Genesis of Mcmurdo Volcanics on Ross Island
Castle Rock resembles table mountains of Iceland Kyle, P. R., and S. B. Treves. In press. Geology of DDP 3, that are subglacially formed. If it is assumed that no Hut Point Peninsula, Ross Island, Antarctica. In: Dry Valley Drilling Project Bulletin Number 3. Dekalb, North- large amount of isostatic uplift occurred, the 413- ern Illinois University. meter elevation (above sea level) of Castle Rock, the McSaveney, M. J . , and E. R. McSaveney. 1972. A reapprisal shape of Castle Rock, and the lithology all suggest a of the pecten glacial episode, Wright Valley, Antarctica. subglacial origin. Antarctic Journal of the U.S., VII(5): 235-240. Treves, S. B., and M. Z. Ali. 1971. Geology and petrography The dated olivine-augite basanitoid dike of Castle of DVDP 1, Hut Point Peninsula, Ross Island, Antarctica. Rock probably is a feeder dike that fed lava to the Dry Valley Drilling Project Seminar 1. Paper, 29 (ab- ice contact zone where the hyaloclastite was formed. stract). In fact, the upper part of the dike is brecciated. This Treves, S. B., and P. R. Kyle. 1973. Geology of DVDP 1 feature suggests that the age of the hyaloclastite is about and 2, Hut Point Peninsula, Ross Island, Antarctica. Dry Valley Drilling Project Bulletin Number 2. Dekalb, the same age as the dike (1.12 ± 0.4 million years Northern Illinois University. 11-82. old). These data suggest that the Ross Ice Shelf may Webb, P. N. 1972. Wright Fjord, Pliocene marine invasion have expanded considerably about 1.1 million years of an antarctic dry valley.
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