The Toreador
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ECV‘ 14°t°61CJ% ; .006 \940 GoLaGE °aah Read Today's Editorial THE TOREADOR Go To Albuquerque VOLUME XV Z-742 TEXAS TECHNOLOGICAL COLLEGE, LUBBOCK, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1940 NUMBER 20 Tags To Send Tech Women Given Chance To Name Most Uncle Sam Calls Yell Leaders Special Train Will Glammerous Male On Ignorant Hill Campus Techsters Into Out Are Sold Want to vote for "The most Irate a special issue to him. schools and in Hollywood, swank "Beat New Mexico" tags a r e glammerous, sweet-scented and de- Any male student—regularly en- debuts have been given for the gla- Leave Here Saturday being sold to defray the expenses sirable man on the campus of Texas rolled in Texas Tech—with the ex- mor boys, and it is possible that Military Life of the yell leaders' trip to Albu- Technological college?" ception of members of the staff of some organization on this campus querque. Each of the five leaders This week, as a matter of fact— THE TOREADOR, their families might be willing to throw away a Large Crowd Predicted At Members Of Guard In have been given 100 tags which TODAY — THE TOREADOR is or relatives—is eligible to receive few bucks to fete this panya-pan- sell at 10 cents apiece. giving to each and every female this unique and prodigious title ned youngster. Final Game For Students Lubbock Include Men To get your tag see L. D. White- on this college's grounds the op- Saturday, females will also be Every attention will be given From College Here ley, Bud Barnes, Sandy Sanderson, portunity to aid in selecting the given another crack at the male him by the TOREADOR, and hie All aboard for Albuquerque! The TECH SPECIAL will depart Cowboy Nance or Billie Bess "man of her dreams." population, when the women will every wish granted for his great Friday night from the Santa Fe depot at either 10:30 or 11 p.m., Students who have been called Shive sometime before Friday. Voting will be conducted by be asked to name "the most obnox- achievement of his college career. for mobilization of the National write-In ballot, and only coeds are ious, repulsive, and generally des- Being the heart-beat, and cynosure depending on the final disentanglement of rail traffic tie-up Guard reported for duty on No- eligible in this search for a mas- picable student at Texas Tech." of all female affection can't be caused by snowstorms of the past week. Departure from Albu- vember 25, 1940. culine "glammer pants" who will be Again, the voting is limited to fe- sneezed at by any means. Who querque will be made at 1 a.m. Sunday morning. awarded a prize by the staff of the males, and those eligible are reg- According to W. P. Clement, re- knows what further fame may A round-trip fare will cost $7.35, and tickets to the game gistrar, the following students Services Held paper, in appreciation of his ser- ularly enrolled male students, not grace his manly shoulders, and have been called or volunteered: vices to the campus and coeds here connected with the staff of THE what cares may be lifted from his are listed at 90c to those students presenting activity tickets. Glen M. Bowen, volunteer f o r in general. TOREADOR. brow by being no honored. The small admission charge to the National Guard at Jacksboro, It has been rumored that t h e No professor, dean, or official of Therefore, all women, attached or Tech students come. as a cour- For Mrs, Michie lucky man will be given an oppor- the college will be counted, and tesy from New Mexico university. Texas. otherwise, are urged without res- Roy Brekerbill, medical corps of tunity to endorse several patent anyone voting for such a person triction to go to the polls and vote Evident enthusiasm on the cam- the United States army. medicines, and that if at all pos- will have her ballot disqualified. for Tech's Glamor Pants No. 1." Human Relations pus about the prospective trip as- John Tom Price, volunteer for Today At Home sible, THE TOREADOR will ded- It is to be noted that in other sures the Red Raiders of an am- the National Guard. ple contingent of supporters when they take the field In Albuquerque Tom Hutchinson, volunnteer to Mrs. James N. Michie, 53, wife of Institute Held In continued pursuit of an unde- the United States army. Dr. James N. Mich., died of a feated season. Hirem Jefferson Whatley, service cerebral hemorrhage at one a. m. Art Institute Qualia Speaks Primary Courses Jones And Bahm Asked The Santa Fe ticket agent will battery 131, field artillery of the Monday morning at the family resi- make a list of all the students who National Guard. dence, 2215 Sixteenth street, Lub- To Sponsor Meeting purchase tickets for the trip. This bock. Mrs. Michie had been fail- Wade H. Webb, member of the official register will enable super- ing in health for three years, and President Clifford B. Jones and 131st Band, field artillery. Receives Gift On Failure Of Offered By CAA visors to keep a check on those Dr. Archie J. Bahm, assistant pro- Fred Thompson, entrance to for the past three months had been aboard. fessor of philosophy and sociology, Randolph field. confined to her bed. Women's Club Gives Students Given More have accepted invitations to serve One hundred members of t h e John 0. Summers, member of Mrs. MIchie was born in Norfolk, as sponsors for the first Southwest- Matador "A" band will be making the National Guard. Va., and moved with her husband Lithograph Of Alamo Treaty At IRC Opportunities Here to Lubbock from Austin in 1925. ern Institute of Human Relations . their annual football trip. The Wallace D. Richards, called to Students may make application Dr. Michie has been head of the Frank Callcott's lithograph of This institution will be held under musicians compete keenly for the service as a reserve officer. Says Responsibility now for primary and secondary the Alamo at midnight has been the direction of the National Con- honor and pleasure of being select- Orvall Mack Pickett, volunteer department of mathematics at Tex- pilot training courses in Civil Aer- as Tech since organization of the presented to Tech Art institute and Rests On Citizens ference of Christians and Jews De- ed for this yearly event and will to join navy. onautics administration for spring add a lot of spirit to support of college. now hangs in the West Texas mu- cember 5 and 6, at Southern Meth- Billy J. Mallard, member of the Of The United States semester in the office of Robert P. the Raiders. seum. The lithograph was purchas- odist university in Dallas. "Human National Guard. In addition to her husband, Mrs. Vail, coordinator of civilian pilot Michie is survived by a son, R. E. ed and presented by Lubbock Relations in a Democracy" will be In addition to a between-halves Lynn McCarty, National Guard, "Relation of Treaty of Versailles training. Quota of students for Women's club in recognition for the institute theme. march, the band will give a epe- field artillery, 131st battery. Lee Michie, of Moffett Field, Calif., to the Present Situation" was the primary course is 40 and for sec- cial concert in Albuquerque Satur- Lewis C. Hughes, member of the and two daughters, Mrs. Victor outstanding activities in art. subject discussed by Dr. C. B. Qua- ondary course is 20. Among the other sponsors are day morning. National Guard 131st field artil- Harris, Chicago, and Mrs. James B. The print added to the perma- lia, head department of foreign All applications must be original Dr. Homer P. Rainey, president of Johnson, Pampa. Several times in the past Tech lery band. nent collection of the Art institute languages, at meeting of Interna- That is, if applications have been University of Texas, Dr. Umphrey students have journeyed to the New Lennes Hope. member of t h e Rev. J. A. Winslow, St. Paul's shows the Alamo at midnight un- tional Relations club Monday night. made previously for either prim- Lee, president Southern Methodist Mexico metropolis to see t h e lr National Guard. Episcopal church, will conduct ser- der floodlights. Callcott, who is "To call the treaty of Versail- ary or secondary training, stu- university, Senator Morrie Shep- "men in red" contest the Loboes Jack Edwin Hammond, ordered vices at the family residence to- best known for his Centennial ser- les unjust is propaganda. It was dents must refile their applications pard, Attorney General Gerald C. of New Mexico university on the to active duty 112th cavalry band. day. Pall-bearers will be: Dr. R. C. ies, is one of the most prominent not conceived in the spirit of hate, and again sign the pledge for fur- Mann, George B. Dealey of the gridiron. Just as often, New Mex- Grayton Robert Gordon, 131st Goodwin, Dr. W. B. Gates, Dr. C. of Texas artists. The series, one set but was intended to settle terri- ther flight training in the United Dallas Morning News and Dr. W. ico's collegians have come to Lub- field artillery, National Guard. B. Qualia, Dean James G. Allen, Dr. of which was recently added to the States army. B. Bizzell, president University of torial claims and promote perman- bock to back their team against Sam Houston Garrard, volunteer W. H. Abbitt, W. L. Stangel and B. permanent collection of the Metro- ent European peace through a Lea- Students making application now Oklahoma.