasa^.: ' mi' view- 6V tte'dW cit-^i and'ai there Colony andf en\reaching. ' question at;all?-'^.-:• • IN . - T -J- : •; . > ; r, .-c deitt^ndsf upq' thai we hav6., ii very: pfeiV*5p$d ¦ cordially welcoming the West-Waterfc-rdEse- ' isend * «y. 'JPorfc Kllfabeth.., I ^•Clerlc-^No: : ' - r. -; 1 a'them r 'H ygive t» 2rJTW*cince^f ^in thrtoiU.ye*rJ6pplw« •VOT#;"of 'the;poet -pn«it-or-Dotmr&^7'^n'¦ ;are a- number of Watariord merjiin our squad:' hope, they iio, for it iwilf serve some :pf -the W . ^.V-tr ~C: |-^-- i awkward. In-this 'way you a/e, snfe toj have a mm manufacture, * " dative ! of the United Irish: League to iBun- ' ! : ' Clb.rk—I presume Mr. > Duriphy/g inquiry ;id ' ^^ as compared;with other ever we «nn6t 'iolrain:from menadnii* Us garvan, and : congratulating ron itpassed frora'hand to hand and i iB .'.mghV Idud-voiced jingos light if they- gqt;an Locular cpriunpencies) but if you on^rniee tSe. money w>W price aqd quality H»ing iakan into Tennys * - " tb«aul ^^. .Tha Soul BeU* aril of the Tallpyk Branch who •were pb-. fly 1 . of whatfthe war> they eo damouiert * •-;¦ ¦ ; "v ¦¦¦ ' '^ ' ' ' '<¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ww%t&tion,^¦•:. JUgciwS jects of the recent Government prosecutions, Mi. 'J. Dunphy—Yes¦ , that is wbjii t -want : III. -Veale ^atii 'ihti «4y"feadeti^todiay our time - but reading (and literature is .8 them, and'I don't think they will 1 • :¦¦• ¦ ; ~ ¦: ¦ byi i*hit I- ask! theni . to 'e t&» - on the triumph of their cause want ano- " " . "; ' ;' ' • : -\ "- ¦ Co jJpUit^TSiv .' u% tt : Roodsr'to. d rtpreseritingi Uiwsdfc.fK\ Iri»£ in the district scarce as. f ood), we often proctuce the afore- ther. . The-Boers have"at least" conducted: it to kirow. . for :^he:pistrict uncil, 'ana ."et| iif bfli f^Mr lanafaptnre (applause)., .- Jtjle had known Mr. P. F./Wolsh, : Clerk—Yes ; I BifiJuld wiy- BO. . ' j , .arjd, it turning ontV<»n;iri^s nhh.:iiraV'. hot\lthe caie, no future ten- melody* - chairman' of the, branch, Jfor "old iolk8 at home" doing. I^bhould like to like fiends. In Mr. J. Donphy—Why ;»hould -we go:to¦ tho . Mr, -E.!Phelan-^UnforttSiM«ly?-liie flon8t& < ' <^Bltte ; comm«nc ¦ Coutacil will. ¦ ^'Cv 'S Long ere the times grew saddest, an« find (applause). He called on the Town perl, : " , , we are' ntxt. - -- : < . . ¦ : | ri'i^-.. .T,. -Mr...yealQ.^aid that .it waa.done in.Cork - ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ OhiistmasEve , wc iwere; astir /at 2 o,m., and " PBI8ONBBS PF WAS.'' J Clerk—Oh no . - The Clerk was ordered to write*-fi»iia^tio ;--!-• •. the 4in. to read the address. . ! - . , i . ¦the 'Were- for '41 o'clock; You. The M*. J. I>unphy—We always pay the' solici- Of bnman voice*"iil#nced in the depths. Mr. T. McCarthy, Town Clerk,. then ' read orders to move tp at the Bacecor^rae. tJiUahders, for the . County Council, and ! inform the Treasury ¦ Mr. (rBnea »ald that any trader who would ¦ i of ' needn't shiver when I apeak ,of (those unearth- whose benefit-it was Buppoied to' be, are' the tor by the; job, .and. I.;don t.see^thd ii80,.pit that ithoi money .would be paid as soon as 4 lfae; .di^p»ioa deep God, most high." an address;from the Council, welconjirie :the ' sondinfe a solicitor: un la Kilkennv: without ¦ ¦ '¦ be guilty of such conduct would not be wor- '4y Jioura, for . recollect -we 'haii© the summer strongest against, ii, (and most of them have posstbld; • • : . :; . 1 ¦¦; ') We read the Culdee dreamed, that, in expia- delegates of the United Irish League to Dun- early,j jhours of morn- navtng proper instruction, '.-i , aan-K gee ine ' thv of ConflHnnpA.in ftnir fntjim i*nnt.ni/ti . garyan, and congratulating the iero iiow, arid look to the lost1 cyerything.through it, and are now starv- hM, r/Eii Bowers, Bamnvoher, writing In re- tjon pf a fault, the. saintly Abbot Ailbe ap- "National Or- ing Ao cover' a good-deal of groiindJ before: the ing. ¦ The men who: have been appointed necessity of going to expend at the end' ol GUASDIANS SOPPLYINCrABEOVIBIONAL ganization on having such Stirling aiW spirited to the year; our. biuT-wiH b»-wry- considerable, ferer^oe; to the case of ithe-jCouncil against ¦ peared to him; and ordered him by way of beat is oppressive. Well, altea ' marching for Hackou,! forwarded a post'ofnee order for '7B. ..; ¦: -,;, .; BELIEF.- -' < .:. rv sfltttary penance to.leay» his Culidean mori- opponents of coercion as the members -.of the to halt for five hours i Clerk—It will all depend upon theeviderice. h 1 Tallow branch, who ware- recently singled: out three hours we got orders yaai are.aiLnomineea ot tne big mining com : i 8d., being the' amount received 'from the de- i A .circular was read! from the Local-Gpvern- ajiUlry -and-«id-hi»- day« at " Ardmore;X6. which brought us up to noon, #h,ep.we^t4rtr panies, ¦find;this: sh&WB1 how things are' likel; Mr. Maheri-We 'had !t*o -Darnings 'in bur fendant in the* case. He asked that the re- ment JBoard to the effect that in future cases Waterford:— : ¦ : . • ¦ : for prosecution by the Government (jg»plan8e), «d again. In tho interval I niay tell you I - district in which .ttavfe(Mcig}r'.oppear«a, and of : '; : Today, as in the past, they had the enemies . to go on in the future, . '• i I shall be verj 1 '¦ ¦ ¦ •¦¦¦¦ ' ceipt b$ signed and returned' to him at: their provisional relicf~ the 'B6ord should not "And where a high rock , beetles o'er the Ihafl jioleop, go, I can't say whit was'going on pleaiied'to. . " ' bothiwere thrown out: * ,-, »S;3sJ.*, i • ' ' order sach ] of the; .country; leagued against the jpeqple— ^et "TherNews. . ! . : M». Kelly—At what "timo'did this burning earliest convenience; i .,' . - relief' at the (house of a ,guardian about me for 4'hourt or so; but I .know I jwas ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ who,was v ' • ' ' ¦ • ¦ ' ¦ - ¦ - • i Clerk—I lodged thoi 7a. «d. to- credit. i i also-atriader. ; 7 , f , } And sjiftdows dark'nipg at the the'Crown prosecutor liberally paid i&pm: the, take placof ' . , ,!'¦. . n* .. - . * j. . ¦ ' ¦ ¦ , , ¦ ¦ mid-day routed by my.iuessing chum to tell me he nod ' ' " ' ' ¦ ' ' ' • ' : • public" purse; the Crown witnesses *nd| the The Clerk xetvd the-letter'stating the time. Mr. P.. Walsh. sutHjanitary offlcer, repprted • ' ' PHtSlCAL DBlLL. ' ' ' hour . • made some tea. There.wasno ^elicato, .flavour nicix-or.VQuin DOARO that| Jhomas Hackett had done nothing to . . : That - grave of spongers who followed - in their . wake for a as yon will GP . Mr. E. Phelan-rl think iti-is-bettor,tq'adopt ' . ¦ - - Sainted ' B«elan— th¦ ere* about' this tea I can asauro yqtf, improve the wretched condition of his. dwell- Serge&rit' Grace tendered at fia. a week for - ""- -" : - - ••• ¦ • ahafe of the spoils. But notwithstanding ;this you that we had the: tea the tsual course. . _ . .-,. • ¦ ' | ' '"! ¦ abide. . . admit when I tell ' - >li^| |*llilVUVl, U1\A I1U UVIIVVU ^4VI UU\A WIU: 1VOW* physical drill. . ' the spirit of the people wduldj bravely; bear • Cli irkrr-The barrister-' willi-.Tule ;on- jtne evi- W« .shall conclude this brief notice with an leaves for- two . whole d.ays, and that it was aftei " idea,;of doing BO. The house was unfit for Mr. Hayes *proposed that Sergeant Grace •ejtfjswst ,fromi.Fither,8he«ban' their terrors, and persecutions would j only giving them their fourth boilioV—ana l; eup- dence. Will the solicitor, be-instructed' to • ¦ get £1- a- month;- . ' ¦- ¦- •.; - • - • • .- ' s short poenv stimulate them to work unceasingly ifdr the get few more Anyone to live in. - •-- • •• ;• ¦ | fi • ' . . . "A Prophecy,'' and in doing; so we^must ¦pose it ^rill a stewingB,- yetr-so At the meeting, i' -Aa order was made that I steps be i imme- Mr. O'SHra said that Sergeant Grace was a right of Ireland to self government (ajrolauae): ^all it tea if you like. Well, ;we started , off . of the above boatd to-day, ¦ good, generous cordially-recommend our ( reader* to. secure The stand made by the nien:of Tallowa gainst Mr. F. MandeyUlej presided, arid the other diatfely taken to close the house. . , .: - arid.Awy nsefuL.man. and he this ;d?lightfQl voluipo and study its pages :— again, and I daresay i' good many of the'hat- AGRICULTURAL AND TECHNICAL ; ' th(ragnt.2s: 6d. k, visit.was- very moderate. . ¦ v coercion would prove a' noble exampleTto their members preBent w«rer-Mee*T8 Walter Power; ¦ :; ' ¦ • ' •: THE MOONCOIN , ¦ i ¦ " Thou, the -,BIeci, for thou hast passed talllon -was wondennj the same as niyBeli | EpU0ATfION; ¦ ' 1 ;- PUMP . : \ Chairman—Very ' welt't <¦ • Call ¦ Sergeant¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ fellow-countrymen, to nerve them:on «a iin ; •Wnj. P'Ueara, JohiiSheehan, E. - Nbrrie, E: : ,.; - ' - - - . , .- ¦ ¦ '} -through 'flro; - : .- ,: | what was to be the bill of far<=jfor Christmas i ' Grace in. :. .;- .^. ^ .li. %:? <>, M . .. ;• ¦ the days of yore towards that goal , (£>£ -in- ¦ WalsS B. Hurley, Jamea CahiU,' P, ; Comer- Tl^a Eilkcnnyl County Council forwarded a .; Mr. P. Walsl,i subraariit^ry officer, also Thou, theencrowned/ for thou iiast-tasted Day. Visions of the gooae, etc., that I . had ; and: rc'pcjrted that Mr. McGrath -whoae tender was ?ergeani urace was caiiea oeiore we jooara '¦ ¦ dependence wnich it was their: ardent cdesrce *rd, B. PurceUi E. Bockett, James Meara, copy of.^he Agricultural Technical In- woe; . .. • : - -' '' ' • . " . -'' .. ' - ' ! :the:pleasure of eating 'at home .last ChriBtmas W: 3ritton accepted: for:the repair of Mooncoin ; pump, and said he would enter ori 'his duties on the t. to see as the crowning triumph¦ of the cmtiori'¦ B , J.P. i Jphh ^Oonnell. DJDwan, J. strnfition scheme adppted bj, the. Council on Tbbn Bhalt yet Bpeak, and¦ all thefworlfl ¦ ' . ¦• ' ¦ • ¦[ :twetvemonth rose up in-myminB when.-aa we had;carried out his contract in ao far as put- lit of 'February. ' " ¦ ¦ ' " ¦;¦ " ¦ cause (applause). . . ,. . . ; j Sexton, BoboH -Wdsh, - Daniel McGrath, T. the 121st ult., and requested tHe Council' to will hear,- ;. ;¦'.;?¦ . ¦:- ,'were approadhing a farm, houae, wo espied a ting1 in , oak beams,- iron rails, repairs - to I , | Mr. .P. F. Walsh (chairman) tbaBJanl ^Mr. f being on Jpne OTDonnelljIland M. [Drohan. \ i . take the necessary ; steps fc*the fprciation of And all, with foroh«»d|fdrop|>edi'and down- Hayesi Mr. McCarthy, ; "fine fat nig,,whifchj. owing to, m; _ Mr.. J.. ilallina .Clerk .of. the Union the localeomnyttee s. la their-district. .' handle, etc., Mr. McGrath states thet lotting and the other inein- of the flanka I was quick!in makinglor , BO I . . , iSr. " bors-of tho Dungarvap Urban jDistrici ;Coun-i Keilty, iAs3lstan«3lerk; Mr. Walsh; Maatfti : Clerk—Would ; you think it'well, now, that to . the ; condition oi .the pump itself he was; Shalt haste to thy bee*; i ffiby^ ttie cantered after him and w.d lost: w tirn6 in dea- ' ' •! ' ' " '- ' * '¦ ^ f) cil for their spirited and truly pairiotic^od-. « toe House, and Believing Officerk Hickey. the .matter" has ibeen .introduced,, .to 'postpone unable- to put it into proper order. ' - : ' . l • ¦) ' " ' \ jiatchtag.. I am afraid he was put into quar- ! ' Mr. McGrath aJso sent,in I a report on tho ' dress. { He thanked them, not "because ;fae : DoJ^on, aiid:.\Pdwerl . wer« as 'usual' in ¦ itf oti- the tormation of that coipm|ttee .until, ihe ith feellnwot tha decoesi-Rtere - And worship theei" ';. ' ! terj -bcfore.he. 'wasifully dead | I know you ¦ !: . ' i :- '- j;- • " '¦ ¦¦ ¦ ' ; condition of the pump. i ¦: •was 'one of those who had been : on < the:list ¦twdn't give us much credit for this, but it is dance. . , .[ : ;Y . -;:.!.. • , nexji meeting/ , 4n»J -in .tho meantime consult wo record we aeain oi one oi tne mon wonoy before! the RemovableB, he lo-i::- .- ¦ i ; ¦ with the priests; and Borne, others^ ,- It is hardly i| Tho eub-sanitary .' officer r. ported that , the charitable-;of-women, in the person oi :but because oif .ithe , ,-BO easy for:.tbo'se sittir}^atj m'e in pomfott FEVEB HOSPITAL. i ,; : ... and ¦awakening spirit of patriotism: whloh^wiw; 1 8 thinguwe,can ^a off.harid^i ;.;:i. ;' ¦- .(- .. neW: box-had.: not yet arrived from the firm in Mr*. M»ry Finn, widow of the late Mr. B. - f - ¦ (to -condemn nSl bnt . nuosw snows >nd Mvr. ;- . Thfe-ibqal; aoveWnierit (Bdard ' 1 fori ' , w " .: - -. »sr.»;. :. ,»;./¦? i ;:• • , - .: /. -! -: fast prevailing amongst the pebpleV wi'ich he; wrote , M^- Kins«lla^I-,'t.hjril?,w6v)ti.iTe''a' cqmmittei London, but O'Leary's assis ant expected¦ it Finn, , of Corrigmoniajfilrhich-.tool fplace'iat We also discovered in ih'e farphon.se a larj^e warding: queries respecting J the 'persons whg i .?¦ ¦ - '- ¦ ' '' • • iia fc-'few davs."-;-, "» .';"¦- - ' :• .: ' . &A: LIOL3^GI^WATj^ORD, BRA^CH< saw as , the .choanix raising now from its^ashes.j ;tinjof syrup which we used -in the'place' ol' wpte-temporarily in |ho akeadyj;apppinteav.y/ • •..: -w, • . . . iV . . U • her! rMidenice^oa.W flditcada^.'aaard .fiutilin , employe^, ¦FaycriHpi" |l}i rA; ' - XB& Tnatj«r,wtis:postponedlor tno present; He did not know how he hail , been , too tight' ' ¦pital. • !/ • < ¦¦ • ' ¦ " ;' " • .^ejert—You jn»gb4 f ^iVell-thtn:io.re¦ the Kth year of her age; fortified by the riUs, ¦ 1 sugar, as we had hone served (Ot at-thetime. V : . i _ .. . . > ; .,, - . ¦ ¦ ^ T madid atf dul »r sighaldh go hsioinri. into this prosecution, as: he :bad'" never}even.j appdj,nt -wat-corortitte8>;-cv,,^ - _ . . ; ,,, , ; ¦ ' of'the Holy .Cathplic Church, al^ora protx^ ^ci It was ten o'clock that night -s hen-we halted ¦ ^ , ^ :;; ;:A PPL^i^?CO21PLAINT;!i > Ye4 this branch has every reason to be pwad looked so crooked at a policeman' is it would : afterdain jz a'maich;.of 52:Jnilei i'fromiBnsten- Mt« Kin»ella-f-Pidv.not>,£bas. committee. iil ; ted illness of over -three months. Mrs. Finn's ) ( merit I the attention of the Crown, anil : he; xue uierjc elude thejparwh..priests? ji . , . ! . . I 'l^ary .Dunphy, Polorono-, 10 was a household name in the parish of Xll- of the progres* it is making. Every WWt ' : ibur«to Woolfontein. On; our i rrivel and '.'ca read fticircaier letter; from the ¦ ¦ i,r . . Mooncoini Y ^^ n>Tf-mtfflbto^»tfl:ft»iBiiigrth4:ri>o^, assured: them that , he did not seet tor"[any ! : CiOfeal GovernmentiBoard-'in ,cpnne'ctibh With CJeirk—It did, ; • :¦ ¦:¦$.,;.,.. : , -• ; : rvTuesling to-be.brought -nnder the n'otice' of ro«8cnty tot her hoepitality aria • generosity; tt , -account of the day. that was in it" we-were meeting ar9,'animated with tbat - tpirit-pf enthusiasm' notoriety (hear hear). Whai he did and Berv«d put with some - coffee ;a od -fsap te.'My the . boarded-oul* children, 'r in "which! 'they . Mr.. KinBelhvr-Wosthere. ^aol A. o tho , Council tho fact that inl connection with 'and her.losi will, for m*nyryears to come; hi ' ¦what he would continue to do was to eupport stated that tho : gvfardia^a Should appoint a thei 'committee hold in the bo'aid-roomP- ¦ the' : plot' of ground-marked! put'for the lab- parochially felt; but by-bone so much as by whM*mmsta «eii»X3«fel^iau«n«rMall 9v«r chnm and I sat up best . par bj of ,jn- -part pf the field. • . . • ' ;| : 'temporal, and when her demise becomes Dungirvan held a very unique pofihibh' to appointed: for that jiurposej. / cludirje. the- Bev. "Ginon. Pholan, P.P., ah4 It was decided to inform Urg. Dunphy thttt generally known many a - prayer wlUfiba A. MeOtiire, P. WbAm) & Foje ^P. DaJUm, mm pet manV'-and w«-had'bee B 80 Jong -with- v , ¦ . ¦¦¦ ¦ ~'' prosecutions: They had;a Dungarvan inagis- ont-tho.taatB cf.it thatHhe ' moH1 of tie' were :• :; ' ; ' ' ' ¦] : ; ' Bev. Canon Raftice, and other clergymep. :! ;the!gate and; piers would bo removed. -. onerod'for the repose-'bf her JOTU: . 'T> trate, ^Mr. Power,'sitting.on the bench, rwhfle a? . !; - . MBpiciNEs. . : ' : Qlerk—It would be better tq think! over the The 'funeral 6bsequies took-place. on;Frij Pc ireT. M. ODarinsU,( jJirXyneh, Jt, Lyadu m«rry as you please. A pick ol fowl for .break- ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦; " another Dungarvan justice was Crowni ritneBJ Bii Charles- Cameron ieported that tha matter. - . j - ¦; - . . •. . . r^i . •. ' • . . , . ; i '! LABOUREBS' CQTTAGE SCHEME: day, wjien all that eras mortal of the "kind D. :Nolan, Conrott,.Cantwell;s4*bthe fallow- fast and a good slice of pork fpr-dinner along samples of i medicines sent to him for arialyna ' iriif Iadletr—MiaMS-MaeDoBpelli CKBeilly, against him (laughter). He certainly*, believed ' ¦ , Mr. Kinsella-rl think the Council have al- : lif. Nicholas Cantwell, Clerk of Wcirka to friend arid .generous benefactor was convened 1 with" the , liquid nourishment were,' however; were all;correct. . •: i . .,: '¦ • ¦>—¦. . -'. • i. O'3n»n, Wir*«n;iKirbyF Castyi Lafl&n Flynn that the liational spirit in Dungarran was enough to leave us" wiQi unb ilancfed-minds; ready appointed- a very capable committee. ! :thai Council, wrote from Mooncoin informing to Kilrosaenty Church,! where Office andHitth . awakening. The prosecutions started in the - It was decided; to appoint s, committee next i the ! Council that when he-was surveying-half ¦Mass waa ofleredTtar-.the repo*B of "her soul K •rnev.-Cortis;0«M«- Mm Dunn, Foley, wheniyou considered .£hat at t lie, what mient ¦ ¦ :Ma. . HearneV-.MiJi L.- Horny reign jot har Most Gmcioua Majesty i Queen reasonably be. called the end o:: |the campaign, mefltintj. . : . .- . - , ' [. .. . , . ' . ¦ : :aa acro on the land of Mr. Richard jFeore, at wmen vne loiiowing pnesw aiwaaecj : — WiUtb, BW -¦¦ " Victoria would now be ' transferred, to - their ., John prbhan, ! caretaker of the Idio^Wcrd, Aglish, lie told, him on several occasions not ; Kilrojamtx:.Be»C P- eraMi** Bv Murray. -, . . w \- !., ..•- .. -. . .- , ; we are- daily Served oat wiihi ah 'ounce of wrote, stating i that as- hej-was -not well he , Be*. U: €v*t>Ji ^.B:* , al» future ruler, King- Edward VII., bnt Whot- bo&e&; two ounces gf' dAPTAIN PENROSE'S REeiGNATIOil. ; to survey without, pending for him, which Spratt, ¦V.v.j Capfcoquin; ReV. B..Dnnphyf ..... Ih«>iqtixiMiibJp to D9W well artr 1Q0 evetihe result might be, rulers! might change 1 evgar, ar t] five biscuits. Wonld bei'l thahkfnl if the- guardians would ¦ thV»verage t tttnrmv«t th*ci»i» is over M. Not but that we have any amount of-provi- grant him a week' Clerk—As- we agreed to on!-tlie-la8t- day, ;I ! hei jdid, and on his arrival ho pointed out to P.P>, BtradbaUyj Bev.P- Walsh, P.P., AbW- and come and go, but the spirit I of | Irish s leave- of absence, ;o that ¦ ; I hiiri where the half-acre was (o be stlrveve'd". «the< proposed, ap- N. lasting some : time yet.' -!How iyerj we must - ! pointment of a successor to. Qapi Penrpse,. aa O.8.A., Dungarvan; B^v. Landy,,O.8.A., and thrive and- triumph in the lend (losd -ap- : Mr. . Sheehan-f-A queer, time lie is gi >in¦g¦ to jKev- B. , C.C. '8tradbally; th» ladlet- in tM ifiraonalBchpoli; ¦whlch^N 1->••;: , . koi. ¦]- ;;:-;.- hope ior the best, and there'i ;not one of us tha country. ' . - . , . • ¦>' a- co-opted memfcer; and hS'ssked'whether the Diwigarvsn; Jtnr>e f plaUEO.) . r r-: , ...- , ¦' . . ' f I • , tne- , C.C, Kflmacthomas; Bev, M, D *>l«v bM* kindly' plAeetf *V th« dispoad'. or who is not dead tired of it. . G ye my kind re- llr. Council/ in selecting a person to succeed portion ot mareny lana next ttreaa Rev. N. Ppwer •' ¦ ¦ ¦ 1' ' - ¦Mr.- ;R. W. Collender (Cappoquin), en. ths K. Walsh—It ia a queer place! ho is which be refused quite blank. He epdoee McGrath, C.C, KUrosseritv i Bev. M. Powei*, .tl4-branch..-»,,:-:iT ¦> *¦ .-.^ - . . when,you ¦ , , ¦ - ¦ garfta to all enquirersior me and ' ' Capt. Penroie, would be-limited in .their ' ' .< ' ¦ ¦ ' 1 • - • ing to ' Go recruit . his health, - . instead of com- • > part: of the delegates present, said thtt the have half an hour to spare lrop roe a few a . Bketch, which, ne added, explain full KilrcsseftW; Bev. J. Carrtwell, -KilroMentys; . ' ¦ ' choice to former ex-officio , ¦ 0 ing into guardians ¦ ' - ¦ and ha ¦ ¦ the hospital (laughter). If he "were ¦ - - ¦ ¦ ' address presented there that day was worthy ' ¦ ¦ - ¦ ; ¦:; > ' ¦ *{¦ , I ,. j, of tho men and of the ancient traditions of sick at home, .it is n to the hospital'hd would recaived the following reply:— transpired C.C;, Aramore; Bev: 'P. O'Connor CO., a tetter from the " TJrbsi Inta :^a."—Yours as bs .brought. .; .. .. , . "The , Local Government Board ( wrote in It that Mr.. Fcore was now Batii : . ¦;. ' . , 1 - ' - ;¦ Dunearvan (loud applause). It was worthy ; :' ' . ¦ ' • . ; .] Dungarvan. ' . '¦ " , | • , .. BLIEyBNAMdN. - j ever. •• . . 1 J . Chairman—Well¦ , what answer will -cr« 'giv« reference to the letter of-tha Council of the of them to-day to present that addres, and ¦ ! ¦ •; ' ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ Immediately after the Solemn Obsequies the y) . - 13ED. himP , . •. , .| - , : . I i -: they had a worthy representative on the Tal- I ins labourers' cottagos, at :3s.. per porch, at remains were.laid close by {hose of bex^hus- . - (By .D*ni«-A,;MeCa^th . , I , low Branch in the cause of justice in " honest Ur. T. ODonnel -Oh¦ , I rthink wo cacht to family burial vault, attended let.him ' ¦- . j . . . ' ¦ • Muillnavat,¦ Killordfa,,¦ and IGarrandarro, was band in the ' Tom; Power," who- was a credit to hia!-town VIEWS OF A MAN |0N THE 8PQT. go.. j , . '¦ '.. - -. , ! : ' . i . ¦ ': attended.— And this-ls.the home thus pjetuied In nry 1 deterred. - \\ . ,. bv the sobs of the multitude who ; ¦ ¦' ¦ ¦ ' • and to his country (laud applause). ! He ; lit. 3, OTJonnell—I. think we maw ' safely ";'-; ' ; ! May she Best in Peace. : : - : , • dreaxn ^, ¦ . . - > j. . - . . ¦ •; : . [:THE ESTIMATE. : hoped and he trusted that the time would Cape Life ; A . Visit .to jCecil Rhode's Mena- Qlork—I have the pleasant intelligence for VThis hill U Blievenamon, ;- L •come, rtien the cause ledjby Mr, Power w»uld coria ; The Boer 3?nEonere ^at Capetown : A d this, ill* Snir, the queen of all tha gladddn his heart and v you that your estimate is lower by £200 than theire by its final¦ ¦ tri- laie on the Veldt; Maki ig " Biltong; " last year (hear, hear). You will understand ¦ umoh (applause).. I ; : " i A Dutch Prayer Meeting 1 The Sta^e of the »fln*Sht' 'pjaJTB. upon. • " '' " : ! c^nnid uiucu. noi io. grant: me ieayo, DUI .inaiiiney. thd following disturbance of finances [arising Mr. Heskin said that Jill the praise - : fh& | - . special provision to meet deficit oi tne last, Jj-. .the-y««. .!. ., . . . . . - . He had been placed in th_ B position of 'chair- 'ifaetics. . •'- ,' - . , i ; ¦ .]• ' • i' ¦ y ; " Belllne, PJltown,; Co. Kilkenny. Wat - 1 j . .:'. I with regard to the instalment of the payment WBen the hewtbornU whiter than the atom; man of the County Council of. 'Waterfordf and : ELECTION OF MiDWIFE FOR THE CAR- i ¦ : . .. - . "7th Jan.; 1801. . ;. . 1 ' ' WRB Power, On -Baturdav we iec3ived i letter, from a ¦ to tho Board of Works. ..The board] enter- Vfhtn the featheredfolk wiemblB,, , he sure Mr. was only discharging genUfiman, -who was sisBideiA last 'year in ! ; BICK-ON-8UIB DI8TBICT. i , "pear 8ir.-^-I hava read -rspprt the the should be J4oney ls^ ^ien scarpe; a pleasing duty in attending at Tallow ;to see ' . | ithe ' of: tai led the idea thai, 'charge AtoA-.thajOETU all>ticei»hle^ waterford, but who. is-'iow- itaying at.!Port There were threejapplicanta for. the nosition prpepedings of your board, at .their lapt meet- baiDasooda upouponn theme rinnoinnernaber Ptqi cottagescollages inm'theine aia-dia- Witfatbto¦ siagiligJs.^-^ejb.irifeingto, ko& that fair play was'given to his brother Notion- ^ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦' -4~ ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ Elizabeth; from which place, ' written •of Midwife ing, app'eara that 1 " «¦ ¦ . ?. ^At ?;r < ']- ¦'¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦' alists] He : thought their , thinks . were also he hoe for the Carrick-on-Snir piflpehifaryi, i It ,th6 'rtSolUtion .adopted triet. and. not as^previously; \rpon' the,"valua- Bp^d it. theirefow, dn^jr wlwixo it , ¦!&&. .A£\ . due:to the Chairman of the Urban District feriii, •under rate JanuaryBth, J901. Wejmay District, viz.,, Mrsi Mary Ai- Maher, TVestport •wal jto- the- eOect jOjai»I shpuld,be «uj)erjeded UiJ v of the distrlet. The law was agate at you, ¦ ¦ • • • ' : ¦ remark that ! our 1 correapondi at .had before Union ; MjB-iNolai; Piltown: ' toTcabserice"Without leave. 'I prespme yout ! money, -;. •..:¦ - wiji ^.fcrtte st; . ,A^ * -1 ? - . V- ., [ ¦ Cotuiiil, Mr. Hayes, nnd to the worthy; Xbwn ; and Mis, Both-i and althQunH,youit dld,-not rai3e the - ' ' ; ' Tp&w.her ' Twd«j*-^«iBri:^n- . -^• . ¦ coming to Ireland spent ih&. >est part o! -his .well, Carrick-on-Sdir. - . '" ;• | - . -. •board: win take^the.furtjier'ros ponsibility ymr hid to^psy according' to the . valuation. ' ¦ - 'i';.- ' ,' ¦ - ~J \y -?lit * ;to; ¦ ¦ w ¦ ¦ ^ -r ~— ~~ -^ ' : 'fmil«t ^ » ' ' ASi;:- ^^ ^ ^ v ^ ^ • "I - I!- ' !• • '¦ . . . »- Clerkj Mr. McCarthy.^ . , . ' ' Everything to advancing\ lo pnc«. Tb* ?^^^^- ^r« *» ' Executive fben entered opoh the basi- life' in Pretoria, and other >arts of South Mr. Nonis-7-1: beg to prpposo Mrs. ikJaber. i .upon tbemeelveat.bT.-paytog Sthe. pte*prU>e4 Th \l £300.you lodgedTjatJ.to be made tip from ^ ^ T^e Africa, -so that he is well qu ilified to inspeak Shevis . a local:candidate,; arid I think she ^nfcof^r £25.. if-i'called'ii'ppri to -dp"Uov..aai-'it.-is las; yeaJn ,TWi.jreirvyAa'h«vefft balinjbeni of comnma^of Ca^aM^^fw«v^^W*ftni ness: o be transacted , which comprisw one -warioua ' id- upon, shduld be eleefed. ; , ' .1 i-For- tbilfutur* ¦ ' ¦ "' ' ;1 case! of arbitration and a public statement ty on'-.thp subjects itr^4. his , ... j eniirely.1 due to youx'boftrd (havhw* AofdpUA «,(} to '.yotttj c^dTt. y r «x* ' to ««j . .1 ' -, . - i'.t&fct.-dtTww.^,Vy--../ i-jj k--' . ' ' . ': <¦ P' letter, which we give in itr^n Ljrety/ with the ,, Mr. , T. 'O'Donndll—I hare great pleasured my; resignation; is negHgence/taf'make 'mattera peadrture anmraUy" will be from £800 10 £900; fo offer;Wi** WTTO«^J#^:«f the chairman in reference to some [trivial AM r .i#«Krt#»^^r^ftWn||;- 1' $?.¦ ' ¦ TeaBa>M»»:MMk thefollowing s ud csIeixlA* ^^ ?¦ - ¦' '¦. '<¦»« ..¦:¦' » -» ' - . •>. .il » " • ¦ '¦» '-l -• exception of a few sentences, which arc' of a in; Supporting Mr.iNorriff. t i ' right . at once, ion finding:out' that they had TM total-earn to be raised ithis year ! s -£880. ¦ < : . . 1 ;:<.>. .-». . < . . *. ^3yi . . . dispute of the Tallow branch ! with a jneigh- purely -personal character. Eo says:— ' Mr. llaher—Ii tljink tho • ¦ " •' :' bouring branch.which -was amicably arran^d. ! ¦ ¦ she¦" should be elected¦ been exceeding their authority) that I have i The estimate was adopted without discus- wlngV .;- i>vV ^ ' ¦ ¦ After.leaving the Grand!'Oaodries, we bod a unanimously. ' |. ;. ' . , been over six ' nipnths absent from their meet ' ¦ THE IMETHODS OF THE GOVERNMENT- , Chairman—Mrs. j Mailer r 8Weetf.t-¦ «««l. Wwk> j Mints) Only. . > , ,,, •/ pleasant voyage to Capetown/where we ar- 1 's testimonials-are. ing*!; Permit ine to obfterve that it ,Was not j.enaeis were receiyea ior tne .erccuozv oi T * ConverBations"(Guano-> t lta t^ flxod W CountyC ^raiiiu evidence in the case of the Tallow prosecu- nnahle to -goi. into 1 harbour ustil the Wednes- elected;: : ' !: ' ¦ T' ¦ , - ! ' . ' i the; Council. Schedule to P.O. order, 22nd Notice of motion was given to revert to the Jams — Btrawberry; «nd Apple V All pi. for; tions, and ; pledging their support as todn u day, four days : after.... : Capetown,' I found There being no! objection raised to Mrs.: De3em'ber,'O8, 1Q 0), proViaes a peraoi elected old plan ot | cottage, and $ho tenders were ^ (of Water^ holdtogof Maher; she was then dccla>ed elected, ' unani-i or chosen to a Corpprate ,ofnce in a council . M « - , "'i '¦ ' ,¦ • ' . . -| a fair trial1 fund was opened, to: snbscribe about as dirtV as usual, wnif h -W saying a ' . f. • ^' ' 5lb." : - ij OJnartWy/ Meeti(ngi> v eenen usiy, and. thereby indemnify thej 'sterl- great .deal. While in Capetown I > went down or chosen to: a board, may at any. time, by The Clerk announced £270 'to credit .of the . . 'iBlaet'Carria^ipptej ; ¦ wri ting Bignc/d by him, and delivered to the . ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ing '.nationalists of Tallow against the ihfiayr to Eondebosch, about five miles out:: by ielec- A. TIPPEBARY MILITIAMAN. C6tincil. - .; !. .- - ;•• , . - ;i . >H :. -:• • ^bnm^iCviiipJaH!., ! • expenses entailed in consequence of we irf- trii ttnm to iGropto Schunr, jwhere tie' Bt; see tetary or clerk h'Of the council dr .board ' , 8tr»vl»rry JiDR UW . A»p ?-, - ; had , "Mr. Norria (to resi gn the office on payment of the fine :pr«> ; COMTOLSBO LAND. SA E. K ! y.i \ Ltanew-FiMUu^.» * . JMMTT. ! 1KO. forti if the Crown to convert the proceeding* Hcin. j Gecil J. Rhbdes liv^s, ^nd ^ 1 look master>--i want to know if ;ji : : . BwpWrr/J- ;bi|iSM*tfi ' Jp«Wfc intojtne semblance . of a Btate tiial (applause). sound .'his ujroundsL which were jnost interest- we havp auch a man as John Eo&che¦ 1 in the vid >d for non-acceptance thereof." -: j ; ¦ ^ 'Dietrict ^ ^ ^r»»arfordN».t-8»torday,J9U fJia.lin. 1 • ' • :• -.. ; jibe Colerain© ' Rural Council for- . , BlwkjCiirrmat,., (^Fltim^T . . JKJT ( He paid that as the case- was pending he did ing. WLe has a private i menakerie of South nnion? | :' . 'jj ¦ ;. } : . . • > [; - C&pt. Penroae went 6n to state that he warded for adoption a. letolulion, tendering Bd ¦ but simply ' Mastir-rrYes; we ' the resignations of District Councillore . , ' " not wish to Bay much about it, African wild \; animals there, (which ! are well have a rnan named John to M». i TTw.!JLtiu»ll. 1i.V;, their bjsartiesi M'anni»14a ^|i'* m2ibJ»t:.' : .! O^^^^^S^i^^'^ll&L . ' remark that the ; sympathy of the entire Co. worth «eeing. The -grounds in which they are Boiche in the house. | !;- Guardians banded in" arid 'accepted < by 4 making Oingcr^ :8Mjp t All Sd. 1 ' , ¦ and: thanks fpr the great effort he is now Bi«QUittr-iMlx&. ,l of Witerford and County of Cork was with keiSt ¦ere several -miles in extent: I also-went Mr. Norris—He |is A miljtia, man, Ii under board noted-that. fines were not to! further a just measure of compulsory tale • . '• \i jj }JB\AUt% Tr*, ttsf. ¦:¦ p«; Tallovr and the men singled: out for prosecu- jlhe Boer stand, and he comes in here after returning •' \ v }^ : out to where prisoners are confined of land in Ireland to the occupying tenant*, " tion; It was considered premature at pre- at .i GrBBnpoiiirU ' ^Xhere i'ara lijbout : 4,000 pf from the jmilitia. ITheso fellows go and get and again expressed their belief that there ..ONS.. ¦ DOZEN BOXES OF HATOHES FOB eentf t) open a fair trial fund,' but he was- sure them- fliere and they eeenji fairly happy,: "fThey trained and then | come¦ buck here into the never can be prosperity and contentment W . ; ; ---I - J L-PIJKX - ;. „ ,!.- . when lit came, as come U wonld, they -would are kept-on tho , eurrounded!by a unron and won't work. ' . |' not sa .iuuy flacwuiia n»tius.? «e pympaiaiseq Eacecou^ae f " Inland until -all abuses connected with dual ' ' stand like men to the Tallow Branch¦ . (ap- high galvanised iron fence, wjth barbed wire Mr. B. IWalsh—They go serve their! Queen, with tho board in the difflcaiyes pt their ' Soap. ¦^l^^Mf ^^^ -:, ¦: - . . plause). ¦ • ' . i I' onj.top,m oA; Bentries at intervals of about but apt their country (laughter). - position, but; he: was. fully' determined1 not ' , P^gjhif|ti| | ^|fl|ptio nh|ia - U^. . Tne resolution was adopted.¦ —Adjourned ' '•¦ ¦ ¦ Mr. James Queally seconded the resoln- twenty-five- yards, on high platforms /with Mr. Korha-r-I propose to-bave him:brought to permit tha board to place him in difficul- '¦ ' ¦- - ¦ ' *. -y;i¦¦>¦:¦ - ' }.: ' •; J .- '.!; j^«teSMKSBLr «- . 'ii,- ' county branches I would np 'Jierft jYon ar^all 'coaipIaiBing ties.also. In wriolosion, fie again reminded } fJnr No! ? Plito^ 8«i?.i..only Id per ^f«W* . tion, and said the lewyjed -rfflesj.They.livqprincipally in iron 1 ' Idf tatea ¦ look after the interest of the prosecuted.men. houses and tents. As I went \>y there were a being ioo high, and you are letting them the) Council that his waa not the only Je»l*na- . ' ¦^¦Mpam«M( «hr. i: ¦ .: •¦ 1 putting the Waolu-; raise more -every day. . .(:, . ¦ ¦ '¦ *{ tion, and that he.cbiecta to being singled ant, ' The, Chairman said in number «1 them on the grand stand, and! were > ' ¦: ¦ tion Uiat the executive should take trje ; pro- looking at the .people passin ; by. and ! they The man then came1 before the board, and and «aw no distinction in it/ tta the¦ ¦ ch»4rman¦¦ !'iirATEB|FOED QK>. 1) EUMT ' > —- ¦¦lnSBBuiiT ¦- ¦ ''. m reply ; appeared think; - ;j ;. -. . Vw" -I" . ¦' v |, ' :j „ l (Ftaert Po« , . r,.:t.tFi l •i 1 . TFFi S m*i?&:--^X ¦ per e :eps. There were Some of the men in seemed greatly .interested. I finally arrived to the :hairmari, said he {was a to is to " Vi ¦ Tallo\? who would not touch a penny lof the ' , TipperaryiMuiua man, rand that ho was. . .. Mr. Irish—Th^t ¦ a compliment . ¦;¦ . .{' : -)rriWw feUp)5iS(^ftl> : ; {j^ at the «nd o( my journey on N°Yember just out : ¦ ¦ ¦;¦ ¦u ^ i msmiGF c6ris6iLl t^tf.'^SiSfriiJhrt iJMCMlk^ fund, but all the. same they wpnld< look with reaching Algoa. Bay (Port Eli utbeth) at 10.30 of the militia sin » last October, and" about '(Iaiighter). .:! ;- V- i . -i. ' ; ; ] Afoid Ptort Bo»pi0wMq& wo«lly cwtwtt .frratilide to those who came ;to the rescue. a.m., .fcut ,owing to the' jheav r gweU on, we three wepks in tle houwi ' ' , ' ; Mr^'ffitegeroldt-There Is a crock fpr the ouW li&in&tf uis ai&n our foil poand «f 19 tie advised them, to trust no- man who -was could tiot get- ashore until. 4 (0 in the after- : .Mi.- Norris—Where were you before you not a leaguer, and particularly te avoid [polices- noon, ! when I got drencbe< 1 through and wen£ to U»e militia? r \ i : 1 UWTK— i wrote 10 uapi.: renrose io say no ' .j •;: THE QUABTBBLYrMEET^NG . ..! : : a«;sure Roacho , .»" :: > : " J ¦ : ", ¦¦ iwi nnder ai;jni»ppr^heru!on, and the Courn j . rneil. Pass him the time ol day, for through wiUi' the spray. |I mnf say thatjihere ^-I wa» ln :hcro. f ;i t ' ' Coui cil .as ypa get entangled in.a policeman, he would aie:no tta&i JbervAndyon 1 ave io Jond on j. . Mr.^fcarif-^Wh;'i i*it7Bla'CBsnujt-4olt«nii ' tilwary »iehea b) fill un the vacancy, M -hq ! I The qua^rlyaWtinf ^Ithlg . wai last of it in spite ol you. Be ad- ' '' '' '¦ ¦ <%taag} t [ vw ' /, -; v :-;. - . . ?{» ,;¦ .• ¦¦i"f. i ' cc4ld " attend, and the district should be held on Satalroay'in. the Bdkrd Boom of the f %'$$$$^'W); , hive the small¦ tugs. [I foiirid things lie I - . i'- ' i: n>t . ' :V . • •.-oiacdithemto have pure flincere men'ob 'their ; ,»?atl^p-"Wen; lamverf wall in ihe «nmi represented by:sonw 6ne. ' : ] 'I Workhouse¦ , | Mr. Wm. Kearney,nJ-X; pro lengae oommittcea, and; any -other the old be i ¦ysis^Hi ^'^g *&?***& ¦':, > : raer, btiiTam not able to work in'the'winter ;tilt.li:.?hefan-rl* tt^JO*. .better to diapwe of tided: There were also prtsent: Capti. Cofb> be Jklcked out, because by to dolnrithey ^• I anv uJways in thaWetter'-ndtilf . ; :• ; ¦ ,' ,,, : , - - ' . ;. :¦>?. lari;! MeMMJ p. W. Keilf, Coi Or. : J.i WWsii.' ' ; ViA^:4Q8tiB4 rffiffr '-^^T1 SlBt jQ T^A"$BXt b ¦ lU>0Qt ibe hospital Jn.the militiai \ JBf oii tea wotild be saving their canAe and.avoiding UM ' . Dr. iKenny said¦ I ; ¦had chronic complain CUrk—Y/Bf- ino one waited ' to have a fine James. Power. Jphn Murphy (Beisk)); Thoa. ^f^Sw ol blackguards Iroo may join tha J00 anitenSIetatttlrom bere ; It is a iplice irt the chest. : "^,1.. . ' . i imposed on, ; Capt: Penrote. > ¦ ; Nplar), Robert Phalan, John J. White J. Mur- teacwiig some ye tra ego, so' three -T: ' . The Cotincll ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ association to- get a goqi nameior;li»eto»«4r \ ' - - . • , • JkeepiDg company ¦ffita-re»pei4#We:3nefc^itcr * *lUr i^niitg,l left; for lip-countrytr^and been comin* • ; Mr.'Klriaella-We don-T t to ba pert:in Mr, J. M»ckey,|Clsrk; Mr, Duffln, Co. Sai- by . ' ^ot stuffy ain; into the workhouse? ! wi bo but' .Akho -would hang tf usm iH Abei mOB. f t after alx hours jflnmeyj in a , "Boache-j-Abput six. Bea&ons. I won't atay tha commeniaetnent^but I would, for Int veyor^Mt JepuBon; Assittimt Survey ir, were ¦theippportunity cfferedJ He wonMJ5* ua orry of; seventy Mies.I fonnd my friend at the long«ri her« thin, potherffortriiAt,tit l.tun fpr nlng CB,pt.i Peprose that we don't want in]atl«ndanoe u usual. . '' - , - ' ! I 1 that they Jwd nodi%nen M Ibf ii station with a C*pe c?rj and four, horses, ' waj to ^Thk g ¦aUowed1 ' byltheiMMrd/H, I Hi!f \\i;/ >;:l hMympatby trJ^no-difOenltf* of the poytioH the pountjrflarveyor s report r tad and comrmttees to,l,-jmm>f &1bem>.-wonld , join, waitin for me. knd then I lad a ride of 30 ; Mr. Ebtetp arr&t the appearance w> Are placed:in. Convey. that letter to the approved otj and the following recon moBija- . ba* t>f ' ' ;¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' morexwigBrous- than tho com- mnes overone oil ui» worst ro ua» m consten- delicate * w»«te , paprr iJiWtet.- • ¦ • •¦: - .,:;• - . >¦ ¦ {¦ ¦] added thereto andiadoptod - jindiibey-.'weiB . ¦¦> ¦ ¦ man. Ha i« hot a strong manJ .?- ; V*CW«w .— ' WQff .tsppJause). { r- ~ . ,dom: You hkve to experience i South African¦ ! Mri ;Koni»-H« lit nott too Joli ^, Mrl O!h^;matter '.^h(|n' dropped.,., ' , ,, - > ;; - '.;. • ^ncmT ^ . _ ^:. ' tin' ¦ i ' ¦¦? ' ] ¦¦ ' • ' ' : .ijThfilirewalioo ¦was paseea. : ' . < country toad befbie yon c|a (now »hat ft '* .? ^^, ;bt4 th^hi;«o^*to»WarSSDioat ; ¦ ft * J ' ' ¦ ; * ¦ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ; ' ' lik«.t I «ched ln«vaT.4w»eiof ttry bodytbofore -Aide ' T i , • i j - ! ¦ ¦ t f- \i ¦. lie paring ai th« Bridge tit BA i ]f : 'i.THE LABOUBERS.: : , : , y;, . ' ' i 1 \ : ^^;t ^^Qx $^^d^\oiii . .| " [ aaiyingJtJny.amtioktwn. ^ baJwsjMel ****¦ • Mri Biitton-lrB tttUk-ihst.-aiik iikn-bi ' ~CUA: ; ^ald—In cooMauence of *h(. 4iT•«' . : iJiiJ , ;¦! r- ) i WST^HHT*™': ¦\-1SJ . I JCbomas Power -jpropdsed a ics«intinito-jboip i ijtc.jWJjriattme, Th* i th84Pua>< ojaconrKea out m me aoasson Aionasy. • . j- ntes.wiwii«P»KH|cnp j<™ www wo. /calling attention to the-aoathy pi MT| l&hilWi6i !<)i)(|.ttui; V: • garvan Rural District; Counc^UjJn comrtgtigr it jGlaflt9*iit& ^p»H>8j^!»rai«ica » m Mrj Maher^-rpr!opo»eth kt he be ketxt ben t . neceMto'K jwpoinl ^jbi*U Uln with .{the l&toTnzrtvk$^sJ&fa%mM J&Vt^~ ' CHi iJJorrHrfXai^^pelJ^ . . .qh^mte,i. ¦ ¦Ot n41ng, driving' »nc i iomtihoattM. J ¦ 'Uxcai tridge»l)«hira ho ' bo '^ '¦¦ ' ¦ ' to K7aaa n^e QtUt v B» *' *'! ' • £ \ i r ' i ' - f -< i ' , ;" — h I*' * f* ^ese-oot novi bhtoevftt^^'WUfitoe*} " ^Hii

Jot% S« their ¦duty.; }K W.hindlotaij OTW '¦ : ' ! 1' ' ' ', - ' ft#S paW I; - '' "PwV r ' - ' -^'- v, .>i ¦; ' - •i^ TBWnf, '*t«rv«._ . . -Ti :!!:- - ,- • ^—-. Hi:: "-I . . ^^SmBSmtim IjriW«i

m% Fsm ^555 ffi lifi. Jia :P- ¦M^i ^^g^l^p^^i'^i^W^v

ipfti - ' .»* ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ : - • . ;: :. , Vi .^.V,v -^-v.^ |: Tf!- r. , ^v. >-r!Jri

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i i l i i i iI T I J ¦ ¦ : ; " ' ¦ - - " " - '¦= : i ' :' ' ' ; ; ; ¦¦ i --JL-1.V - - - ^V*?-- «- - ' "T' - , V- «- . - - - - -*- •s : r-}: rM v'^;- ,:;J '|V! 1. vil - ^ i f ^^ toipto .i7j8^.jv 5- i:i;. <-:- |i -;;¦;¦ - ":' 'di' ; ' ¦¦ : ' ' < . . . . . i : " " • ' ' 1 ' : ¦ ' '¦¦ ' ij - r/-,iiv'.j:. J/Wi . - . -\-r'^h.;-i \ ;.. . - . •;' ^.;• '¦¦ ' - • • :¦ •'}¦ > - •'¦¦v- ; ¦ ¦:¦ ¦ : j ^- iii;. ; • ; ^^ ^n : -^^F-- .^ H-i-jN::!. v^"^-^/. -H ; ¦ " - . !¦:- ! .:[¦ !:>¦ i- i ¦r: :. v!.. - : :.|-^ - i . - . v .MrM. -!=: . - - -

¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ . .. ; . . - . -. / i- ( We Tare Sole gents in WatetfbM" i .- fifjii;-' \tlittBfr'^'BeMiLiaiBDl!!:' \dbcftfcii t: •!. •-• I .::,¦*: . -A ; : ; a: :: ;-v ' - -v REACTIONS on La?: er-Bcal6 - : SOBESfSOl^ 1 . ihan ever before tif. C ¦: ./ .: i all preaent'¦ Stock. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ,•; .\\\ > .: r- r. > . *:¦ .

THE PoptriAiti B ' ¦ ' p^M!'^^^;5"4(i:^^.;. .i .:. . i • •' ¦( ¦ :;? } ;f '¦ ¦:¦ :" •:• : ¦ fc • \ - i - . -l.,. , :: :ii ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ • ¦ ' : - ' ; ¦ • l • rr ;. : ! : . i |y ! ' ir"^r' ^ " ^^^r" -c^ 1 !'! j ^iL^' ^ . PEEPAIO. ADVEiBTISEMENT. ¦ ~ *" ¦¦ THE ' IET8H! NATTOJJAL "" "" " " " " • ¦ • : ANNUAL COLLECTION raMPERANOK ; - : .- • . •r [ . r. .; . . ; . ¦;: • -: | : SALES -BY THOMAS WAI5H & , . .^; |IH-AID OP i til'P.iittVL'By iStbright, ebmfortably furnfsaed t THB rOHD& OT THE ; ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' - ' ¦ • . '! ; •; - • ! ' ' ¦ . ; ¦ . • ¦ ¦{, . i. . ;: : . . SON • • ! L BQ : i . I . I \ nioe hoaw;ool4 moderate. JS 4 hot baths( ; . -: Apply J.' thisiOffiBa ^,, '.' . - . ' j ! ST YINCENTDE PAVLSOCIETY • A GONEERENCE , (ST FITTED WITH 'FMcnoMiiss RCT.T7cs|j< AJro grBCxuxT "Gosb-suueruu voR Imanf ROADS % . j. . . ; : , . , i ./: , WA1EBF0KD, V. . .Tooonsfdir ilit qaostlon of li A; MERICAN bronto'trtirVoV Cooks fox breodlufi ^j £L% ISs^ For (be Belief of ' th« , I)e»4rrlng- Poor-;witbobt la tbe. High Conrt of' Jutioe! IQ Ireland TEMPijBANCE EGISLATION Pricesf-^16 : 15s.| ; and;J10 :i 10s. : Met ^asL lUligioo* : ' ' ' '' ¦ ~ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦" ¦ f^'' 4S«-ip¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ dbtinotionwill be toads at tha- , King's Uench Division—In BanVinptcy. L 1 ¦ ¦ . . . . . ? ;. . - . . •!¦ • .¦ :. : : - i : • . SOLE AGEHTS t— - : '¦ ¦ ' ' * : V i . -| ' ' ' '1 ¦ Doors of tha - ' •• - i:.' : jT^ * ; SfiVEBAL B OV ¦ ¦ Rof•¦l JN" ^A DUBLIN.¦ ¦ ¦ CHURCHES OP lHE (3Tt; Me NicnotAS DAXTOK, T H , Oo. Waterf ord, :¦ ' ' -;¦ ' - <«- V- . • = ' ¦ ¦ : A : : v fj .1 - oWi"''' """ " '" " " ' ¦ Publican and MercBant—a Uankrupf,' . o AaLiho ITU VVHi ,; bo ' TUBSpAT; ' &;. Co., 13 & 14] BROAD Sri WATEREORD XSL Rood condltloq^vrjUl sold ebcap: Apply 6tft PEIBRUABK ' ' SUN DAY NEXT, Srd. FEB., :ibe SoW by Auction 'on Bankrupt's |Tbe.Cbsir:wiU be Ukea by W. Splnts. Tramore. • RIGHT ¦ ¦ ¦ TO Hdjir. THB ¦ ¦ WestStrtet, Tallow, : ¦ ¦ r^OBDCtONBROOK.HJtt . ~ Pr«mb«s, ; • r ! A BREAD VAN for Sale ; will be ' «6ld ohsap, e—— • 6tb PBBBOARY, 1901, : | At aaop.*. ¦ Be jommena' ON TUESDAY, £L : AppJy P. thts Office: ; ' . " atlont for Belief from any Ecjpectabla ! By Court directions at 13 •'Clock. ' 1 - ClUi m will be caretoUy conaidercd by tha Society. BspreseoWtiM* will be prea«ot froma fl part*Of Abont |425 Bottle* «f Port, ShtiTy, CorfWi, Ireland, i i NOTICE. , :.. ;!. TTBtaT 8ESU ITJJOUHDEHS at W Dlttle'E HC2C and Dtlegstes are brriiolSram . j . r>wr " : ¦ h8 Claret, iWhiskej, Rnm, Poner.and Ale, Empiy an Tsmperaoce rTr-».¦ n-7 rtt.:. ¦ . . | ~-v ; *' iu> Stotos. Pirllamantj-etzoet, Watorford. - . & Donations ; from thoSe! who cannot j , BodeUas. ... tm_ : • ^«<«i--^i--i.'c:- ' «.» Buhop aad attend Bottles, Pewter i Meuoieei lTes, jBiigar, Soap, i T Timber. ' o Counter Balance, Scales,' Glasuca, | Edward Harding.J.P., Chairmax. ! ! We beg to give • Notice that ot t : BAXlUAID-^Wantod respoctable ' girl aa Bar ra^K¦ r fr^: ' ^^ ' ' ¦ maid ; mnBt haro good rcforonco and ozp3 : > ¦ ¦ Wdghtng Macbioe, Wfightji, Beata Scales «ui ¦ ; -1 ¦ -:•' ¦; \ '1 ' ' . ! J, B. Hon. 8acrrtariev ' will ba : ¦; !u. - OUE ' rlenca ' Apply A.B., NBW» OEco. . ;, . Weights, IJm«,|apme Forniture^ ic. [ . , McrJarty J \ ! Brewery Offices; ; ^ ¦ ' ¦ Bead Ofilca* ¦ ¦ Tnrma—Cas hl : . ¦ . : : . . . ;i .\ ¦ j !—4 and 8>. Kostact-stnes, DobUn. • ' " ': ' "Vj i ; irbALLlPBObBAMJIES—Wa have the late; JiEXi i KNOX McENTIRZ, Eaq., ! ; " I . -ciiipsEip- - 1 ' ' BAIlRlIIGTpN TRUST LECT0EES OfflclaJ Assignee¦ , Foqr Courts, Dub- ¦ " • ¦ !¦ • BCJOKS OF; ' ' U X < ****3«3i ¦ ' ' ' ' I ' : :'¦ • - :- . . . THF 1>AY ¦ be soon at.- the.-., "NBWB" OB .. . . ¦ , ¦ . . , .. ' ' t ,J|| I 1L -L •« ' * , ; lto. . •;; .. . |;. . . . , : -" '• ¦y iyy ^. ^: . j .. i — r-T .—..— - . -. . M Axaacuau rtiotau rttu,a ¦ ¦ ggE>i > ; j ¦ , J Av- .. - ; : ¦ .;¦ ' " ;¦ . ' Vcavplisa •{ i !, .. . x JHOMA B WAtSH i* BON, ¦ . - [ ;. v- ;. . . POK? o«h !¦; ,riHBAPB9T and Bert Bcslneis¦ Cards1 ¦ ¦ . ¦ : ; ILIBfiAEY. . , '. - ¦ ¦;. ¦ • •>¦ ' - ¦' ' | SATUBJPAX ,NE?:T,; .j| v - . ¦¦- . . - . ¦••. - ¦ .. - . : V - v: • - : ' - : ,-:hi. « tipn^Tj, :Tb# M^l,:'W»terf«d. • j • . . - • X:- .. . • . : .. .: s .-v Priei Rrle* \J from tne Ns¦¦ wjOlSc^- ¦ _J -i*_±:::. - '/.: Aftmsa tfej* : f - until S o'clock, ; , , ,._^— . _ . _ . ¦¦ ¦¦; ' " ¦'-" ' ~ J O-wrt B*tr ^«r Tg. ¦> : I From 12 o'clockNoon . V : " ' ff \HB library Committee hare great pje*. Ballen .K|iVof Jtorclsurt er»t ^ i^ , J ; 7?8; r M • ,-STBiNdM^'«6 €^l|TD^ i amng LADY LAMB j AND '"iAKJEHiotJSB tAl? W 8 Cboritpj»tsrt-aamilton', Mawa.- e/- . tfr~ ; : DAVI8¦ ¦ TC i that¦ ot8 : " ' : ¦ • ' Merrfi«teF7' t ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ - ' ' ¦ - ' G*«/- >: 6/- int6aSB SALEAl^jCa-Caib tfo^i Pillarar aboutoboutor I100.fcot 1 ^^ ^K ^ ^^W. VBluablo Leasehold;3bui . ^ropsHgr ' : long ; suitabls for^ibulldero contract ! (Statutory Wotlco to ' Grqdlt^ro. ' 1 - - -/ ¦ MaHoo (Hwforf ^ZST1*} 9 srM,i -i» ; -MS .ed. . : Appiy at thiaofflpav;;^ ,- ' .: ' ;' . . M C. J{- - Sroinoinffifroflt S.n.i 'ot£i7 IQk f 0'- 9r ^w J:'^i v 7 [ ^ . % Q£ be Cwdltcia pr otbeewlsa' 1 ¦ '• NATIONAL SCHOOLS." , BosebfnyP 6/- «/- to have »oy el»In> or demand on ine Astttta of the ¦ ' ford, by directipiu of tha Mia»« Kxu.r, tb^ir "WaeSw^ 7/8 eV3 f :" ¦ ¦ ! " ls i U" ' Dsscriblog the larm duages ia organiation talc JamesDo to, who di& tb oTiaaout^ellth 25 i i ¦ ¦*--¦ 1 ¦ ¦ - ¦ *. . .^:. -8d1 ^ INTEREST In the TeoV: Largo DwelliDg All tb«ir«ir , at« required, on before 1»O ^ " . - •;: -• ¦ ¦£^: ' ¦• ig | tbo new syattm of Manual Lutrnctioa 4.aBJ»l TolM»o«at C«ab.Frfc3*. day of December, 1900 o* . >.! . . . . i ; 9a 'fitel . ; - .fia - '^H il ¦j.a.yw.ui sa^uiniwrw. Houaes, known AS Noj. 12, 18, 14 & 15, li ly the 16th day of MiacB, .W01, to :lnrnW<. the ^ ! etc., and its bcariog -on uwnstry. : fin writing) ot «utbclaim or fleman-l ' Laoe^mlab 8hop, Yard*; »nd StaWea anin BsJo- ; : oarMculan Unbroken ChUWalns nsa White's qhli- ChaUnni—The Most Bov. Da. SHEMUH nil held nnde^ Lease for tToix- r jjEtt^^qwKEB^-; : :. to tfce anaorii!«tiea.| Soliciinto r f«r|Wnxiii« Fnfr- FOR * houao Lane, at iW of Bleckf^W thoCttybf Waterfoid, Wain Linlmont. Boldand In Bottles. Cd and Is Ta 7V3VA.T , FnB. Hi. plred Term of year^i Attnfcil BooksellK*, iStationer, Photogrftpbex' TATEicK, , 0 Whit0 S0M !kto lAieet 29J Merchant- ' the *<**' JSttwtor named in' tna last UM > « - '¦««*.Aid to Economic Development in Gronnd Bent of £65, add producing j- ' • Testea>«>t! bf ai« *ata deceasefli and to &pG rt&rfora. ! ¦ ¦ ¦ * ' Will and TXQm ALL ; ^j ' ! • trciana. . .. Grow Renktot ,\... >l(2 10 0- .! : whom Prob»te«* - SKe - «rt« Win «ras,cn qw 2Atb! . ! THROUGH . K1 ^ iTJNEj POB SALE-^Brcschi Loaders, - llnale ChtlriaaD-Ta'p Bight Woahlpfnl tha Hay or. Deduct Head Beat... i 65 0 0 ! day ol January. tBOl, BTM"****'^^ t V, lAttdara. and; . Dlntrirt R&irttj of fti f Biirt.Befleh !' : , Haqoerl^a Ejectors.. All In ^1.-..- n«, « ' ¦ fcenny Li 1 :; i:; 2^ ;|?pi^^!:\ ,;Jx;.;; : , >d coDdition.. .. tj,:6bqedy, Pawnbroker, EaDj- ^ 1 *** ¦ «• ¦'' • . BffiTH8 TMvt.W(Pr tfc»te)ii«t the ¦Hl^^ofctaUce- . v ' r . ' r^* , Qro^ Pro8t ReDt .J 10 © . I , lIAaBIAGE8, ASD D1AJH8, cken,.^6tcrford,', n:i v. i ;. .:?. ' :. ¦• '* tye Advantages (Urivtdfrom Foreign Trcde.' . v |«47 . . * - ' .puujsae1 that " ' ' ' 1 , ¦ k A considerable sum has b&ea, expended « ^ AwB No*ic«-w $ca **r liivfe 1 monthl ¦ Oh^n^ri, HrbnBnaiw. - day of |H»rcl>, 1801, the esEd RA2JING TO^i^VreeWy or y, for 1 this propertywithin the put few y«aa ia pa; ¦• ¦ ¦ ¦ '¦ after the «aM 16* £HOBSPAT ¦ • ,. . - ¦-¦ ' ¦ r •hiep Biill ' T ,.B »28 ' . . . /] . , . . BORH. , - .. :. - , proeW to distribute- the iaMts „ said deee*Ni|smoiJgs» the partfea! entitled ¦ ¦¦ ¦ I Sanitary Anan^eirieut» perfect, r - , < .1 O'GQBJm-Januafcrm MOJ.' at .TTrtitfiaJr,- having regard only to the clai ms and U3!. • • : • | ' ChairBHi—1H9 U*yor E3«t . the wjfe of BJchard thereto. JyJy "¦ ¦ II.¦ 0Xrona«n./of itmKSO ' ; ! . • . ¦JliO For farther particularsapp ly to . daughter. : ' : ¦ ' ¦ ' • been. aa & | , - ' : demands of which potieo-shall have jtfTen , To* r«patat[po of wOl b« a isfflo , _ . . , . , ¦ • ¦ tb* l*elsr*r ' • "" • * ^*' ' ' ¦ ' : ' ; ' ;¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ * OB ¦ ' ¦ • ¦ ¦ : ' ' ' ¦¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' .- I' !' '¦ A : i r . . ., . • ¦ gwtt&iB *thai tbMe laMtara* THOMAS WALSH & S . Auciioneem, & . j - -|; ¦ . '-;¦ J- ' ¦ eJoresald. ! ; i • - ¦ wiH b» msracoi j ; . -;. -j- -?- this S5M> day of Taxmary,S SQ1. : . > snS atrraaTAWiMo, and ol mcui. intsrsst to u Th9 Mall. Waterforf. ! ¦ ¦ *. Dat?d Yw »wu vu, HM<» ««¦ ftvg VU. iVUOWU OUVM^l ¦ -p.A. MUBPHS; I ;• : ! ¦ ¦ ¦ it Holy -r-' r. r-ariiww-i ' i "i : : 1 • ¦ ' i xyomt SsaU A}. OOOTSS «f 'fRo«ac>Ai«»V r«lf» • one mllo from 'Watorford ; well watered d H»U aid Oklbrjt Sd. «4i*. • ef fotr E«tr. Hi' «nIr shelter. Apply T. Fitjeraldj Knockhoac DST.Ke TloktU «iU b» soli at daort nati] 7-4*p , «gn orEIchahi aarrtl,l,of l(riStS?pio»- -frnUB8TJAIlT to » Joiipnent of; tho CJmooeTy : » QiSteh I*ot«r«vD X eoBtsraot «t 8 pJ3- (bar*. DUBLIN¦ STOEE CATTLJ mel, fo I*nJ*fc;TO tnijer daaiWe? JJSBY AHD SPIB1T r j . : -—- ¦ ¦ ; c/ tlie 1? DITW OH rf Uv> High Conrt of JoiUc, to ¦:.•; BUSINBSS-Yoonjf rm ¦ ' late Major-GeneraTG*onr» 8hia»» 'O3. - ¦ fn the Matter of tha EibJU of th« . an prejanUy eagaged vri«het to hear ot a JSTofa—•FIRST LECTURE^ - GAFFNBti and • Ireland mad* Qlfei MTBEEOER J : , THVR8DA Y, . . . . SALES : 8FATrfiJann*rjr M}^- tMft. -Rmerend BtciuBt>i SL&SEW. dooeaeod, aid la »n r ' • inagt)o3bous e In city. Good references | | " ' . FEBRUARY 7th. ; at the UnivwiJty Oharohi^ f 1 Sfepbetf* AcUon FlyBn T. «rt»7 (19MTNo.«45).:»naCreditoi. NKXT ACOTf8K m I .: OreeniLDnbUn, b> the B«rr. 7oto QolnbsB. «f tbe said BerarjfedB MBABP, Bamwry late of O.C., kewcWeWesV aa^isWT&Si CBppoaainv in4be<3onnty ot Wtttcrforf, ITPTDEOMBTEE^—Sjke» Ko 63, PBUSSIA-STBfiBTf; DUBLIN E. Bnik». O.C.' CatholicUnlw Aftir 1 JV-fi^,i-i*. Modelliao. te OT toe Ccnth ¦; I, cwu^!e< . , | rari& ^»e«ti>*<»i*«4 «bont cl JOL i Book of Iistjortlspa j gists trial jtr, 1 • ¦ son of T!hamaa;QtSMf ''Baa - SiP''i aZ^8tml Auuk, 1900, aw. fdn or before the:,a8tdj day of . TQBlf'^ eto—o*.u«4 by H.^«Eiblt^35/- eamplt street, tow iA^^S^i^f Febrosry. l«0U to !«nd by, portjprepald.j to Mr. liT«wd fr«a. OPBedmoa* , THURSDAY, tjitL idOi ^ yi and ¦Co, Nuvre, ¦ : ; % ^^^ i Ksarr, «¦* Bere»ford OPfiee, ta ¦"" »t«»ii»»«», •»«» *M— »«••- JSu 'Sujdlb et 134,,Qnsjr, Watwford, iU oa^ia - . . *- * ^ 1 ^ - all froa ¦' ' ¦ tlonlan ot their . ptetau, » statement ft ttedr first Ploor. Apiiot^gjaB^ Rt prices 8s Od .' , ¦ "¦ ¦ ¦ • ^la? ^** f^' ' • «« »rtajWe^flf an;) tol8» per;dbieti.;..: . ,- .| . ¦ ¦ » • v ^^^^ Kp^ ae^nts, and ?be «*»« . <»• r .^, J,-«;. . . ; - .- i - •; ¦ : ' • z& ' teW by them, or fa; f?W*J.i*fv»- *& .tiitcAwk ¦ • ; , »WTOR»» tpPTJgW BOASTED : . ; Uphert Quay JJaWliu . E^ry Creditor boidJng t^tota JNOii• ©LjOii- that we can Bopply; them %$ rteap M asy bowe to *•** * *«**w- ** ^ -— 8HEU. •nd paKAJSfljfanuan- M B«W Hoobta. 0- ¦ ¦ GOODSo - ' »th. T,, kill. ^^^YOTTaae , x^Jft^s^JSiinpSs-;,;. C&snoellor/Bt :;• .] , .;- {. ., : • ; ; 'i Jt«T. ; .VVMBH '- JsMBBnv v itf tbe »6th day cf ^fancb. 1601 «|Bleteat&Ctockfor . , ; j ^ .. n *' to the • forenoon, bttag «» itime ^fpolnt^ td- O-iiBABl £s Solo Agent for the Wo^ld-Ee- ' - j /55 jaolcatlogon the «Wot.' -_ \ | . ¦'. I- '' i : #© started sepoi ; Downed iGrama&hoae, Sings, Tallu ; : 1 : Jantary.WOi. {; ¦ ¦ wita all HeW Stock. dfid ¦ Ji.'#w JAME3 M. BABRT & BOB, A*UOO«M« Batedlawsa thisHUS «80th^ diy of Owii Ploy?, Tells 8Uirie3( te. )CaJlaid hear it. - , : . WBMOT,i wUr ¦ , - COSQBA.VEJ Chief ^tlerki, weatte mudh j j. / a; «tt ^ #the StocK in lUDepartmen ow ijsrr/^inI U. . 7A .' SB, F^OPI/E who went to Purchases njthnjr. by < f«t i/ >»ir«rM*rJ Our ¦ ¦ . : ¦- ¦ li ¦ . . ¦ I I ' T - : tho Systejn of At 1* o'Oloek. ea the FrMsfttt. > limtililisis ril BOB axw DtJOO^t^Mttary ¦^^¦ •tonit now ai Baner o», ExchaDMfchould -rr rvn «x o n of tha at Itiidr -C&iacllt^ ra. "^•^'1 ^^'¦ lny loss {gr one of thy aflrtrtlateeBte. . . . : ?K, <¦ ^ IJ0«^ObiiKlHrtrI^h tottpviv«b « ; I Statutory. I^ptio? to. 1 M^nTV WllltO & CO. Earl^ irispi&ieti0n I !X>KSJc KUTAbL£ yoong wonaa wiabes tor y • *•»«»' a. r In the enctst can be highly rsoommended by last ' . CO, QUAY, i. ' employer. • • Apply It P, this pfflea. . . ¦ ¦ ' : ¦ ' : j K«*eryEDd Bce<3fWarehopcEai«, dpxa»: ; : .], : . ;:¦ . j -; ' ' I ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ' 1 "TCTOtlCS IS HEBEBI Oivar, pnr« batact to BEHT OASQS—JZOQM Ageota who want Btot , ; : j . . . ' ! •' ] • ' " -' ' ¦ . ¦¦ iD J5J «& Stat«U 2tndaod «5rdVla.?C.55 ^ all ' O»ds «h<*ld cajlisad sw the Samples -ire baTo ¦ ¦ '¦ ' ^_ MALONi ^i^fiofl^ ¦ ¦ . ' ' -¦ ¦ ¦ ¦' ¦¦•¦! r ¦ s ! " ' ¦ '' ¦ ¦ narsons olalBdnff td bt OreflUof» arebereW reqnfced, *D for ilbt, 411 , Jib, and Slbsj ¦ AJq>:£UJ£J¦ tf j l«0J. *Wb *2» *»J f *W , ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦; ¦ ;¦ ¦ • of March,' 190L to tmUubt wMogftMnM- Pre« on applicationto o. P. R¦SDMOSD and ^oo.Oo . I ;! . . . . , •• ,- • . ¦¦: . ¦^ fi. .-• . ¦^ ¦¦ ¦<¦ ¦< ¦ • i crfaSiofaiehclaln »of. to «hot>7»b>t* JDJ ¦ Dc xmtge and Snpport Irish ludmtry Jairlwy,I9HI CTWuBfort., , ¦ ' ' " ¦ ' tbVg*hWof £>W " ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ; :¦ ¦ ¦¦;' ' 'irB;- ¦ ¦ ¦ : • ¦ MI 1 1 — !¦ .; , . WHaiijjCLBAR ¦!• ;¦ ¦ -] ¦ ¦ - ¦ '! ¦W»t«rtord Oiitdct > |j :;; - j .]. . ; • • »»«7ir^ J*. 3 « rT M; . ;. ; IHTiiJoo :f -J M i> :: • • --- ..j ijf^^f : " .; ' ¦ ' ¦ -' : ¦^;j.j:h6/-)Qr«tt % ¦* «» .!! .. .;!! . . - ' \ \ r.^U.VA' 3KB8. :^Ina : SrtTot thwrid Spewed,JfeWJegMSjDtJyto. URPROTGH l*a*J/ ffi\ILOft!NQ-^W»»t«dCo VBaker ;•1K ll A*1 XUU Wl^U;U8B . Aptly to i[ * " > «¦¦•¦¦- '¦ ' :r : ; JL Flynny^Broad.^, v . -; ; ;r ; , ' vl -• '!' • ¦:' fH.1 '\ *^«j 7 . .: i^lMt -;i i ^. -V , |. :\ OTHJifU . } v Z, i i-^SS^OTSSi •! ^ ii -J '.r - : ' ' ' ; ; ¦ foiapdi«p®:i i; Sstiiriafe T^O : L)BT—PofarnBhW'.fl ^oac• 'odrw*VoY '¦ N' I " '' MVi iii il' : : v ¦ ¦ : ' ;' "" "¦• '•¦ ' • '< -i- k> .;.i-..'i :: i(;V:i r- - ^- ^fcr^HoJi. ' iHi " * ¦ ;¦ ¦ : ; ¦ ¦ : ¦: H;QBNEBAL MQgOE TO CT/AIMAM . "' i! ' 4. 1 .; ¦ •< ¦ ! - ¦;¦ • ^wswwrw^-* ,. .j . . ¦ ¦ : , r, ;/ i ! -—* ' ¦¦ 1 ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦¦ : ' .1 - ¦ • ' • ¦¦! ¦ ¦ !" ¦;. ¦ - bert OF THB —..I *_ . _^_LLJ . : . . .i! . "/ ;: . . • ;i:; -.h i ——. . .>, —: .. . . :.. i: . . eti^witn mbjs^tolttto,o iaplit* :;-!' . /i COT^P lEIBtt-iASD . CJ totubk ¦G/ in th^o ' . ^i^.gaaZ^i.-j. -j ^^BE-A-:WptW%l»Ut«^ »'*M! Jl r Wi*«M ot»n^ll ra»?'fet'«iSi»f< f>4 eol ton,^aW*tft ^i.O^&f3l5

; p^:; . .;t. i- i iiaiiiiiiift tdft

-' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ mW• .' • -i' . it. ¦ '-t' . . . *: - . immmmmi^^wpi l ip ^ : : ^! : : ; ; ; : : l ! i - - IV'^ ;i 1l 'r j ---ii:*1|b*¦f "i':*. jft 'J«»< lU^nncctidwrtfi^.PrB itfeoTofU B Freoob : ¦ ( ': ¦¦X- ' - i ^^P^M -;, 0. 461- ... I For SUe«;'i -% -\:. .- .;!^V:; \X$»)>M^maM^X^veiil ^eafs^ino^- ¦ ¦ ¦ -«A' ' .... Fer W«i«' !; .:• ¦:• : M-^J^'. 'S 1 i.#irite»iff wheffi T? I i.¦;¦ ¦ 'i-v ^ !¦ : 8«ie»b^fe^l ;.l-:- 0 to,i!l ;. <> liiltkfl KngUshl ..PrS ¦ ' ¦¦!¦ .# we :a. 48/- .,. For PWwe f :¦ •^¦ ¦li . '&'-y- - , .' fin conn^cpon with t e foregoing may ; »d4; fTft^wavMthi [ ,tE$ i^]£stfa^uished 3. ¦Por OTC*r -j "J-i:' -i' e .,DMH-,^lae»abi£-HU^ caaki « W, ' 46/- ... ¥*. i^^ i::f4 v gedtteiaajj^ wrt^ftij^w, fithei-J;6fiCaptain : cf .*h? ra. i. i : ; weight, from 1 3 !l:*oV8i4 L. f oQ1 ntn, inad at lengthbegan of to nlaie«o«t ; Bonaparte.W jj,p] Highl branyje» tho UH | <1, 48/- ... For niedluitt,«in)UItj-/.j.,[;: ;ti,;. y^, 8hWifff0Mhe Mj-in ^helbwer aunufacta: SUKS - ' --'1 ^ tc howevorjtho , •uareaaigeni jaunng tne put yeartl) < 15. 45/1 ... I Tor UnBii^ed;. ^c'^ a;:^' , County fQrtbeyi.ar^«iSt:o ored, bjf The Manor i Bj.tho/^ict»lhidea lris : ^ bited fr^mi (mporfinp B»y '.glass (Uther.-thi Md p^riBWe: ^cW4ing'Wternin^it t-ntraSs,(kl ! ! Pigs weighing over lo. T T. 141h. are of llttteor no oi St. John's, u?ar this G ty. ft is generally , ¦¦ ' ''¦' '¦ ' subsUntUf Jtoe»M;gver;thM» aoy. I taluo to na for bacori.>n&'It takeii fet alL Mll hi ' facbire of Great'&itain V .v .. • if . - . .'. '.;' - .- . ,\of 'p|oTioa^ Known, we think; thut he was the author of ibe Owing to .^'rconrfiuance'ipa'difoughi in Atptrali ! subject to s very considerable ToddotlonJo; price, . pripe of mmitlai 1 ; original scb>iinii bf ? Pr^maiiyt E djcaliiijn MibA ; ' ' ' . I tha raw jniatmal'niledi hgUeri thanh* ^ ftounjuJstandintKbo " i . The BEST aVollable ,od tw pig* W pot*tt)t8: rRpSTR|0TI0NSi '- - :^. L , \- known for loyeaii' ;iothenrlsi) ninclemejicy oi th I oarley meal Is Verhaps the very best; Indlac,me»l country which, -.was iinubdnced by Stanley. y \- pro$tajwQald hftti sather - on iWednesda*1 the fodrth ! annut iord, North Icontinued—" It not ordainedt consldenjhlyi higher j i The GoverhmenVoouinki ^tingi of tb« t ^ of - j Is also sooa fo()d bnt should bethbroaghW'eobked His career at Athena 'was! a distingqished one. sUJed, i locar-Jhtanoh i the Societ 1 ' 'the mimifactute ot that Inngdbm shot -wwf laig .iliut-.tte profit' on tbW'lordii l»S .ol Ornelty./i ; \ by, boiiiDg. Ip aM; cases milk¦ should also be and| he receiyed'BBa; reyeii d - exceedingly jlnoderatei.so that ;?Wf# i-J o OUldrei BO * neiavnext: , month,; Up 'dMIMd/I hava Important, ' . ' (' ' ¦/ fothis iserviees a td; bat iti Wat cenned so euriotulv snd v .th* ,£65,0(JO lnori to largely' attended, i which mui t be! ! j Klv.eD ,! this Is most . . . : ,, . . x K.G.B. He:-died In- ' tk^ Gnaua " the profit* pver thpse'iof fastyeararemainly-doe'1 tog • take *rati doubt th«rt:Mr; Kenny;wlU'readUf i««po ; The very VOORST: food* perhaps- are: turnip* !capital • 'i§> Wdecd • to tittme^htk iljch; a deei to thB reqMtioa . 186^. Hie portrait' ' expansion of the ordinary businessof tfye company j«!rest!ln.tbe.advaac«irlent- ' iiy callingVaeetifcif U\ j n.oingolds, and breWery or .4Ut£Ue»Ti Ht»H>» now hinga in the. Nitiona.r analysis of) jths of af movemen commutee)^ probably for: aome night ' * Gallery, Dublin figure* of tho,balanceBhr attbowt I on foot for the protection of oiir littit-ona nbxt w« every piR fed on theie that is tilled in oar ,:and thereto aUd a'bnst of Sir the|loan»h»ve been'redueed by 18,000, whihrtithe* d the! as th*re is a- substantial bilance of nea j premiM.s will be twcettalnfed to;be This was in ha opinion, a vpy extraordUary Breton betterment bf child-lifeTjin general £«'fo: the' ; .' - ; 'f;n cloven Irlto sides ID our hanging hoaoel . power of Great: Britain, considering t X60 : opened ai twelv year," and all the .members of I heid iri Llf ^^ TheJiW^i^ol^ feel I that the career of Sir ; Thotpas - .Wyse smallnees .of .the hbject 'The Actwas v?ry much.coi .00Q. With » ^iow, to consolidating the positi ilock in the large room! of iLe Military Bar . the commit BiS ^ i Bat It Ix qalfe as impertact. to have pigs WELL the ) company and gradually buildingiipa satiifa sks ;ar« -ptaetiisal business .men i and ' thorou bler»' CTub.Was' cinion«traiedin a niDrft strik^M leaye Enrinew no should be more wileIy ^kn4Wn in' hia native city plained of in Irflaud, and}apparently with very:grt ab.New-street; which, in all;truth, wa; Bporteinohj BRED as WELL FBD, and to . ' 1 both ¦ reserve fund, the dUeWors ^j»v« pursaod BJcbnseri epared for there ought to bo little difflcti ing 3 manner by th*e. p«ij>le ol the town:.anj|^B iexcuse in thlq direction the Bacoa Cnrer? As- tbaa it really has beeh;^—Bp If.^].|! . . , justice, a4 U) principle and effect.' The "juitici ^ the occasion by the caretake in. completing all the distdct whof attefided in :«u<;h vast . Irelands complaint of thft ruin of her glass indui policy with regard to^Bistribution of the dividend jo a DJafaner deserving the highest!'praise: • arrangementer'for; 1 .rflnnba|HB iddcIatioii'tMt at great expensoVr«rrIded;ahd rri?eljr ' deferred *hare8,.l.e., holdlnto of-an enjoyable 'March meeting he .that the 8p*cicm» Courthouse was packed atlntjes ths & p eman, only, of course, struck ;'I jty per cent as against .2par Miss Rebecca Grubb, the etflcieht and ener I trust '¦ A^^ , distributee "arge White Yorkshire febst*;-tWs Is [or last year, it bong fdt by the board that tte' hujt tic aou. Secretary of , . however; that: the committee m ioverflowingiafaia many penton had foj be &&&I thei very h <-t ^ireed for Vaxati •Md'JIpshimt, irth i when Ireland had her armed Volunteers to . the Branch, was con recogsiee ( the advisabil *- ' . . KS >ng : of their Ifunos will prove at once advan' icuoui ; 1 ity of holding tl fused.admission owing to-the•¦¦ unusualfy¦ ¦¦! larg\-n ¦ * ¦• ' • her' claims| pn the blunted moral consciouqne! tageoui by her absence,- which 1 was un ' ¦ v •¦ ¦¦: • .—¦ ¦;¦- - ' ceding we) '•• od maturing quickly. '. [• .. ' . - • , . ; ¦ 1 year«jrace under- some; recognised audienco presenV. . - . . - ! , ,- ^ ' ¦ ¦ icceptable to the whole rules; I ' ' body tAi^V sh- ' • I' - of shaiehotders. oidable . . ^^^B^ *^ ^W ^^A *S^t^ ^^^^ ^ giatuinien^ V , *** A^V *^ igli : ¦ ¦ ¦ ( . . \ as was also her respected brother LOCAL ¦ ¦ as to prevent AND ' a repetition tDISTEICT ¦ ¦ Apart from && financial aspect of the case/ ¦ ¦!¦ ' " Visjsount Duncannon, C.B ba) of the squabbli i ^ loJlJtUJJ riUO . . • .! ' succeeded tothe c f. J. E. Grubb, who was HOW TO rROD U UJK ifitt ; . ;••••• ; . obliged to attenc and ^ofojrth which were all to , - :¦ ' ¦ ••••• j j manship in place of the late Sir John'LawsonJohii important meeting that day.of plainly e the concert .-wa* equally successful a* regard*' : .: .;. GrOSSIP , ¦; : i . : ^ ihe ;inventor , the Count] dent !last year and which largely merit, na almost varied'and exhaustivepro- i WITH THE MOSTjPBOFirABlii BESUMS : - -y ] •.¦ • ¦ ' ¦ IOCKIN.0XEGISLAJriON. I ; ; of Bovril and founder,¦ of the ori unoilJ of which bodv. it tnnv Ti» unid h. destroy ¦ ; - : - ' i . ¦ ¦ the silcceas of what ¦ : : '[¦ . ; i . .;, ; ¦! NAthwiUiitatairi ' lompany.v : ' ! . . . - . . ' ' . . ,, would otherwise hs gramme of vocal and imtnunental,muiic; wa». BOTII FOB P| BME;B AND ; IACON \ g this-piece of English r^pris beenjan . admirable and ! provided which . with . the heartit st.v ap- :; ¦ ' ' ' "' ' ' PBESKNTATIOW ' islatiou the Waterford glass industry struggled oc i most enjoyable rs met . ¦ CUEER.' . : '/ . " : : ' ¦ CONYENT CENTTTBY . proval of' the audiencb, •*'• '. " " . ' *.. '-' ' ; . . ;: , j. ']: "' ' ¦ ¦ h half a century after Union;. Atpreeenlj Water! A UOMFilMENT ¦ ¦ "' 1 fatten yoor' pig? Immediately "ij . . - ::!¦: ¦: :; . '. -;^; • . - . . •; ; BAZAAB, ss is the most FBOM COBK ; . j . The *peciaj j feature of tha entertai nment ™ Commence to priztd by aU collector* in|the Kingd i i ^^uj.,^0 uiviuujiuj unQcrsiana vneir thp otter weaDloRi 8Dd.U they Me wisirbraa and yhi lty. P. P. Bynft P P., , (ind Mr. Patrick riaity-five ykrs ; ago (her<; were >Ievea.' . flih» ig Thetollowing is from the> CorH Examiner: DUI Was the Gaelic pinging of the girls of / iWaterford | hohour neui j.beit ;:thems _elve8. , It Is only-^ght Presentation Cphveot School who. saiii «eve"' * properly fed and ottended to, they should scale Htggin5,Chainnaa and HonoraijIitS bcietary^opectiTely, tbriei in tins -potmtTy.to ' In 1833 these were redo .nrAlderman Richard-Hqan man wnoso name in- connection witl say r 7 ¦ dead weight, about 1 ewt. l qt. 24 lka. at, or even ' of th^ pommitt<#having charge th« onaflgaoeatsfor seven, and ,;&• 18^8 three. The WateVford G j by a unanimpus'.tllirto 4>«'Cmc ciair. (it raiich and • : th*t the requisition bas'been draited ai ral well-known t)iece8 ifrthe Mother Tongue : in ¦new its work in ouri-mfdst .de ut m b 'in ' ,the care and-;at-• '/ ¦ under, six monibs old ' ' . ." the above B&zaar, have: iBauid k ciicul^r Bupport of Mayor telbiigfl^to^old .and jrespebU to be mentioned in the highest terms R i,r.?, ,?li6P y MesBrs. M. F. - Wahh . ar a -jnahner which showed 1 D. , FJ •McGrath, two practical and energet teirtion bestowed by th% Noni of the JresenU- . < i Give about 3 gaUo.na pf milk to the stone of the claims which the: good -nmi of thd Convent have uirk is solicitor for the branbh, and ir membflrs ~ rnesl ; thla is most Important ; joui ctanofc fatten upon I Ihe public/ From this c^oculnmtwhich apeaki io.Jdoub^.tne df the committee.' and should tl tion Converrkxhtthe ^etiHlVationsXK-tne irtW'. v" ' ¦ little, ones' for i .whose-pro r*PP» be hew^ earlier thii msnag^* chdol ';¦ pigs proQl ably without mfllr. I " - . • ¦ " efoqueijtly for itself we mitka a feW, ertrivcta;:—" On the xciivjjuuK, suu - IUS 'BOIJ , wftpum irenronc^xywwu, IUX vat.«i3t9rl have a^slncere frfend deeply . t j . y/ear.lhsacBic«t^ Umim&fo]thti ^a«iin>raWy ' Bhonia bflSsed occajjon of TOU-CTownJn; '18W «fea,ln- f • I Senaraud¦ milk If npt aterillied j . .cerebrating^ Ca)teE(j^y-iafth^iiy onndatuja: ti>ine^hbtohppd-to^y.>^ora >JBiBi^:»ill^lfl(P :,lfriflll¦ JopS ; * .» *___ *. . »v_^L » ' a.— AKT.HUB hhAMt f Ma IF- ¦ia Ayafasfdiil-iha 'mfiugmytM^a^iie^^ ,Centnry"of; .untfl JSf iii Messri .'¦¦; GitdMl 'and C«ng»ay!c<>n%ited i lot to diechBrp*tha ¦¦ i- aOsto. ite&i «ou» w.«fc*OTrt«w£t're toonW.; ' I ^ 1 . A du^ie*-oirVeb«e tfjoge^entlemoif. . '¦:¦ * ;v. '-/ •. . «- -\™i>*«; v 'aWc®^-^tB4' lfnwr '¦tlfe farmer hw[a sepajatdr orifi^BWJ^ftoMtf' 91'• na^niyprk-anmngitAs fiuniJe ^optjlitioii, the Bisiaiit thefaitqryand. to jiie laat «afn«} yeai1 the industry,wiuii. f the»eetin«r; ahd-iiutiide Miss Grubb • ' < > r ;pitdi«.iteMtirB r '¦'' ' : rf: ' think "OTeWuiraal: ftt ty Beislow 'wbicrr.-WreJ anf-Weir^rgpift- d^arv *^£telrtiert ««r vess*t» 8erupuIoWy clean. :¦ '¦: ; - '. i. ; V:"" -' ' v-' th& Pr^MatationCbdrenti "(he opportunitya liioot finally' legislated put of ofexistence by ^stalutory enacf- Ey,tcouw:.aot oe comnjitted to bettei hands, have been held ' tha Creamery 1 should< 03 tofpicu w one to maiie sn^eatnest appeal to tbe ments and^ iinporition heavy iwe. 'ix)ra M.?outenant has been pJeaeedY to rhtfreywend and . here on .last Thursday,,* e: ; giatalationVol¦ all ,, on their renjariaibjyclawep ] Separated milk from good duties. ; Beceutly we ppoint the _pj>pular presflleMt of the adjourned,! os no magistrate i jnaBterr• iferilized THERE. It cannot: be too itrongly rn- and charitable publio to enable them tb continue and gave from the 'columns of the NBWJ , the report »f the "undermentioned gentlemen to the ^nch, (the Very.- Rev^ John Power put . ia- an a; and' brilliant of .the grand oid tortr 1 , P.P., pearahRey as a mark , of " rlatfd upon that: sterilized eepuratodmlUtI SGOOD ertdji| their work of giving fro religious' and tecolar winding-up action!! and' of llessr*. Gatchtll's , world- mce of'High 8heriff of the following counties F., was alwj in ; attendance; and proposed respect\to!the. rri k9*mot tmt vie^: The paiil*. oi;the Cru*^j ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' » Ireland:—Tipperary, County, ; W>ry of. Queen Victoria. A numbee-oX assart fttoJSB»tti»«8'/«DlIeger:irrtrrfd«d several other food for anlmaU, whereas-if. KOT sterlllred, end education to the childrenof the KOT. Wherefore at a renowned factory, j i . .: '.' ' ' :} ' ¦ " . i . j- j '• • Chkrles £d. B Lprd Bishop of-Waterford, the [MostTRey. fftses .' very uthiU,;Esq., Xapdsdown, Nenagh.' '. ivVater- •.-, oheehan ,wexe>: to.be --heard and 'ECveraT ' of. tl Attractive tune*/ sack as- musical drill. In* ecen one day old. it is in somi eas^poaHtTBly. | largely attanded meeting held in the Oooncjl , for the chair—and" with such a litigants ;w(ife in court ,. • ' ' :, I "Chamber, Town HaU, on. 16th;inat., We»ided over b »Td County, Richard John TJBaher, Esq., Cap- airman, it is almost needless to! , and also Mri C. Wi idian Club swinging, dancinjg ol the Laneers injurious, j i 1 y agh Hotfse, Cappagh' point out luuns: . «olicitor, Dungarvan, and they Un; , and ' eeverat T formed -poor quality the ' zealout Bishop of the Dio >ese, , County WaterfdrS. it ithe i proceedings could not fail to fe costume [. wtrisfling chorus I DON' breed from » badly Most Ber. Dr. lare County, be of :on8iderably disappointed when no sessioi i plesaing:eoqgs, were performed' aowi ; a ' portion of every litter reared by meh I* Sheehwi, it was decided that b r a B iraar and Fancy Robert OUrien Studdkrt, Esq., terest and edification; j for not only is Bis- all of which pllane, Kilkishen, County . Clar6. : Cork were hold, as some of them had como -in lot with, a grace, style- and finish reflecting the olrnbat certain to Inherit the "had qaalitlss uf the Fair this appeal to the public could be made a gnat suc- p Sheehan an excellent man of! business, liBtances from the country. end I when • marketed — clasal-'r»s cess. TheCommiUeeapDointxdonlfith inEliharetherefore oiinty, Robert Massy Dawson Sanders, Esq., tan orator of the very first water. - The Bench .wi I highest credit on. Bev, Brother Walsh, the mother! harlevillo Park, Charleville. King' . Jit,. as usual, next Thursday, when all ihoi courteous and" efficient -Superior, and , the> •< UoflDisheiJ ." I The . BEST animal*! male >nd authorized tha issne of thia circular by which they° < s County! fndeed'the Biahnn'R nridrflsa nhfa onH />1n_ :ases will purposes, would remind the people of ea wiia j a seiung iacewea snarpiy jn : ieut.-Col. Middjeton, Wcstonra, 3iddulph, L , doubtless, be dispoged of, as the other membpra of the Christian Brothers im female, shonld jje eeiect«d fpr breedlDR Wata/ordand the publio athrobin, Tullamore lave bfcen already twice adjourned. ' tbs reBnlta pay! batter ond MD more eatisfaciory generally that for one hundred :j«ars the Presentation. thistle! shape, | and some" pieces ol^ C:( , Kilkenny County, 1 charge oi the school, on whoje shoulders felt ¦ ¦ ¦ 1 eorge BuUer, A violent storm broke- over this : •'• ' ' • ¦ ' ¦'¦ ' ¦' " Nnnsl have- been -working, in ^itheir iidst, ' quietly, 1 Dierby.| Mor« -aniqne ia the Tiltimr Helm Esq., Maiden HaU, 3ennett.s town en the difficult (task of training the young boy» eyery Tray. j j ; . • the early lourteenth century/ which bas j iistiict on 8aturday night and continued wit for thnir ' nerformsnpB. whtrh won londlv- an'l ; nno&Untatiouslv, but effectively, (iat they; sra the oldrat 1 mabatnd fury durine religiqns teaching body in ths city, , been added to jihe Armbur collection, wh the whole of Runrlm deservedly applauded, The people of Lismoie ff l&wrv ¦ y and for years were AS a yi'iinequenee, peop : Deite & ions ¦ ! ! " ' -¦¦I ' : thsoaly onea." ' : ' : . . • ; .' it may be contrasted with a later lobster-Tai are to be. congratulated . on having in. their: i :l : i LIMITED. sinKle-barred:. hblmet .of :the eeventeenth c ture out of doors, except midst for the education gi their children two ! ! "Waterford, Febm»ry 4th, 1901. { «*« C««»OI with the result that the j luueiaugaoie organizing «ecretary ot th ¦ such excellent institutions a« the Convent end., A DEBT, OF GRATITUDE; late and deserted appi Christian Brothers' Schools, as they are #. ¦ : ' • ¦:¦ P Society for Ireland, ! . I . ¦: :• ' ¦ ¦! and the compliment Some "treed WprA nnrnnt^ ; j I . . ^Thdr claims are strong' which that distinct credit to the town,, and.to thdse'm . the i, especially when it is gentleman, in the course of hi - ; lenjeznbered that the condinon of things decrepitating Temarks, paid to Miss Rebecca Grubb, th charge-of "them. 4 , this* appetU was not caused , by ,:ihe Nuns ! themselves. eot tne neime painstaking Hon. Sec. bf the | Amongst the other features of the concert ' 1 Branch, an. ,were' ' The iloptdon of tho. Compulsory Education Act by the Mr. Robert, Small, the courteous and efqeien eong» by Mr Charles. Wiseman' Leslie, - • ¦ ¦¦ ¦' ¦ which were Jvery warmly received;^ a piana hi-; k- I . ¦ , i -^- ¦ ,¦ ¦ . Corporttibndemanded more echotjl accommodation, and Inspector of the:Society, were well; deserved ths. Susten had . to - build tew onp The introduction duet by Misses O'Biordan and Darragb, man- also by, the Commissioners of FATHER OF THE ' doline duet, ;by :Miss M. and F: OTarrell; « National Education of a BAB. ; ! DUNOARVAra. mandolbie and piano duet by the same talen- new programme of teaching necu'^itated ^ery.expensive I Mr .; Wiluam'^Byan, K.C., who presided, changes and improvements, hence the . ted young ladies;. " Jim, the Carter Lad." by . PNEQUALLED CIRCULATION ntcessity pf an the Freeman, as J?&t)itt of the Bar, ai;tli Mister 3. Willoughby, etc.; all of which appeal for funds.' In «nppoi&j tbi«; appeal, and; convened in the Fop Courti Library to pus n week. Both being Protestants, putting it before! the public, and being i .were executed in a faultless and cultured:man- thf Comniitteo are <;nly. o! oympkthy from! the Bar \o the King, wu fitted 1 terred In the' AUane graveyard, the ' t ner, which won "the aDDlause of the whole - fulfilling A trust imposed upon them by-a large body of the' Bar ;eo far back aa 18S7, a few weeks.! attended as well as for 'the determined funerals,went together, as this was consider their iellaw citizens they " am house. Mr. jW.'G. - Whale; organist at the i jPKIDAT, FlilrtJAEY 1, 1 1901. , williiiglT undertake it, feeling Accession of Queen Yictorui to ths Throne. ^patriotic spirit which prevailed throughou a more convenient course for the Rev. B. :Cathedral,' presided at the piano, and tit in ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • asruied tho appeal now made Ci thdr -j ¦ ¦ ¦ • : ¦ ¦ . name, .to .o that Mr. Kjan is a first couun of .the tho proceeaines. ' Burkitt, Eector, ij ; .!¦ ¦ • I and Rov. Mr. Henry, t -needlessto add. that he.acquitted himMJlf on ¦[_ grateful and charitable public, will meet with a hearty, -, the'present LjordChancellor of Eng- ames uuuon The case of arbitration decided: two Protestant clergymen who _ and generous response." 1 ¦ by th attended t this instrument with' all his characteristic 1 AjVe ma4 add that the Sisters f r of the Captain Ryan wht'sustalned Chairman, Mr. P. F. Wahh, was admitte) funeral* and read tne burial service; in t of tha Presentation' Convent trill tunefulness and brilliancy. Taken from every : ¦ receiv¦ s with thanks atal tnjunes irot>m| L<)rd Edward Fitzgerald -when to be a eplendid piece of work. The case we church in tbe graveyard, and subsequent ' standpoint, -the entertainment, es I have ; gifta of all kinds for prires. | . ! ' • . ; > lefendtng oimeelf; from arrest by Major Birr and hU first referred to Mr, 1 at the graveside. It NTEST • •fS^REOED. ¦ ¦ Thomaa Power and MJ .was certainly a mi already saidj was a remarkable succesfi and ¦ ¦ \ : «o»ooooooo' ¦ • ' ! omradesinTboma oi street in 1798. Mr. Kyan, althoncrh Marki Smyth, wh6 could not agree, and thei tinuBual strange sight to see two biersj ea ilr. O. Ronayne, the popular pre»ident,; Mt. he Senior Member Mr. Walah was called in as an umrJire. carrying a colnn, proceeding a£ tho head 1 h JEDTTIOn. ! THE; DEATH EAT^. ' Th Joseph Pi Gflsry . the- courteous orkr entrt&tia ¦ j j lot actually ths F» ins? referred to was one in .which there :.waa the'Juhoral procession. ' Tbe funeral cortc hon. tec, and |every member of the1 Bin bier* ' ¦- AJccording^ to-. th^Be^iitrwjpeneriJ'slKtum- the - taainf)inij to Mr. Edmund£dic Mesres Kelly, K.O., wh as described by the chairman, - was large; and, respectable, ^ a " technical and was attend Football Club, deserve to be conrr*tuI «Udm death rato-in!ths Cityof wj*crjoriifor"thi week endinffj called to | tbe Bar iBve yeau earlier than Mr, Rj¦ breach of i the rules, and the result [was tha by- all'.the leading and representative peoj jUie1 substantial, »uzo which has betn rejliaed Saturday 26th instant'wfts 'eaual 'to lO'^per thousand! Trinity, 1833, pnd toolc rilk in 1895. , - .. :. the amount of. compensation - awarded wa of the town, - and.ahnost by most o| the mei THB RIGHT I HONOUBpLB . * ' ¦ ' ¦" ' ' ( in aid of the-' fund* of their splendid elbb. . ¦ ¦ ¦ ' {KT annum of the populaSon. THe death rate in other ' ' j v I ' " . "?V»«i»*»«»o j ' ': i Bmal^. 'Some dispute took place about thi bers- of the Constabulary); in which lorce & '¦ The usnal election! of Town Cpmmls«ioner» ; j| TJGK)MA$^W^3E. h cities and'towns in Irelaad duripg thn ^ same period " - ' taking: -pi' 'd piece, oif . plantation|. betweei David Patchell, husband, of the deceasi herp this yeiri resulted in the Mate gi nOe- 0 was—Clonmel,. 4rfl;;:Cork, 22rl. ; XJalway, , 151: PROMINENT FIGUBES; .. . .; .; ^¦ .^nants.frpmj woman, wiis a popular and . ' ' ..; J«..- wauar -uisnop/tire"popular Walerfo .the. i Modeligo district, an< respected;s ergea inen. being iig*ln -returnedvunopposed ^ -The KUtopy, B7-8 ; Xiinerick, ^8-2 ;^7eiford, i8-J. :Mr. Byani wd|Mpjd?ier8»Wiite, Q.C wei n j,t was alleged'on' the pirt of the gentl'emai for many'years. Mr. T. : H. ' Matmion, :J'.] iriflmriprii r>f the onUffoiriff bodv wert Uultl. ¦ ¦ caterer, has made, "and 'in - ¦ ¦ •¦ ¦ • ¦ • - ¦ ^ . fact, is making .!¦ . . . . •!••••'». . 'r. - most fumliar figures' connected with ths Lehnter n ,,. •• ••• C very, extensive-additions to his already opa who sought the opinion ot the executive, tha very kindly sent his carriage for the co John Crotty, i J.P., Cbairman_; Jas. OTBrien, Illustrated Ijondon NowB ; ;'of June ¦ - for Tan and in Waterfofd ther wen well-know he had given up his situation aa rent wamei veyance of Mr.' Patcheli's family,. and tl J.P.: B. Ti; Foley, ¦Thomas Crotty. Tb nna» Tbe " THE JFIBST TEIP. [\ . : i • ] cious and centrally sitflated premises in' Broa< l^PCflnRp Mo M7no rpnil0Hfftr) the Town Comml8- and honourable [association. This old time i . • • o • «11 e * » : ; oh tbe folding system a big success. The starting of the' fund at h T. H. Marmion and Mr. Doolan; jiionerB was held on Wednesday." wned Mr. " , and the linoleum caver, ioornal, published nearly fifty-two years ago, A QUICK RUN. • ; I ' ' ¦¦¦ ing so laid' down that it canr nlso.bej put ou present was considered premature. rdiner, Cappoqiiin House, and these John Crotty, I the out-going chairman, was ;; V • • ' ' - ! ¦ The main drainage scheme of the|Dungar- doubtedly fioral tributes of rare worth coDtains an adipirable etching of t&e. Bight ' Mr. Richard,C. ( ol sight in a short space* of time, leaving i unanimously Ire-elected chairman, and | Mr. Oo the following «!ay a crow 3ed train Irtarted for } tay that in con: 8T>Iend(d floor for rfnnpftlnnrtipn > i yan Urban District Council is in a fair way latic merit. . • Ja«. Q Wrien was similarly re-elected a» ^ice- Sir.Thomai Wyse, wbwe strong and in- Tramore and reached ;ta destinatio ' Hon j in J8 minutes., In to prove as successful as tbe waterworks i meeting of the West Watcrford Exe- 'cbainnan. Bereral of tfie ' membewjjeid a tellectual features ore admirably pprtpjed by the directionof speed very Uttlo pr igresshas been made scheme, under tho directions of Mr. Beary. )f ,the United Irish League, held ' in Ulgu auu yivik u«aervea vjuuic »v .^(. \j i\>*ty v by thi' Company since those , the j artist. Thej following is , the extract roi eril days. Tne average We alwayB held that it wo3 a mistake to iran on last Saturday, it was unanl- tact, ability,'tad efficiency as chairman dux- 1 run noV takes from 16* to 19 minu ses. : ' condemn.the old sewers and to use them only agreed to' have' the next meotlng ol for ferrid to :—"By intelligcBoe just received . Ine the past year and hi* general fitnei* ht : •••itttit | tor carrying off the water after a { rainfall. l y held in Cappoquin, which was con- the position for tho comiHg year, and a^ one frnrh.Athens we le ™ that the Big flbDour- ; Ql his premises he Now it appears that Mr. Beary sees Ithat the thb most central place, and the next ' ¦ i h ra in nf who personally . know* ;something ot | Mi. abie Thomas ^Vyse; tbe newly-pppointed FOUEi CAEEIAGE3 l ! i '¦ 'I | whinh tn ctlrrv rtiil im ^>M RPWA fprfnin rtn.Hn f>io tnvn pftn will accordingly be held in'the usual Croity in hi»capacityof chairman in thejp&st. , arrived at the , Piraeus, jn . The following is from a copy of our paper iuued on be utilised^ and will save a great deal m the ere at 12.30 on Thursday, Feb. 28, inteUigenlj-.aadi Minister to Greece, September Sth, 1853—We a^s informedthat «ver I tnutt say that» more able, inst«ot, : Brd landed next 5,000 cost of excavating, - besides the drainage water, fill be-the fair day. impartial enUeHMtnicould''not be found to the r.kht of the 5th parsedijver.the line yeaterday. fib- crowded ¦' was tho t6 provide when , nrnrd of £70 mnAn hv thn nrhitratora K - fc salme from BiiglWi ' , accommodation, for country cara conveyed into the pipes, will ! help the. ipreside over lhet meetiriw et ithe Town Com- taor&g >nder thej last tr«Snis sV night, thatthr, police|i*ere obliged to inter- and" Btobling.accommodntioo lor the! animals town suppl" in flushing the sewere broperly. ' Mr. sound and ^ fare (a the people out of ,it.- rraut, x/uoun, pnce.oja per copy, posiirco. \ mi8»k>neT» bddy. ' Crotty is • steatney which conveyed him from jkeep jTheCompany found ¦ - ' ' ¦ which draw We trust that the gentlemen who QoverniBent j •••!»;•••••• ; them- thither. ' t His premise* <>wn the sterling Nationalist ol.miny,year*- standing, their carriages.(four ¦ in number) inadequate for the pas- Trieste, as aho from a Ruotiap ve£?e!-bf-wat ¦ ' : ' being situated in the very heart of the city, sites of the outfall .reservoirs will (come to and was one bf the most determined, and un- ' senger traffic - ; i .; | . | IN THREE BEIGNS. ; : : thjs will be of ' ; lying iu Ihe harbcur. .! His . ExcelJtncy Vas j . great convenience j we should an agreement with the U.D.C. aa to the com- flinohln» • supporter* of the ' Independent and has • sssosaaai! .' i Mr. -T. Boyd, ihe veteran solicitor' of New think, to many country people . j ' November 1853, ft strong - movement wa> Btarted with ; i 1 UIJUIUB UI painted find decorated since Sir ' ¦ fairly abreast of the times. I i, ¦ lie cost very considerably. I navmg unanimouBiy enuorscu \no Vigorous and: unflinching •* Mr. Crotrrl wa» hak been fresh s Tiew.to eonnectiug /Waterford ant I Duhmore by direct CENTRAL 8CHOOL. i • ' ' . I • . . ¦;¦ , '»a« , j. " . .. : ' . !; . ,, - »«»«*»«»a j •) i' Our old and respected friend, Mr. John the arbitrators, it is not my, intention ' nor n - tttose. days, he ta eauaUf »_now, VL hl» Edmund Lyon's | departure. The Kiug had raD. The project was warmly sa iported bV tha Earl The Wexford j ' Rowan, for upwards of fifty years in! the ser- desire to quarrel with the decision arrived At, support of the : United Irish Party. :|»hd;- - - -, ol < BeEJborough and other distingii shed1 Corporation have decided, in BTOBM VEB8D8 FOOTBALL. | I : . delayed bis departure lor the countryfof several residents of ths accordance with]the suggestion of Mr. Blair, \ j vice of the National Board of Education, but I simply give the public feeling here for ¦whether ' we jddgri'bim e*'« politioian, or u desire to enter intojbe bestpossible South-East'of Irelflr.d. , ths vice-chairman Inapector o! theiNew Department, ; The> Gaelio Football Toornamsnt, ! which passed away on Friday last. As hoi lived so what it Is' worth. private ciuieni we' most again repeat {that days from a of tbe Tramore line, and a director'pf the Limerick, and t-6 build a *. the new representative of, Gieat •• Central Technical, School, ot an¦ ini'icl cost he died. He led the life of an exemplary ho is ah admiraple chairman, end the mem- . - rfil ationa with Foysea Railway, assumed] that jfie Jins jwoald pay of £1,500. " ol wo DiBierB oi (jnaniy joaiaar at ^unnBien* Christian man and passed away toj his re- KILMA0TH0MA8. bers of the Town Board ere to bo cougrata- honourable gentleman ' ¦ ' i] T : The right , £40 per week or. £2,000, and the expenses would not be . ' dom had to be abandoned.in.consequence of ; Britain, ; ; ' •••••••••o ! ward surrounded by the memboraj of . his dairying xeferenca thiB Uted for their) unanimous «rtlon. in ;»^leet- eomewhat beyond ^he middle age snore than :£600 per Annum, j Tho proposal io establish the . frightful sale which let itself ; go The first matter ¦ whb ia now AN OMISSION, i " ' ;! ' sorrowing family. Father Rowan, CO., Athy, week in thes> Notes i» last Sunday's demon- ing as their cbsirman a Nationalist ot the native of the County r.f mterford, the linf-was approved of and a'Taruamentarf Notice of . , / all tho day. As on illustration j of Ihe son of the: deceased, mustered to his- bedside am, proud to «ay was a most typei *tid sterip«l Mt. John Crotty.:. ^1 , - of lile, ifl a the proposed Bill appeared! in the'Nsws . of November wildnes,s of . the' weather,' wo' may | mention stration, whlch l c fomily have bctn settled, irith con- A valuedcorrespondent at Ferrybmkkindly writes when the fatal hour approached",. and the pronounced success, notwithstanding the very On BaturdayriSlUl ult.. Mr: (yBrien Smith. where his 11th, J85S, .over the sanies' of Harrington, 8ctiviDg the rodimeota of hia - ' ' •••,?• •••*:r ' dndom, Thisl adr ink prtsent'at Sandfty* deetinir and Ajdolphi wharf and fee 'slip. The rowora he passed to his reward. The Office eTOnrt;-lfr.; -ttMije . r Mr Wvse, ' * rtanfally essayed the task, but they failed to famil? true' Nationalist* of East Waterford came-to IKomas Baker, i^ter, '. entwed TrlBiiy: College, [pabrid, VATERFpRD IMPROVEM13NT8. j sbs:was one of th9jtot to volunteerher Berricesto the ; 8nd> High:Mas*. werft "attended byja large large numbers to the meeting; to show by Porter, also ia. p«nter, ana ¦», member^I tne e^cation good work, Mixs IWaUh' Mme of NewrstD was also riach the other bank. aad-JW-eretwice obliged :¦- - high borors, : After cohipletiug 1 At the same time a BUI TM projected " For i * gjve jip:"ihe number of idergymen at .the; Dungarvan Paro- their prwence there tbat;,it»'laudable;object Board of ^Gualrdians;' end >Mr.:John Vh ^m. ., where he took ; tcc'denlally omitted from tWTtport of tbe proceeding* W contest niUBrlieing blown down chial Church.- The remains were , on 8unday -them' ardent and stout tupporter*.< e«ifraoto*, ii ): conneeOen. with- the; we«rt y,> ; ednptitm Mr. . Wyse traTeired'on BetterPaving, Drftinino-J/krHtin,p Watc&in?', Cleansing. under :Grcnvillei'*Thd*v, It ,will be seen that - hadjin • bis couwe of and othenri«eImproving ' the Barpugh of Waterford; supplied tb us. W* may tnentkmwhile on thia subject r h»Bt- consigned', to their last 'resting place • at The d«monstratl6n:which^waB organised • y -tainting 'cow **ct in the wotkhoose. - IJtr^ •.- . .; ' 'd during an absence pi some ib&t.the following Ipdiz*hftTe-. also ktadly ooossnteato unless the footballers ¦plfiytt! -ivith n: cannbn ' 'in peace'. . , ,, the Continent, an IncoTporstiDgand Ertodifljj'.Ex iting Power* of tKs ball; using boots; with.dynamite Sttadballyj May he, rest | th A * Executive of the United Irish; League BekCTaUejrtiioiWtto irt^to, ;tb*flu*ril*ns.,. company with Mr. Barry, fte belpj in trery'way they poerfbly can :—Mr*.; M. 3. defonntots— ' Tfie weather ~for trie past week has been with a view- to the furtherance or that' In* years!vimted (fa, City to the1 Corporation ;| Estat liehSg ^atch and which would ' not be -healthy for l hem-4ha much Greece, Anni Mmdr,; 8yna, Word; uDd, CemeUries} 'Porchisi I and Extension ? and Ejrypt. Bothl Dooley£.the" ;Bridge , end th» Mfcaa SniKS " B'on ' ' At present there; is every appearance of an- **^but in «uch weather that would _b» naviTbe^ ' ' -rv Bridge; Seizing JUtca ] and Raining-Monfy on the ' ' I ' . |. 0«0«M« *«9C3*0a '¦ ' : • arein. -piW#*i*^«*«*e«ri*j *^- Onest w»ta .Mftnt the Row. • j i ¦ - ' ' . ' . j ' though H is veiv pleas- ,wWi>b >' Gtndied from thb : Credit; of Bates ind Borougjh Projierty,and for repeal, ; | j . . I . ; ¦' ¦' < other snow fall, and an lmpoBBibillty, as the big comntorfra is ofl^ And;etherip*rt» »h*lM';l>*«» «?=*5* - : ^ * , ! , •• "' " ' those by cheerful fires>de[ to . con- ' The promote allowed arcbitectore. From hia earliest ryff>«rtli^fl ffrrn sind Amendment of v \ ¦ «t«e» ¦ *i't »¦ t FROM IOWA. , i .- r -l\: ant for : » void of any ^belter. principles of 4 uU> ' to provide a new ! Alderman "Wardi J.P., of 'Waterford, a-condition has :be?r ' ertd fixed - Ori educational questions Mr. i ... i i ! 1 • 2 I ' for the yearly suppHeB and Walshe'n hotel, and during ito progress tt« ihe inouiry to be held. . \\wt . Tarrmment. loyalty and are now looking up some old aiirl vahiedt that preference ' ' ' e^iciitjon p prominent position from the CONFERENCE ON: TEMPERANCE LEGI8- kind expression of And sympathy con- frionda in Urhs Intacta. tnaerted in the advertisement beat of order prevailed, but not from an tbiir^,Ji^uryl?ti»- On the, i " Wvse bis taken ; ' ' tained fn thft mftsflnra which he forwarded to \M$ ¦ i i will bo givori io; Irish manufactured goods, atmospheric 'point of view, ' irpm «t«rt to Sr JfclX C*ntoll.•ol Wtor.Two. w*» juqp ««4 . < . , -: his entry btp the House d .;: . ' . ; ' . : "; i". . ;[ " ii&TlON. ¦ i •- ¦ [• "-"puou ^st^r \ ¦[ ; «* ¦ ' firct moment of . . i j I ma- majesiy. . ; | | having regard K prico and quality as com- finish it blew end rained* cwulna mucb dis- fcr.TlSs**.- -O^WfB «>4 3Wf«*» UwfeW »*X <*' ¦! > Commons to 18^0. Mr.; Wyse is essentiallj Th» Irish Kational; Temperaace Executive, have QUEER'S FUNERAL; l'* '" _ ¦! i A pared with other goods produced 'upon the comfort for those present but, abovebq jwl for; called » Conference, to be hetd in tte Kotuuda .. \\ w>u : sM ' • :- Githolic in hin frindj which is expansive an , Dublin, CHARXE8 BMITH| Itb. [ ' . ¦ ". ' We are reqjaesMd to stale the estapli&ument tha iepartem who, it could^aslW «x- toU'^iJiirtoSS hMo dfca& j»a thr mhy ; • • .•* j , -; et 2^0 p.to. TuttdayjB^h February rawer tha ¦ j J : Mr ! Veale moved a tesolution that any porienced ithe 'greatest difncdlty' in "doing embrace any and every proposition j 1 ' The history ofiths ij y! some of the public -Qleedon, and othfn. A toll and «*- ParJiament: By W« speeches apri authority on Wftterted history fTfonatdu» that ^O iV- ; . - . ;. David objects fa aH denominations.- It will W recollected ithat an Dr. 'The GreatiWestern^ Railway ComDa ty kn« bodies' in! the-country . to provide out( .otro curate reikotfc of- theJntexesUug ptplMwUni*; abo: by various contrflmtionfl to wnteaponiiy huportsntConfer ene*met In D blin in October1899 8mith "in *JJ »ppthflcaryinliimoTa" A linsfrom people with' oraploymeni;; and thnaj aid in wilt be ionrid Io tbe pre«nt i»»u>. Tlii(J*r u the author of this piece of information6a tbe question last literature! to eeicure some graud . and com- when the resolntionf which fora tb > legislative policy of me tyueen w nioowBr wf u BDII acaa- wwer< teming the tido of emigration which U rangementii Ip conneciloajw ith^th*roy«ttnr the NationalXemperance Eiecutlve were j formulated of theDoctoy»birthpl*M, wotddof much intenat. ; <¦ [rawing the life blood of the cojintoy, ortdil to ito.vtomoton 8cheto(3 of edncation for th^ peopte, ¦ : !' ¦ ¦ ' ; ; - ford totMUoid to-day;¦ and -thero will were perfecteand prehensive ¦ ¦ ' • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . . . . . ) ••*)••• . i * and eadsiaed. • > j ! . ! j- -i I « ¦! Let us hop© that other union* in the ^coun- who, one jwld 401, niMi^ceojmWatajd iin: absorbing idea of his life, conceiving •••• be no: sailing either lrom MiHord - .tj) W«- . 1 U the one BAULUTASIiOB ASYLUM. terfo on iho : following^ Sunday f m< >raingi ty will follow the good example «et by the:«uccrt«t jthat »tt«nd«d|th»*ri ?«tortf .• -J.' * that, if tbe intellectual si^dard of . rd ' ¦[' f 1 ' : ' ' - the oily ca he doss, " '!' ' ' Shippers will¦ do veil tb make a note¦ bf this Junfiarvan. i i. The '' New^ U VWtto^&U] other beneficialconsequences OTr!a^BCx^ - *;?-?^ff* ' " I- : - 1 : 'V " " " yoDowing rapidly the lead of the Ennircorthy ¦ • : - : - ¦ - ¦ ,; The Gaelic League U becoming, h power : week ; pte»nt a loll report cfTa4*i*r», a peopleba raised; Tbe Confereooenow abont. fee^ :meet !a invited to Asylum Boird, ft otTTi i '• •! ! ' ! . . - ¦!:¦ i ' j j ¦PWU lwna this mSm iloting the . . ' : «pa?e«i ' . IpSiehttWi ' ' ¦= f. .\ - . PWjjw^ ¦ ' - \ >f*3; ¦ : ' . pf the ¦ ardour : ' '• promoted .with niWsJ raolaban^.j whki . • .!¦ \ ¦ ' ¦'^'. •^••••••••¦ . .: great lacJeMB ^»t pi jpT»cUc*|lyt&i unantootw ¦> : . oriiniiatea v*' , i . MEM0BlAL, ,8EByiCB. . , ; !, ! IOW llo^ThU; irww»- : on «i r»ivii iViii»if<^ Tl -R iTjAiwidHg ¦ . v ! ; *j mint iritere«tin«.:and : the . ?tt*»d**oe. TW:¥&:'iSLmi W*J$* B ?PT^* til* >Ml OommlMlatLwiE^yOBi> ' ; •ti yearVlUt. , But>l»l|.i» belt*«thart a lljt «Sorts *bal t*ii n& UMtffiftM U l&ittef rttmi '-r mo^'atiBBtn?. . : j W« i have >e«n ireqtiefftfed to staie tliatjin of the Kina JB tnai : Ber, f . Q. JP,ricd.being of names in a movement! . pil lar V» trgi riaite itixter of »«^tary th*r« ancb aUhe evoning clasaefc . iB weU ft Cfttbdio HighShWff idrlJouotyWexfcrdTr iz, Sir onrt -of ttmn, - tbe memorial' servioo Dor ' the he Bttend i* ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ k«ueQU i in ..]wa¦ Biuiwun i «j/iurou,, yvuuuiurut e Otorp Brrmgton. |- j >.. ; - . •' •! . •:- ; . . ° ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ was irjot Tho name« of the principal strcetf in flw ment;B<>aj4;!jwho : One krge-worJc mnfurther ratrjcmssmisssmUbpof UAbona fide traveller; ;f Tbe crrtaU-. '" ' ¦ • ' - ; . » ## - ¦ heia on Biinday, lost, but has been ^ . jbAW ^»en^^n|J^Jm cMM isTa^erofnenWegree. : H . t;'» fM« ' in conBpioUoui ; mntl of tho bourt during^ prticnUcs xctv ! fixed lor next Sunday, i : ,. , I. ' ! awn are tiow to be placed appolfateSSt 6fj»i iEdncaUon is' a icomplete triiaanre.fm which liot^scd bo CYOUSTP' AND:BPOBT ^MA^S1 OD1DE. 3ositiona Jn the Irish linguago, soj that, M out eW^blldrttiJ»P to^ •j K%dlBJfflftrWiKil ot his on kept 6pm on all we «k dayp.eBspeciarjyonSaWntay nlgnttj . | bard and theTiboircled, ittf wito an ielaDoiate plan of action Toe I npp *r ^ !- . •; . (From another tbe and tot*wittiln «*y i 'M, - !. -iV04lH!|IOK. - - .j . '4- : .v • : of pubUe eVntott. reacb, «f iClonm*, ft! fa »arpri»togthkt«o ri gul*4 iSott than ofrtenecessity«asystem . - ' -rWc;thinkibe /H«7v.^ieli/Hj of tlu*week for th« bad teen awle wfcrt to teto.tfcejanadir the-notla SKtfelS8Surrio>d&M&fc Mllj^^« a professor o p«»w. | ;. complimentary: pirsg aph :-—Mr.j. O. P. - Mr/ Wyse WM .alway?!¦ o^o*^, f a it of* -thethil ;t<*rfag,piirfag,jublki.jublki. - J«tr. kfr. SAdnM^dnseaAAVV^iUWnte.W * ,0f .Irelafid J» »«iw4nlpq ' but ' «u; '¦ at 'the same tia>«4 » Win OW^ofWateifoidj hothln < BDt iniaraetlo*tid, ShV »«^«ori ^imlM t' . ^ 3^fenT^hi.»ttaiiignto' iriott^twlwiw,tootD«^.M^1KbP *&mwMktu i mgHgmsarali ¦ ^&tit ^ r ' ¦ ' ^^_ I dI . LAIFi*L»tio^ f:* UTIBABYUrM >»Al4TIC'0tir t ffa^s^^isa s JfOB ..;s » »w *fi*8rp«inBWvp|. «llljHtrafe.|5» ajgpnfi! hmmm fefi'-'PH.ttistwi:'! SMS aia wmmmmmmmz

• t 1 i .:v' v .v-:Jr.£, V-ifr.' • f- i-1 *;'* J '^i-V-' ;:- :r>'- - .----'f m « p fomelto^de'iinlDiifiilrl^^r Hi w^-VcJm^H ¦}; po?a. ry of Levit and';M{K«yi- ';¦ ; a ijt fui *fi^{ ' •rtin Md^iedittRKJUttua^Sbidt ojr'of-'eewleS/ - -It- |iia .' Mcon. deOnit sty:< ieoideja^44'- AlairH^B' ¦;¦ ' : ¦ ¦¦ He was- it' his .prima i4 leWiandf l88Ji taA 'illcs Int«6 .;¦ , '],j. . - ^opKOT^acyuBBBl - - ¦: wag 8™tl*^ra atlMaJiBs^l'%t'E*. -i ; ; . .;.; ? ; then a.well-knttwp figure si ile priiwipml fena:; wburflk^,n February^8 ,,a>id'i^pnt^k'tbl' '• rnce 'tneMngVih'Ireland.] " Iritor-^roVacial-i'mattihes.it T>B Ueiinji > He W mdenoU bi« mawKe not, weicom^itntkrpwioniwith.ftwnIts! It »t*a'd*<*t.Jdrisent' tjoiald hardly ; be' ftn- Bo»t%id T» Itetand «ame/"which^Mii5nld'h8Ve ¦ - . I Tacing career in Cork, "boli a(t< rwards wntrt *nns.t 'tJChe firouti' wdnld IboSQiryj bp.D.ubUn T- .. teen lpla,v*-U: Febrtiury" 16,-$; ' ¦ - i ™ r pw jedjupiifc'M^it'Js to 'is sWcorely;ho p ei .*n flie.Wdf'i ¦ ¦ , f:- ' : - " ; 'i to 'reiide in Belfast;, CTC W T m¦5- (• •! ; yih: . . f - . •: .Ppwp;. .. .- .: .: . 1" ?'' H« still I J toi ew- , iQarki (if. lie.walfckte.ttotthought > .-«Ken^ 1 ^aieffbrd th«t' arrives t fob . , ;. niiierable extent/though| ;DO JoMer :¦ hV-aa>Wlbattje tht^ ' i : ' ': The interprpyinclal matohei have -beenn _apeedl Has toJ^eirrableTjh4K't^'' ^)>^^o^/M^' ant . alliaf.rth]ehjl'Sjfll temember lirratJ'Irelqn^l Bi^W ' ?flr JTH i8.:l- -;- U:' ' ' 'U v i|V;:' tWPohecUfor'a week, and .have' now beenia . : HU' attraction for 1 him. Hall was one tsf-tl» ' ' : ¦ ; S fy: ;i : . : iOhnigarrifi,! Keronare. K1lhm»ey,Watervillo , r exdectff ;jtt»a "•frve^.'irhKQ'.ijetc.i etd." : . ' ¦;. ' ' ' ;' " • ,.: : ; - ' 614 school of genuine amateur riders', narw ' ¦ ¦ ' r ; 1 ' ¦ ; \ Tpi il.i:\n is stiU^tie bpin pn thaVhe JUeifcas follows — . ' v r ^ir : . .Tralfi6 f Limerickju EnriU; Kilkoe, jSaaUyvkttKJ ', • ' • ' .'•. |- • . . :.: j: jf :; »« i l/;^'' . - ' ;¦ ! " ; win ! .Jhuwday, February 7—Ukter. r- alas!:too ' rare." ; i-' - '' -i 'I ' .'•'• ' 'I ' ' ' l" '\ ¦hah GalWay; I , j; M^ ' be aH«)w ;.j: (0 ride in England next season. T. Munafer; ¦¦ '¦ 1 7 , , Kvlemorp, flailing ' ¦ ¦' ' ; ; ' ' ¦¦ ¦ - ¦ ' ' i .^ • ateqe^s ' ' ¦ ' " ' ¦ ¦ ¦ - (¦ ¦ '.. f ^*** •v . - : . • " 'MB;; ' • ' ¦ :" •' ¦ : ' ' ' " ¦ .¦ . ! .fM , - 'FITiPy'jBATie;• . . . - , , ' - ]. ] -i - ,; fi .. jlDubfin. i : ; . . : : . ;[\ . ' :.8Uffo, BundoranL Enni8kiiren,_ iLondon(J6rry, v He ht^, s.-ty¦ s a New Ydrk^oni epbnderit, writ- ii KAMv^xm^ - ' l .taiiu- i •| Br^day; February ¦ 6^-Leinater v. -Muri'surr:; VTHE;,8TEAM:KO]^Ri.;';T;:^:; [ jr , . . 'Coler line. {BaUycastle, Cughendall, JBoIffwt, Ji At a sal hcld!ittB .-otbWday at l^oPresfort, ten foster . fatter,! Mr. D. O. Bkjn»«T, j'. -! j ! Dublin; ; ' : ' '• : ' I ' '' 1 • ¦ ; ' sayidgl ti),-t he will leavft California 1.j •'' :! ! The weli-known Editor r Itisli Cyc- Dublin. I 'teferlto this niatter^very1 'fully in Count Mooi'e's r^eiaence a'Cbuiity Tipneriiy in'tbe i Pnday, February 8—Water -T. Connaugat. ; . ftf toe' ' 1 latter PH.';.of next njionth in ordfir to spend ¦ ? • - ' iia't" shares our view fully that he streets ot ;tte'U( adlng; columns i of tha " News' -to-day. Mf;. John' Wld|(Gr 'bottght'.thn ten- year ibid i-y-U. ¦ ' .. f ¦ ' '¦ ¦ ' ' a ietr .fh:/.- with hisjrelatives prior to £>nblin. -i • . -, - . - .. . • - . . j!.1 ¦;••. .- ¦! / i '. . •***—[ , , 'i j . .i . . :. mare Golden Locks, by TjttiothyJ out of Lady aalUAg .Waterford are not . what theyj ought to be. ' ¦ I ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' -¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ '' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • for Eng-nuJ. When he arrives he a»im'V m^:b«U. .C&%l)pplK l -x^'y * ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦; '¦ ' ' ¦ ' : ¦ ; : the'Brst week of iSeptomber. : ; • i" ;; old.gel^ing $13 Beau IdoftL for 68 guineas. ; ;- . -;, ' !• . •: tof tp^- : ¦! ' ¦ **^ *» i ' - ¦ ' ' ' ¦'' . Qtm^'p ^tti^ : ! ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ ' : ¦ " !* ¦ ' Leicester—Wednesday and Thursday, .6thsth M ; |; : •^••f !-¦ ]¦ . !¦ 'i «•««» * . . . Tha junior croas-country championshipwill ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ; j ; \ . :! . 1 j : ( and-.tth. - : . -' P • ¦ ¦ T!• ¦ . AUTOMOBILE CLUB. ! i I ¦ ' i ; : ' ¦ ' be held on tho 9th 1 . March. I : ' JEFFRIES V. RlTTHLIN. i ' ' ' :¦ • ' ¦ ¦ : The draw for fil J. BEABUW'kairiBg tots MfliwrWJ fyj &Uiai(^,Wi^i4^ ta WiUwirf w* ¦ ' ' H NTING i' ¦! Ma: TatohYT—.TP'ortnAdrinTr and TKn»r1a« " '' , , C : i "' • fl*K \Wr>A ¦ ¦ J . • • ¦;••I' ' ¦>: .!' !- < . |- ,. i stations baa resulted .;!; . as fpllow«t—1, Dublin i At the meting held :inj'Dublih |for the nur-r ; ¦ University ; 2 ' ' of- »n! Irish of ' According to ft Npw ^Yori - telegrami i the Mrs. 1 Poorer lO'IJon oghce writeu:—" Sir. , Galway City ;:9.W«»t Belfast; * Malton—Thursday and.Friday, poi^-e eitablishinjz: branch the ': 4, Hibernian Belfa&t; 5, Claremorris; 8 7th and g¦ th. Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ire- Maifolr ; of. Cincinnati has issued his ILcense Burke is , goiiig ! ahead wtih Iho gallant Tip- , Co. 8andown Parkf-Friday -ttad Saturday, 8th for the fight Uclween iT . 1 J.^Jeffries and' ; Gu« pei-aries , «r)'d! them, parficulairly Antrim; 1, City and Subtjrbaa; 8,- Cork City ¦ ¦Opnsti¦¦ ¦ tot ¦& ¦ ¦ : ' ¦ ¦ ' ' land , Alderman W. <3. D. Gpff . J.P-i wa3 wfth xidini? ' i Daii< ' ' ^ ; [ ¦ • ' " " - -; ' aria 8th. . | • . , :,¦ Ruhlin to- take place, nnd it now jests', .with we11 , iBj iui«B'nin. from Ballylennon to-' Nlno . !.' ,: " " • - ¦ - ' ¦ .¦:¦¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ signified their intention . df bec6minK ;raem- •: ..! ! .p "I- •"«• ! I' '. -- '^;' • :. . " JiV ' -;' aria nth. • j. ' i . • • '• . * • .. ;1 ¦-¦ Mjle Hpaae; Hili; a:6i mile point, I should ¥ *&. \ ^V-«*-*?A'-Kl' * X WKjc^JB • . v^flaQBTKiBL':- :,: • ¦ tusu uerfeun- ¦NATIONAL ¦ . , ; - of rs. i ana - uiieen puient : mign^j - * CBACK.' ' . ' • , ¦ ¦ ' -*¦ ¦ ¦ j. * ;¦ - "i . ¦ . ' . . ¦. - - mere he practice - Hnrst Parker-Friday and . - . . > : \^l Saturday, 15th . , i . - ; . ¦ tQ. t I ' ¦ ¦ ' »¦ obed i on, thus brin'gi^g ! the; number. over 1 , >ay,' or tbereabbnts. " 31r. Malconuprf ot he ¦ ' ¦' ¦ th*iat^ «nd 16th. . . I .. • . ,... " nnisri Jiis to : ¦ .[ [- " ': flirty. A temporary committee then^form- Uncle Jack -^rll ipreparation for Wat^rford .Himt! could ttutvo - something -tell GREATEST ; ¦ '¦ ¦¦ ' \ Keele Park—Friday¦ and Saturday, lath fa* 'the C»rand[ National Steeplechase ; at, ?Win- beading; ;jf heic' To«xrkx*ofarlcw ad*aBto(M of lhU $jpUm »» :— . •. i . . ,:' ' ' ¦ ¦!¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - ed for the purpose; of'I drafting -rules,; etc:,- rfbpnt ould trust himself [ to to " ' Ahd 16th; : • i> cheater under th« supcrviaion; ;ol !8en{once. - shy- potienee; (i' .i. Kok U>««U()ii«ttkst ^rbtnuMCMMd Ta¦ bM M tMt*,' , -,. . " '. . > .< ' ¦ : ' subinHted tora gfeijeral-misetinR ¦ ¦ . »peak jrwtV^iith ^becaMse very ¦ • ¦ ' - ' ¦ ¦ ¦ Manchester—Monday and v/hifh will'be i ¦ • ¦ ¦ " : ' ¦ -. % Ttit fcXtUtmOiitm. .TTT.: - . :. - •;,- .- '=;. - . '• : . - ,. : i ---i;. .. ,. ¦•„.- .. - ¦ - • • Tuesday,. 18th )¦: . • . .:>•*« ¦ ¦I: cood thing was spoiled by'tite nuisance a' lew ; ¦ ¦ : : j following . :{\ I• ;- . . : : . \ fOOSBALL CiMPJiltmO]? ¦- ¦: ¦¦ •?¦ - to be called at an. early (date, Whe ¦ \ 1 ' ' ' an * 18th., ,. ]• ¦ . .. .: , : - .., i ¦¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ 8.; Atnwwai i()»W:aat«iii llat dtUotioDii imp^wibU. : . ¦ ¦ ¦ : J¦ ¦ >ycre.chb$ea . on. :th«- committeei-rLord Louth. •Mppranp^ - .;¦ ' • aoy$ '«£p. 'A!'- grand 'fox'' was" ' started from ' ¦ ' '¦ ' . V.0rjnaori,Hunt-fTuesday 10tb, " . ' •:• . ' " ' - . .!, ,^!^'. . ;f : . .j . ;. .: . . . Giaignafirfria.1 iaid carried a" , . -\ V ' EVER - JE L . - •. • ¦ ¦: ¦; splerKlid lihe ' . £ £" . . GRlinel .Sfagfaih.^Saptsin'Layghsbe..-J^ieW? of ' . J. ' ¦ ' " : ' ¦ ¦ BUHM I - ' ' ' ' ' ' ¦ 6J SMbenYiiiiteiiUL anAutlanlailan dtotd^ls J • > - . : ¦ ¦ '" .C. . ' ' / - . . ULingffefd" Park4-Wednesday. an0i aod . 21«i. \ i. . ; . ,] _ . ;. ;_; Saiiitday^ ' ¦• ipitfirnntioniilB tjgpy.' ;, 8j TMr«r4 artfattet ¦ ' a«nUy,«.»»Www4 •; Jbe loatchi <««tomary.- ' ' , m *i mWeiVvt«adt, cvx ih»pmua '!«ou*i.try . ^eUJs'-Viewed him and ' ' ' ¦ *tx*4 ¦ ' ' ¦ ; Si.C Ileemii^ :.; ' ¦ ' ¦ - ¦ ' " ¦ ¦ ¦ "¦¦ ' ' ^84 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ i¦: KOfGoijihpr/Brtiv^l*,^' . - ¦¦ " ¦ ' - ¦ • . .*» %h* trill-tofih« , » » . ' • ¦ ¦;¦ : 1 - ¦¦• : - ' ' ¦ ':¦ - r. . . , .,. . • *.¦ - . • •¦! . .. . • •. ¦•; . , :'•; . - Birmingham—Friday and osjturday, 28n4 fixsd-jfor Uiat 'i>Kt«e£a Jxcland , , . . , ij T WW >! - . : . - ; " '' ¦ J; ' - 1J-; "Colohanr JBsqij da-yi- ¦ 'tin^ Jlf lg- 7^}led.'"«tad at tohied aii{TVMrfafJ p\lt thrpuffh \ 23rd. .• . , ; ' •¦ .;.¦*.- ";. ¦;, • . ¦ <' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' i"'i Ry tlecredvi Esa.: Fi ¦land ' : " ' •¦ ' ' ¦ ' 1 ' ¦ and .; . . ¦ , [has ¦ been .postponed/, ' •; .:', r" ' . ,. > 'di " ' in d he c,- onl find' tjiis , ' ' y to himself bv M.D.; G. .ft Perry, Esq.; r - i^ap ¦ 'Won. , » ' Mmt be ' ' • > P. PeaWcke,4JBq.>. ¦ ;• ¦ i ¦ •!. ¦!;¦ - ^ ¦/ •• £1000 ¦ •¦ £1000 '' • . •; " • " ' ' ' . . :¦! . " •¦ r- " , . . • ** •••• •¦ ; - - ¦ ¦ • • i-Pluniplon—-Saturday. 23rd. . — ¦ • ¦ - . i . i :¦ , •¦ ¦ ¦ • . . t. .; - '\ m:d3t of hisieriernle.J'and <0 dorie to'death . x .. . ' ¦ Leopold fanning. A; J. ;Oft-, E.sq. i J. Smith-; : ¦ be\ Doniaster Hunt—Monday ¦ ¦ and ¦ Tuesc¦ ayT " - ' ;¦•• : ^h ignonilnjoaa celerity.";, ¦;¦• , ' ¦ and 1: V " /- > .• ' -| - ' ¦ ¦ -Esq.; Jameson,'iEsq.;: G.A^A. IN^LELKBTE|L / ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ' : ¦ ¦ - wick; W. B.' :;:: '/, ' ' ¦ ' ' - ¦; ' ** ' ¦ ¦ ; ¦ - OD - ¦ ¦ ¦ Must be W . • 25th.-;aha a8th, . . • . ^- .-• •:. . - •;¦ - ¦[' ¦ - • ¦ OOO Mr.'B; J ' •: !-- ifil £1000 : ' ' " ^ . ,.. ¦¦ *9#9* » , JJBiDtAW iUdnMi ft tabe Max ' ¦ . . ; noted ' ^ T ' ¦ ¦ v . . , ^*i*U)lr McJnaUm f inhmw»xtt»e*ton»t Grogan, .Esq.., . ,, ¦ :\ ¦ " '\' ¦ ;J Warwick—Tuesday and Wednesday, ! 8th / . \ ¦ f ~ ol T«*tber Bturnp*.Mdif ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' 'At a meetlixg iof Oie LoinBter -CauniSii^G. ' : : " 1 f mpomtyiwnlog artlajrfalT*ifc; tfetfiTom- Wan t*ataofsMr: «» ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ::i-' • ,:' ¦ ;. ' ¦ ¦ . • • iiA• BTEB ¦¦ • - ' Si'GRii;TH: - ' ' t . :r-*- • i. .; 27th. . •: . ; : 1 _ and \ ;.j ; : !' ' . A.A.vjon the lath Uist., the Hon".: fioc.< Mr. . ; ::% £1DO6 •: .. >iust oe Woi'. £1000 n cytmi to th% patiMfc « &*et 4b*etijr Htot *UugU, . « ; . TflEiQRAPPLER/CO>IPANY. |. ; : : .- - . »»-> UM«««f4 ;Mn|« Mliiwti. . . .. : 8ando\yn . Park—Thursday, j Friday, md W. i Han,ra;-an,' eaid the following 'iwiia ' the ~ 'The Queen lon'ce, dnd pnly'occe, '.expretu ed f'-y *- *—f- 1 j> tr'-'t-TT " "tfT -"!TirT -|I'lwjirfa Imtil HIT I" - -*1"' " T Saturday, 28th, , ' . ; March 1st ;and 2nd. . j TJr! Tumulty, of .the : Grappler; Tyre Co., ppsitibu: oi; the G.AJA. ia Leinater, so fat ofl b desjre, to %e a 'celebrated greyhound. * This £1000 Most-be -.Woii.; S10QO »wk, to lf(*oB»«nijB|i ^?jthma) *• cibf, uxvm WrlotttMtimmS*«i«tal|^ pww . . * e. is interes- he could lfiarn':-^W«xlord had' pto iUol ¦ ¦ asserts that the .statement that b, *County/Cbm- was lha Waterford'bred ddg, Lord Ltirgap's #w*KJ><»\!» v***laUimn *pf k U*q*mirm.Mmh»lommmt.¦ X UMCMS,b*nr*r¦ , THE EAMBLEBS' CC. ' ' , . taUljlog,fa-nnn tnaiMi/, . . . , . . . ,.-.; ¦ ¦;• ->; : . .-; • " - . ;- • • ':. ¦ .' . '¦ ¦ • • . ' . ¦ . : | ted in exploiting a new cheap : tyre Junder mittec, and waVlprepared to.compete ,in the AfasterMcGrath; who;in 1871; won the Water- i And 100 CpnBO'niion f'rizes. ,.^» . , . . Grappler licence, is quite incorrect. ,\ Xeinster ties ot ;uie AU-Ireland Hurling and I have always claimed that the Bambl ITS' lop Cup for the third time. Her Majesty had ^ ¦ ¦ ' Football . Ohatuplonshipu. Wicklow; had no heard much , her :D«ir Blr,-r »m :plMMd to »y that my t«U> an pttUa^ fm klog. CC , Dungarvan, waaXtha first Club stai bed ¦ " of the Irish idol, ana by. I On tbe First Botibd for tba ; U*mMmgtod I bara jp* OTJR -WISH . ' '!•; . ¦!!. . 4Q|te ttroPK slDoe I \SU4* TT1OU. ; ' ! : affiliated clubs, though there were nine clubs; express desire Lord - Lurgan waa sumpiorjed J Boe them.. .. My fjri*«a»greatly uUUnllw«a in Ireland, and mv ' further idontention.; :re- f ,a*44«y5*j v#M hw4iy kMrvtImr fitie of which,was about affiliating "and -enter- to-Windsor with : his world-renowned srey- rnxt arttflcUl, th»y ar* w> perfie»./in •»«rjr way., I M Mrr antlil yoo forHAiu y «w «m» cuently has been that Mr. :B. 'K Brennan, • i learn from a 'circular tb'hond thisi-week - ' ' ENGLISH CUP ¦ t* Dungarvan, was the first and ing for football playing.: Kilkenny and Dub- hpiilid,\and given andieneir with the Queen N . ¦- ' ^«*~T i-«^*tio8 3nJ&. Alderman W. that Mr. J. C. Percyi of the ?Trish Wheel- lin hsid County, Committees, and each would : of' , ^Ki j. ^,.w . ; ;V; , G. B. Go9, J.P., the second gentleman jto " aad several : members the Royflt -family. , ¦ man Company, has taken over 'the manage- compete in hurling, and football'. Carlow MastefMcGratU Was bred by (he late Mr. . , i „ ' . :¦ - . , • ., 8Uwr« of C1»«ity, Balooyla/O*,DoWla , Wta Itaeembw,1 888L career regularly on the " iron horse," as the ment of the "Irish Builder." !Friend Percy ' 1 fee) good old ordinary (or was it boneshaki i7) hdd lwo affi liated clubs, one of which -would Gallwey, Colligan Lodge, near Dungarvan. Dear Mr. f!rad!»w-I Ttry gretelol to you. tec your UadMw mad eenaMMaUos to the girl lt»n\ may not know mush about scaffolding, levels, enter -ior the championships. Kiss's County NHe was not; Sand tjontntrd vrltb Name and Address for Coupon J roa. tibs l« qalw dtllxhetd wlUi Her (ettb . ¦was spoken of by the country folk over thirty I should say, has a remarkablo dotf to look at, cer- ' ¦ ¦ T«ry tlnwrty WwiLflfclTEB M, prf »LANA9AM. ' ¦ ¦ ¦ bricks or. mortar, nor yet, and Louth would also serid teams, 'but there tainly not so' well set up ''Ahd striking in ap- ocd rarticnlarnto • ' I ' - . » Btofei April years . ago. :•: . . . ' .- he studied the ethic* , of Trades Uniohism, l „, •« . .:. ,, - dr^rirtv-BanioyH tal/ip*; was no reply from Kildare or Queen's Connty; pearance aslFullortoni bril'he-wos possessed " Dsar 81r,—Tht utth you supplied are ittj stes «od greatly*d» Jrid7tart- bar* t*?«t moU*m» as applied to this particular branch of in- ndr had he any information, ; ! . " FOOTBALL. CHAT," , .,,' : eriy trouble or pain and tre ' ¦ HI8TOBICAL BECOBD. ! from Loairford, of , ienormouB power m fiis hind quaJtoba, ' ' ' - '. , ladsedj rery eomforuble.tod ail ihat ea» te d«air»dk ; - . ¦- • I - dustry. But he .generally knows what |he is ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : " ' or" Woatmcath. He vraB not enre how Meath BTeat freedom of action, apd'the perlection ot , • ' .i- - • ' • . I3idd«lbar(r '¦ " , ' ; , - ' ¦ ' ANNA about, and I "have every confidence that h6 , 1 . j j; ,; ( , . . . . ,;, :...... Yo«r»T^r*JtWtair, HaifNIGAH: As I contemplate publishing a local gu de Btood, but- v/m in communication rrith that etyle in such 1 a country 'aa^Altar. Ho'was cut * ' ' ¦ ' r ' 1 ¦ - " ' ¦;. ¦ • ; ' ' UfOTJ.Bradlaw , 78 Hareo«rfr«tw«t Doblfn, i ' '- . . lor visitors before the opening of the tou] ist will surmount all difficulties $4d place the county. ' •:, . . ¦ :: ; '.i s/ , - .< ' . . . ;: . " HOLLAND. . . • " :¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ 641b« In weight. > . . ; season, ' I wrote to- Mr. B. E. Brennan with Irish Builder" on a foundation: as firta al- • I eoseaa . ,. C3CC33 Pcit^irdtoi Holland—Po»t»jo Ope Penny, : to bring it nearer ; ' ' ' " reference to this old Club, arid received ho most as the Pyramids, or, THE DBAW- ' j ' • ; - . ; FANTA8TICAL EXPERIMENT. ; ' ¦• : ¦ 1 home, of Reginald's Tower, itself. ' : . " " Football," Mldddborg, i5 oow c»lU. BrBaift .BBr4Ma DfiaUrt. ***$$!****[ ily concede me the liberty, of' publishing )— «*«•«• - Iti- was decided to hold the draw of the The fantastical experiment of cxcludibg *> ¦ ¦ Leinster ties 'of the All-Ireland- Hurling and three-year-olds from the Princess of Woler \i ! ; - ¦' ' " i;Jj- - 8 1 KsBao'i Seminary,titUrtwny /Aagwt16th , W05i Dear Bedmond—In reply, to yours, we star ed ONE ;M0BE UNFORTUNATSB.; : . . : . * the Bamblere' Glub in 1869, "but Football Championship? on February 3rd, Stakes at Newmarket is likely to prove a very the first lot- ; : ' 1 oxtXTctloa of ¦ y«ry decayed tooth-aadtba othtr mail meeting was in J-Suje, 1870, when'miim lea . As a ehareholdor in the Perell Tyre Co., and| that in a county where there .was no costly one to the : Jockey Club funds. Orjly tifhtriy 9t hl« nrofiMtfcw. T MAQO!&&» J9.A. were first kept and officers elected'. ¦ Wo ha L a 'the Tnbeless Tyr> Co-i the Beddpn' Tyre- Co., County - Committee the first club affiliating twenty-two Horeee have been left in for thia an to the International TyrVCo., the 'AmsllKamated. \v6u3d?haye.;lheright tcrcompete: The secre- year's? race : out:pi an! original entry of 188, Dosr 8lr^-I T«ryrancheHtged ytm tor tb4isiaiaUHZ6t tZ3tittoj ha»r«ltSi tti race around Dy a road called Duckspool Bo id, 'to !• v MITRAL pTEL, ; catbfaciloa both In ' *t *j * Tyre Co., the New Bapid Co., 'the Pulicture' taryi'^Waavdirected fartneir, coininunicate whereas last !year there were forty-two accep- ' WtftK Md •p^k¦ Wc. . -. '- • Tow*¦ (¦ithfaUr. B. Lv OOVf. returning by the old . Waterford Boad. T via ! ; ¦ ' ' ¦ :- . ; . .; • ¦ ; ; - . . -. ""— ~ I " Proof Tyre Co., the . New CooperTittings wiUt Heath; Xing' County, and KHdnire. '. • tances, aiter uie last'forfeit hod been declared, ¦ . . lLst»Stl9 Hotd) tlr> D. J. Er«fll»w. : . :::'-:^x- '~Y: .r-:T.. r!L~;^;.-- vas'in .1889. In 1870 and 1871 we had a gra ¦ j ¦ iid * •¦ - ¦ i • ¦ • ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦; . . : ¦ : • • •#»••• . ' "- ¦ • ' ¦ ' ' Co.. the JJnnlop (English) Tyj»!Co., land the , " championship race. I won !the silver cup J, and: even, with u larger number the stake :!' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ • - . -.w .i^^M ^m Dunlop ^French) Tyre Co., I hdve hai ex- " ' ¦ ; : : ' . .;-84: QUAY,. -, ¦ aitoi« ;. = . i-:, ¦: .- . which, had to be won two years in Buccessioh. . THE GBAND NATIONAL. . . . . i • cost the iurid £747. i.. . periences of cycle ' and tyre ' inventionsIsucb ' In. 1899,' when Flying Fox. was successful, OR teat tiix-f xxmto o> lctter ctaore eorotottaMe caw. AI I have it with'the dates of the race, and my ' ' 1 ' • : • ¦ ¦ ¦ >, I thando aU la »r powar to noonm** as few can 'lay ' claiaij to. Ot 'the' -concerns " is now thirteen years but ' yaa. .;• - . - . •¦- < : nameVengraved on it oa it washanded to : rie . Manifesto old, there were forty-two acceptances, and « loe» of ¦ ¦ y. ; ..-r.r.' !r'""'. r."-'j¦'¦W^L-* -K'MI>i winning- ' named eight have gone to the ' wall,^'and: the so iwell is'he now that , if his owner "adheres £367.' It certainly jBeems to me that , , , ;# ATE . .;; - ' . ' • ' ' ' . " ' *. : ' . ' , '' 9, on • it the second year. : " Old Fi e" ' Wor %. BflnnBai4.D«bH*.Mar«h15th , JS89. tne-ST., roads 'clear and would run in^il fancy—an y- 1 ¦3ft is ;bn; record-, that the Qu^on Nad one b?t jexcellont otoprttinfty of jusvi-; •ono 'jwho - aitenipted to use the streets till ire sent' round the country with: the sole object " fvint. however taitdilyJ tnajtsreat nrivato n- of booming the wretched > invention. In this duriog! her i lifetiilie, It wa»-wain she 'fi«l EXTENSIVE ALTEJ&ATIOHS To a?QJa ^kinpoiBtineniii*«a» turn HTJ« were| done. :-Tb.e!. machines, . -^fi course, wete putotion whichrhe enjoyed^last spring, .aid ¦ «*Uw ¦ Mr. ¦ BRAC¦ tW i»W tbe^. ¦¦'¦ war thousands- of IrigmniSn were taken, in as »islted; Ascot in il833, when :tbe Aoiot Cup whidh" his cokteriiptiblewifelic ¦ '¦ . -ir ,. :/ , ;.;,, , • - . > .: -^\ . _ i ' timber wheels and solid iron body.and:weign- ' wa^ [won by: Grey. MDrioa, botpcuin? l.oi-1 * f pertormaop^i " 7 " ' ; ; |, '- _ _ .iirt]LJlJ¦"¦' ' ' ' -' ' ' ' ¦ ' ' ' ' stand/the strain had' to | go tit ' the/*wall.' I Geofgor Bentinok. Her , Majftwt> was induced . 1 ' ,, ' ' " '-'-rj . r _¦¦___„_! acartfefybe' described as " dangerous, as I Tfl-- to on 'K't ' ' receiving .17lb. from Diamond J ubilee, and MQw rriariy well-to-do' people jwho, Were tuin- , .hava.-n Uifle . . the . Winner- ui . .'he .Mr. I.PJitt'«'.:Gallcrte, ariolfiiir" ajiimaf.about - LIQU0B8, OIQAlaa i member some Bdldiers taking off thoir beltf: Btarting price of, tie .latter was ft \t> 4 bHv the ; 1 , &C. : and running with me nearly.the ed - by 1 the English . Conipany , Promoters ; who which there was a dcal M .trunrpetine labt ' ' ¦¦ ' whole of the ' Boyal ,visitor could only have .benefitedjto . . . ' . ' ' 07 "I*- - '• . . ' ^.BiiiBONsMild) way. | I' am so pleased that you are contiriii- saw in Ireland a happy hunting ; groun^ lor ' ' April, has a similaradvaijta ^ ae in the welghto; j . - STEEBT. WATiRrdBD. it their deep laid scheme's; 'i ; ' • • '; ' ' tho| extent - oi a £«w edvereJgns. ; i " ' jne to interest yourself in cycling matters; &• . ! 1 ¦ ' LorafCadogaria: Sidua, who . finished a bsd ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' 1 «. -i , ¦ I ' . • C9&3&9 i . , j VEBY BEST BHAtJD3 0T3LY "The NeWB" is our only Co. Waterford cycle. . : „ • «W««* II , i ' third to , for the Two Thoo- ' ' ' ' ¦ ; ' sr.TkvRNAiirnK : " I' organ and it has done much for the cause arid THE KILKENNY HOUNDS.;; j , - : , . , eand; ia another nlataen, and . he is expected A TniAiTEOtitrrEb can do more in the future. I am, dear Red- ; to- win a;good:race.for;a four-year-old.. Lord NEW VICTUALLING t ' 't . In the - year-1870 the, Kilkenny Hounds were The Grand National horse, Shevcnampn, ' ¦ ESTABLISHMENT mond¦ , vours faithfully, . . and Veal ip waaon-ttiQ can feel assured that as long as my voice lasff office with them: one and A friend who ha jto dissentient parties, for he was alike popular ;i : ¦ ' ¦ ' " • .- ¦ THE ONLY HOUSE M THE CITY Alrotrlp«( Cow HeeJ.8h«»p » TroUftr^i»jM«««, BUeJk aod "Whlu ' support. I believe cycling h^is helped em- The Bon of Westmoreland ia six years of age July jt : . : . . I . "W ?wiaJDg» ancipate the toilers in our cities with' both, and had not espoused {either side and has "been' kept specially ' for the event. hcfB ' Gentlemen . can ha»o CT All made Daily, and Gntnot^edFn «h aad of tb« B««e ' - , and towns ' ' : Q^ailty, aiid that if has brought within the ; view w in . the quarrel; moreover, they jknew how He will probably be ridden O'Brien. He THEfDERBY. - . .;. : ' " ' ' . BREECHES by ¦ ; Cat and finished to • ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ! ¦ • ' ' thousands the '-scenes that are fairest, bright- ¦ well qualijQed he wds to fill-the Wle-of M.F.H. only ; ion onoe ltijt year and then .. .flffiit6d I- 1 . ¦ ' " v x .j ' ¦; I see that : wonjer is est and most health-rivine in OUT native land :. c«*«3» . 1 . last in a field of three.) That does not look '^xprccscd becaneb 8atisfaotion without ¦ i ¦ ¦ ' ' Dbricles is not backed Tor the Derby:'at pt . - . . «««»»f CON8ENTED. . '! j very promising, but then .time works wonders. i Alterations. \ ' ' | ' '¦ ' ' ¦ ' shorter price, : considering that in his only ' • ¦ ••••* ? - ¦ i 80UTH-EASTEBN COUNCIL. Mr. Briscoe, who had been ailing for a con- . : • 1 • i , ' \ race lost season (the July.stakes) he .ran a This is no hoaat, but a fact to wblcb AUTEniL STEEPLECHASE. ; i EomQ Hop Treasurer Dunne is squaring up tl siderable time, and who; made! an entirely dead'heat with Veles at even weights. Dori- of tho leading G«utry and SporUmeo ol tho accounts of the 8.E. Council and I am gii unexpected recovery, accepted tpe : invitation The names of Hidden Mystery, King David, cles it:a very handsome colt, but it is doubt- 1 ful whether will stand:a thorough pre- Kingdom and tbo Continent will bear oillinjj to learn from him that we will ; have . & sati and became Master of the Kilkenniea in:the Grudon, Hed, White and Blue, Breemount'B bo ; 1 paration, and, this being the case, nobody. testiroonjr. ' ^6^ ' summer ot 1870. Let Mr. Harry Bargentj re- io lactory : credit balance. Last year s receip¦ Pride, Levanter/ Lotus Lily, 8trelma,. Cush- this of tho were the highest on record. ! ; late the rest:—"In doing so, he^ :undertook endun, Easter Gift, Mayo's ,Pride,, Covprt will be so infatuated as to back him: for any. Oiir ^access branch botincu ¦ both a delicate and a most difficult duty, face (whatever until the day of runninp f . . MMW I I Hack, Senateur, Friar Jonn, and Uncle Jack : ID not tby oulcomo of otucrapaluos puffing or ' for not alone existed the. strife I hive alluded also appear /among those engaged, ' ; arrivp3.. He gave his j trainer a great dc&l advertising SHOOTINa. : . . i j ;• to, but; the horses, hounds, and tountry were of trouble last summery arid after the First on the Traas-Atlontic prinapJff , ' in a very bad way. However, from his thor- July Meeting it was found absolutely neces- bat .is built mi the continued patronage and GEHERAX DRAPEBS, How some- of our country pj'esenrei hav e THE HUBDLE BACE. . , 1 " deteriorated may be gathered from a glaac e ough knowledge of the duties, ,'he soon; re- - ; | sary to:throw him:up. and sacrifice all his conDdeoc« of on ever-iocrei^inr; class ol 1 remaining .two-year-old r engagements, in or- Are Showing; tbotuo Largestlargest and HostMost Variedvaried Slock of Ketr at the iollowing paragraph tak^n from "The formed the stud, pack, and country, and by The English entries in tile Auteull" Grand Customers, who know , what they w;intaad ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ; Good* " adopting ' judicious 'measures a^d; applying ' dex 'to avoid , the risk of breaking.Juin down ' ¦ ' ' News of September 30th, 1853:—" Patrick Hurdler comprisa the . following;—Cooh ; ' ¦ ' can : tell [when they get It ' - ' : ¦ ' ' ' ' ' ' j; eion healed badlyj I" , ;:¦ ' . • • ¦: ;. ; . . •: . N SuitableSuitatlo 'for ' ; . ; : . Power, Esq., of Faitblegg House, and party them with tact and discretion he. learia, Pontifex Boughsided Meschina, Maha- • ¦ . ¦ ¦ ' - for .'^1. • . * , . I i : -csese s . • . ; i ehot £20 brace of grouse on the moots, Co. M social sores. The consoquenee wtn thdt within zona,: Presgrave, Z^nda, The Khedive, ' Down- n few eessom be broaght baefc the Kilkenny Haot AN^I^VENTIONJ ' ' .! , , Mayo,, and over:70; .brace of partridge at ham, Eteocles, -Kendal Boy, Strehna, Little ; ; <5rouse,- Lodge last, week." Why. I auppoae; to as greed a-.»undard of unity, sociability and Hercules, Easter iGift, Jo I 80 I, ' Spring WEW YEAR'S apart as It attalqed1 -Thejstory atout the Joikoji Club having met TRADE. 70 brace of partridge have-not] been seen ft . had ever in its aalayon injn Flower, "Hermistoa, Sana Gene,- imiinan, to- consider ; ;the^ question !of Volodyovskra STEPHEN FLTKN the Grouse Lodge preserves this years, i under .the Powers of Kilfaue.',' ! ; " ' fivo ¦ ' j | Orviepano, jUltinlaturn,. Lady - Sehomberef, h(s "¦ ¦ ' - ¦ ' ¦ ¦ * lease from Lady Meme to Lord William Bores- Bags to laform {Honda aad tbp ' -' ' ¦ '' ;¦ ' ¦ - . ¦ . ' _ »t««fta I ; ¦ • «» *••• • j . ! Lord Danvers, Middleton, Senatcurr Teles- ' ' ' ; MAIN STREET, '' ¦ ' ford- if, of course, a Hdi,6Ul6us invention. - If |, ;¦ . . " pnUl? th^t, .:. ' ;" , : , : . CARRIGEPON-SUIR KILKENNY! v/WATEBFOBDJ T ,'j HIS:EEIGN. . ' cope, Surehayen, Uncle Jack and The Beetle. there its 'any dispute on tbe subject the ^" . . ' . j ! • ' ¦ - •• • ¦ • • ' ' ¦ ' ' ' ' " ' ' \ \ ¦'¦ ' ¦'¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ • ¦ ¦ •¦ ' ¦ ' ' '¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ y:' ' ¦ v • • ' I' - - : ¦ ' • ¦ ¦ - . • ¦, ¦<: . - ; - ' - : ¦ ¦ : ¦ 1 BtewaWs oj the Jockey. CJnb would-^e actinjr WITH THE EXPERTENOBO JLSSBTJ ' . \y . , . . i . • >~ i i ' ' ' .. It surprises me that the cyclists of Watets And thisIs also lit. Bargent'e :-r" In fome . - . ; ' ' ." ']. ultra:yirc» if they k too*!np6n themtelvca to of 'tbe daties psrt'inJDRto. tbo . qukllflcatlon. .Jor H0R8E8 F0H COUB8E8. . ' ; AN0B OF HI8 B»Cn;HBBS ford and Kilkenny ore not » ~ 'i' morelactive ,; os * ¦ ' ' ' in prp- decide it ony diffetenco of opinion ns to , 3 . ' ' •' .,' , ' ¦ ' -• ¦ " i- * 5 - ; . ./. - . ; . ' •ii : / . . ,- , . , . , ¦ - MJm^^^aaaL-^^^^—. . . • -¦ ¦ ; ¦ - . j > . .!- MF.H. maoy toeO hoo been superiorto Britcoe. ¦ , y. \ * motinff amusements for the residenta Of thoBo who finished in the leading night ' •¦ ' ¦; ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ^^^^^ 1 . . of tneus ' 'hnot the bdrse s ownership next/season must Wrn ; :. I '. : . .; H»: titnatpi, ;. ... " . .. . cities. The Waterford" and Kilkenny ! trackli There bare been geotleined who coqla apack in the. Lincoln Handicap last " season, Sir upon the wording: pi'the^flgreoment between ^ dre of the best \n the countryj yet they ' re- of fpihonniB-with (rretjter.jBbilityJ Rtheis were Geoffroy . and Strike-a-Light^ have retired, Lady Meux and Lord'Wintam Bercsford, and Carrying on tbe Exiwulve better judges of hounds, others wem finer riders 1 Badness main to all intents and purposes neglected and Downhaxn is 'advertised in the ealo list that is a matter which con only be decisively ' ' < [' ' < ¦ • ¦ ' ' " • '¦/ ¦:¦ ' . " ' !, •}« ¦' • .-«J •' . * * ;, 'cd . f,r '\ 't *^ it' J "#r - . ' ' .V-i fllfj f 9 1 - . . ^. of luilamentedirtberiaa • > tA At * , to-day. Ten years ago how different things and could select a banter 'With better jndemeat as valualbe for the foreign market, leaving settled'in the 'law. court* 1 •!. '. ': ' • '' I * ^ • '_ . j ¦ ' : ¦: ¦ :¦ weite! Then KilJrenny ' Ami there wen Maatern who had «! better knack Forcett and Nippon to claim, notice at , pre- • .:. - - • . attempted- to rival : | j ;•»! •?• . ( GEHEBAL HOUSEPAINTgBS of mLntgloR tn unruly fi«M. : Bat taking ¦ ¦ ¦ . Irirv the match with the ' boys of Wexford' Befori the i death of Prince; Consort, the \^* i ¦< * . rj . ' is very ' j- . : , J. BeiC is now 16 years o! age. ,| ! j . ¦ ' [ * l •• ^ ¦l i. * ' ' likely to follow 6uit. ; Of course; if the ¦ Queen ttook some; interest in horso-racing. * j We$ . . - ¦ • ¦ ' ' ' . . : «••• #• ! 1 •; , MOONCALVEBi !: ' v ;. .; ': ; . j The; Want ereoteii ' ' ford club also decline our challenge the New ' She visited Epsom in 1840 arid saw the Derby ...... by .tOihm B^i wili.hi ¦ ¦ Flw Boss IC.C. will be considered the champion THE VABSITY BACE. i . . ' : : won by. Mr. Boberwon's Little Wonder. She *»»»» ^to corapty with I«wifoM club rarely missed the 'Ascot meetings, to which Oriljj flighty 1 mooncalves can be jn' o , hurry <>f the County Wexford. Th« local papers The date of the : to bet ion the D have got yerj vague ideas on the subject. In University boat race has she drove in : Sta(Cj and in 1844, on the Cup qrbv at tbls period of the year. Combinlt$will only r^c5tml»»r OMrtUtoA « been fixed for Saturday, March SOth; The Volodyovski's backers it , 4 to J are certainly * SaiU : - referenda to the Enniscorthy race, pne> qf ; day,, the Queen was accompanied by the Eto- lyj fWfc'^M^iBj ' : not likely to - iollowing are the crews :, have best of the betting xn them,! in a par, headed E.U.C.O.,' says' ' ThE Oxford—G. A. peror of Russia and the King of 8axony. ' ;A f iio ¦ Willis, Magdalen (bow), list 0|lb';1 (3). F. M. t these jearly ttonsoctlona, for . it, may . confl hold* arrangetoents for an inter-town i match vithj three-year-old- colt [by Defence won the Cup, the. of r tto; KB. GiwmuHr |- i '¦¦ > • . \> I' •* •! club failed to come to the scratch.' I can't the Emperorj as h compliment to the dis- ' - | \ seo : how the club that sends list 41b; <5), H. J. Hale. IBaUiol, 12st 81b ; (6), tinguished visitotr, • enough after the race [has : been , decided, and it is - iBloctrUnl Erginwr ana Mitugcr, the challeng£i H. Du Valfon, APP'op^ately quite possible;! that the /Newmarket .'Stakes could i 'fail to come to the scratcb. If he hoc Brasenosej 12st Bib ; (T). G. thia colt; won tbe Emperor's Plate next year, sub^tituited the ' 1 Christie! Miller, Trinity, list 61b ; K. Culme- the Emporor ia comme- might 'discover!: another; formidable competi- former for latter, and inter 8eyioour, New (stroke), a race instituted by tor. ' Star Bhoo't, , Toddington, club for 1 inter-town, he would 1 have been mon list Ulb;! G. 8. Mac- moration of his visit. ' :' arid 1 lagan, Magdalen (cox), 8st 61b. . ! I . ; Veles 'are in.(both ' the Newmarket eventsj ¦: correcti Mr. E; Barroii , the »>|0pula> sub : Cambridge—B. W. DJ Brooke, Firet Trinity while Orchid and Lord Bobs aie in th«'Iw4 ' captain J has - juBt received his pneumatic : 1 (bow), list 121b: (2) HAMPTON¦ COUBt STUD. ; Thousand ; only. . Lord Bobs , G. T.Westem, P«mbr6ke, ¦ I was : lonKinally ' Borerj weighing about :451bs., rail on." Jus : . 1 i ; think It Wends. A model 12«t;4lb; ,<3), E. Y. Dunpaneon,jEmmanuel, . Her, Majetty »Uo: did much to • impmve entered also for tbe Newmarket Stake*, but AMES WHITTY b? mtehlne^ign 12»ti81b ; (4>. C. H. Taylor ThWd Trinlhr his brtederj Mrj Jolcey. struck hlm' j years iago weighing «lb» I! |Wh . we ' wonl< W- . v . tie bread of horae*iby establishing the Bojal outiwhert ' ; :; ' * lflitjlUb; (6). F. 3. Eacombe.l 'ftiWty HaU. the nunor . forfeit was declared >n'September,! : ;:' . ;, ;- . a QUAT,yrj tovmip.'] ' ' • •ell snch a ciock now to the marine man. ' 8U»d at Hampton Court. - Many' great: horses ' " ' ' _ ,.«• - ¦ ¦ 12»t 711bs: (6). H. B. GryUs, First Trinity, J8W ¦ ¦ ' ' ! " " ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ;- - i' " :¦; ¦ hare cqme ilrom Bttshejr Paddock, .notably V -; '' * : I* 3U\%[ jYi.\- !. ; ; i ^ . nl . 12U 21b ; (7)7 B. C. Cox, Trinity H»ll, 12»t 31b; plifii | ' ' • ' ¦ ' Springfield and La Tleche. Thastud w»n dis- - ; ¦ ' ' ¦ .V-CEXEBBATED. WIT, ; :.. . .!• . 1. . : i. G. M'D. Maitland. First Trinfty-(p%>ke)/ l2»t banded In 1894, wb :n the 7$ loU lealiMti, FLYnirG . LKMt7B.-l ; ; ']] \ , 1 ' ' 61b; H. C. D. Waabbrougb, Trinity Hall (cox), *t : " ? ¦ the' talej a- »um-«• name if * FMnaj 4mhg t6 two-year*oldi culeg ILangrisbe, Knocktepher Abbey, i whc . . —I . . >*' \hl* | | tion that on July 80, 1714, a plate of -%U lit own brothftr to|:Flytog" lived about 70 years tigo. Thd celebrated y. ' " ' ¦ Fmedi;afte) ">»?»• T^^/fA ^u^mu\cmnpun ' m the ; ' 1 now learn ! at York by Her Majesty's Queen Anne bay mals i hailing frpm Madagascar and tbe Baa} famous baronet. ! The ' hone was: by from Mr. Vt. W. Jetfa 'es. acting ! ''* *> Whalefcone, out of Peri,; hon.i seo. of the Irish Bugby Upi6i , that the hone Star, the Lord : Chamberlain' , being Jndles, and th^.-are ,t»^^i(fc?)i It UM-'U ¦ ¦ . and wasltiieri djre o: hoped, however .' Irish Birdcatcher and Fauffi-a-ballagh, anc date! fixed ' for the! match;, (posttxined from owner 'of the »econd horn. Merlin, who, it, , that their fqiiine .namesake of the jgreat steeplechase mare, ' 8aturday next on account of Qneen Victoria's is recorded " was lame: before.startink not- will, jbyvhli p»rfonnano6 on the turf, iuttify " " " " ' Brunette. ^ : ' ;¦ ' • ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦• ' '¦;¦ • - •r , : v .' ' J j . ' • ' i ^ ^^ fa ' 'T . : H withstanding which he; r«n lour excellent the . Flylng'^itefliT ,. , ' .' I .' , : : -? :, . .:• ¦ ' . ' ¦ • ¦ " ' ' death) ' ' ; • ¦ -\ has been •'- ¦ ' ¦ ¦ : definitely fixed fdrtSaturday, : ';' ¦;• • ¦ :/ V-)-' - . < ¦. • - " l. ' ¦ '¦ Oth . February, at Lanaddwna Boad,' ' ¦ 1 VP> h ¦ ^ ' ' ' the itime ot writing no chanjj'1se*i have tden **m ^i- ^ - ^^ COlilKG iikCXi- ' V^Jl ¦'¦ -' ':. \ • •¦¦ '• '¦' ¦ ¦i! "!; , *; ' ' ]. ' announced' lax' ikfe'-^WX'B 'B'ffiWa;' ' .1-!. '^:':-^ .. /,!•'• . ; ; !. '.l^:j{J<»nniyj:po|ih"ci^ jof lif ae.iiitvixfStA ifa as^JTrtl^rid t edncernedi '¦¦ ¦¦ { : £ albeit M«gee and Heron Ware'doubtful owing i^^Uv ' -^^vi ^-K 'iV"^ v - viy ¦;in . JtJb. Edmpnd Harv«sr,ol Gjtange/4*4* *i» *HWJHaH^^peelr^d' the i-rMMi i'-trial ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ , ;tut- ' 1 way/1 fear w^, woiild;i^rwtbe *bto to, enjojr ¦1 . Jf'A 1 **i! : ' :•.' ?:. ' •*-- --- . . .' t . .. ¦ *}- • -, '• . . .,r V is "m4&ai, the¦ ¦;^ alteret /data %ill -enable a- rol Wy JttWlvMiplay- ¦¦' ¦ The , <}. thejjaxtirj;ot fo^ ^ttr. codple year» '^i/eteWtf^'-f&'^rtttBprt'; thst-^rie ^atsj ^e- Icelandr S«Qtlabd *. -.:•¦crojjy'jwtot'fc taateh w4U mo« probably be played"< 3h tha of- fo» Beign.! flerfc:«?e /Mr. " Haryert j»entf- W^-W iiiiiiHi TerrTlnffa*ntl*t detiutatian SlB ^ inAati, asittprtMidin 0rt^^4«y*5-np«f mWJm tai«tpKi7n*warn ^mmm« viml& ^H . - oatoj;,;- '.;-;: , f i tf - y« ^j' •;l\fferrp;h,|ltl L:^ m i^t&^^^-Viiiitiisi 'ioiit- toiUkAdleV

^'triinsr, -hM

foniro nay «rintaally Hf . i( |'!i .ill > y ' • that 'JToKri-lfrwataM JMkHifcffiB! **.: ST, *l it 7ni3mk zipm^jJptriMjw 'Pww . mmM ttMl m sjtr.mWW& wamemiy>,effet, anditp]to ^ifai Mrt. i&aetf-'lo -be'* tomj^ ftfP::.';:-. .T;^ ' -f th«ponnl*rAniaricAn-i-wh6irb t ii affij m.0BNS1 J I *3raiwi' X!1WW* ; 5- H11Hrte uTtktnil? it M :if^.i^.2 t. * . t'& ' ''-''' ; ¦ ' ¦ ;¦¦ '¦ \v- - i ' '^*^ 'V ¦"^ ••• ^ ¦"IT! r- I- -F> m tifa $m< ^ Ki iiWM, WwmM Smmmmm a^ W&2?# sS

IIIilllPlB f

«»«««« ^cuoa IB nstonng unity amjroi the people And their>r; nrosentattVes,' wdrtHs of thftuiHiUjUiaedlanpbi 1 ¦ ^fctth^IriBh'pebpl*, ^horni ng 'n^wiffit^M *not. a'" not :yet;idTnjed,; td.toalft up couUJ aasfirel-thein il -any. ;of hi» 'was,'nothii»(f AlM^ta|l&^ iJiedl the»Dn ¦ ¦ ! ' :: tof-l&»% 4ime by ever; wanted to m^et him und, asked: him.« 'of ,it- W84lc4We'd^Wth^cl4maUo ^'1p. 'iM:/¦ ¦; :. jEXI?GUj |PIYJB f; : ;. -v organizing;,branches,at!bnce.'and; thus give jlrishXeague but ^> end fo» evat that.stj(u^i/, ,.. iMr; r I r an - earnest' come lo al me«ting,"|fHvouldr take something ' flJeoflS* 'Oomjnlns' propif* *«l n«eM«4l. pf thaii; anifcietyf to Sdyaiuje ihe than! a blast of wind or a shower and thxt, wtriiB b'etWeiin' brother 'Nationilii't . ,lowlnr Hsolntionj which ,wa» necoi ded by- Mr purpose; for which the organizBtion'-wag etfonger . that t fiet .aT^ny Svas one" ;thjjifWKjh,|. Jy ' - " ' ' ¦ ' "mtab- to-, stop hLn fr6m>keep promise (cheeul *•> $•«<" Manncte/Copejt^ arid Supported rMr,j -it; aahed. i .;. //• ,,-. : . . ¦•.:i . . - • ' ¦]'¦ . - ' • ¦' . ing his yinitM ¦LAHGE] AND 1 , .. - and ;alvoioe-j-"- You were always a trfte. roaril ^tha i lrish•Le^gueTtb'pa roiila'teJi'ri :P6w«r;!and paused; urisnimon«ly. -, A ,- *. -f.-.. ENTHD8IASTIC " That wo call upon . oUr. alien government; .wlUl^fatftijae by futiire, tfeneWiiotfj illriil ' to peridrta'ajaimple act Mr. ^ower. "/ Ho tttdiight- if JWsh.represenj ' j THP;. JPRppOSa)j ^RdBERTS MEriA( of the dead fife o! ia< ! ¦; KeBoiVed :-y' That vye ' mdst stijonglyVpoV< ¦ ' of coileWato'|aff4 as more ithah iiiey/hod 'done for. the last .teal ' 1 dsmn : . | | .THOMAS. tr^ . -i. U^verpity education will years, it ¦wd jiaYbe : better fbr. the . member*! tion> ' he ihojig htJ ha/frai bound to caH'tthei thfe proposal to convert-Ihei ruina of, the ^ place ihfej Ciatholic ' ' nttjt'n'iinii tn> nV+AnSfaV'fcahia ?«r>t. ruV.i^V1. Wo, ! old : PranpjsCanr Priory Ohuroh .In Wateriord m¦ • .-T il : people of < Irelandof on a thenisflves, and the 'constituents, and .better,; 1 foptangipl^ualjty withjjthe reat tneir fel-- I ariaen, within :th» ,pa«t two at three - days- into |- at "memorial i» nonottr I'^f Maeneral low 1 ': aa; his! friend ihad '8siB, ior the country , at cajjnVy^n.' ]; ! . ; -> - ! the objsct ofUheiij and that wte to*yi«ct!r,tbat aifeember of th Roberta, whose itibuniap policy Of phinder- i STIRRING SPEEC . i Tha»]M^i.;ih' largo {cneersjj What'Itv as !} ing anfl, burning farinhouBes, and turning; : ' ftlSS. . eetinff Keartilas y ^support the meeting thafc-flayr^- was not ' tp listen s toj Jate Jrish. Pafty/^bk three short mbnth oct : .-!"t,'4h^ ldbourerejr being; iust and afeo wa8 ~ hoillo\bad -. py.i ;honost lfationalJsis ii of doorg the wives and' children ; of mi brave right, to, ' speeches, j It i was ' tfot to congratulate one; een 1899 , -a) «nau share of the land that bore another, but tie hoped' that the end and, aim! iTast: poneg«H,. ,jT.bo/,l)elieved ihim to be ai I Boer OpDonentsj whom , ho has b^ . entirely Plough dorinjr j—Sillfle^ ltf j JEto»de, them, and, *&' triiet the fanners will not give to ho&est NaupnalJ5t ,r ' I unable; to subdue in (nlr and open flehtlne. n^^JWWO i W»Wi, 1*? (From our Reporter.) i : any to the of . . the'r meoiiiig ^vasj spread combinationi .-:ttJid1 who Vere, : mislead Polneer; lrti:Bjntok»ifo^ unrflanqnaljlB oppoar^ion schernea : ( we consider to be unwdrthy pf a ciVili«»dcom- .!- .: • ¦^2««*-' . .Ionbfil, l«ti' W«t 8imco^i»tj. and as a propt''t}iRt «iey wera teiriblyj am : ' ¦ ; : ' ¦ ;; " ¦ '" ' ; '¦ ¦ y " : ¦ and organizaiipi) at 'ioag the people of all : ' ¦ ¦:- - •! ¦ ' 'i; ¦ ' " : '- ¦ - ¦ ¦ : f' - - '[: ¦ On Sunday , !a largely attended- and , enthusi- now pending'! In': the mander, a partial return to, tho nethods of : :! : . . -I -. -; ' • : ; . '^: 1 different unions of this¦ ¦ !district oj| horribly misleadt:',«(Ji6^ £r'. Michael JDavit ^ country^r.; y|.7.:..i ¦.. - ' : - . i - .' • : classfes .of thb '.comniuiliity in thia. > flftvagea; an,d an addlttpnol d|»grac( ¦ to himself ¦' astic open-air: meeting flp.der .the (auspices of the evj} . ;j[»f Ireland (cheers). And heaven knew theraj Went amOngstotnamv'ip . October last, tbesi MORAI^-" n yon want to win » PWnghingr Mau* th< name U tbe Plough«hou td b» "'Tha^ system land-grabbing and ' : ' ' ' ' ' and to all others - conriapUd with the Ipresent 1 * >¦¦ ¦' the East Waterford' Ex&ektiva of llhe United was I , \|r) ¦:¦ ' ' -! ' ¦ ' honest NaUohallsft; assaulted (Him1 in the in 4 ' ' ; • : , i ! ' '?' ':¦ ' ' • '' grass-gMtbbihbiUnext to famine, has done ; ' : M terfest , of la j irilvix" : wh'<). became ; an . Engllsl inlquittous war ot robbery and. aggression in the Cockshutt --weignt from i5i to l6i«t. . ; _.( . Jiish League was ' i moat OFGANISATIQN; : : Plopgbs<«med off First *oA ; held . , itt i Kiliriacthomae. mischief to! Ireland by helping and en- AMPLE bapOM FQB County Oourt ;Ju'dge !.within [the last :threi South Africa. And we 'earnestly hope that all At the R oyal So.letyx)! Norway's trials Cocksbufc S»rtng in The weather vas, unfortutoamy/jmost incle- couraging eilermiriating; landlords to evict' Ho was looking over some statistics the! pre< daya, and a manfwhio, lithis Jnenda had thei Irish Nationalists in Waterford and elsewhere Second Priz», and First, Secood ftnd Third in the V^wW Ploagb Oluan compotitk» tboir -viou the ; year : will refuse to give 1 tenants;- and ' compel them to seek, a s night and: he found that in wayi would'be-.chairman pf the Irish Party to apy support or countenance with the Makers of the ' ; ' ¦ ment all throi.za .the day, as ¦well as being home iri ioifeigh' lands 1851 there were in this county 164,051 peo- to the 'above-mentiOBed proposal, but will if world. . . i ] ] \ ; ! i : , add that we condemn ! "day, becanse it was no[ harm to '.remind them , fold, and a .fit- i. -a pale accompanied at inter- it, andiwill do all .in our! power henceforward ple. Ih lS61,!ten years later, that population as showing the iidrfoir ' escape ' the people o able to! do so, subscribe instead; to the fund ¦ 1 to prevent ¦ ¦ . Ten years further on for supplying vals by heavy lain held sway, ': bjiV notwith- itiT i !i ' ' i nod dropped ,to 30,000. Ireland had from a 'party such; a3 the'part3 clothing! "to the bymt out Boer ! Also Highest Award Paris Exhibition, 1900. Gold Meitoi. '^That :wo indorse tho'! action of the'East • it'had;'dropped another. 30,000, and ten years that was created by Saalier and Keogh, 0: women! and children (the victims of British standing thisi miserable- condition of atmoB- Waterford ' further pn it had dropped more than another cruelty : and cowardice in .Executive in protesting against tho fact which had been unknown to the peo Bouthi Africa) of ! You can safely hiUib three horses to them and work them jn 40 jears* oljl la*, jiithBf» , m a Catholic Chhreh In the; capital of 30,000. ; A .voice—" The landlords were '' the uay which fund Mr. Alfred [Marks, 4 , . ¦ pheric: matters many o! the good en and .our coun- pie, iJciuujJo, UIUL w^vuiu tut? -i»j»i vureo i Clock Home JlfWime. ' . ' <' ' ". ' ty being exploited and; converted into a cause of that/') And -whereas the population a man became Court rJ||idge Arundel-streotJ Strand, London, ! : is Hon. (ear of their bocoming cripples. They are Giwranteed foilist» j . 1rue put in an appearanca having some o! l County , of Dnr Treasurer. : ¦ ¦ ' ' ' : " ¦ monument in; connection; with the barbarous of this old CQUtity WaS, in '61, 164,000, it had .ham who waajproposod for Ih6 chairmanship I , - I : ' ¦ them journeyed several miles. Indeed so bad and : unjust, war of aggression, now being now dropped; he believed—he could not lay A wir'ra yoto of thanks haying 1 been passed .We wll send one o£ the Celebr»ied " COCKSHUTT" OMlted Ploagba to your newwt ! ¦ of the Irish Party by Mr, Timothy. Healj ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ¦ : nnd. disheartening wa3 the weather aspect in waged in South Africa. -! ¦ his hand on the accurate figures—to lesB than v to the Chairman; ' ¦] '• ¦ ¦* ' ¦; ' ¦ ' the forenoon, lhatnumerous predictions were (groans). A man who now aits on the judicia. ! : 8tatioa «n receipt'ef tlie oiboTe »o»i ^t . .; . j ' 80,000, for the 'census of 1891 showed a popula- beach in Eriglatid, arid for whbm } the ;; pool The meeting aeparated. , •' made that no i meeting would be held. Some MR , DAVID GLEESON'S SPEECH.' tion of ' 98,000;; What] had become of these * went, BO would misguided Nationalists in East! Donegal, at NOTE—Before ptircbasing elsewhereo compart tho Weight of the " Cockfibot^*wft k oven ! far as to say that i^ ho people? Thej< 'had been driven out . of their the behest o| mca who impossible to ! bring together a meeting in Mr. David Qleesijn, ohl coming forward to own land to seek employment in other lands,1 . should inow better] Ploughs advertised at similar prices. ! Oar competitore are offering tbc Bam© weight Plough •% depress- proprtsa the adoption of the resolutions/ aasaulted ;Mr. Michael Davitt, ; 'a man who BAZAAR : ; ; ' ' ¦ the open-air ilnder the wretched and/ was leaving their k»wn country¦ as capabje- 'of im- liad ^pentthe bdst b' ANB;{DRAWINO OF «ur» ct ; from 77s 6d to 80s. ; ; -^ ,,, : , . - - - . - ^:^ . . • •: ing metprological circumstances wnkh existed; mostr -enthusiastically received.'¦ He'Eoid he provement'•< as itKe " lands they -fia'd- sone: to aVt of, his, UfeiinjpenaJ ¦ FER BsryiiHde nithw th^.walU iol Portland BriSon l However, the demonstration did coine nS.'anrt could -assure ^he^meptin^fthere^ was:nothing (hearj -heat)'. ahey\heard Tnuch of- the cry of, i :: I PRIZES/A^i , , -v "' ¦¦ " ¦ ' ¦' ' . Ote>r;-liiaV); : : ' 'v ' ' J^Xto^. . i¦ •: . ..k%(^ • ¦ , - ¦ provedian imnictis^ success.. The jkoceediujis aflorded him greater pleasure than to propose " the land for the people,", and their hope, and Hftj^Mt. 8$e»V-is$>te4.ltd Uuo ;. ,^ ; ! ' . . '4Vriul.Ja^-;^'4rav-. - t% .M! 'ni'| - ; were lively, interesting, and fiJli tit en~1*usj- Jhe.adoption 'df .lhei -very1 $bief apd propot re- their prayer~wis.thatithey-. .might -see-.the peo- '^'^- . ^nendo}i3' - . -'.At 'it jpeeUng#of th)^'iipuMlif61^ert . of tiiiJ dis- 't- solutions - Which they' Koard " read'by spon'slbjltty t^^v^pU-ltm'-many b'eTssns-whd ¦trictji^ield ffom . aism. jThey could not be otherwise, Jwhen fi Mr. ple ofi their land in :rieir own country (cheers), would e iime] . wa3;;very sortyj if the Irish League.' Ine gentleman;^ he alluded to. : , P.P.. honest! and unflinching ;Nayonaliits ,. deeply ^e indeed;, as he was land for the people/^ people continued Y,-F., :S,lieverue, it was decided toiinaufrtira ' ' ¦ as; having accapUd thifijCounty te ' ¦ ¦ ¦:¦ " i irteresjed in the furtherance ^.and success jot soice.tfiey were,: that 4he jmrat'her 'tuiziod- out . • leaving., they , Court Judge- a bazaar and drawing if prizes \ I- .y.-y/.i ,^ . . • ., ; 1 . io leave Irelaiid as -ihej; were a-t-jFerrypank, • ; * snip was- Mr. Arthur O'Conqorj' ; ¦ ;•• '- ¦ ' ¦ •• " ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' :- :' y ¦ ' " " ' the United Irish League, which ib 'the only tb.be EO ¦unfavourable,;otherwise, 'he Kad hb Would; ' ' , (tfroansh^a to'meet, some, very'pricing- " :;' . •.. ' . ¦ - .: ¦ : ¦ .-¦ • -;. < W.. ¦ r- ' : ¦ ' .\ ¦ ¦:-->: • ¦V:?v^" : ' V-: . > - . not haye the- people (or the land afad man who 'had been iip'to' a Bh^rtitime agoj parochial' needs /- : r\ .: ,: ^'i_^j organisation the people of Ireland-'have to- doubt, the meeting; though large, -would be he would ask every young man and every, thfere. 'As' it was arranged to limit .the num- Its aims and: teachings are) good and much larger (hear,: hear).; He would appeal regarded as an honeit Irishman, . This' fact ber of -prizes ;to six; it! il ^v: r young girl in that community to think once, , was found quite im- noble, 'and no!Irishman worthy of the name, to^them to do [their utmost to act up to the twice, or thrice before ¦ they leave Ireland ought to be the jneans of- bringing at .' ddcei pofisible!to have on the tickets evan anything c&llingi himself a Nationalist, and mxious to spirit of tfce resolutions, especially the young (hear,; hear). ! He believed in his: heart of und,er the banner of the United Irish Lfcaguei like a fair proportion or the number of ladies WATERFORD MANUFACTURE. see | his country's wrongs-righted, " should : be men and the young women, .because he be- hearts, if a boy and a-girl coilld find .profit- every 'honbst man who had been, mialed and and . gentlemen . wwhinj$ ; to contribute prizes, ' ranks; If Irishmen rally lieved' the resolutions shqwed what they ac- misguiued'during the past .few years in con- aoithat the great majqtjty found i outside: its able employment in their own country, they nection have to be' content nround and help on the present iday move- tually. Tequired! (hear, hear). He assured them would be better, there, from a moral and phy- with; that hateful foctiofl—ihat hor- with supplying the stalls. A» will bo seen by No better value in Boots and Shoes than those the- ' rible factipn-r-^hich-sought,, wh^n |great ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ¦ there that if- the young men did as the old.men tho tickets, the : ¦ ]' ment, hs it is their bounden duty ti> jdo, sical point of view, than sweating their lives - drawing ;will take place under • • . ' ; is lio ttoubt but that in the not far distant did in the County Waterford in daya gone out in foreien lands (cheers). He then! re- split of 1890 had .been ended, to perpetuate the personal supervision of the ' new distinction and now dissension. in the' ; local clergy future jit will come to be a power in I the land by, they would have branches of the¦ United ferred to the Irish language movement, and and thfl follnwinu nniJimillno —W««.. 1~~ made in your own Oity, p rices Moderate; productive of great good for all classes^ Irish Leaguo m- : : ranks of the Irish People, ,and prevent them. Stephenson, ElmhurBt;! Samuel ahd' | said he wished!to heaven ne "was able to ad- from- coming, coming Morris, Co.C, the ! farmers, labourers, and artii^ns, and EVERY PARij OP THE! COUNTY WATER- dress . them in j their' own tongue, which' ho together: as they were J.P.,-Newrath ; Edthond Phelan, po'.C , New- workers . As to tho Nationalists of East ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ - together;, and. he was ! confident ithey would rath ; Michael Maher i other . . . | FORU . : heard spoken;in Comeragh when he was a ' ; D.C., Ferrybank; J. >tyle and Binish p erfect . \yaterford it must be said: that thiei they are f young lad (heflr, hear). Now their end and come together—now more resoldtely than ever, Fleming, D.C., Knocksne; (cheers). Tbore- was a tjine when :he, grand old patriotic P. J.: Power, in whom they;repose— amongst ; ple?, ilfc had a greater claim than any or- nere 01 the brave- Boers over them, .or whether; tongue of tho Gael, "the committee agreed , is an mentary pairty^-uriity all i (cheers). they hung out the old banner of, green, with; to und justly so—the fullest-confidence If the people !of Ireland j only loused' them- ganization that had ever been placed before ¦ have a good part, ot least, of the tickets aidtint 'promoter of the advance of the United ' the people (hear, hear). It had claims, in the the uncrowned . harp-rail , United Irish; printed in Irish. Thisibas 1 Barronstrand Street selves from their lethargy, jond made an eflort Leaguers should stand under the banner of already been done Irish League, las also is the undaunted and to help their Parliamentary party to get for first instance to the support of the labourers, —the object for which tfco bazaar is to bo held popular representative for the West of the and why did¦ he say that ? For thi3 reason, the United Irish League, and erideavour toj having been translated' into Irish by a lead- Both gentlemen were them those,'rights iwhichllthey -were; so long do for their countryixonstitutionally—as they, j county—Mr. J.I J. Shee. looking for—the light of j lrisnmen jto make that the : I; ' ing member of the iGaelic League in Water- present- at the 'meeting, and received!! hearty must have constitutional weapons; for the- pre-| ford. It is quite possible and their own laws and man&je their own affairs UNITED | IRISH] LEAGUE WAS sent—what tho Boers were doing with the} the Iriih may de- Welcome, . andi their words of wisdom in their own iland (applause). . The second ! ! ; j ESTABLISHED, : ; ' tract from the sale of tickets In some quarters patriotism' were listened to with wrapt atten- weapons of freedom (cheers), ihey couldi! but the! committee j ari willing to; risk thiB speakers resolution deaty with compulsory purchase of in the first instance, to improve the position unfortunately, only uee the weapons of slayes tion and respect. Amongst the other land on fair terms, and inihis opinion it was . to do honour to 1 •- . j ' ¦ were the Rev. Father CVDonneH , C.-C., Kill, of the working man in the West ; of Ireland but within the . limits of. the British " The aacred shrine J as. important a3 the first, resolution. ' He (hear,' hear). It was established to find em- statues—within the rights that the British' . wfiero rested, 'mid cen- the revered, jjiouB, and patriotic i"j8pgKarth would not further allude ;to the second reso- . 1 turies- of wrong, 1 I " -. I ; tho ^ ^ pointed out ' the neP.atliament . thej-great -Nationdjcr movement (hear; hear).¦ lan j ; Mrs. fStophenBot^^MrB. Wjalsh.^ Mrs. 1 John Wnlsh, I D.€., Ballyvaden¦ , rVjce-Presi- ' . and . unless p & should forget , to menliori. | it^ Ho i'eaid -that ife duJ:. \\- <¦ - ' .' ' |. |. " "' ,: ' ' • " ' 7! ; wotfld-'b^-unabTfe-ito teiing frbiarthef•'Gtfyem- ; s \ . ¦ , Barron j! the •.Mlsse.s .VaJette, Miss . Josephine -flent ; Patrick Walsh, SooTefciry ; -f Michilel •the--.statistics |for ' th'e 'last year's! emigration ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ' '^; ¦rvV : , menf tie jVjoriceasitfha that , were- needed : • ; > . ; -;3PR.jEStS' AND -. .PEOPLE . ?' .: Phelan; ; Mies Bridget Fleming, the Misoea i i • ¦!¦" I "'.::''''" " ¦ ' v.'T' ': ' - '¦ :' '> 'S -" .'V* ;-V! ¦ .;:"i; 'W> '^ "? ' ?*•' •?:'£"'}¦ Morrissdy, As6istant; Secretary? G. ! Commins ' " -^ rhave not been;,pubHshed-^during the - last ¦' ' 1 - - ^; .^^^/lr .S- ' " ^" , ^'- ^ E. Moloney. R. Mansfield . James iWakh, R. (cheers).:: In thfr absence < of combination at t7ho hftve itpod' qufflide this movement up to Corcoran, the . Missea Dalton, Mra. W. P. > ' ' 1 ¦' Bj not:dr;could hot : year 45^,918 people left Irebnd, being 3,012 i; ; nt.-"Vr«teffor^-' ex4iQsi'',' >-to ' : ' '- : "'" '' Brazil , P. Hickcy, J. Kiersey^ Power, R: home.-ttislri members? wouJd more than left; Ireland in the proceeding year. the present; ddy, wouJd -come into it now— Maher.MMws Lawlctr,¦ Mr>. O"SuWvan, the : ¦Bs-cihtp fitViOamelt ^d'.'^toijii^ :W. i ^.. «t :«nfJ. -' . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : labolish dual b,- : '' ¦ ' : < ' ' ¦' ' *¦ ; Slurphv; ; ' ¦ . - -. . . • • !• ; succeed Jn uthfeir endeavour to 1 'not know what poverty thoug it was'I^£( in the day—this-organisa- MtBBCs l CasBin, - Mri. • [yBrien; Mrs.' Byrne, - . - :¦.[ . .. Statioa oa;- ib>;^Meao^'VLtaerick, -ud:~ WMiBm -' or .?;•• . ,. -. : ownership oj .jaiid, .or ' aaythins:: else-(hear, Well,'he said.jtu^did ' : ¦ r¦ : iCarrick—Mr; J. J., 8hee, solicitor, M.P., -until the West of Ireland. tion could acbJeve for the farmers : and land Mrs. Cronin, - Mrs. and MIBB O'Brien: - .! ¦' " Great ' ¦ - , —..¦. ,; , ' , ' , ¦¦ hear). . 'He iwas not lorge'tting the labourers, was they saw. holders' of .-tho country what was; -referred"to; Five stalls were arranged for,' land'it 'was . .: . , . Scfather^i arid^Wes tira syttema. . nnd Mr. Theobald .T. Taaffe. - : ¦ • ' Poverty or famine was on foot there [.two i Clonea—-Messrs. P. Flynn, President ; J. and some . of them.inight: not. know that he¦¦ '. The • Government had. to- - start in tho second, .resottfylbn put . to the meeting decided: that each stall would g£t credit in ¦; , was identified i with .the j ! •. ' . I ] ¦ - .' - years ago. that day, and that was the compulsory Bald; the published report ior all ticketa sold by O'Donnell, D.C., Glenafooka:- - ¦ " relief;works there; and what were the wages . ' : Newtown—Mr. David Gleeson, Chairman •• LABOUBERS'I;CAUSE • i¦ • • : . . they.gave those employed in the. works? j The oi the landlord's interest in the coil, on fair thb holders of the . stdll or their! friends, BO terms to the tenants. ; Thtjy could achieve a'i that the: stall holders celling most! tickets will Kilmacthomasl Board of Guardians ; Mr. P. for a long time' (cheers, and a voice— Thero lowest wages {were 3SJ for able-bodied men, ' Nugent, Mr. L. Power. ..:: ' :. wage was 63. a week, nnd the the same time the re-instatement of the appear first on the lint. When the: well-known Spaoial SeIeeti. P. 81attery. .| ; . . trict Council, and he regretted that there were were ' prepared to tramp a long distance to r | Kilrossenty—Mr. M. Coffey, Assistant Sec. . "); responsibility. He incurred the responsibility tain to bo a huge success. The Tiorkinff com- only very fewjmembers of that : body -present their: work (cries of " Shame. If that was and mittee; appointed includes— oj the Branch': Messrs . J White, John Phelan , at their meeting that dayi. He was.-aurprised not proof of this poverty of our people, he of keening the farmers and the. laibourtrs unanimously] Cn? ill Eoanda S Jced Beef. PlTim Puddings. Maurice Stack, Briskey : William Walsh, John 1 the wnole community of the pebple . ot this Messrs; Michael Morris. Edward | Murphy, J. Tery much/ because he lpibw they, would be did .not know i what-was. The end and ob- Parle Martin Walsh, ;William Barron, Walsh, Comernuh : Michael O'Donnell I/eamy- there. (A yoke—We hdj/e , enough of them ject of the i league was to terminate j that country in a state of fierfdom and bondage— . R. J. . Also a Great Variety of. . . : ' hrien.: John Crotty. do. . , ! among the poor, (oheers). It was not ' the landlords, or thp Dalton; John Norris, iW. O'ffulllvan , James ' here): Mr. i Gleeson, continuing, -. Baid there wretched state of things pfQcett McCombs Michael Uaher, D.C. ; Timothy Callaphane;—Mr. Roger McGrath. were not!as many District; Councillors present and find employment:for Irishmen at home land agents, or the attaches of the Iqnd , I The inhabitants of the village,of Kilmac- 1 j (cheers). Allusion, he ad- that 1 would keep the people from ; attaining Moroney, etc. I EUNTLEY ZL PALHEIl'S. ! JACOB'S & THOMPSON'S CAKES. numbers. as he should like to eeii, but it was only on their own Boil; their right to live on their native soil, ' inde- -It is : only fair to iia,y that tho first to givo thomas came to the meetintt in larr<5 right to say that the Council were doing their ded, ; was made by Father O'Donnell ori Mr. ' On the proposition of Mr. Maurice Coffey, best on 'behalf of the district (cheers). They Gleeson to the improvement scheme that was pendent of thei ' landlords—(cheers). Thesii practical proof of their interest in the succoas ! . SDITABLE FOE THE 8EASON'8 THADE. . the chair was 1 taken by Mr. Mflthian Walshc, hoped it were ; not the people who would prevent them of . thei bazaar were | Fathers Prophy. And Md formulated a schetiie ' and ' put it for- to be promoted in that union. He FreyneV Mr. John Fleming, Knockane ; .T.P.. President East Waterford ] Executive. ward, and he I believed at their next meeting might Bucceed. - As one deeply interested in but the men who for one reason or another D.C i Burin? -the progress of the meeting a violent pressed forward somebody whom they though^ M/. M. E. . Phelan, Cd.C, Newrath, and Mr. the Council would . hav< a communication the labourers,. be might say thisr-he hoped, 'I (rale with rain prevailed and rendered it very on the Bubject from tht Local Government when the cottages and plow were ' procured— ought to be chosen as leader of the Irish race; John Power, Christendom. ;¦ &¦ difficult for the Press representatives to re- did BO in ' " and who had not' bse' }}. chosen—(cheers). HtS Viewed in' any light; Canon :Pbelan' Li to JOHN. kl^WAH: • CO Board. A^ thfey much Kilmactho- he hoped the Habourera would keep them! well U) port the nrocpedines. which 'ripened af two maa in the bast for the.labourers, they would, and properly'in that , locality (hear, hear). would eay to these people that wiey ought be. congratulated on having parishioners who ' o'clock. . Mr. ;L. Casey, Kilrossenty, Hon. be able to do between accept ; the ' . . , ' . . . i 1. ,' : can give so liberally and work with to much Grocaro. andj Provlaion Horchants, : bo pre- with the he;p of goodne^sj some- There i was very: little difference enthusiasm in ony coid cause. Sec. of the Executive, wasi unable to thing more I6x them (cheers). In conclusion) the ratepayers who paid £4, i and ! the viLituioi.\j£ xncy jriitfjtr iii!/ uj{ uttLJinu, sent owing to; regretted illness, and the co^ he said it was!tieir wish that everyone would ratepayer who* paid £4 5s., and £4 la., and respondence addressed to him was. read by 1 as expressed at the recent" election and the ' get-a . share of any meaaure that would be some: of the: ratepayer^, he should say, .were great National Convention . in jDublin last 1B4, Gtayf, Wateriord, ; Mr. P. Flynn. President Clonea Branch, who for the benefitlof their felliw-countrymen (pro- nearly as poor as"the labourers, and he again was appointed secretary to the meeting. ¦ month—(hear, hfear). !Ho had heard during Th* dental prnrtlca of. f eur*. ClilTerd & Black ; to longed applause). :| expressed the; hope that when the labourers the course of the meeting a numb>r ol!q-des T or Onbllo cnrrlrd on at 35 Tbo Mall ' (adjololD2 too The Chairman, who on cominsr forward Mr. Michael Byrne said that owing to the would get their plots : they would j keep them ,'%s address the meetinc was heartily received, gave tions to the speakers who preceded him rmpe-taVHotfl) .!* now i»ken over by Dr. Bnity. ' inclement nature of the weather he would not in a manner iworthy of the people that ¦ to tho Boera—(cheers), I Well, now, he should Ltcentlnto lp Pontnl Sincery, nnd Doctor of Pcntnl said he was extremelv thankful to ^them for; them—(hear, hear, and a voice—" We v?ul. *) high honour they had conferred uoon him ' make a speech, but wonjd tell.them that he say when he heard those questions iaskfid, ha Medlclro. Porvard Uplvertlty, U.S.ai Attcndaoco MEW CEITUiRY HAY BARNS <-he had very.jrreat. pleasure in seconding the There was ariother"class he wanted to say a felt a bit ashamed of Ireland apd IrishmerJ! dally ffom 0 o m to 6 p.tn | ' in aakinehim|to preside over thitl ftrjre meet- adoption of iHe resolutions, so ably proposed wordUbout,;riamely, : ing, which bad for its laudable5 and noble ! It was very easy to ask what about, the^Boera United Irish by bis friend, Mr. Gleeson (applause). THE ABTI^ANB.OF IRELAND, j i at a meeting of that , kind, buf, Jhey should SBA'S object the advancement of the 1 " making OW. 19O1 League in the[East of the Countv-p-fapplacse). REV. FATHER O'DON CELL'S SPEECH . He believed this organisation-of' jthe .United think of (he aacrifices! the Bo*rs|were tie was under , the impression that ttyey would Irish League | should;, have the support of in ' their own land, as compared iwith thb TCCMfalCAIL I CDUCATSOrj occasion: clergy- The Rev. ! Father O'Don iell, CiC. lKill, next every artizan- in Ireland^-(hear , heaxV ! The sacrifices they woro ioaked to imako—(hear, have, in the chair on thai a- 1 hear). The sacrifices they were ! asked- to man, and hei ireeretted . very mudh snch was came forward amidst crie 3 of " Bravo, Father second plank of the constitution of the United ; pn WcdneEday,in tho Mayor's Omce.a special not- the case. ' He mlgh^'also sayvihiit one 'OTJorifceirXcneeiB).' £Cbe rev. gentleman said Irish League(was to encourage men, -nromen ; make, in : thi9 .mbvement,of-,the )Unite4 Irish meeting of 'the locnl1 Technical' Instruction /I of -Ihelmost important.questions bo dealt he would notdelajt them very long, as he was and chydren 0f all classes in the icommunity Leoguo was not even a pin's point 'compared it* to hear- what , with the 8acrifices QMife, wife! and familyi Committee was' held under the presidency of with ftt the meeting, was that of jthe . sustain- sure they ^»exe anxious their to leave their money at home, and so far as : : t the Most Rev. Tit. Sheehan, Lord Bishop of ¦ Parliament'of the peorjlei'j representa- two worthy !representativ€ a had to say to them they can consistently with their o^n interests and . home—(A voiqts; " Cheers i |br the ibravo :-ai^ ' ¦¦- ment in Boera "—chcerg). they, Waterford, and there jwere also present^-Tho ¦ " • ' tives or raising fnnds to enable ¦them to watch (Cries of—^ We are," aid "Go on. Father give the preference .to- Irish manufactures—'! . Why should talk about Right Rev. Dr. O^Hora, Bishopf of Caahel ; itmetBial lHgin^^; Contractors, . . their interests in the British House of Com- O'Donnell^ llr. Power, of East Waterford. (cheers). The!I citize'ns : had sacrificed much for ' their miserable subscription of, Is. or 10a. to ¦ j ' ,' ' tho funds , of the .Unjted Irish iLecgiie: ; Did Mr. James A. Power,' City High Sheriff ; Aid. y} mons-pfapplauseV As the weather, unfortun- and Mr. Shee, of West ^aterford, ! were pre- the farmer>,!'aadli to some extent,-: for the! ; Laurence A: Ryan, J1P. ; . Aid. H. Grainger, : ' : " ' ': '^ ately, |was very inclement, and as there- were sent and anxious to spec k to them: (Cheera, labourers. They asked nothing unreasonable , they assured'them hon- article imade in this country And as good as Irish 1 League? The ..people of Ireland .ought The principal business of the meeting con- Ji J. 8hee—he would not detain estly and candidly, as the only priest'Were the . article not' rhado in it, 'should get the to sit' in ashes rat(iep,1>haii they:should ' claim ! • Bovicsd List of Prices aad Becent Improvements for 1901 Now ^ea Power! and . He 1 they had. made, ' i l ' ] : ' !r sisted in the consideration of the draft them longer-^applause). then ' called on that day, he was very gli d and proud of hav- preference. ; Thfc Irish people ought to buy . ; ([c-j ,^. . | • scheme, prepared and j submitted] by Mr. J. J. ili. Flynn -fo read . .• ¦¦ . .! ¦ : ing ;the opportunity, of sieaking to a number home-made goods, and keep their money at: I ANY GREAT SACRIFICE . , Feely.l'Town Clerk, and which: was unani- of Honest, patriotic,, ana sterling- Nationalists bome-foe and Skilled Labour required during ibo erection ; . ! ; Cojinty Waterford men-Hhear, hear). Every POWEB & BOH Sapply all acaffolding of tbalr ! i . "J: E. .BBDMOND." ter .; themselvies • (cheers) They might take^ bered belng_ ai theWilliamstown Races shortly ¦man Hny Barca. >o that thatr Cu»tomen are tp red the expanM and tronbU of ptorlding tbew B«ea»- " : : '. - . J : his word for U that, if the y did th'eir duty and -Mr.' Davitt making his speech, and he; who took part iri'this war—the barboroua ^L. -Casey, Esq. . : .. ; after 1 and unjust war in South. Africa was Kjsporj- COU-STY HOUiNDS (orto, and noes bat matoriob of tbo very tx»t ef tbeir rapeotiTa daneiuo osed throoghout their became earnest, honest ,ahd patriotic-leaguers heard !landlords there to. say he 'should he | THE ' ¦¦ ¦' . ¦ "2.N^rtb Gt.: -George's* Street' - sipic. ne wouia not. say on nis own autnp- RODstrOCtlOD. . . I . j . . . i ¦ in a year oritwo a chai ge would take-place locked i-up-fordeliveriijg such a speech. Well.; ' ¦ ¦ - '.: • " Dublin, rity, but-that of'a respected clergyman, as ! ¦ . . that would bring< matte rs .frojn a state of rtimeB had!changed ,.and people ncd cnaneea to of [\Vo rka shbnld be mad* at oaoa to arold : I " " ^rd ^Bnuary/ 1901. ; hbhestan lrishman-sa'there was $n the length Applications for T^n« Board ¦ ¦ delix.ffrwhich j . misery to tomethinglike prosperity and peace - ttls"o, and .those '-who i would be glad at that; , A GRAND SUGGESTION FOR THE , direetiom« can be had by applying diwrt to O>« flm. i , ' ybiii letter.of 31st 1 j(cbeers).' were would be! and breadth, of-Irelahd—Father [ Flynn—that ' ¦; ' ! ' - Cnrpoia criaUd forma and fall ; ; " Dear Sir —In reply: to in their own home** ^There a time; to eee Mr, Davill¦ locked up, 1 . MASTER. , ;• December, I.regret M>' say, that it is impossible great , many [subjects uj on -which he could now. very glad' to get twenty years' purchase anyone who took- part in the \far, knowing undertake anjj. fresh 'engagenientB Bpeak .to them that day .1 - He' should say-to —(hear, hear). ..Continuing, Mr. Power said itj it to be unjust and 'barbarous,-was as ;much for me to- was 03 uch for ' guilty of i murder asHU 1 lie went ^o his neigh- To the following excellent letter wri direct beyond those I have already .mide, betweec them that : i^ n le a duty the was ito th! ? in; the parish: and distr ct, or; wherever else sed"©eople.behind them—wM MWWWw aMw ^MMiafM»aM»i^a»w^ t - '• / 2 : Catliolic churqh ip:,t{!e city of \yoterford by __M Mti Mfc Mt_MMMMM |^MM IM| Mi.|^MM ^MW^aw ^,M no one; ¦ ' < ¦ TO dHchee^», and a , voice "We will, sir. *) ¦ ' i ¦ . BVTS^ : • I - . ' "Dungarvan. . (cheers), and Dillon (c leers),! and not for- tricts in the county Waterford, and said he I I J. &K. WALSH,M He diid hot want to detain: them much longer oppbse the claim ¦ ¦ Qeorge'a Street. : ' .. ;; AT LOWEST ; CTJMJBNT; tMAWSf tilVS^^t^^ j " My dear [Mr. . Casey,-^J "rogret-,; owing .to a getting the man from I hat locality—Thomas aa the day jwas inclement, and as he knew hoped the farmers would hot j ; I • 11, [Great i^&4(^| sudden indisposition, being t 'nable'to . beTpifr- Bextoi* :(cheers), and o' her men who would they;i would like to hear his friend, Mr. Sheei of tho poor laboure s, but would give them ^^^H ¦ biit 'at be, honoured by the people * an opportunity of i aving a decent 1 ( house :asnt at yoiir denipnstrationvto^dfty; , and the people speak! to them. He (Mr, Shee) hod earned 1 ; ' time, from rny heart,' II | wish yotf a Wpuld BtandJ by Ihem ta the yery death, if labourer' (cheers). He would say to the- labourers; ^if ' : POR^:iStEAK8, OP^|j ^^ the same necessary; the lname ofi the, s friend with the unreasonnble ' objection VICTQRti HQTEL FBE$E' full and enthusiastic meeting, (cheers). 1W Jen they: considered there should be any • ' ' : - ¦' : : f Ivery successful, > party [that h. e (Mr, Power) had the honour ot i. :¦ ' i •: 'l. - . . ^IJ ^^^^ W standard' the iIjn.L. being a)l these men were doi Ig for ' them and the t BE-1'UBNISHEDJ ' " ' " ¦ nbll) promised them tha i before twelve months ibg, and- said he . thought the attention ot ' i "l ak my dear ^M^"Casey. . ' to th^ home'steads of. the br»vej Boers by the ; ' " 1 : - i ' ; they would; Bee this c 1 had no; doubt that the • UJ1B pUillJUllllSIl» PUp«4UI DI1UUIU ifO uiuvu .iry { ¦ ! > ¦ ' ¦: ' r-- !j- - !• ::- I . -: .[ . ; !"Tbuw^itanlly. mntry changed from British. H^ • reBolu- - < . -4 : what it i?. i and becom hg a land with the tiod {submitted endorsing the iaotion 'oi the the fact that thiere was"in the! town ot lXftlloy OE)»TBALLY AHDyO^yJSMlIlNTtY SITUATED blessing j of ¦' God; " of a sergeant of the B:I.C. who did ooti reqnlie ' ' fre idom, land prosperity Executive of East Waterford [in protpstinft ¦' > i The -, reading^ of jtbe ', above: ^etteSre was rer (dheen^.l i "[n referring to ths -United becanBe be (Mr. Shee) heard j!' Within 0« >lfa»nt8» W»li!o! lo« : [\, , ' applause, i it "Crisn againbt the) [proposed Conversion of ..the olo to take I notes, ceived with : loud arid, prolonged league, tie rev. gentl^nian said was an Catholic Church m Waterford to a memorial; him for- three or fonr" hours pn the flist¦ dliy tee ¦ ' ''' rgpwauoB^ wnien In ' ' - - ¦;. " ¦ oquNrr cotJBTHoasfi , i^a LBADIKQ ^^^fffl |)i^^ii^ffi ' ' ¦ ¦ had;been I>le»sed by the id honour or Lord Roberts, wopld have thoir• of the !: . Ot. AT. • .!> ' ¦]] :. 'j j- . 1 ¦ ' ¦ ' ;¦ !! T^ ^0L%T?0^ ;| .;, -. _ ij ' D^PfBTMSilTS., " : . ' ; I ; iitePJiiff -Wi'iwator. peminenti dignatories ilnahjmpusjnupport-Khear, hear). In cont-• j . .PBOSEOUTip^S TALLOwi. . ' - ! PUBLIC ; . . ; follo\|ing fe^lutibn»%e^j submifiied t,W: Ci4«h ,lifa|, Are!t ishop.WaUb of Dub- . 'lusiOn, ' he believed> the new 'century ! would | Thei ' ' ' ¦&¦ ' ' ' ' ' ¦ c ' ¦ '' adoptibnii-^-' ..j| ¦ !¦: . '* ¦: I \ . :' . ¦: n l:A^chbithop Croke i « Beit ol AttonUoa inky : i "That:we|cftn *toi,'the tri«h!irepTeBenitttieiit v^» l*ti?fi?j«v>«W the»»-* ibscripitotlsftnd blesB- they,Jwere m a potiUnn ot irMk^ne laws . fojr Speeches of Mr.-P. V- "Walsh land 'fmrir ptwr i«4»on»W» TirnTi >Tjt>ej1eigTie, and ¦ : i : ' j i- i ' ¦ ; ; ' ' i i ¦' ¦ , - :to imprass tjhe Edgfisb;^^ iltlun . the We fing the :member» <>f theigDvernnuent:of .their country—(lodd ana[ roan had made for fhe' past elghtfen' months - . ' i .;b« coi|a»U4 V ' ?' H' ¦ : ;!tSssYtiefttoil>l}ptt 4o!,' ai fall' je lejafnt^and^when: I hey-lojlo^ed.the Bis-; projofaged cpeeringj),;-: : ;}¦ ; : , !¦¦¦ (laughter). He beard it said jot .a '' Irinb- ' I 1 ¦ • ¦: ' :; [ ¦' -Eriglifh j peo^ . thfey ; 3. | '] ' mm * ; ;- j ; ;. - : : K r ., :fsifcc~ i;,:! ; . . ;: \ \ • 'jnieasare of HpnieifinirjnujeisrIR (satisfy" the o^WPPJe wot IdV doing dwjwork ¦' ' r iant-Edmund Buwe-of whom iM' t.b :anr ' r ; : j|: • MR. ; ^.: BEER'S SP^EjCH/ j ' [ ' : . ». ?Ri*j)i43, !,W»f8KlB9. ! ' iitpeoptb; of I^I«^i%4;j|W$r*non £i iijnmeMurfi W if*& T.l *?*, Irishm In hhonldi-perform~a I ind BUrke wo» a descendant, that m hadUi I WiN?j9 ¦ (' \ we^shi Uiloop; giftnd^M ; i»tlonafi-;' eom^ on^TwouJd gfye ' !¦ ''POTT1R! •!"-i' -!' ! 'is grftnted; 1 oi^~ 3S2( i W?? ?°¦r* ' idi*&. to>thetr¦ \M T J. JT. iShee, M.ip., nextjsdme iorwarkI «reat: raemoTy--p*rhap8 . IIBM J^* Alli^ '^;. i iidcaalieBtlet grAy,' hi$1ifmL'b st"~ Hao&k/.' '-[ A > JS?f T;iJ(o «*rB).' ']¦' In '¦ ioruaviiiw,' •' .Falher and ? rag toide Uie recipient ofraiwarm preet-. llm (Mjf.. Shee) an iilluetratifcbiit Bdrnpii ^ : : | : " I ^ "# , *Ppe«lal 4o ' >H» W*W; " v:-Cf 'JOW««Aifci ; '.: : f; Uib«>JprtBf,iit,;T»hBn ing. ' He said he wis'glad to-flna onq of the> :BnrW»'« memow;M Botopara^ ** JVi-^lw i^^. tesol itions 'proposeJ »f that! meeting referred1 t ergVan '. ¦> h It 0i^^S^i-wMPi^ P Pi »jt 7 ^^^^¦™"^^K^Bfeit<3!53BHXJi-: =-i T '(i?v-<;V. VA:' ;- .' l'Kvr.5. ^ -;¦>j ip;}-^.-^: ' >' t^ wmmm ifi iii iiffSi mmm * ¦ ¦ U VlWm^h; the. ihgb&t$contam ¦ ' ; i ; - ' : :;^f' ^|'¦¦ ' ¦'¦'¦' ¦> ' ! ¦• ' " ¦ M jBU ^jjmptoHei «r« :HgJirtuiajr .i '•fY;^ ;;- ;;> ;; ^v j-; r " ; ;' •. ?^

:;1;4]^'l^v|^;sS|KGiA¦ J ¦ )tWV ; ' :. yy ^f ^M4Y^: ; ¦ ¦ : ¦ fe ¦ i? :py,; one -it EXTBAOft »V ftHrif-teaa svanaDie waro DB une maie sioe oe ,-y ¦ : ¦ ' co¦ fe Bentencefr .j -^r S V; ..;. ¦:. ;v.l ¦- . i i.i- - ¦" • . I- ¦ 1 ' ' ' '¦ ¦' ¦: ¦ ¦ I ! ' - - • 1 - - ' ¦ : ; ¦ ' !; : '¦¦ ' ¦ ; ed into, iwo i watdii-,-; .. , - ;!¦ ' •' ¦ ,, .;¦¦ t - ' * • ; . • 1' ([{FroJn • : ¦ i • 1 • • ¦ -¦¦ - -' .pw ^w u ,, r - ' !T-T?<« .•Judgiag . troin tn» \ j ! vpur B«poiler¦¦ ;) ¦ • ? ' : ' ¦ • ' ¦ ¦ - r * ; :¦:¦ -/¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ 'I'. , -? J: - j'-i .' . ;• /-'¦{ i' , ¦:¦. : show of jhandsi the original tesolution -^- . K aN^BEWEIlY^::- j " ,. t- ' v< . ; j!- i |. j s4pi>ly; • • . .(it,&ft .command^ bt clared-carfi^dv, ". ! I ' ¦ ; . ' s : '' , am 'inlontol-iij ifci ridg«j ifetisprE\¦ liiiQiTioNs Ajsni i.u» untt'iuougamg compeuuon -Mdrtra. ! jJMhara. H, Kelly- ; Jf^;; EdwaM ncgte'irAin.the! medioaf oflicerjiie ad- Garrvdufl.i ¦ | the South of ftoland i waa hpld o Flavar>an;-3jP;-Robert 1 'Theii ^n ^»o b«.a ¦! .: - - ¦ Murphy,1 Jaa Torpeyi ft 'srrrl.named Annie Steward into .the - , UMPttOVEliEENTS. • M ¦¦ ¦ j - .guides to ; . :, -;¦ i • .;:;- * msi., ai unrrow , yueen s tK>unty, : under me Lawrehee i gower/ John Walsh, John Kiersev ; . .. .; ; ,. ;; . John ¦• ¦ ¦;; i ' ! ¦ ¦ ¦¦[ auspices j of'the local ploughing association^ Quintf, ifiiohard Po*er,i Michael Byrne, 'tHjB\ikA' - V ,Cr.¦rJJ 1 ¦ ¦ ¦ to;which^?;^g^rcai^iiMrwpS, ' -V. ^ 8H-Tnpi! - RooM. - - whose enerketic ' and courteoug secretary, Mr; aaw» -Walsh, Michael Walsh, I Michaei is amicipatea.!' .¦!•- » . -> .- • ; - -. - «M^' ~ .' . . ' ' ' J " ' i ' ' ¦ ; ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦* ' Pbwer, • : *' ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ "» ' , ! * • - ¦ ¦»- •;¦ 4I.A.; assisted by Mr. Th*nas • s\' Here we Bfo^rlgfe- , Foran, ¦ * ; ' Muil left .John . found two vast ' Wnelanj David < . I In these days ,; England |circular, receptacles ' i :* ^'^'^^^^^I^I^ ^ w^en 4 pe pie hs>e in one of the nothing undone to make the event Twhat ij. Cwey; P; ftkkey, PJ Mulcaby. < V t&- 0 ao so, , out ber-motner/ wiio was also an The mwtins-wider thetKil- T *' ' : . be.en--and perhaps, ort. ttfe Jlth Jf ef atytaf i ; : arsenicated beer, ;the product i jthiB maih tuna :in There w0rd 44 qntries iin all, made ' -up ' of 41 Mr; P Mofrisaoyy AasistantClerk, Jlf Patrick hat.she is still In . the honse. The Master ¦ of large -brew* which a ' "jo ' : ' ' ^ Powert promises to 'be. successful in every,-respect./ ; ing firm * in the: North-West stags f tlie iriitiil : procsis in chilled Jploughs and 3 in swing ploughs; Master bf tlie| House/ aiid Dj.'Shkna- brought the matter before the Guardians and The- coursing: ground is »3 close to the elty, of.England,-i it was iioing on ' when i ' This,] wei sire informed,' is a' record for thii han, Medical Officer; wora in attendanob Mentioned ; -is. refreshes to turn i towards . . wkj 'saw jjhe works. as that he had had several applica- and the local " aporta" are; so cnthusiaBtio m i Ireland and country. ,; The committee, deserve grfcat credj) ; .usual,! as Were also Relieving ¦ Both receptacle8J ' • Office"- rs Bower¦ ¦ ¦ tions for "domestic, servants, but. the wages the movement ' ; there find that the are covered with cdppfcr, ' ar>/t /'nWrt.. ' • . 1 - 1 , . 1 . . .. M ¦* : that a rfala day's sport isteonr leading houses rWssja ; for tho intisfactory manner in which this ¦ ¦ ¦ offeited ,,were small—10s. a quarter. ; The fidently anticipated^. -I am told - that'1 Mr,; hflt- ; / record for purity and the larger one of them is lcapablo oi year'd 'competition was carried out, !as the I , ' O' -ACCOlj ST. ; ¦ ' Board decided to allow tha 'girl to remain jiajfl epw »;,tae^^#,^^^shen;»ojErow» ;«i&tiS'.ijM4 : by \Hwir : tora are enabled jand .tho other isilh: CO barrcls. : The, necessary ¦ stoward8 . with .tho result of £1 |2s. i()d.; to ' ?Jrj Patrick Kiersfi.-, - ih ie- time if she got an offer oi 15a. a quarter eho ,<3oUen oL VlpliniBt^.ioaWri ^theR esult jtiat t excel, no matter hoiv that, j Uniilco laat, year's match, all the cora- iould leave. The Master intimated that ho ' : xa&xttifii Mrrey -try. We ' I amount 'of heftt Required njn this operation ."is Bpect |of grpceries supplied by him] betweon " Cyclist" writes to me lo a^k f. nubluheji r«v^ fee Slelilng.ia^that'Mi»»f jcou5d : enumerate Skny ccc petitors and the! spectators were we'll ploaEed. thc .JOth November, 1900, and the 17th Jan., had received an application, but it contained think of the:roads in 'the^ County. Kilkenny,! ' -amples of this kept to its desirqd point by tho copper cover- The groat improvement in the class of work no mention of tho wages tp be paid; V er^ib |QrifBri, ]K>ting(4i!ii»tigi^aof5 ,-Mr. Jbhn admitted superiority] :both |' h " the .1000, to Mies Kennedy, who .had btcn - tem- ¦ and the I feel inclined to describe therru a^.^pottt . the distillery aid ing referred to, [and also] of course, by tho ilone ; compared) to 1900 wa^ subject' of porarily employed 'as 1 nur3q in the : meeting being 'small it was agreed to post- tho ' -worst in Ireland, : From Wa^riqrd/yia; o^iajfle^f 1 brewing trade inj Ireland , general comment. The contest took place on . . wdi\khouse, ,t!vu^*!^nd t^ty dut&iBtM&wb&QE' TIfho- rif-'-such were rieceisaryj proper attention j fo the details requisite with the,X ^cal Government Board pointed! out that pone the further consideration¦ of the mattei but we-ate con- ' fho property of Miss Staplee,; a short distance tho ' responsibility, until to-day. ¦ ' . ly exeerable'J' , 3|j& " ccrned for the resent' [ that object in view. In this room are a pair from DurrOw, . of making thi3 ; payment ¦ Wetei1 X >JQUrnejrink: 't${ jp. . with the weli-known 1 of trolliea alnd although j the day turned should be; accepted by the guardian's.* On tho question beipg now introduced, Marble City,] I would turn to: at' BaiSfttUa: land, old-established breWry of ^upon which ca.rj3 .ar0 run to carry but rather isho'wery, the attendance was very 1 The Chairman said it was on his sugges- Messrl; Davis, ;out grains ,to their : Payment 'pf the sum mentioned wai ordered. and cycle viai Stoneyfqrd and Darie«DTt4Tflei Kilkeriny^wh icb^i- doing/ , MSilentallougly^ Strangman and Co., 'whose tho jktorage-placo, from large, aad'representative of: all cla3a6s con-, ¦ ' ' tion it was decided to keep her in the houeo road s are hilly this way, but the going .If not ' ' " extensive^oncertiB ¦:]' . l; . O^LY ONE -- 'so valuable ' ' an education' work, in thai city. ; whence the i dj istributed tJiij Inep ted ,with ; attriculture, from tho local Jand- . _ , , ' , j i . . until an application waa made ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ : ' ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ~* '¦ ' " at Mary-street, ' Jare to , farmers j ( offering 15s. quite so bad, as it ia i alopg the othej route: ¦ l ' < . " ' - *f- 1 - '• ¦ * • . •¦">?,. -;\ - in this!' city, represent an in- 6wner ddwin tt> Ithe huinblest tenant farmeij; ," ,A letter was i rea'd from tha' a quarter '^ i ; , ; |and others' who re,quire them for;pig-feeding . Local Govern* , as he considered 10a. a quarter¦ was I iun rather surprised .Uiai.ihi* actlye.cyfclists ' •' V dustry/long and ¦ ¦«• • •;/ : ' ¦ • - .; - ! T" ' ' ¦ -- ¦: ¦ We Sari> . v>ry s^ad' .to >©do-gn^a 'iiji»>ay in honorably associated with ! Ihs prizes' offer'ed- .weri.nu'msrous 'and-.Vain-. rnent j Bpftj ia % intimating. •"thtt; tho guardians too ginall. . [{¦ ' h' taken, - tha trade, of , ' ' WB have, called ihis-.a " h)6m,'.' j>iut a, better able;.vdbcI ' ',1b^t-ri6whenr. •were : " in the Cbunfy Council • ^ve. noty mor* whiplvrthe''meniWr& of the Kilkenny' Couhly . WaWford;; We >re led to deal .^:bfeHbye in-Ireland fiequlted;; In | puTsurocerof the : Pauper :.' Mr. John Walsh—I think this girl was-either effectiye . steps'' to improve ibo/roada;'. Thejr Cricket , got fo Ij i , ¦with this " ' idea- of i).%dimehaion y ^jin . bo .gainod when pro. su?h'.;iiidacoirientb jhetd p'ut to:"coitjp'etltptB Chfltlren : (Iceland) -'Act,.- IS^ ' bora 0/ xenre' Club ha*e . btiii^e.sa, anttei- firm in . the present notice, po.f nlonc ! to -appoin t n d' in tlio Woikliouss. - - ^ should folltrtr-tne Dublin, kad. and eet/a PBtionrof ;th> new- cetrtrxry:^CMt>B.;;:They .bare because ' wo. rr.erition thRt '|t . rriappurap pbout 65 .fec^ p.9 at; Dunipw,:.! Bexnrid.: Hjej.prdin«ry,- jviee .ti^m^tW'eiJ.ij fvfiidtres^r-not :; neeesaivr ly • co'm- * Mr, •Kelly-r-If Bho', is any good : at ill' she "1 ¦ 1.' fTcnn .of; the efficiency With.Which itW operi-. ¦¦ ¦ ' : )ri mbnoj' 'd ; ' ¦ '«team .roUct. Now"- that tourist^ all set"*: good' example to; some ' of . tho skepy tions; by iO ioet. • • " :Ir| H' hior^pyerVare , two:now. .^an implem'bnts "for.the!'besf:worK pO3Cd 6f laditif.wlja are itanYiiaim-Sin Innlc oui?ht to be;worth: -more than £3 a year. countries lobk''-6n Ireland- , as/a,' good holiday ' ' have beonj carried /out-in' -this p'ast; not in the ditoent classe3; tlujre were'-prized alsb wter the boarded-put' childrch in' (jhai-nnnTi^-l am to uns. tod' hayeiloregatrfered already to. di&r StecVa Patent ll pchines/j inade of burnished ' -tho union. j ftiven understand that resort, it shojuld be pur «arnis^ endeavoprto cuss, tne pfa»' of campaign.,..' ;•: : ' . " - ' •' - .. so much because it has given a larga| jamoun'- given tojtlje 'oldest and youngest' ploughmen Xhey requested-.to ibtf furnished withj a return ^he ; is now jperfect ly well/arid ' she.has no; ;... . ' _ • - copper, and the !whj>'e .plant , wo' /were in- competing,. Arid A .prize; Jrir; snowingr ¦ meet thorn; in! erery way.; 7/;i . r,.|/;• ¦ of local employment, collateral With the gcri'e- by the: man with the tlie.. number of' children , j if any; right on the Workhouse now. ... ./ ^ '• •At aprecent meetin" there were seyeral old - Toiis treatment' formed, ^vas furtikhed Messrs.. Robert largest far^lly,'45 well d«f dn&4or;the ,plough- bijaTdfcd oiit. If , they added; the Riiardians j -Mr. Richard Pot/er—If she went out tb In 1853 the: Corporation o| kilkeilny |pab- . iof itBl .employes, bnt.rather roan wb.4 £ame| the lorigeat had any ¦ willoV wieldere p/eBent. 'and" »itar a.chat as because ;Morton and Co., : Brewers 'Engineers, Burton- 1 distahce to tho children , boarded put, and ,had over- service for a quarter, she might get higher liahed their 'official announcement*- in '} The the! prospects of the seasori the possibili- lyithin the past two. years tiey havo match: j Tho latter , was 'won by a youn? looked thp obligation to appoint;a ladies wages ¦ afterwards". I think she should .0 t* , on-Trent. Overhead are tvip grist cases, which ' ¦ ' News." John Potter Niraa -Mayor.during;that ties of the chib this year, etectera, the follow- been making mtat important extensive addi- farmer whei travelled all the way from: Bandon committee, they trusted that the: OUt. ' : ' ¦ are-fed from the malt miU|direct.:: We shopld '! necessary rear- ¦ • J ¦: ing officers ' were appointed—Fresidarit, Tha <;>33 to their immense ; and well equipped fo compete:with a Howard plough in tlie open .steps !i for the opppihtment 'tif euch' a com- j Mr. Kclly-i-Sho should be sent out. - . - . • . . - .• ;* .i:. :.W ¦: ' ., ;h3ve mentioned ; that th& copper -covers I of class.,. There were also competitors from rniftce would bo ai once taken. : Marquis of Ormonde, K.P> : .VjcerPresidenls. premises, "with [a view 'towards' developing ¦ ¦ ! i Tho Chairman suggested that she.be re- Mr. George Butler^ J.Y., of . Maiden Hall, ViBcount Puncannon, Dr. Grower, BijMop vf ; the mash 'tuna are raised! and lowered by a Woxlord, and Kilkenny districts in this in- iClork—There is jonly one child a!j present quested to accept the next application , and if BenriettsbrJdge, Kilkfenny.vwag'.on , Saturday ' their already .widespread trade, both ^t home terestine event, while the nlouirhinen from the boarded out in this union. " '' ' She refused to do no, Ouiory; Major. Connellan/ D.L.; Meam. H. nice ¦arrangement , of balahce-weights, which ,. . ;. she be discharged by sworn in High Sheriff for above county, Be- 0/ Grteofy, J.P. ,- B. Sullivan, R,' Duggan, in Ireland and "5n England and oth er coun- estates of Lord ABhbrook , Lord . Castletown , |Mr.!:Powqr, "Ki.O.l' said that was BO,[ and the tho Master. • . , fore Mr. Alec. "J. ;M'Cieery, Commissiorter of are adjustable by what may best bo'described tho * ' :¦ J.P, : ijames McCteery, George Bthithwick, tries. When, we :say that thpse-rec.itit addi- MarcjuJ B of Ormonde, and Lord do Vesei wprhan who had chrirge of tho child was in i An order was 'made accordingly. Oath's, Kilkenny. Mr. James P. MlCreery, of . - " 1 and-Tfaomas Power. Hon 8«c., James¦ ¦ Smith- .s • a slight tnin! of the wrist." OH tho mash- tried conclusions with the strangers. John receipt of 2s. "a. week; and allowed 12B . to pro- 1 Mr. John Walsh—-Have you any more able -was Te-sworn " - • " ' ¦ tions to the brewery, jin j the matte: jb6th of John-street House, Kilkenny, wicL - - . • . . - superficial 1 tun room tho brewer's office is iituated, and Kenny, whp represented Lord de vesci, being vide, a suit bf clothes for the child every year. bodied people in the ; house, Master? Under Sheriff, and Messrs. Poe' and Bon iwere working room, and the ir stalmen t the mo3ti. isueeessful of the lot. . Michael iMr. 'KelH'—Where Master—There are some. • ¦ ' 1 here the mysteries of theJart of brewing are ';¦ is the cbtU¦- ge this child ( re-appointed'Returning Officers; . ' Thai' , of the most .modern, machinery knJoivn to Mahon, a Jorm ilabourer, from WexfOrd, who is. inP- . ' : - •; ¦•• - . .: . . • . i Mr. following ' appeared in the " Irish B"rne—I waa through the house and Cyclist of May 25th 1892:" Ki*enny.—By specialists in th|s branch' of engineering, arc- dealt with by tvyo capable and experienced compated with the only 8tar plou gh in this Mr. Power. R.O.--T1ie child is at nurse with I did not eee many able bodied people there. General Pole-Carew; and Lady Beatrice , gentlemen, who i havo v been long associated ilas3 was Hhe centre of attraction; from the her grandmother, an oversight my notes last week-we'r* late, now all but completed; our readers)will at arid she lives in: a. small If you discharge those who are able bodied , Butler, are to be married on February 16th, but wire unimportant, so it mattera-not. Tho once with th» firm. ' I ' . i i : ' ¦ ¦ time he opened his set till the time he turned th.atcb.od hpuucy ' . , you must pay others, and pay them well, to says the " IriBh Times," at tho Guards Chapel, .understand: that Davis, Strangfi an and the last furrow. IVery early in the competition ¦Chairman—When first of thU season's road races organized by Co. mean to did you¦ Bee this child, do tho work they ore doing in the house at Wellington Barracks, and it will bo a very tho . K.C.C. waa run - off under rather un- cqme up .istill higher: in the 1 his beautifully! turned \, middle : and the i-r. i*owerp . - - , , : : present. ' ; . military wedding. Tha Chapel is well suited ' trade, The conclusion^} this interesting sketch- is atraightne-EB. and ' favourable clrcum&tancei, on Monday, 16th and. vto excel all. their previoi . efforts uniformity of • his woll- Mr. 'Power—About three-' ''week's , aeo, Mr, I Several members- acquiesced.in these re- for the ceremony, as there is plenty of room, inst. 1 unavoidably he»d' over. It: will appear in our p.icked sods caught the judges' eye, and hia Chairman. 1* Tho child BCems , -The- wind \ras almost a gale, and on in the race for legitimate' public reeojjni 'iion eveninx issue to-morrow. ! j to be well looked marks and the matter dropped . and when a guard of honour lines the aisle parU of the course It force waa surprising; With such a man - at 1 ' set was entered ifor 1st prize. . Mr. O'Keeff e, after, :and Is .going to, school every' day. | THE NIGHT NUBSE'3 APARTMENTS. and tlie band in the gallery playa the musical 'the head of arjaira DP . a judge ;from Kilmacow, who is himself a Chainnan~"t still the times may be called good. The dis- Alderman .js:: scarcely necessary for us I The following application from the Infir- accompaniments, the : effect is imposing. tance was ten miles, and below >'. Q. I>.;Goff, .fP., it goes Without veteran ploughman, and noted prize winner to go; to tHe trouble' of appointing a ladies' General Carew is : a : favourite alike witii i3 the result: saying that any development of a quarter, of a century ago, in laying his um- committee {0 look after ono mary night nurse, which was before the two 1 CrHanrahan ... S5mins. 21 2-5sccs. which the Com- DEATH OF ; 1 child.¦ previous Board meetings, now came on for officers and men, and his old regiment, the pany might projec brella acroSB tbd sods in this set remarked ¦ ' Mr: iWhelan.4-Why: was tho child boarded ; Guards,- will muster in great 2 George 33mi&3. 5eeo». t or (jarry.out would be 'I ' . ' ' - linal consideration : — Coldstream ¦ - as complete.as ¦ the other two judge s that he never saw better- OUt? ; : . : . : . . : . - • . . . force. A number of beautiful presents na/e 3 Kennedy 34mins. 47»ec«. human ingenuity and Engineer- ME. JAMES MACR^ADY ; BUYAN. work. : At tho conclusion , however; it nearly Chairman—The iboard ordered that The Hospital, Kilmacthomas Union, ing skill.'could attain to she be Tueeday, 14tb January, 1901. been sent to tho bridegroom, while the bride Also, competed—SUtharu,, Pownall, Murray. , and' .this 'wiili be. all. : ¦ came -to a ' toss lup whether Lord de Vesci'a sent out to ' nurse, and-I! think that was a receives one beautilnl Bouyenir alter another It is really surprising' the few. who attended the -more readily.' understood- ¦ ¦ man or the S,tar ploughman j Bhould be very¦ proper; order to moke. ¦ To the Presiding Chairman, when jive say ' "' I Sif,—I beg leave to ask your Board to raise each day. There seems no doubt that Qenl. the club runt. Something ought to be dona that the. brewery/.undeVits new ;con litipn of I..! . : :aH> ¦ awarded the-firat-place, and the ! former Rot Mr. Power, -R,O;—This child was boarded Pole-Carew will take the military command to bring out the' rnomben. Laat year we had ! ¦ - V/ith deep and unfeigned regret we An- the benefit : of the . doubt. In this out before I was 1 Ihe board partition dividing the night nurse's working possessed . p I ' ;. '!•' . .. |, " . : '. .' '- class for appointed here. Her mother apartment, as high ns the ceiling, as it, would in Australia, which ba» been offered , and thit gipsy ! t«a*-wiiy not this? When may we j nounce the death of lie.! Jainesr Macready. farmers under, £100 valuation very difficult died , and her father deserted her. Lady Beatrice looks forward, to seeing the expect to bear of the intor-clnb race with Wa- .FOUR 'TIMES mos3y ; ,ahd .uneyen ground Tho Clerk .jocosely, £dd very much to tbe comfort oi the Bleeping | . ..ITS. o|^NALiCJl£ACIT: £ Bryan, of the ".Murister EkpresB," with which' : had to be enr _ remarked that if Mr. room, and also to replace tho shelves which great Colonial centre of tha Empire¦ with much terjoroP . The Waterford boy«, I bear, am -in countered , and:th e keenest interest jwas takeri Whelan . was not satisfied with the law as to satisfaction. • ¦ ¦ . .. I¦ '¦ -!•¦ . — • • .. amriouato meet us soon. • ¦ - < ¦- ... - the matter ¦paper had,to bo removed, adding a door to the ¦ ¦ . .^production, and, is-a) 3o*equ5il he has been 'long ;a£d honourably, con- ' - . ¦• ' • • • ¦ : I in the martipulatipn !6f the various ploughs -the boarding out of children he should make . f • , ' • . •' ! ftp;^e'-rifiiUiura^^-1jr::i>;ew.;-ited::«p^ ' fleiltcd^ The'laadleY'ent took' place, very early in thia tousth contest. The ari effort' ower ohe, so as to form¦ a little lock-up place ¦ i ^wTiicK ' maimificent mould to|havo a;change effected. , ; or bread, etc. " .... : Our Kilkenny readers will bo interested,in Subieqnentl the inter-clubrace took place, ¦vvill bear <;cmi^a^gOT' wJtb : 1 ' ' boards andl wvill'shaped- skim breasts Maater-^There are , 1 y i j , ,.^O6^-rma^9:id.'^re oii Sunday. at his 'residenciej - TranVore, after of the some children in tho , respectfully. reading the following, with , reference to the and Waterford efcurtd tho bard-earned vio "pther i' ' : Star ploughs aoon proved their .suoeriority house whose parents are not in I am 81r, youra eaijing . brewerjes; j fl Jtreli.tfl'iid joy^ir a tedious iUrieas, ¦which| he bore ' with the ¦ ' existence.¦ ELIZABETH M. WALSHE. Pole-Careir Family, which we -extract' Iroin tory. 'Of the Waterford team, only one $&• 4he water. over all riyab ih the ' rough' grftsa and bad They are orphans. ' . : • . ' , . .' . ** M.A.P."t-General Pole-Carew ia the solo , malu.to-day¦ - This ' ¦ in the city. . . . ¦ ¦ ¦ . j i$ ah {exaggeration - ,, ¦ . as tiirie .greatest fortitude; and it surface of ' - • . - •' • ithig ' *t . : • ¦ ¦ is consoling to his Mr. . ' ' flold , L. Power—Ha3n this matter beea • •-•' and the Mr. John: set- . . Wexford En- Walsh—It would ba .well, in iny male representative of one of the most ancient . . . VJ wll tell,; and before going, jnto details., (tineerin(» pimpariy may well be coneratulated opinion, .it tled yet, as long as it has been coming be- wo many friends to iknow that he pissed awtiy to have these children^boaided. out. ¦ ¦ 1 ¦¦ ¦¦¦¦•¦ and distinguished ol Westent families, bping - W» /Market CWM, KUkeanyV an hiatoris pause,io wish , the ¦directors -and their on : the a w(eenitj )r .victory, accomplished, by. - Chairma^^No doubt wpwla, but a- diffi« fore usf: '. •.'. '.• • •• - - ' - . .. ' . ' . " pt- )rlaacojnbe»:wUq staffs .painlessly and in complete resignation to the their - .thjea 1; " ¦\ ' ^ descended of ,the, Carewa mboBmenV wa»- »Hp»ted iinur vhttbk iijf i the greatest", success' inw'aa't^-we< cannot ^iar;,,plop«rU8= .which competed tuity^l ipmgina. -woufid¦.'ortiKVitt'tIia way at The: Ohoinn&n. ceid ¦ . that ' the. alteration* have given niivny ;noUble toen io tbe ,»emce Tholsol .THtw; ; say Divine Will'. ' The. ""iatej Mr. Bryan was'' a; against iino . rno»l- ropaern vpfodgjis. getting plspnloJo lake ' qunjeste d bj; -Mrs; Walpho ycro iabsolutoly 1 *t*nd», and >e«yml hundred * new .departure"j ^e^eJieve - ' x>V Kan: -these thildicn.j ! .: . of the countiy.- . Haccbmbeof. va deligfatfully y*iia«g», wia.« placeqt aMeiflbly..wh«tef t* r in , wili ^krk.V journalist of lohgiandSrarjed 'experienoe , Voth Some's; Hpwafd'a; andrHomiby'fl wmnin* the - :: Master^li -jwnld. be . 'be {(er .to -^epid them necessary, as her apartments -were ¦vfetyj'jSolq, : ^ne. the,pictomque . inpsiiuccessfnl.^era; Lti' ltn, !^d. and 3td' ^ i 'sitaaied old; manor, in P*OP^B!o aeci b#ta*i>11f«ongr«iMi-«te paidnk e; brewing;I ndiistry prizes .as- Vell-flB- 'tho. Cham.- 0utt 1if, yQu.;cpuId, get anyone to¦ take charge |f th& partition wtich ihe:referred to.-wai «nj' distinction 1 i the north andj sputh of Ireland. In Uie ; ' ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' :¦ ¦ ' '" hollows of 86al&' Devon, <3yt1 the Alonr to theiO apj earal ,. "Wttah> CrcrmwaU ¦of this; country. ' p . [ pionsfajr . of the'blaia, 'th& of/theiB: - \:{: . ' ¦:• . •¦ /¦ - . ' . t - : :' . : • ' * •/ jTheifirm;are -rust cot lpleting the . 'firat prize winner. . , raised U would¦ make¦ the¦ ¦ place ¦ more com- of b*rng the smaUestparish iji Bngland,and. Tiiitod th*« ity and ' consideraWy; danwirf CEae 'e younger days,, of hi ' careerr-about^ early Mr. E.JClancy,jDoverJiaving, heretofore eitheif • . - MriVlEcUr^Xou^could- ' fiCarceJy' 't' fortable.'. ' '. • . ' • ' ' ¦ ' ' • ; : - . . -- ' '. f ,.7-?!7-^*.^Miiy£; jidditions, yO^Cf -have., ^ tried or lft these ' moreover, has «doceeded'. in-; preierying ru tha Cro»¥, but it waa-rwtremored untii:«boS said, : ~ ..emd/middlo.sixtie's, ;he' was in th,o staff .p) E ..tjie c6mpe|ed ;with a Chill plough Very children- but to" . flilvono '-but relatives, who I Mr: B.' Murpnjr—Is; therr» any report from 8axon DUUB, intact Jor/iJceepttng the.neigh- tie- year .toMho <3ld; rbrswejy .; pr^misVs ip[ Hafyf ¦ fewejcopit tho^ directly interested in land would take an intarest. In them. .. ¦' .' tW visiting,committee on the matter? ,^^ ?7TO, -Ihe iollowijw.lihia WHST* ^ old'-" Morning-Newa," J?elf,ast, .whicb' gavp i'o ' • . . v. '• ' bouring - manor -ot .poeklngwn:, <«mej -at,tab Wrenc*lo tho cbosecrationof"ta *.Oro*» were ; citutyation i can, have ony idea of the. great Mr: Byrne? said he c'ould sco that the way I Chairman—No.' W© visited the placo, and show place of Tor'quar', and one tuneine '»eat ; ' - written by on« ¦ Paul Andewon;-^v ' .: ¦ ': i 1 the "jri3h Press of thatr tircte. many talented educational ; * ' ' ' ¦ " . fent pictuxes and ¦d^$iuajij ! value of these competitive trialB in which bdnrdtid out children qamo to conclusion ihat it would DO a great ¦ ¦ ¦ '• : ¦ ¦ - ¦ • ' ¦ oi.'Rf&it tfiei e mean in Uio: Carries of the' Carey»), it is tne only manor inj the .!• ; :<" 'ef ^l : 'intl very t - v: : members of the profession, and also did some on the ; ploughman of a district, as it creates Union were:boing looked after was 1 not giving advantago to raise the partition. re- , jnade^uateiy|canyeyf :.we '£.!ei;.;tise a healthv: spirit county retaining the name that it hod rri On the inorrow of'St licia, ¦ imBQrtan'ce' ¦ of toj«i '-excellent' reportoriai work ifor the '' NortheVn 6f rivalry among them, and satisfaction; Cornplaints Wore made, thore jit waa decided to; havo tho work carried mote times. There is the legend that no the day oi Mighty V th^iunptpvements Jich-vc' affords, an opportunity to all of closely study- almost every.week, : , ¦ out, and that Mr. Kicrsey be asked to furnish' jAnd 3ove— . reicr; but Enough will ' ' j)m-. ¦WhigV' 1 under the phiefship of Mr. Thomas I ' ' ! officer , either civil or military, hai the right When th& blast of dark December' Vb? ;gathercd f th^ ing the leading pointa in the beat ploughs,! Mr. .Kellyi-You are quite right. : ' an estimate of the probable cost. to " take cognisance of; any - proceedings " in eubjbijj fcd "detailsjlo" impress "^ffie ' McKnight, author , of several loading anU so that we hope-itho day is not Choinn'an—We should Stripped the last lwe*f rob the grovf, . readj^r with far, distant send them to pcoplo I B BBAD. the parish,.Jind that by iroyal grant it is Ii the year of graie*we read it. -the fact &at : noi|iing 'flBB" been ', ' standard works, and had associated with him when every county in Ireland will follow the who would take proper charge of them, and ' "id taxation in con- . left;|undone exarriple of the Durrow I Mr. William ODondughuo's tender for sup- exempt from all duties . Thirteen hundred, thirty-five,' .by'lfessrs: Day}g Stritagaian.and Co.,' . many men who at] present ] deservedly, enjoy Ploughing Association. Bend them : to . school regularly. The only plying bread to the workhouse at 6d. per 41b, sequence ol »ome heroic i|. ""ioe done, .by..ari All the ttreeU of iair Kilkeanie ,| jLtd., .t<> It affords; un particular pleasure to draw thing y<)u have to do is to get a report from ° meet thfe requiremenis of ' that high position in British ;and Irbh atteption ir| lpaf was accepted. There was no other tender ancestor of the Carews. : . 'i ancestor so Seem for festival alive. '| ' • ;• : the;r rapidiiy grow- j this i notice to. the almost pheno-i the masteries' to how many children are in Hpnt in. . . ¦ 1 ' 1 favoured of Koyalty wa» Baion Carew, whow ing trade) and jpuinaiista, to which -their talents enabled rnenal : sucriesa of the Wexford the workh' to strike out, ahall w| aa. three years 'that the little childrch in tHe work- ' during, -week drmhtfulUUUUtlUl' Wcombat.UlVDk. " - ', -. I , -.> . . . ' tors-kept; advancing as:newer rhethoi & came he worked loyally i and faithfully for that ajrainst the best specimens of ' house ¦ arc;lookiiiK ; ! The Master reported that tho paper, with untiring zeal in its interests, an I American and far,, better than ,'thay did c sold a pig for £4 7s. 2d. He al»o pointed 8Uce that morrow of fit; into vogub— but it remained for them English chilled ploughs, provimj tho absolute sometinye ogo. The cause, o£ thai pleasant h, in wliich 1 Iflcjai- jat the with the whole-hearted and .undevlttting pur- superiority of the ' out that the cooking arrangements, in the Another tradition < giv«» Itbe way - fTwfce twocentnriw and tine ' . opening (jf the twentieth; century to - pose' of doing his level best; lor its interests. Irish plough in every de-t change is tney are allowed fo toke rrioro sxir- the ancient bhronial Jamil? of Carew became ' . glo right scnption of Roilj and in the handa ciao, and kitchen of the house required to ba improved Pave pasaed a'et the- crowded^ity-- up.Jo-tbejtop in the matter of in him 'the . present proprietor of the " Ex- ¦ of all are hoV so 'much conrtnod. It is as nt present they were very defective. possessed of [this .pretty demesne. On the jP iterim, aoldier, Croe«, * equipment, and classes of, nloughmon. Tho secret of all is evident |frora the appearance o\ the; thildrcn massive oaken door of the quaint old church \ar6 gone to leave-no room for press "-rrMr. H. D. i Fisher, j T.C.—has Io3t' » that the Star plough ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' I The work was ordered to; be carried out T*t Oie. Tecortthe hath, not IaW- > improvement. There is faithful, colleague, a ; devoted 1 friend, and most, is structurally correct, they arefceiiog'wol l caffd for. • ' adjoining the I manor house, dating from the ^Fancy »tl^ acene ho' and every jprapticnl farmer knows th Mr. Li PoTver—HoMr : under the superintendence of Mr. Flavahan a i can"t£«e, exaggeration in /what we say, -09 any capabld repfeaontative of his paper, and we ' at no many children: ar: in ' thirteenth century (it once possessed peculiar ^nera thft.Cros* wru. ploughman, , no inattor how skilful, can do the'house '"at prescnt?i ' - , ;. , :. THE LATE MR. JAMES; M. BRYAN. rightst acknowledging only the jurisdiction of , cdnaecrated, observant^ visitor, -who may be favoured witfi are sure that no one more ;deepiy mourn s the flrst-clas s ivfotk li-jth tu KilkennieV MArketpWce. loss of Macready Bryan thanjthe gentleman ;to a plough built on de- j Master—Thirty-eight. , : : When tha businesn of tho Board had been the- Bishop) lire the remn»nt» of four iron an inspection of the interior of th«f | works fective lines. 'During the competition : Chairman—How many children have . ¦ ¦ ¦will 1 whom we refer. As; for ourselves, we had ! a f it Dur- : j y.n disposed of , .. . . ' -. horse-shoes, two of them still M Intact 03 oa }. ' ;; ;:-;:' cAiiinc ' •: ; ' - ¦ at once testify. Thousands of jpounda row on Ihc 10, Mr. Whclan, the representative' hero whoso parents are dead? j j : ¦ The Chairman msdo a toucning reierence the, day they l were nailed ithere 400: or^MO . Kr ; . . ,. . very high opinion qf the deceased., His p«r- of the Wexford have been spent: upon' tlie most cjiborate sonalitr was such that rj o! one Could help Enginfcering Co., received n'' ¦ Master—I couldn't tell you just riovi-. \6 the, death of Mr. James Macready Bryan, years ago. The story goes that «t Carew made 'tti * wire on the ifleld statinu that on ths tirpvlonn ¦ : Th» Ppei»rtt, ^atipj ai[it- of Satarday and complicated machinery—complicated, of liking him; he -was very honourable, moat : An order was made : that tho: maattr as."iiT- ah old esteemed Waterford journalist who, a wager that he would iwim hjs hone a lnUe evening aaya ir-Xbti ratepayera dav tho Star plough had won tho silver chal- taih the number of orphan and, deserted i-Iiil- JTorbay and back. Hp won the 1 of thii county course.' to ' all but : the initiated—mucfi of. the obliging as a Pressman, and completely above lenge cup I in 1 he said , had been attending their Board in out to sea in have -to} pay for aome fin©- whiia elaphaata? 'the discharge of his duties. the all Ireland competition at dren in the ' workliousa; and tho clerk i/j 111- his professional capacity for the past twenty- bet and with it the Manor of Haccombe, and The ' old order has been changed, and a vciry great any littleness in Listooder, Belfast , conrt-houiegarden in Clonrnel It Va» firat . Wo do not believe that amidst the thousands and 1st 3rd , and 4th prizes iorm the Local Government Board that us five- years or more. They all , knew Mr. nailed the- horse-shoes to-the church door in jnecimfc for ' deal ¦ has' : become new: in' relation Ao the since he came in the district class at tho same place. : there woj only one child boarded out ' . " .a * .ths pririlege of oirnfa^r , . of columns he has ^vritten to me Bryan and respected him for the many good everlasting remembrance o! tho teat. . tfiU squalid aquate ol about 30 f*et by 30 n£f various processes associated with the pro-, Waterford he ha3 ever penned an ! unkind A further :wirb received on Wednesday last guSrdians dna not consider it necessary to qualities. which he possessed, and he (the the ct»«rity £® announced, ' ' ' ¦ D«y» Jr^r, Bagwell 6T«? a -^S .ducts - i--the •brewery. !j -A wprd of anyone, even "when tho temptation to •nother swooping victory.aiBroadi-'• UDDoinf a lntlica pommilt^fi. • Chairman) learned of his death that morning The first Carewj connected with D»von«alre .p .few dayej I ago- t^na^a^f UtiJl P .W¦y¦ ' ' " ¦ ¦ ¦ ond.2nd.-i ' ' ' ' aintjngst them for a long time, and they-;woala heiress of 8^ Villiam>Moi^,of£ ^iohittt> sity icemed iiwarative. vH?^ursued^th?^v^n prjtc?.< -. ' - -!- • ' ¦ ' ' - " •; MoSiJtsw..S^ianrp -, .tiui Stroiiijc ,; ' ttio .ibvirtiV . *o,,j5ce', ¦fhfc ': new improvements Bridvwas ^Ttr)'- ! Vs ,v : : • < '" -: - ;• . - ' " ' . QUery; In ttuSftbltteen^iicMltny.'wNicho*. tenour of 'bia:isBj''/ making Jrjcn'dn, yfheiever . [ .W|ieriousl - - 60licitoris,Vyri,ofe .a^ i follo-.TBiosptcifiis. fbo case cii98 .hii •geaial .present!©. 'Hie-.iawily bad companied . in iisi-lerigtheflea lonr-^-fjj)^-sij civ lie^prit, arid, keeping,his duty -always in froiit . yl ppmmcnd these facts to th^-: 1 v. 'diBtained a' great loss by DJe, death, and also las Cforew, hU. greaV giwnWW *M*ried $& , E. ¦ consulcratioj l of liish ' of ithe .Cu^HSuiris-Ut; i -Powxir:—"Mr. X 1: »J,ni>r -«t JDmngihg ;BiTector3,'?flnd 3^r,, "'Mer£iEir, rhc which, ho represented.'- -Id his: earlier days, ol Irela.ndJ;;: It fs Utne tbat. Irish manufactura.: ' : nieeting.-wpuW.fiepatate, Ihe wished them.to corab» wAhiliwid rtgMn^«T , th* ¦ ' ; ' and its;claims should be . rocognisod. the -books; rywrs;-!)vos-the.:flr3t. '.As ' no- wit- : 1 ^^«en metvutoaigianta« in.x ttmilitpoiitionn. a*- genial and efficient JIiinngex for thjj Corn-; the late Mr. Bryan i gavo isome practical ex- There ' nesses ¦uttohtj.oa^vQ-.gdt. casB postponed until piiss a voto of'cindiilericp with Mr: Bryan's second ion ot BirTotmU £rc£de?& pany. Naturally..'our! first visit was . paid to he annnarimportation ¦ air tho other taEes wero dispofed of.: A H in li rnily. in *cam, and fj «recent-yeaw (heyifiaa ^ft hard ¦ of thousands of ploughs ! BUAUUUCU... *lt5 iucu JJiUL»vroi;u xw(»p/.¥fw the Baron Cafew. who bwieS, at W«»tniinr ¦ ' th0 " ¦ ¦¦ ' ha3 more than once] been seen and heard ito ' witiiesse's/thsjvi'&iiteuded' -wo- had -the ' Kil- ii\m wa* ftn '• ei lt 'W tha OT - . , . . li ' -: - li • ;! great advantage on ]be.boards of our theatre into this country, bf English or loreigh manu- ! the members of the Kilmacthomas Board of M«. HU eMe« .'«on;!7dl3nKerit»d-bf jhtt •ulJPA.yUiUn•*»* HJ* Ip '- ' 'cMia* facturo forl ihe use of Irish farmers macthoma». w^(4j lc3seE/ Coffov nnd Flavnhun xefpectJ-W to.'MIlagey$6 ij)Ml ii»J *\«Di&*n. SPLENDID EXTENSION BtaLDlJNGS, ; in many important roles some of" which were for Irish : called outSsldtyj a,nd- when tneljustices: Ouardians, learn with. Ic^lingft, of deep regret mother tor '^J ott^/lafedj al;^ interpreted' with remarkable*histronic effect. soil, where an 'article of undisputed 'au-itority i «rcte of the death of James Macready >Brj;anV recently "erected by Mr. Joh n -Hearne,--jt>uild-;r; produced in; Irelahd leaving t!id;«Qurt. >e cot them;ko adjourn the 'Mr. He also cs3aycd the more ambitious career of by Irish labour can bo.' i case until next court 'day. a brilliant and estaernpd -journalist wj}6" J^aa 6f rfiir>.Kieh«rd Edfifleumb*] of 'Mount MOW tw^^te *j ^ t sympathy ill the' loss ot Bicldeigh, lwh«^dMteendlu»t -w«$ j ested structural ¦ work .has I bfeen, we understand. Mr. CoffCj-, R/O., said ho was de|aye l a ' ¦ '-¦¦ ¦ ¦ Aimcnffst them., were—" Th|o : Children at the THE GKBAT ECLIPSE .AT tpesy have* sustained by the death , ol good Earl of TotMs^ia'.ieW. ;;. , , .:; .. • ' 'i ¦ "_:W«-''|t«tMt t« FBES ¦HPOKD.: ¦ Announce ¦ ¦ , ' 1 ¦ Ilia,crfurtl I . I little, iiii l couig , to -Ho >va3 absat * the death of it£- most Batisfactorily completed by local ; artL- ¦; J , [ ¦ Gate ; ' " Withered Leaves; "' " Looking ton minutes late. • , ¦ ' : and devoted husband, and¦ a kind and aflec- zan8, and: as far is,|poBsible Waterford through the DarlK ii • Ohairnian—Did you find the dafendi'nt? 8 latnib-at £uV.An- labour has been :cmplo7ed the carrying won tne " Freeman's Journal prize story out [ PLOUGH. ' . Mr. Colfeyit-Ye.ij hq 1 wa3 working d-i\\i\ st I Mr. John ;W_atsh in. seconding the.Wsolu- itthothor.soni ttuna«d-U» -?U4Mm,Massed,tMrfbia . old M L -ml i nS out of the work, which is a credit to all con- of all Ireland Bomfe years ago, with hia-drama- ; We BltaU '6oon.expect'to hear of tv " ¦ ' lion.-Bj.fd' ho. endorawl all that had been said tony, in, Cordwalfcv -61 -ifWhi General ?We- * * . panic ini Ur. Powor'*,- Knockano. . ; ; " ' 1 . ; ¦ ' tic talc— '.Phil Dnlton'a Farm." Socially he the plotigh trade if tho-plucky and enterpris- ' Cliairuiar. by tho Chairman in reference, to the lale Mr. Carew i»now theirep»«enta*rre taler: they i wMft- a4arfBJ ainiiy,&*?§ # ^Si cerned. We are sure we will be ppdoned —Wo havo - prosecuted 1 iv|< r.isu ' ' ¦ ' s°gi*igsS^ and veiy ' " i iSf" hascV ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦¦ ' was the be3t of fellow3 r bp had a inost tena- ing nioiiufncturorb' of tho Star plough con- ' Bryaf i. : ...... : :<: ¦ ' !'.:¦- , ; : married with the JBoles, of Which Bir William !WW ptpwdedlor v for thia rather lengthened introduction* to the tinue jthoirl for; havipg ideserted liis. wife and, cbi!'Jr»n, ' Pole, stated RUdon, !contenrpor«yito them. Hft aa .,! tin eonnty, is the; be»t known. T>10 g™& «ffi^i!«B^Kr .,Kona,o< MuQooA ceed without further delay to had often forgotten he was able to jrecall and ! ploughinK njatch, held at >vife ondi ctiildroii. i II ' The meeting ,t>t the DUtriot Council was of the- dilate upon in tlie. most interesting manner. Freshford ; on Wednesday last, the uncon. ¦ ! Sir Willl«a J?ota-,had Jnch; a; rmr^ memory ?' ;lta < THE CA8K . CLEANING SHE D • waa Mr."Coflejr-He told :pi o that ho WouM subsequently neld.. .Mr, Edward. Flawahan, ; upon: the /itiddea toe *Wfi^'1H< l N ; ' He \va3 the local correspondent for over twenty querable t^Uir plough awarded 1st prize ' ilr. Kelly—How old 1 is hU youtigcst th:! I? JiP.. Chairman, presiding.- • ':!';- .:¦ thai-he .-could *eelte ^T ^J | *-- ' years of the " Irish . Times/' : ond "Dally Ex- in . the (competition open to all Ireland, in d , , descenU-o? *U'ih^i»o»VMnJi^tW^«»,otod ^ in which the operation;] as may be inferred Mr- CoflejM-Three years. ! ; Mr, Jcphson. ¦ Clerk tot Works was in etrf press," and had -special |commi»sions !rom contest that< -will long be 1 ' ' - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦ ' had"fte exttaotdiny U»Mn*'0t fit*. lord remembered by the, -Mr. John. Walsh—All hi& children ore v^ry tendanca...... ' ,¦¦ . . from the name, of cleansing the cas cs from other leading, newspapers la's well.! lie took thousands) who witnessed it. Paddy ¦ ' ' ¦ that le.IHred'to;***,h^i cWJdijBnf >l^W!jm'», j Holohan, young.! . : . ., . ¦ : ; ! . -1 . . - i 1 IA labouror. named-, Michael Power; ;«rrote , every particle of impurity, was beins briskly rv keen- interest in sportincl matters and until from: Durrow, wh'd piloted the Star ploueh to Mr. Coffej-rpTlioir .rqspcetiva agc&aro irrcc, riquesting tha Council; to hav& hrs house re- cihUdreiur -M*ny; pt ,|h«^iS^»35^ last year, we think, ho never misled a trip victory, told I : , red by jUieir,8okftr«|^^^»»*^taC tt# ! engaged in by quite a niimber of han 13. The the SDeetators that hn never folt flvb , and fle-Jan' year*; i . ;. .;.; - . . ' ¦ j : , ' paired as- soon as possililo/ ias' it Win » to the Grand National, a yisit to , we lowed Buchia ¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ field and on 5 ^vbicli satiefactory implement in his The Clerk] said¦ this:,was the second luiio very bad state , ¦ ¦ •;¦• .¦ i- . . ;¦.- M q^e^iflr^WPW* W ! interior of theE C casks,; in fact, are huBtlcd may say without :irreverencq, he looked upon life, ntd the hor^cB, jndging from :the ; chosen by Henry OTtll; tb edtnma^dh W.am/ jn such a manner which defies the light Uiat Ppwer desejtcd )}\i ' wlfo and chiSdnM. Ixho 'matter was roferrea to,Mr. Jephson. , I 3bout aa a yenrlv duty to be conscientiously per- draft of tfloi plough , must hayo enjoyed the ChaijcinarH-Ho is an able-bodied: inan •| from -the ;Local Govern- In Italy k «I«^1 i»vf4^M&3^#M.' | ML 1 formed. He was. present many contest, : ¦• ¦ ¦ ¦ «ei- A letter *o» read- misforkne to. U; tekea W.iht j remotest .chanca ! of 'any foreign m itter to jw^th otlierj asiniucli as Paddy. . . .,. tine la. a doiy, .! :¦!. ¦ '; ;. - ¦ ment Board in reference to thei proposed new T>riion«i from Waterford , Joe Widgers .year, and bis The winj WRS a : most :popular one, ' Emperor. Almost alona wrnong th«^ Vf H Uri ! remain; the etcam pipe ; is broug ht into re- the ond fur- ""Clork-r.WlQlt order ivul you make?. |r scheme, of labourer's cottages.; . As theriB were weW never , ' ' heart tnusfhavu ' given a great bound:of satin- nisbesj convinciti^; proof that ! Wexford Cbainnon-i-The ' matter is po3lponqd until eimo mattersof a technical nature to be dealt {arnWe*. the <^rpw» |atti«nt(¦ rf¦ I quisition, then -the casks are treat id very faction wlier. the ; numbers' y/ere htiistcd, for Engineering, Co. Ltd., to which *Undf w#ll to their food fortnn*. ' .-. and are succeasfullv smash- ' ' the ; document wap referred ' ' "¦ ¦• ' ~ " ' ' eventu ijlly are neit sessions in Trarrwre. . ;. . ^ith. f ir. ' V- . *', • '* .->. • ¦ : \* ' . i •; ' ¦ "I' -\ i drastically with cold air^ a' fnrtnich t before : at the Kilmacthomas ing a monopoly of this branch '¦: : '¦ ¦ " ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦' '" ' *R of the trade " Jephion. . - ; ¦ ' ' • ' " j "'leftiftf* Teadyt-AnAv forfrtr futurefnfiirA viin^atij' i cleanrlpan andnnH pc jjirere andnnd Board of Guardian* he iraa aslcM for the so long cjnjoycd Iby Englieh 1 and American i VACCINATION DEFAULTERS- The .Club Home Hotel, Knitmtrijib *wr | | Mr. Phelan. land valuer;claimed £3 10s. for; -old hoBtetry/ hiring MO*, iortodeq Jg I'm, j sweet 03 all good casks should , be. | Strict winner, and he: promptly; M-id—" yVilti linn manufacturers . The spirit if Irish genius ia Dr. Shanahan, Medical • OfHcer, rer/.rt-jd his valuation of tbb damage done \ by the from Borneo "—the horse it in goodiforrn, and nt work, \ Will - the Irish farmer , extend a that lheie v,;ete 23 vaccination defaulterq. , by on» Jamea Bice, It U nowfa ep»* ot the i supervision, we noticed, ji a exerciV.od < yer the the joclc recent malicious: burning at Dunhill and also be*t. appointed ¦«^h5ahmeaU 4ttrtlonT meo nre en- tion with the matter;. ; ;. ' Ji electric lieht. Mr. Thomas Hraphy, th#.gen- I carried out, notwithstacdir.i' that t je rftany ycar.vto come in 'thlmcity arid county, deavouring iwith puch : scont appreciation id Chairnian-l-It is very hard ¦ on the ratepayers [The Council declined ta allow anything for ' relj oble and expi rienccd arid the fldjoiniri?, tou-ns and counties, tn ona keep the few remaining industries defnulters. What is tSio- cost ial proprietor, ia to be tongra|ul«*don the i engaged are the niost v/K 1 I ¦ of the to he vs. these his aUendahce.in courW: and ordered paynlent result of bis /great energy.> and ;unboan4ed rcn jirk, by oin to know was to regard with esteem and country to , the frpnt «nd the Irish artitan in ieach easef-23. Cd. i&n't itP r i 1 the valuation fee. ; ! ¦ ¦ i that the firm couiid employ. This : ' of _ , \> . ¦ " affection. : -: ! i . ' -enterprUe.——*»—• : ' ' : ;¦:¦ ' from taking; flight in " tho emigrant, eltip to Clork.-rOne «hilUuB. I . . ! | t the . .;::» : ,..fm-:, J |vj»i: ?V' , :-j - - - ' to • other 'dep utment I Tne Clerk's estimate of f 1.10O to defray . :*\. \ : j the way,.. 4PP^?*. ' ^^ 1 enrich jn foreign qountry with labour, or are Mr. JohriiWalBhr-'Vihy are they no); prose- within the coming %II&faS^te^£!^^SS^P I There Weier yres 'ID ekpcnsei of tha Council j ¦ Good as Mr. Marphy* hoUl k and ftrier- of the.brewery. • j otli^fea We :tp jhaVej a' continuation of .tbo j iRnorftrt cuted. i DeiiSilterai ard . turning up .evqry day. yb»r wa« adopted. :: : n ! : ; ; i : - * t Department worthy oi note, piejiiuiiu ; ,auu uiuo v vounu iconseryni-1 : law that they ^piust be ¦ ously at it 1» conducted; » cani**dljrc om- ! tho-Cssk Cleaning at ! 1 ; Chttirn>an^-l6 it' tlusf ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦ 'This concluded the business. • -i . ' oiif dispo >tii and ism ; . that h.as.| been the iain, ot ¦flrs't notified.? i . :j. :• ' . ' ; ; ,[ i;.' - .- l .' . ,-. ¦ pare, in; «omi iintertrnWI^Itrtj^MM^ iui'ln,-the^imited. spaco^ . I : ¦ ' : ¦ ; " ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ " cover las much ground asj issible, many a wir by enle-rpriiesta rted in this c^ ir.- ClerlT^-It.K : ' ' / ' : - l.; : ¦•' '¦¦ ':. ¦' ! in order to try for thij ) cnefltj 'of the; peoplef :; . ' An order rfaa' mudq lluiit thai the jdefaultirjg - ¦ ¦ ¦ -toi' - N J ' . • • THE' KIXG¦ TOB' ¦¦ E' ¦ ¦ : ' ¦' ' ¦¦ ' ' i we rhuat hur^ . ' ¦ PfcOCLitfMED ; Irish ' [ ¦ . ¦ 1 rna : ' , , CITYI8TOBVAJM. '¦ ' " 1 ]; , . , - ' : I •/: ,. : THE', COOEEBAGE. ,- ' . ¦ •; . V ' ¦ ¦. ¦ vtp\*i iritirnaUri* ¦ ' " Adze, briskly engaged Jin : ; • • .,j njanon'Dlsufjnia^Diitrictof, biir, 're.i^er^' WlUf ' <«54mibif.i th^tj t '^ • repairing casks, -dnd like' all| tie oth< c .vrork- ¦,; 1 Jatnds Kolly. & gor»; Hole Agcints. Kilk«' -7 : that %ti*u' »t«e t^***!ii» thV.wall fceneat-} armuaf-¦' meatlhg ' os'^tbaii WtUttoM , -Tqmi ury ^W'- h - aTameg j Mooio, .Jhbmastawh ; (Tames l Pollard M his[ house. mitiSi:& $• ttjM'•f TIhe ^wriU ! men of the- firm are j certain of ; c onstant : ! Thi .following,is tlie text ol.a¦Px'Jclamatioii wai 'dSnesronsi^iato, - tho re»nlte ol- the ' Caililn; Jaiiiea iK #;l]y, Durrow r TbomaB" Mur-i In' o I'.empioyment, '. day in , and day out, ju the which wss exhibited on a .pOard oulaido Lad;- nby, Ca8t!e(iotner;J 3fpa«ph Dobba, Abbeyletx;, .recfent:>eveT*««he£Mlfo' >^i;^^,-thfl| i ic«U«m^^e, 'ttr: offlca , ' dobfa Wd one :Jferfe lioirp|«^a^4t} tb* ! saying goes',• colneeqqe^t, of courso,j nppn .Lane Police Bairack:thfg week:— ., , pita.-. Cahill Gowinn: Qoonan knd .Co., Solej three .outiicio 6^Wl;!*ge- ||| H • ateady and: reliable ' attention to; duty .! ', The ¦ AgCTrt8> Wa eriord; Xtuj ence Pox; j Canicki 'BY THE EO$b- LlilnTEKAST AND¦ ¦ on-Buih J. J.' jKiers«y^ Kilmacthqma9 ; J. .broken; tod lour panij .ol jglaiytVWJ.waflMtl brewery ia - regard -to icaiks is Eelf-pr >vidins, ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ; Be ! , ; : ;• • - Crott/. DUD caiXm- ¦• ¦:-'• -¦ ¦ ¦;¦• ' ¦! ¦ ; ¦• iji Ihe ijrindn'wi iofifir.hpu»e.;|wrtor» trert ¦ ¦ couxcit¦ ' -op IBELA" KD. .- > • ' 1 asines* }¦¦ ¦ ¦:¦ ¦ ¦ ! and When ihe en6rin9tls ;qaantlty of . :¦ • ¦ " . —- : { -t ; ;. J . ¦{ . ./ The follOWing Cdmn unMilcto;w> » *§*f r *i ¦ i ..aqr . ;; ¦in» *m tfoiJWarS^tfjTO&WHWwv «9^w|a«r>r I •- ;,' t- -&an«acted-iibV:>tlje brew«jry is-taken. |hto :' '' - . " . ." • /¦ •' ¦ JII ¦ * - . • A -PIt6t!LAltATIOJ{. ' ¦vittiitf air*I' WI^U Juwuri : L • ¦ I X .Bio • .. .• ' ' . 1 ... .;-¦! . L - . I coant, [pn» , cjuii.iwelV ukderstan* ihaiti Uii* . . . • • * R- Qnlde ¦ ' : ' " ¦ ¦ amta • ' 6t ^*TVf BnUwtak FwhWn ,("0*1 -• ¦ departmehtis ialways.'tA hive .ojt indu^ry," in CADOGAN- , ' , ;|" y !¦: ; • ' >< 'y. ; " ' , . ' : yj9. Uterai ;interpretaUoqpf the termJ .Long ! :. WHEREAS HI hath plpascd AlrrilgHty tW» f lkSMMtmt[Ww W<>«t<> W mine- ¦ ¦ ' . ¦: 1 . ' :' 4j ayjit :!coBtinvie] | Weipi ss frony this > .^ . i .. God to call to IJi^ Mercy otir late 8o*waign :: beHpMeplkiS*, 0»5M ^ ^ Lady Queen Victoriai of BJissed and - ; Glorious : - Memory,-by »1»# derifliej * the Imperi»l H^jf ; ^oW(t4,.te J .'•?4,'Jfcfc t.th*" , ,^lf ^:^:p jTB &^oi N s:^poar. jj.j ,|./' :(' Crown of Great Brj ta n andj Hj^^^' *(irl ¦ Ireland ias solely ij^' ^dJIgMfuUyVcojoe,to ..thfiltjgh , «i ifJO j ^tf >mm&i*-jo ; woAiflft «U lia'Wfb* .;ol eteaio, I ^t!t,6ey ttnd-Allvother.dt'JjIaJIaJeit f offlce itw-mftr mMm^mm : Ush ™U\t\u ^i^' m^ ^afefawf'ft.-i tojtai' -t .j J- 'M'-801bs.' Thesf tod^fa^aMlMt t Stilhty 4 ' - i?- ^'r'-MOOOiv-ipll^jii ^.'^hft-jwtfer ifV W}$M wm ^i7 'AiWt &Sm ;s£teg4iSp«*»K isr-iis $ma$: 1S S1P KB^lmBam^SRimWiBMmmm iW HiSH