i v. w m wm*^m^+ a^^ WWi^P^W mm Churchill Charters race to boys track title, CI Homelbwn . ..Mm.NKVWTHlNlf .NKrWOHfc- Puttlng you in touch with your world >en lestlandCommunityfpr34y&aj*s *> V0U.VE 34 NUMBER 30 WESTLAND. MICHIGAN • 80 PAGES • tmp://observer-eccentric.com SEVENTY-Fll/F CfNTS s OIH* UemnXown Cow«inlc«t}oa« NMwork, h»c. Westland Mayor Robert Thomas delivered his Address: 10th State of the City.address Wednesday Westland evening. Calling it "the place to be," Thomas Mayor said he sees a bright future for the city as Robert COUNTY property values increase. Thomas BY DARRELL CLEM standing ovation from a crowd of near talked about Fund-raiser: Vacations, STAFF WRITER ly 300 people who came to the Hellenic Vision 2000 sports memorabilia and
[email protected] Cultural Center to see his decade- at his State other special items will Mayor Robert Thomas, in his 10th crowning State of the City speech. of the City State of the City address, said Wednes Thomas said he wants outsiders to address be oh the auction block day evening that Westland faces a choose Westland when they search for Friday night at Madonna promising future following a decade of a new place to live, and he laced his Wednesday landmark growth. " speech with reasons why he believes evening at University's 11th annual Thomas touted citywide property val they should. the Hellenic Around the World Schol ues that have risen from $842 million Consider: Cultural arship Dinner Auction in to $1.7 billion - more than doubling • The southeast side is rebounding Center.